Inexpensive beach holiday in October. Where to fly in October: Six warm countries for seaside holidays. North Goa, India


When summer is behind us, and you still want to go to the sea, to the sand, then you need to take it and fly abroad, where beach season in full swing and there is not even a hint of a dull autumn. But few people know where you can relax in October 2019 abroad at sea. Inexpensive beach holidays can be arranged in countries South Asia, also the season has not yet ended in some European countries. We will tell you about them in our article, and you yourself decide whether to fly there or not.

Countries of Southeast Asia.
With the onset late autumn the beach season opens in countries located in Southeast Asia. These days the rainy season ends here and the beautiful time when the sun is shining and you can swim in the sea. What countries are waiting for you?

Firstly, this is Thailand, which is so loved by many of our tourists. Thailand has a great climate, and chic hotels with beaches. In October there is neither heat nor cold. The temperature during the day is about +27 degrees, and the sea warmed up to +23 and above.

Although the rainy season is over, sometimes there are short showers that last for 30-40 minutes. Of course, it is not very pleasant when you are on the beach. But in such a case, there are cafes and restaurants on the beaches where you can hide and wait out the elements.
But the prices at this time of the year are especially low. In October, there are not very many tourists here, and hotels want to lure them over and offer discounts and other "goodies". You can take advantage of this offer.

In October, it is also warm here, there is no heat and no rain. At the same time, there is no rain even for short periods. And the sea temperature is slightly higher than in Thailand.
Goa compares favorably with its neighbors in prices. Here they are lower and sometimes by a lot. Plus in India, and Goa is India, there are many beautiful sights. The country itself has a rich culture and if the weather is bad you can enjoy city tours and see life for what it is.

Also, don't forget about Vietnam. Especially about his Nha Trang resort. It is the most popular among tourists, and people rest here all year round, even during the rainy season.

Vietnam has recently become a tourist country. But this is even better, because the country has modern hotels, excellent beaches and beautiful nature.
Almost all hotels have their own swimming pools, and in cases bad weather you can stay in it and swim in the pool with heated water. Special attention deserves the local jungle. They are beautiful, monkeys and other animals of the country live in them. Excursions to the jungle are very popular with tourists, they walk along the trails, admire the animals and take photos.

Holidays in October in Europe at sea.
Many people think that in October there are no countries in Europe where it is warm and you can swim. They are mistaken, there are such countries, and they are well known to everyone.
The velvet season is in Greece and Cyprus. These days it is still quite warm here and up to +25 degrees during the day. The sun shines most of the day, and the rains are not yet visible.
You can also relax in Montenegro, but not everywhere. Only some southern resorts of the country are ready to receive tourists and guarantee them that there will be a warm sea and excellent sunny weather.
If you fly even further into Europe, you can relax in Spain, on the gorgeous azure beaches. Holidays in Spain are not very expensive, plane tickets are expensive because of the distance they have to cover.

Next to Spain is Portugal, which is even cheaper. But again, due to the fact that it takes even longer to fly here, it seems that the cost of the tour is very high. But in Spain and Portugal it is hot. During the day, the air can warm up to +30 degrees, and the nights are as warm as in summer and up to +22. The sea pleases with warmth and warm water. But these days it may not be calm and there may be high waves.

What is the weather like in October and November on the most popular beach resorts peace? Where you should not relax in October and November?

In Goa, in October-November, the beach season starts. After the season of monsoons and rains, as well as unbearable heat, the temperature gradually drops to + 27 + 30, and the precipitation is on the wane.

October is still quite unpredictable in terms of weather: in some years, the month can already be “dry” and quite suitable for relaxation, and sometimes the rainy season drags on and Goa continues to flood like a bucket. In any case, the showers here are tropical, warm. This means you won't have to freeze in the rain.

Holidays in Goa in October-November

Even in the rainiest season in Goa, UV protection should not be neglected. The sun is quite aggressive here, so you can burn out even in the rain or in the shade of a sun umbrella.

Since the season in the middle of autumn in Goa is just beginning, there is not yet a large crowd of tourists. The resorts are waiting for the influx of guests, and the service during these months in most hotels and restaurants is much higher than at the height of the tourist boom.

Holidays in India in October and November

You will also be pleased with the prices. The peak of high prices in Goa falls on the winter months. In October and November, the cost of most services and entertainment is moderate, although the desire to rip off a tourist more money Indians always have it.

In October-November, a period of high water sets in for Indian rivers, so visiting the famous waterfalls in Goa in autumn makes the greatest impression. Of the other attractions, it is worth noting the celebration of the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, which is everywhere accompanied by magnificent celebrations and colorful festivals.

Beaches and weather in Goa in October and November

Beach holidays in Cyprus in October, November

In October, Cyprus is still in full swing bathing season. October on Kiper is considered a "velvet" month, those who did not have time to relax at sea in the summer rush here. In early October, the water temperature is still at +24+25, but by the end of the month it gradually cools down, as the nights are getting colder. By the beginning of November, only the most seasoned will dare to swim in the sea.

Beach holidays in Cyprus

In October, a real feast for gourmets begins in Cyprus. Harvest time begins on the island, so in October, the largest variety of fruits is observed in the markets of Cyprus. Not all of them can be called exotic, but the taste and aroma of the local mangoes, apricots and papaya definitely surpass what is sold in our stores.

Holidays in Cyprus in October and November

In addition to food and beach holidays, Cyprus in October is ready to offer its guests a fairly extensive cultural program. Traditionally, autumn in Cyprus is the time for festivals. At the beginning of the month, the island celebrates Independence Day.

Then the theater festival "Kipria" begins, within the framework of which performances and open-air concerts, art exhibitions, festive processions and shows on the water are held in all cities. In addition to representatives of contemporary art, you can see performances of folk groups and folklore ensembles everywhere.

Read more about holidays in Cyprus.

Holidays in Cyprus in autumn

Beach holidays Vietnam or Thailand in October, November: where is better?


In Thailand in October, the weather is quite different at different resorts. Monsoons and rainy days still dominate Pattaya, the sky is covered with clouds, sunny days very little. On the islands of Thailand and in Khao Lak, it is already quite comfortable to relax in October. Here the rains are short-lived, they fall much less frequently, and mostly at night.

Holidays in Thailand

In some years, the rainy season in Thailand ends in September, and then quite sunny and comfortable weather sets in all the most popular resorts in Thailand. But even if you are not very lucky with the rains, in any case, the weather will be very warm, as in Thailand, by definition, there are no cold days.

But in October, another misfortune reigns on the islands of Thailand: the sea is often restless here. In Phuket and Khao Lak, strong waves are less disturbing than on smaller islands. Sometimes there are small storms.

Royal Gardens in Bangkok, Thailand

Swimming in the sea in October on the islands of Thailand can be difficult and frankly dangerous. But for the sake of justice, it must be said that not every vacationer dares to swim in the ocean even during the high season.

If you are lucky enough to travel to Thailand in October, be sure to visit the fireball festival, which takes place in the middle of the month in the province of Nong Khai. In terms of beauty and spectacle, this is one of the most impressive events in the world.

festival of lights in thailand

On the night of the celebration of the festival, thousands of paper lanterns rush into the sky at the same time - just a magical sight that will stand before your eyes for a long time to come. In addition to launching lanterns, the festival hosts mass performances of circus artists and various shows, mostly everything is connected with lights.

Nong Khai town is located at some distance from popular resorts, but if you take care in advance, you can find cheap tickets for domestic flights or book an excursion at local travel agencies.

festival of lights in october in thailand


The beach strip of Vietnam stretches for many kilometers, and each section has its own weather in October. In Ha Long and Hanoi, the rainy season is coming to an end. The weather here is not too hot (only +30), rainy days fall a couple of times a week, and local resorts are already quite suitable for a beach holiday.

In Nha Trang and Mui Ne, the rainy season comes later, in November. In October, the beach season is in full swing here, and nothing overshadows the weather on the beach. True, in October these areas are still quite hot, on average +35. In combination with high humidity, this temperature requires adaptation.

October in Vietnam is considered high season, the main crowd of tourists will rush here in the winter months. Therefore, in the middle of autumn, the resorts of Vietnam are quite calm and not crowded. Service in Vietnam does not depend on the season, it is always on top.

Halong bay in Vietnam

Of the water activities in Vietnam in October, it is best to go surfing - the waves are ideal for sliding on the board. But for diving October is not the best time due to frequent fluctuations in the water. Boat and yacht trips are popular at this time in all resorts, but especially in Halong Bay because of the beauty of the local islands.

In terms of cost, October is a very profitable month for traveling to Vietnam. Local prices reach their peak in December-January. In mid-autumn, hotels, nightclubs and restaurants are afraid to raise price tags so as not to scare away the already few tourists.

Holidays in Vietnam in October and November

Beach holidays in Vietnam Phu Quoc in October, November

Phu Quoc is the only resort in Vietnam that is equally in high demand among both locals and foreigners. The Vietnamese prefer to relax in Phu Quoc in the summer, the main wave of foreign tourists rushes here in the winter.

October in Fukuoka can be called the off-season. The weather here in October is excellent, there are not many people, the prices are moderate. The main thing that all vacationers go to Phu Quoc for is stunningly clean beaches and untouched nature.

There are no big ones in Fukuoka shopping centers, nightclubs or amusement parks. The main occupation of vacationers on the island is measured beach life, stunning nature, hiking and contemplation of local beauties.

Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam

Beach holidays in Tenerife, Canary Islands in October, November

October in Tenerife is quite suitable for swimming and sunbathing. During the day the air warms up to +25+27. It gets a little cold in the evening, especially at the end of the month, so for a holiday in Tenerife in October, you should stock up on warm knitwear.

At the beginning of the month, the water in the ocean still keeps the summer heat, but if your trip falls in the second half of October, it is better to choose a hotel with a heated pool, as closer to November the sea cools down to +20, and it becomes uncomfortable to swim.

Holidays in the Canary Islands in October and November

All entertainment venues and venues in Tenerife are still operating at full capacity in October, so you will not notice any restrictions on the work of museums, water parks and amusement parks. See more about excursions and entertainment in Tenerife.

Of the cultural events in October in the Canary Islands, it is worth noting several holidays and festivals, a visit to which will leave many vivid impressions.

Holidays in autumn not Tenerife
  • America's Discovery Day - lavish celebrations, parades and processions, especially in Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • The Opera Festival is an event of a serious scale, to which world stars are invited; concerts are held at the Auditorio de Tenerife theater in Santa Cruz
  • All Saints' Day - held on the night of October 30 to November 1; on this day in Tenerife it is customary to commemorate the deceased loved ones, but very in an unusual way: this is more of a festive and colorful event than a day of mourning; locals decorate the graves with flowers, distribute treats and sweets in the form of bones and skulls, and also give souvenirs with a grave theme.

Holidays in October in Tenerife

Beach holidays in Cuba in October, November

In Cuba, the rainy season lasts all summer period, from mid-spring to mid-autumn. October - last month rainy season, but the weather is often unpredictable, and the amount of rain in October in Cuba depends only on your luck. Maybe there will be only a couple of them in a month, or maybe you will not see clear sky for several weeks in a row.

But in general, the rains in Cuba are not as terrible as in ours. northern latitudes: they do not go for a long time, and puddles and streams evaporate rather quickly due to the heat. By the way, the heat in Cuba in October is quite easily tolerated, as a light refreshing breeze blows almost all the time.

Holidays in Cuba in October

In October, the water in the sea is often warmer than the air, since night temperatures do not fall below +22+23, and it simply does not have time to cool down from the midday sun. During this period, you can swim in the water on the coast for hours. Sometimes there are small storms, but they are infrequent and short-lived, so the rest will not be spoiled.

In addition to a beach holiday in October, you should definitely go on excursions in Cuba. The main object of study is Havana, the capital of Liberty Island. The most popular is the historical center of Havana with its colorful public, cozy streets and rare cars.

Be sure to include in the program a visit to local bars with a tasting of the famous Cuban rum and mojito.
The second most popular city is Santiago, whose main highlight is the colonial architecture, which has been perfectly preserved to this day.

The main party place in Cuba is the beaches of Varadero, where the sounds of Latino music do not stop until the morning, and a special atmosphere of Afro-Cuban temperament reigns over the entire resort.

Cuba, Havana

From cultural events The most notable in October in Cuba are the Days of Cuban Culture, when all of Latin America celebrates the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus. These days, Cuban music and dances sound everywhere, and the bright outfits of local fashionistas dazzle in the eyes.

Toward the end of October, Cuba hosts a ballet festival in even years, the main events of which can be seen at the Bolshoi Theater in Havana. Everyone in Cuba is passionate about classical ballet, and the holiday takes on a truly national scale.

Cuba, Varadero

Beach holidays in Bali in October, November

The beach season in Bali lasts all year round. There are no warm or cold periods here: the temperature throughout the year is approximately the same. winter period in Bali it is considered the rainy season, but it can be called so rather conditionally, since the rains are very short, they come at night and on humidity environment do not affect in any way - it goes off scale all year round.

October is the perfect month to visit Bali. At this time of the year, the off-season reigns here, that is, the golden mean between hot and very hot weather, humid and very humid air. During the day, the temperature stays around 30 degrees Celsius, in the evening it drops to + 22 + 25. In mountainous areas it can be a little cooler, but only by 2-3 degrees.

Holidays in Bali in October

Since Bali is located in southern hemisphere, October here is the height of spring, the beginning of summer. At this time, nature begins to bloom, young greenery appears, sharply painted in especially bright colors.

In terms of beach holidays, Bali is more suitable for sunbathing than for swimming in the sea. Strong winds blow almost all year round in Bali, which is why the sea is never calm. Only very strong and experienced swimmers dare to swim here, and even then not on any day, but only during periods of relative calm on the water.

Beach holidays in Bali in autumn

But surfers in Bali are a real expanse. The conditions for practicing this sport are among the best in the world. At every resort you can find a surf school, sometimes more than one. Surfers come to Bali in huge numbers from all over the world.

For those who are indifferent to conquering the local waves, Bali can offer a wide range of excursions for every taste. Bali is a very colorful island, ranging from natural attractions to distinctive Indonesian culture. Local temples, ethnic villages and handicrafts impress any tourist.

October in Bali

For families with children in Bali there are water parks and amusement parks. The famous ethnic shows in Bali will be of interest to both adults and children: this is not just a folklore concert, but a real performance, impressive in its scope, the number of actors involved and entertainment.

Bali is also famous for active nightlife. The resorts of Seminyak and Kuta are considered especially noisy. During the influx of tourists, there are so many young people here that family tourists and lovers of silence prefer to stop for rest in another place.

Holidays in Bali

Israel in October, November: beach holidays

October in Israel is real the Velvet season". The summer heat, which is not easy to endure in these desert regions, is giving way to cooler (by Israeli standards, of course) and comfortable autumn weather. The temperature drops to +25+28, the suffocating heat of the desert leaves. At night, the temperature drops even lower, to +20, so for evening walks it is worth taking light sweaters and stoles with you.

Holidays in Israel in October

Water in the Red Sea is kept around +25, in the Dead Sea and Lake Kinneret it is 2-3 degrees higher. On the coast mediterranean sea the water temperature will be slightly lower, but here it is quite comfortable to spend a beach holiday in October. True, the Mediterranean Sea in October is no longer as calm as in summer, and there are often flags on the beaches prohibiting swimming.

Red Sea, Israel

In the second half of the month, short rains begin in the north of Israel, during this period the most comfortable conditions will be in Eilat on the Red Sea. The main activity here is of course diving or snorkeling. The Red Sea is considered the most attractive in terms of beauty and diversity of the underwater world.

Holidays at the Dead Sea, Israel

It is definitely worth allocating a few days for an excursion program in Israel. Jerusalem is especially rich in historical sites and sights - the capital of three religions (Christian, Muslim and Judaism). You can walk the last road of Christ to Golgotha, see the famous Wailing Wall or see the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, where the Holy Fire descends every year.

Jerusalem, Israel

In Tel Aviv, you should definitely take a walk along the old streets of the historic district of Jaffa. In Tiberias, go on a tour of the desert in a real camel caravan, just don't forget about the must-have things for the desert: a scarf to protect your face from the sand and warm clothes if you are going to stay in the desert for the night. For entertainment and active nightlife, it is better to go to Tel Aviv.

Old city Jaffa, Israel

Israel is a peculiar and somewhat unique country. Rest here has its own characteristics. For example, Saturday is a day off for all Jews. On this day, in many cities and towns, life simply dies out: shops do not work, public transport almost no taxis. In addition, on the streets of Israel you can often meet deeply believing Jews, when communicating with whom certain rules must be observed.

Religious Jews at the Wailing Wall, Jerusalem, Israel

United Arab Emirates (UAE) Dubai: beach holidays in October, November

October and November are the peak season in the UAE. It is at this time that a trip to the emirates will cost you the most. In summer, tourists avoid the UAE due to unbearable heat and sandstorms, and in winter, water temperatures in Persian Gulf drops to invigorating +18, which makes a beach holiday not very comfortable.

Here in the middle of autumn ideal conditions for good rest on the sea. In Dubai and Sharjah, daily temperature fluctuations are noticeable from +35 during the day to +22 at night. In Fujairah, the difference is practically not noticeable, and day and night the temperature stays around +30.

More about holidays in United Arab Emirates can be read.

Holidays in the UAE in October

Beach holidays in China on Hainan in October, November

October in Hainan is officially the rainy season. It is generally accepted that in October it is not the most best weather for relax. It cannot be said that the showers come in a continuous stream, but in October they come every day. The sky is almost always overcast with a gray thick mass of clouds.

Holidays on Hainan Island in October

During the day in October it is hot in Hainan, below 30 degrees, and by the evening it gets cold to +20 and the wind rises. With considering high humidity you can’t call such weather comfortable, so you can’t do without warm clothes in October in Hainan.

The sea in October in Haiyan is rarely calm. For surfers, these are ideal conditions, but for ordinary swimmers, it may not be sweet. On rare calm days, you can spend the whole day on the beach, but more often you will have to look at the sea from the side due to high waves.

Hainan, China

Another feature of a holiday in Hainan in October is the huge number of Chinese among the tourists. Traditionally, the Chinese consider October a month of holidays, especially its first half. I must say that the Chinese have a very peculiar culture of behavior. Some of their habits cause misunderstanding among Europeans, and sometimes disgust.

The main plus in October in Hainan can be considered low prices, since rest on the island as a whole is considered an expensive pleasure. If your budget is small, but you want to go to Hainan, choose the second half of October, when the number of local residents in the resorts is on the wane, the rains are becoming less and less, and prices have not yet skyrocketed.

holidays in China on the island of Hainan

Beach holidays in Sri Lanka in October, November

The beach season in Sri Lanka is possible all year round. There are high and low seasons, but the peculiarity of Ceylon is that when east coast the rainy season reigns, in the western there is beautiful weather for recreation. When the monsoons come to the west coast, the high season begins on the east coast.

October is a month of transition for Sri Lanka. At this time, the rainy season begins in the east and ends in the west. The weather at this time is very unstable in all resorts.

Holidays in Sri Lanka

It can rain everywhere at the same time, sometimes the number of rainy days in October is 2/3 of the total. Storms and tropical thunderstorms are common.
The air temperature in Sri Lanka is almost the same at any time of the year and on any coast.

On average, it stably keeps around +30 degrees Celsius, water temperature +28+29. But do not forget that the coast of Sri Lanka is not washed by the sea, but by the ocean. This means that even on the quietest and calmest days, only well-swimming people can swim here.

Fishing in Sri Lanka

In the rainy and windy weather that prevails in October, it is dangerous to enter the ocean, even if you are a very good swimmer.

Sri Lanka attracts tourists not by the sea and beach holidays, but by the most interesting excursion program, exotic flora and fauna, unique and colorful culture of the local population. There are simply no options for excursions here.

Tea plantations in Sri Lanka

Most interesting places for visits: tea plantations, ancient temples, abandoned cities, whale watching and huge sea ​​turtles, dive to sunken ships, descent into the mines for mining precious stones, huge national parks and reserves and much more.

Even on the territory of the hotel you can discover a lot of interesting things. Quite calmly, chipmunks and mongooses, small monkeys walk around there, the bats huge sizes, monitor lizards and smaller lizards, peacocks and even tame elephants.

Holidays in October in Sri Lanka

Beach holidays in the Maldives in October, November

October is a great time to visit the Maldives. The weather on the atolls of the archipelago is the same all year round: perfect calm, warm and sunny. Occasionally, short rains run up, but they come most often at night and are practically invisible to vacationers.

The water temperature in October is kept at +26+28, the air is two or three degrees higher. In the evening it is hardly noticeably cooler.

Holidays in the Maldives

The Maldives is a classic beach holiday to the sound of the surf. The location on small islands makes every piece of land save, even houses and hotels on many islands are on the water due to the catastrophic lack of land.

All entertainment in the Maldives is somehow connected with water: diving, snorkeling, yachting, water planes and excursions to neighboring islands.

Holidays in the Maldives in autumn

On large atolls, you can find entertainment in the form of cycling or sports grounds. On small islands-hotels, your main occupation will be feeding fish and contemplating the water surface.

But in any case, a holiday in the Maldives in October will give an unforgettable experience. Only here you will find such a perfect postcard view: white sand, turquoise ocean, ripe coconuts and a hammock stretched between palm trees.

Holidays in the Maldives in October

Beach holidays in the Dominican Republic in October, November

October is a rather controversial month for holidays in the Dominican Republic. In mid-autumn, hurricanes and storms often occur in the Caribbean, rainy weather alternates with cloudless 50/50. The rains here are short, but very strong: the water literally stands like a wall and can knock you off your feet in a gust of wind.

In conjunction with high temperature such weather can be very uncomfortable for those who do not tolerate high humidity and stuffiness. For people with cardiovascular and asthmatic diseases, such a climate is completely contraindicated.

In October, in the Dominican Republic, the air warms up to +28+30, the water temperature is about the same. But you can swim and swim only on those days when there is no strong wind on the sea and big waves. If October is especially rainy, you will have to spend most of the time in the pool.

In terms of hotel infrastructure, holidays in the Dominican Republic are very reminiscent of Turkish ones: the same vast territories, favorite all-inclusive, ubiquitous animators and a lot of entertainment on site.

Only instead of sultry Turkish machos, Latin Americans will entertain you, the main language of communication will be Spanish or English, and the predominant audience will be plump families of Americans.

From entertainment outside the hotel there are several historical excursions to the surrounding cities and great shopping. Very popular nature excursions national parks and vast reserves.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in October

Beach holidays in Tunisia in October, November

Tunisia is located on the Mediterranean coast. In this region, the summer months are traditionally considered the high season, and with the onset of autumn, the flow of tourists gradually declines. But in the southern part of the Mediterranean, on the African coast, the velvet season continues until early November.

On average, the daily temperature in October in Tunisia fluctuates around + 22 + 25, the water temperature will be a couple of degrees lower. Such weather is especially suitable for those who do not tolerate heat and high humidity. In October, an adult audience prefers to relax with Tunisia, especially a lot of older tourists from Western Europe.

Holidays in October in Tunisia

Sometimes in October a rather cool wind rises in Tunisia, there are rains. By evening it gets noticeably colder. Be sure to bring warm clothes with you on vacation, and even light jackets may be needed by the end of October, as the amount of rain will increase.

Most of all, vacationers appreciate Tunisia for its spa and thalasso therapy. If your purpose of the trip is a health course, then the weather is unlikely to interfere with you. Almost every hotel has its own wellness center; Hammamet is considered to be of the highest quality in this regard.

Holidays in Tunisia in October and November

Here you can order a treatment or preventive course for any wallet. The level of service in the treatment centers of Hammamet is quite high, the choice of recovery programs is also worthy.

Video: Beach holidays with children in October, November

October is a unique month for Russia. Somewhere else they sunbathe on the beaches, and somewhere the first snow is already falling. And this means that there are options for recreation for everyone - both for fans of warmth and for fans of coolness. Let's see where to go in October to please the soul, body, and wallet, of course.


This is the last opportunity to relax on the sea this year. Of course, in October you can go to other regions of Russia, but Yalta is the warmest. At the same time, it is better to go on a trip in the first half of the month, when the temperature is kept at + 18 ... + 22 ° С. The water in the Black Sea warms up to + 18 ° C, and if the autumn is warm, then swimming is quite possible.

In October, not only a beach holiday is possible in Yalta, because many settlements: Gurzuf, Massandra, Livadia, Gaspra, Koreiz, Simeiz and others. Everywhere there are interesting places where you can go on an excursion. In Yalta itself, it is worth visiting the ancient Armenian church, dropping into the Massandra Palace, taking a walk along the excellent embankment. If you come on vacation with children, go to the Yalta Zoo and the Glade of Fairy Tales.

Not far from Gurzuf, you can see the famous mountain Ayu-Dag, as well as visit Chekhov's Belaya Dacha. Attracts guests of the Crimea and its palace capital - Livadia. Here is the White Palace of Nicholas II, in which in 1945 the very Yalta Conference. You can also go to Gaspra, where the Swallow's Nest castle is located, known not only throughout Russia, but throughout the world.


If you want to relax in October 2018 and catch warm days, then Sochi is one of the best options. Thank you here Caucasus mountains that protect the city from cold air. At the same time, not a penny was spent on the construction of mountains, unlike the Olympic facilities.

Sochi weather in October is not easy to predict. If there is no rain, then at the beginning of the month it will be possible to swim and sunbathe here. It is cold at night, in the mornings and evenings it is also very cool (slightly above +10 °C), but during the day it becomes warm - the air warms up to +23 °C, the sea up to +20 °C.

Even if it rains or it's just cloudy, it's not a problem. There are plenty of places for walks and excursions in Sochi. You can go to the arboretum and marvel at what kind of plants there are on earth. It is also worth visiting the Dolphinarium to smile at the local dolphins and be amazed when they smile back at you. If you have enough courage and health, go to the mountains - just dress warmer.

In general, Sochi is one of the most profitable places where you can go in October. Holiday season ended, and the winter-New Year's has not yet begun. This means that housing can be rented at fairly low prices. Rest will be much cheaper than in summer or winter.

Caucasian Mineral Waters

This is not just a resort, but an established brand that has attracted people since the time of Lermontov. The weather here is never hot, even the summers are quite temperate, and in October average temperature during the day is +15 °C. But the main plus is that at this time it is dry, windless and there is almost no rain: only 3-5 rainy days for the whole of October.

At KavMinVody, you can perfectly combine 2 programs - health and excursion. Of course everything revolves around mineral water. In Kislovodsk, for example, "Narzan" dominates, and in Zheleznovodsk - hot waters, in which there is a lot of calcium and iron. To improve your health, you can not only drink water, but also take health walks. For them, special routes have been developed here. Winding through the parks and skirting the mountains, you can strengthen the heart, increase the overall tone of the body, add vigor to the body and spirit.

There are many natural attractions in this region. In Pyatigorsk, it is a pleasure to look at Mount Mashuk, take a ride on the cable car, go to Emmanuelevsky Park and the Tsvetnik Park. The main places in Kislovodsk are the Valley of Roses and the resort park. There is also a resort park in Essentuki. By the way, local parks are not just greenery and fresh air. There you will find fountains, sculptural compositions, as well as mineral water springs - where would you be without them.


The capital of Tatarstan is so bright and cheerful that on vacation in October you don’t feel the melancholic atmosphere that is typical for many other Russian cities in autumn days. The Kazan Kremlin still pleases with its white walls, next to which the yellow foliage looks very organic. And inside the Kremlin there are so many interesting things that it is unlikely to get bored here, no matter what the weather is like. Viewing platforms, museums, temples and one of the largest mosques in Europe - with such a set of sights, you simply forget about the seasons.

Upon leaving the Kremlin, miracles will continue. The eternally festive and eternally pedestrian street of Bauman will lure you with its atmosphere, the Palace of Farmers will dazzle with its beauty, the building of the wedding palace, decorated in the form of a cauldron, will surprise you with its shape.

In the center of Kazan, in addition to Bauman, there are other interesting streets that many guidebooks undeservedly forget about. Directly from the Kremlin you can get to the Kremlin Street, among the old mansions of which you want to wander forever. Also noteworthy is Peterburgskaya Street, which was opened on the eve of the millennium - or, in our opinion, the 1000th anniversary of the city.

Even autumn is not able to spoil the impression of. Red Square is still wide, the Arbat is still lively, and the domes on the Cathedral of Christ the Savior are wonderfully combined with the nearby foliage.

If you want to take a look at the whole of October Moscow at once, go to Sparrow Hills - one of the main viewing platforms of the capital. From here you can see the Stalinist skyscrapers, Ostankino TV tower, White House and skyscrapers of the Moscow City complex.

If you want silence and antiquity, take a walk along Ostozhenka. There are interesting mansions there, including the house of Kekusheva, which many consider to be the mansion of the same Margarita from the novel The Master and Margarita (sorry for the tautology, but you can’t say otherwise).

At the beginning of the month it is good in Cyprus and Turkey, at the end - in the UAE. These resorts have all the conditions for a family holiday: animation, playgrounds and All Inclusive. Take your children with you - they will have something to do.


During the day the weather on the island is comfortable: +25°C in the air, +23°C in the water. Warmest of all. But the evenings are reminiscent of autumn: it gets colder up to +10–12°C. Coastal taverns and animation in hotels are curtailed only by the end of the month.

Choose Paphos if you dream of a leisurely respectable vacation, Ayia Napa - if you want to have a fun and inexpensive vacation. Limassol - for parties and night discos, Larnaca - to relax on the beach and snorkel.

Molos embankment in Limassol.

In autumn, the villages of Cyprus celebrate the harvest - which means you can get to fairs, tastings and culinary master classes. You will be in Larnaca, Paphos, Nicosia - goat the Art Festival "Kipria" : Bands from all over the world will perform. There are free concerts, and for some events you need to buy tickets in advance.

If you want to save on airfare, plan your vacation at the beginning of the month. The number of charters is decreasing by the end of the month, and it will become more difficult to buy an inexpensive ticket without transfers.

At the beginning of October, they will cost 10,000–15,000 rubles per person in both directions. - from 1799 rubles/night for two.

Alanya, Turkey

In October in Turkey, the warmest place is in Alanya: the air warms up to + 25 ° C during the day, the water - up to + 24 ° C. There is no strong wind and humidity. The resort pleases with the greenery of orange orchards and banana groves, and also with prices that are lower here than in other Turkish resorts.

Another "pro" in favor of relaxing here in October is the excellent beaches: sandy coast, shallow sea and safe flat bottom. The beaches, by the way, are free and marked " blue flag for cleanliness. The best are "Cleopatra", "Damlatash" and "Keykubat". You can easily get to each of them by minibus or taxi from any part of Alanya.

Alanya Fortress is an open-air museum. Most can be viewed for free, the entrance to the castle will cost 15 Turkish lira (about 163 rubles).

Keep in mind: in October, there are fewer tourists, the city is quieter, and excursions are less frequent. For example, Pamukkale is taken to the snow-white springs only once a week. For independent travelers, this is rather a plus: less "bags", queues and noise.

Alanya is far from all airports. You will get to the hotel in 1.5–2 hours from Antalya. If you are traveling with a child, take toys on the road.

In early October, they will cost 15,000–17,000 rubles per person in both directions. - from 1099 rubles/night for two.

Sharjah, UAE

In October, the season starts on the beaches of the UAE. The weather becomes milder - at the end of the month the temperature drops to +33. The sun no longer burns, and the sea does not boil. The water in the bay is about +27. The desert climate reminds of itself at night - the temperature drops to +21. Take a light stole or long-sleeved sweater with you.

In Sharjah, choose the beaches belonging to the hotels. They are private, well-equipped, with a sandy bottom. Many are paid, but it's better to pay for entry to a private beach than to sunbathe on a free municipal one. Public beaches - for locals, women in bathing suits and men in swimming trunks can be looked askance.

One of the main attractions of Sharzh is the King Faisal Mosque, one of the largest in the Middle East.

Sharjah is a great choice if you want to save money and not stay away from entertainment. Noisy Dubai with fountains, malls and expensive restaurants is just 45 minutes away by bus or taxi. Sharjah itself has many museums, exhibitions, shops and shopping centers. And prices are lower than in neighboring emirates.

Sharjah is a dry emirate with strict Muslim laws. Dress modestly in public places. It's best to leave miniskirts and tiny shorts at home. You can sunbathe in an open swimsuit only on a private beach.

In Sharjah in October they cost about 14,000–17,000 rubles for one round trip. - from 2299 rubles/night for two.

Sea and excursions

In October, almost everywhere in Europe it is warm and sunny, there is a harvest and holidays are held. For exotic go to mainland Thailand or colorful Morocco.

Pattaya, Thailand

In October in Thailand, the weather is already dry without rain. There are more tourists, but prices have not yet risen - you can grab tickets at the cost of the low season.

In Pattaya, unlike the islands, you can already swim, sunbathe and not be afraid of showers. Storms still happen, but rarely, most often at night. Air warms up to +30°C, water - the same. There are good beaches in Pattaya - free urban Jomtien or paid Military (Military Beach) outside the city (about 200 rubles per adult, 100 per child). Both are sandy and wide. The military beach is cleaner and quieter, it is more convenient to get to Jomtien by tuk-tuk, taxi or scooter.

If the weather turned out to be cloudy, in Pattaya. Within the city, you can see the Mini Siam Park, go to the Oceanarium or visit the elephant village. You will enjoy a trip to the River Kwai, made famous by the release of the movie The Bridge on the River Kwai. If you want to see the real Asia, you can go to the ancient capital of Ayutthaya, 70 km from Bangkok, or stay for a while in the capital itself.

If you want to save money, fly to Thailand in early October. If you go at the end of the month, you will be insured against rains.

In October, they cost about 40,000 rubles for one in both directions. - from 1099 rubles/night for two.

Barcelona, ​​Spain

We would advise Barcelona even without the sea - but it is, and in October you can still swim and sunbathe here. The beaches of the capital of Catalonia are sandy, clean, equipped for children and people with disabilities. The best free beaches are calm Bogatell, family Nova Ikaria, party Barceloneta. At the beginning of the month up to +25 in the air, up to +22 in the water - plan a vacation for this time.

October - perfect time for walks in the Gothic Quarter, the Barceloneta promenade and park Guell . Can be purchased at Boqueria market, go to the aquarium and look at Barcelona's Camp Nou stadium (or even get into a match).

The sail-shaped hotel stands right on the coast - you will see it on at least half of the postcards. - from 25 790 rubles/night.

A unique event is the Casteller Festival in Tarragona (an hour from Barcelona by train). The city is famous for the pyramids of people, come here on October 6 and 7 to see everything with your own eyes - it's free and very interesting.

On October 12, the country celebrates the Day of Spain - with a carnival, fairs and solemn performances.

October 27-28 in Barcelona starts the annual festival of architecture 48H Open House Barcelona : during this time you can visit the museums of Barcelona for free. See Gaudí's houses and take a tour of the Sagrada Familia.

Barcelona in October is a great idea: airfare is lower, there are more budget hotels to choose from, and there are no queues to attractions. At the beginning of the month, you will still have time to tan.

To Barcelona will cost 11,000-13,000 rubles in both directions per person. - from 3299 rubles/night for two. And don't forget to make sure your vacation goes off without a hitch.

Crete, Greece

Autumn comes to Greece - Mediterranean, mild and sunny. Temperature up to +25, at the end of the month - up to +22°C. The sea never gets colder than +23. On the beaches of Agia Pelagia, Malia, Elafonisi, it is calm and calm until the middle of the month.

In October best time for walks. It's time for the harvest in the country - first grapes, and then olives. All this is accompanied by festivities. What is the chestnut festival worth in Western Crete: fairs and markets are open, tables with treats are set in the squares. Everyone is fed with fried, stewed, sweet and salty chestnuts and traditional porridge in lamb broth.

Another plus of a holiday in Crete in October is the cost of the trip. The price of housing, car rentals, food and drinks is reduced by 20-40% compared to the summer.

It is more convenient (and cheaper) to come to Crete at the beginning of the month, while charters fly here. After the 15th, you will have to buy tickets with a transfer.

You can buy a round-trip ticket from Moscow for 12,000 rubles. - from 1299 rubles/night for two.

Sea and festivals

In autumn, the time of festivals starts all over the world: you will have time to swim in the sea and get to the festival.

To save money, prepare for the trip in advance: it is cheaper to buy entrance tickets to festivals a month and a half before the event. At the same time, it is better to book a hotel and flights. Fly to the sea with a company: take an apartment or a cottage for everyone - it will be 20-40% cheaper.


If you want something exotic - fly to Morocco. This is a completely different level of relaxation - on the beach Atlantic Ocean, in a fabulous eastern country. In October, it is more pleasant to relax than ever: the air temperature on the coast is +30°C, the water is about +20°C. The most warm water- in Casablanca and Rabat (up to +23).

Be sure to see ancient Marrakesh - an oriental bazaar city with colorful shops, a beautiful Medina and snake charmers on the streets. If you have time, go to the Sahara desert, to the cities of Fez and Tangier.

Djemaa El Fna Square is the liveliest place in Marrakesh. During the day, they sell fruits, spices, national costumes, and in the evening tambourines sound and performances take place.

From 12 to 14 October, Essaouira hosts the annual dance"Moga Fest" . The best DJs in the world come here. A ticket for three days with a pool party costs 7,500 rubles.

If the autumn is rainy, then you may not be lucky with swimming due to cold water and strong waves. The weather in October is ideal for sunbathing, but it is better to choose hotels with a pool.

In Morocco, they will cost 40,000–45,000 rubles per person in both directions. - from 1199 rubles/night for two.


Still standing in Batumi in October warm weather- you can swim and sunbathe. The water temperature does not fall below +23, the air warms up to +25°C. In Batumi itself, there are good free pebble beaches, which are already empty in October. And it is also in this month that dolphins most often come to the shores.

October is the most generous month for holidays among Georgians. Batumi hosts a festival of Georgian culture "Chveneburebi" with free performances, traditional dances, songs, wine, khinkali and Adjarian khachapuri.

Rent a car or go with a guide to the capital. Do not miss the traditional "Tbilisoba" (this year October 7-8) - a large-scale day of the city. Barbecue is fried on the street, churchkhela is cooked, fruits and cheese are sold. The central event - crushing grapes in wooden vats traditional way, feet. You can even participate if you're lucky - you just have to wear rubber boots.

A huge plus for vacationing in Georgia in the fall is savings. The country is already inexpensive for tourists, but by the second month of autumn, prices drop even more. Nice apartment or a hotel room can be rented for 1500 rubles per day.

If you want to lie on the beach and catch interesting events, plan your vacation before mid-October. After that it gets colder up to +12 - take an umbrella and warm clothes with you.

From Moscow to Batumi will cost 10,000-12,000 rubles per person in both directions. - 1199 rubles/night for two.

North Goa, India

In October, it is dry and sunny in India, beach shacks (cafes) open and the trance party season starts. There are few people on the beaches - tourists come only towards the end of the month. Traders are most helpful and friendly. The Arabian Sea is calm and quiet, but there are waves a few days a month. Water temperature +28°C, air - about +31°C during the day.

With spending on holidays in India, you can meet 50,000 rubles if you go alone for two weeks. The most expensive part is airfare. In October, charters start flying to India again, so there is a chance to fly cheap. Housing can be rented at off-season prices - in November they will increase by 20-30%.

In North Goa, all life passes on the beaches - here they swim and sunbathe, dine in coastal sheks, chat in juice centers and have fun at trance parties.

If you arrive on October 2, you will get to the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi in Old Goa, when the whole city is filled with garlands of flowers. At the end of the month there is a chance to capture the Diwali celebration. This is the festival of lights, which is celebrated on November 7-11. Hindus praise Goddess Lakshmi by lighting candles.- from 999 rubles/night for two.

How to relax in October

  • If you want a lazy beach holiday - fly to Turkey (Alanya) or Cyprus (Limassol, Paphos) at the beginning of the month, and at the end - to the United Arab Emirates (Sharjah).
  • If you like to combine beach and sightseeing holidays - go to Barcelona, ​​Thailand or Greece (Crete).
  • If you want parties on the beach, holidays and bright events - you will like it in October in India (North Goa), Georgia (Batumi) and Morocco (Agadir, Essaouira).

Choose a resort to your taste and book cheap tickets in advance - they run out very quickly.

While happy colleagues basked in the summer on the beaches, you worked. After all, you only have vacation in October. Well, it doesn’t matter - in the fall you can also fly to warm sea and relax even cooler than in July. It's cold and slushy in Russia, but you have your own summer. Now let them envy you, that's it.

It is believed that October is the "off season", but it is not. In many countries at this time it is still very warm and sunny, and in some the season is just beginning. But prices for tours fall in the fall, so the rest will not hit your pocket. In this selection - 9 countries where it will be especially cool to fly. Choose and go!


Classic variant. Ticket prices are getting lower, and the velvet season has not gone away - the water warms up to +24 °С, the air - up to +27 °С. Just right for those who do not like to fry to a crisp in the resorts. True, it is so good only on the Mediterranean Sea - it often rains on the Black and Aegean coasts, so you should not go there.

All infrastructure is still working in October, but there are much fewer tourists

It is best to go to Antalya, Kemer, Side or Belek. Keep in mind that by the end of October, the weather may still remember that it is already autumn, so be prepared for coolness and rain.

Visa: Russian tourists do not need

Fly from Moscow: 3.5 hours

Prices for two for 6 nights: from 39 thousand


The beach season is open here until the end of October. And it is in October that prices for tours fall a little - the right time to go to Cyprus, if earlier it seemed too expensive for you. The sea cools down to +20 °C, but you can still swim. And if you were turned off in the summer hot water, then you won’t have to get used to the autumn coolness of the sea.

In October, three resorts are best suited for relaxation:

  • Ayia Napa, main center tourism
  • Limassol, with a noisy and active nightlife
  • Larnaca is the best resort for families with children and divers

Visa: Schengen or online visa application

Fly from Moscow: 3-3.5 hours

Prices for two for 7 nights: from 48 thousand


At the beginning of October in Spain it is still warm, but by the middle of the month it gets colder. You can swim only in Tenerife, Ibiza, the Canaries and Mallorca - where the water is kept at around +22 ° C. Because of the wind, high waves often rise at this time - they interfere with swimming, but just right for windsurfing. Diving waves are also not a hindrance, so leisure in October it's excellent.

October is not ideal for swimming, but it is best suited for sightseeing holidays. On excursions, you can finally admire the sights, and not sweat and look for shops with water. Barcelona is especially good - there you will just have time to visit the feast in honor of the patron saint of Spain or the jazz festival.

Very beautiful in Barcelona in October


Fly from Moscow: 3–3.5 hours

Prices for two for 7 nights: from 49 thousand

Dominican Republic

October in the Dominican Republic is a mixed month. It belongs to the wet season, but falls at its very end, when the weather is already stabilizing. True, there are typhoons and hurricanes, but in reality everything is not so scary. Most typhoons rage in Haiti and Cuba, and do not reach the Dominican Republic. Most of the precipitation falls in Santo Domingo and La Romana - and it is quite possible to relax in other resorts.

Such typhoons are rare in October and they pass quickly - the locals do not even hide from them in their houses

Dominican Republic is on the other side the globe, so vouchers there are more expensive than in Vietnam or Turkey. But it is in October that prices for them are noticeably lower, and if you have long dreamed of going to the Caribbean without laying out everything you honestly earned for it - wellcome.

Visa: not needed for Russians

Fly from Moscow: 10–11 am

Prices for two for 7 nights: from 104 thousand


In Vietnam in October still the season is coming rains, and tours are generally cheaper. It is better to go to Phan Thiet or Vung Tau - here the rains are rare, and the sea is quite calm, so the vacation will go well. Fukuoka also has fairly stable weather, especially at the end of the month. Even in October, the rainy season ends in the northern provinces, but it is too cool there - about +23 °C. Swimming will not work.

There are much fewer tourists in Vietnam in October

Visa: not needed for Russians

Fly from Moscow: 9 o'clock

Prices for two for 11 nights: from 71 thousand


In October, in Thailand, as in Vietnam, it is still the rainy season, but it is already coming to an end. It rains mostly at night - they are short and practically do not interfere with vacation. If you want to relax on a tropical island, you can go to Koh Samui or Koh Phangan. Phuket is also not bad, but high waves can interfere with swimming.

And yet the best weather for a holiday in October reigns in Pattaya. Here you can swim and sunbathe. And hang out in nightclubs, of course.

In October, in Pattaya, rest is no worse than in winter

Visa: not needed for Russians

Fly from Moscow: 9 o'clock

Prices for two for 7 nights: from 59 thousand

China, Hainan

Officially, Hainan is still in the monsoon season with frequent tropical rains. In fact, in October the rains are rare, short and less intense. So if you are not afraid to spend some time not on the beach, but in a hotel, you can go here. At the beginning of the month, prices are high - the Chinese go to the island during national holidays. But by mid-October, the flow of local tourists decreases along with prices, and you can even relax a little cheaper than in the season.

There are many Chinese tourists in Hainan in October

The air temperature in October is already tolerable, around +27 °С, and the sea is warmed up to +25 °С. Strong wind sometimes it raises waves and interferes with swimming, but near Sanya you can find more or less quiet beaches.

Visa: you do not need to travel to Hainan as part of a tourist group

Fly from Moscow: 10–11 am

Prices for two for 8 nights: from 64 thousand

Greece, Rhodes island

In Greece in October it is already very cold. The sun is still shining, but the air temperature is low, in the evenings it drops to +15 ° C, so the sea cools down a lot. However, things are better in Rhodes - here the beach season lasts the whole of October, and the water is usually warmed up to +25 ° С. The days are often cloudy, but this does not interfere with swimming. There are short rains, sometimes even thunderstorms, but usually tourists manage to swim and relax normally.

October is a great time for sightseeing in Rhodes

Visa: Schengen fee 35 euros, processing time up to 10 days

Flying from Moscow: 3.5 hours

Prices for two for 7 nights: from 40 thousand


In October, the weather in Montenegro is even more capricious than in Greece, but in the first half of the month there is still a chance to catch the warm sea and sunny days. And in general the sea is not the only plus of Montenegro. There are balneological resorts, mountains, interesting sights. And in October, Budva hosts the Days of Shirun festival dedicated to mackerel - with tasting of fish dishes and colorful costumed processions. And yes, the cost of tours in October is also reduced.

In October, only the most daring tourists swim in Montenegro

Visa: not needed for Russians

Fly from Moscow: 2.5–3 hours

Prices for two for 7 nights: from 37 thousand

October is a good month for a vacation, because some tours are falling in price, and the resorts are no longer crowded with tourists. You just need to be more careful when choosing: look where it’s still good, and where it’s already bad weather. And then you will be able to snatch a piece of summer and postpone autumn.

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