Foundation concrete blocks. Types, dimensions and marking of foundation blocks Concrete blocks for foundation 2.5 meters

The range includes various types of products - solid for foundation masonry and hollow concrete blocks used for masonry walls. This material is a modern alternative to brick walls and foundations, while the characteristics of the blocks make it possible to simplify and speed up the construction of any object.

What determines the cost of concrete blocks?

If we compare the cost of the concrete blocks presented by us with the price of other materials with similar characteristics, it becomes clear that the use of blocks is much more profitable. The relatively low cost of this material allows you to keep the price of finished products at an affordable price.

Partnerships with leading factories allow us to keep selling prices for materials at an affordable level for most customers.

How much do building blocks cost?

The answer to this question depends on various factors. For example, hollow products are cheaper, since less cement is used to produce them than in the manufacture of monolithic solid foundation materials. From hollow blocks erect:

  • walls;
  • bearing structures;
  • interior partitions;
  • fences.

Full-bodied products are used for foundations, basements, basements. They are much stronger and more reliable, but more expensive. Also, the price of concrete blocks is affected by product dimensions, wall thickness, strength parameters, frost resistance, etc. All products offered by us have a high strength class corresponding to heavy concrete and frost resistance at the level of 50 cycles, which makes them reliable building materials.

Concrete blocks are used when you need to quickly lay down a reliable and durable foundation. Solid panels of large size, for example, are actively used in industrial construction and in the construction of multi-storey buildings, but require lifting equipment. But hollow for masonry by hand can only withstand a compact wooden structure.

Advantages of blocks:

  • long service life - at least 50-60 years;
  • high speed of foundation construction;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • a large selection of sizes;
  • low cost due to mass production.

The disadvantages include the need to attract special equipment during construction. And even if you use light blocks of 20x20x40 cm weighing about 30 kg, you will need at least a manual winch for safe unloading and laying of building materials. At the same time, the foundation of the panels itself has slightly different properties. With a decrease in the time for construction due to ready-made elements, the cost of the structure itself increases. And labor costs during construction will be higher than when pouring a monolith into the formwork. On the other hand, if it is not possible to achieve stable proportions of concrete mortar for pouring, or simply lack experience in this matter, it is better not to risk it and buy a concrete block for the foundation.

Main types

Depending on the applications, the blocks are usually divided into several types. They are marked with letters:

1. F - used in the construction of supporting columns of a columnar foundation on soft soils.

2. FL - only the base cushion is formed of them, since they have the shape of a trapezoid with a very wide "heel". This solution allows a solid structure with reinforcement to take on a significant weight of the building and distribute it over a large area of ​​the supporting soil layer.

3. FBS - the most common type of solid blocks, convenient for the construction of a prefabricated strip foundation. For reliable fixation during installation, special cutouts are sometimes made along the edges of such elements. The concrete itself is reinforced with rebars.

4. BF - in tape bases, but only as a support (bottom row).

5. FBP - light hollow products. They are rarely used for the foundation, as they cannot perceive significant loads. Their limit is a small frame house made of wood, but for reinforcing walls for pouring a monolithic base, their use is quite acceptable.

6. FR - the most powerful foundation blocks made of heavy concrete with steel reinforcement, for capital construction.

7. UDB - a relatively new variety with through square holes.

The letter designation in the marking after indicating the dimensions corresponds to its design: hollow (P), made of heavy concrete (T).

Sometimes special types are distinguished, starting from their main scope:

  • For a capital foundation.

These are heavy blocks (FBS, FR, BF) of large size with mounting metal loops for the cable. Thanks to these elements, the products can be hooked up with a crane hook and installed in the allotted place in the trench.

  • For tape.

The significant length of the panels during the construction of the strip base allows you to reduce the number of butt joints between its parts, but makes installation difficult if it is not a multiple of the size of the side of the foundation. In this case, additional elements will have to be made on site from full-sized blocks using diamond cutting.

  • With openings for communications.

The products have openings for laying engineering systems. It is very difficult to make such selections in concrete manually, the base can be seriously affected by this.

Standard dimensions

Building blocks are mass-produced at factories of reinforced concrete structures, and their dimensions are regulated by GOST. No one talks about observing the dimensions to the nearest millimeter, and the corners can crumble during storage and transportation. The marking of each product indicates its parameters in decimeters with rounding. This introduces some confusion, since the builders themselves are used to focusing on centimeters. In these units, we give the standard dimensions of concrete blocks:

Features of using FBS

1. Dimensions.

According to SNiP, the block size can have the following values ​​(cm): 88, 138 or 238. At the same time, there are only two height options - 28 or 58 cm.

The length matters when it is required to erect a strip prefabricated foundation of concrete panels on soils prone to heaving. At the slightest movement of the soil, long products will work like a lever, increasing the tension in the bonding solution of the butt joints. So that the "ribbon" of the base does not fall apart into separate parts, it is necessary to additionally buy blocks of the FL type, which will play the role of a pillow. It is for these reasons that FBS is most often used for columnar types of foundation.

The dimensions are very important, since the uniformity of the transfer of the weight of the building to the base, and from it to the supporting layers of the soil, will depend on their correct choice. Therefore, before buying a batch of reinforced concrete panels, it will be necessary to calculate the loads that the foundation of concrete blocks will have to take. If the dimensions of the prefabricated elements turn out to be smaller than required, all subsequent operation of the building will be reduced to constant repairs of rickety structures.

2. Characteristics and features.

The strength parameters of FBS may also differ - in the range from B7.5 to B15. The higher the brand of concrete, the stronger the panel itself and the more reliable the foundation from it. There is one more requirement for the quality of the side surfaces. The finish option that can be used for the base will depend on compliance with a particular class:

1. class A3 - high quality, suitable for dyeing;

2. class A5 - allowed for finishing with ceramic tiles or gluing with composite panels;

3. classes A6 and A7 - such a surface can only be sheathed using a crate.

The foundation of FBS concrete panels, due to their solid structure, is very reliable and has a number of advantages over other types of reinforced concrete products:

  • long service life (60-160 years);
  • higher moisture resistance and, as a result, frost resistance;
  • the best strength indicators, regardless of the type of loads received.

But do not forget that the price of the foundation will be quite high, and a significant part of it will be transportation costs. Therefore, you need to purchase materials from the nearest concrete goods plant or a large supplier.


The price of blocks directly depends on their size and material consumption. Here you need to be tied not so much to the dimensions, but to the weight and volume of concrete used in the production. That is, hollow panels will cost less than solid ones of the same size.

Dimensions, cmAverage cost, rub/piece

Used blocks are also on sale. Their price is half, or even three times lower than new ones, and the characteristics, in the absence of visible serious damage and corrosion, are no worse.

For the construction of the foundation, block materials are often used, made from durable and frost-resistant ingredients. This technology is universal, therefore, foundation blocks are laid both in the construction of apartment buildings and in the construction of small buildings. Of these, columnar structures are also assembled. The main thing is to choose the right blocks that are made from different materials, so they have different names.

This material is based on concrete. Depending on its brand, the strength characteristics of the block material depend on the size of the reinforcement and the frequency of its laying. concrete block foundation, these are three types of block material:

  1. FBP - hollow.
  2. FBS - solid.
  3. FBV - solid, in which cutouts are made for laying communication networks and pouring jumpers.

The first type is the most common. It is made either from heavy concrete, or from silicate. Second also made of heavy concrete or expanded clay concrete. The foundation of expanded clay concrete blocks is already insulated. But he has a minus - compared to models made of heavy concrete, they have lower strength characteristics, so it is recommended to use them for light buildings: a bathhouse, a garage, a barn.

They are lighter than all the others, cheaper, however, it should be noted a good indicator of water resistance. Another plus is the cutouts for filling jumpers. The latter increase the bending and displacement pressure bearing capacity.

The third type is, in fact, fixed formwork. The installation of foundation blocks of this type is accompanied by additional pouring of concrete into the cavity with preliminary laying inside the reinforcing frame. The frame is a vertically mounted pins, which are tied with horizontally laid reinforcement. The latter passes through all the voids of the blocks for the foundation.

Concrete stones have different sizes and are poured from different types of concrete mortars. Depending on the dimensions, they are used either for heavy buildings or for light ones. The photo below shows the ratio of the sizes of concrete blocks for foundations with their mass and volume.

It is clearly seen from the table that the dimensions are already included in the brand. This is not the whole classification, because the table does not indicate materials with small dimensions. For example, FBS 2-2-4, whose weight is 30 kg, which makes it possible to carry out installation without the involvement of heavy equipment.

Concrete blocks are used when you need to quickly lay down a reliable and durable foundation.

Foam blocks

The foundation of foam blocks is rarely used. This block material is made using cement, sand and a foaming agent.

The latter creates pores inside the structure, which make the stone light and insulating. Unfortunately, such a block design does not withstand heavy loads, therefore, it is laid under light buildings, one-story cottages. You can assemble a strip foundation or a column foundation from them.

In addition, foam blocks are hygroscopic material. It absorbs moisture well, so the main requirement for construction is a well-conducted waterproofing. This applies to all sides of the blocks, as well as gas blocks.

The foundation of foam blocks cannot be built in areas with flooding, with a high level of groundwater, in swampy areas.

cinder blocks

From the name itself, it becomes clear that the filler here is slag, that is, solid waste from various industries.

The cinder blocks themselves are divided into solid and hollow. In this case, the volume of voids can vary within 28-40%.

And the fewer voids, the stronger the product. But the foundation of cinder blocks must be constructed from a continuous modification, hollow ones will not withstand the heavy weight of the building. In this case, it is necessary to indicate that there are certain norms regarding the strength of such a foundation. It is forbidden to lay it under a house weighing more than 100 tons.

Construction technology


Before making the foundation of the blocks, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work.

  1. Foundation layout.
  2. Digging trenches.
  3. Leveling the bottom and walls of trenches.
  4. Trench foundation preparation.

You can mark the foundation of foam blocks or other block materials using twine and pegs. All dimensions of the structure are taken from the building design. It is important to accurately observe all dimensional indicators: the length, width of the trenches, their depth. Particular attention is paid to the evenness of the walls, if the foundation will be assembled at a depth. Large distortions are not allowed this can make it difficult to lower the block material into the trench. But, for example, for large foundation structures, lifting mechanisms will be required.

trench preparation- this is backfilling the base with a layer of coarse-grained sand or a thickness of 10 - 20 cm with tamping and watering. The next layer is waterproofing.: bitumen, roofing material, stekloizol, waterproofing films. There are many options, one of them is a layer of concrete screed with a thickness of 7 cm.

If FL concrete blocks are used as the basis for the house, and this is the sole for the main structure, then after installation they are treated with bituminous mastic or ordinary hot bitumen. After that, a reinforcing mesh is laid on the prepared base, and the entire surface is filled with concrete mortar.

Before laying the blocks on the foundation, it is necessary to wait for the sole with a concrete screed to dry well. Now you can place concrete stones.

  1. The first row is installed first at the corners of the structure, and then the intermediate sections are filled.
  2. Seams are filled with mortar: both vertical and horizontal.
  3. The second row is stacked on the first with an offset of half the element. That is, the laying should receive in a checkerboard pattern. All masonry of both the first and second rows, as well as subsequent ones, is set in a horizontal plane.
  4. When all reinforced concrete blocks for the foundation are installed, a reinforcing belt is poured over them. For what it is necessary to pre-assemble the formwork and lay a reinforcing frame made of metal reinforcement into it.

After 8 - 10 days, the formwork is removed and a complete foundation is made from foundation blocks. In this case, roll or coating insulation is used. And the last stage is backfilling, for which it is better to use sand mixed with soil. The backfill must be rammed.

  1. If the length of all stacked blocks is not equal to the length of the wall, then it is necessary to first make additional elements, which are called seals, before the start of construction. These are the same concrete products only of shorter length.
  2. For laying communication networks, you need to leave openings. When assembling the foundation, pipes are laid in them, which are poured from above with concrete mortar.
  3. In places where external and internal walls are joined, block elements are ligated.
  4. After the assembly is completed, all blocks are checked by level and plumb. If any sticks out, then it must be corrected with a crowbar. If the discrepancy is large, then it is better to disassemble the site and put the element exactly in place.

Expanded clay and cinder blocks

As in the case of the FBS structure, expanded clay concrete blocks and cinder blocks are laid on, which is necessarily filled from above with a reinforcing belt. After 28 days, you can begin laying out the foundation blocks.

Since the main dimensions of the stones are 190 x 390 x 188 mm, the block material itself is light in weight. That is, the installation can be done by hand. The laying technology depends on whether the stones will be laid in two rows or in one. If the first option is used, so to speak, a reinforced structure, then the first lower row is laid along the location of the foundation, the second across. In this case, it is better to arrange the blocks of the first row so that they are located relative to each other with an offset of half the product.

Second option- this is an ordinary brickwork with an offset of half. A cement-based bonding solution is used to fasten the material. It is laid with a thickness of 1 - 1.5 mm. As usual, you need to start installation from the corners of the building, displaying immediately the height of the foundation for the house. After that, the intermediate sections are filled. And the last stage is the pouring of the reinforcing belt over the laid expanded clay concrete blocks.

Using exactly the same technology, a type of foundation is assembled from gas silicate blocks. True, they have different dimensions: 250 x 625 x 50 mm, but this in no way affects the assembly sequence and the use of side materials. The only thing to pay attention to This is the glue that holds the blocks together. That is, the first row is laid on the cement mortar, and the subsequent ones on the adhesive composition, which is called - glue for gas blocks. The foundation of aerated concrete blocks is not the most durable, the design is hygroscopic, so pay attention to reinforced waterproofing.

It is from all of the above materials that they are assembled. In principle, the sequence of operations is no different from the construction of a tape structure. Simply, instead of trenches, sites are dug for laying blocks for a columnar foundation. It is important to accurately select the dimensions here, because the larger the support in cross section, the stronger it is.

The blocks themselves are stacked crosswise relative to the rows. For example, the first row is two stacked stones side by side, the second row is also two elements stacked across the first. The next row is blocks laid across the stones of the second row.

Advantages and disadvantages

Speaking of pros and cons, it must be indicated that the foundation of reinforced concrete blocks is the most durable and reliable. Weaker structures made of gas silicate, expanded clay. But there is one very important nuance in this case. Making small-sized foundation blocks with your own hands is not a problem. You can purchase detachable molds, you can rent an apparatus on which block products are cast. And then, to establish the production of a small amount of material. That's a good budget saver.

In addition, building a foundation from blocks is not a very complicated process. The step-by-step instruction described above proves this. Practice shows that the most important thing before building a foundation from blocks is to choose the right material itself. Of course, large precast concrete requires the presence of heavy lifting equipment on the construction site. You will have to pay for her services. But if a multi-storey building is being built, then it is better to assemble the foundation from FBS.

The foundation structure for a house made of expanded clay blocks is insulated, aerated concrete blocks are the lightest of all, they are easily adjusted to any size, which requires a simple saw. It is easiest to build a foundation from them with your own hands due to their small size and light weight.


The types of foundation blocks determine the construction technology of the overall structure and the degree of complexity of the construction operations. You cannot install FBS with your own hands; there are strict requirements for their installation. Block structures made of small-sized stones are able to assemble even a beginner.

But any foundation must be built taking into account the requirements of SNiP. It stipulates which blocks under which foundations should be used. The only thing to note is that you can build a foundation from blocks with your own hands, regardless of the size and severity of the stones. The main thing is to strictly observe the nuances of construction technology.

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The basis of any structure is the foundation, the quality installation of which determines the durability, reliability and strength of the structure being created.

The task of this structure is to withstand the weight and load of the entire building, as well as to be a link between a certain type of soil and the future structure.

A correct calculation and a foundation erected in accordance with the technical requirements will prevent the appearance of cracks in the walls of structures, exclude the possibility of soil subsidence and prevent the appearance of dampness.

The manufacturing technology of block structures that are used for construction is regulated by certain provisions of GOST, according to the standards of which concrete grade M-100 and higher is used for the manufacture of these building products. Reinforced concrete blocks for the foundation (sizes and prices are listed below) have a wide grid of various sizes, shapes and markings.

Large-sized block forms are reinforced with a frame of hot reinforcement, the diameter of which depends on the weight and size of the product itself.

Types of reinforced concrete blocks for the foundation:

  1. FBS block has a rectangular shape and a wide range of applications. Well proved as a support of the bases on slightly heaving soils.
  2. f block has a cylindrical shape and is effectively used for the construction of a columnar base.
  3. FL block It is a reinforced concrete slab in the shape of a trapezoid and is used as a base (sole) to establish a support for a columnar foundation.
  4. bf block It is characterized as a concrete beam having a rectangular or trapezoidal shape.

Important! The best and highest quality option for high reliability and the required durability of the foundation is a factory-made reinforced concrete product made by industrial vibrocompression and marked as a FBS block.


Construction in the private sector is the most popular area of ​​application for reinforced concrete blocks for the construction of a columnar foundation. The use of pillars as supports is permissible on dense sandy, rocky, gravel, pebble soils, where you can build a permanent house or structure from foam concrete, a wooden frame or a bar. On slightly heaving soils, lighter structures and utility rooms are being built: small panel buildings or one-story frame houses, baths.

Attention! When erecting a columnar base, the technological process does not provide no options for building a basement. If this very important point is necessary for construction, then other types of foundations under construction should be considered.

Reference: the depth of the trench depends entirely on the level of soil freezing. It can be calculated by adding 15 cm to the depth of freezing of the soil.


Calculation and careful design of the foundation of reinforced concrete blocks (supports) is determined the number and size of these blocks, which will be in demand for the construction of the structure. For these purposes, first of all, the type and bearing capacity of the soil is determined, after which the total mass of the structure is calculated, taking into account the natural and snow load. The resulting mass of the building is divided by the bearing capacity of a square centimeter of soil, thanks to which you can find out the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe supports necessary for the construction of the foundation.

The exact number of pillars can be calculated from the drawing of the structure. Supports are placed at all corners of the building, at the joints of the walls, as well as under the pressure-bearing walls. As a rule, the distance between the posts is 1.5-2.5 m, but it can be larger. If the area of ​​​​reinforced concrete supports obtained as a result of calculations is divided by their number, you can find out the size of the section of the column.

Attention! To prevent the building from tipping over, it is necessary to install a strong reinforced concrete grillage on the blocks protruding from the ground.

Peculiarities: during the construction of the strip foundation, the basement of the future building protrudes above the ground. But having built a columnar analogue, the problem that has arisen will need to be solved, because the resulting space between the supports must be filled.


Industrial production of foundation columnar reinforced concrete blocks is regulated by GOST, which are manufactured mainly in accordance with approved standards:

  • height– 300 mm, 600 mm;
  • width– 300 mm, 400 mm, 500 mm and 600 mm;
  • length– 600 mm, 800 mm, 900 mm, 1200 mm and 2400 mm.

The sizes of reinforced concrete supports are combined in any options and have a huge number of varieties and standard sizes. To understand the intricacies of the construction industry, the marking of reinforced concrete products provides numbers after the letter name, which indicate the patented dimensions of the manufactured block.

Reference: reinforced concrete supports of large sizes are used for tape, as well as bulky slab bases, on which heavy structures and brick structures are erected.


The most popular building reinforced concrete blocks for the foundation in the columnar base have the patented FBS marking and the corresponding price, which depends on the size and weight of reinforced concrete products manufactured by the enterprise.

The smallest block under the FBS 4-3-3 brand, worth 520 rubles, weighs 80 kg, and the largest FBS 24-6-6, priced at 3350 rubles, weighs 1968 kg.

Advantages and disadvantages

The columnar foundation, like other building structures, has both its advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into account when erecting structures.

Then later you can hope for the quality, strength and durability of the structure.

To benefits columnar foundation of blocks include:

  • speed of organization and execution of work;
  • minimizing the cost of its construction;
  • no need for a large number of labor and large-sized special equipment;
  • possibility of installation on unstable soils, where the freezing depth is more than 1 m.

To shortcomings erected columnar foundations include:

  • the inability to equip the basement in the house;
  • under the influence of external factors, the structure is prone to tilt, therefore it is very important to install a reliable and very durable grillage on all supports;
  • limited dimensions of the constructed structures.

Carefully! The size of the structure for its further construction on the foundation supports cannot be higher than 6×6 meters! If the dimensions turn out to be large, then it is quite possible that over time the erected structure will begin to creep.

The columnar foundation is a high-quality and reliable basis for the construction of only limited-sized summer cottages, houses, baths, various outbuildings on deeply freezing and lightly heaving soils, where it is not advisable to build strip foundations due to their shallow depth.

The cost-effectiveness of the foundation construction, easy accessibility and ease of laying work contributes to the acceleration of the construction of the zero cycle of the future building and does not affect its quality and durability in the least.

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Construction begins with the construction of the foundation. The use of ready-made concrete blocks is the most economical way, less time-consuming and faster. The foundation of monolithic concrete with the same strength costs about 2 times more. The construction of formwork, installation of reinforcement, pouring concrete, waiting for it to dry is a process that requires a lot of time and labor, and is also dependent on weather conditions. The only drawback of foundation blocks is that they require special equipment - a crane.

The use of concrete blocks in the construction of the foundation is an economical, fast and less labor-intensive method of construction.

Often they make a combined foundation: the pillow is made of monolithic concrete, and the base is made of blocks. The construction of the foundation of them is relatively quick and easy. It is only necessary to lay them strictly in a straight line, check their horizontal level, and securely tie them together. The stability of the future building depends on the correct construction of the foundation. The use of concrete blocks is possible under any climatic and seasonal conditions.

Types of foundation blocks

There are three types of concrete blocks. FBP (hollow) is used in the construction of walls and foundations for various equipment. They are not used for the foundation of buildings. They are relatively light, have a high heat capacity, that is, they keep heat better. In addition, the wall of them is stronger due to the cement mortar, which partially fills the vertical voids. Their other type, FBV (solid with a cutout), is used where communications or lintels intersecting them are provided in the foundation or basement wall.

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solid foundation blocks

More often, concrete blocks are used for solid foundations (FBS). They are also suitable for the construction of basement walls, basement floors and buildings for technical purposes. They are also used as roadblocks. They do not differ in a variety of shapes and are made in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped. In their narrow ends, vertical grooves are left, which, after laying two blocks side by side, are filled with cement mortar to securely fasten them to each other. On the top side, they have 2 mounting loops for easy installation.

In the production of concrete products for the foundation, heavy, frost-resistant, moisture-resistant concrete is used, reinforced with reinforcement bars 8-12 mm thick. To increase their strength, they are subjected to steaming in a special chamber for several hours. It can be replaced by drying, which lasts several weeks. The production of foundation blocks is a responsible process, strictly adhering to the technology in accordance with GOST 1978, so it is better to entrust it to large enterprises with a reliable reputation. Concrete blocks for the foundation must be solid, without internal voids and cracks, have high compressive strength, water resistance, resistance to deformation under loads and temperature changes, and to aggressive environments.

They also produce blocks with porous fillers (expanded clay) and from silicate concrete. They are lighter, but in any case their density should not be less than 1800 kg/m 3 . In addition to "rectangular", there are FBS with a trapezoidal end section. Their lower edge has a large area, which allows it to withstand the weight of the building under construction and provides stability to it. They are laid in the first row directly on the foundation pad, made of sand, crushed stone or monolithic concrete. FBS with a rectangular section make up the second and subsequent rows of the foundation.

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Dimensions of concrete products for the foundation

Type and dimensions of concrete blocks.

The dimensions of concrete blocks are as follows: length - 900, 1200, 2400 mm, width - 300, 400, 500, 600 mm, height - 300 and 600 mm. True, the actual dimensions are 1-2 cm smaller. Their mass is from 135 kg (the smallest block of heavy concrete) to almost 2 tons. The most acceptable size is chosen based on the following conditions:

  • the type of soil on which the building is being erected;
  • type of wall and masonry material;
  • weight and dimensions of the building;
  • wall length and thickness;
  • design strength of the foundation.

The optimal number of blocks stacked in a row along one wall is 4-5. When constructing the foundation, FBS of different sizes are used to better fasten them to each other. Their width may be less than the width of the wall erected on them by 10-12 cm. The more unstable the soil, the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir base. To protect the foundation from premature destruction, they are waterproofed with bitumen. The service life of a concrete block foundation is at least 50 years.

FBS is modified as follows: the name indicates the length, width and height in decimeters, the type of concrete. For example, the marking FBS 24.3.6t denotes a solid foundation block of heavy concrete with a length of 2400, a width of 300 and a height of 600 mm. Most often used in the construction of FBS 24.4.6. FBS from expanded clay concrete is marked with the letter "P", from silicate concrete - with the letter "C".

In addition, concrete blocks with a size of 40x20x20 mm are produced. Their low weight (depending on the type of concrete is only 28-32 kg) allows them to be laid manually, and their dimensions can be used in the construction of walls. They are suitable for the foundation for light buildings: a small garage, a bathhouse, a gazebo, a wooden house, etc. They are indispensable at those construction sites where it is impossible to drive heavy special equipment.

The use of concrete blocks in the construction of the foundation significantly reduces the cost and speeds up work compared to the method of pouring liquid concrete into the formwork.

At the same time, the highest reliability, strength and durability of the foundation are achieved.

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