Which household air humidifier is better. How to choose a humidifier for an apartment: useful tips and tricks. Which humidifier is better to buy for an apartment or house

To understand if you need a humidifier, it is enough to purchase an inexpensive hygrometer (a device for measuring air humidity). The analog version costs from 150 rubles in Moscow stores, the digital one - from 6-7 dollars in Chinese online stores. But most often in stores you will find combined weather stations that not only measure air humidity, but also show the temperature inside or outside the room, predict the weather using a barometer, and also contain an alarm clock, calendar, clock and other functions.

Inexpensive weather station Oregon Scientific BAR310HG will show the temperature, pressure and humidity in the room

Comfortable air humidity (a value that characterizes the content of water vapor in the atmosphere) ranges from 40 to 60%. If the figure you received as a result of measurements is below this limit, then you need a humidifier (and if it is much lower, then you really need it), if it is higher, you don’t even need it for nothing.

Of course, measurements should be carried out for several days in a row, and even better - in winter. Winter is a decisive factor for most households in Russia, since in standard houses, regardless of the number of storeys, central heating batteries are not equipped with heat release level regulators. And so the batteries dry up the air to the limit (especially at night), creating an uncomfortable atmosphere for people. With air conditioners, everything is also not so simple: modern split systems with the “partial dehumidification” function are able to provide a high-quality indoor climate, but they are much more expensive, they require more maintenance, and if they break, repairs will cost almost like buying a new unit.

In general, if you often have a headache in the apartment, you constantly have a feeling of dry mouth, your skin is peeling, you have difficulty breathing or you notice that your general well-being is deteriorating (constant drowsiness, absent-mindedness, low performance, poor immunity, increased fatigue) - you should think about the level of humidity in the apartment and get a hygrometer first. Of course, a normal level of humidity is also necessary for children. And, finally, it would be useful to mention that insufficient humidity adversely affects furniture, paintings, and even parquet floors - they dry out and crack much faster.

The Boneco 7057 simple analog hygrometer will suit most interiors

And even if you live in an area with a high level of humidity (for example, in St. Petersburg), measuring this level in an apartment will also be far from superfluous. Indeed, the presence of a high level of humidity in the street does not at all follow the same level in the apartment.

Types of Humidifiers

Essentially, there are three types of humidifiers: traditional (mechanical), steam, and ultrasonic. There are also combination humidifiers with an air purifier, and we will talk about them in the next section. All of them are designed to work indoors up to 150 cubic meters.

"Traditional" humidifiers

The simplest humidifiers are “traditional”, they are also “cold type humidifiers”. Water in such humidifiers is poured into a tank, from where it enters the tray on special humidifying replaceable cartridges. The built-in fan drives air through them and moisturizes it naturally. Simultaneously with humidification, the air is cleaned of dust.

"Traditional" humidifier Air-O-Swiss E2241A: stylish design and excellent functionality

The disadvantage of a cold-type humidifier is the maximum level of air humidity limited to 60% (since such a device maintains “natural” humidity, but does not saturate the air forcibly) and high noise. This is around 35-40 dB on average - these figures are not high in themselves, but such a level may be unacceptable for many people when turning the device on in a room at night.

Steam humidifiers

Steam humidifiers are similar in principle to electric kettles - the water in them boils and comes out in the form of ordinary steam. Due to this method of heating, steam humidifiers immediately have a lot of disadvantages: high noise level, hot steam that can burn (its outlet temperature is 50-60 degrees) and high power consumption (from 300 to 600 watts). But you can also choose a smaller model.

But the “steam locomotives” also have plenty of pluses: they can work perfectly with even very dirty and hard water, they can be used for inhalation (for which special nozzles are even included with some models), their performance ranges from 7 to 16 liters per day, there are no consumables, and you can increase the humidity to above 60%.

Ultrasonic Humidifiers

The most modern type of humidifier can be called ultrasonic, where a special membrane with a high vibration frequency “turns” water into cold steam. Among the advantages of such devices, one can note the ability to adjust the required level of humidity - both automatically and manually (using the built-in hygrostat), as well as a low noise level compared to mechanical and steam counterparts. True, if a hygrometer is built into the humidifier, then it is unlikely to show you the real picture, so in any case it is better to stock up on a separate humidity meter.

In addition, among the pluses can be called the function of heating water (in some models), which is a death sentence for many microbes. Many, but not all (and not even "99%") - this is also worth considering. In general, it is suitable as an option, but is not the main choice parameter

Timberk THU UL 07 is damn attractive not only for its interesting appearance, but also for the price

The noise level of such humidifiers is very low, averaging 25 dB, because the moving mechanical parts are almost silent, as you can see in the picture below; according to this parameter, ultrasonic humidifiers are more comfortable devices for a person in everyday life than steam and traditional ones. The only irritating factor may be a rare "gurgling" of the cartridge, from which air bubbles sometimes come out.

And the main disadvantage of such humidifiers is the need for more thorough care for them. To soften water and purify it from impurities, special cartridges with a replaceable filler are used, which require regular replacement (we will talk about this in more detail below), or you need to use distilled water.

On the example of Boneco ultrasonic humidifiers, you can see the principle of operation of such devices.

A separate point is to talk about the safety of using ultrasonic humidifiers. Despite the use of ultrasound, such devices are not dangerous for biological life forms living in the apartment, since they do not emit anything, and ultrasonic vibrations are used only for the purpose of splitting water into dust. The membrane works in a range that is not felt and not heard by a person.

In addition, almost all models of humidifiers have the ability to automatically turn off in the absence of water.

Humidifier, purifier or "combine"?

Combined appliances are a humidifier and an air purifier (sometimes also called an “air washer”) in one bottle. Often they are also called "climatic complexes", since such devices can ionize the air and aromatize it. However, one should not get confused in the terminology - many manufacturers confuse the concepts of "air washing" and "climatic complex".

The design of such a device is a system consisting of plastic discs of complex hydrodynamic shape that rotate in a tank of water. Dust, entering the device, settles on the disks, and is subsequently washed off with water. The humidifier in such a device, as a rule, is mechanical, of the traditional type, with all the advantages and disadvantages inherent in and described above for this type. Recently, ultrasonic devices have also begun to appear.

The Air Intelligent Comfort climate system is not cheap, but it works perfectly

True, since this is still an even more complex device than all the previous ones, then caring for it is not easier. In particular, a larger number of consumables (for example, filters) require replacement. Some devices even have HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arresting) filters with a high degree of purification. In very "advanced" models (for example, Air-O-Swiss 2071) there is not one filter, but three - moisturizing, carbon and HEPA.

Air Purifier and Air Ionizer Samsung Virus Doctor SA600CB

But if you want to purify the air and moisturize, but there is no money for a "combine", you can buy two devices separately - that is, the humidifier will stand in one place, and the purifier - at a respectful distance. Two units, oddly enough, will cost much less than a “combine”, but it’s up to you to decide whether it will be more convenient to keep them in a small room.

White coating

Very often in discussions of models of a particular humidifier there are complaints about a white coating on equipment. What is it?

Plaque occurs when water is sprayed from ultrasonic humidifiers, and is a mixture of various salts and impurities that settle on horizontal surfaces. Its concentration depends on the hardness of the water, and the harder the water, the more plaque. Please note that the maximum allowable water hardness for use in a humidifier is 5.4 mEq/L.

Filter cartridge with ion exchange resin for Boneco humidifiers

In order to neutralize white plaque (which cannot be called useful either for equipment or for the lungs), special cartridges with the so-called ion exchange resin. This resin consists of powdery particles that absorb excess salts and other substances. Such a resin is the main consumable, since it requires replacement every 2-3 months, depending on the intensity of use of the device. Accordingly, the cleaner your water is, the less frequently you need to change it.

The ideal option in this case is distilled water, which allows you to stretch the life of the cartridge up to many months, but not every family has the opportunity to install a distiller right at home or constantly buy it at gas stations. You can also use bottled water, but then the costs increase exponentially, because an ultrasonic humidifier emits an average of about six liters of water per day into the air.

Humidifier Care

Oddly enough, but humidifiers, like any electrical appliance, need to be looked after from time to time. Care in this case consists, first of all, in two things: periodic cleaning of scale and deposits, as well as replacing the filler in the cartridge (or changing the filter, if we are talking about traditional humidifiers).

Climatic complex KC-A51R B - unique developments and the most modern technologies under one cover

As for the first point, various manufacturers (for example, Boneco) offer many expensive cleaners. In addition, the water may “bloom” - an unpleasant odor and bacterial deposits will appear.

You can clean scale and remove such deposits using warm water with soda - sodium bicarbonate, popular in everyday life, will relieve unpleasant odors and remove light deposits. Hardened scale can be removed either with special powders or mechanically using a metal mesh. In the latter case, you run the risk of leaving deep scratches in the case, but sometimes this cannot be avoided.

True, the same Boneco offers a kind of "silver rod", which, according to the manufacturer, is able to prevent the "bloom" of water. In fact, such a rod cannot kill all microbes, but it is quite possible to delay the mandatory cleaning. But now it is very expensive, and also requires regular replacement.

Air-O-Swiss and Boneco "traditional" humidifiers are designed with an "ionizing silver rod"

The cartridge filler needs to be changed every 2-3 months if you have hard water. The softer the water, the less frequently it needs to be replaced. In the case of using distilled water, the need for a cartridge may disappear altogether. Moisturizing cartridges in traditional humidifiers are antibacterial impregnated and designed for a similar period.

So what to choose?

The main determining factor is the price. A mechanical humidifier (traditional or steam) will cost you the cheapest, an ultrasonic humidifier will cost you a little more, and the most expensive devices are “combines”. Within the same group, the price varies mainly depending on the number of additional features, such as: a hygrostat, an LCD display, the presence of water heating, and so on. In addition, the price also depends on the type of device control - whether it is analog or digital.

NeoKlima NHL-700E ultrasonic humidifier, a competitor to Boneco products: works just as well, but costs less

As a separate point, it should be mentioned that some models of all types of humidifiers have devices for air aromatization (the so-called “aroma capsules”), with which you can use aroma oils to not only moisturize, but also settle some pleasant smell of juniper in the air or lavender. In this regard, it should be noted that it is strictly forbidden to pour something other than water into ordinary humidifiers - you can severely damage the internal parts. However, this does not apply to steam devices, with which you can experiment in different ways.

Air-O-Swiss U7146 can be put in the nursery, taken with you on vacation or on a business trip

Among other things, you should evaluate overhead and labor costs. Are you ready to spend about 1000 rubles every six months for three replacement cartridge fillers and the same amount for a silver rod? Will a regular farewell to several thousand rubles for HEPA and other filters suit you? Are you ready to constantly clean the new "pet" and protect it from children and children from it (this is especially true for steam specimens)? All these questions need to be answered before you decide on a specific model - first you need to choose the type of humidifier that suits you.

And, of course, the noise level is an important factor - reviews show that the owners of noisy humidifiers, who decided to turn a blind eye to this fact when buying, start complaining about it after a few months and trying to sell the newly purchased device.

Models and brands from all over the world

You have weighed the pros and cons, decided how many rubles or dollars you are willing to spend on a new device, understood what type of humidifier suits you, accepted the fact that you will have to change cartridge fillers and silver rods. It's time to choose a model that suits you in all respects.

Boneco Air-O-Swiss U650

The designer's fantasy soared and gave out a device that is very similar to a ladies' briefcase bag. An interesting thing, stylish, elegant. Looking at it, you can’t tell that it’s actually an ultrasonic humidifier, and even a 40 W air purifier and a 5.5-liter water / condensate tank. It has a humidity regulator (aka hygrostat), a two-jet splitter sprayer, water level indicators, device cleaning and display brightness indicators, a timer for 8 hours. It is electronically controlled, placed on the floor, and its performance can be adjusted at will.

Noise level 25 dB, dimensions: 28x35.5x24 cm, weight 4 kg. Water consumption at maximum humidification 550 ml/h; the unit works in a room with a volume of up to 150 cubic meters, and the air exchange is 130 cubic meters per hour. The humidifier can be improved by purchasing an ionizing silver Ionic Silver Stick for it, but, according to the manufacturer, the device works well without it, because the plastic of the replaceable cartridge contains particles of silver compounds, and preheating water to 80 degrees kills microbes and bacteria .

Boneco Air-O-Swiss U650

Such a miracle of modern technology costs within 6,500 rubles. The price, judging by the reviews, is fully justified: the Boneco Air-O-Swiss U650 makes almost no noise, works well, consumes little electricity. Decent moisturizer, whatever you say.

Venta LW45

This "traditional" humidifier and, at the same time, an air cleaner at the same time resembles an air conditioner, an accordion and a decorative cover for a central heating battery. But appearances are deceiving: Venta LW 45 is the most efficient domestic air washer among models from all over the world. True, it must be placed in rooms with a total area of ​​​​up to 75 sq.m: large rooms, offices, museums, studios, printing houses. A separate bonus is extremely low power, only 8 watts - a paradise for economical hosts. But the noise level of the Venta LW 45 is not very low, 42 dB (however, it still works quieter than a conventional refrigerator). But the air exchange is 270 cubic meters per hour and the water consumption at maximum humidification is up to 450 ml / h, electronic control, floor installation, there is a water level indicator and performance adjustment. Dimensions 33x45x30 cm, weight 5.8 kg.

The price, frankly, is rather big, about 18,000 rubles. They say that the Venta LW 45 does its job very well, besides, it was the Venta company that came up with air washers - therefore, money is paid not for artificially inflated popularity, but for excellent quality.

Electrolux EHU-5515D

Simple, but tasteful and unobtrusive, a kind of study in white and gray tones. The main thing is that with a twist: this ultrasonic humidifier / air purifier with a water tank with a capacity of 6.7 liters can be placed not only on the floor, but also on the table. Water consumption at maximum humidification is 550 ml/h, air exchange is up to 150 cubic meters per hour, the area of ​​the room where the device is located should be no more than 60 sq.m. There is a hygrostat (humidity sensor), water level indicator, display and timer for 8 hours. The humidifier is equipped with a special titanium-coated membrane that does not corrode or oxidize, and the Ag Ionic Silver filter cartridge contains an ion-exchange resin for disinfecting, softening and purifying water. Humidifier power 125 W, noise level 31 dB, dimensions: 23x32x17 cm, weight 4 kg.

Electrolux EHU-5515D

You will have to pay about 6,000 rubles for it. Not bad. And health is in order, and the waste is small. The Electrolux EHU-5515D is spoken about in different ways: someone likes the quality of the humidifier, someone got a device that is not of the best assembly, and therefore the opinion is negative. And someone convinces everyone that with the Electrolux EHU-5515D, life will sparkle with new colors.

Boneco Air-O-Swiss U7146

At first, I thought that in front of me was a car first-aid kit: the cross was confusing. But it turns out that ultrasonic humidifiers of this series are available in different colors: red, green, white, black, purple, and the cross proudly flaunts only on red. By the way, Boneco Air-O-Swiss U7146 is actually portable, it can stand on the floor, on a table, on a nightstand, stool, window sill in the office - yes, on any flat surface, even on a hatbox. And the most interesting thing is that an ordinary plastic bottle with a capacity of up to 500 ml can be used as a water tank in the humidifier!

In addition, the Boneco Air-O-Swiss U7146 has a neon vapor light and a unique Glass-plate membrane that increases the performance of the device by 20%, as well as a water level indicator, but there are no filters at all, so you will have to fill in not ordinary tap water. , but previously purified or distilled. Noise level 25 dB, dimensions: 8x11x6.5 cm, power 15 W, weight 0.3 kg. Water consumption at maximum humidification 100 ml/h, serviced area no more than 20 sq.m. Mechanical control. The humidifier can be used in the car.

Boneco Air-O-Swiss U7146

This curiosity costs about 1,500 rubles. Incredible! The price is really great, and the quality is on top, which is confirmed by the grateful reviews of numerous buyers. However, the Boneco company has long established itself as one of the leaders in the production of humidifiers, and is trying to keep the brand.

Polaris PUH 1604

I have a strong feeling that humidifier model designers are trying to outdo each other in the amount of creativity per designer. This, so to speak, device looks more like a cosmetic bag, a porcelain vase or a faience flask. However, the strange shape and floral pattern does not prevent him from doing what he was made for. It has a ceramic filter for water purification, a steam intensity regulator, an automatic shutdown function when there is no water; Polaris PUH 1604 - ultrasonic, with mechanical control and desktop installation. Power 38 W, capacity of the tank for water and condensate - 4 liters, water consumption at maximum humidification 300 ml / h, serviced area should not exceed 25 sq.m. The Polaris PUH 1604 tank is coated with a special antibacterial composition containing silver ions.

Polaris PUH 1604

The price of such a humidifier is also not very high, about 1,600 rubles. Of course, you can’t put Polaris PUH 1604 in a strict chic office, but it will fit into an interior like a “house in the countryside” or “Provence” like a native. Yes, and as a gift for the birthday of a colleague, it will fit perfectly.

In modern housing, it is quite common to resort to the use of appliances such as heaters or air conditioners to maintain a comfortable temperature in the rooms. Unfortunately, one of the most important disadvantages of such devices is intensive air drying. To solve this problem, you can turn to a special device - a humidifier.

Types of humidifiers

To date, there are several different types of humidifiers, differing from each other in the method of action, additional features, functionality and characteristics. Of course, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. To choose the right humidifier that is right for your family, you should read the description of each type.

Steam humidifier

A steam humidifier, as its name suggests, increases the humidity of the air by hot evaporation of moisture. Purified and sterile steam enters the air. The outlet steam temperature depends on the design of the humidifier and varies from 60 to 80°C.

The method of operation of a steam humidifier is easy to illustrate for a better understanding - a pot of boiling water placed on a burner works on the same principle. Manufacturers have added only a mechanism for cleaning and (in some cases) cooling the steam for the safety of consumers.

The main advantage of such a device lies in its performance. Unlike other species, it can evaporate up to 600 ml of water per hour into the air. In comparison, ultrasonic and mechanical ("traditional") humidifiers evaporate up to 400 ml per hour on average. This allows you to create an excellent microclimate for plants (most green pets feel best in a room with a relative humidity of 60-70%), and therefore steam humidifiers are often used in greenhouses and greenhouses. A steam humidifier is an excellent solution for rooms that need high humidity.

Another important plus of a steam humidifier is the absence of consumables. This type of device does not need regular replacement of the cartridge or filter, and therefore the maintenance of the device will not become a regular and significant expense item in the family budget. The steam humidifier requires only water to operate, and maintenance requires cleaning products that are used to clean a conventional kettle.

Steam humidifiers with a humidity level detection function (built-in hygrometer) are suitable for apartments and houses. Such devices automatically turn off when the humidity set by the user is reached in the room.

Devices without a built-in hygrometer quickly create a tropical microclimate in the room, and therefore such humidifiers are not suitable for living rooms (bedrooms, living rooms). Too high air humidity, which is provided by a steam humidifier, negatively affects not only furniture and interior items, but also human health.

Despite this, a steam humidifier without a hygrostat can be used for inhalation and aromatherapy. Some devices are equipped with a special nozzle for medical procedures.

Another disadvantage of a steam humidifier is high power consumption (up to 400–500 W). To constantly heat the water until it evaporates, the appliance requires a lot of electricity. However, it is the power consumption that determines its high performance.

The ultrasonic humidifier has an unusual principle of operation. Water from the tank is fed to a membrane that vibrates at an unusually high frequency. Because of this vibration, the water breaks into tiny splashes, forming a cold cloud. With the help of a fan, this cloud enters the surrounding air, effectively moistening it.
The ultrasonic humidifier is rightfully the most purchased type of such a device.

The advantages of an ultrasonic humidifier are quite a few:

  • low electricity consumption;
  • low noise level;
  • most models are equipped with a high accuracy of setting the supplied moisture, which is especially important for rooms with expensive furniture and parquet that is sensitive to high humidity.

Among the minuses, a more fragile design can be noted: the vibrating membrane can fail, and its replacement will cost from 500 to 2000 rubles, depending on the model of the humidifier. However, these financial disadvantages are well compensated by lower power consumption - an average of 20-50 watts.

An ultrasonic humidifier is able to produce a lot of moisture, and therefore it can be used not only in living rooms, but also in greenhouses and winter gardens.

"Traditional" humidifier

If the steam humidifier works on the principle of hot evaporation of moisture, then the “traditional” one uses the cold evaporation method. Evaporation occurs by running water from the tank with the help of a fan through special cartridges. The cartridge breaks water into tiny sprays that enter the surrounding air and moisten it.
The "traditional" humidifier uses the simplest method of evaporating water.

The main disadvantage of such a device is the inability to accurately adjust the performance. The fact is that the rate of evaporation of such sprays is highly dependent on the level of humidity in the room - the higher it is, the slower the moisture evaporates. That is why the "traditional" humidifier is not used in greenhouses and greenhouses - it is simply not able to maintain humidity levels above 60%. However, humans and pets need just such moisture, so a “traditional” humidifier is perfect for home and office.

Another disadvantage is the need to regularly change the cartridge, because almost all the dirt of the water that comes to it from the reservoir settles on it. The cost of a part can vary from 200 to 1500 rubles and depends on the humidifier model.

However, the "traditional" humidifier has its advantages:

  • low power consumption (20–40 W);
  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • the inability to accidentally “overmoisten” the air.

Everyone knows the pleasant fresh air after a thunderstorm. Why exactly after lightning strikes does it become like this? It's all about ionization - when exposed to a strong electrical discharge, oxygen and ozone are ionized, and the resulting molecules are called "air ions". They make the air clean, fresh and healthy.

Well-ionized air is most often found in the mountains, at sea and in coniferous forests.

How to achieve the same effect in the home microclimate? The easiest option is to purchase a humidifier with an ionizer. Such a device is able not only to increase humidity, but also to carry out the ionization process, making the air fresher and more pleasant.

The principle of operation of a humidifier with an ionizer is quite simple. In the device, in addition to the moisturizing device (which can be anything: steam, ultrasonic or "traditional"), there are special ionizing electrodes. Under the influence of current, they release air ions into the air, which actively interact with oxygen.
A humidifier with an ionizer will help to slightly change the chemical composition of the air

The presence of air ions in the air can significantly improve a person's well-being:

  • air ions contribute to healthy and sound sleep;
  • improves concentration and performance;
  • thanks to a full night's rest, the psycho-emotional state is normalized;
  • oxygen saturation of the body increases, which helps to strengthen the immune system.

In addition, negatively charged ions attract dirt particles, thereby purifying the air from dust and allergens.

Despite such bright positive properties, air ionization in an apartment is far from always useful. Its main disadvantage is the creation of a favorable environment for the reproduction of various microbes, so you need to take care of the disinfection of the room. Moreover, the use of a humidifier with an ionizer is contraindicated for people who have caught a viral infection, a cold - the active reproduction of bacteria will slow down recovery. Ionized air also has a negative effect on asthmatics, overloading their respiratory system.

Before buying a humidifier with an air ionizer, it is best to consult a doctor, talking about the chronic diseases of each family member.

A humidifier with a purifier (also often referred to as an “air washer”) uses water to not only increase the level of humidity in the room, but also to purify the air. Different manufacturers invent different schemes of work, but the essence of the process remains unchanged and is as follows: the device captures air from the room, passes it through special water filters and releases purified and humidified air back into the room.

Dirt from the air remains in the device, and therefore it must be cleaned regularly so that its effectiveness does not decrease.

A humidifier with a built-in purifier is a good way to get rid of dirt and dust in the air.

The benefits of such a device include health benefits. Constantly inhaling dust, dirt and allergens, a person is exposed to dangerous effects that reduce immunity and worsen the condition of the respiratory tract. A good air purifier will help reduce the daily strain on your respiratory system by removing all harmful impurities from the air.

One should not think that regular stay in a room with polluted air acts on a person as a kind of hardening or training - on the contrary, such an effect depletes the body and worsens the general condition.

The disadvantages of a humidifier with a purifier are few and come down to the financial sphere:

  • relatively high cost (compared to models without a cleaner);
  • the need to replace the cartridge (the cost of a part starts on average from 1000 rubles);
  • higher power consumption - the humidifier-purifier consumes about 5-10 watts more than an equivalent without this function.

The peculiarity of such a device is a rather large size. Compared to a humidifier without a purifier, such a device is bulky and not suitable for small rooms.

Portable Ultrasonic Humidifier

For those who want to humidify the air at home, at work, and in the country with one device, there is an excellent solution - a portable humidifier. This device is distinguished by the absence of a water tank. Instead, it features a slot with a spiral thread designed to screw in a standard plastic water bottle.
A portable humidifier is a good option for those who want to frequently move the device from place to place or carry it with them.

The advantages of the device are, obviously, compactness and lightness. Such a device can be installed on the desktop at home or in the office, maintaining a comfortable humidity around it.

Among the minuses, low efficiency should be noted. Such a device will not be able to provide good humidification of a space of more than 10 square meters. Also, this type of humidifier requires constant “recharging” with water, since the maximum volume of a bottle suitable for use is only 2 liters.

How to choose a humidifier

How to choose from this variety of types of humidifiers the one that suits your family? It is necessary, firstly, to familiarize yourself with the important characteristics of the device, and, secondly, to study the market and the list of the best models.


The main operational characteristics of the air humidifier are the volume of the liquid reservoir and the rate of water consumption. These parameters are specified by the manufacturer and are key. With their help, you can calculate the time of continuous operation without replenishing water - it is enough to divide the volume of the tank by the hourly water consumption.

For example, a humidifier with a 5L tank and 350ml of water per hour can operate continuously for about 14 hours.

The optimal indicator of continuous operation is from 12 to 18 hours. A higher indicator will be found in very bulky devices with a large tank, and a lower one is simply uncomfortable - you and your household will soon get tired of constantly adding water, and the use of the device will stop.

Another important operational characteristic is the serviced area. You need to choose a humidifier with a usable area that is at least as large as the area of ​​the room where you want to use it.

When choosing a humidifier, pay attention to additional options that increase the comfort and safety of using the device:

  • low water indicator. Such a signal will inform you in time about the need to add water. Today, almost all humidifiers come with this function, and therefore you should avoid buying humidifiers in which the level of remaining water can only be determined by eye;
  • hygrometer and hygrostat. Humidity control is an important function, because otherwise the device may "overdo it" and make the air too humid, unsuitable for a person. The presence of this function usually increases the cost of the device by 1.5–2 times, but it is better to overpay and choose a model that can control the supply of moisture;
  • night mode. Most household appliances have fairly bright displays, and the night mode allows you to make them less noticeable. Moreover, devices with fans, although quiet, in the bedroom at night, their hum is still noticeable and can disturb sleep. Night mode reduces the fan speed, making the device completely silent (albeit less productive);
  • protective functions: shutdown in the absence of water in the tank or in case of overturning. This avoids "idle" operation of the device, which can significantly harm it. Many manufacturers are now installing another protective function: blocking work if the assembly is incorrect (for example, the tank lid is not completely closed);
  • cartridge cleaning or replacement indicator. Most modern humidifiers use replaceable cartridges in their work. It is extremely convenient when the device itself indicates to you the wear of the consumable and asks you to replace the cartridge to continue efficient operation.

Don't forget about portability as well. You will have to fill the tank approximately once a day, so make sure that it is equipped with a convenient handle.
A tank equipped with a handle is much easier to carry to the filling tap

Rating of the best humidifiers for 2018

To find the right model for you, check out the rating of the best humidifiers according to buyers.

Leberg LH-206 - ultrasonic humidifier at an attractive price (from 1700 rubles). The tank capacity is 4L, the serviced area is 25m, and the water flow is 300ml per hour. The device has many useful and pleasant functions: the ability to aromatize the air, a demineralizing filter (reduces the amount of scale in the appliance and white deposits on furniture), and a low water level indicator. Another important plus of this model is low noise. However, some buyers claim that when the tank is full, the water in the humidifier gurgles a little. Leberg LH-206 - the best option in terms of price and quality

Before that, I had a different model, so there is something to compare. So, first of all, this one is several times cheaper, and I also like the fact that it is not loud. I put it almost always at night, it doesn’t interfere with sleep at all, although I am a person who is easy to wake up.

Olga Zhdanova


Smartmi Zhimi Air Humidifier 2 is a humidifier with a purifier from the Chinese brand Xiaomi, which has recently become increasingly popular in Russia and around the world. The manufacturer was able to combine effective humidification, high-quality air purification, low noise, attractive design and relatively low cost compared to similar devices (from 8,500 rubles) in this device. Serviced area - 34 square meters. The tank with a capacity of 4 liters is convenient - rounded corners do not allow plaque and dirt to accumulate. You can add water to the tank without disassembling the device - the water supply is provided by special holes in the body. You can control the operation of this humidifier through the Mi Home application on your smartphone (available for both Android and iOS).
The Smartmi Zhimi Air Humidifier 2 with cleaning function does both tasks perfectly at an attractive price.

Previously used an ultrasonic cheap humidifier. He coped with the task, but it was very annoying that it was necessary to fill in only filtered water so that there was no plaque on the furniture. Plus, I think that anyone who uses or plans to buy any kind of humidifier knows that it is useless to use it with the window open - and with the window closed, ultrasonic humidifiers create a steam room, which is unpleasant. It also uses the technology of natural moisturizing. The device perfectly maintains humidity from 50 to 60 percent with the window closed, while the door is open. It feels like rather cool air is coming out of the humidifier, I think it will be able to lower the temperature in the room by a degree and a half.

Maxim Rusakov


The Polaris PUH 5906Di ultrasonic humidifier is suitable for use in rooms up to 30 square meters. The water consumption of the device is quite large - 500 ml per hour - however, this disadvantage is compensated by the large volume of the tank, which is 5.5 liters. According to the manufacturer, the average duration of work without refilling the tank is 18 hours, however, many buyers note that the device can work continuously for about a day. This model is equipped with many nice additional features: turn-off timer, pre-heating of water (allows you to avoid lowering the air temperature), indication of low water level. The average cost of such a device is 5000 rubles. Polaris PUH 5906Di ultrasonic humidifier is well suited for large rooms

It moisturizes well, nice, there is noise, but unobtrusive, it is convenient to pour water, it automatically maintains humidity. The only and biggest disadvantage is that in the first and second speed modes (out of three), the humidifier emits a very thin and shrill squeak. At the maximum (third) speed it is not.

Mikhail Zavadko


Venta LW15 is a purifier and "traditional" air humidifier. The cost of the device fluctuates around 13,000 rubles. For this price, the manufacturer promises maintenance of an area of ​​up to 20 square meters, cleaning of 120 cubic meters per hour and low noise levels. According to customer reviews, a 5-liter tank evaporates in about a day. The main disadvantage of the device is high noise compared to analogues of the same price category. Venta LW15 - reliable and functional air humidifier

In operation for the 4th year. From November to March (5 months) plows around the clock at the first speed. During the day, the entire tank evaporates. Care is simple: first I pour hot water, drain it, and then pour cold water. Hot water kills all evil spirits. A couple of times during the winter I wash the tank and drum with a domestos. After that, the device inside looks like new. At the end of the season, I disassemble the device (this is elementary!), I clean it from dust and lubricate the engine with a few drops of oil. In summer, the device is on the balcony in a plastic bag. Great stuff!



Ultrasonic humidifier Scarlett SC-AH986M06 belongs to the economy class - its price is about 2500 rubles. The serviced area of ​​the device is 35 sq.m, the volume of the tank is 4.5 liters, the average time of continuous operation is 15 hours. This device has a low water level indicator. Interesting design is great for a child's room. Scarlett SC-AH986M06 - a good budget humidifier

I use the product mainly in winter, when the air in the house is dry. I set the device to the maximum and it quickly begins to humidify the air, I usually use it before the house becomes 60% humidity. You can adjust the flow of steam coming out. If you fill it completely, then the operation of the device is enough for a day. Breathe easily, the mucous membranes of the respiratory system do not dry out. The only drawback is that the humidifier quickly gets dirty inside.



Humidifier for baby

Separately, it is worth mentioning what you should pay attention to when choosing a humidifier for a child's room. When choosing such a device, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the child's body. Children are more susceptible to colds, and also more sensitive to the appearance of various bacteria and microbes, and therefore a humidifier with an ionization function is absolutely not suitable for a nursery.

A steam humidifier is not a good choice for a nursery. Firstly, a jet of hot steam creates a certain danger for the baby, you can get burned on it. Secondly, such a device can overmoisten the room, which will lead to the spread of microbes, the deterioration of the child's mucous membranes and a decrease in immunity. Thirdly, the steam humidifier quickly and dramatically changes the microclimate, and it will be difficult for the child's body to adapt to such changes, which will lead to a deterioration in well-being.

The most safe types of humidifiers for children are "traditional" and ultrasonic.

For children with asthma and allergies, you should choose models with an air purification function. They will reduce the load on the child's weakened respiratory system by removing allergens, dust and dirt from the air.

Pay special attention to the noise level of the machine. When switched on, it should not disturb the child's sleep. Give preference to models with night mode.

Almost every manufacturer indicates “low noise” on the packaging of their device. It is obvious that such promises are better for checking. Ask the salesperson to turn on the humidifier on display.

Humidifier Care

So, you have decided to buy and have acquired a useful appliance for your home. Of course, you want to get maximum performance, efficiency and long service life from it. How to achieve this? It is enough to regularly and properly care for the humidifier.


One of the decisive factors in determining the life of a humidifier is the quality of the water you put into the tank. Ideally, you should use bottled purified drinking water (non-mineral and non-carbonated). There are two reasons for that:

  • Plain tap water builds up deposits or scale inside the humidifier, causing it to need more frequent cleaning.
  • the use of untreated water leads to the deposition of a white coating on the furniture.

Bottled water is the best option to use in a humidifier

Many manufacturers add special filters to their devices to purify water before spraying it into the air - this protects you from white plaque on all surfaces of the room. However, when using dirty water, filters need to be changed much more frequently.

Do not forget that the water that you pour into the tank is the water that you and your household will have to breathe. Fill the tank with the quality water you would like to drink.

A separate topic is the addition of flavorings. Today, manufacturers are increasingly installing a special small reservoir for liquid fragrance in devices, which, together with water, is sprayed into the air and leaves a pleasant aroma. It seemed, why not add flavoring to the water in the tank? The fact is that such operation will quickly lead to the decommissioning of the humidifier. If your machine is not equipped with a dedicated fragrance tank, do not add it to the main tank! It is better to use individual household fragrances, such as AirWick or Glade.

Cleaning and replacing consumables

The process for cleaning the appliance varies depending on the type of humidifier:

  • The steam humidifier must be descaled regularly. To do this, use either a special tool for removing scale from the kettle, or dissolve 2 tablespoons of citric acid in 1 liter of boiled water. Pour the solution into the tank and leave for several hours, then rinse thoroughly with running water and dry;
  • The ultrasonic humidifier needs regular replacement of the filter and the water softening cartridge (their availability depends on the model and configuration of the device). The operating instructions for the device or on the packaging with such a filter usually indicate its service life. At the end of the period, the filter is changed to a similar one. This helps to prevent limescale build-up inside the humidifier. This procedure will prevent the presence of white mineral deposits on the parts of the device. Drain the water from the tank, wipe it with a dry cloth, and clean the membrane with a soft brush (you can use an old toothbrush). If scale still forms, pour a solution of 8% table vinegar (50 ml per 1 liter of water) into the tank and leave to act for several hours, then rinse the tank thoroughly to remove all vinegar;
  • A "traditional" humidifier requires regular filter replacement as well as fan cleaning. The blades are wiped with a dry cloth to remove dust and dirt from them from the water.

A properly selected high-quality humidifier will help make your home a cozier, more comfortable and safer place. With regular use, such a device will significantly improve the well-being of households and strengthen their immunity.

It is known that in the Sahara desert the humidity is less than 25%. A city apartment in the heating season can boast of a humidity level of 20%. You and your family, and most importantly, children, should not be allowed to live in desert conditions. The human body cannot function normally without water, and its reserves are replenished not only by food, but also by the environment.

It is very important to maintain optimal humidity in the apartment. Moreover, it is enough to purchase a humidifier. The device will allow you to maintain humidity that is favorable for the health of not only people, but domestic plants, and even furniture and paintings.

The principle of operation of humidifiers

The principle of operation of the humidifier depends on its type and design, but the basis is the evaporation of liquid. Depending on the type of device, water evaporation occurs in various ways.

Types of humidifiers

Humidifiers are divided into types according to the method of evaporation of water, according to additional functions:

  • traditional;
  • ultrasonic;
  • steam;
  • with air washing function;
  • combined appliances.

A traditional humidifier is different from the rest. It is characterized by simplicity of design, low noise, low power consumption. A special fan is provided that takes air from the room, passes it through the evaporator and returns humidified.

To increase the efficiency of the humidifier, place it where there is the most air circulation, or as close as possible to the heat source.


Currently, the most popular humidifiers convert water into cold vapor using a special membrane that vibrates at the frequency of ultrasound. It is this technology that has brought devices the preference of many users around the world.

Water evaporates without heating - this is the main advantage of the device. This type of humidifier is completely safe, it can be used in rooms intended for children.


Positive qualities of an ultrasonic humidifier:

  • due to the lack of heating, the operation is completely safe: if the liquid runs out during operation, the device turns off;
  • practically does not make noise;
  • rotating atomizer ensures uniform distribution of humidified air in the room;
  • the hygrostat maintains the set humidity and provides economical power consumption;
  • there is a filter that purifies the liquid, which eliminates white deposits on the furniture.

Steam humidifiers

These devices work on the principle of an electric kettle. The liquid is converted to steam by boiling. The main advantage is high productivity, the possibility of using it in a greenhouse and a greenhouse. Some models can be used as an inhaler.

Disadvantages - high power consumption and danger of operation due to the presence of hot steam.

Humidifier with air washing function

The air passing through the water in the tank with the help of a system of plastic discs is purified from harmful elements. Such cleaning without the use of expensive filters is the main advantage of sinks.

Combined systems

Climatic complexes have a wide scope. They are installed both in apartments and in warehouses and offices. With high performance, these devices can purify the air in the most smoky and dusty rooms.

Various filters remove microparticles, dust, and unpleasant odors from the air. The device consumes a small amount of electricity. The disadvantages include large sizes.

How to choose a humidifier by performance

Each type of humidifier and even each model has such an important parameter as performance. It depends on it whether the humidifier is suitable for your room. The packaging usually indicates how much air the humidifier can pump in a certain unit of time.

The most preferred humidifier is one that treats twice the volume of the room in an hour.

Humidifier control

Devices can be controlled in the usual, mechanical way. It is used in budget models and has a regulator of the type of work and a timer.

In expensive models, electronic control is used. It is possible to program the operation of the device, to choose between automatic modes. There is a display to control all parameters. The electronic control system includes a hygrostat that automatically turns the appliance on and off to maintain the set humidity.

Manufacturers offer many models with additional features. If you have the financial ability, you can use them.


It's nice to fill the apartment with the smell of the forest or your favorite flowers, especially since it's good for your health. But not all devices are equipped with this function. If you have the desire and ability, specify this when buying.


Devices with this function are of great benefit. The humidifier generates microdischarges. Ionized air begins to smell like a thunderstorm, it is extremely beneficial for human health.

Room disinfection

Devices with ozonation function are excellent disinfectants. Possessing aggressive properties, ozone destroys bacteria and viruses. It is much more effective than chlorine. By purchasing a device with this function, you take a step towards getting rid of many diseases, including allergies. The ozonator will destroy the fungus, mold and dust mites, due to which various respiratory diseases develop.

Ultraviolet radiation

Ultraviolet has a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms, heals the air in the room. Devices with this function justify the money spent on them. The air in the room is sterilized, the risk of diseases is reduced, and one should not save on health.

How to choose a humidifier

Manufacturers offer a wide range of these devices. After spending a little time studying the properties, you will purchase a device that meets your needs and financial capabilities.

First of all, you need to pay attention to performance, this has already been discussed above. It will be unpleasant if the device makes a lot of noise. When buying this should be given serious attention. Water consumption, continuous operation time, and ease of maintenance are also important.

You need to accurately determine the functionality of the device. If everyone is healthy and you just need to increase the humidity of the air, you can get by with cheap models without additional features. If there are health problems, you will have to take this into account and purchase a humidifier that can solve these problems.

Popular models of home humidifiers

  • Scarlett SC-AH986M06.

This is an ultrasonic device for rooms up to 35 m2. Continuous work 15 hours. Consumes power 30 W. Equipped with a humidity regulator, turns off in the absence of water. Price from 980 rubles.

  • Venta LW15.

The device belongs to the type of climatic complexes and has all its advantages. Coverage area - 20 m2. Power consumption 4 W. Price 6 000 rub.

  • Polaris PUH 5906Di.

Ultrasonic device. For rooms with an area of ​​30 m2. Continuous operation 15.7 hours. Power consumption 30 W. Price 2000 rub.

  • Smartmi Zhimi Air Humidifier 2.

This appliance uses a new principle of natural humidification. Equipped with the original evaporation system. Safe. Price 9490 rubles.

  • LEBERG LH-206.

Ultrasonic device. For rooms with an area of ​​25 m2. Equipped with fragrance. Continuous operation 13 hours. Power consumption 25 W. Price from 1970 rubles.

To ensure long-term and trouble-free operation of humidifiers, you must follow the operating rules specified in the instructions, clean and maintain the devices in a timely manner.

When using additional therapeutic functions, be sure to consult a doctor.

The opinion of the famous doctor Komarovsky on the use and choice of air humidifiers

Dr. Komarovsky believes that a humidifier is useful for every family and is especially necessary where there are children.

The humidifier must be silent. You do not need to buy expensive humidifiers with various frills from the very beginning, you need to start with simple and understandable devices. If you live in a temperate continental climate, a humidifier is essential, especially if your child is sick. It is unacceptable to use steam appliances in children's rooms. Humidifiers should be primarily designed for children.

What they say about humidifiers on the Internet

Judging by the reviews, the vast majority of people consider humidifiers useful and even necessary in every apartment. There are, of course, negative reviews, but they are of a private nature and relate to individual models of devices. In general, humidifiers are popular.

Not really

Probably everyone has seen in retail or online stores this type of home appliances as humidifiers. Their range is quite wide and the prices are varied. The devices are popular and, no doubt, very useful. But not everyone really understands what they are actually needed for and how to choose the right humidifier?

Comfortable humidity in a residential area can be described as follows:

  • For people and pets, the norm is from 40 to 60%.
  • Indoor plants feel great at humidity from 50 to 70%.
  • Furniture, books and appliances need humidity from 40 to 60%.

A humidifier is needed to create a comfortable level of humidity for healthy breathing in a living room. You need to know that heating systems in winter and air conditioners in summer greatly “dry out” the air. And this is what often causes various ailments and provokes the appearance of respiratory diseases, and not the notorious colds and viruses that have penetrated from the outside.

It is important to understand that during the heating season and with air conditioning, this indicator can drop below the 30 percent mark and such air is excessively dry and this can cause certain health problems.

Dry air is the cause of ailments, weakness, and a decrease in overall immunity. And this leads to a weakening of the body's defense against all kinds of viral and colds. The worst thing is that young children are most susceptible to such diseases. Many women who carefully monitor their skin are well aware that it consists of 60-70% of water and it also needs hydration.


According to the principle of operation and the method of humidification, these devices are divided into several types. To choose the right humidifier for your apartment, you should know about their features, pros and cons, and compare them.


In such modifications, the method of "cold" evaporation of moisture is used. Under the influence of the fan, air enters the device, is saturated with moisture from the evaporators and is discharged back into the room.

Traditional humidifier with Air-O-Swiss ionizer

Advantages of traditional appliances:

  • Low price.
  • Low power consumption.
  • Security.
  • Not picky about water (you can fill in both purified and tap water).
  • You can add flavoring additives to the water.
  • More than 60% is not possible. However, do you need a humidifier with other parameters?

Steam humidifiers

These devices, as the name implies, increase the humidity in a residential area by evaporating water by heating it to a certain temperature using electrodes inside the water tank.

Advantages of steam appliances:

  • Such a humidifier is better and faster than all others is able to raise the humidity to the maximum value.
  • It is not necessary to use filtered water.
  • Can be used as an inhaler. Certain models are even equipped with special nozzles.

A steam humidifier for the home has the following disadvantages:

  • Large power consumption (300-700 W).
  • Possibility of waterlogging. A humidistat is required for correct operation.
  • Noise. Overnight use may be uncomfortable.
  • Less safe, which limits their use there,.

In such models, the smallest water suspension is formed under the influence of high-frequency vibrations of the ultrasonic membrane. Thanks to this technology, the device effectively raises the humidity to a comfortable value and at the same time almost silently. Of course, which humidifier: ultrasonic or steam will be better, everyone decides for himself. But it is worth comparing their characteristics.

  • Quiet work.
  • Good performance.
  • Security.
  • Possibility of regulation of level of humidity.
  • Depending on the model, the devices may have additional options (air ionization, timer, remote control, water softening cartridge).
  • Models without softener cartridges require purified water. Otherwise, a whitish coating will appear on the furniture and walls.
  • Cartridges require regular replacement (approximately once every three months).

Compare and decide which type of humidifier, ultrasonic or steam, to prefer in a particular case.

Of course, there are still combining functions for humidifying and purifying this air. And even full-fledged climatic complexes for the house. But at the moment, humidifiers are considered as the most popular appliances in everyday life.

Which humidifier is better to choose: the main criteria

Humidifier ultrasonic or steam, or maybe with traditional "cold" evaporation? It's sometimes hard to decide.

Important options to choose from

  • The size of the room for which the humidifier is designed. Even better is the amount of air it can handle.
  • Duration of continuous work. This indicator depends directly on the water consumption of a particular model and on the size of the tank.
  • What exactly do you need a humidifier for? For example, if the house has something like a small greenhouse and the device is required for plants, a steam model will be indispensable. And if everything is done for people and there are children and pets, ultrasonic modifications will be more effective and safer.
  • Power consumption and noise level. The first indicator affects the wallet, the second affects comfortable nighttime use. The least economical steam humidifiers are also the most noisy.
  • The presence of a hygrostat and control over the maintenance of a given humidity. For steam devices, this is simply necessary. Otherwise, you can achieve absolute humidity. And here it will not do without mold and damaged furniture or equipment.

Popular Models

Trying to find the best humidifier, pay attention to which models are in the popularity rating among users.

A humidifier with ultrasonic evaporation, which belongs to premium level devices. The device combines excellent functionality, which is the result of the latest developments in the field of creating a comfortable microclimate, a magnificent modern design (and popular colors) and very convenient touch control with the most informative indication.

Characteristic features of Boneco U650:

  • Built-in hygrostat and temperature sensor, which allow you to determine the correct degree of air humidity depending on the ambient temperature. And then, maintain this value in automatic mode during continuous operation or within a specified time range (up to 8 hours). Thanks to the proprietary Intelligent Temperature Compensation function, an optimal microclimate is maintained with 100 percent accuracy.
  • Electronic module with i-touch touch control system. For greater comfort, pressing the panel is accompanied by an unobtrusive sound signal.
  • Shutdown timer (up to 8 hours). Indication of residual water, display brightness, the need to clean the device. Automatic and night mode of the device. Adjustment of the air humidification mode.
  • Two different methods of air humidification - "cold" and "warm steam". The latter mode is considered to be the “calling card” of the Boneco U650. This function ensures the disinfection of water before entering the vibrating membrane by pre-sterilizing the water (its prolonged heating up to 80 °C), which also significantly increases the performance of the humidifier.
  • Membrane with a special titanium nitride coating, which provides it with resistance to various chemical or mechanical influences.
  • Transparent and capacious container for water. High quality plastic, two color versions of the front panel - white or black.
  • The noise level is quite low - only 25 dB.

Main technical data:

  • The size of the room is 60 m²/150 m³.
  • Container size - 5.5 liters.
  • Consumption - 400/550 g / hour.
  • Power consumption - 29-110 W.

A model of a popular ultrasonic humidifier at an affordable price. In its external design and shape of the case, this device resembles a night light. Actually, it can also be used in this capacity, but with a much more serious addition - mild humidification of the air and the creation of a favorable microclimate in the living room. A distinctive design detail is the design of the case in two color options “under the tree”. A sort of symbiosis of high technology and natural style.

UHB-400 Features:

  • Simple and clear mechanical control.
  • To work really use tap water. A filter cartridge is provided in the design to neutralize hardness salts.
  • Possibility of aromatization of air.
  • Soft illumination of the tank will allow you to combine the functions of a humidifier and a night light during sleep.
  • Water level indication.
  • Great performance and low noise.
  • 360° spray.

Main technical characteristics:

  • The size of the room is 40 m²/100 m³.
  • Tank size - 2.8 liters.
  • Consumption - 300 g / hour.
  • Power consumption - 28 W.

Demanded version of the budget ultrasonic. Despite the low price, this model adequately copes with its duties. The design is quite original, good performance and the ability to work for a long time. But when choosing, it should be borne in mind that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room for the effective use of the device is not more than 25 m².

Key Features:

  • Easy mechanical control. Separate adjustment of the fan and humidification intensity.
  • Protection against lack of water.


  • Area - 25 m².
  • Tank size - 4 liters.
  • Consumption - 300 g / hour.
  • Power consumption - 38 W.

Polaris PUH 5206Di

The model maintains the set humidity level of 45-85% for 18 hours of continuous operation. The built-in digital hygrometer is responsible for the accuracy of the indicators. The device turns off at the programmed time or when the liquid runs out. For ease of operation, the humidifier is equipped with a touch panel and a remote control. At night, the LED display can be deactivated so that the light does not interfere with sleep.

PUH 5206Di economical - designed for 6 liters of water, consumes 650 ml / h. Steam delivers in 3 modes: low, medium and high intensity. The liquid passes through a mineral filter, which prolongs the life of the model. And in parallel with the spraying of water, the air is disinfected and purified thanks to the built-in ionizer.


  • bulk tank;
  • touch control;
  • night mode;
  • ionization;
  • 3 modes of steam supply;
  • works silently.


  • it is inconvenient to install a liquid tank and add water from below;
  • demanding on water quality, quickly covered with bloom;
  • may leak on intensive steam supply.

Boneco S450

The device with touch control, designed for 7 liters of water. Works in intensive and night modes, maintains the selected level of humidity. Boneco S450 is equipped with a timer, a reminder function for the necessary cleaning, an additional container for aromatherapy and inhalation.

The steam is sterile, not scalding. Undemanding to water quality, protected from plaque. Replaceable filters and other consumables, except for liquid, do not require.


  • large hole for pouring water;
  • the steam is hot but not scalding;
  • convenient management;
  • container for aromatherapy and inhalation.


  • overcharge;
  • noisy;
  • due to hard water, despite the assurances of the manufacturer, scale is formed;
  • high power consumption.

Venta LW45

Powerful model, the action of which is designed for 75 square meters. m. It features a 10 liter tank and low power consumption. Works with regular tap water, requires minimal maintenance.

Humidity in the room maintains at a level of 40-60%, does not allow waterlogging and the formation of plaque on furniture. In the course of work clears air of allergens in the size from 10 microns. Rids the room of wool, pollen, dust and dust mites.


  • does not leave a white coating on surrounding objects;
  • simple and clear in management, care;
  • undemanding to water quality;
  • you can add essential oils;
  • purifies the air.


  • expensive;
  • noisy.

Electrolux EHU-5515D

Ultrasonic model for 6.7 liters of water. It is equipped with a digital display that displays ongoing processes and allows you to configure the device. ELECTROLUX EHU-5515D checks the humidity around and saturates the air with moisture to the set level.

The device operates in 2 modes. During the day, on demand, heats and disinfects water. At night, automatically maintains humidity at 60%.


  • powerful;
  • practically silent;
  • large water tank.


  • no remote control;
  • difficult to add water.

Stadler Form Fred F-008EH

The model with an unusual design is equipped with a 3.6-liter tank. Works in 2 modes - less and more intensive. The latter can be used during the day, but at night you can hear the sound of boiling water. The heated liquid is disinfected, cleans the room and makes the life of children, allergy sufferers more comfortable.

The hygrostat monitors the level of humidity and stops the device when it reaches the set values. An automatic shutdown is also provided in case the tank runs out of water. Almost any liquid is suitable for the device - a protective anti-lime cartridge is installed inside.


  • it is difficult to turn the device over - it can be used in rooms with children;
  • unusual, stylish appearance;
  • two modes of operation.


  • expensive for the declared functionality;
  • humidity values ​​are not indicated on the hygrostat, only points, you have to adjust it empirically.

Neoclima NHL-060

Simple and clear device with touch control. Covers an area of ​​30 sq. m., designed for 6 liters of water. The intensity of evaporation is adjustable - there are 2 modes. Timely reports a low water level and automatically turns off if the liquid is over.


  • cheap;
  • not noisy;
  • large water tank.


  • few functions;
  • inconvenient to pour water.
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