What does the triangle on the palm of the left hand mean. Additional signs and meaning. The life line bifurcates at the beginning, in the middle, at the end on the right and left palms: what does this mean

What are triangles?
How to interpret them?
What semantic load do they carry?
Differences between triangles?
What does the triangle on the line of life mean?
What does the triangle on the line of the heart mean?
What does the triangle on the head line mean?
Triangle of talent?

And so what kind of sign is this - a TRIANGLE. In many sources on palmistry, it is interpreted in different ways:
The triangle is one of the few signs found on the hand that has positive associations. Their presence expresses the concentration of mental faculties and the power of the brain. Source: mini-encyclopedia, palmistry

Like the linga in Indian mythology, the triangle is primarily a symbol of the creative male power, in other words - the creative power of God. And vice versa, a triangle, the top of which is turned down, is a sign of the feminine, a fertile womb.

For European alchemists, the triangle with its apex up meant the tongue of flame, "male" fire, and the triangle with its apex down meant water, which runs down from the mountain peaks, from the clouds down to the Earth.
The triune nature of the universe: Heaven, Earth, Man; father, mother, child; man as body, soul and spirit; mystical number three; triple, the first of the flat figures. Hence the symbol of the surface in general. "The surface consists of triangles" (Plato). The equilateral triangle symbolizes completion. The triangle with its apex up is solar and has the symbolism of life, fire, flame, heat (hence the horizontal line symbolizing air), masculinity, lingam, shakta, spiritual world; it is also the trinity of love, truth and wisdom. Means royal majesty and has a red color as a symbol. The downward facing triangle is lunar and has the symbolism of the feminine, uterus, water, cold, nature, body, yoni, shakti. Symbolizes the Great Mother as a parent.

The triangle in a circle means the world of forms enclosed in the circle of eternity. "The area inside such a triangle is common center all of them and is called the "Plain of Truth", on which are the cause, forms and images of everything that was and that will be; they dwell there in a rest that cannot be disturbed, and Eternity surrounds them; and hence time, like a jet of a fountain, flows down into the worlds "(Plutarch). Three connected triangles denote the inviolable unity of the three persons of the Trinity. The double triangle, the six-pointed star, the Seal of Solomon, Mogun David, says that "every true analogy must be usable back", "as above, so below". This is a union of opposites, male and female, positive and negative, with the upper triangle white and the lower black, fire and water, evolution and involution, interpenetration, everything is an image of another, hermaphrodite , a perfect balance of complementary forces, an androgynous manifestation of a deity, a person peering into his own nature, the dual forces of creation, the synthesis of all the elements, with the triangle facing upwards as a heavenly symbol, and facing down - as an earthly symbol, and together - a symbol of man as a unifying these two worlds.Like the Seal of Solomon, this is the image of the Preserver; it gives spiritual power over matter and is the ruler I eat genies. Two triangles lying horizontally and touching the vertices are lunar symbol, waxing and waning moon, eternal return, death and life, dying and resurrection. The point of contact is the new moon and death.

Two closing triangles - the union of opposites, which become "liquid fire" or "fiery water". Buddhists have a pure flame and the Three Jewels of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Among the Chinese, a triangle with hanging swords symbolizes restoration. For Christians, an equilateral triangle or a triangle formed by three intersecting circles symbolizes the Trinity in unity and equality of its three constituent persons. Triangular radiance is an attribute of God the Father. For the Egyptians, the triangle symbolizes the Triad. "They compare the vertical side (of a right-angled triangle) with a man, the horizontal side with a woman, and the hypotenuse with their descendant: Oziri as the beginning, Isis as the middle or repository, and Horus as the completion" (Plutarch). The hand of the Egyptians is the union of fire and water, man and woman. The figure of three double triangles, surrounded by concentric circles, symbolizes Khui, the Land of Spirits. Among the Greeks, the delta symbolizes the door of life, feminine, fertility. The Indians have triangles with their vertices up and down - these are shakta and shakti, lingam and yoni, Shiva and his Shakti. Among the Pythagoreans, the equilateral triangle symbolizes Athena as the goddess of wisdom.

In Judaism and Christianity, the triangle is a sign of God. The God of the Christian Trinity is sometimes represented by an eye within a triangle or a figure with a triangular halo. The alchemists used triangles with their vertices pointing up and down as signs of fire and water. In more general sense linear triangles or triangle-shaped compositions may represent triads of gods or other tripartite concepts.

Having read the above interpretations of the triangle, we can now move on to the interpretation of the triangles on the hand. What if there are a lot of triangles on the hand (each sign - a triangle is interpreted differently), for this we need to select 4 areas on the hand:
1. Hill of Venus (in the figure it is shown in the LOVE area): responsible for feelings for other people, both of the opposite sex and his own. Most often, love relationships are interpreted along this hill.
2. Plain of the Moon (in the figure it is shown in the ABILITY area): is responsible for the hidden possibilities of a person, his craving in one direction or another, whether a man is a businessman, a craving for the ability to earn money or a sorcerer, his beyond his ability. Most often, on this hill, you can determine the inclinations of a person to a particular industry.
3. Talent Triangle, Careers(in the figure it is shown in the Talents and Careers area): responsible for human development public life, his ups and downs on the career ladder, his ability to manage people, his talents, predisposition to a particular job. Most often, this triangle can be used to determine what is prescribed for a person by fate, at what job he will become an ace and where he will succeed.
4. The Plain of Emotions (in the figure it is shown in the area of ​​Feelings and Emotions): responsible for inner world a person, his feelings, experiences, for a split personality, for acting talents, for playing through life. It may also be responsible for heart disorders. Most often, on this plain, one can trace what a person is like in life, whether he plays or not, and how he relates to him.

After you have divided your palm into 4 parts, it will now become easier for you to interpret the signs on your hand. And you will not be confused with the interpretation of signs. A triangle located on any part of the palm is interpreted directly in the area in which it is located. But it must also be taken into account that human hand divided into 3 lines (every person has these lines), this life line, head line and heart line. These lines are not subject to the 4 areas. All the figures located on them are treated especially.

Life line: a triangle on the line of life, speaks of a person's emotional breakdown, if he is turned towards the hill of the moon, if he is turned to the side thumb, then this is somehow connected with the genitals, a sexually transmitted disease or problems with sexual life are possible.
There are also 3 types of triangles: rectangular, equilateral, isosceles, each type of triangle carries its own semantic load.
- right triangle on the line of life - sudden exacerbation of the disease (possible operation)
- isosceles triangle on the line of life - sluggish disease (it hurts, it hurts and it will pass)
- equilateral triangle on the line of life - most often this triangle turns into a square, as it has a sort of mirror base, it speaks of the prevention of the disease, that you caught yourself in time and cured the disease at the initial stage.
It also happens when triangles look like hourglass and connect two lines - the line of the head or the line of life, they are only at the beginning of the palm (in adolescence), this sign indicates your distance from your parents, due to quarrels between them, your attempt to unite them.
head line: a triangle on the head line, the beginning of a triangle, indicates the beginning of a career, this is characterized by the fact that you have found yourself in this area and work tirelessly to improve yourself, the angle of the triangle indicates your achievement, if the triangle is declining, then you have stopped this area for yourself find interesting, in it you have reached the limit.
- right triangle on head line - the gradual achievement of the goal, the beginning of a career and a sharp bummer, it could be a dismissal, maybe due to illness, maybe because of prison.
- isosceles triangle on the line of the head - having this triangle, these are people who are gifted, they can do various things, be professionals in them, but they cannot do one thing, they constantly need something new, which they have not tried yet, these people have a life constantly in haste, only at the end of their lives do they find themselves.
- equilateral triangle on the line of the head - the best sign, if you have this triangle, then you will achieve everything at work and become an ace in it, most often such a triangle is found in the hands of masters, they say about such people "a man with golden hands"
Heart line: a triangle on the line of the heart, the most difficult interpretation of these triangles, because you need to take into account the angle of the triangle to which hill it is directed (if you have been doing palmistry for a long time, you should know that there are 4 planets to which this or that finger belongs, since the little finger is personified with mercury ring finger personified by the sun / Apollo, the index finger is personified by Jupiter, the middle finger is personified by Saturn, each planet has its own psychological characteristics Let's look at just a few of them:
- right triangle on the line of the heart directed to the little finger - most often, one side of it passes, as it were, through the marriage line, not a very favorable sign, says your quarrelsome character, you will become a sadist for your half and will constantly bake it. This sign indicates the difficulty in relationships with people you love.
- a right triangle on the line of the heart directed to the nameless - sharp outbursts of anger (irritation, jealousy)
- right triangle on the line of the heart directed to the middle - a sign of an artistic nature, but the game is too rough
- right triangle on the line of the heart directed to the index - a very rare sign, speaks of a deep understanding of people with people who have given sign, in communication you feel maternal warmth and care, people with this sign achieve little in life, but they have a lot of friends.
- isosceles triangle on the line of the heart directed to the little finger - means harmony with one's inner feelings, a person knows what he wants from life and slowly moves towards it, most often people who have this sign are bachelors, they feel good only with themselves.
- isosceles triangle on the line of the heart directed to the nameless - a tendency to heal, people with this sign are good doctors, they feel the patient and skillfully make a diagnosis.
- isosceles triangle on the line of the heart directed to the middle - skillful manipulation of people, excellent actors, can transform on the fly and play the role that is required.
- isosceles triangle on the line of the heart directed to the index - a very rare sign, a sign of a hermit, a person who is unsociable, cannot find a language with other people and therefore he is lonely.
- equilateral triangle on the line of the heart directed to the little finger - the most successful sign that portends a happy family life, both spouses will achieve high altitudes in business and they will not have problems with money,
- an equilateral triangle on the line of the heart directed to the nameless - a person with this sign is "not a fish, not a meat" in life this person as if floating, leaving fate to decide how to happen at one time or another.
- an equilateral triangle on the line of the heart directed to the middle - a person who knows how to maneuver between two fires, a person with this sign loves risk and wins by risking.
- equilateral triangle on the line of the heart directed to the index - a very rare sign, a person with this sign is constantly in search, he is looking for himself and cannot find himself, he tries himself in various matters, but does not bring them to the end.

Along with triangles directed upwards (on the fingers), there are triangles directed downwards (on the bottom of the hand), these triangles carry negative energy.
- Triangle on the line of the head directed to the bottom of the palm - means that a person is marking time, and everything that he has achieved will be wasted, that is, if a person earns something, then this earned will be thrown away by him, without bringing him any satisfaction, but only a headache.
- Triangle on the line of the heart directed to the bottom of the palm - means emptiness in the heart of a person, this is facilitated by some kind of emotional breakdown, be it a break with a loved one, loss large sum money or just apathy.

Triangle of giftedness: this triangle is formed by 3 lines (see picture):
1. life line
2. head line
3. line of intuition to money
If this triangle is clearly visible in your palm and it closes on all sides, then congratulations, you are a very gifted person, you can try yourself in any activity, and you will succeed in all industries. Wherever you put your hand, you will make a profit. You do not need to look for yourself, you are a universal person, you have golden hands. By old age, such people have good capital and live only for themselves, but do not forget to help their relatives.
Do not judge me sternly, this is my personal interpretation of the sign on my hand - TRIANGLE. I will be grateful if you give comments about the confirmation or refutation of my methodology. With detailed explanation.
Article author: Kolesov Denis Yurievich

You can find out whether you are destined to get rich by the lines in the palm of your hand. In palmistry, there are several signs of wealth on the hand, the main of which is the money triangle. This sign is a guarantee that you will get rich. Is there a money triangle in your palm?

Where is the money triangle on the hand

The money triangle (see photo) is formed by crossing the line of life, the line of the mind and the line of fate. On the left hand, it means destiny. If you have this sign on your left hand, then this indicates the fate of becoming rich. If the money triangle is located on right hand, then this suggests that you are making efforts to achieve financial well-being, and you are on the right track.

Special attention it is worth paying attention to the evenness of the triangle. If it is completely closed lines (there are no gaps), this means that a person can not only earn a lot of money, but also save it and even increase it. If the money triangle has gaps, then a person may well become rich, but money will constantly leave him. He will not be able to manage his income and increase it.

About how a person can earn money, in fortune-telling by hand indicate lines of effort. These are branches from the line of life, going up. They can be short or long. Particular attention should be paid to long lines of effort. As a rule, they reach the hills in the palm of your hand.

If the line of effort reaches the hill of Jupiter(base of the index finger), then the person will achieve financial success thanks to his ambitions and leadership qualities. It can also indicate success in business and management activities.

If the line of effort reaches the mount of Saturn(base of the middle finger), then a person will achieve wealth through hard and hard work. It will not be easy for him to earn money, but if he goes to his goal, he will definitely achieve it.

If the line of effort reaches the hill of Apollo(base of the ring finger), then the person will achieve financial well-being thanks to his talents and creative abilities.

If the line of effort reaches the Mount of Mercury(base of the little finger), then a person will be able to achieve wealth with the help of his oratory skills. Also, such a line on the hand in palmistry means wealth earned dishonestly.

In palmistry, the signs on the hand are no less important than the lines. The money triangle is not for everyone. If you don't have it, it doesn't mean you can't get rich. To get a complete picture of your financial future, you must also consider other signs and lines in the palm of your hand. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.06.2014 10:29

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With the help of palmistry, one can not only determine life expectancy, with the help of this science they learn the slightest nuances of their fate. A triangle of money in the palm of your hand will tell you about financial well-being in fate.

What is this sign?

The money triangle in the palm of your hand is considered an auspicious sign in palmistry. This sign symbolizes wealth, prosperity. Look for such an auspicious sign in the center of the hand.

Palmistry is based on ancient Roman mythology. Therefore, most of the symbols on the hand, the lines and signs in it are named after the heroes of this mythology. With regard to the triangle of wealth on the hand, we will talk about such mythical subjects as Saturn and Mercury. They matter here, since each of the characters is associated with wealth. According to legend, Saturn owned a temple where everyone kept their material savings there. Mercury is responsible for good trading. There are hills in the palm of your hand, which are also named after Saturn and Mercury. The location of the wealth triangle relative to them also matters.

Just the triangle of wealth, and helps to determine in what relationship a person is with money.

Which hand is the money symbol on?

And on which hand, they are trying to consider, among the lines, this money triangle? Palmists look for these auspicious signs in the center of the right hand.

Successful placement of the wealth triangle

However, not every location of the triangle of wealth on the hand will indicate the wealth of its owner. Consider five options:

  • If the banknote on the hand lies between the hills of Saturn and Jupiter, then this is interpreted as the fact that a person will receive a decent inheritance in the future. Enlarged photos of the palm will help to consider in more detail where the banknotes lie.
  • When interpreting banknotes in palmistry, pay attention to appearance lower phalanges of fingers. If there are voids between them, then this means that a person is extremely easy to part with money. No matter how much he earns them, they will go through his fingers. It is important for such a person to take note of this and try to consciously spend money.
  • The money triangle on the hand is formed at the intersection of the lines of life, health and mind. When interpreting signs, the location of these lines also matters. In this case, the line of the mind matters. A favorable sign if this line is well drawn and leans towards the Hill of the Moon. It is also a symbol of success in the material sense.
  • If all three lines: life, health and mind are drawn deeply and clearly, and there is also a triangle of wealth, then this means that the individual has a high potential to become not just wealthy man but a millionaire.
  • If there are small dashes on the three lines and the triangle of wealth, then this darkens the picture of wealth a little. Such dashes are signs that difficulties await a person on the way to financial well-being. However, most often such difficulties only temper the personality. After them, a person usually appreciates what he has earned with his own labor.

closed triangle

Of course, the shape of the triangle itself also matters. If it has a closed appearance, that is, it is formed from lines that intersect tightly, then this is very good sign. This suggests that financial well-being will be a constant companion of a person. Such a person will be able not only to earn a good fortune, but also to increase it throughout his life. The size of the wealth triangle will tell you how big the fortune will be in this case.

If the triangle on the arm is barely noticeable, then this means that throughout life a person will be able to maintain high level income, he certainly will not be poor.

Palmistry. Money triangle and other signs of wealth in the palm of your hand

Money triangle, abundance triangle on hand

Money triangle on hand. Palmistry. Mysterious signs of wealth and prosperity


If the triangle on the hand is of medium size, then this indicates that a person will be able to make a fortune that will allow him to rest on his laurels at the end of his life.

And if the triangle in the palm of your hand is very large, then this is interpreted as the fact that the person will be disproportionately rich. Such a person needs to think about a profitable investment of money, because thanks to his capital he will be able to change the world.

But we should not forget about the theory of relativity here. This is especially true for the first two cases, when the triangle is small and medium. The fact is that for each person the concept of "big money" has its own meaning. For some, 1,000 rubles is already a sum, but for someone, 1,000,000 rubles is not such a big amount. Here it is already necessary to measure everything according to internal sensations.

But in any case, the money triangle for a person is a guarantee that in financial terms he will feel comfortable.

Open Money Triangle

What if the lines on this favorable sign are not tightly connected to each other. If one side of the desired triangle is ajar, what does that mean?

Unfortunately, nothing good. The open side of the triangle symbolizes the abyss where your money will flow. But thanks to palmistry, such a nuance can be foreseen and minimized losses.

The open side of the banknote in the palm of your hand means that a person is prone to squandering, that he is able to spend money on completely empty things. This speaks of an easy, superficial nature, which, perhaps, earns money easily and with passion, then it is also easy for him to get rid of them. With such habits, it will be difficult to make a fortune. But if a person is aware of such a trait of his, keeps it in the focus of attention, then he has the opportunity to consciously stop himself in squandering. An open money triangle can be seen even in the photo.

Money sign relative to the hill of Jupiter

If the money triangle in the palm of your hand is formed from a line that is interrupted on the hill of Jupiter, then this indicates that a person will become rich solely due to his skills. Such a person will have a favorite business, which she will promote to the masses confidently and purposefully.

Perhaps this is the most favorable type of sign of wealth. With this path, a person is clearly aware of what he is doing, what it costs him, which means that in the end he appreciates every penny that he has in his account. But at the same time, the person is not afraid to lose money, she confidently invests it in new projects. He is not afraid, because he feels like a professional in business, who can always earn good money.

Such money capital is accompanied by the love of people, and this is completely justified, because a person is doing what he loves.

Palmistry is the oldest system of divination by dashes in the palm of your hand. The triangle on the line of the heart is interpreted in different ways, because each person is unique. Certain lines on the palms are a mirror image of the properties and qualities of a person, his life experience, ups and downs. The heart line is special. It reflects our spiritual experience, which is hidden from prying eyes.

The line of the heart tells about the joys and sorrows experienced by us, about the strength of the spirit, about the "affairs of the heart." Palmists also claim that this band can be used to judge the state of heart health. But few people know about the marks and geometric shapes located on it. Neophytes in palmistry are especially interested in the sign of the triangle on the hand.

The symbolic meaning of the triangle

The symbolic meaning of this geometric figure is interpreted in different ways. But still, in most cases, it is characterized positive characteristics. Its presence in the palm of your hand indicates high intelligence owner. The exact interpretation depends on the location of the figure. The location on the strip of the mind (head) indicates great achievements due to the gifts of the intellect.

A triangle on the line of life promises unforeseen circumstances, the outcome of which does not depend on you. The appearance of the triangle on the line of the heart is of paramount importance. If a line of the heart is drawn through it, in front of you is one who, in choosing a life partner, is guided mainly by reason.

The shape of the triangle also matters. As a rule, there are such types of triangles:

  1. Isosceles.
  2. Equilateral.
  3. Rectangular.

Of fundamental importance is the sequence of interpretation of marks or geometric shapes on the hand. Keep in mind, first we examine the palm, fingers, the line of the mind, the line of the heart, as well as the lines of fate and life. In most cases, it is customary to interpret the line of the heart first, and then all the others.

Large and small triangles

First, let's deal with the terminology, and then with the large and small triangle. Speaking of the large and small triangle, let's talk about the concept of the throne of the hand. The throne of the hand or palm is the distance between the line of the mind and the heart, it can be large or small. A large distance between these lines characterizes the owner of the hand as a person of a wide soul, but overly emotional. He rarely controls his emotions. If the distance between the line of the heart and the head is small, this means that such a person constantly needs help and support. Indeed, without it, he will either break a bunch of firewood, or stop acting for fear of making a mistake. This nature is depressive and pedantic.

Now let's find out what the large and small triangle of the palm are. The large triangle is a geometric figure located between the line of the head, life and Mercury. If the person is the owner big triangle is a strong individual who has everything under control. If such a triangle is correct, his life is calm and harmonious. Especially if the lines of the triangle do not intersect and do not break off with other straight lines.

Fateful signs. Palmistry: Line of the heart. Squares, triangles, crosses on the line of the heart

PALMISTRY. Signs of WEALTH on the hands. triangles

We speak of the presence of a small triangle if the strip of the Sun / Apollo and Saturn divides the large triangle into parts. There may be several small triangles. If one of them is pronounced, this indicates that before us is a creative and easily trained person. If the beginning of a small triangle lies on the hillocks of Mercury and Saturn, and the triangle itself has long sides, this indicates a creative person. Sometimes the sides of a small triangle form the shape of a horn or tulip. This means that such a person is a born inventor.

Bumps on the hand

The tubercles or hillocks on the arm are located near the line of the heart at the bases of the index, middle, ring fingers and little finger. They bear the following names:

  • hill of Jupiter;
  • hill of Saturn;
  • hill of the Sun or Apollo;
  • Hill of Mercury.

The pronounced hill indicates positive properties character of a person. It matters whether the hill is displaced or located at the base of the finger. Only an experienced palmist will tell about the inclinations of human nature in the hills.

Right hand or left

For those who are just trying to understand what palmistry is, which hand to disassemble the triangle on the line of the heart, I will answer: the lines on both hands are important. But there is some difference. On the left hand we read what is destined from birth. On the right hand - what the person himself creates, his life experience. So left hand passive and the right is active.

If the stripes on both hands are very different, this indicates that the wearer of the palm has done a tremendous amount of work on himself. Since the dash of the heart tells mainly about what has already happened, it is better to read about it on the right hand. But remember that lefties are the opposite.

Interpretation of the heart strip

It should be noted that the line of the heart can be interpreted in several directions. It doesn't matter if you read it from the index finger to the little finger or vice versa. But palmistry suggests considering the line of the heart, starting from the side of the index finger. The band of the heart ends under the little finger. What to consider when interpreting the line of the heart?

  1. If there is no heart line at all, then such a person is not emotional. Logic comes first. As a rule, the line of mind of such people is pronounced.
  2. If the beginning of the heart line passes under the index finger, this indicates that the owner of the palm is selective in choosing a life partner.
  3. If the strip of the heart begins under the middle finger, then such a person is self-centered, not ready for self-sacrifice and compromise.
  4. If the beginning of the heart line is located closer to the middle of the palm, it is easy for a person to turn his head.
  5. A long and wavy streak of life indicates impermanence.
  6. Short and straight - proof that for a person love relationship- not in the first place.
  7. If the line of the heart and head are identical and located opposite each other, this indicates the ability to cope with feelings and emotions.
  8. The stripe on the hand of the heart, touching the line of life, speaks of the vulnerability of a person.
  9. A broken line of the heart is an indicator of a serious psychological trauma in a person's life.

Triangles on the cardiac line

According to the triangle on the line of the heart on the right hand, the top of which is turned towards each of the tubercles, we learn about the character, inclinations of a person, his relationship with others. Consider some options for palms with three corners on the line of the heart.

Isosceles triangle

  • If the top of the triangle on the line of the heart is turned towards the index finger, this means that the owner of the palm is a person suffering from loneliness. He has no understanding with the outside world. Such a person is closed, and therefore he has few or no friends;
  • if the top of the three corners on the straight line of the heart points towards the middle finger, this means that a person controls other people in order to achieve his goal. In this he is helped by innate acting skills, because he can go from crying to laughter in one second;
  • the triangle pointing to the ring finger indicates the ability to help people and excellent intuition. Most often, the owner of a palm with such a triangle on the line of the heart will become a good doctor;
  • three angles pointing to the little finger indicates that a person lives in harmony with himself, he is balanced and calm. A person with three corners, the top of which is located towards the little finger, knows what he wants from life. He sets a goal and sees no obstacles.

Equilateral triangle

  • An equilateral triangle directed to the index finger means that in front of you is a person who succeeds in everything he takes on. This is a multifaceted personality, which is realized in several areas. Accumulating experience and capital over the years, such a person will not need anything. nice bonus the owner of a palm with an equilateral triangle - his relatives will also not live in poverty;
  • an equilateral triangle on the line of the heart, pointing to the middle finger, indicates a particular person as a successful entrepreneur;
  • if the top of an equilateral triangle on the line of the heart is directed towards the ring finger, the owner of such a palm goes with the flow and does not want to change anything in life;
  • if the top of an equilateral triangle on the right hand on the strip of the heart is directed towards the little finger, such a person is a family man. He appreciates and respects his spouse all his life. You will live with him "soul to soul", if only a person with an equilateral triangle on his hand reciprocates his feelings.

Right triangle

  • A right-angled triangle on the right hand on the strip of the heart, directed to the index finger, indicates a sensitive and caring friend. He listens more than he talks. He has a lot of friends. But such a person rarely reaches career heights;
  • a right-angled triangle on the right hand on the line of the heart, pointing to the middle finger, means a strong-willed, artistic, aggressive person;
  • if on the right hand a right-angled triangle on the line of the heart points towards the ring finger, then in front of you is an ordinary jealous man. A person with rectangular three corners of stripes in the palm of his hand is often irritated and angry over trifles;
  • if on the right hand a right-angled triangle on the heart strip, pointing towards the little finger, indicates that the owner of such a palm complex nature. It is difficult to get along with this person under one roof, he annoys and bakes those who love him. Even though he is attached to them.

What does the triangular strip on the other stripes of the palm mean?

If it is clear with a triangle on the line of the heart, what does the triangle on the other stripes on the right hand mean? If a triangle is formed on the line of the head, this means that in front of you is a person with scientific career. Such people are intellectuals and read a lot. If the triangle on the right hand formed on the line of life, this indicates the financial well-being of a person. Such a triangle is called "money". Its owners are happy people. But in order to correctly interpret such a sign, look at where the life line begins and ends. It is also important where the triangle itself begins and ends. The length of the life line determines the length of a person's life. An unfavorable period is determined at three corners on the life strip.

The triangle adjacent to the base of the life band is evidence of such a period. The large triangle indicates that adverse circumstances will accompany a person for some time. Therefore, you should be patient. The small one says that the unfavorable period is already ending before it starts. If you interpret the sign of a triangle on the line of life, remember one feature. It is important whether this sign is adjacent to the line or not. In addition, consider other signs located above or below the triangle. Therefore, I still do not advise you to judge the triangles in the palm of your hand. Consult an experienced palmist. He will determine when a period of difficulties awaits you, help you get through it. After all, a palmist is good psychologist. But do not forget: palmistry is not an exact science, errors are possible.

For years, palmistry is considered the main science that can explore a person's entire life, from beginning to end, according to important lines and signs. The triangle on the line of the heart can be interpreted in different ways. This difference is justified by the fact that each person is a unique person. Each part of the palm is a unique indicator of the special qualities of the individual and her life path. The line of the heart can tell about what is happening in our soul, that is, exactly what we will never show to others.

The heart line can tell about all our emotions, both joyful and sad. It originates at the edge of the palm and passes under all the hills of the fingers. Along this line, palmistry tells a person about his state of immunity. But not all professionals in their field know about minor signs on their hands.

Symbolic features of a geometric figure

The meaning of the triangle on the line of the heart can be different for each person. But, most interpretations have a positive effect. If the triangle is located in the palm of your hand, then you have an intellectual person in front of you who always thinks through his every step. If a geometric figure is located on the line of the mind, then it is quite easy for a person to achieve success in the scientific field. If you notice that the triangle is on the strip of life, then you have to go through some situations, the solution of which is absolutely independent of you.

There are several variants of this geometric figure. It can be an isosceles, right or equilateral triangle. It is very important that you correctly interpret all marks and signs. Always start with the main lines, and move smoothly to the secondary ones.

Impact on the owner

Before you start divination by hand, you need to know the basic terminology. The most basic term is the throne. The throne is the distance that is observed between the feature of the head and the feature of the heart. It can be of several sizes. If the throne is large, then you are a rather sociable person who is always open to new acquaintances. But your problem lies in excessive emotionality. If the throne is small, you will always need support or help. If you do not get help right away, then you will not solve the problem correctly and some difficulties will arise in life.

The big triangle is the distance that is located between the band of mind, life and the line of Mercury. The owners of such a symbol are always confident in themselves, and achieve incredible results in life. Such natures are never afraid to take the first steps and make mistakes. Them life credo built in such a way that whoever makes no mistakes never does anything. If the geometric figure has the correct shape, then the life of such a person is quite calm. Palmistry is convinced that this is especially expressed in those moments if there are no other segments between the line of the mind and the heart.

The small triangle is the derivative of the large triangle. It is formed by the bands of Saturn, the Sun and Apollo. If the figure has rather pronounced features, then such a nature is creative and is always able to learn something new. If the figure originates near the hill of Saturn and Mercury, then this is an indicator of a creative personality.

Which hand is best for divination

Palmistry convinces humanity that both the right and left hand are of great importance. It's just that they have some differences between them. On the left hand, what fate has prepared for a person is always shown. On the right hand, you can see the qualities and achievements that a person has gained throughout his life. All qualities were achieved in the process of achieving experience. It is for this reason that the right hand is considered to be passive, and the left hand is considered active.

If it was noticed that the lines on both hands are different, then you have done quite an impressive job on yourself. Always read about the past right palm. But, it is important to remember that the left-hander must read his past on his left hand.

Geometric shapes on the heart line: meaning

From the triangle on the line of the heart, they learn about important character traits and relationships with other people. Let's take a look at the main features below.

  1. If the isosceles triangle on the line of the heart on the right hand ends in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe index finger, then its owner is a rather lonely person. She's very hard to find mutual language with others and make new acquaintances. Such a person has very few friends, because he does not open himself to outsiders.
  2. If the top of the triangle ends on the middle finger, then you are actively managing the world around you in order to get closer to your goal. An important character trait is emotionality and acting talent. It is these qualities that help you control the behavior of your environment.
  3. If the triangles on the line of the heart point to the ring finger, then such a person will always come to the aid of those who need it.
  4. An indication of the little finger indicates that such a nature is calm, and never worries about trifles. It is easy for them to control their emotions and be guided only by intuition.

What will a triangle with equal sides tell about

There is nothing complicated with a triangle on the line of the heart. You just need to know all the subtleties of the interpretation of signs. Palmistry says that the equilateral triangle is found only in those individuals who always achieve their goal. There is no impossible task before them.

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