Make carving at home. Carving: gentle perm hair. Photos before and after carving

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Thin and sparse hair gives its owners a lot of trouble: they are naughty, quickly tangled, do not hold volume well, look dull and lifeless. To look attractive, you have to spend a lot of time and money not only on a salon haircut every 1-2 months. At the same time, morning styling not only “eats up” precious time, but also causes even more damage to the hair.

A curling iron, a hair dryer, an iron, a huge number of modeling and fixing styling products - all this does not “please” your strands in any way. They become even more rebellious and brittle, and as a result, you often have to. alas, part with long hair. In order to prevent this from happening, it is worth giving preference to a sparing long-term styling method. Of course, long-term styling does not add health to the curls either, but this is a much less harmful option for the hair than traditional curling methods.

Carving is a rather long (about 1.5 hours) and rather expensive procedure., which should be done only in a salon with a good reputation. In any other case, your hair can be seriously damaged by an inept master, or under the guise of hair carving, you will be given the usual “chemical” perm. To prevent this from happening, follow a few simple rules.

Please note that after such a procedure, your hair needs careful care that neutralizes the harmful effects of chemicals.

After creating a long-term styling, the stylist will certainly give you individual care recommendations. They will necessarily include the regular use of nourishing, firming and protective cosmetics: masks, gels, creams, oils.

What is carving? Features of long-term hair curling

hair carving- this is a way of gentle long-term styling using a special chemical composition with winding on curlers of different sizes. This allows you to get the most varied effect at will: from the smallest curls to large curls or smooth waves. Unlike most methods carving chemistry free of glycolic acid and ammonia, so its effect extends only to the surface of the hair, without penetrating inside. It is due to this that this method is considered sparing in comparison with the traditional "chemistry", familiar to more than one generation of women.

This technology allows you to lift the hair at the roots, giving them extra volume., and forms a stable curl along the entire length without disturbing the internal structure of the hair. Thanks to this, you can not worry about regrown roots: regrown hair is mixed with curled hair, and styling looks as natural as possible.

An additional plus of this laying method is that it does not need to be specially disposed of at all! After the end of the curling action, the hair will straighten itself out and take on a natural look.

Long-term styling is most effective if you have:

  • thin and soft hair that lacks volume;
  • previously dyed or highlighted thin hair;
  • too oily hair;
  • tough and naughty curls.

Also carving will be useful those who want to radically change their image without "burning" their hair with potent chemicals. And of course, this is a real find for every woman who wants to always look perfect from the roots of her hair to the heels of her shoes, without spending a lot of time every morning on styling.

Types of carving for different hair lengths. Photos of hairstyles before and after

The choice of a certain type of long-term perm, first of all, depends on the initial data: the type and condition of the hair, as well as their length. And, of course, from your desire to have this or that image! An experienced stylist will select the optimal composition for you, and then perform the procedure itself.

A distinctive feature of carving is that this styling method looks great on hair of any length. Its use is especially effective on short and medium hair, since it is in this case that the root volume is most needed, focused on the crown and temples.

On long hair, this type of perm looks the most impressive, but it will take much more time and money.

For short hair

Owners of a short or ultra-short haircut can give it the necessary volume, and emphasize the features with the help of a stylish and feminine styling. On short hair, the “cap” of very small curls looks most advantageous., or soft waves. A pleasant surprise: it is on meek or too short hair that such styling will look as natural as possible due to the fact that at such a length there is a difference between the curled mass of hair and regrown roots. In order to achieve a similar effect, the master will apply frequent winding on very small curlers.

Classic bob and bob haircuts will take on an incredibly romantic and feminine look, with the help of gentle waves or charming curls. By styling such a haircut differently each time, you can surprise others in an original way, not only on weekdays, but on special occasions. To get them, winding on large curlers is used. .

For medium hair

Curly curls of any width and curl size look great on medium length hair.. The choice is yours: romantic flying curls that create the effect of "sloppy chaos", touching the smallest curls, large romantic curls, or gentle waves. Such styling can serve as an unusual and very elegant “highlight” of a business casual look, and in just a few minutes it turns into a very beautiful festive hairstyle.

For long hair

But for owners of long hair, it is best to carefully weigh the pros and cons before deciding to transform with the help of long-term styling. Undoubtedly, a luxurious mane of curls or strong curls falling in a spectacular waterfall below the shoulder blades will become your decoration and pride. But it is on long hair that such a procedure requires the maximum investment of financial resources, and will take much more time. But believe me, the result is definitely worth it!

Advantages and disadvantages. Is perm dangerous and who should not do it?

Advantages of carving:

  • The effect lasts from 6 to 8 months.
  • Unlike traditional perm, the degree of damage to the hair is minimal.
  • Does not require constant correction due to regrown roots.
  • It looks spectacular on dyed and highlighted hair, and such a procedure is possible already 3-4 months after dyeing.
  • Does not require cutting off frizzy areas in case you decide to straighten your hair again.

Disadvantages of long-term styling:

  • Like most long-term perms, it does little damage to the hair.
  • Not effective on thick and coarse hair;
  • The laying process requires a fairly large amount of time and financial resources.
  • After that, careful care is needed with the help of caring and restoring cosmetics.

Please note that, like any other method of long-term waving using chemicals, carving has well-defined contraindications.

So, carving is contraindicated:

  • less than a month after staining or highlighting;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding.
It is very undesirable to do a long-term perm on dry, brittle or damaged hair. Despite the relative safety of this method compared to others, it is still based on the use of a certain chemical composition that can irreversibly damage already weakened or overdried hair.

Description of the procedure. What tools are used for carving hair?

The hair carving procedure has many important nuances. It depends on close attention to detail whether you get healthy and shiny hair as a result, delighting you with its amazing suppleness and ease in creating various unusual hairstyles. But regardless of which type of carving you choose, the whole process can be divided into three main stages:

  • Preparatory. At this time, the master will assess the initial condition of your hair, if necessary, cut off the damaged tips. After that, the head is washed with shampoo.
  • Basic. The whole mass of hair is carefully combed, and then sequentially wound on curlers of the selected size. Then a special composition for carving is applied to them, and the required amount of time is maintained. After that, the first composition is thoroughly washed off with water, and a neutralizer is applied, and then a fixative. After that, the curlers are removed, and the hair is washed again.
  • Final. The master will carefully dry the hair with a hairdryer. The final touch is hair styling.

The chemical composition used for carving is selected individually, depending on the initial type of hair and their condition. For gentle long-term styling, a special composition is used that does not contain ammonia and glycolic acid, which deeply damage the hair. In addition, there are special formulations designed specifically for creating carving on dyed and highlighted hair.

Video - how to make carving at home

Hair carving is a rather complicated procedure, which requires not only certain skills and sufficient experience, but also special equipment, complex professional curling compounds, as well as a neutralizer and fixative. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology, otherwise the result can be disastrous. Therefore, it is best if this procedure is carried out by an experienced stylist in the salon. But if you dare to repeat it yourself, you will definitely need a master class from an experienced stylist!

Hair care after carving. How to style your hair?

After long-term styling, your hair needs careful care and attention to neutralize the harmful effects of curling. It is best to use care products for curly and curly hair. Wash your hair at least 2-3 times using shampoo for textured hair. After that, be sure to apply a nourishing balm to wet hair, and once a week “pamper” them with a regenerating mask.

Please note that in the first two weeks after the procedure, you can not do styling with an iron, curling iron or diffuser. Such methods additionally injure the hair, irreversibly damaging it.

But even without the usual arsenal of styling products, a long-term perm leaves a lot of reasons for fantasy, allowing you to easily and quickly create many unusual looks at least every day! Now it’s enough for you, for example, just gently dry your hair with a hairdryer, and then apply a styling gel on it and give it the desired shape with your hands. Natural, and very feminine hairstyle for every day is ready!

Always voluminous hairstyle is undoubtedly on the wish list of every woman. Especially the owners of thin hair dream of additional splendor of curls. It is to achieve such goals that the root carving procedure is aimed. Thanks to the gentle curling technology, curls acquire not only additional volume, but also allow you to do styling in a matter of minutes. In addition, the procedure can be carried out independently without leaving home.


Radical carving is one of the types of gentle curling and is a long-term styling of curls of any type and length. It consists in creating additional volume at the roots by curling strands on curlers and subsequent processing with a special soft-impact composition.

In addition to the main goal - to create volume on thin and oily hair, the procedure is used to correct a previously made perm, because as it grows, the volume at the roots disappears and the effect becomes not so charming.

Note, a gentle perm is recommended for women who have curly curls by nature - natural curls are usually raised at the roots the least and often require artificial volume creation.

Price in the salon and for home use

The root carving procedure is very common, so it will not be difficult to find a master or a salon. The price in this case will depend on the length of the strands. On average, you will need to pay the following amount:

  • short length - 1200–1700 r;
  • average length - 2500–3500 r;
  • long strands - 3500–5000 rubles.

As for the procedure at home, here the price of the issue will be slightly lower. You will need to buy a specialized drug in a household chemical store or on the Internet. The price of carving kits varies from 2 thousand to 4 thousand rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

The advantage, in this case, will be the possibility of using the drug more than once. In addition, you can purchase a single bottle of a smaller volume, the price of which is about 800-1000 rubles.


Despite the softness of the means used for carving, The procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy, lactation.
  • individual intolerance. For this reason, before proceeding with the procedure, you should check the drug for an allergic reaction.
  • dandruff, seborrhea.
  • wounds, injuries on the surface of the head.
  • taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs.
  • it is not recommended to perform the procedure if there are the following signs: brittle, damaged, weakened, diseased curls with split ends, as well as dry hair type. In this case, the state of the structure of the strands may deteriorate significantly.
  • bleached, highlighted hair.
  • heavy or long curls. In this case, the curl simply will not hold.

Important! The procedure should not be carried out immediately after dyeing, since at this moment the hair is characterized by increased brittleness. You will need to wait at least 2 weeks.

Procedure steps

To perform carving at home, first of all, you need to choose a fixing compound. At the same time, it is best to focus on the prefabricated product, since the main drug and the fixative must be of the same company.

The following manufacturers are recommended:

  • Estel;
  • Schwarzkopf;
  • Goldwell;
  • Londa;
  • cutrin;
  • Wella.

When choosing a product, it is important to pay attention to the composition - the product should not contain ammonia and thioglycolate. In addition, the choice depends on the condition of the strands themselves. So, for heavily bleached curls, Cutrin Curl is suitable, and for dyed curls, Goldwell Evolution.

Next, you need to choose the right curlers. In general, any of their types can be used for basal carving, but experts recommend choosing large cylinders. Curlers of this type will not only create volume at the roots, but also form light waves on the hair.

Before proceeding with the procedure, you should carefully read the instructions for using the product. It is also necessary to check the product for individual intolerance and clarify the presence of contraindications.

The procedure for carving at home includes the following steps:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo and pat dry with a towel. Rubbing and wringing curls is undesirable.
  2. Dry naturally. A hair dryer is not recommended.
  3. Take a separate strand and apply the main product to the root zone so that the strand is completely saturated.
  4. Screw only the processed part onto the curlers.
  5. Carry out a perm on the remaining strands.
  6. Cover your head with a plastic cap.
  7. Keep the time specified in the instructions. Usually it is no more than 15-20 minutes.
  8. Wash off with water, do not use shampoo or soap.
  9. Apply fixative.
  10. Hold for 15-20 minutes and remove the curlers.
  11. Apply another layer of fixative to the curls.
  12. Wait for the time specified in the manufacturer's instructions and rinse with water without using shampoo.
  13. Apply a nourishing balm or mask.
  14. Dry your hair naturally.

Attention! Do not wash your hair for several days after carving to consolidate the result.

Photos before and after

How long does the effect last

The effect of basal carving on average lasts about 2 months, subject to a well-executed procedure. The structure of the hair also affects the duration - the more porous it is, the shorter the effect.

Styling and hair care after the procedure

For a longer lasting effect, experts recommend following some rules of care after the procedure:

  • limit blow-drying;
  • do not rub, do not twist the strands after washing, but gently blot with a towel;
  • for combing use a comb with rare teeth;
  • introduce balm and shampoo for permed hair;
  • use oil-free revitalizing masks.

Advice. If there is a need for staining, you will need to wait 2 weeks after the procedure and only then start painting the strands.

As for the possibilities for styling after carving, there are some nuances here, observance of which will avoid problems with the hairstyle:

  • do not go to bed with a wet head - this will not only damage the structure of the treated curls, but also make it difficult to give a neat look in the morning;
  • when laying, you should not use metal combs, but natural or plastic bristles will be most welcome;
  • it is permissible to use an iron when laying.

Pros and cons

As a procedure that involves the chemical treatment of curls, carving has some advantages over other similar options. So, perms pluses:

  • sparing composition of the means used in the process;
  • natural appearance of the strands after the procedure;
  • volume of hair;
  • duration - the effect lasts about 2–2.5 months;
  • saving time - carving allows you to do without styling;
  • hairstyles last several times longer.

Despite the obvious advantages, root carving also has disadvantages:

  • duration - the procedure lasts at least 2-3 hours;
  • the chemical composition of fixing agents has a characteristic and not always pleasant smell;
  • in some cases, hair loss is observed after the procedure.

Many have heard about carving, but not everyone knows what it is. And only a few know how to do it carving at home. Below is all about it.

What is carving?

Before figuring out how to do carving at home, it is worth understanding the essence of such a procedure. So, carving is a type of perm, which differs in that the effect on the hair is not as strong as with the usual one. There are special tools that fix curls, but do not destroy the structure of the hair. This procedure is usually carried out in salons. But it is quite possible to carry it out at home, if you find out some details and use useful tips.

Carving at home: what is required?

It is clear that special tools and tools are needed to carry out this procedure. Let's list them.

1. Special tool for carving. You can buy it in specialized stores. Surely there are such compositions today in the departments of cosmetics, because many master hairdressing at home and take care of their hair.

2. Volume lock. It must be made by the same company as the carving composition, otherwise the effect will not be as expected.

3. Plastic curlers (or bobbins) of medium size. You can choose curlers of different sizes, this will make the hairstyle even more voluminous and unusual.

How to make carving at home?

So how do you do carving at home? We list the main stages of the procedure and describe them in detail.

1. First of all, you need to wash your hair thoroughly. If the hair has been dyed or highlighted, then it must be treated with a special protective compound. You don’t need to dry your head, it will be enough to blot it well with a towel or wrap yourself in it for 5-10 minutes. Hair must be damp.

2. Take curlers and start winding your hair around them. Take small strands, make sure that the tips do not fall out or stick out.

3. Then it is necessary to drip-apply a carving agent to each curled curl. Included with such a tool is a special applicator. They need to process each strand, preferably 3-4 times, so that the product is absorbed into the hair.

4. When all the strands are processed, you need to put a cap on your head and wrap your hair with a towel for the best effect.

5. After the period of time indicated on the packaging of the carving agent, the composition can be washed off with hot water. This should be done without removing the curlers and without using shampoo!

6. After that, apply a fixative and leave it for a while (it will also be indicated on the package). Then it also needs to be washed off (again without shampoo, with hot water).

7. Now you can remove the curlers and dry your hair by treating it with a balm. Hair dryer should not be used.

So to carving at home successful, you need to follow some simple recommendations.

  • It is extremely important to follow the instructions. If you do not do this, then the hair can deteriorate so much that it will be incredibly difficult to put it in order.
  • Carving at home - this is still a chemical procedure, so the hair will need to be nourished. Make masks, use balms.
  • During the procedure, close all windows and avoid drafts. And you can additionally warm up the room, because heat is the main factor that triggers the action of the components of the carving composition.

Do not want to take risks and expose your hair to even mild "chemistry"? Then try it for hair volume.

Enjoy your gorgeous curls!

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


For most women, it is important to look beautiful, no matter the circumstances. With the modern rhythm of life, you have to save every minute, so a number of salon procedures that have a long-term effect are perceived as salvation. Is it possible to say the same about carving - a new service that has aroused acute female interest?

What is hair carving

From English, “carving” means “woodcarving”, but the description of this procedure would be more suitable for “curving” - “curved”. This is because it is a hair wrap that lasts a long time due to the use of a special composition. If you do not consider the process in detail, then the result may resemble the once popular “chemistry”. However, carving hair curling by professionals is called gentle and has several varieties - the small “lamb” is a thing of the past. Londa even got biocarving: an even easier option.

The procedure helps:

  • make hair voluminous;
  • eliminate the problem of confusion;
  • reduce the time to create a beautiful styling;
  • visually give thin hair density.

Carving for short hair - photo

Owners of bob haircuts, squares, etc. you have to be puzzled daily by the issue of styling so that the hairstyle looks beautiful. In such a situation, carving for short hair becomes a salvation, no matter which variety is chosen. Surf curls, romantic waves with basal volume, African curls - any of the options look advantageous and help to texture the hairstyle. The pluses include the fact that carving hair at a minimum length lasts especially long.

For medium

Girls who wear a classic ladder, elongated bob and other haircuts, in which the ends of the strands reach the shoulders or shoulder blades, are the luckiest. They have a comfortable medium length that is ideal for most hairstyles, including curls of various sizes and shapes. Long-term styling on medium hair keeps well on them, although a little less time than on a short haircut. They can not be wound along the entire length.

For long

If you have a braid to the waist, be prepared for the fact that even small curls will be short-lived. Carving for long hair is rarely performed, since it is an almost pointless procedure: the effect may not last even a month. For girls who still want to try, the masters recommend winding only the ends, or giving volume along the length due to soft large waves. As the composition is washed out, the hairstyle will remain attractive, since it initially had a natural look and did not remind of a diligent many hours of curling.

Types of hair carving

If the “chemistry” popular in Soviet hairdressing salons mainly offered to make small curls over the entire area, the modern beauty industry has significantly improved the old system. The master in the salon is able to create a modern, stylish hairstyle, which seems to have just come out from under the curling iron, and is not flooded with a large amount of special means. Hair carving can be:

  • traditional;
  • local or zonal;
  • vertical or spiral;
  • texturing (using different shapes and sizes of curlers).

classic waving

Traditional carving is wrapping along the entire length on curlers of the same shape and size. Standard cylinders are used, which can be very large for waves, and narrow for small curls. The master can be guided by different zoning schemes, choosing the direction and angle, chosen according to the task set by the client. Such light chemistry looks like a natural change in the structure of the hair with the only difference being the clarity of curls that do not need to be pacified daily.


It is used on any length of hair, it is mainly small elastic curls, which are obtained using curlers of the “spiral” shape. They wrap the entire length, so the maximum volume is achieved with it. Professionals believe that vertical carving on medium hair looks the most spectacular, especially if it is done on a stepped haircut. In the presence of an even cut, the silhouette becomes disharmonious, especially on very long hair. For short haircuts, spiral winding is done less often, because. it turns out "dandelion".


This option is suitable if you need to create a root volume, since the master affects only this area, placing curlers under it (mostly large ones). However, local (or zonal) can be not only carving at the roots, but also curling the tips, which is often performed for long hair. The main advantage of such styling is to reduce the area exposed to chemical attack, the ability to give a beautiful look to the bangs. Any curlers can be used here.

Carving or chemistry - which is better

The creators of this procedure, Schwarzkopf employees, claim that the long-term hair styling they have developed is as gentle as possible. Updating the result can be frequent - every 2 months, without fear for the health of the hair. This is the main difference between carving and chemistry. However, there are a few more nuances that prevent an equal sign between these types of permanent waving:

  • If you get tired of walking with curls, you won’t have to wait for them to grow back and cut everything ruthlessly. The composition that fixes the styling is temporary - it is gradually washed off by itself.
  • Carving helps regulate the oil content of the roots, so you won't be able to wash your hair every day.
  • According to the technology of the procedure for carving, the master first wraps, and then sprays this design with a special compound. For a perm, the fixative is distributed over wet strands before using the curlers.
  • It is not forbidden to do carving on highlighted hair, but it will hold less than on natural ones.

Contraindications to both options for long-term waving are approximately the same:

  • Thinned, dried hair, especially after bleaching, is forbidden to expose to any chemistry.
  • During pregnancy, a woman should not breathe such compounds, and it makes no sense - changes in hormonal levels can negatively affect the result.
  • It is not recommended to perform carving on henna-dyed hair, because. she will be washed.


The cost of this service in the salon is almost comparable to the same amount of money that you pay when purchasing a ready-made set of professional products or even each product separately. However, buying for home use looks like a better deal as you get multiple treatments for the same money. Even if you order a Schwarzkopf set in an online store with paid delivery, it will cost only 800 rubles, and each large bottle alone will cost 2400 rubles.

The cost of carving hair will depend on their length. For mid-level Moscow salons, the price range is as follows:

Carving at home

Doing this procedure on your own is not very convenient, but judging by the reviews, those who have tried to dye their heads can also cope with the curl. If you intend to master hair carving at home, the step-by-step instructions given here will help you. Make sure that the room where you will work is draft-free, and proceed:

  1. Wash and dry your hair without turning on the hair dryer for the last step. Rubbing the strands with a towel is also undesirable: get wet and let dry on your own.
  2. If the hair has previously been dyed, use special protection, otherwise the color may change.
  3. Divide the entire mass of hair into strands, wind on curlers from the tip. Fix.
  4. Gently apply the composition for carving three times spreading with a brush - the curl should be completely saturated.
  5. Put on a hat, warm up with a hairdryer. Wait as instructed.
  6. Remove curlers, wash your hair (without shampoo!) for about 5-6 minutes.
  7. Moving from the ends up, apply the fixative.
  8. After 1-2 minutes (check in the instructions) wash your hair again. Dry without a hair dryer.

Products for long-term styling

If you plan to try the procedure at home, in addition to standard jars of care products (shampoo, conditioner, etc.), you will need to purchase a special hair carving kit, or collect everything you need separately. The list is short:

  • curlers;
  • special tools for carving, including protective, activating and fixing compounds.


The main condition that is put forward for this hairdressing tool is no connection to the network: i.e. electric curlers cannot be used. The form plays a role only from the position of the desired result. Special curlers for carving are not required - the craftsmen use the same ones that women use to wrap themselves at home. Mostly this:

  • Bobbins. They are a narrow rod with which you can get small African curls, or a beach effect (depending on the winding method).
  • Spirals. Used for vertical carving, give a clear volume on any hair structure. Due to the elasticity, the curl is long-lasting.
  • Large cylinders. Necessary for creating waves and basal volume, they can also be used to twist the ends.
  • Rollers. The size of the curl depends on the choice of their diameter, but at the same time, the styling always turns out to be careless.


The preparations that the master uses (or you during the home procedure) must be deprived of ammonia. Thioglycolate is also a prohibited ingredient. Only in their absence can a perm be considered gentle - but not harmless. The correct composition for hair carving can be found in the leading hairdressing brands: Schwarzkopf, Londa, and the last master is called very soft, but the durability does not suffer. Keep in mind that:

  • The composition is selected according to the type of hair - dyed, difficult, normal.
  • The fixative must be from the same brand as the base product.
  • Before the procedure, you should check for allergic reactions.

How to style your hair

If with chemistry women could only comb their hair or collect it, then carving exposes not so severe restrictions. You can even use an iron if you suddenly get tired of curls, and then wash your hair and see them again: this will not affect the duration of the effect. However, hair styling after carving still has its own characteristics that you need to know if you want to extend the result from visiting the salon to the maximum limit:

  • Try to dry without a hair dryer.
  • It is worth buying styling for curly hair, because. with a porous structure, they will have to be tamed, making them smoother.
  • You should not go to bed immediately after washing your hair - after that it will be difficult to give your hair a neat look.
  • Styling is done with combs with natural or plastic bristles - no metal.

hair care

Immediately after this procedure, it is forbidden to wash your hair or do styling: the composition must be fixed. It is undesirable even to comb too actively - any impact is minimized. After this period, the following rules are introduced:

  • Choose a special shampoo and conditioner targeted at textured hair (it is worth contacting a consultant in a professional store).
  • After shampooing, the strands should be soaked, not rubbed.
  • Comb with wide-toothed combs.
  • Be sure to use nourishing masks, but without oil.

Like any chemistry, carving can damage the hair if it was not originally completely healthy. Even following all the rules of care does not guarantee that the source will remain in its original state, so the question often arises of how to restore hair after carving. A few recommendations:

  • Incorporate natural oils into your skin care routine.
  • Cut off split ends.
  • Use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners.
  • Refrain from thermal exposure.

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A neat hairstyle requires styling every day. Some girls can easily cope with this task, very quickly creating chic curls. For others, this procedure becomes a real torment. They are perfect for long-term styling. It will help the fair sex to facilitate the daily creation of neat hairstyles.

Concept and types

Long-term hair styling, often called carving, is a special procedure that is carried out in a salon or at home. Its result will be:

  • volume;
  • air hair;
  • soft waves or bouncy curls.

You can name the various types in which carving can be done. Depending on the agent used, long-term styling, perm, biowave are distinguished directly. The composition for carving has a more gentle effect. Therefore, too steep curls can not be obtained.

Various types of creative perm help to achieve a curious effect. It can be a perm exclusively of the root zone, only the ends or individual strands.

Who is not suitable for carving?

Carving is ideal for those with short or medium length hair. Long-term styling on long hair, thick or heavy can give an unpredictable effect. The result will be subtle or it may not be at all.

You should not take risks and put yourself in the hands of a carving master if you have dry and brittle hair. Getting beautiful curls is unlikely to succeed. However, owners of oily hair will like this procedure. It will dry them out a little and help them stay clean longer, the structure will be more airy.

You should not do carving if staining has recently been carried out. The procedure is not suitable for those who use henna or basma at home. It is unlikely that in this case the woman will be satisfied with the effect.

Carving procedure

For those girls who decide that long-term styling on medium hair in the salon is perfect for them, it is important to know the stages of the procedure. First of all, it is worth understanding that the products used for carving have a gentle and gentle effect on the hair. The highest quality ones include various natural ingredients.

However, like any other chemical composition, such products can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, they can have an unexpected effect. That is why any professional offers new clients to do testing. This will help you find out which composition is best suited in a particular case. In addition, the master will be able to individually select the duration of the procedure and check for allergies.

Those who decide to do carving in the salon will have to spend about 90 minutes there. There are several steps in the procedure.

  1. The head is thoroughly washed by professional means.
  2. Still wet hair is wound on certain stylers, depending on the desired result: large curls or small curls. It can be curlers, boomerangs and bobbins.
  3. Next, the hair is impregnated with a specialized agent. It acts very quickly, so it does not stay on the head for a long time.
  4. The agent is thoroughly washed off and a solution for fixation is applied, its exposure time is also quite short.

It is the short duration of action that distinguishes carving from traditional perm.

Those who want to enjoy the effect of long-term styling do not have to rush to the salon and spend huge amounts of money. Today, there are tools that allow you to do carving at home. At the same time, it is important to strictly follow the instructions of the instructions and wash off the product in time, otherwise the hair can be burned.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Any woman who prefers to style her hair with a long-term effect can name a number of advantages of the procedure:

  • reducing the time it takes to style your hair daily;
  • hairstyle looks good immediately after sleep;
  • a large number of styling options even for short hair.

But there are several disadvantages that can arise if you do the procedure:

  • when carving, chemicals are used, so it can be harmful;
  • for those who have a porous and airy hair structure, it is better not to do the procedure;
  • damaged hair will need to be cured first;
  • the chemical composition of the funds does not allow the procedure during pregnancy and lactation.

Proper care after long-term styling

Despite the fact that long-term styling is a modern and rather gentle procedure, it can cause serious damage to hair. Even if it is not performed at home, but by an experienced master, proper hair care afterwards is important. To avoid making mistakes, you can use the following tips:

  1. Do not wash your hair for three days after the salon procedure, otherwise the effect may be hopelessly spoiled.
  2. You should switch to restorative hair cosmetics.
  3. You can not comb wet curls with a frequent comb.

If you have done carving, you should not expose your hair to coloring in the near future. A long-term styling product in combination with ammonia, which is part of the dye, can seriously damage the hair.

Features of laying after carving

After carving is done, every woman can easily do various styling at home. If there is a desire to get curls, it is necessary to use products for structured hair during washing. After that, the usual air drying without a hair dryer is applied.

If you need cool curls, you can style your hair with foam. For light waves, try spraying your hair with a spray. When you want to get straight hair, they should be pulled out using a hair dryer.

You can also create a hairstyle with the effect of wet hair. To do this, just apply a special tool and wrinkle a little with your hands. After that, the hair is dried in the air.

Long-term styling helps to always look better even for those women who have short hair. True, it is worth considering some of the nuances before proceeding with the procedure. Otherwise, the result can be disastrous.

Long-term styling, pyramid technique

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