Virgo is the metal sign of the zodiac. What metal suits Virgo the most

Consideration should be given to the importance of metals and precious stones for the signs of the zodiac, since in many cases luck, happiness, and sometimes even the character of a person depend on the connection of a person and the metal that suits him. In addition, a certain sign of the zodiac will be able to enhance its energy through a suitable stone, which will also affect life in general. Metal talismans, as a rule, bring good luck, protect from dangers, can help resolve an unpleasant situation and give peace of mind. Amulets and amulets with one or another metal are suitable for both women and men certain sign zodiac.

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      Jewelry and zodiac signs

      Precious stones and metals are important for the signs of the zodiac, since a suitable amulet, especially if it is inherited, will become a strong source of positive energy radiation. Knowing which metal is suitable according to the horoscope, you can strengthen your energy. With great faith in success, it brings good luck, helps in resolving conflicts, and even improves health.

      • For a good outcome, you need to set yourself up in the right direction, visualize how the talisman affects a certain factor, and all the positive energy in it spills over the body. By doing such exercises related to visualization, you can revive the talisman and reveal its power.

        Aries (March 21 - April 20)

        Aries are full of vitality, often curious and love justice. They excel when it comes to fighting because they set a goal and strategically move towards it. If they have a chance to show their abilities once again, they will never miss it.

        Their strengths are such qualities as determination, self-confidence, optimism and initiative, which once again confirms their element - fire. So, the metal that belongs to Aries is gold. This is a wonderful combination, since the flame in their hearts can motivate them to achieve huge goals.

        The patrons of Aries are Mars and Pluto. Brass and iron are also suitable for this zodiac sign: these metals will help you discover new talents in yourself, activate virtues and strengths, awaken feelings, give peace and tenderness. In addition, the talismans will reveal courage and determination in them, they will have a desire to work, take the initiative, and thanks to the energy received, they will be able to spend a lot of time working on one project.

        But do not forget that along with this, bad qualities can also be shown - capriciousness, irascibility and aggressiveness. Aries can be impatient with people they surpass in intelligence and creativity, which makes them seem too selfish. They rarely change their minds, because nature has rewarded them with invincible stubbornness. They demand attention to themselves, due respect and praise for their efforts - if they feel their work is unrecognized, they become rude and sarcastic.

        Ideally, Aries should use a nickel and copper based talisman.

        Gems for Aries:

        • quartz;
        • turquoise;
        • flint;
        • lapis lazuli;
        • ruby;
        • amber.

        Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

        Taurus are distinguished by their charm and calmness even in difficult situations. People born under this sign love to plan their lives in order to enjoy them later. They love all kinds of pleasures and luxuries, although they know that before this one should work hard. They seek stability everywhere: at work, in life, and in partners and colleagues. They do not like to rush things, they are slowly but surely moving towards their goal in order to get unforgettable pleasure in the future. These people almost always bring things to the end, think through everything to the smallest detail, know how to do right choice. Easily adapt to new circumstances, are not afraid of change, especially if there is motivation. They like to spend time with their families.

        Metals such as aluminum, silver and copper are suitable for this zodiac sign. These metals can even be associated with Taurus: they are just as easily amenable to external processing. If Taurus gets a chance to wear a hereditary amulet made of silver or copper alloys, then this will be a great opportunity to increase self-confidence, higher power will help resolve conflict situations and will allow you to stay strong in certain conditions. With prolonged wearing of a talisman made of suitable metals, over time, it will reveal in Taurus patience, responsibility, stability in relationships and work. Of the negative qualities, metal reveals stubbornness, possessiveness and uncompromisingness, the desire to always be a leader and feel respect from others, but if this is not the case, then they will refuse to work, finding all sorts of ways to evade work, which affects relations with superiors.

        Gemstones for Taurus:

        • rose quartz;
        • turquoise;
        • agate;
        • onyx;
        • sapphire.

        GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

        The Gemini sign has such a name for a reason: people of this sign rarely do anything alone, they find joy in sharing new ideas and concepts with those around them. Communication is key factor for people born under this sign, their profession is often associated with live communication.

        Geminis are adventurous by nature and often take part in travel as it gives them the opportunity to meet new people and experience new feelings. This sign craves intellectual stimulation and therefore will look for ways to develop physically, mentally and spiritually.

        The patron saint of Gemini is Mars. This can be associated with the metal suitable for this sign - mercury: it is just as mobile and changeable. In addition, a silver amulet is most suitable for Gemini. This metal will help emphasize and activate the best sides, will save you from hasty decisions and senseless risk. It will reveal sociability, the ability to adapt quickly. When wearing a talisman, the Gemini will prove to be great conversationalists and charming people who can support literally any topic. From negative aspects indecisiveness, nervousness, a desire to always be in the center of attention, withdrawal when unpleasant situations both in relationships and at work. There is also selfishness and rudeness.

        Gems for Gemini:

        • emerald;
        • flint;
        • crystal.

        Topaz is also a powerful amulet for Gemini.

        Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

        Deeply intuitive and sentimental, Cancers are one of the most difficult signs in the zodiac. They are very emotional and sensitive, take care of household chores and family. Cancers have a hard time bonding with people, but if they do, they keep them around for the rest of their lives. These people are very loyal, able to empathize, feel the pain and suffering of others. Lack of patience or love will manifest itself in regular mood swings and selfishness, self-pity or manipulation. They rush to the rescue, try to avoid conflict and impress. When they realize that they have made the right choice in life, they become the happiest, as they love to spend time at home, in harmony and in the circle of their loved ones. They are very good listeners and have open heart for other people's problems.

        Cancers are loyal to friends and partners, able to achieve goals in non-standard ways. Able to find and hold on to the things that make them happy, rarely change their minds. The patron of Cancers is the almighty Moon, and the metal that suits them perfectly is titanium and all its alloys. If you make an amulet from these alloys, it will help you get inspiration and creativity, emphasize responsiveness, the gift of persuasion, and without that wonderful feeling humor. But such qualities as capriciousness and self-doubt can be revealed if Cancers feel that they are about to lose the friendship or love of someone close.

        Gemstones for Cancers:

        • cat's eye;
        • agate;
        • amethyst;
        • onyx;
        • ruby;
        • topaz.

        Leo (July 23 - August 22)

        People born under the sign of Leo are leaders by nature. They are not introverted, creative, self-confident and domineering, but it is very difficult for them to hold on, not go astray and achieve everything they want in any area of ​​​​life. Leos have many friends because they are generous and loyal. Sociability is their main character trait, they are able to create a team and be a leader in it, proudly holding the bar.

        The owners of this sign love relaxation, comfort and warmth, they like to imagine the big picture of the future, without thinking about ways to achieve small goals. They do not like monotonous and boring work, they just run out of patience, they do not want to be in the role of a subordinate.

        Loving and being loved is the driving motivation behind this sign. If they do not feel love or are ignored by anyone, this brings them great bitterness in their souls. They are pleased when they are appreciated, noticing every effort. Fire signs like Leo are warm, bright people who use this energy and warmth to draw people to them.

        It is not in vain that fire is attributed to the elements of Lions, because their talisman is gold. It can be associated with these people. Metal helps them make up vitality and improves mood, minimizes problems in relationships and at work. If the talisman is charged negative energy, this will cause the corresponding consequences: Lions will become stubborn and lazy, to some extent arrogant and self-centered.

        Gems for Lions:

        • gold quartz;
        • nephritis;
        • agate;
        • opal;
        • ruby;
        • zircon.

        Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

        Despite the fact that Virgos do not always pay attention to the smallest details and do not look for them deep meaning, they are considered to be one of the most cautious signs of the zodiac. Their strategic approach to life makes it clear that nothing happens for nothing, and although they are gentle, their hearts can be closed to outside world. Others confuse this with the inability to express their feelings, but Virgos are simply afraid that they will not be accepted.

        Virgos are not against loneliness until they are completely sure that they are needed and appreciated. They are good listeners and are always ready to help those in need. Their benevolence often makes them easy to take advantage of, and they end up with more work tasks than they should have. This sign should carefully consider the situation and the task before agreeing and accepting it.

        Virgo is an Earth sign, which means they love to do things with their hands. They don't tend to be loud or bossy, but are brilliant strategists and an asset to any team. Very often they overburden themselves and take on more than they should, which makes them tire themselves out. Virgo is patronized by Mercury, and bronze, copper or tin are suitable metals, they will help restore harmony in the soul and emphasize the best aspects of the owner of the sign, in particular, openness and kindness of the heart, loyalty and analyticity, diligence and practicality. Of the negative qualities, excessive anxiety and shyness, as well as criticism of oneself and others, may be present.

        Gems for Virgos:

        • turquoise;
        • Tiger's Eye;
        • selenite;
        • nephritis.

        Libra (September 23 - October 22)

        People born under the sign of Libra are calm, fair, hate loneliness. Love relationship very important to them, as they reflect their condition. These people are fascinated by harmony and symmetry, they are in constant pursuit of justice and equality, realizing that this is the only thing that will help achieve peace of mind. These people are ready to do anything to avoid conflict situations and maintain peace in relationships.

        Libra possess high intelligence and sharp mind, inspired good books and heartfelt conversations. These people must strike a balance between labor activity and rest, as well as in the emotional, spiritual and physical life. Because of this need, they can sometimes appear thoughtful when asked to make a decision. This is because they have to "weigh" all options. But, when Libra makes a decision, this will be their best victory. This sign does not like to see people unhappy.

        Bronze is great for Libra, wearing this metal as an amulet will give additional endurance and stamina, strength to achieve goals and eccentricity. With a negatively charged amulet, they develop resentment and self-pity, absent-mindedness and indecision.

        Gemstones for Libra:

        • emerald;
        • rose quartz;
        • cornelian;
        • malachite;
        • lapis lazuli.

        Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

        Scorpio is passionate and assertive, an excellent leader, always aware of the situation and a rather quirky person. Scorpios often express their emotions, but they do it a little differently than other water signs, they know how to keep secrets.

        Scorpios are known for their calm and cool demeanor, which gives them a mysterious air. Some may look older than they really are. They are great leaders because they are very passionate about what they do. Scorpios hate lies and can be very jealous and distrustful. They are brave enough, so they have many friends.

        The magical metal ideal for Scorpions is brass. Amulets from it will help a person born under this sign to survive in difficult situation will give harmony in the soul. The second metal for Scorpions is iron, it does not have such a strong influence, but it will help to reveal resourcefulness, courage and stubbornness in oneself. Scorpios will be able to demonstrate self-control in many emergency situations, and as a result, defeat all their enemies. Thanks to this metal, there will be a desire to be leaders, they will be able to succeed in solving problems, as well as finding and eliminating conflict situations. reverse side there will be pessimism, distrust and secrecy, excessive jealousy.

        Gemstones for Scorpios:

        • black quartz;
        • opal;
        • ruby;
        • sapphire;
        • selenite.

        Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

        Curious and energetic, Sagittarius is one of the most passionate travelers of all zodiac signs. Their open mind and philosophical outlook motivate them to wander the world in search of the meaning of life. Sagittarius is extrovert, optimistic and enthusiastic, loves change. He is able to transform his thoughts into concrete actions, so he will do everything to achieve his goals.

        Like others fire signs A Sagittarius needs to be constantly in touch with the world in order to gain as much experience as possible. The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, the most big planet zodiac. Their enthusiasm knows no bounds, which is why people born under the sign of Sagittarius have a great sense of humor and a burning sense of curiosity.

        Freedom is their greatest treasure, because only through it can they travel and explore different cultures and philosophy. They are honest, but often impatient and tactless when they have to say or do something, so it is important for them to learn how to express themselves in a tolerant and socially acceptable way. They hate routine work and always crave something new.

        Gold for a fiery centaur is the best fit. It highlights it good qualities: generosity, dreaminess, good feeling humor and optimism. They will have inspiration, a desire to be the center of attention and a thirst for exploring new places to travel and new feelings. Thanks to this metal, they will be able to find their creativity and be creative. Negative qualities can be impatience and unwillingness to fight for a dream.

        Gemstones for Sagittarians:

        • lapis lazuli;
        • nephritis;
        • sapphire;
        • opal;
        • onyx.

        Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

        Capricorn is a sign that represents tact and responsibility, and people born under this sign are strong and very serious. These people have internal state independence, which ensures significant success in personal life and professional field. They are masters of self-control and the ability to lead others, make reliable and realistic plans, and manage many people. They will learn from their mistakes based solely on their experience and knowledge.

        Platinum is great for Capricorns. Amulets and amulets made of this metal will help them to restrain their emotions, avoid conflict situations and restore vitality. Also, amulets will help to achieve your goals and develop such qualities as responsibility, discipline and self-control. But in certain cases, these qualities can turn into pessimism, condescension and naivety. Since Capricorns often think about the future and the smallest details, they can seem boring to others who do not understand Capricorn's active inner nature. They can often come across as selfish and mean as they keep information to themselves or strategically hide it for their own benefit. Often they can be less resourceful and refuse to look at facts that indicate they are wrong about something. These negative aspects of the personality are affected by a stolen amulet or charged with negative energy.

        The most a big problem for Aquarius - the feeling that they are limited in some way. Because of the desire for freedom and equality for all, they will always strive to ensure freedom of speech and movement. Aquarians have a reputation for being cold and unfeeling, but this is just a defense mechanism against premature intimacy. They must learn to trust others and express their emotions.

        For Aquarius suitable metals are gold and copper. Amulets and talismans will help you understand yourself and emphasize originality, independence and humanitarianism. Among the shortcomings, alienation, uncompromisingness, excessive emotionality and temperament may appear.

        Precious metals for Aquarius:

        • coral;
        • sardonyx;
        • fluorite;
        • lead.

        Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

        Pisces are very friendly, so they often find themselves in the company of the most different people. They are selfless and always ready to help others without expecting anything in return. They are also generous, compassionate, very loyal and caring. People born under the sign of Pisces have an intuitive understanding life cycle and thereby achieve the best emotional relationships with other people.

        Pisces often dream of brilliant ideas and plans that they cannot always carry out. They have a happy and vibrant inner life that few can share or see. They care deeply about others and do not like to see people become unhappy. Pisces are extremely dedicated people, staying in companies for decades as others move from one job to another. The same goes for relationships. People around you may notice that Pisces is difficult to understand because they rarely share their main passion readily.

From antiquity to the present day people use various items as charms and amulets. Talismans Virgo must choose according to the horoscope in order to find items with which you can significantly improve life. The most powerful are the found items that you immediately liked and wanted to take them with you. If there is no such thing, then a person can choose an amulet for himself and buy it in a store.

The sign of the Virgin refers to, so the talisman can be made from any natural materials: gypsum, clay, ceramic, etc.


It can be alive, in the form of a figurine or drawn. With the help of a grasshopper, you can achieve success with a minimum of effort.


The image of this bird develops rationality, prudence, intelligence and chastity in a person. Uncertainty is not to the liking of this zodiac sign, and the amulet with the image of an owl helps to quickly navigate the situation. Such a talisman for Virgo is able to protect her from rash decisions, but it must be carried with you all the time.

It is also believed that the amulet in the form of an owl protects from enemies and deceit, and brings financial well-being. The most optimal material for manufacturing will be clay. The figurine of a bird must be tightly squeezed in your hands at sunset, this will fill it with energy.


An excellent amulet can serve as a pendant with a pendant in the form of a cube. When choosing such a talisman, you should opt for one of the white metals. The cube is able to protect against rash decisions, bring harmony to life with the people around you and with yourself, teach you to enjoy every moment.


A monkey can become an amulet that will protect Dev. It can be a figurine on the desktop, bringing good luck and profit in business relations. It has a beneficial effect on its owner, making the representatives of the sign more cunning, teaches them to ignore unpleasant information or react to it calmly.


Those born under the sign of Virgo are beneficially influenced by representatives of the same sign. That is, another person, especially young girls, can be a talisman. You need to try to be in their society as often as possible, they will give the necessary support, understand, and help. It is best if there are close relatives or friends born under the same sign in the environment.

Other talismans

Virgos are under the influence of the planet Mercury, therefore

The wards of Mercury are suitable as mascots for vehicles: a bicycle, a scooter, a car, etc.

Something paper can also become a talisman:

  • writing instruments;
  • notebook;
  • diary;
  • Notebook;
  • banknote.

Color for the mascot plays a very important role. In clothes and home interiors, Virgos are recommended to use green, blue, white and purple colors. These shades help to become less dependent on the surrounding society, which allows you to make life brighter, gives a feeling of comfort.

In the interior White color it has a beneficial effect, helps to be loyal to others and makes Dev more receptive. Selected in this color scheme stationery, globes and other little things as a talisman for the Virgo man, help him become the master of the situation and achieve significant results in his career.

Representatives of the sign can choose any green mineral as an amulet. This stone does not have to match the horoscope, the color of the stone plays a more important role than astrological properties.

A suitable talisman, the sign of the Zodiac Virgo, these are ancient letters, symbols and inscriptions in Old Slavonic and Hebrew, related to religion. Also, runes can become elements of decoration, which will also protect its owner. The number of elements in the talisman must match lucky numbers this sign. These numbers are 3, 5 and 6.

Virgo Animal Mascots

Animals that can become talismans for this sign include a dog. It will bring warmth and a lot of favorable emotions to its owner, relieve the feeling of loneliness, which often overcomes them.

Virgo Plant Talismans

Of all plants, trees are the best at storing energy from space, which they can then share. But the same tree is not equally suitable for everyone, for some it can become a source of strength, and for others, on the contrary, their absorber.

What talisman does the Virgin grow in the forest? Representatives of the sign are best suited for pine, linden, willow and olive.


This tree helps to determine the goals in life, gives courage, protects against failures, pushes to strive forward. Pine teaches you to prioritize correctly, your interests should be above all, and then everything else. She adds even more impulsiveness and sensuality, which may not be favorable, since Virgos can get carried away and find themselves in an uncontrollable situation.


The tree develops respect for the opinions of others, but helps to understand what the Virgo wants, gives her determination and efficiency. Willow symbolizes mystery and meekness, so representatives of this zodiac sign are able to pretend that they need help, although in fact they can defend themselves. A tree can endow with intuition, artistic abilities, and imagination.


A good talisman for a Virgo woman. This tree gives charm, adaptability, resourcefulness, precision and a practical mindset. Thanks to this tree, a woman knows how to create a comfortable atmosphere, as she treats others with respect, knows how to listen and does not try to command or impose her opinion.


Such a talisman extinguishes all aggression, gives calmness and harmony to those who like to complicate life. Thanks to this tree, virgins become more cordial and kind, others often try to take advantage of this, but the olive gives the owner common sense, so others cannot take advantage of soft feelings.


Talismans for Virgo can be any unpretentious flowers. Despite their external fragility, they must be very hardy, able to survive in any situation. These colors can be:

  • Chrysanthemum;
  • Carnation;
  • Delphinium;
  • daisies;
  • Aster;
  • Lily.


The most powerful is a living flower, which can be placed on the bedside table next to the bed or on the table in the main room. If there are no natural flowers, then their image will do, but in no case an artificial flower.

This plant increases emotional perception, leads nervous system in balance, making it easier to build relationships with people. Astra makes Virgos more liberated, sensual and romantic. Petals give the ability to avoid stressful situations. Such people are highly valued at work, they are respected by both subordinates and managers.

In Greco-Roman mythology, the Virgo zodiac sign corresponds to Ceres, the goddess of the harvest, and her daughter Persephone (Proserpina), whose father was the Thunderer Zeus. A beautiful girl was kidnapped by the gloomy ruler of the underworld Hades. The goddess of fertility Ceres grieved so much that all growth on the earth stopped: leaves and flowers withered, fields and fields were empty. Mankind was threatened with death, but Ceres was inconsolable and did not notice anything. Finally, Zeus took pity and allowed Persephone to live with her mother for two thirds of the year, and for one third to return to her husband Hades. Since then, every year, as the daughter leaves Ceres, autumn comes on earth. And with her return comes spring.

Ruling planet of Virgo: Mercury.
People of the Virgo zodiac sign have a highly developed analytical mind and are always trying to comprehend and systematize everything that happens. Virgo is a born observer, she sees all human flaws.


Jade - a stone of tranquility

Carnelian - the stone of the sun

Sapphire - a stone of wisdom

Agate - stimulant of spiritual awakening

Jasper - stone of life

Malachite - a stone of health

Topaz - a stone of inner enlightenment

Cat's eye - protecting against betrayal



The ancient Romans planted a carnation in honor of Jupiter, hoping that the Lord of the gods, noticing his favorite flower on Earth, would grant them mercy. For the Spaniards, the carnation is a love amulet. At the same time, this bright flower has something sinister in it, and indeed, it is associated with many bloody historical events. Such is the myth about its origin. The goddess Diana, after an unsuccessful hunt, met a shepherd who, as it seemed to her, dispersed all the game with a flute ... and in anger she tore out his eyes. Recovering herself, she decided to perpetuate those plaintive eyes that relentlessly pursued her and threw them onto the path, where two red carnations immediately grew.

It symbolizes innocence and purity. Here is what the legend tells about her origin: Zeus's wife Hera saw his hidden son, baby Hercules, and decided to feed him with her milk. But the baby, sensing an enemy in her, bit the goddess on the nipple; milk splashed and formed in the sky Milky Way and on the ground - lilies.

It opens shortly after sunrise, for which it was nicknamed the "eye of the day." In Greek, daisy means pearl. The European knights regarded the bouquet of daisies sent to their beloved as consent to marriage. Louis IX ordered to capture the flower on the state flag and the royal ring in honor of his wife Margaret. For many nations, the daisy is an image of kindness and restraint.

There are few flowers that so quickly and so firmly won the sympathy of the public and gardeners as chrysanthemum. Remember how long ago the chrysanthemum was a favorite flower only in China and Japan and we only had it in the form of two or three varieties? And now what forms, colors and types of it you will meet! Chrysanthemum is a favorite of Japan, it has been cultivated here since time immemorial. This is the national flower, the whole population is fond of it, starting with the mikado and ending with the last rickshaw. Previously, in Japan, only the emperor had the right to wear her image, and she is depicted on the national flag, coins and the highest order. Exist autumn holiday chrysanthemums. In China, the ninth month of the year is named after her.

Depending on the decade of birth, one can determine the dominant plant and the qualities that it gives to a person born on these days.

September 24 - 2 - DOLPHINIUM. Ascetic. Undemanding to himself, only to others. A person born under this sign can be a workaholic and be dependent on the opinions of others. It is worth learning to repel the machinations of ill-wishers.


September 3 - 11 - CLOVE. A person with such a direct character as Gvozdika's is worth looking for. Such a property is not at all liked by others. But alas, Carnation stands her ground, even if the force is not on her side. The main thing is to defend the truth.


September 12 - 22 - ASTRA. The melancholy and sadness of autumn are noticeably brightened up by asters. So the man-Astra, like a star in the night, dispels the darkness with his cheerful disposition. But this is not reckless fun, but quite conscious behavior. Such people are valued by both subordinates and superiors.


The pine tree knows what it wants and never goes with the flow. She is courageous, meets difficulties with her head held high and does not allow bad luck to overcome herself, thanks to courage, perseverance, the ability to plan and reasonably take risks, she always goes ahead. Despite the friendliness in communication and the ability to be a nice conversationalist, Pine is no different sentimentality: own interests are in the first place for her. Pine's only weaknesses are sensuality and impulsiveness, which make her easily carried away.

Men. Courageously go forward, despite resistance, to achieve the goal. Always successful, regardless of the type of activity, they will always find a way out of the most difficult situation.

Women. They never submit to fate, but on the contrary, they subordinate the conditions to their needs, but without the house, which they often create for themselves, they would not be able to reach such heights.

Love and marriage. Bold and strong, Pine people show weakness only here. Easily carried away, they are influenced by an uncontrollable situation.

There is something mysterious in the melancholic Willow. She is full of vague hopes and unconscious desires, which sometimes she herself cannot express in words. But meekness does not prevent her from being businesslike and resolute. Iva knows well what she wants, but she never imposes anything on anyone, because she has a highly developed sense of respect for someone else's worldview and completely lacks the desire to command. At times for fun, and sometimes for personal gain, she brilliantly knows how to play a weak creature out of herself, although in fact she can stand up for herself. Artistic abilities, intuition and rich imagination often help her in life. And one more touch to the portrait of Willow: she cannot imagine life without sunlight, heat and water.

Men. Gifted with an artistic flair, they cannot stand the gray routine. Sensual and romantic, with a rich imagination, these men are able to play defenseless and helpless, pursuing any goals or just joking.

Women. Somewhat thoughtful and meek in appearance, they are actually quite determined. These women will surely find a reason for joy even in the most gray day and will not miss it for anything.

Love and marriage. Willows are not characterized by feelings without suffering, or rather, such things simply do not attract them: love without suffering is a very insipid thing, in their opinion.

Lipa is incredibly charming and knows how to use it. She can turn anyone's head. Dreaming of a stable, secure, comfortable life, Lipa often does not realize that all this does not mean anything for her. of great importance: It easily adapts to any conditions. In company with Lipa, it is pleasant and easy, she knows how to create an atmosphere of psychological comfort: she patiently listens to her interlocutor, respects others, and does not seek to lead. Lipa has a practical mindset, resourceful and accurate.

Men. Those born at this time are fickle and sensitive to flattery, and life often makes them feel bored - this is their main trouble.

Women. Calm and even somewhat weak-willed in appearance, soft and pessimistic, Limes, however, are able to turn anyone's head. These creatures feel at home everywhere: a tent is enough for them to create comfort and warmth.

Love and marriage. As a rule, Lipa is loved, tolerant, but she can be very jealous (even if there is no reason to be jealous).

The olive is balanced and calm, there is nothing aggressive in it, and all this is due to the unwillingness to complicate one's life. She is distinguished by intelligence and at times is so delicate that she seems indifferent, although this is not at all the case. Although Olive is kind and cordial, she has a fair share of common sense not to let their kindness be exploited. She devotes a lot of time to reflection, loves to read, study and expand her horizons.

Men. They have a sense of justice inherent in them. Being impartial, they are able to understand a lot and enter into someone else's position, forgetting about themselves.

Women. They go through life with a smile, preferring not to be upset and thereby not injure their nervous system. The state of serenity and peace that they radiate is easily transmitted to others.

Love and marriage. In personal relationships, Maslina respects the independence of her partner and therefore tries to be non-jealous, even if it hurts her. Sometimes for the sake of another, she is even able to give up love, which speaks not of her weakness, but, on the contrary, of her strength of mind and desire to lead a quiet life.



light blue




Virgo lucky numbers: 3, 5, 6, 12, 20, 27.

Each Sign of the Zodiac can enhance their energy with a metal that is close to them in its aura. A metal talisman will bring good luck to someone, save someone from dangers, and give someone peace of mind.


The metal of Aries is gold. Only it is able to support the very flame that burns in the hearts of these dynamic people. The fire element and gold are a wonderful union, and for Aries it is doubly the best.


The metal of Taurus is aluminum, because it is also easy to process, like Taurus, but despite its softness, it is resistant to various kinds of influences. Taurus aluminum will help not to be afraid of anything in this life.


Gemini is best suited for silver. This metal can emphasize their incredible quick wits, as well as save them from senseless risks and reckless actions.


Cancers are stubborn, but not to such an extent that they are not loved for it. With their softness, they never change their beliefs. The best metal for Cancers is titanium and its alloys. Silver can act as an analogue, but its properties are noticeably worse for this Sign.

a lion

Lions love gold, and gold loves Leo. For this fiery sign, gold is almost as useful as for Aries - it protects the Lions and improves their mood, and also gives vitality.


Soft metals like tin, copper, aluminum, gold are great for Virgos. Any of them will help Virgo find a balance between feelings and logic. These metals and the natural softness of this Zodiac Sign are emphasized.


The zodiac talisman for Libra is bronze. She is distinguished by excellent stamina, which Libra sometimes lacks, and also gives strength to perform any important tasks.


Scorpios are people of steel. They are difficult to break, so iron alloys are in perfect harmony with them. Those born under the Sign of Scorpio can also succumb only to the influence of time, like iron.


The metal of Sagittarius is silver, which emphasizes the independence of this Zodiac Sign. Sagittarians who wear silver tend to be more fortunate and have less communication difficulties.


Platinum is the patron saint of Capricorns. She protects them and at the same time emphasizes their resistance to outside influences, as well as their wisdom. Platinum doesn't interact with almost anything, and this helps Capricorns stay true to themselves.


The metal of Aquarius is gold and copper. Both metals are soft - exactly the same as Aquarius himself. Aquarius carefully chooses his social circle. Therefore, copper amulets or gold jewelry are talismans and amulets for you.


The metal of Pisces is silver, which keeps them from misfortune. This is a magnificent amulet and a talisman of good luck rolled into one. Silver can give Pisces success in any area of ​​life, especially in love.

By and large, our planet is a huge piece of metal. That is why for a successful connection with the energy of the Universe, the Signs of the Zodiac need their own talismans. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.04.2016 01:10

Each Sign of the Zodiac has its own talismans that protect against troubles, attract good luck, love and...

In the new year, representatives of each Zodiac Sign will not interfere with good luck talismans. They will help you avoid the...

The influence of the luminaries: Mercury.
Symbol: maiden, cube, vat.
Colors: white, blue, purple, green.
A rock: jade, carnelian, "cat's eye", agate, carnelian, jasper, malachite, topaz, chrysoprase, marble.
Metal: tin, copper.
Flowers: asters, mother and stepmother, red poppies.
Mascot: grasshopper, aster.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Unlucky day: Thursday Friday.
Favorable numbers: 3, 5 (all numbers divisible by 5), 6, 12 (all multiples of 12), 20, 27.

born from August 24 to September 2 under the influence of the Sun - they have a sense of harmony, calmness and a tendency to a sedentary life.

born from 3 to 11 September under the influence of Venus - secretive, shy, often monogamous.

born from 12 to 23 September under the influence of Mercury - modest and resourceful, sometimes lazy.

Temperament and character

Virgo is arguably one of the most complex and richest signs of the zodiac. Need for culture, improvement, understanding through logic, deduction, system.

These are skeptics who do not believe in revelation and intuition. But most religious philosophers present their spiritual leaders as born of the Virgin. Virgos rarely exaggerate, analyze and think that they see everything too clearly, take everything personally, criticize, try to simplify, clean up. Deep need for purity. They are like cats torn between curiosity and fear.

Virgo is the sign of cats and small animals in general. They are restless, wanting to think things through before doing anything. Sometimes they think too long, which deprives them of spontaneity, and sometimes because of this they lose chances, miss opportunities.

They are smart, hardworking, reliable and can do anything, they can be perfect averages and maniacs, nerds, the greatest thinkers and geniuses.

Exist 3 various types Dev.

Type one. He is always restrained, constrained, restrained. This trend can range from positive to negative extremes: from the need for order to maniacal pedantry, from penny collecting to great collecting, from cleanliness to excessive scrupulousness, from careful planning to postponing everything for tomorrow.

Type two. I went to the opposite extreme, to physical and psychological diarrhea, as a form of protest and disagreement. He loves dirt" of all kinds, a thirst for strength and power, cruelty to the point of selfishness. This type is often compared to Scorpio.

Type three. Mixed, fluctuating between the first and second. Hold with one hand and give with the other. An in-between personality, slovenly today and driven by a passion for cleanliness tomorrow. A respectable citizen suddenly becomes violent.

All types are reflected in the clothes, classic impeccable style, conservative, attention to detail, but without much imagination, courage or freedom. Sometimes intentionally refined, super formal. This can turn into dullness, monotony, which has lost all connection with fashion. They like to wear everything, hesitate to buy new things. "Positive" Virgo wears carefully selected and fitted clothes that produce pleasant impression simple.


They are attentive in their youth to the choice of a profession, realizing how serious life is, they want to study and work on themselves all their lives. Love for details and perfection, sharp analysis, sometimes turning into greedy pedantry, concern for health, all this opens up great opportunities for them.

Virgos are flawless regardless of the chosen profession. They may prefer to work alone, but this does not preclude the ability to collectivism. They are correct with superiors, strict with subordinates, sometimes a little patronizing, condescending. They find it inconvenient to ask for a raise. They are sometimes underpaid for a long time, they are paid with signs of encouragement, medals, patents. They are attentive, cautious in money matters and can live on little money, they know how to slowly save up for a “pleasant” tomorrow, taking care of a rainy day. Rarely take risks gambling Don't rely on luck.

Virgos make good doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians, ministers emergency care, midwives, masseurs, herbalists, dieticians, linguists, also watchmakers, opticians, engineers, chemists, clerks, designers, farmers, laundresses, cleaners, shopkeepers, secretaries, telephone operators, household staff, civil servants, textile and care specialists horses. Virgos are considered the "worker bees" of society. They love their work to the point of self-denial. This is the core of their life.


Virgo has no natural instinct to do anything. If their heart is caught, they retreat, go into cover to think. They hate and fear all uncertainty and expectation.

Some Virgos are afraid that bearing children will deprive them of their femininity and attractiveness. Others become mothers attached to children and give up their independence.

Passion seems to Virgo a disease of the soul, which the mind must heal. They analyze their feelings, trying to minimize them with the help of reason, doubt, debate, ridicule, while being more attached than they think.

Virgos are burning ice, they do not pour out their feelings and love, proving with deeds more than words. Tenderness takes the form of humiliation, swearing devotion, the same is not expected in return. And they keep their word. They count on relationships where the main emphasis is on moral honesty, purity, deep chastity, affection, if they cannot have this, then they prefer loneliness.

No sign has more bachelors and old maidens isolated in a tower of criticism. The biggest difficulties are encountered in the first stage of a relationship. Virgos are constrained or embarrassed when it is necessary to let the other know what feelings they have, sometimes miss their opportunities, return home alone, tormented by passionate desires or retreat to the level of ordinary generally accepted relationships that bring them indifference, but peace, giving each of the partners a seat alone, leads them to deep vegetation. In the later days of life, they suddenly blow it all up for one incredible passion.

Virgo has the highest percentage of stoppages, last-minute delays: almost everything that is done stops.

Virgo lovers are divided into 3 categories: the lucky type combines business with pleasure; this is a charming man with an even character who loves to cook and do all sorts of household chores. A woman in this category is affectionate, lively, devoted and "serves coffee in bed."

The temperate type can be cold to the point of latent impotence, he is a puritan, an awkward novice who fantasizes alone, interrupted by short-term adventures. A woman of this type can be narrow-minded, making a monument of virtue out of her loneliness or turning life around her into a camp of drill and home.

The third type allows sex to dictate its own rules, has adventures after adventures, while the heart is almost not involved. Sometimes with a penchant for pornography. Women of this type may start out as Lolitas and end up as nymphomaniacs in monastic garb.

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