Beat on the stomach for weight loss. Diet for weight loss of the abdomen: harmony in a special plane! Healthy eating rules

How can you lose belly fat? There are several effective methods at once that allow you to solve an annoying problem. We bring them to your attention.

Rational diet for weight loss in the abdomen

Many people who have a voluminous tummy and want to get rid of it go on a rigid low-calorie diet. This is fundamentally wrong - quickly losing weight, you will also quickly return to the previous parameters. Of course, you need to lose weight, but in no case drastically.

A balanced diet is recommended, including:
- lean proteins (low-fat dairy products, dietary meats, fish);
- complex carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, cereals);
healthy fats (vegetable oils, fish oil, avocados).

Products can be boiled, baked, steamed. Calorie content is determined individually (taking into account age and degree of physical activity). During the diet you need to drink plenty of fluids.

Exceptions are: sweets, sweet carbonated drinks, refractory fats, pastries made from wheat flour, pickles, smoked meats.

How to lose weight in the stomach? Physical exercise…

Without physical exercises that work out the abdominal muscles, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of a voluminous tummy. At the same time, exercises alone will not lead to the desired result either (muscles will get stronger, but fat without dieting will for the most part remain in its “rightful place”).

A real salvation will be classes with a hoop - they not only burn calories, but also "break" fat deposits on the abdomen (due to the massage effect).

The disadvantage of the method is a kind of side effect (bruises appear on the body out of habit). However, you can gradually accustom the body to such an effect, moving from light models to heavier hoops equipped with massage inserts.

By the way, a light hoop is harder to keep at the waist during rotation, so the energy consumption is greater (training will dry the body, which is very important).

You can spin the hoop at any convenient time (even in front of the TV, watching your favorite show). Classes should be regular. Their duration should be increased gradually (the optimal duration is 20-30 minutes, but you can start from 10 minutes).

Such a load should be abandoned during menstruation, with some gynecological diseases, after childbirth and abortion (you will have to wait for the time recommended by the doctor), in the presence of tumor processes.

Wraps for weight loss in the abdomen

Another popular measure to get rid of the tummy is body wraps. They can be carried out both in the salon and at home.

To obtain the optimal result, you will have to adhere to the scheme: 15-17 procedures should be carried out with an interval of 2-3 days.

You can’t eat a couple of hours before the wraps and 1-1.5 hours after the procedure. To avoid problems, before wrapping it is recommended to test by applying the mixture to a local area of ​​the skin.

Before the procedure, you should take a warm shower and massage the problem area (you can use a scrub - it will open the pores of the body and allow the active substances to penetrate into the deeper layers).

The mixture is applied either directly to the skin or to bandages, which are then wrapped around the body. From above, the treated area is wrapped with a wide cling film and put on warm clothes.

The duration of exposure is 30-60 minutes. This time can be spent under a warm blanket or you can devote it to homework. After the procedure, you need to take a shower and lubricate the skin with an anti-cellulite composition (or moisturizer).

To get rid of the abdomen, various means are used. Algae help a lot - kelp not only helps burn fat, but also tightens the skin.

Before the procedure, algae sheets are soaked in warm or cold water (accordingly, the wraps will be cold or hot).

Wraps based on honey are no less effective. Honey should be heated in a water bath and add orange or grapefruit essential oil to it. For 2 tbsp. basics, three drops of EO are enough.

Wraps can not be carried out with gynecological diseases, tumor processes, varicose veins.

Self-massage of the abdomen

Abdominal massage is an effective measure to improve the figure. At home, it is easiest to perform pinch massage.

Massage oil is preliminarily applied to the body. The procedure is carried out in the supine position. The skin is slightly pulled back and the massage begins, directing the movement clockwise - the pinching should be quite intense (the navel area cannot be massaged).

After the procedure is completed, the skin is rubbed with a terry towel, covered and rested for several minutes. Contraindications are similar to those of wraps.

A rare woman has never in her life been interested in recipes for losing weight at home. Let the ladies have different problem areas - one struggles with folds on the sides, in the other the weight is first of all deposited on the hips, the third suffers because of overly lush shoulders - almost 90% of women are dissatisfied with their stomachs. If there are extra kilos, they will surely choose this particular part of the body.

If the problem of excess volume in the abdomen is ripe for you, you need to start solving it by revising your menu. First of all, remove semi-finished products and the so-called “fast food” from the diet: hamburgers, deep-fried potatoes, soda and other snacks that are so fond of treating us in fast food establishments. Get rid of sweets and starchy foods. (An exception might be one or two slices of whole grain bread a day, or a small serving of durum wheat pasta.) Don't get carried away with spices, especially spicy ones that whet your appetite. Try to eat as little salt as you can.

But generously use cereals, vegetables and unsweetened fruits:

  • fiber will cleanse the digestive tract;
  • an absorbent, in the role of which, for example, rice will act, will absorb and remove toxins from the body;
  • complex carbohydrates will provide satiety with a small amount of calories;
  • vegetable protein will help the muscles stay in good shape;
  • vitamins will keep the skin, hair and nails from the harmful effects of the diet.

In no case do not neglect dairy products! In addition to supporting digestion, the beneficial enzymes in milk help break down body fat faster. And especially in the waist and hips, which is what you want. But never buy skim milk and cottage cheese, which will be of little use to the body - opt for packs with numbers 1-2% on the package.

Buy only lean meat. Even better, at every opportunity, replace it with fish that is useful in every sense.

An exemplary diet menu for quick weight loss of the abdomen at home.

  • Breakfast. A portion of low-fat cottage cheese with slices of a ripe peach or soft pear.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat porridge, 100 g boiled chicken breast, fresh cucumber.
  • Dinner. or a fresh vegetable salad with a tablespoon of linseed oil. A glass of curdled milk.
  • Breakfast. Oatmeal in milk with vanilla and a few strawberries (apricot, peach, cherry - your choice).
  • Dinner. 200 g boiled or steamed cod, lettuce, cucumber.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat with vegetables. A glass of kefir.

  • Breakfast. 2 hard boiled eggs, tomato, 2-3 sprigs of dill for taste.
  • Dinner. Boiled rice in the company with any fresh vegetables, poured with a spoonful of olive oil.
  • Dinner. A serving of cottage cheese, a cocktail of kefir and an apple.
  • Breakfast. Fruit salad with any ingredients except grapes.
  • Dinner. A 200-gram piece of fish baked on a bed of vegetables.
  • Dinner. A serving of boiled rice with grated carrots and a teaspoon of vegetable oil, a glass of milk.
  • Breakfast. An egg baked in half an avocado. .
  • Dinner. Pumpkin soup, millet porridge with pieces of pumpkin.
  • Dinner. Natural yogurt with grated apple or melon slice.

All the time of the diet, do not forget to drink as much pure non-carbonated water as possible. This five-day period can be repeated twice more, but then be sure to take a break from the diet and return to a normal diet.

Charging for weight loss of the abdomen at home

It is impossible to create a flat elastic stomach without sports. To solve this problem, do breathing exercises, buy a hoop and perform a set of special exercises at home three to four times a week. For example, the mini-workout below.

  1. Get into a prone position. Resting on the floor with your palms and toes, lift your pelvis so that your head and hips are in line. Hold this position for 12 seconds, rotate your pelvis to the left, then to the right, and lower yourself to the floor. Repeat 12 times.
  2. Sit on the floor in Turkish style, put your hands behind your head. Perform tilts to the right and left, 15 times in each direction.
  3. Lie on the floor on your back - straight crossed legs stretched up, socks tense. Raising your upper body off the floor, cross and spread your arms twice, and then return to the starting position and repeat 12 more times. For beginners, you can lower your legs bent at the knees to the floor.

Abdominal massage for weight loss at home

Massage is a good way to do several useful things in one procedure: work out the abdominal muscles, disperse body fat, “stir up” metabolic processes in the subcutaneous tissue, improve the appearance of the skin itself and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

What are the types of massage?

  • Water. It is enough to make the pressure in the shower stronger, direct the jet to the stomach and lightly massage it.
  • Honey. Massage can be quite painful, so it should be treated with caution. But the effect appears literally after a few sessions: the stomach becomes smaller, the muscles become more elastic, and the skin becomes silky and soft.
  • Vacuum. Massage is carried out with the help (sold in pharmacies) and massage oil.
  • Plucked. The procedure will require only your hands, cream and 10 minutes of free time. The skin of the abdomen must be thoroughly “plucked”, either increasing or decreasing the pressure, and in the end, carry out an energetic pat.
  • Massage-rubbing. As the name implies, the stomach needs to be rubbed first vertically and then horizontally until a slight heat is felt under the skin.

Regular and properly performed massage will significantly speed up your weight loss at home - the stomach, sides and upper thighs will quickly get rid of unpleasant wrinkles, and you will gain the long-awaited grace.

Some important rules! All massage movements, with the exception of rubbing, should be performed clockwise. Never start the procedure immediately after eating - at least 2 hours must pass from the time of the meal. During the massage, keep the stomach slightly tense to prevent unwanted effects on the internal organs. And finally, try to find the pressure level that is optimal for you. If your movements are too gentle, they will not do any good; strong and too active can do harm.

Belly wrap for weight loss at home

A simple, effective and in some ways even pleasant procedure - body wraps for weight loss. Its essence is known, if not to everyone, then to very many:

  • a cosmetic mask is applied to the skin of the abdomen, the components of which are designed to accelerate the removal of toxins, water metabolism and blood flow in the skin;
  • on top, the mixture is wrapped with a plastic film to create a greenhouse effect that accelerates the breakdown of fat deposits in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • then you need to lie down for 1-2 hours alone under a warm blanket;
  • wash off the mask;
  • apply body cream or anti-cellulite oil to the skin.

What masks for slimming the abdomen at home are the most useful?

  • coffee grounds;
  • liquid honey;
  • mustard with vegetable oil or cream;
  • blue clay.

To decide which mask is right for you, try several different options or combine 2-3 components in one wrap. But be sure to test the mixture on a small patch of skin before moving on to wraps. This is necessary in order to ensure a pleasant and completely safe weight loss of the abdomen at home.

Video: abdominal massage for weight loss (option)

The abdomen and sides are the places of the most frequent accumulation of body fat. Our body stores them quite willingly, but stubbornly refuses to give them away. Therefore, the question of how to lose weight and remove the stomach is relevant for many people. To answer it, you need to find out what exactly led to the formation of unsightly folds in problem areas. Only by finding out the cause of fullness, we will be able to effectively deal with it and we will know what needs to be done to correct the figure.

Before you lose weight in the stomach of a man or a woman, you need to eliminate the cause of gaining excess fat. The provocateurs of the problem will be different for everyone, they directly depend on our lifestyle.

The accumulation of adipose tissue leads to:

Before you start active weight loss, be sure to cleanse your intestines. During the time of irrational nutrition, toxins and toxins will certainly accumulate in it, which lead not only to problems with weight, but also to diseases of the digestive system.

When all poisons are removed, lipolysis (fat burning process) and overall metabolism will accelerate in a person who is losing weight, the body will begin to more actively absorb useful components from food and remove harmful ones.

Cleaning Methods:

Diet stabilization

If you do not know what to do to lose weight in your stomach, you should pay attention to your diet. Surely, it contains a large number of fatty foods, semi-finished products, pickles, pickles, canned food, smoked meats, sweets and soda, flour products. They need to be removed from your menu immediately.

These products not only contribute to the accumulation of fat in the waist area, but also negatively affect health. For example, salt retains water in the body, and it is also part of the excess weight.

The correct menu consists of:

  • lean meats and fish;
  • egg whites (it is permissible to consume no more than 3 yolks per week, as they contain a lot of cholesterol);
  • greens and fresh vegetables (at least 50% of the total diet);
  • fruits (except bananas, grapes and dates, as they are high in calories);
  • fresh berries;
  • low-fat dairy and sour-milk products without additives and sugar;
  • unpeeled cereals (oatmeal, barley, buckwheat porridge, brown rice);
  • yeast-free rye bread;
  • unroasted nuts and seeds (in moderation)
  • vegetable oils;
  • dried fruits (but not candied candied fruits!);
  • herbal teas and infusions;
  • pure still water.

Also pay attention to how you prepare food. Eat only boiled, stewed, baked in a sleeve or steamed foods, they contain a maximum of useful substances and a minimum of calories. It is strictly forbidden to use butter or fat for heat treatment.

Reducing the volume of the stomach

Too stretched stomach is often the cause of the ugly appearance of the waist. When you overeat, its walls gradually lose their tone, the volume increases, and you have to eat more each time to get a feeling of fullness.

You need to stop this process and reverse it in order to acquire a beautiful, slender body. Consider how to lose weight in the sides by reducing the volume of the stomach.

Fasting days

Give yourself one day a week without food. This can be done only after consulting a doctor, as fasting may be contraindicated in certain diseases.

During unloading, you can drink fat-free kefir, be sure to drink at least 2 liters of non-carbonated mineral water. If the food stops getting into the stomach, after a while its volume will return to normal.

However, keep in mind that you should not get carried away with such techniques, they practice them no more than 1 time per week, and exiting from fasting is also carried out carefully.

Portion reduction

This is a difficult but effective method, suitable for those who do not know how to lose weight in the stomach. At first it will be difficult, because you will not feel full, because a serving of food for one meal should not exceed 200 g.

But you can eat often, every 2-3 hours. However, keep in mind that only healthy foods should be on the plate.


This is a radical method, it is suitable only for those people who do not know how to quickly lose weight and remove the stomach, and have tried all other methods. Often, women and men with severe obesity and excessive excess body weight become patients of surgeons. They do gastric bypass, reducing its volume. Despite the trauma and all the risks, surgery sometimes remains the only way out.

Running for a flat stomach

To remove excess fat deposits on the waist and sides without sports is the same as carrying water in a sieve. If you have an “apple” figure, a personal trainer will tell you how to lose weight in your stomach. For other types of figures, there is a win-win option - running. While running, almost all the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, legs, arms, shoulders are involved.

You will be able to lose excess weight faster, as cardio loads increase metabolism. However, you need to know how to run properly in order to lose weight in the stomach and not harm your health.

Run Rules:


There are special exercises for the abdomen, with which you can strengthen the muscle corset and tighten the skin. However, keep in mind that without following the rules of a healthy diet, they will not work, your beautiful press will remain under the fat layer - no one will see it.

The main rule of all training is regularity. You should perform each exercise 25-30 times, doing at least 2 sets. The load, as well as when running, increase gradually, always do a warm-up before classes.

A set of exercises:

For those who do not like the standard exercises, you can try fitness, yoga, dancing, swimming, zumba and other workouts. A person who does regular exercises will see good progress in just a couple of weeks.

It is important that after bringing the figure in order you do not quit your studies. If the sport becomes a habit, then extra centimeters at the waist and sides will not threaten you in the future.


The beauty industry also offers effective methods that can be used in combination with proper nutrition and sports. Special warming masks and body wraps enjoy the greatest success. They improve the flow of lymph and accelerate blood circulation under the skin, which contributes to a more efficient burning of fat reserves.

However, you should be careful, some formulations for procedures can cause allergic reactions.

Another effective method of removing fat from the waist area is massage. With its help, you can increase the flow of lymph, which is necessary for the rapid burning of fats, tighten the skin, get rid of cellulite and strengthen the immune system. There are various techniques aimed at reducing the volume in the abdomen.

In conclusion

To become slimmer in the waist and sides is difficult, but quite real. However, keep in mind that a miracle will not happen if we just watch a movie about weight loss or study a book on nutrition.

Body shaping is a painstaking daily work. Only by applying all the techniques in combination, you can proudly wear tight-fitting things and flaunt your beautiful flat tummy.

What are belly slimming products? The most pressing question for men and women. What foods contribute to weight loss of the abdomen and waist, a list of diets that help reduce both sides and legs - we reveal secrets.

Hi friends! As you know, the amount of food consumed has a direct impact on all processes in the body. Which of them is most effective in getting rid of excess weight? The main task is to properly adjust the work of the gastrointestinal tract to extract maximum efficiency. Having the right information can drastically change a person's appearance.

Products for weight loss of the abdomen - a list of the most useful

Everyone can independently build their own dietary course. To do this, you need to know the key foods that should be in the daily diet.

Such products have an impressive effect on the functioning of the intestines, they can and should be eaten due to their high fiber content. The list is:

  • fruits;
  • peel and whole fresh vegetables, greens;
  • cereals, legumes;
  • cereals and cereals.

They contain a large number of useful ones that are actively involved in the breakdown of fat cells. From childhood, we are taught to combine main meals with fresh vegetables. Once in the stomach, insoluble fiber fibers begin to swell and increase in volume. This has the following effect:

  1. removes bad cholesterol, toxins, cleanses the intestinal microflora, accelerating the process of gastric emptying;
  1. satisfies the feeling of hunger, significantly reducing the portion of food;
  1. prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria, inflammatory processes;
  1. reduces the likelihood of developing kidney stones;
  1. prevents the development of obesity.

With a lack of fiber, there are dysfunctions in the normal functioning of the intestines. These properties can be freely compared with the effect on the body. At least three products from the list should be included in the usual diet.

- this is the building material of our body, which is necessary for the formation of new cells, their complete renewal. Building muscle fibers without such an important component is not possible. Where is the most protein?

  • poultry, beef, fish;
  • eggs, cheese;
  • milk, sour cream, cottage cheese;
  • nuts, beans, cereals.

The main thing is the ratio of natural fats and the amount of proteins in the product. Thus, low-fat foods or boiled meat will be most effective. Why exactly these products?

  1. Protein does not turn into fat. It is an organic compound that forms all the cells in our body.
  1. The feeling of hunger disappears. The feeling of fullness after such a meal does not disappear for a long time. Thanks to this, you will not be tempted to eat something harmful.
  1. This is energy intensive. Such food is digested much longer, requiring.
  1. Protecting your health. The lack of a key component affects the condition. Pathogenic organisms, hormonal abnormalities progress in such conditions.

With a sharp weight loss, the surface of the skin suffers greatly. This manifests itself in the form of stretch marks, erosions, and in such cases, protein foods will reduce such defects.

Fluid intake is such an automated process that most people completely forget about its beneficial properties. Due to its qualities, natural water without gas plays a huge role in the process of getting rid of extra pounds. How?

  • removes the products of protein breakdown, and
  • takes part in fat burning;
  • restores the surface of the skin, starts regeneration processes;
  • accelerates metabolism at the cellular level;

That is why we must not forget that dehydration only slows down the natural processes of losing weight.

Products for weight loss of the abdomen - a list of prohibited

The biggest threat on the way to the desired figure are delicious temptations in the form of junk food. Ideally, they should, if not completely eliminated from the diet, then cut to a minimum consumption. The list of harmful ones includes:

  1. favorite bakery products;
  1. sources of fast carbohydrates in the form of sweets, sugar;
  1. products containing starch (potatoes);
  1. fatty pork;
  1. dressings in the form of mayonnaise and ketchup;
  1. canned goods;
  1. carbonated drinks, alcohol.

Basic diet rules

First of all, you should divide your food into 5 meals throughout the day. This amount is considered optimal for maintaining the body and eliminating the feeling of hunger, which leads to unwanted snacks.

The last meal you need to take two hours before bedtime. So the stomach will not be overloaded, a quick and sound sleep will come. A normal dietary cycle should go through three important stages:

  1. Training. About a week before the start, you should stop eating most unhealthy foods, which will lead to a bowel cleansing. Already at this stage, most lose from 1 to 3 kg.
  1. Gradual burning of fats. During the second stage, you pass the given course. Never skip your main meals. Weekly check and record your weight. You use products for weight loss of the abdomen in your daily diet.
  1. Smooth exit from the diet. The main task of the entire course is to develop the principle of proper nutrition for a long time to come. The exit must be made very smoothly in order to fix the weight at the desired mark. The third stage involves the smooth introduction of all other products.

Belly Slimming Products - Diet Menu Examples

What are diets for? First of all, it is the systematization of the process of eating. You need to develop a healthy habit of eating only healthy foods. In the future, this will help prevent the painful accumulation of excess deposits.

For a three days

The express option will help arrange fasting days as effectively for both women and men. Menu example:

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with your favorite fruits, a mug of tea without sugar or coffee.
  • Lunch. Cottage cheese or one testicle.
  • Dinner. Soup in vegetable broth with meatballs, fresh vegetable salad and a glass of juice.
  • afternoon tea. Any fruit and a handful of nuts to taste.
  • Dinner. Boiled chicken breast with herbs, tomato and green tea.

The main rule is that you should consume 70% of all products in the morning. Uncontrolled snacking during breaks is excluded!

For a week

So that the diet is not tired, it is advisable to change the main dishes every day. An example for reducing the abdomen and sides for women menu for a week:

  • 1 day:
    • boiled egg, 100 g fat-free cottage cheese with tea;
    • a couple of favorite fruits;
    • steamed fish and buckwheat porridge with a cup of coffee;
    • nuts to taste;
    • boiled veal and vegetable salad.
  • 2 day:
    • semolina or yogurt with berries, a glass of juice;
    • a few pieces of cheese, a light salad;
    • lean soup with wholemeal bread;
    • apple and juice;
    • rice with chicken slices and whole vegetables.
  • 3 day:
    • oatmeal with sliced ​​fruit and green tea;
    • walnuts;
    • wheat porridge and chicken breast, coffee;
    • baked tomatoes and apple;
    • beans along with rice and one egg.
  • Day 4:
    • fat-free yogurt with fruit;
    • cottage cheese with berries;
    • soup with steamed fish cakes and cabbage and carrot salad;
    • fruit salad;
    • steamed fish with lemon, stewed cauliflower.
  • Day 5:
    • protein omelet, oatmeal;
    • apples;
    • vegetable salad, chicken pieces with rice;
    • walnuts;
    • a glass of kefir and cottage cheese.
  • Day 6
    • mushroom casserole with cheese;
    • oranges;
    • beans with a piece of veal and juice;
    • yogurt;
    • baked vegetables with chicken.
  • At the end of the week, you can repeat any of the past days.

Belly Slimming Products - Myths and Reality

Purposefully losing weight in only one point of the body is an impossible task. The fact is that there is no such diet that would locally burn unnecessary deposits without affecting other areas. You will need to reduce your overall body fat percentage. And not only belly slimming products play a key role. Without a sports lifestyle, the load will not work to take possession of a beautiful body.

What will unreasonable ways of burning fat lead to? The trick with products for quick weight loss of the sides and legs works flawlessly. You believe that in a week the desired body part will be perfect, despite all the other limbs. However, in reality, the weight does not want to move from the dead point, regardless of the effort applied. Why is this happening?

Answers to all questions

Achieving the task is possible only with the understanding of all internal processes. This important information will help you coordinate your actions in the right direction. Lucky you! My video is online "Active Weight Loss Course" , which was created to answer all your questions about smart weight loss. Download, learn, give your appearance the desired shape without harm to health and hunger.

That's all for today.
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And drove on!

Every woman wants to be the owner of a flat stomach and a slender, attractive figure that all men would pay attention to. However, achieving the goal is not so easy. Especially if extra pounds have accumulated in the abdomen for a long time, and the body refuses to get rid of them. But everything is not very sad, because with the right approach it is quite possible to regain attractive forms and make the main problem areas (stomach and sides) a source of pride. And in continuation of the topic of how to quickly lose weight and remove the stomach, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main recommendations of professional instructors and the secrets of fitness slim girls.

The main problem of many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity is the "lifeline", which is fat deposits in the waist and abdomen. And in order for weight loss to bring the expected results, you must first know what to do, how to lose weight in the abdomen.

About the most important

The video below shows another set of exercises that you can do at home.

Waist hoop

The hoop exercise is one of the most effective exercises to help expel excess fat from the abdomen. Performing this simple exercise contributes to the rapid burning of calories in the problem area. Exercising for 30-45 minutes daily, you can become the owner of an aspen waist and a toned tummy in a month. At the same time, you can study and watch your favorite series at the same time, combining business with pleasure. Moreover, to enhance the effect, you can pre-wrap, for which a fat-burning mask and cling film are suitable.

As you can see from all of the above, the correction of the problem area is quite real. And, specifying how to lose weight in the waist and on the sides, you must first get acquainted with all the nuances of the process if you want to quickly lose extra pounds. The correct integrated approach to solving the problem of weight will guarantee that week after week you will see how your every extra centimeter melts and the figure takes on beautiful forms.

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How to lose weight in the stomach and sides
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