The main figures of the palm: large triangle, small triangle, quadrilateral. What does the triangle in the palm say

Triangle in palmistry quite an interesting sign. Everyone wants to know what the triangle sign means in the palm of your hand. The triangle sign on the hand is usually a good mark, but the interpretation of the triangle depends on the location on the hand.

What are the triangles in the palm of your hand?
In palmistry, there is the concept of a large triangle and small sign triangle.

First of all, the triangle on the hand symbolizes POWER - and therefore it is very important to pay attention to where the sign is located - so that this power does not turn against you. Separately standing triangle on the hill under the fingers is the sign of the "master" and having learned the meaning of this finger, it will become clear in what area a person can achieve great success.

Big Triangle in the palm of your hand consists of the main lines of the hand, which are its constituent sides. A large triangle is formed by the lines of the Head, Mercury and the line of Fate. Sometimes the triangle in the palm of your hand is incredibly clear and deep, so much so that the rest of the lines become invisible. If you meet a person with such a triangle on his hand, it is safe to say that he will achieve great success.

Triangle on the line (mind) of the head means in palmistry the power of knowledge with the help of which the owner of the hand can establish himself in life. The appearance of a triangle on the line of the head in certain place, indicates the time of insight, life upsurge, implementation of the hatched idea.

It is important to pay attention to the upper corner of the triangle - which finger it points to and additional strokes that will reveal the details. For example, if the vertex of a triangle points towards ring finger- means with the help of their talents, often in art, the implementation of the plan will take place. Women often indicate a successful marriage.

If the line of the mind is damaged near the triangle, the sign can carry a negative load that destroys thinking, leads to a stupor. With additional details, the triangle sign may indicate a blow to the head, since the head league is responsible, on the other hand, for the human physical organ itself - the head.

Money Triangle in the palm of your hand also consists of the main lines of the hand, which are its constituent sides, the money triangle, the so-called sign of wealth, see the proposed section, is formed by the lines of the Head, Mercury and fate - yes, without brains and luck in fate, you can’t do it here and you can’t earn money.

Palmistry triangle on the line of life pretty dangerous sign. When the line of life on the hand passes through a triangle, this is an interference with life. strong element, often it is a fire, a fire that will make its own adjustments to certain stage life. A triangle on the line of life means to suffer from the elements, but if the triangle stands separately from the line on the hill of Venus, then trouble will not bring significant damage. A triangle adjoining on one side on the line of life, which is directed towards the thumb, is a sign of good luck in life. Pay attention to the time the triangle is located on the line of life - this will indicate how many years this or that event will occur.

The Fate Line is one of important roads on the palm. After all, she is responsible for her career and life path person. Plans and their implementation, all this can be found on the thread of Saturn. If there is a triangle on the Line of Fate, then you are in luck.

If you find a triangle in your palm, then let's see what luck is?

  1. Such a combination in the palm of your hand can be found more than one. Here the dimensions and the place where the symbol is located play a role.
  2. The meaning of such a sign plays a role only on certain roads:
  • triangles on the Line of Fate or Saturn;
  • on health;
  • life;
  • heads;
  • bracelets.

Note. The remaining parts of the palm are not of great importance.

What does a triangle mean on different threads and bumps

Most often, this sign is formed even and clear in its shape.

Note. If it appears simply by crossing the main roads, then it should not be taken seriously.

A sign on Mercury signifies a certain amount of success in business or science.

It speaks of a personality that is different common sense and iron patience, even in difficult situations.

The owners of such a sign on the Moon have excellent abilities for science.

Testifies of a person who has especially developed self-control. In general, a person argues with the mind, not with the heart, and will never become a slave to passions.

Palmistry, a triangle on the line of fate, what does it mean? Such a triangle is also called the sign of the Palmist. If you find such a sign on the hill of Saturn, then you undoubtedly have the gift of foresight or prediction.

Cheat sheet for a beginner palmist: what does the symbol on the hand mean

Jupiter career as a diplomat.
Saturn The gift of foresight.
Third phalanx on Saturn's finger Amoral behavior.
The sun Science aptitude.
Mercury Diplomatic ability.
Upper Mars Success in the military.
Venus Prudence and family wisdom.
Moon Intuition.
life line The owner is attached to the family and relatives and will support them in every possible way.
On the line of mind Science aptitude.
A triangle from the line of life of the mind and fate with a pronounced hillock of Mars. Successful career in military service.
Right on the thread of fate. Calm monotonous life.
Touches the path of the Heart. In this period of time, there is an improvement in the financial situation.
Sign on the road of the Heart and the Sun. The fortuneteller is waiting for fame and fortune.
Mercury. A disease awaits, but the fortuneteller will recover quickly.
Sign on the first ring, inside with a cross. The fortuneteller will receive a large inheritance.

What types of triangles can be found in Palmistry?

There are several types of triangles. The most interesting is a large triangle, which is formed with the help of hepatic filaments:

  • heads;
  • life;
  • health.

Every person has roads of the head and life. As for health, it is not located in every person.

Note. The presence of all the threads speaks of an excellent quality of life and peace of mind, both on a physical and psychological level.

This combination indicates a person's health, and also indicates that the fortuneteller is able to withstand life's troubles and troubles. Such people emerge victorious from any problems and they have a well-developed intellectual level.

Small triangle: the thread of Life, Mind and Fate

If a triangle is formed from the line of life and the line of fate and health, then this indicates the presence of good luck in all endeavors. This is especially true of financial transactions related to the purchase and sale.

The double presence of symbols testifies to the beautiful and rich life. Prosperity and a comfortable life await people with this combination. Fate itself will push and adjust to high income from any kind of activity.

Palmists have another combination: the road of Fate, Life and the top bracelet

There is another combination when the line of life and the line of fate form a triangle along with the first bracelet on the wrist. This greatly strengthens the thread of Fate.

Note. The owners of such a picture may not think about anything at all, Fate itself will decide everything for them and direct them in the right direction.

Even if there is no large triangle, the presence of the latter will be enough, the owner of such a hand is lucky!

What does the trident on the road of Fate mean?

Another positive sign that promises its owner success and wealth. Practically the trident has no negative values. Eastern palmists consider this a sign of successful prosperity and creation.

The vertical position of the sign is always success in all endeavors. If the teeth go up, then a person will generally get everything in life easily, without even making an effort. The location down also has a positive meaning, but the fortuneteller will have to make some efforts.

On the line of fate, the trident indicates that the owner will achieve career success.

The horizontal position of the sign carries some negative characteristics.

The line of fate ends with a trident in a horizontal form, it will tell you that in front of you is a fortune-telling fanatic mystic or a hidden fatalist. For such people, there are no authorities and opinions of other people.

What does the triangle on the road of fate mean?

What does it mean if the triangle is located in right place on the thread of Saturn. As mentioned above, the triangle has a positive meaning and the owner of the sign is just lucky. Well, when that very long time comes this moment, how to find out.

First you need to carefully study the palm, where this sign is located. We consider the path of fate, if it starts from the index and middle fingers and ends with the base of the palm, while hugging the hill of love, then this indicates a long life (80 years) and prosperity.

Note. The enrichment period may not last very long long time. Therefore, it is important to determine the very period and properly manage the funds.

The nuances of the location of the sign

  1. A quadrangle that is formed with the help of Mercury, Soul, Head and Destiny. The larger the hand table, the better life and a person's career.
  2. triangle in the center. The person is distinguished by high professionalism and good health. A good career with a protection system.
  3. Small symbol. Created with the help of Mercury, Head and Fate, it speaks of a highly developed intuition.

Triangle- primarily, auspicious sign. A triangle in the palm of your hand is an indicator of developed thinking, spatial orientation, understanding, calculation, learning, reasoning ability, etc. That is, a person with triangles, first of all, is an educated person who constantly loves to learn something new, to master new professions and knowledge.

On the lines:

  1. Small triangles on the line of Life or next to the line of Life, in the region of the hill of Venus - signs of easy wealth: big win, a large inheritance, an unexpected decent material reward, etc.
  2. If the triangle is located on the line of Life or next to the line of Life, between the line of Life and Fate, then these are already real problems: lack of money in this period, specific troubles in the service or in personal life.
  3. A clear triangle at the end of the life line - a person devotes so much time to public affairs and charity that he completely forgets about his family. As a rule, lonely old age.
  4. A triangle on the line of the Head - such a person has a variety of talents, active business properties. As a rule, developed and intuition. Learning something at the moment. In general, such a person loves to learn everything. And this is not necessarily a theoretical study of the subject. It could be professional promotion proficiency, skills and qualifications at work. Also, a triangle on the tortuous line of the Head with numerous islands can also indicate severe devastation, life without prospects, difficult circumstances of this period (hospital or prison).
  5. A triangle on the line of Fate is a monotonous job without prospects, failures in a career, in a word - not Fate.
  6. The triangle on the Marriage line is a sure sign of many obstacles in family life and serious problems married.

The beginning of activity starts from the nearest corner in the direction of the dating of the line and reaches a peak at the top of the triangle, then there is a decrease in activity, and ends in the far corner.

On the hills:


  1. Triangle on the hill of Venus - the ability to control and restrain oneself, love relationship or marriage, only by calculation.


  1. Triangle on the hill of Jupiter - management of people, the ability to persuade, diplomacy and politics.


  1. Triangle on the hill of Saturn - the ability to occult sciences.


  1. Triangle on the hill of the Sun - great achievements in the field of art and science. But in combination with a short thumb - pathological justice and fanatical religiosity.


  1. A triangle on the hill of Mercury is a successful businessman, a cunning, enterprising person.


  1. Triangle on the hill (-) of Mars - self-control, concentration of will, talent in military area or sports.
  2. The triangle on the hill (+) of Mars is a real warrior, an example of courage, the talent of a commander.


  1. The triangle on the hill of the Moon is a nature rich in ideas, great intuition and a developed imagination. Penchant for parapsychology, musical gift.


  1. Triangle on the hill of Neptune - extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, telepathy.


  1. The triangle on the hill of Pluto is a conscious choice of the need for change, which favorably affects the fate of a person.

On fingers:


  1. A triangle on the upper phalanx of the thumb - attention and will are concentrated on science, such a person knows how to think clearly and logically.
  2. The triangle on the lower phalanx of the thumb is a prerequisite for deep and philosophical thinking.


  1. The triangle on the upper phalanx of the index finger is an interest in metaphysics and parapsychology.
  2. Triangle on the middle phalanx of the index finger - political, philosophical inclinations.

Middle finger:

  1. The triangle on the upper phalanx of the middle finger - the character of a person is bad.
  2. The triangle on the middle phalanx of the middle finger is a penchant for the occult and parapsychology.
  3. A triangle on the lower phalanx of the middle finger is a sign of an unlucky person, failure in a career.

Ring finger:

  1. Triangle on the middle phalanx of the ring finger - abilities in any one area.
  2. The triangle on the lower phalanx of the ring finger is a sign of intelligence and the presence of diplomatic abilities.

Little finger:

  1. The triangle on the upper phalanx of the little finger is an interest in science.
  2. The triangle on the middle phalanx of the little finger is an indication for practicing parapsychology.

"Conditional" triangles

  1. A large triangle formed by the intersection of the lines of Life, Head and Health is an indicator of the overall strength of the body.
  2. Pronounced right triangle, formed by the lines of the Head, Fate and Health - a sign of longevity, developed flair, quick wit and insight. And if there is a line of intuition - "magic triangle" , psychic ability.
  3. The triangle formed by the lines of the head, fate and a certain oblique line - the so-called « money triangle , a sign of a guaranteed income due to one's own labor, and then, provided that this triangle is closed. If one of the sides of this formation has some gaps, then the money will constantly flow away, and you will not make a fortune.

Why are these triangles conditional ? Yes, because these triangular formations only give a tendency to the abilities and capabilities described above, and do not guarantee their presence. The presence of such triangles, in most cases, does not mean anything. For example, the “magic triangle” itself, without a dozen other psychic signs in the palm of your hand (a cross on the upper phalanx of the index finger, a circle at the bottom of the hill of the Moon, Solomon's rings, etc.) is just a combination of lines and no more. The same goes for the money triangle. It should not be considered separately, but only in combination with other signs and lines (upward branches from the life line, triangles at the life line, marriage lines - successful marriage, financial rise on the line of fate, etc.) to understand whether there will be real money, or is it just naive dreams.

From practice, I can say that in the hands of wealthy people who easily got rich as a result of their own entrepreneurial streak, fraudulent activities, successful marriage, patronage, great connections, unexpectedly dumped inheritance or winnings, "money triangle" is extremely rare, but in the hands of projectors - "dreamers of wealth" - quite often. That's why I don't want to discuss the "currency" sign in more detail in this article. What doesn't really work in reality is not interesting.

Remember! A triangle formed from main or randomly crossed lines is not a true triangle. The true triangle is a clear, small, independent and independent sign.

In this article, we will consider the meaning of one of the main and most popular lines in palmistry - the line of the heart.

The line of the heart interests the fair sex most of all. And it is not surprising, because, according to popular belief, she can tell in detail about feelings, emotions. Is it so?

The line of the heart in the palm of the hand of women, men, children - on which hand is it located: photo

This line is considered one of the main ones, and is found in almost all women, men and children. Available as on both right and left palms.

There is a widespread point of view that it is worth guessing by right hand . This statement is partially true, because such a hand displays present state of affairs and also alludes to future. It can be used to diagnose the emotions that prevail in a person now.

However, one cannot ignore left hand. On it you can see the innate predisposition to feelings, emotional heredity.

IMPORTANT: Of course, the situation is different for lefties.

Anyway starts heart stripe under the little finger. Quite, by the way, it is symbolic that not far from it is the marriage line. Moves in direction to the opposite edge of the palm, crossing it. It may end at various points.

The line of the heart on the right and left hand in women, men, children: what does it mean?

Ideal stripe is considered solid, smooth, straight, not undulating. There should not be a pronounced fracture in this scenario. It ends between middle and index fingers. The ideal is balance between feelings that are given and those that are received.

The owner of this symbol kind, generous, well-balanced and under any circumstances can give an objective assessment anything. He does not like conflicts, he does not possess obsession. Has always been a family favorite.

IMPORTANT: The heartfelt attachment of such a person will be successful only if there is a person with similar views.

If the line of the heart has bend, different interpretations are possible:

  • strong upward bend- the so-called physical line, " female trait". However, it also occurs in men, but in those who have female emotionality. Such people do not hide their emotions well - they say about them that all feelings can be read on the face. Feelings control this person in all areas of life.

  • And here flat or, as it is also called, the spiritual line is inherent in people, holding emotions. They are extremely sensitive, but at the same time they are ready to fight for freedom. They often mislead others with serenity, behind the mask of which lies a real gamut of sensations.

IMPORTANT: Such individuals can be safely entrusted with secrets and hearts.

The spiritual line of the heart is an indicator of introverts

Wavy bend- its owner is quite windy. One partner is clearly not enough for him to be completely happy. At the same time, he may well provide for his family, but the craving for diversity takes its toll.

However, if the line becomes wavy towards the end probably a person gradually begins to rethink their behavior. The tendency to cheat is especially great when the line of the heart is wavy on both palms.

Particular attention should be paid to line thickness:

  • Fine Graceful the line betrays nature extremely sensitive, vulnerable. Unfortunately, it is easy enough to deduce from peace of mind and even lead to hysterics.
  • thick people have a stripe rough who do not disdain to use force to convey their point of view. However, they have significant positive quality, which more than compensates for the negative ability to keep one's word.

A thick deep line of the heart is a sign of people who keep their promises.

What does the interrupted line of the heart in the palm of the hand mean?

Not the most favorable sign. Points to Problems in matters of the heart. It is even possible that a person is destined to experience strong shock . Probably because of the scandal that accompanies the breakup. After such a shock, a person has every chance to withdraw into himself, refusing connections, or to have short-term relationships that give nothing.

The problems for the owner of the mark may also be related to the fact that he unnecessarily kind. They are easy to manipulate, it costs nothing to impose someone else's opinion. Unfortunately, this is a magnet for self-serving individuals.

Breaks can be seen and some:

  • At the man- sign of a misogynist
  • woman- a sign of disappointment in the opposite sex

What does a short heart line mean in the palm of your hand?

This sign gives egocentric. He is not very good at making connections with other people. A person is completely focused on himself - his thoughts, emotions, aspirations.

As a result, there are often detachment and even alienation. People often complain about stubborn character the owner of that line.

However, one should not perceive such personalities as completely insensitive persons. They are able to love, but don't do it romantically, sublimely. Practical thinking prevails.

IMPORTANT: It may well happen that the owners of such a heart line are not in love, but simply experience physical attraction.

The line of the heart bifurcates at the end on the right and left hand: what does this mean?

A person has such a seal extremely emotional. However, it is easy to communicate with him, as he able to control their feelings.

It is difficult to quarrel with such a person - he has no problems goes for compromises. And, contrary to the impression he has about himself, he does not like to argue.

It is also easy to communicate with such a person because she has enough interesting inner world. Her views on various things are unusual, frames are not welcome. The owner of such a line is able to look at the same situation from different angles. Therefore, we can safely say that you have an optimist in front of you, always able to find a way out and something good under any circumstances.

What does the triangle on the line and at the end of the line of the heart on the right and left hand mean?

This person will definitely never lose his head because of matters of the heart. No matter how much he falls in love control first! To the marrow of his bones, a logician who will definitely weigh the pros and cons before allowing himself to fall in love.

IMPORTANT: Oddly enough, but a triangle on the line of the heart can also indicate problems associated with vision.

What does the square on the line and at the end of the line of the heart on the right and left hand mean?

Unfortunately, the square warns of broken heart. Probably his owner will count on serious relationship, however, the partner will not be set up for this.

However, you need to try to pull yourself together, since the square is most often protection. In this case, he seems to be saying that the person saved himself from something bad, that his partner is not really worthy.

There is another interpretation. According to her, the owner of the palm will fall into some kind of environment in which he will be forced contain yourself emotionally.

The line of the heart on the palm of the hand ends with a fork, a trident, under the middle finger: what does this mean?

By her own length to middle finger betrays in kind selfish, somewhat notorious and completely uncaring about the state of others. Fork at the same time, it points to and at all intolerable character.

Perhaps it originates from childhood, when the owner of the palm was spoiled in everything. In the future, whims and neglect transferred to a partner. They say about such people that living with them is like living on a volcano.

IMPORTANT: A person who is “lucky” to live under the same roof with the owner of such a combination must be constantly prepared for quarrels and scandals, suspicions and jealousy.

The line of children on the line of the heart in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

Sometimes small dashes that move up from the main line are signs of children. Their number is illustrated amount offspring. Wherein long stripes- sign of boys, short- girls.

However, it doesn't have to be 100% match. Often the palm tells us about potential. Especially when it comes to left palm.

The meaning of the intersections of the line of the heart with the line of fate, mind, life, head, Saturn in the palm of the hand

intersection with lifeline is rare, but it does happen. Such a combination draws a person whose life driven by love feelings. He is completely subordinate to them. I was not used to denying myself anything, since from childhood I put my desires at the forefront.

IMPORTANT: The partner should be on the lookout - the owner of such a line is quite prone to treason. Moreover, abstaining from them can be perceived with severe depression.

If the line of the heart goes down and crosses line of the head (mind), it means that the owner of the hand does not believe in the soul and God. These are often called soulless. It is believed that such individuals do not need to deceive or even kill for profit.

same intersection with the line of fate (Saturn) predicts unsuccessful marriage.

The line of the heart in the palm of the hand is connected to the line of fate, mind, life, head, Saturn: what does this mean?

It happens that the line of the heart connects with the line of the mind (head) so that it forms one continuous strip. This seal is also called the "monkey line", predicting its owner mental disorder. However, the disorder may not be, however constant struggle with oneself such a person is provided.

IMPORTANT: Relationships with such a partner can be exhausting. A person will constantly torment others with jealousy, suspicion.

Connection same with the line of fate (Saturn) promises love story.

Compound with lifeline portends abrupt life turn because of the novel. It is possible that it will lead to wedding. Moreover, the marriage promises to be successful, since the owner of the mark will always prefer family comfort to a career. Or it will be a good combination of both. It is not surprising that such a person is classified as monogamous, and is ready for anything for the sake of the chosen one.

Cross on the line of the heart in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

Is a harbinger of tragedy emotional upheaval. It is possible that he will play the role divorce. However, perhaps no stress is foreseen, but matters of the heart will still go on unimportantly.

IMPORTANT: An injury that can happen to the owner of the sign can complicate later life.

The line on the palm of the hand, parallel to the line of the heart: what does it mean?

The meanings here are different. One of the versions is as follows - the owner of the palm will have several love affairs at the same time.

Another version promises that, if you're lucky, a person can find a kindred spirit. In this case, bigamy or bigamy can be avoided.

However, double line can illustrate and changes in character throughout life. Yes, going parallel stripes will inform that a person will succeed or already succeeded(depending on hand) deal with maximalism young years. But if the lines diverge, means an attempt was not successful.

What does a mole on the heart line in the palm of your hand mean?

Has people disappointed in matters of the heart. And seriously disappointed. Such a collapse can affect life in general.

IMPORTANT: It is worth checking with a cardiologist - a mole on the heart line can also indicate problems with this organ.

As you can see, the line of the heart can predict both great happiness and serious disappointment. However, do not take a negative interpretation with fear. Maybe fate sends you just a warning?

He analyzes in detail the meanings of all the lines and symbols on the hand, as well as the shape of the hand itself and fingers. The triangle on the line of life has a different meaning from the triangle on other parts of the palm. It is believed that several triangles symbolize happy fate person, but consider all the characters in order.

To decipher the meaning of the symbol, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • the size and clarity of the outline of the form;
  • top orientation;
  • on which palm is located.

When determining the meaning of the figure, it is necessary to take into account the age of the person, as well as the location on the hand - right, left, or both. On the right hand, changes in the fate that was destined from above are marked. On the left hand, you can read the destiny intended for a person. Palmists have long noticed that a person's actions can radically change fate - these changes are marked on the left palm.

Important! For left-handed people, the left hand is the dominant hand, so changes in life are indicated on it. For right-handers, the signs of change are on the right palm.

If a triangle appeared on the leading hand, which was not a sign of fate on the other hand, then the person was able to change his life on his own. If a triangle appears on the left hand, and it is absent on the right hand, the person could not realize the potential laid down by fate.

If you find triangles on both hands, this is a sign of a lucky person and a favorite of the gods. A person is given a chance to become rich if he realizes it.

Now let's look at the shape of the triangle and the lines that form it. Usually three peaks form the main lines of the palm - head, heart, and life. A money triangle appears in the center of the palms. It should be even, clearly defined and closed - only in this case the sign has positive value. If the triangle is open or has an irregular shape, it shows financial failure. Basically, an open and deformed triangle indicates a cash leak.

Location on the lines of the palm

How to determine which of the lines in the palm of your hand is leading when interpreting a triangle? You need to find the main side of the sign.

head line

If the main side of the triangle forms, a person will earn well-being, thanks to his mental abilities.

If the sign is located with its apex to the Mount of Venus ( thumb), a person can achieve fame in the arts through the implementation creativity. If the sign is located with the top to the Mount of Mercury, the person will succeed through the sphere of scientific knowledge.

If the sign is located in other places on the line of the mind, this shows the receipt of an inheritance or material wealth from the father.

life line

If the sign is located in this area, this predicts natural disasters or fatal events. However, it matters which side the triangle is on. If it is adjacent to the line of life or located on the outer or inside, this is always a harbinger of trouble.

Only the hillock of Venus can mitigate the fatal meaning of the sign - if the triangle rests on it, troubles can pass by and not touch the fate of a person. If the top of the triangle looks towards the Mount of Venus, this is a sign of good luck!

fate line

The triangle on the line of fate speaks of good luck. However, a person must make efforts to achieve prosperity and success in life, because water does not flow under a lying stone. The triangle shows that in any circumstances a person will be successful if he does not miss his chance.

heart line

The figure on the heart line speaks of a person’s ability to adequately assess the situation, reason and act logically. The figure on the line of the heart characterizes the person who builds marital relations exclusively on the calculation - these people do not know how to love and succumb to feelings.

A person with a triangle sign on the heart line is a scientist, professor, mathematician. They can also be excellent philologists and translators from foreign languages.

Dimensions and appearance

Now consider how the triangle looks on the hand. It can be small or large, equilateral or isosceles. A large figure, as a rule, is formed by the leading lines of the hand - head and life. These people are characterized strong will, purposefulness and the ability to control everything.

Note! The more correct the figure, the more prosperous it has.

If the triangle formed by the lines of life and mind is equilateral, a calm harmonious life awaits a person. If you saw a figure of a small size, but clearly defined, this indicates creative beginning in a person. The triangle can resemble the shape of a tulip or a horn - this shows a creative mind.

If the figure appears at the wrist and crowns the line of life, the personality has well-developed qualities of intuition. The main thing here is to learn to listen to inner prompts and use intuitive knowledge in life.

Now consider the shape of the figure:

  1. rectangular;
  2. equilateral;
  3. isosceles.

If a right-angled triangle is located on the heart line with the apex towards the index finger, this characterizes sociability and the ability to make friends. However, such people rarely achieve career development- they are not adapted to this.

If a right-angled triangle is located with its apex towards the middle finger on the line of the heart, the person has the qualities of a leader. The top in the direction of the ring finger speaks of a jealous character and irritability for no reason. The top in the direction of the little finger shows an obstinate unpredictable disposition.

An isosceles triangle on the line of the heart with its apex towards the index finger characterizes a closed, unsociable person. The direction of the top towards the middle finger shows an egoist who has an acting gift - this is a hypocritical selfish person. The direction of the apex towards the ring finger shows good man who always comes to the rescue. The top in the direction of the little finger characterizes a whole harmonious nature, which can do everything.

An equilateral triangle at the index finger characterizes a successful person who can assert himself in any area of ​​life. The figure with the apex towards the middle finger shows a commercial vein. The figure with the top to the ring finger characterizes an incapacitated person who simply exists. A triangle with the top towards the little finger characterizes a reliable spouse.

money sign

This symbol is of interest to many people. Where is the wealth triangle located? It is formed by the three main lines of the palm - Mercury, head and fate. The line of Mercury shows an entrepreneurial vein, the line of the head shows the ability to think adequately, the line of fate shows the ability to set specific goals and achieve their implementation.

It is very important that the money triangle has a clear solid shape, any deformation shows damage. The well-being of a person also depends on the size of the figure: the larger it is, the greater the capital.

What will they talk about? If the gap is localized at the junction of the lines of the head and fate, labor activity a person does not bring a stable income. The gap at the junction of the lines of Mercury and fate shows that all finances are spent on providing for the family. If the gap is indicated at the intersection of the lines of the head and Mercury, money flows through the fingers.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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