If you draw the lines on the arm of the triangle of Venus. Obsession with the idea of ​​accumulating money. The life line bifurcates at the beginning, in the middle, at the end on the right and left palms: what does this mean

If we study the ancient writings on palmistry, we will quite unexpectedly notice that lines are used to denote lines. different names, while there are no planetary names. The line of Saturn there is called the line of good or evil fate, the line of the Sun or Apollo - the line of wealth or poverty.

Where do these come from various designations which seem unfamiliar with palmistry to bring discord into the teaching of palmistry?

This is because both systems of palmistry have merged together, and although they agree in their final conclusions, they have a different basis.

Physical palmistry, which could be called folk palmistry, created the names of the lines of life, head, heart, fate, wealth and the liver or stomach, it also created the doctrine of the figures in the palm of the hand, that is, the “hand table”, or “quadrangle”, about "big triangle" and "small triangle". There is no astrological or planetary element in the designations of physical or natural palmistry, this system seems to be a kind of translation or processing of astrological or scientific palmistry for public use and is especially loved by the gypsies ...

Confusion and obscurity will vanish as if by a miracle, if the student of the art of divination by hand comes to the conclusion that in this art there are two methods that ultimately agree with themselves.

Upon closer examination, it will seem that the names of physical palmistry owe their origin to astrological or scientific palmistry.

Since Venus is the goddess of love, creation, and therefore animal life, the line of Venus was replaced by the line of life.

Jupiter, the father of gods and men, as the ancients called him, was distinguished by his generosity and paternal gentleness; therefore his line became the line of the heart, the line of mental faculties, the line of the soul.

As Jupiter and his line signify the noble impulses and inclinations of the soul, so the line of Mars is for us a symbol of the victorious mind, reasonable selfishness, and therefore became the line of the head or the line of the mind; for Mars, rejoicing in war, is its god. Thus, the line of the heart can, by its direction, give us indications regarding the heart inclinations of a given person, his moral strength and strength of attachment.

The line of the head, on the contrary, with its direction, with special signs, gives us the magnitude of intelligence and wit, the degree of magnitude of self-confidence, as well as concern for one's affairs.

Saturn is the god and star of the power of fate, which interferes in people's lives. His line therefore became the line of fate.

Since gold is dedicated to the solar luminary, the line of the Sun or Apollo became the line of fame and fortune.

Mercury, who was the god of medicine, allows his line to become the line of the liver or stomach.

Since physical palmistry is very old, it is inherently based on experience, that is, she translated astrological palmistry into a commonly understood language for the people and compared these teachings about signs on the hand with past life individual individuals in order to make their judgments about the future more accurately. Physical palmistry owes this experience with the teachings about the figures in the palm, which we will consider separately.

big triangle

This figure, which is also called the plain of Mars, occupies, according to figure 25 (A), that part of the palm which is formed by the line of life, the line of the head, and the line of the liver or Mercury, if any. If there is no line of Mercury at all or there are insignificant traces of it, which happens on very many hands, then big triangle limited to the space between the lines of the head, life and Saturn (Fig. 26, B).

The large triangle makes it possible to judge vital and intellectual forces, while the quadrilateral (Fig. 28 and 29) gives indications of moral and social properties.

If the large triangle has a good and regular shape, then it indicates pure healthy blood, a good physique, happiness, health and long life.

If one of the lines bounding the triangle is interrupted, then a deficiency is recognized, which is expressed by this line.

Hard, rough skin with a large triangle is a sign of weakness of the nerves.

The cross in the middle of a large triangle means malice and grumpiness. Some corners of a large triangle have their own meaning. We must distinguish:

a) upper (Fig. 25 a, Fig. 26 a);

b) internal (Fig. 25 c, Fig. 26 c) and

c) lower (Fig. 25 s, 26 s).

The upper corner is the one closest to the index finger and is formed by the head line and the life line.

If it is sharp, then this means good basic features, nobility of thought and delicacy of the soul.

If he is dumb, then this is a sign of lazy intelligence.

The inner angle is that which is located at the intersection of the line of the head with the line of the liver, or with the line of Saturn. He shows us a long life, if he is distinct. For if the line of the liver and the line of Saturn are, at least in part, absent, then it is of course possible that this angle is absent.

If the inner angle is very sharp, then this means a nervous temperament, irritability, bad connections and anger.

If he is dull, then he reveals inconstancy and dullness. The lower corner lies at the connection of the line of life with the line of the liver, or, if the latter is absent, with the line of Saturn.

If the lower corner is clearly outlined, then this portends health and kindness of the heart.

If it is sharp, then these are signs of weakness, greed and stinginess.

If he is dull, then he reveals rudeness, ignorance, laziness, idleness and drowsiness.

small triangle

The large triangle is divided by the line of Saturn, if there is one, into two parts, and the space that is formed by the line of Saturn, the line of Mercury and the line of the head is called the small triangle (Fig. 27).

Since not only the lines of Saturn, but especially often there may not be a line of the liver or a line of Mercury, then it should be understood that there is no small triangle either.

If this figure is well formed in the direction and length of the sides, then this is a good omen.

Children who have such a well-defined small triangle have a talent and ability to learn.

If the small triangle is poorly developed, then this portends insufficient intelligence.


This figure, according to the 28th figure, is on the one hand between the line of the head and the line of the heart, on the other, between the line of Saturn and the line of Mercury or the liver.

But if there is no last line, which, as we have already mentioned, happens very often, then the quadrilateral occupies an area bounded by the lines of the head and heart, on the one hand, and the lines of Saturn and Apollo, on the other (Fig. 29).

This shape of the quadrilateral is also called the "table of the hand", depending on the best or worst arrangement of the lines that form its sides.

A large, regular "table of the hand" that is extended towards the Mount of Jupiter portends a good and upright character, a respectable, healthy person who shows great self-sacrifice.

Where, however, one or more limiting lines are out of place, and the quadrilateral appears crooked and small, we are dealing with an indecisive, timid person who exhibits a lack of independence, petty selfishness, and insensitivity.

The absence of a quadrilateral should also be considered as evil sign. This means godlessness, heart malice and unhappiness.

If many lines cut through the table of the hand, then this is a person of a limited mind.

A pale, oblique cross (X) on the table of the hand is an evil omen, because it portends great eccentricity.

But if it is well formed and beautifully outlined, then it means a tendency to mysticism.

Deciphering fate along the lines of the hands will not be complete without taking into account additional signs. The triangle in the palm of your hand symbolizes the coming changes in the life of the individual. They can be positive or negative, which is determined depending on the location of the figure.

Interpretation of the triangle in the palm of your hand

The triangle in the palm of your hand is interpreted depending on the shape, bulge, location, clarity of the lines. The figure means that a person has certain inclinations towards scientific activity. Often, the owners of these forms in their hands find their true calling in medicine, engineering, politics, business, economics. With additional signs, the triangle can symbolize poverty, death by accident, eternal passion for one individual.

The meaning of the lines in the palm of your hand

The interweaving of lines on the hands allows you to talk about the events of the future, past years and lives, the present. There are several main features.

  1. Hearts.
  2. Fate.
  3. life.

There are additional arcs that are not visible to all people. The Line of Damnation, Marriage, etc. On the left hand, what is destined by fate from birth is displayed, on the right - real events and future ones.

Palmistry says that a person is able to independently build his own path, regardless of the desire of the Universe. The stripes on the left and right palms will always be different.

They can change their direction, length and clarity depending on the events taking place in a person's life. On the active hand, the pattern is usually more positive than on the passive.

One of the additional arcs - the trait of Health - is located on the hill of Mercury, falls to the line of Life.

The intersection of these 2 lines indicates for the individual a tendency to colds. When the strip is practically invisible, then you have a person with excellent health. Having heard the meaning of a deep arc in the palm of your hand, a person will be more careful about health and will be able to extend his life.

The Health trait is directly connected with the imagination, because it crosses the line of the Head and is located on the hill of Mercury, which tells about the state of the nervous system.

The line of the Mind is the main one in reading the fate of a person. It starts between the index and thumb, runs in the middle of the palm and ends closer to the rib. Mental abilities do not depend on the length of this strip.

The meaning of the line of the Head is interpreted according to the form.

  1. An even segment tells about remarkable mental abilities, characterizes a cunning and prudent person: an individual does not seek to keep a large number of people near him, communicates only with the elite.
  2. The lowered tip speaks of a well-developed fantasy.
  3. The forked tip characterizes a comprehensively developed, creative person with a predisposition to the exact sciences.
  4. A wavy arc is a rare phenomenon, it speaks of variability in mood: the owners of such a line are non-standard personalities who are distinguished by interesting thinking.
  5. A close location from the line of Life describes a person who is purposeful, self-willed and influential.

Fateful triangular figures

A triangle in the palm of your hand, located under the index finger on the hill of Jupiter, tells of a person with great potential. The individual is a good speaker, has the gift of persuasion. He is diplomatic, courteous and intelligent. The brain of such an individual constantly generates interesting ideas, which makes him popular among others.

Palmistry considers the triangle, located on the hill of Saturn, as a sign of natural magnetism. Personality has a unique gift to attract everything extraordinary. Such people are often engaged in esotericism, hypnosis.

The triangle, chosen on the hand of the hill of Apollo under ring finger, tells of a strong craving for science. Man is capable of doing what others cannot do. Such personalities find themselves in engineering, architecture.

Palmistry interprets the figure on the hill of Mars as a sign of a predisposition to the art of war. It is located on the edge of the palm. The owners of this symbol are distinguished by discipline from childhood, they are responsible and well developed physically.

The triangle located on the hill of the Moon portends its owner an interesting, complete mystical secrets life. Subtle connection with parallel worlds allows these people to draw inspiration and create fascinating works.

The triangle, located in the lower part of the hill of Venus, gives its owner an incredible attraction for the opposite sex. Such people approach the choice of a partner with a cold head and a fiery heart.

Triangle on the right palm

On the right palm, the triangular figure located in the center has several interpretations depending on the interaction with other features.

  1. Connection with the arcs of the Head and Fate promises financial success, but without great effort it will not be possible to achieve it. These people should develop their scientific and Creative skills.
  2. Money promises a large triangle on the hand.
  3. The lines of a broken triangle characterize a person as a spender.

Triangle on left hand

The triangle located in the center of the left hand also promises wealth to a person. However, compared to the right, it does not portend difficulties in achieving success.

The left hand speaks of alleged events, therefore, in this situation, on the right hand in adulthood, a triangle in this interpretation may not be observed in a person if he goes the wrong way. The figure of the left hand is perceived as an incentive to develop one's own potential in order to obtain certain benefits.

The fateful significance is reinforced by the elongated hips of the triangle.

Depending on their interpretation, a person can navigate in which area it is better to develop his potential:

  1. Strip of Fate - go into the field of oratory or political science.
  2. Head Feature - direct your efforts to the study of physical and mathematical sciences.
  3. Line of the Heart - it is worth trying yourself in medicine.

The influence of the big triangle

A large triangle in the palm of your hand, consisting of the lines of the Head, Fate and Mercury, means the ability to harmoniously combine all your capabilities. This is a sign of uniqueness. Such a person can easily get everything he wants.

The correct figure speaks of balance and harmony inner world with a body shell. The right angle formed by the traits of Mercury and the Mind means that the person has a well-developed instinct, she intuitively avoids any dangers, knows when to take a risk and when to hold the bridle. If breaks appear on the lines, the balance is disturbed, the person begins to get sick, and luck leaves his life.

The meaning of a small triangle in the palm of your hand

A small triangle speaks of talent in the field of art. Its location is practically irrelevant. From childhood, the child begins to show creative talent.

The fateful meaning is enhanced when the figure comes into contact with one of the main lines in the palm. Creativity develops along with the mental abilities of a person. He is hardworking, courteous in communication, attractive to the opposite sex.

High triangle or God's eye

The red triangle or God's eye is formed by three main lines.

  1. Mercury.
  2. Apollo.

The triangular figure takes its beginning from the ring finger. It means great mental potential. Such people often find themselves in the field of IT technology. Possess comprehensive development. Find friends quickly.

Figure with elongated sides

This figure is called the Witch Triangle. The meaning of the sign completely reverses the content of many interpretations. It is quite difficult to define it.

Its first face originates from the hill of Saturn, the second from the hill of Mercury, the third is the line of Fate. Usually the edges are drawn weakly, so they are barely distinguishable.

The witch's triangle is a symbol of the philosopher. These people can solve any problem. They are often asked for help, listen to their opinion.

Designation of financial well-being

The financial triangular figure combines 2 arcs: the Head and Saturn. Dimensions don't matter. When interpreting, it is impossible to determine how much money the owner of the figure can earn. It means a regular income, tells of a comfortable existence.

If the line of Fate is involved in the triangle, then the responsibility for prosperity lies entirely with the owner of the sign. For example, in the first case, the role in financial support will be played more by family ties or powerful people, and the individual does not have to overstrain at several jobs, in the second - the individual must work hard and overcome certain difficulties in order to achieve well-being. A money triangle with broken edges indicates that the income received will leave the person.


The triangular figure is a positive sign. Characterizes a person from the good side. He speaks of opportunities to profit by using his talents.

In any case, in order to enjoy the luck provided by fate, the individual must work hard, then the reward for the work will not be long in coming. People with a triangle on their hand should not be afraid of change. They will be able to realize themselves in many areas of activity. The main thing is not to be afraid of obstacles and go forward.

The life line is one of the main signs on any hand. It encircles the hill of Venus in a semicircle, which is located under the thumb. A good life line is quite deep, clear, has no gaps. But how many hands - so many various lines! And each difference carries new information.

A very interesting sign that can sometimes be found on the line of life is a triangle. Usually triangles are arranged so that part of the life line becomes one of the sides of the triangle. The other two sides of the triangle form an angle that can look at the tip of the thumb, or, on the contrary, on the edge of the palm towards the little finger.

If the top of the triangle is directed to the thumb and to the hill of Venus, this indicates that easy money awaits a person: an inheritance, an unexpected large material reward at work, etc.

If the triangle is located on the line of life outside the hill of Venus, this is a sign that the time has come to answer for karmic debts. It could be a period prolonged illness, chronic lack of money, big troubles at work or in personal life.

How to determine the time of occurrence of events

The presence of triangles on the line encircling the hill of Venus does not mean at all that the whole life of a person will pass under the sign of easy money or working off karmic debts. The life line starts from the edge of the palm in the gap between the thumb and forefinger. This is where the countdown begins. Reaching the base of the palm, the line indicates the age of 65-70 years. If it continues and goes around the bottom of the hill of Venus, this indicates a life expectancy far beyond 70 years. Pay attention to where this or that triangle begins on the line, roughly calculate how old the person will be when this or that event, indicated by the triangle, occurs.

Working off the karmic debt will begin at the top of the triangle. And it will end at the bottom point, where the inner triangle ends. The smaller this triangle, the less time you will need to work off the debt. Conversely, the larger the triangle, the longer the trouble will be. Having carefully examined the line of life and the location of the triangle on it, it is possible to calculate with an accuracy of 2-3 years when the “black bar” associated with working off karma will end.

But the triangle of easy money is usually small. After all, such gifts of fate are always unexpected and short-lived. You can also find out when unexpected wealth or just some unplanned profit will fall on you by also calculating the years along the line of life. If you have several triangles of easy money, you are lucky!

The central and main line on the hand is the line of life. It serves as an open guide to destiny from birth to old age. It surrounds the hill of Venus, located at the base of the thumb, in a ring. A pronounced, continuous line is a wonderful sign. For every person there is his own interpretation of the line of life. Anyone who learns to read by hand will receive a lot of useful information.

c It is formed at the intersection of several lines, including the line of the Head, one of the lines is necessarily the line of life. However, there are exceptions to everything. Fate lines are often found near the thumb and little finger.

You need to concentrate on the central top of the money triangle. It is important to understand in which direction she "looks". When the top is turned to the thumb, directly to the hill of Venus, this is a great happiness for a person. Fate will favor you literally at every step: recognition as the heir to a huge fortune, a very well-paid job, winning the lottery or other gambling, and the like. If a triangle is present at the end of the life line, but its top is not directed to the hill of Venus, this means that the person’s karma needs to be cleansed. You need to realize your mistakes, account for your mistakes. At this time, it is very easy to catch a serious illness, life will overtake a streak of failures, it will be difficult to make ends meet. There is a high probability of trouble and strife in the family, conflicts, salary delays at work and other vicissitudes of fate.

How to correctly interpret the dates of events

Do not rejoice if the money triangle is located at the end of the Head line. This means the time has come for a long and painstaking work on yourself. By itself, the sign of fate cannot guarantee an easy, carefree life. Everyone will have to repent of their sins.

This sign is one of the most powerful symbols that can model the fate of a person.

To correctly interpret its meaning, you should carefully examine your palm.

On the right palm lurked the answer to the most intriguing question. First, determine where the beginning and end of the life line. Its beginning starts from the index and thumb, and the end is at the foot of the palm. In the case when the end of the line of the Head crosses the hill of Venus entirely and covers it, ending at the foot of the palm, one can determine the approximate life expectancy of a person. As a rule, it is equivalent to 70 years.

It is worth carefully considering the sign itself. On which palm it starts, what type it is, its shape, where it is located. If a happy triangle is located on the hand, then it is easy to find out about the time of sudden financial income. This period is usually short. You need to take a closer look at exactly where in the palm of your hand it is and find out the period.

A remarkable sign is several triangles on the right or left hand. This means the blessing of fate, success in all areas of life from birth to old age.

To make an accurate forecast of your fate, palmistry advises to peer not only at the lines. It is very important to be able to interpret minor signs in the palm of your hand (moles, birthmarks). Such signs help to discover the good and bad sides of the characters, help get rid of fears and a series of failures.

Triangle Meanings

When the small triangle merges with the Head line, you can calculate the period in which you should expect changes in the worst side, time of settlement of debts. The top of the sign is the start of a black streak of bad luck. The end of a series of failures must be sought at the junction of one side of the triangle with a life line.

Play the role and size of the triangle. Often, the whole meaning of the sign depends on them. Palmistry says the larger the triangle, the longer the losing streak of its owner. The small size of the figure indicates the transience of troubles and the normalization of the situation.

The life line of fate sometimes includes several triangles at once. In this case, a person is doomed to trouble throughout his life. He will forever be dragged into all sorts of alterations, recovering from one disease, he will fall ill again with something else. Things will go upside down. Such a person should not count on money that will come easily. Fate will be very stingy with gifts and encouragement.

The meanings of a triangle on the line of life and the same sign, but located separately from this line, are completely different, which means that their interdependence is almost completely excluded.

Moles in the area of ​​the triangle

Palmistry pays much attention to moles on the left and on the right hand. Often they suddenly appear in the palm of your hand, then also suddenly disappear. It is recommended to take a closer look at moles located between the main lines and hills.

You can learn a lot from the shape of moles:

  • Round, large and convex - you need to be careful. There is a high probability of problems of various kinds.
  • Oval - failures in life, low self-esteem. Often such a person cannot find a way out of the simplest situation.

A mole on the right hand between the hills of Venus and the Moon is located among those who are the master of their own life and its creator. This person himself chooses a profession, a place of work, he is happy in family life, knows how to plan his time. A mole on the left hand on the line of the Head tells about the fate destined from the moment of birth. Fate will be very difficult to change, it will take a lot of strength and outside help.

A mole on the hand in the middle of the triangle means a strong-willed person, gifted with numerous talents that will lead him to success and fame. A mole at the end of the line forming a triangle enhances the meaning of the triangle itself, increases the number of victories, or, on the contrary, predicts difficult times.

Special cases of the appearance of a triangle

palmistry examines special cases finding a triangle in the palm of your hand between different lines.

The triangle at the end of the life line is located on inside. The owner is 40 years old. The probability of material collapse (loss of property as a result of a fire) is very high if:

  • The triangle is inverted, its apex is below on the hill of Venus. There is an additional triangle under the Apollo Hill.
  • There are 4 or more points on the Apollo hill.
  • The line of Fate is interrupted.

The triangle on the hand merges with the line of life, rare meanings:

  • Risk of fire, burns. Often signifies the presence of fire. If the base of the triangle is the line of life from the inside, the property will burn, if from the outside, then the owner of the sign will die.
  • A robbery by a group of people or a car accident - the symbol touches the life line and is located next to the fate line.

Triangle on the arm at the age of 30. High chance of burns:

  • Over 4 points on the hill of Apollo, Upper Mars.
  • An image of a square or cross between Inferior Mars and the Moon.
  • Upper Mars and the Moon without a single line. To make sure that there is a high risk of suffocation or multiple burns, you should find a circle on the hill of Mercury.

When the lines of fate form a triangle together with the line of life, this means a meeting with criminal gangs. Palmistry makes it possible to track the degree of risk by symbols:

  • At the beginning there is no line of Fate.
  • The papillary pattern is indistinct or irregular.
  • Upper Mars and the Moon without a single line.

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If we study the ancient writings on palmistry, we will quite unexpectedly notice that different names are used to designate lines, while there are no names for the planets. The line of Saturn there is called the line of good or evil fate, the line of the Sun or Apollo - the line of wealth or poverty.

Where do these various designations come from, which seem to the unfamiliar with palmistry to bring discord into the teaching of palmistry?

This is because both systems of palmistry have merged together, and although they agree in their final conclusions, they have a different basis.

Physical palmistry, which could be called folk palmistry, created the names of the lines of life, head, heart, fate, wealth and the liver or stomach, it also created the doctrine of the figures in the palm of the hand, that is, the “hand table”, or “quadrangle”, about "big triangle" and "small triangle". There is no astrological or planetary element in the designations of physical or natural palmistry, this system seems to be a kind of translation or processing of astrological or scientific palmistry for public use and is especially loved by the gypsies ...

Confusion and obscurity will vanish as if by a miracle, if the student of the art of divination by hand comes to the conclusion that in this art there are two methods that ultimately agree with themselves.

Upon closer examination, it will seem that the names of physical palmistry owe their origin to astrological or scientific palmistry.

Since Venus is the goddess of love, creation, and therefore animal life, the line of Venus was replaced by the line of life.

Jupiter, the father of gods and men, as the ancients called him, was distinguished by his generosity and paternal gentleness; therefore his line became the line of the heart, the line of mental faculties, the line of the soul.

As Jupiter and his line signify the noble impulses and inclinations of the soul, so the line of Mars for us is a symbol of the victorious mind, reasonable egoism, and therefore became the line of the head or the line of reason; for Mars, rejoicing in war, is its god. Thus, the line of the heart can, by its direction, give us indications regarding the heart inclinations of a given person, his moral strength and strength of attachment.

The line of the head, on the contrary, with its direction, with special signs, gives us the magnitude of intelligence and wit, the degree of magnitude of self-confidence, as well as concern for one's affairs.

Saturn is the god and star of the power of fate, which interferes in people's lives. His line therefore became the line of fate.

Since gold is dedicated to the solar luminary, the line of the Sun or Apollo became the line of fame and fortune.

Mercury, who was the god of medicine, allows his line to become the line of the liver or stomach.

Since physical palmistry is very old, it is inherently based on experience, that is, it translated astrological palmistry into a commonly understood language for the people and compared these teachings about the signs on the hand with the past life of individual individuals in order to more correctly put their judgments about the future. Physical palmistry owes this experience with the teachings about the figures in the palm, which we will consider separately.

big triangle

This figure, which is also called the plain of Mars, occupies, according to figure 25 (A), that part of the palm which is formed by the line of life, the line of the head, and the line of the liver or Mercury, if any. If there is no line of Mercury at all or there are slight traces of it, which happens on very many hands, then the large triangle is limited to the space between the lines of the head, life and Saturn (Fig. 26, B).

The large triangle makes it possible to judge vital and intellectual forces, while the quadrilateral (Fig. 28 and 29) gives indications of moral and social properties.

If the large triangle has a good and regular shape, then it indicates pure healthy blood, a good physique, happiness, health and long life.

If one of the lines bounding the triangle is interrupted, then a deficiency is recognized, which is expressed by this line.

Hard, rough skin with a large triangle is a sign of weakness of the nerves.

The cross in the middle of a large triangle means malice and grumpiness. Some corners of a large triangle have their own meaning. We must distinguish:

a) upper (Fig. 25 a, Fig. 26 a);

b) internal (Fig. 25 c, Fig. 26 c) and

c) lower (Fig. 25 s, 26 s).

The upper corner is the one closest to the index finger and is formed by the head line and the life line.

If it is sharp, then this means good basic features, nobility of thought and delicacy of the soul.

If he is dumb, then this is a sign of lazy intelligence.

The inner angle is that which is located at the intersection of the line of the head with the line of the liver, or with the line of Saturn. He shows us a long life, if he is distinct. For if the line of the liver and the line of Saturn are, at least in part, absent, then it is of course possible that this angle is absent.

If the inner angle is very sharp, then this means a nervous temperament, irritability, bad connections and anger.

If he is dull, then he reveals inconstancy and dullness. The lower corner lies at the connection of the line of life with the line of the liver, or, if the latter is absent, with the line of Saturn.

If the lower corner is clearly outlined, then this portends health and kindness of the heart.

If it is sharp, then these are signs of weakness, greed and stinginess.

If he is dull, then he reveals rudeness, ignorance, laziness, idleness and drowsiness.

small triangle

The large triangle is divided by the line of Saturn, if there is one, into two parts, and the space that is formed by the line of Saturn, the line of Mercury and the line of the head is called the small triangle (Fig. 27).

Since not only the lines of Saturn, but especially often there may not be a line of the liver or a line of Mercury, then it should be understood that there is no small triangle either.

If this figure is well formed in the direction and length of the sides, then this is a good omen.

Children who have such a well-defined small triangle have a talent and ability to learn.

If the small triangle is poorly developed, then this portends insufficient intelligence.


This figure, according to the 28th figure, is on the one hand between the line of the head and the line of the heart, on the other, between the line of Saturn and the line of Mercury or the liver.

But if there is no last line, which, as we have already mentioned, happens very often, then the quadrilateral occupies an area bounded by the lines of the head and heart, on the one hand, and the lines of Saturn and Apollo, on the other (Fig. 29).

This shape of the quadrilateral is also called the "table of the hand", depending on the best or worst arrangement of the lines that form its sides.

A large, regular "table of the hand" that is extended towards the Mount of Jupiter portends a good and upright character, a respectable, healthy person who shows great self-sacrifice.

Where, however, one or more limiting lines are out of place, and the quadrilateral appears crooked and small, we are dealing with an indecisive, timid person who exhibits a lack of independence, petty selfishness, and insensitivity.

Also, the absence of a quadrilateral should be considered as an evil sign. This means godlessness, heart malice and unhappiness.

If many lines cut through the table of the hand, then this is a person of a limited mind.

A pale, oblique cross (X) on the table of the hand is an evil omen, because it portends great eccentricity.

But if it is well formed and beautifully outlined, then it means a tendency to mysticism.

big triangle

A large triangle is formed by the line of life, head and fate, in some cases the third side is the line of health. A large triangle is on the palms of most people.

Ideally, it should be clear and even, which indicates the integrity of nature, broad views and self-confidence. How larger size triangle, the stronger the listed qualities are manifested.

A small triangle indicates selfishness and too high ambitions. These people usually don't have friends. They are so absorbed in their own self that they are simply unable to see the desires and needs of others.

The clearly defined top corner is a sign of good taste and sophistication. The large triangle should be immediately noticeable, because otherwise the questioner is a weak person.

According to Indian palmists, the clearly marked angles of the triangle indicate thrift. A thin upper corner indicates incredulity and secrecy. Most likely, such a person has repeatedly faced betrayal. The lines of life and fate can merge at the base of a large triangle, which indicates independence and generosity.

It should be borne in mind that a large triangle shows whether a person will succeed. If, as a result of hard work, a person gets what he wants, this will certainly be reflected in a large triangle shortly before the event. The big triangle shows the potential of a person. A sharp high angle speaks of an inquisitive mind and high intelligence. Such people never rest on their laurels and strive to gain new knowledge and skills, being sure that they will be needed sooner or later.

In some cases, the triangle is so clear and deep that the rest of the lines become invisible. If you meet a person with such a triangle on his hand, it is safe to say that he will achieve tremendous success. A high clear and sharp triangle indicates a high position in society and material well-being.

Almost all fine lines on the hand appear as a result of stress and anxiety. If you look at the hand of a nervous person, there will be many small subtle lines. On the hand of a calm, balanced person there will be only a few of them.

It should be borne in mind that all signs formed by small lines can be explained from the point of view of palmistry. For example, during periods of depression and nervousness, there may be a large number of stars on the arm. As soon as things go smoothly, the stars will begin to fade and gradually disappear. The most common small signs are squares. They are of two types: protective and restrictive. Both protecting and limiting squares can be on the same hand.

Protective squares protect a person and appear at the moment when he needs protection. In most cases, they surround breaks in the life line. This is a good sign, indicating that a person will cope with a dangerous situation. In the absence of a square, the threat to life and health would be stronger. Squares on other lines indicate that the person has overcome difficulties in the area for which the line is responsible.

A square on the life line that does not surround the gap is limiting. This sign of temporary restriction of freedom and in most cases symbolizes imprisonment. However, in practice, there are cases when people with bounding squares were trapped by circumstances and did not know how to live on. In this case, it is worth considering the accompanying signs that will help determine the causes of the difficult situation.

Bounding boxes may disappear. This usually happens when a person changes their lifestyle and system. life values. Squares on the Mount of Venus that do not cross the line of life indicate emotional limitations and distrust. This phenomenon occurs in people who have experienced a painful break in relations with a loved one. If there are several such squares and they form a chain, this indicates self-doubt and the need to hide your true feelings.

teacher's square

The teacher's square consists of four minor lines on the hill of Jupiter or just below. This sign indicates pedagogical abilities and the ability to explain. Such a person can become a good teacher and speaker.

If you remember school years, then you will surely find at least one teacher who you remember as the best. Most likely, he has a teacher's square in his palm. Most teachers do not have this square, since many of them became teachers not by vocation, but by coincidence.

Often, the teacher's square can be seen in the hands of those who have never worked in the field of education. However, the ability to explain and convince will definitely play a role at some point. Such people begin to engage in teaching activities at the level of passion, explaining to others what is interesting to them. There are many spiritual teachers and mentors among such people.

Lattices are formed as a result of the intersection of secondary lines and are usually most visible on hills. Regardless of the location, the grill is a bad sign. The lattice indicates reckless actions, unwillingness to consider the consequences.

Such people often ask for advice, but do the opposite. A lattice on a normal-sized hill suppresses the positive and enhances the negative qualities that this hill is responsible for. The lattice on the hill of Venus indicates a strong passion and a person's inability to restrain his desires. People with bars on the hill of the moon make too high demands on others, so it is almost impossible to please them. The lattice on the hill of Jupiter enhances selfishness and self-confidence. Such people often consider themselves better than others and are always dissatisfied with the attitude of others.

The lattice on the hill of Saturn is a sign of pessimists. It enhances the negative mood and gloom of a person. Such people see everything in black and are not able to truly enjoy life.

The lattice on the hill of Apollo encourages its owner to strive for recognition and glory. Such a person should always be in the center of attention, everyone should love and admire him. The lattice on the hill of Mercury is a sign of deceit and secrecy. Such people are rarely frank, do not complain about life. Their motto is "I'm fine." To appear more successful and prosperous, they often invent interesting stories about my own life.

When reading the hand, you will often see when the main line crosses the secondary and forms a small cross. The cross is a sign of change, the nature of which can be judged by analyzing the outlines on the main line.

It should be borne in mind that only clear and noticeable crosses carry essential information. A cross next to a break in the main line indicates trouble and disappointment.

The cross can be formed by two secondary lines. Pay attention only to bright and deep signs, since emotional people can have many different lines on their hands that are not of fundamental importance in divination.

Crosses, consisting of secondary lines, carry negative information, they can be considered a warning of danger. a cross located near the line of fate, or touching it, speaks of the danger of an accident. The location of the cross next to the line of life warns of imminent personal troubles. Crosses on the health line indicate an imminent illness.

Of course, you should pay attention to the accompanying signs. Often, crosses warn against a rash step or mistake. Thus, crosses warn situations that a person can prevent by taking timely the right decision. For example, if the cross is located on the health line, you need to undergo an examination and pay more attention to your physical condition. If you take the necessary measures, you will soon notice that the cross has disappeared.

However, there are exceptions to every rule, and there are two options in which crosses are considered a good sign. The cross, enclosed in a quadrangle and touching the line of fate, portends a major success achieved by hard work. This cross usually means career and improving well-being. Despite its positive meaning, the cross indicates that in order to receive desired person will have to put in a lot of effort.

The cross, located on the hill of Jupiter and formed by two minor lines, symbolizes major changes for the better. Usually this is a change professional activity or a new romantic relationship. In addition, such a cross can mean a change in the value system and outlook on life. A large cross on the hill of Jupiter portends spiritual growth and self-realization.


Crosses on other hills speak of small obstacles that a person has to overcome. In this case, you need to consider the cross in accordance with the characteristics of the hill on which it is inscribed.

The island is a small hollow oval formed on the main line. As a rule, there are several islands in one line. In appearance, they resemble a chain.

A chain of islands on the line of life indicate ups and downs. Such people, as a rule, try to work in many areas and then choose the one they like the most. Islands on the line of the heart speak of emotional experiences. On the other lines, they mean experiences and excitement. Sometimes the islands symbolize a short illness and depression.

A line forming an island and passing through the entire palm from the hill of Venus predicts failure in personal life. Such people often change partners and are quickly disappointed. If at the same time there are several lines of affection in the palm of your hand, this means several marriages.

An island on any hill has a negative impact on a person. An island on the hill of Jupiter weakens pride and ambition, on the hill of Saturn - portends difficulties in communicating with people. An island on the hill of the Sun weakens creativity and hinders spiritual growth. An island on the hill of Mercury indicates that it will be difficult for a person to succeed, on the hill of Mars it speaks of excessive gullibility. An island on the hill of the moon means weakness and lack of willpower. An island on the hill of Venus indicates that a person does not know how to fight for what he wants and gives up halfway.

Several secondary lines may intersect and form a pattern resembling a star. If the star is located on a hill, this is a good sign. This arrangement of the star indicates that a person has every opportunity to succeed in the area for which the hill is responsible. The ideal option is a star on the hill of Jupiter. In this case, the work of a person will be paid, and achievements will be recognized and appreciated.

Stars in other areas of the palm predict troubles and situations that will be difficult for a person to cope with. Stars on the heart line indicate a divorce or a painful separation from a loved one. A star on the line of life speaks of danger. A star on the line of the mind indicates that for some time a person will not develop spiritually.

Like other signs, the star should be considered not only by its location, but also by the accompanying symbols.

In general, the circle is considered an unfavorable sign, but this applies only to the part of the hand on which it is located. If this sign is located on the hill of the Sun, this means that a person will occupy a high position in society. Besides, he will be lucky.

A circle on the hill of the moon indicates the danger associated with an accident. The circle symbolizes infinity and indicates a return to the past. For example, if the circle is located on the line of life, the person is likely to return to the old relationship.

Dot. Spot

Dots and spots tend to appear on the main lines and are a sign of blocked energy. It should be borne in mind that these signs carry information only if they are clearly visible in the palm of your hand.

A dot or spot on the line of life portends an imminent illness. On the line of the heart - a deep emotional experience. Please note that if the dot on this line is white, this indicates a strong and strong love, which was preceded by difficulties in personal life.

A dot or spot on the head line indicates a negative period, apathy and fatigue, which can lead to a nervous breakdown. Dots and spots on the line of fate speak of difficult periods and a reassessment of values. This is a good sign, since introspection and self-improvement contribute to spiritual growth. In some cases, points on the life line mean a change in professional activity and an improvement in well-being.

When reading by hand, keep in mind that all the signs described should be analyzed only in conjunction with others. In this case, both main and secondary lines should be taken into account. In addition, be sure to consider the clarity of the signs. As we have already said, almost imperceptible lines and signs do not carry significant information, while bright and pronounced ones are essential.

In this article we will talk about what the line of life in palmistry is and what it can tell about.

Do you know that, according to our ancestors, there are no seals and signs that could not be turned to your advantage? Therefore, they paid close attention to the lines of the hands. Let's follow their example! In this article we will try to read information from one of the most popular lines in palmistry - the life line.

The line of life in the palm of the hand of women, men, children - on which hand is it located: photo

The life line is found in all people both left and right hand. On both hands she curves around the area of ​​the thumb- the so-called hill of Venus. The beginning can be seen under index finger, and the end is next to the wrist.

Guidelines like these are relevant. and for men, and for women, and for children. By the way, about children: the line of life is manifested even in them, as it is formed during uterine development.

The line of life on the right and left hand of women, men, children: what does it mean?

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that the child is younger three years it's not worth guessing.

To kids older ones can already make forecasts that are somewhat different from the versions for adults. So, it makes no sense to study the right palm, because it is too early to talk about the future. But the left deserves special attention as a carrier of innate traits.

As for adults people, then there was an opinion that women should guess, focusing on, and men on the right. Now palmists believe that regardless of gender you need to pay attention to all hands.

Wherein right talk about the present and future, physical well-being, emotional state. Left will tell about the inclinations at birth, character.

IMPORTANT: Of course, all this is relevant only if the right hand is active.

Width lines may indicate the following:

  • Noticeable Width and at the same time, good clarity indicates a healthy, self-confident nature, standing firmly on its feet. Such individuals, as a rule, succeed in all undertakings.
  • Average Width- a sign of luck, energy, nobility. The secret of the successful life of such people lies in the fact that they are extremely calm in any situation, they know how to abstract and choose who should pour out their souls.
  • thin line- poor health, which, however, does not cancel a long life. This personality is most likely melancholic, prone to frequent manifestations of depression. Maybe even vindictive.

IMPORTANT: In this case, health depends on internal state. In other words, the person himself may well correct it - you need to gain confidence. An effective tactic for this is to enlist the support of more strong people.

A thin line of life is a sign of a melancholic temperament

Does the life line of young children change, will it grow?

As we wrote just above, the life line is a basic sign that has been on the palms from the very moment of birth. And some lovers of palmistry, of course, want to know what the life line predicts for their child. Many parents get scared when they see a short streak.

We hasten to reassure: the line of life is peculiar grow and change. Moreover, it changes not only in young children, but even in adolescents and adults.

Life line: how to determine how long to live, life expectancy?

Directly to that how long a person is destined to live, the line of life does not indicate. First, this sign changes periodically. Secondly, it signals more about abilities and energy reserves, which, in turn, can affect the quality and length of life.

In order to calculate the potential of vital energy and see when important events will occur, you can conditionally divide the line into 10 intervals. In this case, each such interval will be equal on average 7 years. The latest years will then be located closer to the wrist.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that such a division is conditional - it is impossible to give a prediction with an accuracy of a year or a month. The number 70 is average duration life, but, of course, is not the only true option.

Some palmists prefer to childhood and age after 60 years divert slightly larger gap than for other ages. This is explained by the fact that events in childhood and old age are not as well defined as events in adulthood. But it is quite possible to make a division into equal sections.

For ease of division, you can use compass. Place one end under your index finger, and the other end between your index and middle fingers. After that, draw a semicircle and see where it crosses the desired line.

What does a broken life line mean?

Not a good sign that promises illness. By the way, it is recommended to look at the approximate age at which the warning falls.

IMPORTANT: If the gap is distinct, then the disease can be very serious, even fatal.

However, do not rush to panic - try to perceive such a sign as warning. For example, monitor your health more carefully or agree to surgery if it is recommended by specialists.

Please note that what the line looks like after the break. So, if its continuation is as clear as the beginning, then it will be possible to get rid of the disease with the least losses.

If the life line has gap in the middle its owner is chronically a disgruntled person. He is offended by himself, by those around him, by fate. Even when fate throws chances, they most often go unnoticed. Such a person must definitely change his view of the world, as well as turn Special attention on the state of the gallbladder, liver.

What does the short line of life mean?

IMPORTANT: A short line of life is not a reason to worry that few years have been allotted by fate. But if such a short line is very close to thumb You should be very careful with your health.

In other cases, the sign is a signal that a person does not possess stormy temperament and probably he often lacks vital energy:

  • Short line on right palm- a person could deplete a vital resource due to bad habits disease, unhealthy lifestyle
  • Such a line for left palm- great sign! Especially if the difference between the passive and active palms is great. This means that a person was able or will be able to cope with troubles, realize the potential

Also, a similar symbol sometimes means that a person prone to arrogance and as a consequence, often remains alone, suffers from this. To avoid disappointments and problems, you should learn to correctly evaluate events, people, look at life more positively. Such an approach can help to avoid a lot of troubles and even diseases.

The life line bifurcates at the beginning, in the middle, at the end on the right and left: what does this mean?

IMPORTANT: The bifurcation of the line of life can serve as a signal of the duplicity of a person. As a rule, his words are at odds with his deeds, so you should be careful when communicating.

By the way, a similar sign often prevails among those who live double life. Moreover, this concept can include anything from duality in work affairs to love affairs on the side. A similar sign appears on any segment of the life line - it is worth focusing on the age division of the line.

However, if the line branches up at the beginning, this can be regarded as a good sign. Such a person in a career is guaranteed success due to the presence irrepressible energy and healthy ambition.

If there is a branch in the middle or at the very end of the line closer to the wrist, then there is probably a person in front of you who has passion for travel and other kind change.

What does the triangle on the line of life on the right and left hand mean?

Is a good omen that indicates a person with extraordinary abilities. Most often they mean talents to convince, high intelligence. These people make excellent diplomats.

IMPORTANT: Pay attention to exactly where on the life line the triangle is located.

So, if it is located at the end, we can assume that in front of you is probably philanthropist. Such a person is capable of giving himself without a trace to solving social needs. However, sometimes this negatively affects their own interests.

As you might guess, the gift of a diplomat and philanthropist quickly depletes nervous system. If the owner of the triangle in the palm of his hand plans to live to a respectable age, he simply it is necessary to lead a correct way of life, to relax from time to time.

What does the square on the life line on the right and left mean?

If square as if covering the break line on the hand, then the owner of such a mark enough power reserve in order to deal with problems. Palmists call such a square "protective".

Non-limiting line break square indicates isolation. Moreover, this isolation can have the most direct meaning- for example, prison isolation or stay in a monastery.

IMPORTANT: The owner of such a square must carefully make decisions, otherwise there is a great risk of doing something illegal.

However, isolation can be symbolic meaning. For example, a person will lead a secluded life for some time due to a heavy workload in studies or work.

The meaning of the intersections of the line of life with the line of fate, mind, health, heart, head, Saturn, Mercury

Crossing the line of life with the line of fate (Saturn) is not favorable because man acts as a hindrance to himself. He is constantly overcome by doubts, he initially tunes in to a negative result. As a result, uncertainty and fear are formed, good opportunities are missed.

same intersection with the line of the head (mind)- sign perseverance, determination. Such people are excellent at classes that require mental stress and perseverance - chess, solving puzzles. Such a person is always stands up for the weak, does not endure injustice.

IMPORTANT: Do not be afraid of the fact that the owner of such a combination of lines has few friends. He prefers quality to quantity.

There is such a situation when the line of life intersects with the lines of the mind and heart at the same time. In this case, palmists give a forecast for fatality some important event in a person's life.

Crossing the line of life with health line (Mercury) is also considered unfavorable sign. Especially if the band of Mercury is clearer than the band of life.

The life line connects with the line of fate, mind, health, heart, head, Saturn, Mercury: what does this mean?

connected at one point lines of life and destiny- sign of real lucky ones. Whatever they undertake, everything can be done in the best way. Such people are especially prone to military career.

IMPORTANT: However, luck is not infinite - the owner of such a sign should always remember this.

Connected lines of life and fate - the seal of the lucky ones

Starting at one point lines of life and head - index generosity. Moreover, the owner of such a combination is ready to help those in need not only financially, but also to show moral support. It is unlikely that such a person will ever deserve the title of egoist.

The connection of the lines of life and the head is an indicator of generosity

As we wrote a little higher, stripes connected at one point life and heart- warning of adverse and even fatal events.

Coming from one point lines of life and health (Mercury)- a signal that man is weak. Definitely he should pay close attention to the state of his health.

Cross on the line of life: what does it mean?

If the cross is at the end of the life line means a person will live a long life. At the same time, fatal things will bypass him.

The cross at the beginning of the line points to a person sincere, strongly attached to people and permanent in your hobbies. At the same time, such a person is capable of soberly evaluate the behavior of others. When goals are achieved, they appear firmness and focus. You can be sure that a person with a similar sign will not betray.

IMPORTANT: Contrary to popular belief, the cross does not predict illness or death.

A line parallel to the line of life: what does it mean?

The line parallel to the life line is called sign of Mars or Guardian Angel. She predicts life full of luck. If any troubles happen, then the owner of such a sign can get rid of them easily and without serious consequences.

The line of Mars promises well-being both financially and in terms of communication with others. Cases organized jointly with someone are especially successful - teamwork is excellent.

Palmists believe that if there are any unfavorable signs on the hand, the seal of the Guardian Angel soften their negative prediction.

The line of the Guardian Angel is parallel to the line of life

What does a mole on the life line mean?

A rather bad sign - portends health problems. However, a lot depends on how the line looks after the mole - so if it does not break then you can not be afraid of a fatal outcome.

If the line does not break, but it looks like less clear, which means that the disease will take away an impressive part of your vital energy.

IMPORTANT: Look at what time segment of the life line this mark is located. By knowing at least approximately the age at which a disease can occur, you have every chance of preventing the problem.

If you are the proud owner lines of mars you can breathe a sigh of relief. If an illness occurs, you cope with him without significant losses.

As you can see, the line of life contains much more than is commonly believed. We hope that we have managed to dispel some of the prejudices and fears that constantly form around one of the main lines in the palm of your hand.

The line of life on a person's hand is one of the most important lines that are to be interpreted in the first place. It is worth saying that for a complete analysis and drawing up a picture of life, it is worth paying attention not only to the line itself, but also to the signs located directly on it. As for the triangle on this segment, its meaning is deep, it is necessary to figure out what the triangle on the line of life means, analyze the size of the figure, as well as its size and localization.

The general meaning of the triangle in palmistry

The triangle in palmistry has always been treated especially in palmistry. Usually, it is interpreted as a symbol of wealth, at the same time, it can signal a disaster or an accident that the owner of the hand will experience. Such a difference in meaning is explained by the fact that the sign is closely interconnected with the planet Mars, which always affects the fate of a person in different ways.

If the figure ends with a sharp peak, then this means that such a person has more masculine qualities than feminine ones. If we turn to ancient palmistry, then the symbol was previously interpreted as a sign of fire, flame, this was precisely its meaning.

If the triangle at the end of the life line is apex down, then this means that we have a subtle nature with a vulnerable soul, that is, here we can talk about the predominance of female qualities. In ancient times, the sign was interpreted as a symbol of water, as well as soil fertility.

It is believed that the triangle combines three entities on which the worldview rests - the sky (as a symbol of God), the earth (which feeds us) and man. You can also draw an analogy with such combinations of three peaks: body, spirit and soul or mother, father and child.

How is the triangle

Pay attention to how the triangle is located on the life line. If one of its sides is any vital important line, then this figure can be safely called money. Usually the top of such a triangle is turned either to the right or to the left, that is, it looks either at the little finger or at the thumb.

If the top of a geometric figure is directed towards the hill of Venus, this means that such a person is waiting for happy life. Usually, luck smiles at such people, they win the lottery, find money, receive bonuses, they just live happily, at worst.

If the top of the triangle is turned in the opposite direction, is between two lines, this is a bad sign, since your karma is considered imperfect. In the life of such a person there are many obstacles, you will have to overcome a lot of difficulties on the path of life.

However, none of this interpretation can be a sentence, life does not end there, since the analysis must be comprehensive, that is, it is necessary to take into account all the figures in the palm of your hand, you need to read all the symbols, even those that are between the main lines, this is the only way get an objective value.

Size of triangles

In the case when a large triangle on the line of life forms the line of the Head (Mind), Life and Health, this is a good sign. Such people are distinguished by intelligence, and in the case when the sides of the figure are even, then the person is lucky to become the owner of good health and good immunity.

If the figure consists of uneven lines, if the sides are not clear, they are poorly visible, this is a negative sign. Here it is necessary to analyze the line that has defects.

The presence of a triangle in the palm, in general, is a good sign, especially when one of the sides of the figure is the line of health. Such people rarely get sick, even if it happens, it will be a simple cold, nothing more. In addition, this is a sign of strong people who have a strong character.

A small triangle is usually formed by such lines: Head (Mind), Health and Fate, it is worth saying that such a symbol is rare. The fact is that for the formation of such a sign, the line of Fate must be long enough, only in this case it will be able to connect two other segments and become between them.

Important factors in the analysis

During the analysis of the triangle on the hand, you need to take into account the following factors:

  • Pay attention to which lines touch the shape
  • Be sure to find out what age the person being analyzed is, this affects the interpretation of the palm in palmistry

If the figure is formed on the line of Life, namely, it is located on its inner side, this means that the owner of the palm may suffer from some kind of accident. If the touch occurs from the outside, this means that you are a person of good luck, fate will always be favorable to you, you will achieve good luck without any problems.

As for age, the palm of a 25-year-old and a 50-year-old person will differ, and the interpretation of the palm will also differ. On the hand young man The following signs should alert you:

  • The presence of three vertices of a triangle in the region of the Hill of Apollo or Mars
  • Two peaks on the hill of Mars, even if there is a sufficient distance between them
  • Upper peak on the hill of Mars

On the hand of an older person, the danger is expressed by such signs:

  • Breaks in the line of fate, if it is a side of a triangle
  • If the figure is directed down, and the top is located on the Mount of Venus
  • If two peaks are located on the hill of Apollo

Otherwise, this is a completely positive sign, regardless of which lines it adjoins and where its vertices are directed.

triangle type

It is worth saying that, depending on the type of figure, its interpretation will also change:

  • If the triangle is right angled. This means that you have a chronic disease, which should be given more time than at the moment, since in a certain period it may worsen;
  • Triangle with equal sides. This sign also speaks about the health of its owner. If you find this symbol in your palm, immediately consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination of the body, the disease may develop without pronounced symptoms;
  • Isosceles triangle. Such a figure suggests that you will not have health problems.

We distinguish a fork from a triangle

It happens that the triangle is located at the end of the Life line, that is, in the zone of the upper outer ring or between this area and the Life line. Such people have excellent intuition, they should listen to their inner voice, in most cases, it will prompt the right decision. A person with such a palm knows how to skillfully get out of any situation, no matter how confusing it would be.

However, such an arrangement can be so unexpressed that it can be very difficult to determine that in front of you is a triangle or a fork (branch). The triangle should have clear three vertices, as well as even sides, which cannot be said about the fork. If in the place described above it is still not a triangle, but a common fork, this indicates that such a person loves change, changes his place of residence with pleasure, and also travels whenever possible.

The meaning of the triangle depending on the hand

To analyze the triangle, it is necessary to read the signs on the active hand, this is how you can get the fullest possible value of the triangle on the life line. That is, if your active hand is right, then this is a triangle on the life line on your right hand, if you are left-handed, it is a triangle on the life line on your left hand. It happens that the figures appear only on the inactive hand, then this is a sign that you have unrevealed abilities and talents.

If the signs on the inactive hand are negative, this indicates that this stage has already been passed, you were able to overcome the problem and obstacle on your own. In any case, you need to examine both palms, that is, study the triangles on the life line on the left hand and the triangles on the life line right hand, that's the only way to get the full picture. real life and future.

Triangle foreshadowing trouble

It happens that the figure in the palm is formed on the line of the Head (Mind), that is, this segment will be the longest side. This is an extremely unpleasant situation that does not bode well for its owner. At the top of the figure, you can approximately understand when the dangerous period in order to try to prepare as much as possible, for this you need to look at which part of the palm the lower peak is located - this will be the beginning. The upper peak will indicate the end of a life-threatening period.

Triangle as a sign of giftedness

You need to finish the story about triangles in the palm of your hand on a positive note, because in addition to a negative interpretation, the figure can also indicate good events. So, if the triangle has a side formed by the line of love, this is an extremely good sign, indicating that a person with such a mark is lucky. Everything will work out for him on the personal front, besides this, he will not experience financial problems, he is provided with a well-paid job.

In addition, such people have extraordinary abilities, moreover, they can be called talented and even gifted, this is a very good sign in palmistry.

A person with a clear and pronounced line of fate feels how fate directs him. If the line of fate on the hand is weak, it is felt that fate depends only on the person himself. Of the main lines, it is the line of fate that is missing most often, this is due to the rapid development of the world.

The line of fate gives a direction in depth and intensive development in one or two directions. A person without a line of fate on his hand will never become an expert in his field, his path of development is not in depth, but in breadth.

In addition, the line of fate marks relationship problems and partner illnesses on the hand. Reflects wealth, career problems, employment. It is very rare to find a long line of fate, more often there are various violations: breaks, points, secants, islands.
If a problem is found in time, it can be easily solved. A broken line can mean a lot, from the end of a relationship to a job change. When studying the line of fate, special attention is paid to its location on.

I would like to note the features of the flow of time of the line of fate. The initial vital interests are reflected at the beginning of the line, but in what ways these interests will be achieved at the end of the line. Time on the line of fate flows in two directions at once, therefore interests and methods can change places at one moment.

Time on the line of fate

The time reference is defined by two points. The first is the intersection of the line of fate with the line of the mind. This age is 55 years. Intersection with the line of the heart - age 35 years.

The line of fate on the hand is rarely straight and long. Often it reaches only the line of the heart or only the line of the head. The age of social activity is taken as the beginning of the fate line, it can be 18 years old and 22 years old, when the first job was and the person became socially active.

If the line of fate is broken and short, the palmist can analyze the small lines and processes that should have made up the line of fate.

Line Options

1. The beginning of the line on the hill of the moon. Friends and environment provide big influence for life. In a career, contacts and acquaintances help. A person is easily influenced by others.

2. The beginning of the line on the hill of Neptune. He says that a person does not obey fate and builds his own life, even if the line is clear and even. Developed intuition, extrasensory abilities are possible.

3. The line of fate departing from the line of life. The most important thing in life is family. They become independent late. Self-realization at the expense of relatives and family.

4. Breaking the line of fate. If, after a break, the line of fate moves closer to the little finger, cardinal changes can occur in life, a change in place of work and residence. The desire for material well-being and family happiness.

5. An upward break in the line of fate. Similar to the previous paragraph, but the offset goes towards the index finger. Interests are shifting towards personal self-improvement, self-realization in a career.

6. Double line of fate. Sometimes the line of fate is duplicated. Most often, this is a small line running on a small section of the parent line. During this period, there is increased social activity, success in many endeavors, good luck in a career.

Signs on the line of fate

Triangle on the line of fate. If the triangle is adjacent to the line of fate, it promises good luck in military affairs and in battle. In itself means a boring and monotonous life.

On the line of fate square. Good sign, which promises the protection and support of higher powers. Protects against money loss. If the square is adjacent to the line of fate - an accident in which a person will survive.

On the line of fate cross. A rare sign with many interpretations. Accurately speaks of an extraordinary event and tipping point in life.

On the line of fate a circle. For its interpretation, it is better to turn to a palmist, it has many meanings, depending on other factors.

On the line of fate star. A bad, fatal sign. Often denotes a plane crash. It is advisable to contact a palmist.

On the line of fate island. During the validity of the sign of the island - material problems, difficulties in business and professional stagnation.

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