The most unusual railways in the world. The most dangerous roads in the world

There are many roads in the world different types complexity, different layout and importance. Some of them pass between cities, others lead through mountains and valleys. In this collection, I will tell you about the most beautiful and famous roads in the world. They are very popular with hikers and hikers because of the picturesque landscapes and many twists and turns. Driving along such a road, you will not leave a feeling of delight, and sometimes even fear.

1. These roads are not only the most beautiful, but also the most winding. We have already written about the most dangerous roads in the world, this topic will be a continuation of the selection. We start at the Stelvio Pass in the eastern Italian Alps, this zigzag road extends up to 2.7 kilometers above sea level with around 60 hairpin bends. Looking at it from the side is very beautiful, but driving on it is very dangerous.

5. Trollstigen in Norway

This is one of the most unusual roads on our list, passing along the bed of a frozen river. It connects the remote corners of Canada with civilization, but only during the cold season, when the river is in a frozen state.

14. Atlantic Road in Norway

This is one of the most popular tourist routes in Norway, and its real decoration is Storsesandet bridge, which is often called the bridge to nowhere

A car accident is one of the most common accidents that happen on the highway. Every year around the world on the tracks there are many unpleasant situations from which people are injured and killed. Our review today presents the 5 most dangerous roads from around the world.

1. Dangerous Road - South Yungas Road

Yungas Road is the most dangerous road in Bolivia. The length of this route is as much as 70 kilometers, on which about 35 cars are crashed every year and about 150 people die. This passage was built by prisoners from Paraguay back in 1930. It is also worth noting that in addition to Yungas Road, there is another name for the track - "Road of Death".

2. Dangerous bridge crossing the Vitim River

The bridge crossing the Vitim River is one of the most dangerous paths in the world. Its design is very simple and was assembled from wood. It should be noted that the length of the road is 570 meters. This overpass becomes even more unsafe in winter, when at sub-zero temperatures, it turns into an icy skating rink.

3. Two-lane Atlantic Road

The Atlantic Road is part of a two-lane road in Norway that is approximately 8.3 kilometers long. It is also worth noting that the road was built back in 1989. Due to its unusual location, this highway made it to our current list of "The Most Dangerous Roads in the World."

4. Karakoram Highway Pakistan - China

The Karakoram Highway is the highest and most unsafe road in the world, its length is approximately 1300 kilometers and the height is 4693 meters. It is also worth noting that the highway was built according to the Great Silk Road.

5. The longest and most dangerous road in Brazil - BR-116

BR-116 is the second longest and most dangerous road in Brazil. This route starts in Porto Allegre and stretches to Rio de Janeiro. It is also worth noting that the highway passes through dangerous cliffs and dark tunnels drilled into the rocks.

And lovers of unusual ways, it will certainly be interesting to look at

Each of us at least once in our lives went on a trip by car. And you will agree with me that the path itself is an important and exciting part of the holiday. Passing landscape views and Beautiful places, fussy thoughts are left behind, and ahead is only anticipation have a nice holiday and vivid impressions.

In this regard, we present to your attention the most unusual roads of the world, which in themselves are a landmark and express the ingenuity and creativity of a person in everyday life.

If you don't have your own car or don't risk testing your vehicle on these extraordinary roads, then you can always rent a car to see these roads with your own eyes and appreciate their beauty and wonder.

And we'll start with Biggateroad, or, as the people call this highway - the Road to Heaven. This road is located 8 kilometers from the city of Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, China. The road was built in order to climb Mount Tianmen. At the top of the mountain there is an unusual cave called Heaven's Gate, it is constantly buried by clouds and locals They believe that if you go through this cave, you can go to heaven.

This road, which also bears such names as the 99 Turns Road and the Big Gate Road, has a length of 11 kilometers. It leads to a height of 1300 kilometers, overcoming 99 turns on the way. Also, you can climb the funicular or overcome the 999 steps on foot. For those who do not want to test their car on such a highway, you can take a bus or with an extreme driver in a sports car.

No less unusual road and one of the most difficult in the world is the road that connects Chile and Argentina. It is called and passes along a very steep mountain slope meandering from one turn to another. Anyone can ride this road.

If you do not risk driving your car, great alternative can serve. So you can see both countries and drive along one of the most unusual roads in the world.

In Romania, it is a road with sharp turns and climbs that runs in the Romanian Carpathians, connecting Transylvania and Wallachia, through the Fagaras region.

In 2009, a personality like Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson tested his sports cars on this road and was pleasantly surprised.

Anyone can ride this road, but there are time restrictions. Due to the dangerous nature of the road, the highway is open only in July and August and only during the daytime.

On the road there are many signs that warn drivers not to exceed the speed limit. Along the way, you have the opportunity to see the Bylja waterfall and the legendary Dracula's castle.

Another mountainous, dangerous and difficult road is located in South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal. It bears the name, in honor of the pass through, which is located there. An unusual road is located in the Dragon Mountains and leads to the state of Lesotho.

If you are going to travel along this road, then it is worth getting an all-wheel drive SUV or renting the right car. Not every car will be able to overcome a difficult section, 9 kilometers long.

Photos of the most extraordinary roads in the world are simply amazing, but just imagine the feeling of driving on the slopes, overcoming sharp turns and enjoying beautiful scenery. The Alps are the most beautiful mountains on our planet. And settled in them.

More specifically, it is located in the Italian Alps of Bormo in the province of Sondrio, very close to the Swiss border. The track has about 60 very sharp turns, and 48 of them are located on the northern slope. In 1990, the famous race car driver Stirling Moss was unable to cope with the control, overcoming one of the turns.

Today, the track is used for various sporting events, including auto racing, motorcycle racing and cycling. At the end of August, every year the track is completely closed so that more than 8,000 cyclists climb the pass of the same name. The rest of the time, if there are no events, anyone can visit the road.

Against the backdrop of mountain roads, a 400-meter road stands out significantly on Lombard street, in San Francisco. It passes through the city center and has 8 sharp turns.

Due to the fact that the road is narrow, the traffic is one-way. Residents of San Francisco take this route every day, you should try it too.

We also want to bring to your attention several bridges, which are also rightfully considered the most unusual roads in the world. The first of these is, which is located in Norway and connects the island of Averoy in the province of Møre og Romsdal with the mainland.

The locals call him drunk because he is 23 meters off into the sea. It is part of the Atlantic road, which is tolled. If you drive in from the south, then this can be done for free, but the passage to the tunnel to Kristiansund will cost $ 14 per car and about $ 6 for each passenger.

The bridge itself was built in this way specifically to make the area even more picturesque. From different sides of the bridge, completely different landscapes of incredible beauty open up, as if competing in beauty.

And, of course, Norway itself is one of the most amazing and beautiful roads in the world.

This road is meant to be enjoyed sea ​​views, the beauty of nature, the sea wind and a complete sense of freedom. 12 beautiful bridges connect small islands along the northern coast of the Atlantic for 8 kilometers.

And completes our list of unusual roads of the world, which is located in China. More specifically, it is located in the mountains of Henan Province. The tunnel was made by the inhabitants of the village of the same name right in the rocky rock in order to make it convenient to get to this area.

More than 30 windows have been made in the tunnel itself in order to illuminate the road. The length of the road, or rather it looks more like a cave, is a little more than one kilometer.

It is thanks to this one kilometer that the village of Guolian, which was cut off from the world, has become one of the centers of tourism in China.

These unusual roads are scattered all over the world, and if you find yourself in one of these countries, take the time and go on an amazing adventure that will give you great pleasure and bring a lot of adrenaline.

This spectacular tunnel is one of the few ways to get to the village of the same name in the Hunan province of China. Hand-carved in 1970, Guoliang is a road that Mahmassani calls "more sculpture than vehicle." The tunnel cuts through a fragile part of the Taihang Mountains and is dotted with makeshift windows that provide a picturesque yet terrifying view.


Atlanterhavsveien, Norway

Atlanterhavsveien, better known as the "Atlantic Road", is a 9-kilometer stretch of road on west coast Norway, which opened in 1989. The road consists of eight small bridges that cross an archipelago of eight different islands. Humpbacked bridges of a bizarre shape are created according to special technologies to withstand any kind of weather. During their construction, the workers who worked on the project had to endure about a dozen tornadoes, which are as common in the area as ordinary rain.


Yungas Road, Bolivia

One of the most terrible and dangerous roads in the world is located in the Andes and leads to the capital of Bolivia - La Paz. The elevation changes on it range from 1200 to 4500 meters, while the width of the road is only 3 meters. Do not expect that along the route you will meet at least one fence, they are not there. Therefore, car crashes here occur almost every day. Every year, 300 people die on the Yungas road (the length is only 65 km). It is planned to expand in the near future, but this moment The project is at the stage of searching for investors.


Capulin Volcano Road, New Mexico, USA


This serpentine road rises almost to the very mouth of the Capulin volcano, which formed 60,000 years ago. At its very top is the Capulin Volcano National Monument. The road is so narrow and winding that only one car can pass through it at a time, so the traffic is organized according to a schedule. Hiking to the crater of the volcano is organized at the top, since it has not been active for a long time.


Trollstigen, Norway

This mountain pass in southwestern Norway opened in 1936 after eight years of construction. Trollstigen literally means "Road of the Trolls" in Norwegian. It is one of the four most popular tourist sites in Norway. In its very middle is a small bridge over the Stigfossen waterfall, which has a height of 180 meters. Some passes were cut right into the side of the mountain. The passage is open, as a rule, from the end of May, and sometimes due to harsh winters only opens in June.


The most dangerous roads in the world are an amazing sight. When you drive a car along the edge of an abyss, it takes your breath away with such force that in terms of emotions it can be compared to a parachute jump!

If you like Interesting Facts about everything, then welcome. in front of you most dangerous roads in the world.

  1. Atlantic Road in Norway

A unique road that was built specifically for tourists. The Atlantic Road connects small islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

The amazing landscapes that open to the eyes of tourists should not distract from the main thing: maintaining their own safety. The fact is that there are often cases when a powerful wave simply washes the car into the ocean.

  1. Dalton Highway in Alaska

The Dalton Highway is one of the most isolated roads in the world. An interesting fact is that the length of this road is 666 kilometers. Along it you can find only three settlements, in each of which lives no more than 30 people.

Asphalt is available only on 175 kilometers of this road, everything else is covered with gravel. By the way, this highway is often shown on American television as the most dangerous road in the world. People who choose to travel this route are strongly advised by the authorities to stock up on essentials and medical supplies.

This road is considered the most snowy in the world, so the driver can lose control of the car at any moment, and help will not arrive soon.

  1. Eshima Ohashi Bridge in Japan

Many people know the Eshima Ohashi Bridge from the video advertising the Tanto minivan. This concrete bridge, 1.7 km long and 11.3 meters wide, is the largest in Japan and the third largest in the world. It connects two Japanese cities.

It is these characteristics that make it possible to confidently attribute this road to one of the most dangerous in the world. By the way, some sites show an artificially exaggerated slope of the bridge, claiming that riding on it is comparable to riding a roller coaster.

In fact, the maximum angle of inclination of the Eshima Ohashi bridge is 6.1%, which is quite acceptable for any car. An interesting fact is that the steep slope of the bridge and in general its unique height due to the need to pass under it ships.

  1. Himalayan road in Nepal

The Himalayan road is located high in the mountains. It is no coincidence that it belongs to the most dangerous roads in the world. After all, on state level the highway is no longer in service, as another, safer route has been built. Extreme lovers, on the contrary, tend to get here.

After all, narrow paths, treacherous bumps, 180-degree turns and regular rain landslides represent mortal danger for anyone who dares to try their luck on this mountain off-road.

  1. Troll trail in Norway

Connecting two Norwegian cities, one of the world's most dangerous roads, the Troll Trail, is closed in winter and spring. After all, at this time there are heavy snowfalls, entailing deadly avalanches and landslides. In the summer, hundreds and thousands of tourists who love thrills travel along a special route with 11 sharp turns.

  1. Captains Road in New Zealand

The Captains' Road was built in the 19th century to transport mining equipment on horse teams. That is, for modern cars co average weight 1500 kg this path may be the last. Extremely loose and wetted by heavy rains, the soil creates ideal conditions for collapses.

The road is gradually being destroyed, which is quite logical, since after 1900 no one repaired anything here. An interesting fact is that none Insurance Company does not insure tourists who are poisoned on one of the most dangerous roads in the world. It's almost suicidal!

  1. Stelvio pass in Italy

Known to many motorists, the Stelvio Pass connects Lombardy and Austria. This is the highest road in the Eastern Alps. Along the way, you will come across 48 extremely sharp turns. From above, this road resembles a child's scribbles, because of its bizarre, zigzag loops.

With relatively quality coating accidents are not uncommon, as the stunning scenery that opens up to the eyes of travelers often distracts from sudden sharp turns. And a low concrete fence cannot prevent a car from falling into a cliff.

  1. Sichuan-Tibet Highway in China

Residents of Asian countries know that the Sichuan-Tibet Highway is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous roads in the world. Frequent landslides, rockfalls and landslides happen here quite often. snow avalanches and the lack of oxygen, which affects the alertness of drivers, creates extremely accidental conditions.

Despite the stunning beauty of mountain landscapes, this place is very dangerous. An interesting fact is that this road crosses more than 10 mountains.

  1. Juoling Tunnel in China

Locals call the Juoling Tunnel a road that does not tolerate mistakes. This is not surprising, because its width is only 4 meters, and in some areas even less.

There are simply no limits and barriers here. Considering that there are through holes in the tunnel leading straight to the abyss, you understand why this place is called the most dangerous road in the world.

There are many sharp turns here, but the biggest problem is the fact that for more than a kilometer two cars cannot pass each other. For this reason, drivers have established a complex system of conventional signs among themselves in order to avoid collisions as much as possible.

  1. Northern Yungas Road in Bolivia

Finally, we will talk about the most dangerous road in the world. This is the North Yungas Road. Its second name is "Road of Death". I must say that this name quite speaks for itself. More than 300 people die here every year, and dozens of cars and buses fall from a great height down to certain death.

One of the most famous tragic accidents occurred in 1983, when a bus fell into an abyss. More than 100 passengers died then. An interesting fact is that the road was built in 1930 by prisoners. It connects the cities of La Paz and Coroico, and there is simply no other way between them.

With a length of 70 kilometers, its average width is 3.5 meters. The depth of the abyss, almost the entire length of the Yungas road, is about 600 meters. Of particular danger are places where even one car hardly passes, hanging its wheels over the abyss. The fogs and showers that are required attribute Amazonian weather, entail a lot of deadly situations.

Local residents, realizing the extreme threat to life, are afraid to cross this road, because in case of an accident, the Ministry of Emergency Situations will not come to you, and it is also almost impossible to get to the nearest hospital. It is noted that the wreckage of cars and the mass of other traces of terrible accidents along the entire path have a particularly depressing effect on drivers.

Now you know what they are most dangerous roads in the world.

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