Aquarius zodiac sign metal. What stones are suitable for women born under the sign of Aquarius

The most creative sign of the zodiac. They are optimists and idealists, always ready to help. They think outside the box, do not tolerate lies, have a rebellious streak, however, they are dreamy and absent-minded. The stones of Aquarius are called to streamline this mosaic. There are enough of them, they are of different jewelry levels, so a suitable option is available to everyone.

What should be the stones for Aquarius

The Air zodiac sign Aquarius has its own stones, talismans and colors. These are light, light semi-precious and precious stones. The main color of the constellation is blue. Not bad blue, indigo, purple, shades of delicate lilac or tea rose.

Stones suitable for Aquarius

Stones, universal for the sign of the Zodiac Aquarius, - garnet, sapphire, amethyst, pearl, aquamarine.

Selection by date of birth (decade)

Astrologers suggest choosing a stone by date of birth.

January 21 - February 1

Venus contributes to the love and romance of Aquarius, who were born from the end of January to February 1. But calm turns into melancholy, and the mood suddenly deteriorates. Lucky stones in the decade of January 21 - February 1: amethyst, aventurine, pink tourmaline, jade, pearls, obsidian, serpentine. They will strengthen such Aquarius character traits as determination, energy, and teach you to enjoy life.

February 2–11

Aquarians born in early February are under the wing of Mercury. Stones consonant with these dates of birth are sapphire, Moonstone, lapis lazuli, amethysts, chrysoprase, onyx, charoite, amber, garnet, obsidian, jasper. Their mission is to preserve the originality of thinking and an easy attitude to the life of the owner.

Aquarius stones by date of birth

February 12–20

The third decade belongs to purposeful truth-tellers. They do not hesitate to break off love or friendship with the person who deceived them. However, the children of the moon are too delicate to break through to the top, pushing rivals with their elbows. Emotions prevent them from assessing the situation adequately. Gems that bring good luck and help Aquarius in this decade in life are alexandrite, aquamarines, chrysoprase, hyacinth, pomegranate, greenish or blue tourmaline, sapphire, zircon.

People born on the frontier of decades can use talismans related to both.

Depending on the year of birth

Fans of Eastern teachings complement the stones according to the sign of the Zodiac with options corresponding to the year of birth:

  • Rat (Mouse). Amber jewelry will make a person attractive in the eyes of people.
  • The bull will be comfortable with bright massive accessories with lapis lazuli.
  • The tiger, especially the lady, will bring good luck agate. He will tell you what to do in a confusing situation, help you achieve your goal.
  • Rabbit (Cat) needs amber. The talisman becomes stronger if received from a relative.
  • The dragon will be made a diplomat, chrysolite will attract good luck.
  • Turquoise will force the Serpent to fight for the championship fairly.
  • Horse. Passionate, energetic natures will be decorated with accessories with pomegranate or amethyst.
  • The inner beauty of the Goat is revealed by agates or onyxes.
  • A monkey. Red pomegranate will create a strong family union.
  • Agate will protect the Rooster from gossip, poverty or disease.
  • Pearls will bring happiness in love to a dog.
  • Pig. The best option amulet or amulet - topaz. It will awaken personal strength, provide the desired calm.

Given the compatibility of the year and the sign of the Zodiac, you can choose the best option for a talisman, amulet or amulet.

Choosing Stones for Aquarius

Aquarius Women's Stones

Nature has created stones for all Aquarius women: on different tempers, addictions, income level:

Aquamarine reacts to the mood of the hostess by changing the shade. Heavenly blueness confirms the good mental and physical well-being of the lady. Greenish means problems.

  • Pomegranate. The best love stone of Aquarius, a symbol of female success. Unmarried helps to find a destiny, get married or conquer a lover.

  • For an Aquarius woman, sapphire is ideal. The blue copy is intended for domineering mature ladies with a solid life baggage. cements family bonds, makes cloudless established love relationships.

    silver ring with blue sapphire

  • Topaz. According to the horoscope, Aquarius women are suitable for crystals of blue shades. They will remove unmotivated fear or obsession, calm the boiling of passions. Get rid of irritability or depression.

  • Pearl. A mineral that protects the hearth and family values. White beads will prevent quarrels, make the spouse softer, more tender. Forced at least sometimes to reduce the degree of self-importance in order to save the family.

    Mallorca pearl ring

  • Amethyst. In controversial cases, it encourages the hostess to assess the situation from the point of view of the opponent, to make a decision based on logic, not emotions. He will teach you how to get along in a team or with relatives, without putting your interests above others. Inert will make more active, firmer. best stone talisman of a lady who wants to become a mother.

  • Charoite. The impact is clear from the name. Jewelry is also suitable as a charm of the family hearth. The gem will remove the sharpness in relationships, revive cooled feelings.

    Charoite Amulet

  • Chrysoprase. An attribute of a business woman or those who want to become one. It will help you start your own business, accumulate the necessary business man qualities: purposefulness, diligence, the ability to quickly and efficiently make decisions.

    Jewelry with chrysoprase

  • Amber. A talisman for women "zhivchikov": mobile, liberated people. Keeps faith, beauty, youth, aims at good deeds.

    Silver earrings with amber

  • Rhinestone. It creates a feeling of joy, protects from the evil eye, cleanses the biofield.

Stones suitable for a woman according to the Aquarius horoscope are used in jewelry or as a cute little thing on a dresser or office table.

Aquarius Stones Men

Astrominerologists offer stones suitable for Aquarius men, depending on the goals or character of the person:

A child or teenager needs rose quartz. A pendant under clothes or a pebble in your pocket will make you more diligent, more attentive. The young man realizes his calling, will be protected from external dangers.

Individual talismans and amulets

Astrologers offer the following stones as talismans for Aquarius of both sexes:

Amethyst enhances good qualities character of the owner, smoothes or eliminates harmful ones.

  • Topaz. Aquarius Stone universal action. Effective remedy from the evil eye, envy, stress. Promotes family idyll and love victories. Organizes profitable deals and financial success. The most advantageous option for Aquarius is a blue or colorless transparent mineral. Yellow stone and all the solar range is not good.

  • Hyacinth. It helps to adequately accept the cardinal turns of fate. A ring or a ring is used to interrupt the flow of trouble, control the situation, or change plans abruptly. At the same time, do not lose your head and do not waste unnecessary nerves. The stone is an ally on a journey or business trip.

    Amulet with hyacinth

  • Obsidian. Protects from hostile intentions, frees from harmful addictions. It will help you tune in to work or study, solve a difficult problem. It is of particular importance for active charismatic people: the stone absorbs the negative directed at them by envious people.

    Volcanic rock ring

  • Agate. Mineral consultant giving tips on all topics. Defender from the evil eye, damage, envy, disease.

    Pendant with agate

  • Pomegranate. A red saturated stone increases self-esteem and efficiency in Aquarius. It also protects against stress, facilitates communication, and establishes contacts that are useful for career take-off, creating a family or making friends. Helps to realize the planned, especially if it is something extraordinary.

    Jewelry with pomegranate - bestow health

  • Pearl. Able to keep emotions such as anger or aggression under control. Improves mood, guarantees success in projects. However, prone to depression or alcoholism is contraindicated.

  • Lapis lazuli. The best amulet of Aquarius from any dark force. He will feel safe in any place and circumstance. An ideal choice for meditation, unraveling personal problems, attracting only good people into your circle, love magic.

    Gold bracelet with lapis lazuli

  • Hawkeye. Creates a shield from slander, envy. Strong talisman of people of dangerous professions.

    Bracelet with a cat's eye color "Hawkeye"

  • Amazonite. It is considered a stone of almost eternal youth and attractiveness for Aquarius, endowing it with an inexhaustible supply of energy.


  • Fluorite. The stone energizes, creates a sense of inspiration and harmony in Aquarius.

The best love stones for Aquarius are sapphire, garnet, charoite. Topaz and chrysoprase will create material wealth. Aquamarine, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, fluorite will help to save health, lure good luck, and ward off damage.

Healing minerals of Aquarius

People of this constellation are frivolous about personal health, therefore natural stones, suitable for Aquarius, are indispensable as therapeutic or prophylactic:

Gems are beneficial for health as an addition to traditional treatment.

Connection with chakras, metals, trees, names

The fifth (Vishudha, Throat) and sixth (Ajna, Brow) chakras are associated with the symbol of Aquarius. Stones used in chakra manipulations are light blue and blue.

The zodiac metals of Aquarius are gold and copper. Both are soft, like the man of this constellation. As a jewelry alloy, silver or platinum are suitable.

Stones according to the sign of the Zodiac are complemented by a tree recommended by the druid horoscope:

  • elm: January 21–24;
  • cypress: January 25 - February 3;
  • poplar: February 4–8;
  • cedar: February 9–18;
  • pine: February 19–20.

Magic stones are also selected by name. That is, in general list find options that match the sign of the zodiac. For example, pomegranate, alexandrite and yellow sapphire are considered favorable for Lyudmila. Of these, the first two correspond to the constellation. The choice is made based on personal tastes and financial capabilities.

What stones can not be worn sign

Aquarians are forbidden jewelry with the following stones:

  • Diamonds. Faceted diamonds make people of this sign even more arrogant. Persistence is hypertrophied to dull obstinacy. The lady becomes a narcissistic cold egoist, the man becomes deaf to any opinion other than his own. A wall appears between them and the rest of the people.
  • Citrine. It equally enhances positive and negative in a person, provoking throwing between good and evil. Cons can win, psychological breakdowns are guaranteed.
  • Turquoise. Especially not recommended for married ladies: they become windy, frivolous, stubborn. They can do stupid things that can lead to divorce.

Stones of the opposition sign Leo are contraindicated for Aquarius. It is not recommended to wear minerals water element: the mixing of the energy of Air and Water creates vibrations that are unpleasant for sensitive natures.

Features of using stones

In order for stones selected by date of birth to become talismans, they must be used correctly:

  • Pomegranate. The red stone in the ring will relieve the effects of stress, restore energy.
  • Obsidian. For Aquarius, this is a kind of brake, so you can’t wear jewelry for a long time so as not to become a “mumble”.
  • Sapphire as a talisman is worn as earrings, a ring or a ring. A strong amulet is any silver jewelry.
  • Amethyst. Accumulates and keeps the energy of the owner for a long time, so jewelry with it is put on in joyful, happy moments of life or in connection with significant events.
  • Pearls are worn as a talisman under clothing: extraneous attention weakens the properties of the stone.

Gems suitable for Aquarius are best used in jewelry. As a talisman, they take one natural gem: several will immediately neutralize each other, becoming useless.

To understand what a talisman is and what is the use of it, it is necessary to define the concepts. This term originated in Ancient Greece and means "dedication". The talisman is required to be worn close to the heart, it brings good luck and turns a person into a more harmonious one, and also attracts love to him. A person becomes more developed morally, misfortunes do not stick to him. Any thing can act as it, even animals. But first it must be charged, for this it can be taken to some Holy place. Note that it gains strength only after the owner vilifies him for a while. To do this, you do not need to part with it. Almost everyone has successful person there is an unusual thing that protects him from negativity and gives success in all endeavors.

Talisman for the Aquarius man

Any thing can act as a talisman of Aquarius. Powerful in this regard will be an angel figurine made of rock crystal, porcelain or glass. It must be kept in a pocket or on the body as a small decoration. The angel is the intercessor and guardian of the representative of this zodiac sign. It affects the development of intuition. It can also be made of any metal, since this material is already a good amulet in itself. It is necessary to pay attention to the following metals: hematite, magnet, aluminum, silver, lead, titanium, various alloys. Totems for this zodiac sign can be hoopoe, peacock, sheep, mole. You can keep figurines of these animals with you to attract good luck.

The talisman stone for Aquarius is sapphire and other precious minerals. Sapphire is a symbol of chastity, purity, heaven, modesty, fidelity. Blue colour relieves a person of nervous excitement. Generally blue shades help heal the soul and calm the mind. However, many astrologers and clairvoyants do not advise wearing sapphire jewelry every day, as they are quite strong and can also have a negative effect. Everything has its price. This stone is more suitable for long trips, travel, as it brings good luck. Many philosophers and scientists of antiquity used the stone in order to tune in to work and get inspiration for the next discoveries. It clears the mind. A person under the influence of sapphire becomes more self-confident and calm.

Stones-talismans of Aquarius can be different: amethyst, jasper, turquoise, opal. Amethyst is especially popular. It is ideal as a charm for every day. Basically it has a nice purple hue that will look nice in rings. For men, rings with amethyst are more suitable. This mineral makes people more sociable, open, helps to determine how good man with whom you are talking. He even possesses not only magical, but also medicinal properties. It allows you to make a person more calm, relieve him of various stresses, give peace and tranquility.

Talismans can perform the following functions:

  • calm down;
  • give confidence;
  • distract from the unnecessary.

Zircon is an ideal option for a man. Basically, these minerals are blue in color, but there are other options. It makes the sides of a person more manifest, strengthens them. This does not apply to bad character traits. It only enhances the positive. He is able to improve mood, give a person cheerfulness. Aquamarine relieves anxiety, protects against apathy and bad mood. It affects relationships between people, attracts love and gives a person new unexplored emotions. Many sailors, travelers took it with them on the road.

Talisman for Aquarius woman

One of the most popular talisman stones for the Aquarius woman is the garnet, which has a dark red or yellowish color. It helps to establish friendly ties, protects the feelings of a person. Pomegranate invigorates and good mood. Among other things, this mineral makes a person a leader, bestows a certain amount of power over others. Also, astrologers advise to pay attention to the transparent and crystal clear zircon. He looks very handsome in jewelry. You can buy hair sticks decorated with zircon. In the hairstyle, they will look very beautiful and shimmer with all shades of the rainbow.

You can learn more about mascot stones for Aquarius by watching this video.

Christopraz also helps to establish relationships, it symbolizes pure friendship and strong love, strong feelings. It is also useful for those who want to establish a spiritual connection with some person, because sometimes like-minded people understand each other better than relatives. For those girls who have enemies, obsidian will become indispensable. He will protect from negative impact people and make a person morally stronger. He absorbs bad thoughts, protects from impulsive actions. Aquamarine jewelry looks good.

Representatives of the air element with the help of amulets can achieve the following:

  • popularity;
  • self-control;
  • clear and pure mind.

A small lock that can be worn around the neck will be a good protector, as representatives of this sign love everything hidden. As an amulet, small icons are also suitable, which you can take with you on the road or carry in your purse. They have spiritual power, therefore, when looking at them, inner confidence appears, faith in God is strengthened. Amulets can be anything, only the girl must believe that they are able to attract good luck, make her happier. A pet, for example, a cat, will also be an amulet. Wherein creature will always cheer you up and relieve stress that can accumulate over for a long time. by the most the best amulet there will be one that is made by one's own hands.

A woman's look with jewelry and accessories looks complete and stylish, the main thing is to choose the right addition to the outfit. Apart from taste preferences when choosing, it is worth considering which stone and metal suits a person according to the sign of the zodiac. This article will focus on Aquarius. Despite the fact that they have an excellent taste for jewelry, the representatives of the sign incredibly subtly feel their talisman and prefer it among others, we will tell you what jewelry and stone suits the Aquarius woman.

Jewelry for Aquarius

Romantic "airy" Aquarius does not tolerate heavy and dark jewelry, but sophisticated lilac, blue, blue-green accessories are very suitable for him. The sign is ruled by Uranus, which inspires original, extraordinary deeds and actions, so Aquarius has no stereotypes in the choice of jewelry. They can wear a cheap trinket bought on the occasion at a jewelry store or a silver garnet bracelet and not ruin the look. The metal of the sign is silver, so it is better to choose silver pendants and bracelets that are encrusted with a suitable stone for an Aquarius woman.

Representatives of the sign love unusual and stylish jewelry, do not chase after "status" products, choosing exclusive and artistically made accessories. Talismans of Aquarius - silver pendants depicting a man with a jug in his hands, birds, palms of hands or a key.

Which stone is suitable for Aquarius-woman

A suitable stone for an Aquarius woman is lapis lazuli, garnet, pearls, amethyst, sapphire, aquamarine.

For the loving representatives of this sign, amethyst will turn out to be a kind of “sedative”, which will allow you to become softer and improve relationships in the family, allow you to quickly settle in a new workplace, and help protect yourself from depression. Amethyst will add insight to Aquarius, inspire and encourage creative actions. You need to wear this talisman set in silver in a pendant, earrings or ring. Jewelry with amethyst is simply necessary for those who want to have a baby.

A suitable stone for an Aquarius woman is sapphire. He is the first assistant for all those who are thirsty for new knowledge and who doubt their abilities. If the representatives of this sign wear a sapphire jewelry on their left hand, they will get rid of insomnia and improve their health. Such a talisman protects Aquarius from the evil eye, helps to choose the right solution.

Lapis lazuli is a stone that has long been famous for its protective properties. Aquarius-woman, he will give all the blessings of life - and health, and happiness, and prosperity, and success, and protection from negative impacts enemies. Lapis lazuli can be worn everyday on a thin chain in the form of a small pendant or periodically in the form of roughly processed stones collected in beads or a bracelet.

Aquamarine will allow the representatives of this sign to become attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex and make right choice partner. It is worth knowing that the talisman does not allow its mistress to deceive others. Tourists can and should choose jewelry with aquamarine - travelers have long worn them so that the path is easy and successful.

Married Aquarius women suit pearls that can improve family relationships and give femininity and softness of character.

The ideal talisman for the ladies of Aquarius is a pomegranate set in silver. Such an ornament will bring good luck and happiness, strength and protection from stress to its owner.

Each sign of the zodiac has not only its own stone, but also its own metal. For the zodiac sign Aquarius, this is tin. Aquarius considers him only as keys to the house, for example. Aquarius, of course, is not that they do not believe in talismans at all, but they will trust the power of stone more than metal.

Metal sign of the zodiac Aquarius - tin

Representatives of the air element are true realists, although they rely on tomorrow. Aquarians love it when life challenges them, which often shocks those around them.

Aquarians are curious and inquisitive natures. They are attracted by secrets and travel. When communicating with Aquarius, you will have to make concessions and forget about conceit. To some extent, Aquarians are rebels, but they need a constant environment.

Just like air, they need friends, or just people to talk to and spend time with. free time. At the same time, it can be awkward with Aquarius, they like to analyze others and take a closer look. If you feel like under a look like under a microscope, immediately tell Aquarius that this is unpleasant for you.

Another disadvantage of Aquarians is that they don't hold on to friendships. Often, if a person becomes uninteresting to them, they simply cut off all contacts and switch to someone else.

If Aquarius has lost interest in you, it is pointless to try to draw attention to yourself. Representatives of this sign can only return if you have hooked them very strongly, and there is no way without you.

What metals and stones bring good luck to Aquarius

Astrology today claims that Aquarians are, in a sense, geniuses. After all, what they think about today, humanity will discuss in a few decades. Most famous people were born under the constellation of Aquarius.

On the other hand, doctors say that it is among Aquarians that the largest percentage of mentally unhealthy people is. Parapsychologists say that Aquarius should choose metal in accordance with their horoscope and recommend wearing it without taking it off. The metal of Aquarius is tin. Buy yourself a piece of tin and always carry it with you so that it charges you with its energy.

The outlook of Aquarius is extremely wide. Perhaps this is the most reading sign of the zodiac. Rarely there are representatives of this sign with prejudice - usually these are people with the most advanced views. Aquarians need a sense of respect. Also, they are not built to fight.

In their personal lives, they prefer to step aside. But not because they are afraid, but simply because they are not fighters. They prefer to be fought for. They rarely tie the knot in marriage or relationships, prefer freedom, and often leave escape routes. Aquarians combine the embodiment of hopes and ideals.

Constellation Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. In his famous four-volume astrological treatise Tetrabiblos, the Alexandrian scholar Claudius Ptolemy (2nd century AD) calls him Aquarius, which can be translated both as Water Carrier, and as Lord of Water, even as Water.

Ptolemy argued: since the orbits of the stars that affect the fate of people born under them can be predicted by mathematical calculation, then the fate of people can be predetermined by comparing the date and hour of birth with the movement of the stars.

From this article you will find out which Aquarius stone will protect, and which gems are not recommended for representatives of this zodiac sign.

  • The planet Uranus rules the fate of Aquarius
  • The element of this zodiac sign is Air.
  • Lucky colors - blue, aquamarine, deep blue-green
  • Lucky metal - titanium
  • Favorable numbers - 16, 32

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Aquarius

According to the horoscope, Aquarius is changeable, as is the element to which astrologers and magicians refer people born under this zodiac sign. This astral element, defined by the ancient magicians, is not Water, as many people think, but Air. But do not forget - after all, it is from the foggy damp air that dew condenses, and from the clouds floating into air skies, torrential rains.

Aquarians are creative natures. This character trait of the zodiac sign Aquarius will be supported and strengthened by a correctly selected stone with positive astral energy.

Many prominent politicians, inventors and scientists were born under the sign of Aquarius, you will see this by reading our list of famous Aquarians that concludes the article. The strong character traits of Aquarius will be supported by gems from the beryl group.

Which stone suits Aquarius

Any single symbol of the Aquarius sign is not defined.

  • blue sapphire
  • blue aquamarine
  • all transparent blue and green stones

With rare exceptions, men and women born under this sign are shown all translucent stones from the category of semi-precious minerals - pink carnelian, green chrysoprase, purple amethyst. According to the horoscope, a rare amazonite can also be recommended - an opaque bluish-green mineral resembling turquoise or jade. Stones suitable for Aquarius woman and Aquarius man vary, their list and characteristics are highlighted in separate sections below.

What stone suits Aquarius yet? The astrologer will determine this by a specific date of birth.

Choosing a stone by date of birth

Aquarius should approach the choice of a stone by date of birth with skill. Stones recommended for the period of time (decade) in which you were born are most suitable for amulets. Gems assigned to the other two decades of the passage of the sign will not carry any magical function, but will serve only as decorations.

I decade: January 21 - February 01

In the first decade of the passage of the sign, Aquarius-romances are born. Their character is marked by the influence planet Venus accompanying Uranus during this period.

The discrepancy between the realities of life and their own ideas often plunges these people into apathy, depression. Amulet stones - black obsidian and green jade - will help to cope with such sudden mood swings and get a charge of optimism.

II decade: 02 - 11 February

But Aquarius, celebrating their birthday at the beginning of February, are not embarrassed by the troubles of life, the influence of a smart Mercury. Their sharp mind will find a way out. Enhance such an enviable quality of gems born in the second decade:

  • sardonyx

Good for Aquarius, born in the early days of the second decade, stones from the beryl family:

  • heliodor

III decade: February 12 - 19

The third decade of the passage of the constellation Aquarius is overshadowed the influence of the moon. Restrained, kind and sympathetic people are born at this time, but they will part without regret with those who at least once tried to deceive them.

Stones for Aquarius women

For girls born under the sign of Aquarius, astrologers recommend wearing earrings with amethyst. The best metal for the frame of such jewelry is white gold or silver.

Earrings with amethyst

A love spell for Aquarius of a woman seeking to attract the attention of her chosen one can be coil. It is recommended to wear it in a bracelet on the left hand.

At least one piece of jewelry amber and pearls- this is the minimum of amulets for a married Aquarius woman. The energy of amulets will harmoniously complement aquamarine. These stones will be faithful helpers to the keepers of the hearth.

The choice of stones for Lady Aquarius is quite large. Decide which stone suits Aquarius for a woman, depending on her date of birth, social status, age, occupation and other factors, a specialist lithoastrologer who has studied an individual horoscope will help.

Stones for Aquarius men

Good luck Aquarius businessman or manager public institution will bring nephritis. Order in a jewelry workshop or look in stores for a table figurine, a calendar stand, a paperweight made from this noble mineral. In China, a jade amulet in the form of a green apple is popular.

In all conceived projects, a gem will contribute to Aquarius men chrysoprase, symbol of new beginnings of the owner. Difficult tasks help solve rough moss agate. One of the sides of the stone needs to be polished by hand. Thinking about a problem and accepting important decisions, peer into the wonderful pattern of agate: the puzzle will add up by itself.

If in career growth your opponent is preventing you from winning competition talisman will help - blue sapphire. This is the stone of the ambitious Aquarius man. Only it does not need to be shown to others, and even more so, to tell outsiders about the purpose of sapphire. Let the amulet stone be your secret. Carry a sapphire in your purse, it should be closer to the money.

Talismans of the zodiac sign Aquarius

When choosing a talisman of Aquarius, consult with experts, read forums on astrological sites. You may not be aware of the existence of some stones that are useful for the Aquarius zodiac sign. For example, as astrologers found out, for Aquarius, the stone talisman, discovered in Brazil recently (1987), replenished the number of amulets. This Aquarius talisman is a turquoise-colored variety of tourmaline.

The best amulet of Aquarius (men and women) is quartz, or rather, quartz, because this is an extremely extensive family of stones. Its purest manifestation is a crystal.

  • sardier;
  • carnelian;
  • sapphirine.

Good stone for women prasiolite. It also belongs to the quartz family, it is a variety of amethyst with a soft green hue. It is recommended to wear prasiolites in a pair, for example, in earrings. Wear them as an evening decoration - prasiolite does not tolerate solar ultraviolet radiation, the stone will quickly discolor from irradiation, and will look like faceted rock crystal.

But not all quartz will suit the Aquarius zodiac sign.

What stones should Aquarius avoid?

According to the observations of lithoastrologers, among the quartz that Aquarius needs to be wary of - Australian black opal. The energy of its crystals can only harm such an owner. But the most contraindicated for Aquarius people, according to astrologers, faceted. The influence of a diamond on the character of a person of this zodiac sign will be detrimental.

Famous Aquarius

The most famous Aquarius in recent history Russia - President Boris Yeltsin (01.II.1931). His contribution to the democratization of the country is invaluable. Yeltsin amazed the world by allowing national republics USSR to exercise its right to self-determination, which was under the communist regime only an imperial fiction proclaimed in the Constitution. But the list of prominent Aquarius politicians who decided the fate of the world does not end there.


Three Presidents of the United States were born under the sign of Aquarius - the 16th President Abraham Lincoln (12.II.1809), who became national hero during the period civil war, 32nd President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (January 30, 1882), who managed to lead the country out of the Great Depression, he is also in the honorary ranks of the victors of Nazism in World War II. In this cohort of US leaders is the 40th President Ronald Reagan (06.02.1911), the undisputed winner in the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

The list of politicians who left a deep mark on modern world history includes the Italian dictator, the founder of fascism, Benito Mussolini (04.02.1883), the Romanian communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu (26.I.1918), the President of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze (25.I. .1928), Korean socialist dictator Kim Jong Il (16.II.1941), French President Nicolas Sarkozy (28.I.1955).


Astrological Aquarius were the Soviet military leaders of the Civil War Mikhail Frunze (02.II.1885), Vasily Chapaev (09.II.1887), Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky (16.II.1893), shot on false charges in 1937. In the same row we will name the legendary Soviet pilot, Air Force brigade commander and Hero Soviet Union Valery Chkalova (02.II.1904).

Show Business

Among the stars of show business, the one who overshadowed all colleagues sparkles brightly world celebrity, charming American TV presenter Oprah Winfrey (January 29, 1954). The colossal fees allowed her to become the first black female billionaire in history. Oprah's fortune in 2013 exceeded $ 2.7 billion, for many years she has consistently been in the top ten powerful women planets.


The Stars of Aquarius erected on the world championship pedestals the brilliant chess player, grandmaster Boris Spassky (January 30, 1937), the legendary weightlifter Leonid Zhabotinsky (January 28, 1938), the famous Portuguese football players Jose Mourinho (January 26, 1963) and Cristiano Ronaldo (05 .II.1985).

The science

In science, brilliant scientists-Aquarius became famous. The rating of science is headed by the Italian astronomer and astrologer Galileo Galilei (15.02.1564), who was not afraid, contrary to religious canons, to declare that the Earth is not the center of the universe, the British physicist Robert Boyle (25.I.1627), and his compatriot Charles Darwin (12 .II.1809), father of the theory of evolution. Among the Russian scientists-Vodoleev, the biophysicist, professor Alexander Chizhevsky (07.II.1897) and the theoretical physicist, laureate Nobel Prize, academician Lev Landau (09.I.1908)


Among the brilliant Aquarius inventors, we give the palm to the American Thomas Edison, who received more than a thousand patents that changed the world. Do you have a light on? He invented this light bulb. But electrical energy it would have been impossible to develop without the discoveries of the Italian physicist Count Alessandro Volta (18.II.1745), whose name we call the unit of electrical voltage, and the work of the French scientist, academician André Ampère (21.I.1775), whose name now denotes the strength of the current.

In a separate line, we write here the American John Browning (January 21, 1855), a talented weapons designer who worked in Belgium.


The list of Aquarius travelers is headed by the Italian General Umberto Nobile (January 21, 1885), who created the original airship, and one of the discoverers of the Arctic.

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