Themes of articles on physical culture and sport. Basic research. Physical culture in the life of a student

Co-authors: Ibragimov I.F., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, All-Russian State University of Justice
The article considers the motive, as one of the facts, the inducement to a certain activity and to satisfy the need in a certain way. The analysis of factors for the development of motivation in sports activities is presented.

2. Orlova Lyubov Ivanovna. Speech etiquette of a physical education teacher
Co-authors: Ivanov Vyacheslav Anatolyevich, Head of Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow State Regional University
This article will focus on the importance of speech etiquette and culture of speech for a teacher of physical culture in higher educational institutions. We will consider the requirements for the teacher regarding the presentation of the material, as well as the impact of the teacher's education in this area on the educational process and the quality of education.

3. Khafizova Dinara Ilnarovna. The role of the teacher in instilling a healthy lifestyle in students There is a review.
Co-authors: Ibragimov Ildar Faisovich, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Kazan Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)
A professional and effective approach in the field of teaching physical culture and sports to students, allowing them to develop independence and motivation for further sports. The influence of the teacher on the worldview and life goals of the student, instilling personal awareness of the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In the course of the study, the method of a sociological survey was applied.

4. Romantsov Dmitry Valerievich. Therapeutic exercise in diseases of the cardiovascular system There is a review. Article published in No. 75 (November) 2019
Co-authors: Kozlov Mikhail Yurievich, Assistant of the Department of Physical Culture, Orenburg State Medical University
This article is devoted to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. For the percentage of heart disease has increased. The article describes the simplest and most basic options for rehabilitation, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, which are also useful for healthy people. Both indications and contraindications for therapeutic physical exercises are given. Examples and types of therapeutic exercises are given in accordance with the norms of Appendix No. 7 SanPiN of the Russian Federation.

5. Nasyrov Dilovar Rakhmatovich. Effective Fighting Techniques in Muay Thai
The article discusses the key techniques and techniques used in Thai boxing (Muay Thai), as well as gives specific recommendations for fighting when using this type of martial arts.

6. Ryazantsev Alexey Alekseevich. Prevention of psycho-emotional burnout among medical students There is a review. Article published in No. 72 (August) 2019
Specialists in a number of professions experience the so-called "psycho-emotional burnout" in their work, which is characterized by exhaustion of the body at the mental level and the inability of a person to cope with emotional stress at work. In human-to-human professions, negative signs of professional deformation of the personality often appear, but doctors (doctors, nurses) are most often affected by this. High-quality performance of their professional duties in such situations is almost impossible. Symptoms of psycho-emotional burnout can also manifest themselves in medical students in the process of studying at a university. The increase in this burnout and the lack of preventive measures lead not only to the desire of the student to graduate, but also to suicidal thoughts. The publication considers the possibility of preventing psycho-emotional burnout of medical students by means and methods of physical culture in the learning process.

7. Yudin Alexander Viktorovich. Physical training of cadets during extracurricular activities There is a review.
Co-authors: Ponomarev Alexander Sergeevich, Academy of the Federal Security Service of the city of Orel, Kulakov Alexander Leonidovich, Academy of the Federal Security Service of the city of Orel
The article provides weighty arguments why it is necessary to conduct daily extracurricular physical exercises for cadets, how to choose the right exercises.

8. Kuimova Nadezhda Andreevna. Fundamentals of a healthy student lifestyle There is a review.
Co-authors: Usenko Alexandra Ivanovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Curator of the discipline "Physical Culture and Sports", "Elective disciplines in Physical Culture and Sports", Department of Service Technology and Business Communications, Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies (IMSIT)
This article deals with issues related to a healthy lifestyle of a student. As a rule, improperly organized educational and labor activity of students can affect the state of health. Based on this, we can conclude that the organization of a rational lifestyle of students is of great importance. A person who knows how to properly organize his daily routine from his student days will be able to maintain creative activity and cheerfulness in the future.

Co-authors: Petrov Aleksey Nikolaevich, Senior Lecturer in Physical Education, Bashkir State University
This article is devoted to determining the role of physical culture in the formation of students' health. The article also analyzes the influence of physical exercises on the human body and considers the need for physical education among students.

10. Manylova Angelina Sergeevna. DEVELOPMENT OF EXTREME SPORTS There is a review.
Co-authors: Petrov A.N., Senior Lecturer Bashkir State University
This article discusses a variety of extreme sports. Moments of the introduction of extreme sports in the program of the Olympic Games. The influence of extreme sports on human life and its further development. Aspects of including extreme sports in the program and exclusion from it are analyzed both in the Olympic Games and in the Winter Olympic Games.

Co-authors: Armyaninova Tatyana Viktorovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education, Bashkir State University
The article considers the functions of physical culture in the upbringing of a person. The role of physical culture in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, in opening up new opportunities for the realization of strength and talent is shown.

12. Pereverzeva Irina Alekseevna. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among student youth
Co-authors: Supervisor: Rogozhnikov Maxim Alekseevich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Physical and Special Training, St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
This article deals with the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students. A sociological survey on this topic is given, factors and reasons that prevent students from leading a healthy lifestyle are identified. The ways of solving the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle among young people are determined.

The article discusses aspects of organizing and managing sports events at the Donbass Law Academy, as well as tasks aimed at educating the moral and volitional qualities of students.

14. Paltseva Ekaterina Dmitrievna. The effect of hippotherapy on the human body There is a review.
Co-authors: Litvinov Roman Viktorovich, Lecturer, Department of Physical Education, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education, Omsk State Agrarian University named after I.I. P. A. Stolypin
The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of riding therapeutic riding on the human body. This scientific work discusses the concept of "hippotherapy" and the impact of this type of treatment on the body.

15. Gavrilova Nadezhda Alexandrovna. Disease prevention and health promotion through physical education and sports
Co-authors: Kuraleva Olga Olegovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education, Astrakhan State Technical University
The factors affecting human health are multifaceted and have both positive and negative effects. Physical culture and sports have always been the main components in improving human health and preventing various diseases. The article discusses various areas: from morning exercises to physiotherapy exercises, as indicators of improving the quality of life, the psychological and physical condition of a person.

16. Pankina Anastasia Maksimovna. Yoga therapy for the treatment of pathologies of the knee joint There is a review.
Co-authors: Saleev Eldar Rafaelevich, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the Sterlitamak branch of the Bashkir State University
The article discusses yoga therapy as an integral part of the treatment of knee joint pathologies. It also proves that there are a huge number of various methods of treatment and recovery, in addition to surgical intervention. This article discusses physiotherapy as an integral part of the treatment of pathologies of the knee joint.

17. Manzhova Albina Igorevna. The influence of therapeutic physical culture on the human body There is a review.
Co-authors: Delovoy Roman Vladimirovich, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education, Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
In our time, most often pay attention to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, doing physiotherapy exercises strengthens the human body and forms a healthy lifestyle. Many believe that mental labor is more important than physical labor, but if at least one type is abandoned, a person will no longer be able to fully exist. This can lead to a decrease in the immune system, deterioration of metabolism and the vascular-nervous system. To prevent diseases, you need to engage in physical education.

18. Martynenko Ekaterina Alexandrovna. Therapeutic exercise and swimming for scoliosis of the spine There is a review. Article published in No. 64 (December) 2018
Co-authors: Ilyina V.A. - 3rd year student of the pediatric faculty of the Orenburg State Medical University. Bizhanova I.M. - 3rd year student of the pediatric faculty of the Orenburg State Medical University. Saleev E.R. - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Siberian Branch of BashGU.
This article necessitates the use of physical activity as part of the treatment of scoliosis. She also proves that there is a huge variety of treatment and recovery methods, in addition to surgery or corsets. This article discusses physiotherapy exercises and swimming as an integral part of the treatment of scoliosis.

19. Hess Zoya Evgenievna. The influence of Jerusalem artichoke on the athlete's body
Co-authors: Supervisor: Roman Vladimirovich Delovoy, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education, Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
In the modern world, more and more attention is paid to proper nutrition. Therefore, many plants not previously used in everyday life of people began to gain popularity. Among such topical plants, I singled out the Jerusalem artichoke plant. It has now taken a particularly important place in the world of sports, as it has excellent beneficial properties for replenishing the body with vitamins and minerals.

20. Kuznetsova Nikol Sergeevna. The relationship of physical and mental activity There is a review.
Co-authors: Sergeeva Anna Gennadievna, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education, St. Petersburg University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
This article discusses the interaction of physical and mental activity. The need to develop both of these activities to prevent overwork and stress has been identified and justified.

1. Physical culture and sports as social phenomena of society

Physical culture (PC) is a part of human culture, a type of social activity aimed at developing physical abilities. PC is a type of social practice, which means that society recognizes such activities as useful and necessary for all citizens and is called upon to provide conditions for its development.

Indicators of the state of FC in society and the state are a set of material and spiritual values ​​created for the physical improvement of people, their level of health and physical development, and the degree of use of physical exercises in the field of education.

An indicator of the physical condition of young students is the proportion of people with good physical fitness and the proportion of people with poor physical fitness.

Physical assets include stadiums, swimming pools, gyms, sports facilities of educational institutions, medical institutions dealing with the problems of physical education, educational institutions that train personnel for physical education, research institutes (buildings, laboratories, equipment, etc.). Their number in relation to the population is an important indicator of the development of FC.

The spiritual values ​​of FC are the science of physical education and sports, a network of educational institutions that train specialists in physical culture, works of art dedicated to FC and sports (painting, sculpture, music, cinema), a management system in the field of FC.

The concept of "physical culture" includes sports.

Sport - a type of activity in the field of physical education, aimed at achieving maximum results in the chosen form.

The main sign of sport is competition - a comparison of strengths and physical abilities in the struggle for superiority or high sports results (who is better, who is stronger, who is faster?).

The formation of physical culture and its development is largely due to the material conditions of society. So what is "physical culture" as a phenomenon of the modern cultural life of society? This concept can be defined as follows:

Physical culture is part of the general culture of society, aimed at strengthening and improving the level of health, the comprehensive development of the physical abilities of the people and their use in social practice and everyday life of each person. . However, considering this definition, one should always remember that this phenomenon of the life of a modern person at every stage of the development of society has always had and has deep biological roots. , feeding the spreading crown of the tree of active life of each person. Movement (active motor activity) is one of the main components of the biological support for the life of the human body (and cells, tissues, organs, and physiological systems).

In evolutionary terms, all components of the human body developed and improved on the basis of movement and therefore require it constantly both for their development and for maintaining the functional capabilities of each person. The relevance of this provision increases with the steady reduction in the motor activity of a modern person. Academician A.I. Berg and his collaborators calculated that in the middle of the 19th century. of all the energy produced and consumed on Earth, 94% accounted for muscular strength, and already in the middle of the 20th century. only 1% fell to its share. This "hunger of movement", a weak motor background, is dangerous for human life, as it disrupts the normal metabolism in the body, the necessary balance between mental and physical stress. That is why there was a need culture the use of movement - this basis of the vital activity of the human body, i.e. development of a whole complex of social, biological, physiological, pedagogical and other aspects of knowledge about the effective use of movement to ensure human life in today's constantly changing conditions.

All this knowledge, each person's own attitude to their realization, society's attitude to this phenomenon created modern physical culture.

Thus, at its core, modern physical culture has expedient motor activity in the form of a variety of physical exercises that contribute to the biological development of a young organism, allow you to form the necessary skills and abilities, develop physical abilities, optimize health, mental stability and, in general, ensure high performance during all life.

The history of physical culture and sports goes back thousands of years. In modern systems of physical exercises, sports, numerous elements of the main forms of human physical activity in antiquity are clearly observed. Many modern systems of physical exercises are rooted in the religious, ritual, traditional actions of the peoples of the Ancient World, associated with strengthening and maintaining the working capacity of a person or individual systems of his body, as well as with the stabilization of mental processes.

In the historical development of certain sports and various systems of physical exercises, their connection with the conditions of the external environment, with the socio-economic factors of work, life and recreation of a person, is clearly visible. In addition, many changes in the internal structure of each sport often depended and depend on the progress of technology, on the results of scientific discoveries. These and other social factors are closely related to the constant improvement of theory and methodology, as well as the practice of sports training, medical and biological support of the training process.

Physical, culture and sports in the modern society are complex multifunctional phenomena. In our society, they perform a number of important social functions:

Strengthening people's health, promoting the reproduction of a healthy population and preserving the country's gene pool;

Education of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality with the desire to achieve its physical perfection;

Satisfying the needs of society in people physically prepared for modern production, for the fulfillment of the patriotic duty to defend the Motherland;

International education of citizens of the country, strengthening the unity and cohesion of nations, friendship and cooperation between peoples.

Physical culture and sports as a means of improving people's health and preserving the country's gene pool.

The main indicator of the physical condition of a person is his health, which ensures the full performance by a person of all vital functions and forms of activity in certain specific conditions.

Preservation and strengthening of human health, increasing the level of his physical fitness and ability to work, prolonging the creative activity of people is defined as the most important social task, the role of which in any society is extremely large.

In solving this problem, physical culture and sports, physical education of young people play an important role. Through the directed use of physical exercise, healthy lifestyles, etc. it is possible to change a wide range of indicators of physical development, physical functional readiness (strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, dexterity). The health-improving orientation of physical culture and mass sports is the regularity of their functioning. The choice of means of physical education, the regulation of physical activity are based primarily on the control over the state of health of the student by the doctor, trainer-teacher and are considered mandatory conditions for physical education and sports.

Concern for the gene pool of the country's population is one of the most important, and now the most urgent, state tasks. Many public and state structures are involved in this work. Physical culture and sports can make a significant contribution to solving this problem. It is no coincidence that in one of his speeches, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin warned that an inattentive attitude to sports could "detrimentally affect the health of the nation."

It is the physical culture of future parents, their health and a healthy lifestyle that can ensure the health of the country's gene pool.

In biology, selection, there is a postulate: "Good with good gives the best ...", which can be attributed both to society, the state, and to each individual citizen.

Education of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality. Striving for physical perfection. The most effective in the implementation of this social function of physical culture is the process of physical education of young people and the practice of mass sports.

At the same time, comprehensive physical education involves the optimal development of all motor qualities: strength, endurance, speed (or speed capabilities), flexibility, agility (or coordination of movements).

It should be noted the effective possibilities of physical culture and sports not only in the field of physical development of a person, but also in the comprehensive assistance in educating other aspects of the personality: mental, moral, aesthetic, labor, and even ideological and patriotic. It is in the joint upbringing and development of the physical and spiritual principles of a person's personality that the main goal of the harmonious formation of a person lies. At the same time, the impact of physical culture and sports on a person is specific and cannot be replaced or compensated by any other means.

As for the desire to achieve the ideal - physical perfection, here we are faced with a philosophical interpretation of the very concept of "ideal". The difficulty of achieving it is recognized for various reasons (but this should be strived for!), including because of its variability over time.

Therefore, the essence of physical perfection is most briefly stated in the definition of its concept.

Physical perfection is a historically determined level of health and comprehensive development of people's physical abilities that meets the requirements of human activity in certain conditions of production, military affairs and other areas of public life, ensuring a high degree of human performance for many years.

Specific signs and indicators of physical perfection are determined by the real needs and conditions of society at each historical stage and therefore change as society develops.

Preparation of people for professional work and defense of the motherland.

One of the main functions of physical culture and sports is to meet the needs of society in the physical fitness of people involved in production, their psychophysical readiness to fulfill their civic duty to protect their homeland.

As already mentioned, from the initial stages of the development of human society, physical exercises were used as one of the most active means of preparing a person for labor and military activity and were important in adapting him to the ever more complex forms of labor and military practice. A significant decrease in the share of simple physical labor and a constant increase in the share of mental labor in the process of modern production in any professional activity does not reduce the requirements for the physical fitness of workers, but even more sharpens the problems of the psychophysical reliability of a person in the production system and professional business relations.

It is probably no coincidence that in terms of significant changes in the labor market, such announcements appear and become commonplace: “The banking system ... requires young law graduates who speak a foreign language and have good physical fitness. The pay is high."

Physical culture and sports play a special role in preparing for the active work of the young generation. It is known that a well-trained person, strong, enduring, agile and fast, possessing a variety of skills and abilities, will quickly and successfully adapt to new working conditions. This allows him to work more intensively and productively, to be competitive in modern industrial and business life. Therefore, it will be appropriate to note the following important postulate here:

There are no other means in society, except for physical culture and sports, with the help of which it would be possible to prepare people who are sufficiently developed physically for new production, new business relations.

Physical culture and sports are means of strengthening peace, friendship and cooperation between peoples. Physical culture and sports as social phenomena have national and international forms of development, as evidenced, in particular, by the historical experience of the Olympic movement.

In our country, at present, the national form of development of physical culture and sports is manifested in the development of national sports, in the implementation of physical education in the native language, in the mass training of national personnel. National sports are also used as a means of solving modern problems of physical education - this is provided for by the state exemplary program for the discipline "Physical Culture".

Speaking in sports competitions held in different regions, territories and republics of the country, representatives of various nationalities get acquainted with historical places, life and life of people of other nationalities. The friendly atmosphere in which sports competitions are usually held, the rules for conducting them, requiring respect for the opponent, joint training of athletes of different nationalities, etc. - all this undoubtedly contributes to the international education of athletes, and not only them, but also the numerous spectators watching the competitions.

Modern sport is of great importance in the development of human contacts and relationships not only within one country, but also between different countries. On an international scale, the international in sports is manifested through the broadest modern multinational sports movement.

International sports meetings bring up respect for representatives of other countries, their customs, help overcome racial prejudice, create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between people, and encourage international cooperation.

2. The current state of physical culture and sports

The concept of "culture" can be defined as the degree of disclosure of the potential of the individual in various areas of human activity and, importantly, in certain historical and modern conditions. The results of human cultural activity are recorded and reflected in spiritual and material values. This activity creates new values ​​necessary for the development of the culture of subsequent generations, whose life activity takes place in new conditions. All these features are inherent in modern physical culture.

With the transition of Russia in the early 1990s to a new political and economic model of social development, the system of physical culture also underwent significant changes.

The orientation and functioning of the system of physical culture and sports over several decades of previous years was determined by the utilitarian orientation (physical preparation for work, defense of the Motherland), as well as the prestigious function of national sports in the international arena.

In recent years, there has been a shift in the goal of physical culture towards the priority of the psychophysical development of the individual, the formation of its physical culture.

The main provisions of the state policy in the field of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation and the Russian Olympic movement were defined in the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” and the Concept for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2005.

The law consists of VII chapters and regulates the following provisions:

  • principles of state policy in the field of physical culture and sports, measures of state support;
  • the system of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation, including the subjects of physical culture (physical culture and sports movement), the competence of state authorities in the field of physical culture and sports, the activities of the Russian Olympic Committee, sports associations and sports organizations, sports schools and schools of the Olympic reserve, national teams of the Russian Federation in sports, interaction with executive authorities, local governments and sports associations, scientific, methodological and technical support for the development of physical culture and sports;
  • physical culture and health-improving work and development of sports of the highest achievements;
  • promotion of physical culture and sports;
  • the rights and obligations of athletes, employees of sports organizations, public sports organizers and their social protection;
  • resource provision in the field of physical culture and sports, etc. (Federal Law of the Russian Federation of April 29, 1999 No. 80-FZ).

The Concept for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation characterizes the current state of physical culture and sports in our country and defines the main goal of the state in the field of physical culture and sports - the improvement of the nation, the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population, the harmonious education of a healthy, physically strong generation, as well as a worthy performance of Russian athletes at major international sports competitions.

The state policy in the field of physical culture and sports provides for the following main areas of activity in the development of physical culture and sports:

  • formation among the population of understanding of the need for physical culture and sports and raising the level of knowledge in this area;
  • creating conditions for a worthy performance of Russian athletes at major international sports competitions;
  • development of elite sports;
  • strengthening the role of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation in matters of regulation and management of physical culture and sports;
  • improvement of the system of management and organization of physical culture and sports, development of new organizational and managerial solutions aimed at creating a system of physical culture and recreation and sports and mass work among the population;
  • development of sports medicine, as well as current areas of science in the field of physical culture and sports, the use of scientific research results in the practice of the physical culture and sports movement in Russia;
  • formation of a permanent information-propaganda and educational system that promotes the involvement of citizens in active physical culture and sports and the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population, especially the younger generation;
  • providing children, disabled people and older people with preferential conditions for physical culture and sports;
  • attracting funds and various sources for the development of physical culture and sports, as well as sports of the highest achievements, including budgets of all levels and extra-budgetary funds, incl. received from the realization of the rights to television broadcasts, holding sports lotteries and from other activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, stimulating the attraction of investments for the development of physical culture and sports;
  • formation of a regional policy in the field of physical culture and sports;
  • formation of regulatory legal and organizational and economic mechanisms for attracting and using extra-budgetary sources of funding;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of the use of sports facilities;
  • development of infrastructure (sports facilities, training centers and sports bases) for physical culture and sports in accordance with the programs for the development of physical culture and sports at all levels;
  • holding mass health-improving and sports competitions, incl. “Golden Puck”, “Leather Ball”;
  • preparation of a sports reserve through the development of youth sports;
  • training and advanced training of employees in the field of physical culture and sports, including management, marketing and law in the field of physical culture and sports, certification of managerial personnel.

3. Physical culture of the individual

First of all, it is necessary to define what we mean by the physical culture of a person.

In the most concise way, this concept can be represented as follows:

The physical culture of a person is characterized by the level of her education in the field of physical culture, optimal physical fitness, which is reflected in a healthy lifestyle, in the types and forms of active physical culture and sports activities.

The physical culture of a person is associated with the desire, need and ability of a person to maintain his bodily "I". And this requires a certain amount of knowledge. : about the morphological and functional features of various organs and systems of the body, about the influence of physical work and physical exercises on their development, as well as on the development of physical qualities (strength, endurance, dexterity, speed, flexibility), about the dangers of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs).

Another necessary condition for the formation of a person's physical culture is the desire to master a system of certain skills and abilities. , ensuring the preservation and strengthening of health, physical well-being, development of abilities (for example, the ability to draw up a lesson plan for the development of physical qualities, prevention of adverse effects of professional activity, etc.). Specific skills (industrial gymnastics, a complex of morning exercises, the ability to swim, ski, etc.) will help in the implementation of the task. However, having certain knowledge and skills is not enough; it is necessary to apply them in practice, in life. Only regular physical culture and sports will help to achieve the required level of development of physical qualities, i.e. reaching a certain level of fitness.

Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at the morphological and functional improvement of the human body, at increasing the level of physical qualities, the formation and improvement of motor skills, the improvement of body shapes (the formation of correct posture, the development of the chest, muscles). The improvement of the human body in this direction also occurs under the influence of natural factors: age-related changes, living conditions, heredity. The strength, endurance, speed of a 17-year-old boy is incomparably higher than that of a 10-year-old child. Of the two peers, the one who works more in the garden, in the forest, leads a more active lifestyle (rides a bicycle, boat, skis, plays football, etc.) will be better physically developed. Physical education involves purposeful activities to master certain motor skills, improve physical qualities, improve body shapes.

Physical development is considered in two meanings:

As a process of changing the morphological and functional properties of the human body during his life;

As a result of this process, characterized by such features as height, weight, lung capacity, and other anthropometric data, as well as the degree of development of physical qualities (strength, endurance, etc.).

Physical training is physical education aimed at preparing a person for a certain type of activity (diver, fireman, pilot, athlete). The result of physical training is physical fitness. It is characterized by the level of development of the leading quality for this activity (endurance, strength, agility, flexibility, speed) and the degree of mastery of leading skills (high, medium and low). Often qualities and skills are evaluated jointly (for example, for a fireman, the speed of climbing an inclined ladder in full dress and with a fire hose in his hands).

It is known that the formation of the character and behavior of a person, the characteristics of his personality are largely determined by the social conditions, the environment in which he lived and lives. Therefore, the formation of the physical culture of the individual as one of the sides of the general culture does not occur from the moment of receiving a student card.

A young person entering a higher educational institution may already have both a conscious positive attitude towards physical culture, and an indifferent or even negative one. And it is not so important (although not indifferent) where and under whose influence these attitudes were acquired - in the family, school, in the circle of peer friends, etc. The fact is important!

Therefore, one of the main and difficult tasks of the discipline "Physical Culture" in a higher educational institution is the task of forming in all students, young enough adults, a meaningfully positive attitude towards physical culture and sports. At the same time, it should not have a momentary focus, but be aimed at their entire subsequent life (healthy lifestyle, physical activity, sports, active recreation, ensuring a long active life).

What criteria can be put in the assessment of the degree of formed ™ physical culture of the individual? According to Professor M.Ya. Vilensky, they can include both objective and subjective indicators. These indicators include:

The degree of need for physical culture and ways to meet it;

Intensity of participation in physical culture and sports activities (time spent, regularity);

The nature of the complexity and creative level of this activity;

The severity of the emotional-volitional and moral manifestations of this person in physical culture and sports activities (independence, perseverance, diligence, purposefulness, self-control, discipline, collectivism, patriotism);

The manifestation of self-organization, self-education, self-education and self-improvement in physical culture;

The level of physical perfection and attitude to it;

Possession of means, methods, skills and abilities necessary for independent physical improvement;

Consistency and depth of assimilation of scientific and practical knowledge on physical culture for creative use in the practice of physical culture and sports activities;

The breadth of the range and regularity of the use of knowledge, skills and experience of physical culture and sports activities in the organization of a healthy lifestyle, in educational and professional activities.

Thus, as an integrated result of physical education, self-training of a student, the formation of physical culture of the personality of a future specialist should be manifested in his active attitude to his health, physical abilities and abilities, in the way (style) of life, in everyday life and professional activities.

4. Physical culture in various spheres of life

In the process of life, a person is engaged in many activities that are to some extent associated with motor activity and significant physical exertion. However, not all of them can be attributed to physical culture. Therefore, the essential core of physical culture can only be considered motor activity associated with the obligatory performance of physical exercises. The physical loads performed at the same time can be of different sizes, depending on the tasks set - to restore, maintain or develop one's physical condition. Therefore, not every, but only cultivated (useful, expedient) motor activity that positively affects the psychophysical sphere of a person can be attributed to physical culture. But the motor activity, for example, of a loader, has no direct relation to physical culture, because. its aim is not the development of oneself, but the fulfillment of a production task, which can be achieved at any cost, even by overexertion. Such a situation in physical culture is, in principle, unacceptable and harmful. Thus, the activity aspect of physical culture is realized as a result of a person performing physical exercises; at the same time, the activity must meet the tasks of physical education and be organized in full accordance with the laws of physical education. Unlike other types of human physical activity, physical activity has a number of fundamental features:

  1. Physical activity necessarily contains a motor component, which, as a rule, is predominant in it;
  2. Activities in the field of physical culture are represented by the most rational forms of motor actions, which have their own specific methods of training. When cultivating speed abilities, for example, the methodology will differ significantly from that when cultivating general endurance in almost all respects;
  3. The physical activity of a person is always aimed at improving oneself in terms of mastering the rational technique of exercise, educating physical qualities, forming the correct posture, improving health, etc. Goals that lie outside the person himself, although they can exist and be solved in parallel, are not leading ones.

All these signs in their totality are inherent only in physical culture. They are not typical for other aspects of human activity in full.

5. Physical culture as an academic discipline of higher agricultural special education. The main provisions of the organization of physical education in a higher educational institution

The following documents are the main legislative and instructive documents that determine the obligation, main focus and scope of the discipline "Physical Education" in the curricula of all higher professional educational institutions.

1. Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” (1999).

2. Special order of the Russian Federation, mandatory for all public and private educational institutions. According to this order, universities are obliged to ensure the organization of physical education in accordance with the current educational standards, planning the conduct of the academic discipline "Physical Education" for 4 classroom hours per week in I-II courses, 2 hours per week in III-IV courses with the final grade (exam).

3. An exemplary program of the academic discipline "Physical Education", which is a federal component of the cycle of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines in the state educational standard of vocational education.

The main provisions of the program of the compulsory academic discipline "Physical Education" in higher educational institutions and its professional orientation.

The program includes the following main sections:

· Organizational and methodological section. In this section, the purpose of the course is defined as the formation of the physical culture of the student's personality and his ability to use various means of physical culture for the preservation and promotion of health, psychophysical training and self-training for future professional activities.

Theoretical section - the material of the section provides for students to master the system of scientific, practical and special knowledge necessary for understanding the natural and social processes of the functioning of the physical culture of society and the individual.

· Practical section - educational material is aimed at increasing the level of functional and motor abilities, the formation of the necessary qualities and personality traits, the practical mastery of the methods and means of physical culture and sports activities through the acquisition of personal experience, the directed use of physical culture and sports.

The means of the practical section of classes in the work program of the Department of Physical Education are determined independently.

Mandatory types of physical exercises to be included in the work program for physical culture are: separate disciplines of athletics (100m run - men, women, 2000m run - women, 3000m run - men), swimming, sports games, cross-country skiing, professional -applied physical training (PPFP).

The control section, in which operational, current, final control is provided through control classes, tests and exams. The last of them makes it possible to conduct a comprehensive test of knowledge, methodological and practical skills, to identify the general physical fitness of the student, his psychophysical readiness for professional activities.

One of the conditions and criteria that ensure the success of the process of physical education is the regularity of attending compulsory practical classes in the academic discipline "Physical Culture". Therefore, this requirement remains mandatory for the implementation of the standards in each semester, since it is systematic classes that provide a physiologically and methodologically justified increase in the functional and motor fitness (training) of students.

Professional orientation of physical education of students in a higher educational institution.

In higher education, students have already chosen their future profession. The academic discipline "Physical Culture" is called upon, along with other disciplines, to contribute to the professional development of future specialists. Therefore, the entire educational process of physical education of students should have a certain professional and applied orientation. Its specific implementation is carried out by a special selection of means in practical exercises that provide an accentuated development and formation of those physical qualities, skills and abilities that students most need for their future professional activities. The program also provides for two obligatory lectures (III-IV courses) related to this section of the PPFP: "Professional-applied physical training" and "Physical culture in the professional activities of a bachelor and a specialist." The Department of Physical Education for each semester develops special practical standards and requirements for this section of the program, which may differ significantly for students of different faculties.

Fundamentals of the organization of the educational process in the physical education of students at the university.

In the physical education of students, various forms of educational and extracurricular activities are used throughout the entire period of study at the university.

Training sessions (I-IV courses) are held in the form of:

Mandatory theoretical, practical, control; individual and individual-group additional

classes and consultations;

Self-study on assignment and with periodic supervision of the teacher.

Extracurricular activities are organized in the form of:

Performing physical and recreational activities during the school day;

Amateur physical exercises, sports, tourism during extracurricular time (in sports clubs, sections, interest groups);

Mass recreational, physical culture and sports events.

For practical training in the academic discipline "Physical Education", on the basis of a medical report, students are distributed into three educational departments: basic, special, sports. The distribution is carried out before the start of the academic year, taking into account the state of health, gender, physical development, physical and sports fitness.

Students who have not passed a medical examination are not allowed to practical training sessions, which is considered to be absent from training sessions for an unexcused reason.

Those who are assigned to the main and preparatory medical groups are enrolled in the main department; in a special educational department - students assigned to a special medical group, taking into account their physical condition.

Those who, for health reasons, are exempted from practical training in physical education for a long time are also enrolled in a special educational department to master the available sections of the program. The same department enrolls students assigned to special practical classes in groups of therapeutic physical culture (LFK).

The sports department, which consists of training groups in sports cultivated in a given university, enrolls students of the main medical group who have shown good physical and sports fitness, corresponding to the sports level of the group or team in sports in a particular university team. This correspondence is determined by the trainer - teacher of the Department of Physical Education.

It is possible to transfer a student from one educational department to another at his request only after the successful completion of the semester or academic year.

The transfer of students to a special educational department on the basis of a medical report can be made at any time of the academic year.

At the end of each semester, a final assessment of students is carried out in all educational departments.

The credit requirements include:

Knowledge of the theoretical section (oral survey);

Performing tests on general physical, professionally applied physical and sports and technical training (fulfillment of established standards).

Tests in general physical, professional, applied and sports training are evaluated in points (from 1 to 5). A score below one point for at least one practical test exercise does not allow you to qualify for a credit in the practical section, which is determined by the average mark for all established tests for a given semester.

The program has established the following total average marks for tests of the practical section:

Average score 2.0 points - "satisfactory";

Average score 3.0 points - "good";

The average score is 3.5 points - "excellent".

Moreover, three tests (see Table 1.1.), which characterize general physical fitness, are mandatory at the end of each course in all universities of the country.

In a special educational department, test exercises and tests, their scores in points are established by the Department of Physical Education, taking into account the characteristics of the student population.

All students of the special department at the end of each semester submit abstracts (volume 3-5 pages) on a topic related to their individual deviations in the state of health, which is provided for by the program:

I semester - "Diagnosis and a brief description of the student's disease. The impact of the disease on personal performance and well-being.

II semester - "Medical contraindications for physical exercises and the use of other means of physical culture in this disease (diagnosis)".

IV semester - "Compilation and justification of an individual complex of physical exercises and available means of physical culture (with an indication of the approximate dosage)".

At the end of the course of the discipline "Physical Education" in all educational departments, an exam is held.

The condition for admission to exams in all departments is the availability of credits for each previous semester and the performance of tests in general physical, professional-applied and sports training, established in the last semester of study, not lower than the grade "satisfactory".

The final certification is carried out in the form of an oral survey on the theoretical and methodological sections of the program. The final assessment consists of the average between the assessments of the theoretical and practical sections of the program.

Thus, in the physical education of students, certain forms of directed use of the means of physical culture and sports have developed. The main among them is such a form as training sessions. It is carried out in accordance with the program, which allows building the educational process, taking into account the level of general physical fitness, health status and sports fitness. To assess the effectiveness of the program, specially developed standards of general and special physical and technical fitness are used. This allows us to solve the problems of versatile professional-applied physical training, improvement in the chosen sport in order to prepare for labor and defense of our Motherland.

List of used literature

  1. Ilyinich V.I. Physical culture of students and life: Textbook. - M .: Gardariki, 2005. - 366 pp.: ill.
  2. Gzovsky B.M. Organization of physical education of students / B.M. Gzovsky, N.A. Nelga. - M .: Higher School, 1978 - 96s.
  3. Physical culture: textbook for students Wednesdays. prof. textbook establishments/ [N.V. Reshetnikov, Yu.L. Kislitsyn, R.L. Paltievich].- M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.- 176p.
  4. Theory and Methods of Physical Culture: Textbook / Ed. Yu.F. Kuramshina. - 2nd ed. - M.: Soviet sport, 2004. - 464 p.

The composition of the pre-workout complex includes a mixture of various vitamins, minerals, regenerating and psychostimulating substances, adaptagens...

First, single skating appeared and developed, and the first competitions were held only among male single skaters ...

Gainers are one of the most popular sports nutritional supplements and are used primarily by athletes who play strength sports...

Movement is life. This phrase is familiar to each of us literally from childhood. However, alas, not everyone follows this instruction. Physical inactivity is a disease of modern society ...

In order to avoid problems with the health of the athlete, and the effectiveness of muscle building was maximum, the bodybuilder needs to eat right ...

Charging most people associate with physical exercises that are performed in the morning. However, if you remember that the purpose of charging is to increase attention and performance ...

It has long been known that the organs of every person, including children, can be influenced by certain physical exercises ...

Today it has become fashionable to monitor one's well-being and observe a healthy lifestyle, even in schools the tradition of propaganda teams is being revived...

For the prevention of sports injuries, the coach (teacher) must be well aware of the features, main causes and conditions that contribute to the occurrence of various injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system...

The adaptive capabilities of the body are not unlimited, athletes are not always and not fully able to adapt to certain environmental conditions, physical activity, resulting in diseases ...

The main principle in physical education is do no harm! In this regard, we recommend that you pay attention to the following...

Medical supervision of women, students, middle-aged and elderly people...

Biochemical methods occupy one of the leading places in the general complex of examinations and control over the fitness of athletes...

The main function of the nervous system is to transmit information quickly and accurately...

The basis of tissue respiration is complex redox reactions, accompanied by the release of energy, which is necessary for the life of the body ...

Blood circulation is one of the most important physiological processes that maintain homeostasis, ensure continuous delivery of nutrients and oxygen necessary for their life to all organs and cells of the body...

Abstract by discipline:

"Athletic facilities"

On this topic:

« Physical culture and sports facilities»


Sports facilities, along with theaters, are the oldest public buildings. The ancient Greek sports facilities that have survived to this day are attributed by experts to the 8th century BC. BC.

Sports buildings and facilities are divided intomain, auxiliary and premises and facilities for spectators. The main ones are the main part of sports facilities and can be:

- educational training (for education and training);
demonstration(for holding competitions in the presence of spectators);
for general physical training and active recreation.

The main buildings and structures are also divided into:
- covered (sports halls, indoor swimming pools, arenas, indoor tennis courts, indoor stadiums, Sports Palaces, etc.), in which classes are held indoors;

- open or planar (all kinds of flat grounds, fields, athletics and skating tracks for training sessions and competitions), in which the main classes are held outdoors.

Thus, we can conclude that auxiliary facilities and facilities are intended to serve those involved and ensure the operation of sports facilities..

In a modern urbanized society, the role of physical culture and sports is unique as a compensator for a decrease in physical activity, as an activity that offers a system of values ​​that are really useful for each person, making it possible to change the depressingly monotonous lifestyle of a modern person.

In developed countries, as the most important role of physical culture is now highly appreciated by both governments and society itself. Large-scale programs have been developed to stimulate the development of physical culture, sports and a healthy lifestyle. Programs are also being implemented to create physical culture and sports facilities for these activities.

Also, the network of physical culture and sports facilities is considered the most complex, extensive and diverse among all other public service systems. It is an integral part of all the structural elements of populated areas, from the very initial stages (the simplest adjoining areas, premises for recreational activities built into the first floors of residential buildings) to the largest citywide and suburban facilities, Olympic complexes.

The network includes facilities for more than 160 sports and leisure activities that vary widely, such as a stadium with tens of thousands of spectators and a chess pavilion, hockey rinks in the yard and a cycle track, a school gym and a ski jump. Physical culture and sports facilities are used by all age and social groups of the population, from toddlers to retirement age, from absolutely healthy athletes to the disabled, from residents of rural areas to the population of the largest cities.

Physical culture and sports facilities have different forms of ownership: they can be state-owned, including unitary enterprises, joint-stock companies, private, etc.

The network of physical culture and sports facilities is the most capacious in terms of territory: the largest sports complexes have areas exceeding 100 hectares. In addition, it is closely connected with resettlement and transport services.

Thus, physical culture and sports facilities are a constantly changing system, inextricably linked with the development of society (as a whole). The social changes taking place in society have brought to life new types and forms of sports, recreation and leisure activities. There has been a clear integration of cultural and sports activities with an increase in the share of active leisure. Various groups of the population are involved in classes, various forms of family leisure are developing, the importance of information classes and communication, mass events is increasing. In parallel with this, the sport of the highest achievements is also developing, putting forward new levels of requirements for physical culture and sports facilities.

In accordance with these changes, new typological features of physical culture and sports facilities also arise:

    sports and technological parameters of the places where classes are held are changing;

    the share of universal, multifunctional premises and structures that provide the possibility of transformation is increasing

    the composition of facilities is expanding at the expense of premises for sports and recreation, entertainment and club activities;

    interconnections between indoor and outdoor structures are being strengthened with
    their wide use for new non-traditional types of active leisure;

    the accessibility of physical culture and sports facilities for the disabled is ensured, the facilities include specialized halls and rooms for their classes;

    specialized sports centers are being developed: skiing, sailing, equestrian sports, etc.;

    the comfort of buildings, their interiors and external
    environment; more and more attention is paid to the attractiveness of the architectural appearance of physical culture and sports facilities, which contributes to

    improving the quality of the environment in general;

    there is a widespread growth in the construction of indoor structures
    instead of open pools, stadiums, skating tracks.

Along with the emergence of many different forms and types of physical culture and sports activities that are in demand among the population (aerobics, bowling, squash, rock climbing, etc.), as well as a number of successes in Russian elite sports, the real coverage of sports and recreational activities of the population (the volume of physical culture and sports services) in the last decade not only did not increase, but even decreased. The growth rate of the provision of physical culture and sports facilities is much lower than necessary. The total number of structures does not even reach 30% of the normative; they are placed without taking into account the requirements of equal provision of the population with occupations, regardless of the place of residence and work, are used irrationally, their composition, typology and quality do not meet modern requirements.

A variety of sports and physical culture activities correspond to objects and structures of various types, which form a highly developed network of sports facilities.

The prototypes of modern physical culture and sports facilities were: in ancient times, cromlechs (which we present in Appendix 1) - sites surrounded by stone pillars; in ancient Europe - palestras and gymnasiums, stadiums, stadiums, hippodromes, circuses. In the majestic ancient Roman amphitheaters (the Colosseum in Rome, etc.), the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcombining the stadium and the circus was embodied; heated water baths, which already existed in ancient Greek palestras, were developed in ancient Roman baths.

In the palaces of the ancient rulers of Asia, monumental horse yards were built, and during excavations in Central and North America, playgrounds for playing ball were found (for example, in the settlements of the Aztecs and Mayans). In the Middle Ages, mainly grounds for military sports were built.

Training, the zone consists of sports grounds and facilities for everyday activities with the allocation of territory for activities with children. The demonstration area, in addition to arenas and stands, includes a part of the area for visitors to relax, buffets, kiosks, etc. The size of the demonstration area is directly dependent on the capacity of the stands. The service area unites the economic and operational services of the stadium, workshops, warehouses, greenhouses, etc.

ATXIXcentury began, intensive, construction, sports, structures, especially since 1896, when modern Olympiads began to be held. In Russia, the beginning of the physical culture (gymnastics)-sports movement can be attributed to 1861, when the first tennis club "Neva" and the skating club opened in St. Petersburg, which built the first tennis court and skating rink.

In April 1918, the Supreme Council of Physical Culture under the Main Directorate of Vsevobuch began refurbishment, old, buildings, for military sports clubs and construction, sports grounds, and already from 1923-1925. construction of physical culture and sports facilities throughout the country has begun. At present, Russia has 2,120 stadiums, 53,500 sports halls, 2,595 swimming pools, including 2,332 indoor ones, about 90,000 flat sports grounds, 3,269 ski resorts, etc.

Thus, physical culture and sports, structures, subdivided, to the main intended, directly for sports and physical culture and recreation activities, auxiliary, intended for those involved, storing equipment, etc., and for spectators - including stands and related facilities.

Main, structures, different, a wide variety of shapes and sizes, which is primarily associated with specific types of physical culture and sports activities. Structural and space-planning decisions of structures are significantly influenced by economic and natural factors. All structures are divided into two groups: open (in the air) and indoor structures (premises). Open structures - seasonal: summer and winter.

Summer sports cores include athletics and football; fields and grounds for outdoor and sports games (basketball, volleyball, tennis, football, etc. (which is presented to you in Appendix 2), special and general physical training (GP), certain types of athletics (jumping, throwing, shot put), equestrian sports, roller skating, skateboarding; paths and tracks for running, walking, equestrian, cycling, athletics and cyclo-cross; equipped routes for hiking, equestrian, cycling and water tourism; artificial tracks for skiing, alpine skiing: jumping hills skiing with artificial turf; cycling tracks:

Shooting ranges and shooting ranges for bullet shooting and shooting and hunting stands;

Equipped sections of existing reservoirs for sports and recreational swimming and swimming, various types of rowing, sailing, water slalom, water skiing, etc.;

Outdoor baths with or without heating water for sports and recreational swimming and bathing, water polo, diving, etc.; artificial channels for rowing and water slalom, etc.

Winter outdoor facilities include fields and grounds with natural or artificial ice for mass and figure skating, bandy, curling, etc.; tracks with natural or artificial ice for speed skating; tracks for skiing, alpine skiing, luge, biathlon, etc.; ski jumps; artificial tracks for luge and bobsleigh, which is presented by us in Appendix 3; equipped sections of water areas for boating; equipped routes for ski tourism, etc.

A significant part of the open structures alternately It is used for various types of activities depending on the season, which requires changing the coating of structures and their equipment. Sports cores for athletics and football in the winter season are converted into tracks with natural ice for high-speed running and fields for ice hockey; fields and grounds for outdoor and sports games - in fields and grounds: natural ice for mass and figure skating, ice hockey, curling, etc.; paths and tracks for running, walking, cycling, athletics and cyclo-cross, as well as artificial tracks for skiing - into tracks for skiing and biathlon; equipped routes for hiking, horse riding, cycling and water tourism - to equipped routes for ski tourism;

Indoor facilities: halls for sports games, which is presented in Appendix 4, acrobatics, sports, rhythmic and rhythmic gymnastics, choreography, physical training, athletics and weightlifting, boxing, wrestling, various types of simulators; heated water baths for sports and recreational swimming and bathing, water polo, diving, and rowing baths; playgrounds, fields and paths with artificial ice for mass skating, hockey, bandy, speed skating (Fig. 1.1.6.), Curling; cycle tracks; shooting ranges; arenas for equestrian sports, etc.

Thus, we can conclude that along with two traditional groups of structures, one of which operates mainly in summer (open), and the other - mainly in winter (indoors), year-round structures with transformable structures of fences (coverings, walls) are promising. These are basically the most technically complex and expensive structures. However, with the improvement and reduction in the cost of transformable structures, this group will expand.

On the basis of volumetric-spatial organization, the main structures can be divided into planar and volumetric. In addition to all, the volumetric group also includes some open structures: open baths with or without heating water; artificial channels for rowing and water slalom (Fig. 1.1.7.); artificial tracks for skiing; shooting ranges, shooting ranges and shooting and hunting stands; ski jumps; artificial luge tracks

On the basis of prevalence, the main structures are divided into two groups: those that do not depend on local conditions, are ubiquitous (gyms, swimming pool baths, fields and playgrounds) and structures, the presence of which depends on local conditions - natural, economic, sports traditions (structures for water, mountain, winter sports, equestrian sports, cycle tracks, etc., as well as large demonstration facilities, which you can see in Appendix 5.

According to the nature of use, the main structures are divided into specialized ones, i.e. designed exclusively for one or more related sports (Fig. 1.1.8.), and universal - alternately used in the daily and weekly cycle by transforming equipment for practicing several sports. The terms "specialized" and "universal" are conditional and each time need to be deciphered. The higher the sports qualification of those involved, the higher the degree of specialization and quality of the facility.

By type of use, the main facilities can be divided into training and demonstration - sports, intended mainly for competitions (which is shown in Appendix 5)

The composition of the main structures is diverse and highly mobile. There are new sports or modifications of existing ones, and with them new facilities. The birth of new types of physical culture and sports facilities also occurs under the influence of technological progress, which brought to life, for example, bowling, baths with a lifting bottom, artificial waves, waterfalls, currents, so, in connection with the adaptation of closed industrial and agricultural buildings and facilities, for example, for environmental reasons (which is presented in Appendix 6, under the letters: a, b). Under the influence of growing requirements, the dimensions and equipment of structures are changing, an increasing number of sports are going “under the roof”, and therefore new types of indoor main structures are emerging.

Auxiliary facilities and premises are a functionally necessary part of physical culture and sports facilities, accompanying each or a group of main facilities. An exception is the simplest open structures at residential buildings, child care facilities and recreation facilities. Auxiliary structures often form large volumes, for example the building of the Olympic Sailing Center in Tallinn (Fig. 1.1.10.), or highly developed complexes of buildings of ski centers are formed mainly by non-sports facilities.

According to their functional purpose, auxiliary facilities are divided into two groups: a service group for students and spectators, specialistszirovannogo service involved, storage and repair of physical educationtour and sports equipment and inventory; administrative and economicpurpose, living quarters.

The service group for both students and spectators includes a lobby block with a wardrobe for outerwear and bathrooms; recreation facilities (foyers, corridors, winter gardens), catering facilities (buffets, cafes, restaurants), retail outlets (automatic machines, stalls, shops), cultural and entertainment facilities (rooms for slot machines, other games, cinema, video halls, billiards, bowling alley), consumer services (hairdressers, beauty parlors), club rooms and for children who came with their parents. At training facilities, the service group or part of it is made common for students and spectators, but at demonstration facilities, they are, as a rule, separate.

A group of specialized services only for those involved, includes a block of dressing rooms with showers and bathrooms, a medical block, a block of restorative procedures (massage, solariums, electro- and light therapy, water procedures, saunas, steam baths), coaching rooms, advisory centers, method rooms, conference rooms , rental points of physical culture and sports equipment. Structures for the movement of students to the main structures include pedestrian, automobile, cable cars, elevators.

Housing, depending on the purpose of the main physical culture and sports facility, may be present among the auxiliary facilities and be represented by various types of premises: from tents to individual apartments, hotel rooms and individual buildings.

The group of storage and repair of physical culture and sports equipment and inventory includes places for storing small equipment (pantries), places for storing large-sized equipment and inventory (inventory, warehouses, ski and bike storage, stables, boathouses, open storage areas, harbors and ports), places repair of equipment and inventory (workshops, veterinary units), capital structures for moving large-sized equipment and inventory (roads, slipways, telphers, moorings, rafts). The composition of this group is determined by the purpose and rank of the main structure.

The administrative and economic group includes administration premises; office and amenity premises of the personnel; pantries and warehouses of household equipment and inventory; motor vehicle garages; workshops for the repair of household equipment and inventory. The composition of such a facility is determined by the purpose and rank of the physical culture and sports facility.

Facilities for spectators (fig. 1.1.11.) are very essential, since competitions are an integral element of sport. The main group of structures in this category are places for spectators, transformable and permanent. Transformable (retractable, collapsible, reclining, retractable), as a rule, for a small number of spectators at the main training facilities. However, they are also satisfied with demonstration facilities. Here, the goal of the transformation is to create optimal capacity for various demonstration activities in the arena. In this case, thousands of buildings for spectators are formed. Stationary seats for spectators are created mainly in demonstration facilities, where stands can reach gigantic sizes.

The load-bearing structures of structures for spectators are made of various materials (wood, metal, reinforced concrete). In some cases, places for construction are built on the slopes of earthen embankments or excavations (the so-called earthen stands).

Demonstration main facilities correspond to a certain number of seats: more than 5 thousand - at sports halls for athletics and football, more than 800 - at open fields and grounds, more than 600 - at other open and covered facilities. The combination of demonstration main structures with stands for spectators is called stadiums - open, covered, and recently transformable ones have also been spreading. Such are open stadiums for athletics, football, baseball, accommodating up to 100 thousand spectators and for hand games, hockey, as well as rowing, water skiing, ski stadiums, stadiums for equestrian sports (hippodromes), cycling velodromes), etc.

Indoor stadiums, as a rule, are intended for competitions in several sports (with a universal sports arena) and can have up to several tens of thousands of seats for spectators. They can also host social and entertainment events (rallies, conferences, concerts, cinema, revues), festivities, etc. Equipped for different types of use, such structures are called universal sports and entertainment halls (USZZ) or Sports Palaces with small, medium and large sports arenas.

The name of a physical culture and sports facility is taken, as a rule, by the name of its main facility. But sometimes special terms are used: for the athletics hall - "athletics arena"; for tennis - "tennis court"; football - "football arena"; outdoor or indoor baths - "outdoor or indoor pool"; ice rinks - "skating rink"; auxiliary facilities for sailing and boating sports - "yacht club", etc.

Physical culture and sports facilities form a developed system, growing and branching out as new and modification of existing types of main, auxiliary facilities, structures for spectators, their structures, engineering and sports and technological equipment appear.


1 . Gagina Yu.A. Sports facilities - M., 1999

2.Verkhalo, Yu.N. Table of equipping sports facilities for mass use with sports equipment and inventory: textbook. allowance / Yu.N. Top. - M.: Soviet sport, 2004

3.Butin I.M. "Skiing", Moscow "ACADEMA", 2000

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Annex 3

Appendix 4

Annex 5

Appendix 6

Physical culture and sport as a factor in the prevention of somatic diseases.

Physical culture affects all aspects of human life : develops the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, enhances the motivation of its self-development, carries out social adaptation, helps to adequately respond to environmental stressors, forms the need for a healthy lifestyle, ensures the preservation and strengthening of health throughout a person's life. Since ancient times, the problem of maintaining human health has been one of the most important, and already in ancient times, physical culture was treated as a component of health. At present, in connection with the sharply aggravated problem of preserving and strengthening human health, the development of physical culture and sports is given great attention all over the world.Physical culture is multifunctional. During physical activity, almost all organs and systems of the human body are involved in active work. By changing the nature and magnitude of training loads, it is possible to purposefully influence the course of adaptive processes and thereby strengthen various organs, develop the most important physical qualities. The beneficial effects of regular exercise on health. Increase the tone of the central nervous system; improvement of the processes of excitation and inhibition, their mobility, balance; strengthening the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems; an increase in the total volume of circulating blood, an increase in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin content; development of the muscular system; improving the motor qualities of muscles: speed, strength, agility, endurance; development of motor activity and coordination of movements; improvement of blood circulation of muscle fibers; normalization of metabolism in the body; improving the regulation of organ functions.The value of the physical culture . physical Culture and sport - this is the development of the physical, aesthetic and moral qualities of the human personality, the organization of socially useful activities, leisure of the population, the prevention of diseases, the upbringing of the younger generation, physical and psycho-emotional recreation and rehabilitation, spectacle, communication, etc. Systematic physical exercises cause important positive changes in the cardiovascular system: favorable morphological changes, economization of work at rest and with moderate exertion, and expansion of functionality. The heart muscle increases, becomes stronger and more efficient: blood pressure normalizes. Influence on some organs. Physical exercises have a beneficial effect on the activity of the respiratory system, contributing to an increase in the vital capacity of the lungs, a more productive use of oxygen from the inhaled air. Systematic exercises have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system of the human body. For example, athletics exercises cause thickening of bone tissue, strengthening its strength, provide greater joint mobility, elasticity and strength of the ligamentous apparatus. Due to the growth of muscle fibers, their blood supply improves.

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