How to understand I open my heart. Open and closed heart. Self intolerance

“Let love be in your heart.
Life without love is like a dim garden in which the flowers are dead.
Oscar Wilde

Recently, I read a comment on social networks by a girl in which she claimed that in fact, if a woman is not in a relationship, then she simply does not want to be in them, period.
I would like to continue this topic about the causes of female loneliness, as it worries many women, and put a comma in this statement.

The conscious choice of loneliness, and in this case, rather freedom, is only one of the visible conscious reasons that a woman does not have a close relationship with a man.
But, there are also unconscious reasons that lurk in our unconscious.
And one of these reasons is a closed heart.
Closed Heart Syndrome is a psychological condition where we have no desire to go for emotional intimacy. As a rule, the cause of this condition lies in psychological trauma and subconsciously we accept the attitude that it is impossible to love anyone.
At some point, it was so painful that we decided - nothing is better than that. It could be not only at a conscious age, but also in such a deep childhood that it was forgotten. All that remained was coldness and emptiness in my chest.
Each of us at least once in our lives faced betrayal, felt heartache and disappointment. Someone learned to trust people again, to love, to believe, without letting pain or hatred take over. But there are those who closed their hearts forever, it was easier for them to plunge into their own world and close it with ten keys.
Such people are afraid of love, it is easier for them to live alone, pushing away those who love them. They have experienced pain before and no longer want it to happen again. To prevent this from happening, their inventive mind builds a protective wall around the heart. It is so thick that very little love can seep through it. It is possible that at some stage this wall helped them survive, protected them. But only at a certain stage, because ....
If the heart is closed:

A closed heart is a blocked heart chakra.
If the heart "closes" - the main energy channel of life is blocked.
This is reflected in health, relationships with others and worldview.
In this case, the heart is closed from real contact with its feelings and from interaction with other people and with the entire universe.
The main problem of people with a closed heart is the rejection of love.
The next item is the fear of deep relationships, and as a result, loneliness
Formally, you can seem to be not alone and, it seems, meet someone and even live, but this will only be the appearance of a relationship. There is no sincerity, trust, understanding in such relations.
Relationships with men come down to one-time sex, or to relationships on a social level, because due to the closed heart chakra, the energy simply cannot rise higher.
A woman with a deficit in the heart chakra usually suffers in this situation, since the need for love is basic for all of us, and if it is not there, any person suffers.
A closed heart also generates condemnation and criticism of other people. It seems to us that those around us misbehave unworthily, and because of this, all the problems. Alas, the root of condemnation of others lies in the rejection of oneself.
Sometimes it's even hard to admit it. But people with a lack of energy in their hearts do not love themselves, they scold, they constantly try to prove to themselves and others that they are “worth something”.
When the heart is closed, unnecessary events are attracted into our lives.
There is no harmonious connection of the spiritual and the material, since it is in the heart space that these two energies will unite into one.
Another consequence of a “closed heart” is depression.
An extreme form of a closed heart. There is no meaning in life, there is nothing to rely on, everything seems gray and empty. There may be dependence on alcohol, computer games and other ways of escaping reality.
All this cannot affect the physical body, and therefore health.
Energy does not pass, which means that blood and oxygen do not sufficiently enrich this zone. Next, the center of hormone regulation at the middle link, the liver, is blocked and begins to falter. Well, on the subtle plane, the closure of the heart center makes life "dead", mechanical, the feeling of empathy is lost - the ability to feel the feelings of others. The system of adaptation to the surrounding world is broken. And the next stage - there is a program of fear and diseases are growing. For example, many women systematically have "unexplained" headaches - and they always accompany the fear program! Or there are some pathologies of the type of vegetative neurosis.
Health problems in people with a closed heart: hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis, risk of heart attack, etc.
If we had a user manual, it would certainly contain a warning:

How to open the heart?

One can see the world, but not perceive it, in other words, not be open to this world. And you can be an open heart and direct your perception only to the world. You can perceive the world around us with your whole being, or, as they sometimes say, with your heart. The results of such perception significantly change the picture of the vision of the world. In other words, when I am open to the world, the world opens up to meet me.

To live with an open heart means to live with the whole range of feelings from joy to sadness. It means also to experience all aspects of love, such as compassion, for example. Living with an open heart is listening to your intuition. Do what brings joy. Constantly ask yourself the question: What else can I do that will give me joy?

Do things that make us happy, listen to our heart, allow ourselves to feel, enjoy life. Let go of the past, seek yourself in joy.

When the heart chakra is open, life "connects" with you.

We can manage both the physical side of life (money, work, health) and the spiritual side (goals, wisdom, faith) without interrupting the connection with the energy of love.

Remember the state of being in love: a person feels strong, generous, and obstacles make way for him. This, in fact, is the state of openness of the heart.

If you want to open your heart, be filled with love and bring its Light into the world, attracting Happiness and Love into our lives, I invite you to join our

Journey to Greece "Secrets of Aphrodite" to whom. OPEN HEART to whom. Obsolete Declaration of love. [ Kochkarev:] So, you already opened your heart to her? [Podwheelsin:] Yes, except that the heart has not yet opened. [Kochkarev:] Here are those stories! Why didn't you open it? [Podwheelsin:] Well, how do you want, without talking about anything before, to suddenly say from the side of the cake: “Madame, let me marry you!”(Gogol. Marriage).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Open Heart" is in other dictionaries:

    open heart- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    open / open heart- to whom, in front of whom. Razg. Tell someone frankly and sincerely. about yourself, about your thoughts, feelings. F 2, 27 ...

    a heart- Chest, soul. Her chest was shy with melancholy. And it aches and whines, it hurts zealously. Rings. His whole inside was frozen. Turg. The spirit freezes from one thought. Potter. See the soul .. ache with the heart, take by the heart, take to the heart, pour into the heart, crash into ... ... Synonym dictionary

    A HEART- Big heart. Razg. Responsive, kind, sincerely generous. FSRY, 420. Throw someone out of the heart. Gorky. Forget someone. BalSok, 29 Razg. Force yourself to forget who l., what l. FSRYA, 96; ZS 1996, 303; BTS... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    A HEART- A HEART. Contents: I. Comparative anatomy........... 162 II. Anatomy and histology ........... 167 III. Comparative physiology .......... 183 IV. Physiology .................. 188 V. Pathophysiology ................. 207 VI. Physiology, pat. ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    midnight heart- Heart Of Midnight Genre Thriller Director Matthew Chapman Screenplay Matthew Chapman ... Wikipedia


    OPEN EVERYTHING, YOUR SOUL- who to whom, in front of whom Frankly, sincerely share with whom l. their cherished thoughts, feelings, experiences. This means that a person (X), trusting another person (Y), trusts him with his innermost thoughts and feelings. Speaks with... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    COME UNDONE- who to whom, in front of whom Frankly, sincerely share with whom l. their cherished thoughts, feelings, experiences. This means that a person (X), trusting another person (Y), trusts him with his innermost thoughts and feelings. Speaks with... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    OPEN YOUR HEART to someone. OPEN YOUR HEART to whom. Book. Express. Same as a href="/dict/frazslov/article/3/6409.htm" to open your soul/a to whom. This worthy, amiable man opened his heart to me: it ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language


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An open heart gives you back the taste of life.

The heart closes because it is afraid to relive strong unpleasant states. Pain makes you cringe. It gets stuck somewhere in the body with unreleased emotions and is activated when you find yourself in a similar situation. And this again forces you to “wrap up” more tightly.

Where can the closed heart come from?

The heart may be closed

  1. By gender
  2. Due to the circumstances of past lives
  3. Because of the unpleasant events of the current life

You can live the lesson of opening the heart over and over again. Life after life. You could make a commitment to help the family return to love. You can be “tested” for strength only in this life, reinforcing the lesson already worked out earlier.

In any case, you closed it for a reason, but because of something that has already happened and is stuck in your life.

How do you know if your heart is not open enough?

The easiest way is to dive in and ask how open is my heart to love? And think about a scale in % or from 0 to 10. It doesn't matter what the scale is, the main thing is that you have the opportunity to evaluate so that you understand how good or bad everything is.

The heart closes from intense emotional experiences with a minus sign. I myself felt how a barrier was erected in me every time there were emotional upheavals in my life. In fact, I built it myself. You must realize that not someone there is building it for you. You yourself do it. Sami.

The good news is that you can also remove this barrier yourself.

What happens after the heart has closed?

The world is moving away from you. Not because he is so cruel. Not at all. Because you are cutting heart ties with him. And people feel it.

Remember how you choose in a crowd who to approach in an unfamiliar city to ask for directions if you get lost. I involuntarily scan vibrations and always choose those who radiate love more than others. You will bypass a tightly “buttoned” person.

"He's unsociable." "He lives alone like an owl." "She's a bitch." "Rusk". These are all descriptions of people with a closed heart. They go through their lessons. It is possible that their main lesson is to finally open up to love.

“I don’t understand why no one loves me, such a beauty, and men carry that terrible aunt in their arms.”

On the hands are women full of love. They are drawn to them. They are protected. Next to them bloom and for their sake perform any feats.

Notice, I'm not talking about passion, when the connection of people goes exclusively through the 2nd chakra. There will be a lot of darkness, instincts and unhealthy addiction in this connection.

I'm talking about connecting through Anahata, the 4th or heart chakra, when people see each other's qualities. Such a connection is full of light.

What happens when the heart is open to love?

A heart full of love attracts love. Those who can feel it and not push it away. Yes, this happens too. After all, we attract those who coincide with us vibrationally. Therefore, the vibration of love can scare away those who radiate lower energies.

You may lament that you give love and others only take it away. So why do you stay close to those who only take? This is your choice. Value yourself first of all. Your inner world. Accept your desires, find out what you really want in this world. And follow your heart.

If you don't like how someone treats you, tell him that you love him and let him go on all 4 sides, but that you are no longer on the road.

If your heart is open, you are connected to the Higher Self, you live according to the dictates of your heart (i.e. you know what inspires you, what does not, what your eyes light up and what goes out), then you will constantly be filled with love for your life on Earth, to the world, to people.

You are the Soul that lives in this particular body, goes through its lessons, and it is not at all necessary to go through them in isolation from love. So even harder and harder.

So how do you open your heart?

  1. If you feel that your heart has been largely closed all your life, then the reason is either in the family or in a past life, and you need to look at the events of the family or your personal past. This can easily be done in the Akashic Records.
  2. If you know that your heart has closed due to the events of real life, then you should accept your experiences, forgive yourself and those who participated in those events. They played their part in your lesson. And your task is to understand why you were given those events. And here the Akashic Records can help you, which will give you a lot of information.
  3. You can begin to focus on the bright and joyful sides of life. There are small amenities that can warm you up - pets (learn from them to forgive, they are quite easygoing), sincere conversations or no less sincere silence with friends, etc. Find your favors. Find the light in your life, even if it is buried deep in you. Take a shovel and start digging.
  4. Meditate.
  5. Ask your Higher Self for help to help you walk the path of opening your heart as comfortably as possible.

Either way, you'll have to do something. At a minimum, express the intention to open your heart to love and light. So your life will change. It will include new people. New events. New opportunities. You will regain the taste of life, because an open heart will allow you to enjoy all the joys of this world.

We need to learn to ask. Learn to express your needs and discomforts. Talk about your feelings. Open your heart. This is a normal and healthy position. This is the instinct of self-preservation together with self-respect. And besides, it is also caring for another person. Because very often people harm us not because they are sadists or hate us. Most often, they simply do not know that we feel discomfort.

Ask and it will be given to you. That's what the Bible says. This is how you "achieve your goals". I started with a request. But we prefer to listen to another source: “Never ask for anything. They will come and give everything themselves.” It's not the Lord said, but we believed. And so they began to live.

Staying silent when you are in pain is an unhealthy attitude. When a masseuse has filled her eyes full of oil, and her eyes burn - to be silent means to harm yourself. When the hairdresser makes the air too hot, and you are silent, you harm yourself. And besides, you “curse” the hairdresser. When a person sits on your arm on the bus, and you are silent, this is harming both of you. He just doesn't know your hand is there. When someone stepped on your foot, said an offensive word, deceived, harshly interrupted, ridiculed ... All these situations are just an excuse to learn how to talk about your feelings. Calmly and without scandals: "It hurts me" or "I feel uncomfortable."

When I was 10 years old, I had bronchitis. The clinic prescribed ultraviolet heating. And one day the nurse left me and left. For 30 minutes. And I was silent and endured. As a result, I had a neck and chest burn. And the nurse was deprived of the bonus. Just because I was used to being silent. I followed the instructions and endured. By hurting yourself.

When I was 12 years old, I had a tooth pulled out. They put an injection, but it did not work. And the tooth was pulled out anyway. Because I said that everything seemed to be frozen (I was afraid to say that I was not ready yet). And endured unbearable pain.

We are used to being silent when we are being deceived or insulted. But even more, we are trained to be silent when we are uncomfortable. It's just discomfort - maybe not even pain. And if the pain is not so strong. It also hurts more.

I remember the maternity department of the Irkutsk maternity hospital. Where a woman in labor without a husband is a weak link. She can be rude and ask "not to yell." Many of them really try to be silent and just endure. They are absolutely helpless and defenseless - even our own self-preservation instinct is poorly developed in us. Because you can’t walk along the corridor, you can’t go up the stairs. You can only lie down and be silent. And you also need to give birth quickly. And silently.

Not always - far from always - others are deliberately trying to make us nasty. Most often, they simply do not know about our feelings and do not understand what is happening inside us. In India, they do a lot to please you. But - like everywhere else - they do it to their taste. If you ask them to cook potatoes without spices, they will still put cumin there. Because it doesn't taste good without spices!

You will ask during the massage not to smear the eyes with oil - and they will smear with cream. It's not interesting at all without anything. And here I lie and get angry at the masseuse, endure the pain in my eyes - until the thought arises - I can say “No” right now. And ask to remove all the cream from the face. Then why lie and be angry.

It's difficult for me. Tell the manicurist that it already hurts. Tell the chef that it is impossible to eat. Explain to friends that sometimes you want to be alone with yourself. Let your husband know at what point communication develops from pleasant to painful.

When you need to take care of others, it's easier. Asking the neighbors not to make noise because the children are sleeping is easy. Or ask a child for a candy or a cookie. When the husband is tired, refuse to meet with girlfriends. For others, such things are easy to do, But for yourself - unbearable. Good girls don't ask for anything for themselves. And they don't make anyone uncomfortable. And they do not interfere, do not distract with their whims.

When we are in pain, uncomfortable, uncomfortable, we need to learn to say: “It hurts me.” It is necessary to give a chance to relationships so as not to make a person opposite a “monster” and a “sadist”. In order not to turn into an uncomplaining victim or an unfortunate sufferer herself. After all, there is always a choice - you just need to open your heart. These shutters are firmly and long ago boarded up. It's hard to even open right away. There is so much terrible and unknown inside. Is there anything that will come out of there? And it seems that when we are open, it is easier for us to hurt ...

But the easiest way to hurt us is when we are tightly closed from the whole world. And the people around, not understanding us at all, periodically step on our sore spots. Many times for the same one. They may even think that we like it too ...

In family life, the same rake often becomes a favorite. When a husband does things that make you feel pain, learn to be honest and sincere. It's difficult and unaccustomed to say "I'm hurt" instead of throwing my fists at him. This is a completely different reality - for the life where we try to seem strong and self-sufficient. But until we take this step, there is zero chance of mutual understanding.

To understand a person, you need an adequate feedback. When he clearly conveys what he feels at the moment. But relying on telepathy is wrong here. All these dreams of ours that he himself guessed and understood everything - will forever remain dreams. Because very often we feel one thing, but look different.

It seems that our face already speaks for itself. It is gloomy and dissatisfied in difficult moments. Or there must be an imprint of pain on it. It's impossible not to notice! You can not remain indifferent, not noticing the obvious!

I used to think so when my husband joked with me. I was very offended, but he continued to joke. One day, when I plucked up the courage to say that I didn't like it, I saw surprise. He said I always laugh! When he jokes with me, and inside the ocean of pain - a smile on my face. And so it turned out (I looked in the mirror). And then I began to change the external manifestation of my pain. Once I burst into tears after another joke. In the company of friends. My husband understood everything. And he hasn't joked with me for five years now.

Saying "I'm in pain" is always a fall. Fall from the pedestal of an invincible and invulnerable super-lady. She's flawless, she's a good girl. True, no one knows what is going on inside her. Even she herself does not understand what is happening there. And is there in this dark windfall the light of the sun and the singing of birds. And it is there. Just in order to see them, you must first launch this light into your open heart.

Olga Valyaeva

It’s not easy to meet your man and it’s not easy to always be loved by him like on the days of the first dates. Often we seem to wander in the dark in a relationship, lose hope of discovering the heart of a man. In fact, there is nothing that cannot be corrected if you have patience and arm yourself with knowledge.

Often we - both men and women - make one mistake: we forget that we are different. We may have similar interests and outlooks on life, but different needs and ways of expressing ourselves. So let's move on to the principles that will help you open the heart of your beloved man. Let's call them keys. There are actually a lot of keys, but in this article we will analyze one bunch of three.

Remember that these keys will not help open a man's heart if you only want to get, hack, manipulate.
Everything you do must come from the heart. You need to apply these keys with all responsibility, love and respect for yourself, for your partner and for your relationship.

1 key. A man is needed.

Men are so arranged that they want to be needed, they want to be significant in this world and for the people who are dear to them. Men should see that their aspirations and goals are necessary for someone and make someone happy. But if you absolutely can do everything yourself, neglect men, their help and their knowledge, they see no point in being close to you.
How to show a man that he is needed?

- Be silent about your desires, moods, plans and what you expect from a relationship. Appropriate frankness is an important element of the key in order to open the heart of a beloved man;
- Hoping that the man himself will guess about what is important to you;
- Reject male help and say: "okay, I myself ...", especially after the request has been made;.
- Saying: “could you do something?” - Resenting: “you never, nothing ...”, because it just doesn’t happen that a man never does anything for you;
- Take on cases and responsibilities beyond measure - in this case, men think that this is your desire and give you a field of activity;
- Leave the actions of a man without gratitude and approval;
- Thank the man with an action in response to what he did.

- Talk about yourself so that a man gets to know you better, without fanaticism, of course;
- Directly declare your desires, talk about how you see the relationship;
- Give the man time to fulfill your request. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to open the heart of a man;
- Say: "I want ...", "I need ... do it, please ...";.
- Remind a man about what he did once and say how that act of his warms you so far;
- Give a man a reason to perform a feat;
- Thank the man as often as possible. Gratitude is another important element of the key that helps to open the heart of a man;
- Express gratitude to a man with words, sincere open admiration, a smile or a look.

2 key. The man is free.

With all their desire to be needed, men want to be free. They want to do all the work voluntarily - when they are ready for it. And to do as only they can do - men: without prompting, how, why, for what. It will not be easy to open your man's heart if showing how much he is needed prevents him from being free.

- Having voiced his request, demand immediate execution and accuse the man of unwillingness to help;
- It takes a long time to explain why you need what you are asking for - it begins to seem to a man that he is being manipulated;
- Ask: "When did you already ...", "what, I have to do everything ...";.
- Remind: "I told you" if he made a mistake. This will not open the heart of a man.

- Give the man time to fulfill your request, get distracted;
- Make the "Why" explanation shorter than the request itself;
- Remind yourself as if for the first time, let him know that he is needed;
- Help the man reduce the importance of the mistake. Make it clear that he can make mistakes, like any person, and everything is fixable;
- Give a man a feeling of lightness and freedom next to you.

3 key. The man is accepted for who he is.

It seems to you that a man is not good enough, and you think that you can remake him, or you build relationships with a man, hoping that over time new qualities will open in him, for which you will love him later. I'm afraid it will be a long wait. You can open the heart of a beloved man only by accepting him completely. Men begin to develop and change for the better only after they are accepted and loved for who they are. In the event that you feel that your strength to accept is not enough and you are unhappy, it is better to leave that man alone.

- Indicate to a man what he should become, compare him with others, give examples;
- Ask rhetorical questions: "how could you?"
- Give a man advice, especially unsolicited. Tell him what to do and how to do it. Your desire to help with advice may not always open a man's heart;
- Run after a man when he moves away, harass him and pull him back into a relationship; men are so arranged that sometimes they need to move away;
- Say: "I'm waiting";.
- Put your happiness in dependence on a man;
- Run low self-esteem and complexes.

- Build relationships with that man whose shortcomings do not bother you, and open the heart of such a man;
- If a man made a mistake, acted badly in your opinion, say that you did not expect such an act from him;
- If a man asks for advice, say that he knows better, he knows better that he is able to cope, you are there and support him;
- Ask for advice from a man;
- When a man moves away, take care of yourself, your own business. The fact is that when a man returns himself, his love for you becomes stronger;
- Let the man understand that you are always happy for him, his return;
- Learn to be happy separately from a man. This is time that you can devote to yourself - isn't it valuable? - Be delighted with yourself. It will not be difficult for such a woman to open the heart of her beloved man;
- Sincerely support his thoughts, ideas and the fact that he can handle everything;
- To believe in a man, to trust him - this helps a man develop and gives strength for new achievements.

These keys work only at the same time when a man sees that you need him, while he is free and you accept him as he is. Then it will be easy for you to open the heart of a man. In order to use these keys, you need to show wisdom, love, sincerity and learn to be happy yourself. And even though it's more difficult, it's worth it.

Get to know yourself, find out what you want from life, what makes you happy. Then you can easily understand what the man who is next to you wants. Always be yourself and let the loved one next to you feel like themselves. Where there is mutual understanding, respect, trust and acceptance, love develops there. In such a relationship, it is easy to go through life together. Radmila fire.

“I can’t relax during sex” is a purely female problem. Men use sex just to relax. And in 99% of cases they achieve their goal without any problems.

Why do women often need to make an effort to relax during sex, while men do not? There are two reasons for this: one is purely physiological, and the second is social or psychological - call it what you like.

Why is life so easy for men

This is a gift from nature, probably: in a man, sexual arousal arises and develops very rapidly. And it is so strong that the task of how to turn off the brain and relax with a man is simply not worth it, sorry for the involuntary pun. No wonder they say that a man thinks with his head or head, but with his head more often and more willingly.

A woman has a completely different type of transmission of sexual arousal along nerve fibers. This probably has its own wise explanation. Men, in fact, do not care who they fertilize and whether healthy or sick offspring will go to the female. This is a purely animal instinct, and it would be a mistake to think that we have gone too far from animals. It is not for nothing that even scientists put their experiments on mice and draw parallels of their findings to people.

Slow sexual arousal is given, probably, to women so that they have time to think: do they need this male? Or wait for another? Alas, evolution has overtaken instincts and women, still being aroused more slowly than men, the vast majority want this, and not another.

There are other, more social reasons for a woman's slow sexual arousal. This is, first of all, her tendency to “chew” for a long time the emotions that the day was filled with. Therefore, the expression "turn off the head" is not entirely correct. You just need to turn off the emotions that have already been lived and are in the past.

And another important reason why a woman cannot relax during sex is her lack of confidence in her compliance with the models of sexual attractiveness. And in this place you can bow low to gloss, catwalks, advertising with its samples of “ideal-sexual beauty”. It is not easy for some women to believe that a man likes what he holds in his hands even in the second or third year of family life. Still: during this time, her weight increased by as much as one hundred grams, her hair did not endure the summer well, and a “penny” of cellulite appeared on her right thigh ... What kind of sex is there ...

How to learn to turn off the brain

Let's go in descending order. The best way to learn how to live in your body "here and now" is to do yoga. This skill will not be acquired immediately - we are too accustomed to being in the head, and not in the body. But he will surely come. Don't have time to go to a yoga studio? Then master at least one asana - shavasana. It is very simple at first glance, but even yoga teachers do not always say with confidence that they are fluent in this asana. There is too much inside and too little outside. Try! A description of shavasana can be found in the article Yoga for a pregnant woman: learn to relax with shavasana

The second way to turn off your brain during sex is to start foreplay almost in the morning. There is such a technique: on the way to work, in the office, and especially on the way home, think and see everything in a sexual light. A pen on the table, poles near the road, oncoming men, inadvertent glances, ambiguous words - everything should be taken exclusively with sexual overtones. Not everyone likes this technique, or rather, not every woman is able to master it. But those who know how to relate to the world precisely from such positions enjoy great success with men.

The third technique is based on breathing. The fact is that the tension of the day and sexual arousal "live" in one place - in the human stomach. Naturally, emotions that have not yet dissolved stand in the way of sexual arousal. Try to exhale the tension. To do this, breathe in your belly. And not with the chest, as almost all adults do. Children breathe with their tummies - have you noticed? Take a breath and send the air to the stomach. At the same time, the chest should remain motionless, and the stomach should “inflate with a ball”. From the first time it is unlikely to succeed - the chest will turn on. But "the road will be mastered by the walking one." Make room in your stomach for the holidays!

Career, business and money

In the life of Radmila, a career is in the first place. She defines a goal in her youth and stubbornly moves towards its achievement. He chooses work related to communication, travel, mental work. Feels great in a leadership position. Able to motivate and manage a large group of people.

The owners of this name become good school directors, heads of kindergartens, directors, rectors. In business, they are successful due to perseverance, creative thinking, and the ability to find free niches in the market. Rada takes money seriously, carefully planning purchases and investments.

Marriage and family

Rada enters into marriage solely for love. She chooses her husband demandingly, preferring to test the relationship for strength. The chosen one needs to have a soft character. Parasites, lazybones, loafers do not attract this girl. Financial security is one of the main selection criteria. Radmila marries once. In the event of a divorce, she remains single for the rest of her life.

Mila's weak point is housekeeping. Cleaning, cooking, laundry and other duties are a burden to her. But she is ready to make concessions for the sake of her beloved husband and children, delighting her family with simple, delicious food, care and concern.

Sex and love

Radmila has a stormy temperament that leaves an imprint on the intimate sphere. Sex in the life of this woman is important. She needs a strong, strong-willed, skillful man in bed who is able to satisfy her wildest fantasies.

The Rada is capable of committing treason for the purpose of self-affirmation and curiosity. A partner for whom a girl has strong feelings may not be afraid of such actions.


At an early age, Mila often suffers from colds. This leads to the development of chronic pathologies of the respiratory tract. Over the years, the girl's immune system becomes stronger, but sores acquired in childhood sometimes manifest themselves as exacerbations.

The weak side of the adult Rada is the nervous system. Overwork can cause insomnia, depression, neuroses, breakdowns.

Interests and hobbies

Radmila's hobbies are varied. She doesn't like to sit idle. From school years she attends sports sections, dance and vocal lessons, needlework circles.

Figure skating and gymnastics are very close to her. Team games are not for this lady. She also does not refuse good walks in the fresh with close friends.

The ability to love from time immemorial has been associated with the heart for a reason. Anahata Chakra is located in the region of the heart, in the middle of the chest.

When the energy flow in the heart is open (the chakra is not blocked), the person is filled with the energy of love:

  • pure and unconditional
  • all-encompassing and omnipresent,
  • generating and creating life.

An open heart is filled with the love that is the basis of all things. This great energy balances the physical and spiritual in man.

Here, in the heart chakra, all other human emotions and feelings are concentrated.

A person with an open heart chakra builds harmonious relationships with himself and others, knows how to:

  1. Be an altruist, show kindness and tenderness, care, compassion, but do not take other people's sorrows too close to your heart.
  2. Forgive, follow the principle of forgiveness.
  3. Respect and accept yourself without judgment, respectively, remain confident in yourself, boldly reveal your potential and fulfill yourself.
  4. Be in love:

It is not difficult to guess that such a person is mentally balanced and calm. He is not tormented by excessive emotionality, irascibility, ardor, or, on the contrary, coldness, unemotionality.

The ability to accept your emotions and maintain their balance is the key to mental health.

He who knows how to truly love is loved in return by close people and just acquaintances, the whole environment, life itself for him is love.

It is so easy to open your heart, fill and surround yourself with love that you probably think that it does not happen, but the fact remains that it works and it is very natural. So, just relax, enjoy. Breathe slowly and deeply and bring the consciousness within you by repeating the words I AM THAT I AM!!!.

Now imagine that a very bright light source appeared in the center of your chest, maybe like a very large sparkling diamond, shining as brightly as the sun. Use your imagination at your own discretion and perceive this glow as love. Now allow this love that radiates from your heart center in the middle of your chest to become brighter and larger, use your inner sensations to increase its volume and spread it beyond the boundaries of your body, so that you become a little sun, shining with love and radiating love.

Feel how you are filled with this love, at the same time radiating it more and more. Notice how your body, each of your cells absorb this love and begin to radiate it themselves. Continue to see and feel that you are becoming even more radiant, constantly increasing love with each new breath. Feel the joy bubbling inside you, feel and feel how filled with love you are, feel how much you are loved.
Continue to increase the feeling and feeling of love. You may notice warmth in your chest area, or maybe a feeling of pressure or slight pain - this is normal, this is because your heart is opening.
Continue to breathe slowly and deeply, opening your heart even more, radiating love even more, filling your whole body and mind with love.
Starting from here, you can send this love to other people or your children, or fill your home or place where you work with love. The list is endless, if you remember something, send love there, it's that simple. You have a bottomless supply of love and it will never run out.

What does it mean to open the heart. What happens when the heart is open to love?

A heart full of love attracts love. Those who can feel it and not push it away. Yes, this happens too. After all, we attract those who coincide with us vibrationally. Therefore, the vibration of love can scare away those who radiate lower energies.

You may lament that you give love and others only take it away. So why do you stay close to those who only take? This is your choice. Value yourself first of all. Your inner world. Accept your desires, find out what you really want in this world. And follow your heart.

If you don't like how someone treats you, tell him that you love him and let him go on all 4 sides, but that you are no longer on the road.

If your heart is open, you are connected to the Higher Self, you live according to the dictates of your heart (i.e. you know what inspires you, what does not, what your eyes light up and what goes out), then you will constantly be filled with love for your life on Earth, to the world, to people.

You are the Soul that lives in this particular body, goes through its lessons, and it is not at all necessary to go through them in isolation from love. So even harder and harder.

Video How to open your heart to love

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