Landing from a helicopter by assault. Baltic Center for Special Training. General information about landing parachute systems

359. Landing- the transfer of tactical airborne assault by air to the rear of the enemy to carry out a combat mission. It includes the take-off of helicopters with an assault force, the formation of a combat formation of a part (subdivisions) of helicopters, a combat flight and landing.

At the set time, the battalion (company) occupies the indicated initial area for landing. The commanders of the subdivisions are refining the calculations for landing, checking the readiness of the subdivisions for landing (loading) into helicopters.

With the arrival of helicopters, the landing commander, together with the commander of the helicopter unit (subdivision), refines the plan for loading military equipment and landing personnel, landing sites in the main and alternate landing areas, the procedure for interaction between helicopter and motorized rifle units in flight and during disembarkation.

360. The loading of weapons, military equipment and other materiel into helicopters begins at the set time (at the command of the senior commander using the landing force), is carried out by loading teams of units under the leadership of helicopter commanders. The landing of personnel in helicopters is carried out immediately before takeoff and must be completed before the engines are started. Anti-aircraft units carry out the landing of personnel last. The landing time is specified by the landing commander after receiving an order to start landing.

Readiness for landing is determined by the completion of the loading of weapons and military equipment into helicopters, the setting of combat missions for units. By this time, the personnel should be in close proximity to the helicopters in readiness for landing.

361. Landing begins at the command of the commander using the landing. Responsibility for the landing of a tactical airborne assault at a precisely set time and in a designated area (on an object) lies with the commander of a helicopter unit (subunit).

The formation of the combat order of helicopters is carried out as they take off and ends with the approach of the head unit of the column of the main forces to the starting line (point).

The commander of the landing in flight is on the helicopter of the commander of the helicopter unit, the commanders of the landing units are on the helicopters of the commanders of units (detachments). The commander of the helicopter unit (subunit) informs the commander of the landing force about the situation in the landing area, changes in the flight route and the procedure for entering the landing sites, as well as about helicopters that have received damage and stopped flying.

362. As the forward group's helicopters approach the landing area, the enemy on it is destroyed and suppressed by fire from the onboard armament of the helicopters and small arms, after which the forward group is disembarked. Supervises the disembarkation and unloading from the helicopter on-board technician.

The forward group, disembarking from helicopters, deploys into battle formation, completes the destruction of the enemy on the landing sites (site) and in the areas adjacent to them, takes possession of the designated line, consolidates on it and ensures the landing of the main landing forces.

An anti-aircraft subunit operating in the forward group, after landing, takes up firing positions near the landing site in the direction of advance of the main landing forces and is prepared to fire at enemy air targets.

After disembarking, the engineering and sapper unit conducts reconnaissance of explosive and other obstacles at the landing sites, clears them or marks obstacles and local objects that interfere with the landing of helicopters.

The reconnaissance (combat reconnaissance) patrol (patrol squad), after landing, conducts reconnaissance in the direction of the upcoming landing operations, advances to the captured line (object) and specifies the composition and position of the enemy. The department (calculation) of radiation, chemical reconnaissance or a specially trained department conducts radiation and chemical reconnaissance.

After the advance group has landed, combat and assault helicopters support the battle of the advance group and cover the landing of the main forces, as well as strike at the enemy approaching the landing area. The forward group commander informs the landing commander of updated data on the terrain in the landing area, landing sites and the nature of enemy actions in the landing area, and, if possible, in the area of ​​​​the captured (destroyed) line (object).

In the event of a sharp change in the situation in the main landing area, failure of the main landing sites, the landing commander decides to land on alternate landing sites on his own, and in the alternate landing area - after the decision is approved by the commander using the landing. Based on the results of the battle of the advance group and on the basis of data received from reconnaissance agencies, the commander, if necessary, specifies the order of landing of the main forces and the tasks of the elements of the battle order (subunits).

363. The main forces of the landing force land in the landing area under the cover of air strikes, combat helicopters and supporting artillery fire. After the landing, the landing units take their initial position (concentrate in the assembly area), take up battle order and proceed to carry out the combat mission. The landing commander takes over the control of the attached (supporting) army aviation.

The landing commander clarifies on the ground or sets new tasks for subunits, coordinates their actions and manages them during

accomplishment of the combat mission.

Artillery subunits (subunits), after landing, take up firing positions on the landing site and fire at observed targets in the direction of operations of the landing units.

The anti-aircraft unit during the course of operations covers the combat formations of the landing force from enemy air strikes.

The combined-arms reserve, after disembarkation, assembles in the area assigned to it in readiness for the performance of suddenly arising tasks.

Combat helicopters, and after landing, transport and combat helicopters support air combat and prevent the approach of enemy reserves.

The advancement of landing units to the line (object) to be captured (destroyed, disabled) is carried out quickly, usually in pre-battle order under the cover of security.

When meeting with the enemy during the advancement of the landing force, without getting involved in a protracted battle, they bypass the centers of resistance, by fire, and, if necessary, by a decisive attack, part of the forces destroy small groups of the enemy.

The results of the landing and data on the situation in the landing area, and the course of action, in addition, on the fulfillment of the immediate, future tasks and on abrupt changes in the situation, are immediately reported to the senior commander and, on their basis, combat missions are specified to subordinates.

The brigade commander begins to manage the actions of the landing force after the report of the landing commander on the landing, the state of the units and the enemy.

364. Upon reaching the designated object, the landing force deploys on the move into battle formation and swiftly attacks it in the flank and rear, destroys manpower, firepower (puts the object out of action) and quickly goes to a new object or to a specified area (point).

When fixed on a captured line, landing units go over to defense based on holding important areas of the terrain and rapid maneuver of forces and means. The defense area (strong point) is being prepared for all-round defense.

365. When destroying (putting out of action) means of using nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, ground elements of reconnaissance and strike systems, command posts and other enemy objects, landing units covertly advance into the area of ​​​​their location, attack and destroy the enemy covering these objects, render them unusable its launchers (guns), missiles (shells), controls and other important elements of the facility. Means of nuclear and chemical attack during their movement are destroyed by fire and a decisive attack or surprise actions from fire ambushes.

When capturing enemy nuclear mines installed in wells, the landing force destroys the enemy in the area of ​​​​the possible location of the wells, occupies the designated line and ensures the actions of engineering and sapper units designed to neutralize nuclear mines.

366. When a road junction is disabled, bridges, viaducts, overpasses and road junctions are destroyed, the roadbed is rendered unusable in places where, due to local conditions, it is impossible to equip bypass roads in a short time.

When a railway junction (station) is captured, first of all, input and output switches, signaling and automatic blocking means, power supply and communication lines are disabled (undermined, destroyed). The military echelons located at the station, as a rule, are blocked and destroyed by fire and a decisive attack.

367. When control posts are destroyed, the main forces of the landing force land directly on the object or near it, and part of the forces - on probable evacuation routes for elements of the control post or the approach of enemy reserves. The main landing forces attack the enemy from different directions, concentrating their main efforts on capturing the operational part of the command post, documents of the combat command and control group and headquarters. At the same time, the work of communication centers, radio transmitting and receiving centers (points), and means of automating command and control of troops and weapons is disrupted.

Objects in motion are destroyed by ambush actions or air assault actions. Personnel and controls are destroyed, and documents are captured.

368. Carrying out the task of capturing hydraulic structures, bridges, crossing facilities or areas convenient for forcing, the landing force, after landing, rapidly advances to the designated object, attacks on the move from different directions on one or both banks, captures these objects and, moving to all-round defense, holds them up to the approach of his troops.

To ensure the operations of the amphibious assault, a tactical airborne assault force after landing can capture and hold by stubborn defense a section of the coastal strip designated for the landing of an amphibious assault, prevent the approach of enemy reserves to it, partially or in full force destroy batteries of coastal artillery and other fire weapons that impede the landing amphibious assault, as well as command posts, communication centers and other facilities. The landing of tactical airborne assault is carried out immediately before the approach of landing ships with amphibious assault units to the coast. Landing operations are supported by fire from fire support ships and air strikes.

369. To capture a pass, tactical airborne troops land directly on it or on sites (platform) near the pass, seize the command heights adjacent to it, then go to the flank and rear of the enemy defending the pass, and destroy it. To capture a mountain pass (valley), the landing force, as a rule, lands on the dominant heights, blocks and destroys the enemy.

370. As the subunits advancing from the front reach the contact line, the landing commander establishes contact with them, specifies the location of the rendezvous points, the procedure for passing subunits through the combat formations of the landing subunits, and further joint actions.

With the artillery fire support reaching the line, the commanders of the supporting artillery units get in touch with the commander (artillery spotter) of the landing force and begin to perform tasks in the interests of the landing force. In this case, the control of the landing force can be transferred to the commander of the brigade entering the landing area, and the landing force becomes an element of its battle order.

Upon reaching the rendezvous points, the subunits of the troops entering the area of ​​operations of the landing, designate themselves with established signals. The commanders of the landing units inform the commanders of these units of information about the enemy, the position of the landing units, specify the procedure for passing through the combat formations of the landing and joint actions (replacing the landing units).

After connecting with the forward units of the brigade, the landing units can act jointly with them or concentrate in the indicated area in readiness for further actions.

Upon receipt of a combat mission for re-landing, the subunits begin its preparation. In this case, measures are taken in the battalion (company) to restore the combat capability of the units.

371. Landing force evacuation can be carried out by helicopters directly from the destroyed object or from the assembly area after the completion of the combat mission (evacuation). The landing force advances to the evacuation area in pre-combat order, guard or cover units are deployed at the dominant heights and possible routes for the enemy advance. First of all, the loading and landing of mortar and artillery units is carried out.

The actions of the landing force and helicopters during the evacuation are led by the commander of the landing force.

372. With the completion of the combat mission, the landing force goes to the designated assembly area (point), connects with the part of the battalion (company) that did not land, is placed at the disposal of its commander, and measures are taken to restore combat capability.

373. The subunits assigned to the tactical airborne assault force are provided with missiles, ammunition, food, personal protective equipment and other materiel for the entire duration of operations behind enemy lines (combat mission).

Replenishment of ammunition and other materiel in the course of operations can be carried out by army aviation units, while return flights carry out the evacuation of the wounded and sick, and also organize the use of weapons, ammunition and other materiel captured from the enemy.

Chapter Seven


Baltic Special Training Center carries out professional training of paratroopers and specialists (producers and leaders of landing) of parachute landing, documentation support.

Conducts annual qualification tests for admission to independent work of parachuteless landing specialists.

Parachuteless landing

Landing of people and cargo from an aircraft without the use of human and cargo parachutes.

One of the main ways to bring groups to their destination, deliver cargo, evacuate victims and groups from hard-to-reach areas.

According to the degree of difficulty, descents with descenders are divided into simple and complex.
Simple- descents performed during the day to a prepared site with a wind speed near the ground of not more than 10 m/s.
Complex– descents with descenders performed by:

  • to the forest;
  • to the water;
  • on ice (frozen ground);
  • with rescue equipment;
  • on a sea (river) vessel or boat;
  • on the roofs of buildings;
  • at wind speeds over 10 m/s;
  • at night; (Order of August 12, 1999 N 32 "On the introduction of the manual for airborne landing in civil aviation (RVD GA-99)")
  • rope descents for parachute landing.

The main task The center not only teaches a paratrooper to descend using descenders and on a rope, but to give a complete comprehensive understanding of the entire process of descents.

Specialists who teach non-parachute landing have passed all stages of training and have experience in descending in any conditions, with all types of equipment and property, have worked out the technique of exit with all types of weapons and weapons.

The center provides full documentation support for the organization and conduct of non-parachute landing.

We carry out departure to the customer for training of employees with the equipment and documentation.

I. Organization of non-parachute landing

The organization of airborne training as an integral part of combat and special training is basically the same for many departments, possibly differing in design, details, but the principle is still the same, this is the legal involvement of employees, understandable and clearly defined responsibility for work, etc.

We offer a variant of organizational procedures.

As a rule, commanders, deputy commanders are classified as landing leadersdivisions because these persons carry out planning of combat and special training for the academic year.

As a rule, the Planning includes the dates of the Installation training sessions for the training of specialists (validation of qualifications), testing knowledge, skills, bringing changes to the governing documents, instructions, showing new types of equipment and gear and studying how to work with equipment, bringing credit classes, etc. .d.; days of air training (they are determined after agreement with the aviation chief and senior management for performance, date of equipment checks, equipment.

In the course of planning, the total number of flight hours for training descents for the year and months is determined.Also in the course of planning, preparation is carried outestablishing legal acts:

Order on the organization of combat and special training , where one of the sections is devoted to the organization of landing training, indicating: ♦responsible for planning, organizing and conducting classes and drills for landing training, accounting and maintaining official documentation (magazines, paratrooper books, etc.);commissions for the verification of landing equipment, equipment (by surname); ♦qualification commission for admission to independent descents of paratroopers (training of paratroopers).

Order on the admission of the personnel of the unit to landing training (it is allowed to include a diving one, because the admission for the medical commission is almost the same), which indicates: ♦admission of the personnel of the unit to landing training, indicating the height restrictions (if any), exercises, trigger devices andwhat types of helicopters are trained to descend (by surname); ♦admission to the performance of duties releasing a parachute landing, indicating the types of helicopter, types of landing sites, methods of landing, evacuation (by name); ♦admission to the performance of duties of the Head of non-parachute landing (similar to the issuer); ♦established landing sites for air training.

At the end of each year, inAt the bottom of the paratrooper, the results of the past year are summarized, indicating the number of descents (jumps) made per year and in total since the beginning of the activity.

At the beginning of the coming year, in the presence of the above documents signed, an entry-extract is made in the Books of a paratrooper (parachutist, specialist) with information on admission to landing, from what heights, with which control system, from which aircraft landing is allowed, to what duties it is admitted ( Issuer, Head of non-parachute landing). The person in charge of the unit signs (certifies) the record.

Organization of air training

Air training with non-parachute landing is organized and conducted in accordance with Chapter XXVI. "Non-parachute landing of people and cargo" of the Manual on parachute-rescue and airborne training of aviation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (NSDP-2001), taking into account the peculiarities of the preparation of the product (rope for landing).

Tasks are determined in accordance with the Parachute Training Course in State Aviation of the Russian Federation (KPP - 2003).

For an in-depth and orderly study of non-parachute landing, the Center offers additional exercises for working out the Program.

The head of air training (landing) is obliged to plan the training, draw up a planned table and determine the tasks to be worked out, the equipment and equipment of the paratroopers.

Based on the planned tasks, coordinate with the helicopter crew the possibilities and procedure for their implementation.

Conduct preliminary training with graduates and paratroopers, during which:

Instruct the personnel involved in the landing on the order of the descents and on actions in emergency situations that occur during descents;

Carry out practical testing of descents on the product with mandatory testing of the procedure and rules for exiting the aircraft (left door, right door, central hatch, ramp).

Safety rules during training (tower, other structure):

The product must be inspected for integrity, the absence of mold, cuts, breaks, dried dirt, stains from fuel and grease, and other chemicals;

Do not use matches, lighters, do not smoke near the product;

All descenders must wear a helmet and descender gloves;

There should be no sharp objects in the pockets of clothing and equipment;

The number of descenders must ensure the implementation of the rules of descent and the completion of the task.

See Training programs for non-parachute landing specialists and the Training Agreement (draft)


After completing the training courses, a certificate of a non-parachute landing specialist is issued.


June 3 - June 12, 2019 Bryansk

SOBR of the Bryansk customs CTU FCS of Russia

Training courses for specialists were held on the basis of the Bryansk ASC; Issuers and leaders of parachute landing for SOBR Bryansk customs. The work was tight, classes for 8-10 hours a day. The base at the airfield is good, there is a tower, full training.

November 06 - 09, November 12-13, 2018 G.Kaliningrad

" with SOBR officers of the Kaliningrad Regional Customs.

Issuers and paratroopers studied the technique of parallel-sequential release, the features of working on the KA-32.

Conducted descents using the Gnome descender

"Issuing non-parachute landing,"Head of parachute landing" with SOBR officers of the Volga operational customs. Issues of organizing, preparing and conducting air training, ground training have been worked out. The training of the Launchers and paratroopers for work from four landing sites has been completed and the landing of 6 paratroopers at the same time has been implemented.

July 28 - September 08, 2018 Work in Moscow Ryazan-Ulyanovsk-Ulan-Ude-Chita-Polygon Tsugol Transbaikalia

Airborne Forces of Russia Preparations for the exercises "Vostok-2018"

Here is such a simple route and unusual work with the Russian Airborne Forces.

In Ryazan training courses:"Issuing non-parachute landing,"Head of parachute landing" with employees of the RGVVDKU, 309 TsSPP of the RF Ministry of Defense and the Ulyanovsk Airborne Brigade.

Everything that can be worked out without flying days has been worked out, issues of organizing, preparing and conducting air training, ground training on VDK simulators.

Huge experience in organizing training at the Airborne Forces, application, use for non-parachute training.

Enormous material for supplementing the forthcoming textbook "Training of a paratrooper for parachute landing"

All further and results of work on the Vostok-2018 Exercises.

A course on confirmation of qualifications was held:"Issuing non-parachute landing,"Head of parachute landing" with employees of FSUE "PSZ". Issues of organizing, preparing and conducting air training, ground training have been worked out.

The descents of employees were carried out and the actions of the Issuer during the landing on the forest plot were worked out. The height of the crowns is on average 15-18 meters, the distance between the trees is 3-5 meters. The descents were successful, although they were long, because. were held for the first time.
The graduates have been trained in the work of adjusting the helicopter and keeping it above the touchdown point.

A course on confirmation of qualifications was held: "Issuing non-parachute landing,"Head of parachute landing"with the SOBR officers of the Southern Operational Customs. The issues of organizing, preparing and conducting air training, ground training were worked out, taking into account the requirements of the conditions and features of the service. Changes were made to the guidance documents on the organization of the work of the issuer, the procedure for work, control during the work of two or more issuers.

SOBR of the Ural Operational Customs UTU FCS of Russia

A course on confirmation of qualifications was held: "Issuing non-parachute landing,"Head of parachute landing"with SOBR officers of the Ural Operational Customs. The issues of organizing, preparing and conducting air training, ground training were worked out, taking into account the requirements of the conditions and features of the service. Changes were made to the guidance documents on the organization of the work of the issuer, the procedure for work, control during the work of two or more issuers.

During the classes, the weather was favorable, the temperature was -15, it was snowing, and when working, we often had to fall knee-deep, but safety rules were not violated, there were no special cases. According to the results of the Courses, the trainees were awarded the qualifications "Leader of non-parachute landing" and "Head of non-parachute landing".

SOBR of the Volga operational customs of the PTU of the FCS of Russia(N. Novgorod, Samara, Orenburg)

A course on confirmation of qualifications was held: "Issuing non-parachute landing, "Head of parachute landing"with SOBR officers of the Volga operational customs. Issues of organizing, preparing and conducting air training, ground training were worked out, taking into account the requirements of departmental documents. Changes were made to the governing documents on the organization of the work of the issuer, the procedure for work, control during the work of two or more issuers. Conducted air training landing on a limited area, where special attention was paid to the timely correction of the aircraft and ensuring an accurate and safe descent by the paratrooper.

Also, the actions of the Issuer, a group of paratroopers and the crew were worked out in the event of a special case "Malfunction, breakdown, engine stop". Taking into account the experience of the crew, they worked out a realistic descent of a helicopter with a paratrooper on the release cord.

Conducted a qualification confirmation course "Head of non-parachute landing" with SOBR officers of the Kaliningrad Regional Customs. The issues of organization, preparation and conduct of air training, ground training were worked out, taking into account the requirements of the conditions and features of the service. Changes were made to the governing documents on the organization of the work of the issuer, the order of work, control during the work of two or more issuers.

All exercises were performed on a KA-32s helicopter.

In the period from October 02 to October 07, 2017, training sessions were held to train parachuteless landing specialists for the needs of FKU "Military unit 77065", Moscow.

Classes were carried out to confirm the qualifications of "Issuing non-parachute landing" and "Head of non-parachute landing".

Colleagues listeners are well prepared, they worked the first day on the simulator, on MI-8. all elements of landing and release of paratroopers using all possible trigger devices.

At the airport, they worked out an air training in drizzling rain. It was possible to compare the working conditions of the releaser and the paratrooper when using dry and wet rope. They practiced a quick descent from the left and right doors. Comparison of descent conditions and knowledge of the features is important in the work of the releaser.

SOBR of the Kaliningrad Regional Customs of the Federal Customs Service of Russia

Conducted a qualification confirmation course "Issuing a non-parachute landing" with employees of the SOBR of the Kaliningrad Regional Customs. The methods of landing and the work of the vehicle releasing during the pursuit in the forest, the release of a pair of paratroopers, have been worked out. The technique of working with two cords and the next release has been worked outparatroopers. All exercises were performed on a KA-32s helicopter.

There are quite a few features of working on KA-32 (KA-27) helicopters. It is necessary to actively work on ground training, to work out all the elements of landing.

The descents were made in pairs.

Based on the results of the course, the employees confirmed their qualifications as "Less air landing pilot" and were allowed to work independently as landing pilots using all types of descenders and landing ropes on KA-32s (KA-27) helicopters.

In the period from May 18 to May 27, 2017, training sessions were held to train specialists from the Emergency Test Department of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Instrument-Making Plant, Chelyabinsk Region.

Actively worked on the tower, completed all the elements of the descent on all possible descenders. On the basis of the DOSAAF airfield, Chelyabinsk, they worked out an air training session. Thanks to the trained crew of the 4 JSC FSB of Russia, it was possible to complete the descent program. Worked out descents from all points of landing: the left door, the central hatch, the rear cargo hatch (triangle). The interaction was worked out: a group of (three) releasers - the crew commander, the release of paratroopers from three points at the same time was completed. All tasks were completed successfully, vast experience was gained in the work of the group of releases in the implementation of landing from two or more exit points.

SOBR of the Southern Operational Customs UTU FCS of Russia

Work in the city of Rostov-on-Don. In the period from May 10 to 20, 2017, the Baltic Center for Special Training conducted training camps with employees of the Southern Operational Customs on the Courses "Issuing non-parachute landing" and "Head of non-parachute landing".

All elements of training have been worked out: descents along cords, landing ropes 6 and 18 m, evacuation of the group using a rope.

SOBR of the Volga operational customs of the PTU of the FCS of Russia(N. Novgorod, Samara, Orenburg)

In the period from October 23 to October 28, 2016, a training camp was held in Nizhny Novgorod for the Courses "Training of Airborne Landing Officers", "Training of Airborne Landing Leaders".

During the training of specialists, the theory of landing, the organization of landing, the preparation of planning, accounting and reporting documentation, the procedure for conducting ground training and training descents were studied.

A MI-8 MTV helicopter and 9 flight hours of training were allocated for training descents.

Worked out: rules and procedure for descent and release, actions during descent and release from various landing sites with trigger devices of all types, descents of various levels of complexity were made, including descents by a pair of them from one place, landing on a rope for landing from different heights, the process was worked out evacuation of the group injured (detained).

New educational and methodological documents have been prepared:

Algorithm of the work of the Head of the non-parachute landing;

Algorithm of actions of releasing and descending during non-parachute landing.

Compiled taking into account the wishes of professionals actively conducting these events. Helicopter modifications, work of several manufacturers, etc. are taken into account.
In training, everyone is provided.


Features and impressions.
The first feature, it is both a plus, and a minus - there is only one door, although it is quite wide, as much as 120 cm. The attachment of the equipment is also special.

It is possible to fasten the railings by the handles (prescribed in the RLE), but they are not strong enough, there is not enough confidence in them. Wouldn't recommend.Attach the cord to the winch boom using an anchor sling, anchor loop or rope sling with knots at the ends. The size must be selected to exclude a large sag of the cord attachment point. The issuer needs to carefully examine the point of insurance of his beloved, not all modifications of the KA-32 have a regular point. The KA-32s does not have an insurance unit, they removed the ceiling, examined everything, alas.

The posture of the releaser is constantly on the knee, there is no way to straighten up, but this is not necessary if you really fulfill your duties 100%. Control of the paratroopers is carried out continuously, especially when the cord is supplied and the paratrooper exits.

You can go out freely, but you need to be able to pull the cord, because. it has to be pulled behind the plane of the door for "sifting" and tensioning the trigger cord. For convenience, you can additionally hold on to the winch boom or railing.

The peculiarity of the descent is associated with a large distance of the lower edge of the door from the bottom of the helicopter, this is within 60-70 cm and it is impossible to stomp on the skin. You can go down the folded steps or in another way, without touching the skin, pushing lightly with your feet. Paratroopers are advised to work with their right hand, i.e. hold the cord in your right hand, it’s more convenient to go out, you don’t have to step over the rope and make unnecessary gestures.
Yes, you need to control the presence of paratroopers on board. The board is not large, it requires a constant presence of 2-3 people as close as possible to the cockpit, all to balance the board.

Working with the KA-32 in pairs can be wonderful, tested, verified. Two paratroopers stand steadily on the edge, the exit is within the normal range, they are well controlled.

Landing is carried out next. ways:

    parachute (no sites required, but training of troops is required; a warhead or weapons can be thrown out)


    combined (requires a platform; one part is performed by paratroopers, the other part is landing)

27. The content of the combat order for the conduct of hostilities by the air unit.

In the combat order, strictly according to the following points, it is indicated:

    Brief conclusions from the assessment of the enemy, the grouping and nature of the actions of the ground forces, the grouping and nature of the actions of enemy aviation and air defense in the air regiment's operational zone. The conclusions from the assessment of the situation are the basis for making a decision on military operations.

    The task of the regiment, which is taken from the combat order of the senior commander.

    The task of the neighbors, the procedure for the use of forces and means by the senior commander in the interests of the action of the unit, the procedure for interacting with them and neighbors.

    The concept of hostilities, which is taken from the decision and stated after the word "decided"

    After the word "I order" it is indicated: to whom, in what way, etc.

    The flight resource, combat voltage, the number of missiles and their distribution by tasks are indicated.

    Time and degree of combat readiness for departure.

    The order of control (control points, the order of their movement).

28. Purpose and combat missions ia.

AI is one of the main means of combating an air enemy, its main purpose is to defeat enemy air attack weapons in flight in close cooperation with air defense artillery.

AI can be used to destroy enemy ground targets and conduct aerial reconnaissance.

Main tasks:

    covering the most important objects, regions of the country, groupings of troops from enemy air attacks and aerial reconnaissance;

    destruction of an air enemy in air battles for air supremacy;

    ensuring combat operations of units and subunits of other branches of aviation;

    destruction of electronic reconnaissance aircraft, air command posts, jamming aircraft;

    fight against enemy airborne troops.

29. Basic battle formations. Composition, types and forms b. Orders

The order of battle is the mutual arrangement in the air of crews, subunits, units for the joint performance of combat missions. The order of battle is determined by the commander.

The order of battle should provide:

    the best conditions for searching, detecting and attacking a target

    the ability to apply maneuver in direction, height and speed

    interaction between crews

    the least damage from the impact of the enemy

    simplicity and reliability of control

    comfort and safety of piloting.

Battle formations can be:

    closed (a single flight mode and the minimum allowable distance, intervals and excesses are established according to flight safety conditions);

    open (there is a single mode of aircraft flight at increased distances, intervals, excesses within visual visibility - 1.5-2 km)

    dispersed (a different flight mode can be set, it is performed out of visual visibility between aircraft).

When flying in closed and open combat formations, various forms of combat formations are used: column, bearing, wedge, front and snake.

Descent to the ground with the help of SUR

The descent of rescuers to the ground with the help of the SUR is carried out under the guidance of a flight engineer in the following order:

The flight mechanic opens the door, prepares the winch, commands the rescuer to land;

The rescuer puts on a backpack, fastens to the safety system, sits on the threshold of the door, fastens his safety harness to the winch cable carabiner and removes the insurance;

The flight mechanic turns the winch boom outward, while the rescuer turns to face the helicopter. In order to prevent rocking and rotation, you need to hold on to the body of the helicopter;

During the descent, the main attention should be paid to the landing site. The first to touch the surface of the earth is a cable, which is designed to remove the static charge of electricity from the helicopter body;

After landing, the rescuer organizes, if necessary, a self-belay, unfastens the carabiner and gives a command to the flight engineer to raise the cable. In this case, it is necessary to exclude cases of rope engagement with stones, stumps, ledges, its falling into a crack.

The descent of rescuers with the help of SUR takes quite a long time, to speed up this process, rescuers can land on the main rope, using special braking devices.
The descent on the rope occurs in the following order:
- after the helicopter has hovered at the required height, the flight mechanic or the head of the rescuers attaches the main rope to the winch carabiner, opens the door and drops the rope down. The lower end of the rope should touch the ground;
- the rescuer who carries out the landing, at the command of the flight mechanic, puts on a backpack, fastens himself to the helicopter's safety system, sits on the door threshold, puts on gloves, puts the rope into the braking device and lifts it up to the hitch assembly;
- the safety system of the rescuer, who has prepared for landing, unhooks the next rescuer and insures himself with it;
- at the command of the flight engineer, the rescuer slowly loads the rope, leaves the helicopter, turning to face him. The descent should be smooth, without jerking and rocking;
- after landing, the rescuer releases the rope from the braking devices and gives a sign about the end of the descent.
The sequence described must be followed by every rescuer. Upon completion of the landing, the flight mechanic releases the rope and throws it down.

Persons who are full-time employees of the air base who have reached the age of 18, recognized by the medical commission as fit for health reasons to perform parachute jumps or descents with a descender, who have passed parachute tests to the qualification commission of the air base, are allowed to perform training parachute jumps and descents with a descender. or landing training and safety precautions for parachute jumps or descents with a descender and passed medical. control before jumps and descents. Air bases are allowed to train employees of other enterprises and organizations to perform descents from helicopters, subject to compliance with all other requirements provided for in this Manual.

During the period of preparation for training jumps and descents, the material part of parachutes or descenders, the rules for their operation and storage, the theoretical issues of parachute jumps and the technique of descent with a descender, possible malfunctions in the operation of the parachute and descender, technical rules safety during parachute jumps and descents with a descender, as well as the element of a jump or descent was worked out on ground-based projectiles.

Persons who have undergone preliminary training on the parachute towing system (SPB) according to the established program are allowed to training parachute jumps "Lesnik-2". The decision on the need and number of towing climbs for each skydiver is made by the training leader on an individual basis.

By order of the air base, employees of forest aviation bases are appointed as leaders of air training in parachute jumps, descents with a descender, who have a valid certificate of a paratrooper (paratrooper) instructor - a first or second class firefighter and an admission to independently conduct air training, which is issued by order at the air base, on the proposal of the leading specialist of the air base for parachute operations.

Admission to the performance of training jumps and descents during the initial training of paratroopers and paratroopers is made by order of the air base.

Admission to air training for parachute fire and airborne fire teams before the start of the fire season is carried out in accordance with the order for the air base and the training plan (Appendix N 2), approved by the head of the local air base.

Air training of ATC and DPK employees is carried out in accordance with the program approved by the Central Air Base, according to the plan approved by the head of the local air base, and is carried out by the head of air training.

In accordance with the AIR training plan, on the eve of jumps or descents, the instructor staff draws up planned tables (Appendix N 3), which are approved by the head of the air training.

The air training program for paratroopers-firefighters should provide for practicing the accuracy of landing a paratrooper, opening a reserve parachute and splashing down, and paratroopers-firefighters - the correct exit from a helicopter, smooth descent at an acceptable speed, entry into tree crowns, landing and uncoupling.

Before performing each jump, descent of the air training program for the entire group of trainees, the training leader performs a demonstration parachute jump or descent with a descender.

Note: At the direction of the head of air training, demonstration jumps and descents can be performed by experienced instructors who have a valid certificate.

In case of operational necessity, it is allowed to transfer paratroopers (paratroopers) - firefighters to another type of parachute (descent device) after they perform two jumps (descents) to the airfield or a site suitable for these purposes. This transition is allowed if the paratrooper (paratrooper)-firefighter previously had permission to perform jumps (descents) with this type of parachute (descent device). In the case of the transfer of paratroopers (paratroopers) - firefighters to parachutes (descenders), to work with which they are allowed for the first time, it is necessary to conduct air training in full and, as a rule, in the preparatory period.

During breaks in jumps and descents during the fire season for more than 30 days, employees of the parachute and airborne fire service, as well as officials with the qualifications of a paratrooper (paratrooper-fireman), are provided with 2 control and test jumps or descents.

Control and test jumps or descents during the fire season are carried out under the guidance of a senior official qualified as a paratrooper (paratrooper) firefighter instructor, who determines a specific task for each jump or descent.

When performing training parachute jumps by paratroopers-firefighters, descents with a trigger device by paratroopers-firefighters and paratroopers-firefighters at the operational aviation department (during long breaks, etc.), the basis for admission to jumps, descents is the permission of the chief specialist in paratrooper operations and the task issued by the pilot-observer of the operational aviation department.

At the disposal of the head of training jumps, descents from a helicopter, vehicles, technical equipment and a doctor on duty (paramedic) are allocated.

During the period of air training, in order to ensure control over the implementation of exercises and compliance with safety precautions for parachute jumps, descents with a descender, for each day of jumps, descents from among the instructors are assigned:

start attendant;

releasing paratroopers-firefighters from the aircraft;

landing site attendant

releasing from a helicopter.

The appointment of responsible persons is made by the head of the air training and is formalized by his order. The release officer during descents from the simulator tower and helicopter is appointed by order of the air base.

The duties of the responsible persons are defined in Appendix N 1.

PPC employees who have undergone air training from An-26, An-24, Il-14 aircraft are allowed to perform industrial parachute jumps from An-2 aircraft without additional training.

Training parachute jumps in winter are allowed to be performed at a temperature not lower than -20 °C, and in the regions of the North, Siberia and the Far East - not lower than -30 °C.

Skydiving "Lesnik-2" in winter is allowed to be performed at a temperature not lower than -25 ° C, while laying the parachute is carried out in a heated room.

It is PROHIBITED to land firefighter paratroopers with the "Lesnik-2" parachute with other types of parachutes in one pass.

Training descents with a descender are allowed to be performed at a temperature not lower than -25 °C.

Parachuting and descending with a descender in winter are performed in warm and loose clothing.

Training jumps and descents in the summer are performed in serviceable and fitted clothing:

Cotton work suit, tarpaulin boots, hard helmet, gloves.

Requirements for the equipment of aircraft for training jumps and helicopters for descents, the procedure for training and examining paratroopers or paratroopers before boarding an aircraft and their placement in it, the work of the releaser, the given signals for a jump or descent are carried out in the manner established for performing production jumps or descents.

ground training

The performance of parachute jumps and descents from a helicopter must be preceded by a thorough and comprehensive training of a paratrooper-firefighter and paratrooper-firefighter on the ground, working out all the elements of a jump or descent, studying various techniques and training in their implementation.

Ground training sessions must be conducted in accordance with the training programs and prior to any skydiving or helicopter descent assignment.

Airbase officials with instructor qualifications are allowed to conduct classes.

Preparing for skydiving

During ground training of jump elements, special attention is paid to:

Occupation of the starting position in the aircraft before the separation;

separation from the aircraft;

Opening of the reserve parachute;

Orientation in the air and drift detection;

Parachute canopy control;

Preparation for landing, landing and extinguishing the parachute canopy.

For ground training, each operational aviation department, which has parachute fire teams (groups), must be equipped with a paratrooper sports camp with the presence of shells listed in Appendix No. 5.

At the air base and at the operational aviation departments, where paratroopers (paratroopers)-firefighters are trained, a paratrooper sports camp is being equipped, in accordance with Appendix 5.

Helicopter preparation

During ground testing of descent elements, special attention is paid to:

Proper mounting of the brake block on the cord in accordance with the weight of the descender;

The correct engagement of the suspension carabiner for the brake block;

Approach to the door (hatch);

Exit from the door (hatch);

Hanging and preparation for descent;

Maintaining a uniform speed of not more than 3 m / s;

Decreasing speed in front of the ground;


Uncoupling the carabiner of the brake block suspension;

Removing the brake block from the cord;

Loading order.

All elements of the descent are worked out from simulator towers.

Simulator towers must be built according to approved standard designs and have a technical passport.

A newly built or adapted simulator tower is accepted by a commission appointed by order of the head of the air base, consisting of: the head of the operational aviation department - the chairman of the commission, two experienced instructors, an air base safety engineer or a public safety inspector of this aviation department (air link).

Every year, before the start of the fire season, simulator towers are inspected by commissions appointed by order of the head of this operational aviation department.

The results of the examination of the commission are recorded in the technical passport.

The head of the training is appointed by order of the head of the airbase. The appointment of responsible duty officers is made out by order of the head of the training. The preparation of the documentation necessary for the training is carried out in the same way as with the descents from a helicopter.

Before performing training descents from a helicopter, those descending and releasing undergo ground training directly on the helicopter. Purpose of ground helicopter training:

Make sure that stable two-way communication over the STC between the issuer and the crew commander is working;

Working out clear commands between the issuer and the crew commander during the production of descents;

Working out signals between the issuing and descending;

Testing the attachment of the cord carabiner to the earring (to the bracket of the attachment point for the SU-R device, hereinafter referred to as UZK);

Testing the attachment of the suspension carabiner for the brake block;

Exit, ready and hovering on the trigger device;

Working out the interactions of the releasing and descending when the latter hangs;

Practicing correct landing and uncoupling;

Development of technology for lowering cargo.

Note: The release officer from the simulator tower is appointed from among the pilot-observers or APS instructors admitted to work by the issuing order of the training leader.

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