Artificial insemination of dogs technology. Artificial insemination of dogs. Why is artificial insemination necessary?


In males, sperm is obtained by masturbation, on an artificial vagina and with the help of electroejaculation.

Obtaining sperm by masturbation

Sperm from dogs can be obtained by masturbation. To do this, after a light massage through the prepuce, the penis is brought out beyond the cavernous body, wrapped around the fingers under the cavernous body in a ring-like manner and rhythmically squeezed. After an erection, the male can perform energetic search and friction movements with his pelvis. After the onset of a full erection, the male begins to roll over, which corresponds to the mating phase, which should last 10-15 minutes. Bonding is also imitated by the fact that one of the pelvic limbs is raised onto the hand that conducts masturbation.

The assistant is usually located to the right of the dog (if he is right-handed). Bitch in the hunt is fixed by the neck and head. When the dog tries to mount, the assistant fixes the penis with the right hand through the prepuce (foreskin). The hand moves the foreskin back and forth, then, when an erection occurs, the prepuce is pulled to the base of the penis so that the bulbs of the penis appear from the prepuce. Then the body of the penis is clamped at the base of the bulbs of the penis, after which ejaculation begins and the sperm is collected in prepared containers (sperm receptacles).

The method is considered less physiological than getting on an artificial vagina.

Getting sperm with an artificial vagina

Artificial vaginas for the male have been constructed by: Amantea, 1914 (pear-shaped vagina without sperm receptacle); Bonadorma, 1940 (cylindrical vagina); Naggor, 1954 (cylindrical vagina with an ampullo-shaped single-wall sperm receptacle and an air balloon).

Mirolyubiv M.G., Volkov A.N., in 1993 designed a sample of an artificial vagina for males weighing 20-40 kg (service shepherd dogs). It consists of a rigid body 1, a rubber chamber 2, a capillary with a diameter of 5 mm with a tap 3 in the body, which has a special spout 4, holes for pouring water 5, a stopper 6, and a sperm receptacle 7 with a volume of 30 ml (Fig. 1 ).

Rice. 1. Artificial vagina for a male. Model 1 (medium)

An artificial vagina for a male can be made in a medium-equipped workshop. The material for the case can be durable heat-resistant glass, hard rubber, plastic, polymeric materials, light metals. For the inner chamber, a rubber chamber from an artificial vagina for a ram is used.

Sperm from a male is obtained according to the generally accepted method. It is possible to harvest sperm from males 2-3 times a week. Previously, the inner cavity of the rubber chamber is disinfected with swabs soaked in 70% alcohol, and the sperm receptacle is boiled. After disinfection, the rubber bladder is lightly lubricated with a sterile diluent. Hot water is poured through the tap between the chamber and the body, and a sperm receptacle is attached to the narrow end of the vagina. The temperature in the vagina should be 41 ° C, for this, 250-450 ml of water is poured into the chamber. Air is pumped through the spout of the tap until the walls of the rubber chamber close. During the collection of semen, some of the air may be released.

Sperm from a trained male is obtained on an artificial vagina in the presence of a female in a state of hunting. In advance, the inner cavity of the preputial sac and the hairline are washed from the outside with a solution of furacilin (1: 5000) and dried from the outside with sterile gauze wipes. A sterile apron with a hole for the penis is tied under the stomach. After several frictions of the male into the vagina, the onset of erection, ejaculation of all three fractions of sperm occurs in the first minute. The artificial vagina is removed from the male penis before the end of the erection, turned vertically, with the sperm receptacle down, so that all the sperm enters the sperm receptacle.

Next, the sperm receptacle is disconnected from the vagina and the resulting ejaculate is assessed macroscopically (volume, color, smell, consistency) and microscopically (density, mobility, concentration, presence of pathological sperm).

The artificial vagina is subjected to disassembly (incomplete) and disinfection. The faucet is disconnected and water is poured out of the chamber. The cavity of the working rubber chamber is thoroughly washed with a 3% soda solution, dried and washed with distilled water. The body of the vagina is wiped with swabs moistened with a 0.02% solution of furacilin. The vagina is dried and stored in a closet.

Electroejaculation method

The method provides the possibility of obtaining sperm from males, from which, for reflexological or other reasons, it is impossible to obtain sperm in other ways.

Use the device for electroejaculation. The device has a bipolar electrode for insertion into the rectum. Or use two electrodes: one is placed on the neck of the scrotum, the other in the rectum. Previously, the animal is administered a small amount of sedatives. The electrical impulses generated by the electrode act on the pudendal and external seminal nerve and the smooth muscles of the genital organs. Smooth muscles contract, causing ejaculation. Optimal output data of the device: voltage 16 V, frequency 50 Hz. Serve 7-8 impulses lasting 5 seconds with 10-second pauses.

The semen is collected in a plastic cup made from non-toxic plastic. Sperm during ejaculation comes in fractions. The first fraction is the secret of the urethra, a transparent color. The second fraction is the sperm itself, white in color, if possible it is collected in a separate glass. The third fraction - the secret of the prostate - is also collected in a separate container.

From the book Doping in Dog Breeding the author Gurman E G

CHAPTER 2. PRINCIPLES AND METHODS At first glance, the chapter on theoretical considerations and the formalization of knowledge seems redundant in a book addressed to a wide range of cynologists. However, respecting our readers, we consider it necessary to observe collegial relations

From the book Artificial insemination of dogs the author Ivanov V V

7. EVALUATION OF FRESH SEMEN Ejaculate volume. It is measured using a graduated sperm receptacle. The volume of the first fraction is usually 0.2-2 ml, the second fraction is 0.5-3 ml, the third fraction is 15-20 ml (this fraction is usually not used). The color of the ejaculate. First faction -

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8. DILUTION AND STORAGE OF SEMEN Currently, there are the following methods of storing semen: 1. Short-term storage at room temperature for no more than 4 hours. Both dilute and undiluted semen are used. They dilute the sperm

From the book Breeding Dogs author Sotskaya Maria Nikolaevna

10. METHODS OF ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Vaginal insemination Instruments: a plastic syringe with a semi-rigid catheter, up to 30 cm long.

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Methods of breeding dogs In zootechnical science, it is customary to distinguish two main methods of breeding animals: purebred and interbreed. Purebred breeding is the crossing of dogs of the same breed in order to increase the number of livestock and intrabreed selection. To

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1. Breeding Methods Breeding may involve mating dogs belonging to the same breed, or a male of one breed with a female of another breed, and finally a male and a female belonging to two different animal species. The first method is called pure breeding, the second is called interbreeding.

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2.2. Standard methods for obtaining a reproducible ERP configuration

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Methods of Phenogeography The main method of phenogeography is the comparison of phenofunds. It can be done in two ways - on the map and without it. In both cases, the analysis is carried out in two ways: one hair dryer or a complex of hair dryers at once. Often matching by one hair dryer

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vaginal insemination

Tools: plastic syringe with a semi-rigid catheter, up to 30 cm long.

Sperm is collected along the entire length of the catheter (it cannot be collected into the cylinder due to the small volume of semen, but there must be sufficient air volume in it to push the dose of semen from the catheter into the vagina).

After sanitizing the external genital organs, the catheter is inserted into the vagina, if possible, the catheter and cervix are palpated through the abdominal wall. The bitch is lifted by the hind limbs and the catheter is emptied, driving air from the syringe through the catheter.

Intrauterine insemination

It is difficult and not always possible to insert a conventional catheter through the cervix, since the vagina is very narrow (0.8-2 cm in diameter) and long (up to 20 cm), the cervix has a protruding vaginal part, which causes blind pockets. Therefore, special techniques and special tools are used.

Insemination with a Foley catheter

The classic Foley catheter has a thin-walled rubber balloon at the end of the working (vaginal part), which, when filled with air, inflates and prevents sperm from flowing out of the cranial part of the vagina. The balloon has an opening for a second conventional catheter, which is advanced closer to the cervix, pouring semen onto the cervix. After the sperm is injected, the second catheter is retracted into the Foley catheter, thereby preventing semen from leaking around the catheter orifices. Both catheters are left in the female's vagina for 15 minutes.

Insemination with a Norwegian catheter (D. Vogner)

The Norwegian catheter consists of an external plastic catheter and an internal metal catheter with an expanded and rounded end.

An external plastic catheter is inserted into the bitch's vagina at the level of the cervix. The cervix is ​​palpated through the abdominal wall and retracted cranially to flatten the vaginal part of the cervix and an internal catheter could be inserted through the cervical canal.

The technique takes a lot of practice.

Insemination with an endoscope

A rigid endoscope with a retractable catheter is required. The endoscope is advanced to the cervix, the opening of the cervix is ​​found and the catheter is inserted.

Surgical technique

Under general anesthesia, a laparotomy is performed along the midline of the abdomen, the body of the uterus is removed into the incision. With the help of a needle, an intravenous catheter is inserted into the body of the uterus and the sperm is slowly injected through it into the uterus.

From the book Doping in Dog Breeding the author Gurman E G

CHAPTER 2. PRINCIPLES AND METHODS At first glance, the chapter on theoretical considerations and the formalization of knowledge seems redundant in a book addressed to a wide range of cynologists. However, respecting our readers, we consider it necessary to observe collegial relations

From the book Artificial insemination of dogs the author Ivanov V V

6. SEMEN PROCESSING METHODS In male dogs, semen is obtained by masturbation, on an artificial vagina, and by electroejaculation. To do this, after a light massage through the prepuce

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9. SELECTION OF THE OPTIMAL TIME FOR ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION The cause of infertility is often the wrong timing of artificial insemination. According to clinical manifestations. From the appearance of the first cow-like discharge in the female, artificial insemination is carried out at 11 - 14

From the book Microbiology author Tkachenko Ksenia Viktorovna

11. METHODS OF PREGNANCY DIAGNOSTICS Clinical and gynecological examination Approximately one month after insemination, a small amount of mucous discharge from the vulva is observed in pregnant bitches. On palpation, one month after fertilization in the abdominal cavity

From the book Breeding Dogs author Sotskaya Maria Nikolaevna

RKF INSTRUCTIONS ON REGISTRATION OF OFFspring obtained from artificial insemination of dogs Specialist involved in the collection, freezing, storage. sperm breeding and insemination of dogs with frozen sperm must have a cooperation agreement with the RKF and follow

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From the book Diagnosis and Correction of Deviant Behavior in Dogs author Nikolskaya Anastasia Vsevolodovna

26. Methods of immunodiagnostics Immunodiagnostics is the use of immune reactions for the diagnosis of infectious and non-infectious diseases. Immunity reactions are the interaction of an antigen with the products of the immune response. In any immune reaction, there are two

From the book Homeopathic Treatment of Cats and Dogs author Hamilton Don

Methods of breeding dogs In zootechnical science, it is customary to distinguish two main methods of breeding animals: purebred and interbreed. Purebred breeding is the crossing of dogs of the same breed in order to increase the number of livestock and intrabreed selection. To

From the book Biology [A complete guide to preparing for the exam] author Lerner Georgy Isaakovich

1. Breeding Methods Breeding may involve mating dogs belonging to the same breed, or a male of one breed with a female of another breed, and finally a male and a female belonging to two different animal species. The first method is called pure breeding, the second is called interbreeding.

From the book Life in the Depths of Ages author Trofimov Boris Alexandrovich

2.2. Methods Animals were examined in order to familiarize themselves with their mental state and adaptive behavioral patterns, both under disease and under normal conditions. Methods used: 1) the method of observing the behavior of the animal and its

From the book of Phenetics [Evolution, population, sign] author Yablokov Alexey Vladimirovich

Other Therapies Most of the animals that are brought to my appointment have serious illnesses for which they are constantly on medication of one kind or another. Whether this interferes with successful homeopathic treatment or not is debatable; clear answer to

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From the book Human Genetics with the Basics of General Genetics [Tutorial] author Kurchanov Nikolai Anatolievich


From the author's book

Methods of Phenogeography The main method of phenogeography is the comparison of phenofunds. It can be done in two ways - on the map and without it. In both cases, the analysis is carried out in two ways: one hair dryer or a complex of hair dryers at once. Often matching by one hair dryer

From the author's book

From the author's book

11.2. Methods of psychogenetics Since the methods of classical genetics are usually not applicable to the study of a person, psychogenetics has developed its own methods. Genealogical method. Method of research of families and analysis of their pedigrees. The more generations

In order to avoid confusion in terminology between doctors and breeders, it is necessary to consider the basic concepts used in reproduction. The concept of "artificial insemination" implies a wide range of technologies that contribute to successful conception both in the body of a woman / female animal, and outside it. In relation to veterinary medicine, when talking about the concept of “artificial insemination”, both owners and doctors most often mean “artificial insemination” or “insemination”, that is, the introduction of a portion of sperm into the vagina or uterus of the female using a catheter / endoscopically / surgically.

In vitro fertilization (IVF, "in vitro conception") in small domestic animals is carried out in specialized embryological laboratories for research and scientific purposes and is not yet available for veterinary clinics.

Why is artificial insemination necessary?

It is carried out not only in cases where medical correction of infertility is required. For example, often when planning a club mating, it turns out that matching males and females live at a great distance, perhaps even in different countries. In this case, in order not to expose the animals to transport stress, it is possible to preserve (cool, freeze) the male's sperm and deliver it to the bitch. Or the owners of a high-bred male may be concerned about the potential for contracting sexually transmitted diseases - in the case of artificial insemination, these risks are absent. We also use artificial insemination in cases of “temperament mismatch” - an aggressive bitch or male with libido problems, in cases of animal differences in size, as well as anatomical and physiological features that make normal intercourse impossible.

Artificial insemination in veterinary clinics is carried out mainly for dogs, since this method involves working with sperm, and obtaining sperm from cats is associated with certain difficulties (the inability to obtain ejaculate by manual stimulation) and requires specialized equipment (electric ejaculator). In dogs, manual sperm collection is usually not difficult and is carried out in a veterinary clinic.

The fertility doctor prepares the bitch in heat for the artificial insemination procedure, determining the optimal time by the level of progesterone in the blood and monitoring the development of follicles on ultrasound. If insemination with fresh sperm is to be performed, then immediately before the procedure, a spermogram is performed for the male, if insemination is carried out with chilled or frozen semen, already tested earlier, then a portion of semen is still prepared with secondary quality control.

Ivanova Nadezhda Viktorovna Veterinarian. Specialization: therapy, reproduction

If the female and male are found fit for breeding, you can proceed to the procedure of artificial insemination. There are several ways. The simplest method is catheterization, many breeders can do it themselves. With this method, sperm is introduced through a catheter into the female's vagina. This is quite simple, but successful insemination is possible only when using fresh sperm, in extreme cases, chilled. For insemination with frozen sperm, this method is not suitable, since for fertilization, the sperm must enter directly into the uterine cavity. In the conditions of a veterinary clinic, a transcervical method of insemination (TCI) is carried out using an endoscope or intraoperative (under anesthesia, the uterine horn is removed through an incision on the abdominal wall and, by piercing its wall, a portion of sperm is injected directly into the uterine cavity).

How is it done with us?

In our clinic, the transcervical method of insemination is performed without anesthesia. The endoscopic procedure is painless for the animal. Excellent visualization of the structures of the female genital tract (we use a KARL STORZ endoscope) allows the fertility doctor to quickly and accurately pass through the cervix and be sure that the entire portion of sperm enters the uterine cavity. Together with insemination, the doctor, examining the condition of the vaginal walls and uterine structures with an endoscope camera, once again makes sure that the female genital tract is suitable for pregnancy and childbirth (the absence of inflammatory processes, anatomical deformities, etc.)

There are several ways of artificial insemination (AI), this is directly from dog to dog, fresh chilled semen and frozen semen

The AI ​​technique includes:

  • vaginal insertion,
  • surgical implantation directly through the wall of the uterus, if the route of administration through the cervix is ​​not possible,
  • and transcervical (through the cervix directly into the uterus) fertilization

But before fertilization, it is necessary to make sure the quality of the semen, whether it is fresh sperm, chilled or frozen, then the probability of obtaining more fetal droppings will be quite high, especially if the sperm is injected directly into the uterus, especially with the transcervical technique. It should be noted that even fresh and fresh-cooled seed gives a more modest result when administered vaginally

Transcervical insemination is performed using a rigid endoscope or Norwegian catheter

The rigid endoscope is more widely used in practice than the Norwegian catheter and has a significant advantage in ensuring accuracy of insertion. When used, the bitch owner can observe the actual insertion of semen directly into the uterus through the monitor.

With the Norwegian catheter it is also possible to get excellent results, but it requires a more qualified specialist to work with it. It is important to carefully and accurately guide the catheter through the cervix, the procedure is complicated by excessive obesity in the bitch. Transcervical sperm injection does not require sedation in almost all cases.

An important difference between transcervical insemination and surgical implantation, it is obvious that the transcervical route does not entail the risk of general anesthesia and surgery. If there are pathological changes in the uterus, the dog should not be operated on immediately. not surgical If the tissues of the uterus or ovaries are altered, it is a good idea to pre-examine the bitch before she is in heat.

Due to differences in the way the seed is prepared for fertilization, it is obvious that freshly harvested seed and fertilization with it gives the best result.

Methods for preserving freshly chilled semen have been developed for a long time and give successful results, but not as good statistically as freshly harvested semen and fertilization with it The worst statistics when using frozen semen, regardless of the freezing method two to twelve hours And with fresh or chilled semen, we are talking about days rather than hours of sperm viability. Because of this difference, frozen sperm should only be used by direct intrauterine injection, and transcervical injection should be preferred over surgical implantation. that the timing of ovulation and frozen semen injection is extremely critical, while there are more extended time slots for fresh or fresh frozen sperm injection

So, in order to achieve the most positive result, if possible, you should still use fresh or chilled sperm, of course, provided that the male is still alive and full, as a producer.

There are many ways to assess the readiness of a bitch
to fertilization

An experienced and reliable nose of a stud dog is often an excellent tool for this A smear, more correctly called a vaginal cytology, should be correctly read by an experienced veterinarian and this is best done daily or at least every other day, starting from the 8th day of estrus The next step, a possibility that can use a less experienced veterinarian, this is a blood test for progesterone The result can be obtained the next day after sampling Determining the date of insemination is very important if using frozen or chilled semen If using fresh semen, AI is performed, as in normal mating, the first time per day ovulation and control every other day When using frozen sperm, the activity of which is significantly reduced due to freezing and thawing, and the viability of such spermatozoa lasts several hours, and not days like fresh semen, insemination is carried out on the second or third day after ovulation Blood test for progesterone

There are several circumstances in which artificial insemination may be the best way to get sperm into the bitch. Provided that all important health indicators are known and are normal. This assumes that both the male and the female are clear of any infection, that they are under 5 years of age, and that their hormonal functions are working properly. If any of these indicators are not known, the probability of success of any breeding method (artificial or natural) is reduced.

The reasons why a stud dog owner chooses an AI may be related to both the bitch and the dog.

Problems associated with the bitch may primarily be due to excessive vaginal swelling and the male being unable to mate normally. Other females, usually calm and peaceful at normal times, may panic during mating and show aggression towards the male. Some other problems associated with the individual peculiarity of the anatomical structure of the bitch may also be an indication for the use of AI.

Problems associated with a male can be associated primarily with his inexperience, sometimes normal mating is not possible due to phimosis then surgery is needed. Also, the lack of libido (sexual desire) can also become a problem, this is due to a number of reasons, for example, mating terms that were incorrectly selected by the owner of the bitch, testicular hypoplasia hypoplasia- these are developmental anomalies, consisting in the underdevelopment of a tissue, organ, part of the body or the whole organism; . lat. testiculus - testicle), diseases of the prostate gland, genitourinary infections, hip dysplasia. Sometimes the lack of libido is hereditary.

For most stud dog owners, the decision to use AI is only an attempt to save the stud dog from infection and injury from aggressive bitches. During the castle, the male can get hurt if the bitch starts to bite. Aggressive bitches can harm a male's sexual activity. And furthermore, AI breeders find that continuous evaluation of their sire's semen is invaluable in diagnosing emerging problems before they become serious.

Reasons for using artificial insemination:

  • Use of frozen or freshly chilled semen.
  • Protection and continuous evaluation of producer semen
  • Inexperienced Producer
  • Producer with a physical disability.
  • The size of the incompatibility of the male and female (i.e. height).
  • An overly aggressive or dominant bitch.
  • Possibility to evaluate sperm before fertilization.
  • Separation of ejaculate (lat. ejaculor, ejaculatus - to throw out, ejaculate a synonym for sperm) between 2 or more females.
  • Vaginal stricture or structural features of the bitch's vagina.

AI with freshly chilled sperm is also performed in cases where natural mating is impossible for a number of reasons - the distance from each other, the intention to inseminate several bitches at once, or the danger of direct contact, due to the prevalence of infectious diseases.

AI with frozen sperm is usually undertaken when the producer is far away and it is not possible to send fresh sperm, or in the event of the death of the producer.

M. G. Mirolyubov

All about dogs

Mirolyubov M.G. Ivanov V.V. Ravilov R.Kh.

Artificial insemination of dogs


Department of Pathology of Small Animals and Operative Surgery


Kazan - 2003

Mirolyubov M.G. - Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of KSAVM, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences;

Ivanov V.V. - candidate of veterinary sciences, senior teacher of the department. Pathology of Small Animals and Operative Surgery

Ravilov R.Kh. - professor, doctor of veterinary sciences, head. Department of Pathology of Small Animals and Operative Surgery, KSAVM;


Zukhrabov M.G. - Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of KSAVM.

Shakurov F.Sh. - professor, doctor of veterinary sciences, head of the department of general and private surgery of KSAVM.


Dog breeding has long been known in the world. In Russia, it began to develop at the beginning of the 20th century, mainly in the regions of the North, where draft and hunting dogs were bred. Today in every region of the country there are numerous clubs, federations of cynologists, nurseries, breeders engaged in breeding various breeds of dogs. In the arsenal of cynologists-breeders, the method of artificial insemination is still used at the stage of "trial and error", since there are no textbooks and manuals on this issue. The correct solution of the issues of organizing artificial insemination of dogs can be facilitated by these recommendations, compiled on the basis of the achievements of advanced science and our own experience.


The first experiment on artificial insemination of dogs was carried out in Italy in 1780. Abbot Spallanzani injected a few drops of male sperm into the genital tract of a bitch, who successfully became pregnant and, two months later, gave birth to father-in-law puppies. At that time, it was believed that sperm are those microscopic creatures that develop in the mother's body. In the middle of the twentieth century, the American scientist Foote conducted numerous experiments on dogs. He also developed the formulation of solutions intended for sperm preservation.

Artificial insemination of dogs is already used in many countries of the world: America, Canada, England, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, etc. Freshly obtained, chilled or frozen semen is used for insemination.

Methods for obtaining sperm from a male - receiving on an artificial vagina. For the first time, an artificial vagina was proposed in 1913 by the Italian physiologist Giuseppe Amantea. This artificial vagina consisted of a rubber pear, inside which warm water was poured, and then a rubber bag was inserted into it and secured with a ring; a second bag of thinner rubber was introduced inside the first, it served as a sperm receptacle. At the Department of Obstetrics of the KSAVM, Professor Mirolyubiv M.G. an artificial vagina for dogs has also been developed.

In 1973 in Texas, a group of veterinarians led by Dr. Seager S.W. received the first litter from a bitch who had been artificially inseminated with frozen semen.

In Europe, the first research center for artificial insemination of dogs was established at the Veterinary Institute in Oslo (Norway) on the basis of Professor Andersen's laboratory. Scandinavian breeders could not breed their bitches to males living abroad due to strict quarantine barriers. In addition, in Scandinavia there were developments in artificial insemination of caged foxes, which made it possible to improve these methods for dogs.

In 1981 in France, in the city of Maisons-Alfors, Professor of the Veterinary School Dr. Tere received the task of the Central Cynological Society and the Ministry of Agriculture to start research on freezing male sperm and improving artificial insemination techniques. In April 1982, for the first time, puppies were obtained as a result of artificial insemination of bitches with frozen sperm.

Only in 1985, a real commercial structure (a center for research on canine reproduction problems) was created there to coordinate research and collect information in the field of artificial insemination of dogs, manage a canned sperm bank and train specialist veterinarians in this area. By 1988, all aspects of artificial insemination of dogs were studied in detail, methods and specific recommendations for breeders were developed.

Work in this direction is also planned in our country. In 1996, a meeting of the scientific commission of the Russian Cynological Federation was held, where the issue of using the method of artificial insemination of dogs in cynological organizations of the RKF was considered. It was decided to develop "Instructions for registering offspring obtained from artificial insemination of dogs", which was approved on February 3, 1997 by the breeding commission of the Presidium of the RKF (see Vestnik RKF, 1997, No. 2, p. 10).


The size of the genital organs of dogs varies greatly depending on the breed and the stage of the sexual cycle.

female (female)

Vulva(loop) is located ventral to the bottom of the pelvis. Clearance vaginal vestibule very narrow, at first directed upwards almost vertically, on the lower wall of the vestibule there is a large clitoral fossa. Therefore, special (narrow) instruments are used for research, which are inserted at an angle of 60 ° along the upper fornix of the vestibule. Some bitches have a vestigial hymen behind the urethral opening that interferes with mating or artificial insemination. The vestibule of the vagina has a well-developed circular muscle to hold the penis during intercourse (lock).

Cranial vagina narrows due to the dorsal-median fold of the mucous membrane; the caudal end of this fold is often mistaken for the cervix. The vagina has numerous longitudinal folds. To determine the date of artificial insemination, it may be useful to assess the degree of thickening of the vaginal wall (determined by the number of primary and secondary longitudinal folds) and epithelial proliferation.

Cervix has a vaginal part that protrudes into the vagina. Between the vaginal part of the cervix and the wall of the vagina, a "blind" sac is formed. Therefore, it is impossible to get exactly into the opening of the cervix with an ordinary catheter, since it will rest against the "blind" bag. The cervical canal is ajar during estrus and hunting, childbirth and in the postpartum period, in other physiological phases it is closed.

Uterus Y-shaped, consists of a short body and two long horns. During estrus, the horns of the uterus elongate, forming folds. In the lumen of the uterus, extravasation of erythrocytes occurs, serous-bloody discharge is observed, which can serve as a sign for determining the approximate date of artificial insemination.

Oviducts have a wide ampulla where fertilization occurs. The funnel of the oviduct is attached to the ovary at one end.

Ovary has an oval shape, during estrus has a bumpy surface (due to numerous growing follicles). Outside, the ovary is covered with a fibrous bag (burza) and abundant fatty deposits.

male (male)

Preputial sac long. Penis it has a bone up to 10 cm long in its thickness, and paired cavernous bodies at the base. The bone is necessary for the introduction of the penis into the vagina of the bitch in a non-erectile state, after several frictions the penis greatly increases in volume, filling the entire vaginal cavity, and the cavernous bodies at the base of the penis acquire a spherical shape and are fixed in the vagina, participating in the locking mechanism (lock). This must be taken into account when obtaining sperm by masturbation or using an artificial vagina.

Of the accessory sex glands, males have only the prostate, the vesicle and bulbous glands are absent. The secret of the prostate during ejaculation forms the most voluminous fraction of the ejaculate.


Puberty in dogs occurs at 6-10 months, physiological at 1.5-2 years.

The duration of the sexual cycle is 5-8 months (fluctuations 3-13 months). Thus, during the year in large breeds one or two can be observed, and in small breeds of dogs - two or three sexual cycles. Estrus and hunting can occur at any time of the year, but more often in February-March.

I. STAGE OF EXCITATION an average of 12 (9-25 days). With the approach of the estrus period, about a month before it, characteristic behavioral traits appear. The bitch often and little by little urinates in different places, more and more carefully choosing a place for urination. Some dogs switch to a well-defined designation of an occupied area or routes of movement. Some females become restless as heat approaches and more and more often ask to go outside.

Estrus- characterized by swelling, an increase in the genital loop, bloody discharge from it (increased vascular permeability, erythrocyte output). The vaginal mucosa is pink, slightly swollen, with longitudinal and transverse folds. The first 2-3 days of discharge are transparent-mucous, sometimes not noticeable, then abundant, mucous-bloody, after ovulation they become clear again.

The urine and secretions from the vulva of dogs contain pheromones, the smell of which attracts males and is captured by them at a considerable distance.

sexual arousal- manifested by anxiety, frequent urination, licking of the vulva, weakening or perversion of the senses in search dogs. The female becomes naughty, flirts with males, jumps on other dogs, allows jumping on herself, but does not allow coitus. With vaginoscopy, the vaginal mucosa is pale pink, edematous, with secondary folds. The secret is moderate, similar to meat juice.

Hunting- the attraction of the female to the male. The female becomes in a position for sexual intercourse, takes her tail to the side. There is also a slight decrease in the swelling of the genital loop, lighter or colorless discharge from it. When touching the perineum and genital loop, the female reacts by pulling up the vulva and moving the tail to the side.

Ovulation occurs, as a rule, on the 1-3rd day from the start of the hunt or is delayed until the 5-7th day of the hunt.

The mucous membrane of the vagina is pale, hyperplastic; dry, the number of folds is maximum, the discharge of a small amount, similar to meat juice.

All mature follicles (their number is from 3 to 15) ovulate within 12-24 hours.

In dogs, unlike other animals, the eggs after leaving the ovary are immature and become suitable for fertilization only after a 2-3 day stay in the oviduct, and male sperm, entering the female genital tract during mating, can retain the fertilizing ability for up to 7 days .

These features can explain the frequent phenomena of superfecundation (multiple fertilization by the sperm of different males).

II. BRAKING STAGE- 60-90 days. After ovulation, corpus luteum is formed at the site of the burst follicles, producing the hormone progesterone, which stimulates the endometrium to create favorable conditions for the implantation of fertilized eggs and the development of pregnancy. The vaginal mucosa is pale pink, the surface is flat, small longitudinal folds, the discharge is yellowish, sticky.

Females cease to allow males for coitus (lights out), swelling of the vulva disappears, discharge stops.

Progesterone secretion (regardless of whether the female is pregnant or not) reaches a maximum level in the blood (3-40 ng/ml plasma) by 20-35 days of metestrus, and then begins to slowly decrease (reaching 1 ng/ml) by the date of onset of labor (60 -70 day). Therefore, according to the level of progesterone in dogs, it is impossible to differentiate a puppy state from a non-whelping state or from a false pregnancy. At this stage of the cycle, uterine disorders, particularly pyometra, are common in older dogs, which is facilitated by prolonged exposure to progesterone in the uterus, predisposing to the development of cystic changes in the endometrium and reducing its resistance to infection.

III. BALANCE STAGE averages 125 days (15-265 days). After resorption of the corpus luteum, no changes occur in the ovaries for a long time. There are no characteristic changes in the external genitalia and behavior of the female. The vaginal mucosa is pink, the surface is flat, covered with small longitudinal folds, there is almost no discharge.

During 5-7 years of age, the intervals of the sexual cycle remain stable. With age, estrus occurs once a year.


artificial insemination- a gynecological operation, which consists in obtaining sperm from a male, evaluating it, diluting it and introducing it into the female genital organs using special tools.

Advantages of artificial insemination:

With the help of artificial insemination, a number of problems in dog breeding can be solved.

When using frozen sperm, it is possible to collect it from outstanding producers and store it in a cryobank for many years, for future use;

The use of cryopreserved semen allows its international exchange without the need to transport the dogs themselves. At the same time, it becomes possible to order insemination of bitches with sperm from any manufacturer;

It is easier to comply with quarantine restrictions that prevent the movement of animals from one country to another;

Artificial insemination helps to prevent the occurrence of many sexually transmitted diseases, since antibiotics are necessarily introduced into the composition of synthetic semen diluents, and sexual contact of animals is also excluded, most microbes and viruses are not transmitted during artificial insemination.

In addition, artificial insemination may also be recommended in a number of cases:

The impossibility of natural mating due to the narrow and short vagina in bitches;

Excessively aggressive behavior of animals during mating;

Low efficiency of natural mating due to certain breed characteristics of dogs (very large and heavy breeds, etc.);

The presence of certain diseases in a male or female that do not allow a full-fledged mating (disease of the limbs, hips, backs, etc.).


In males, sperm is obtained by masturbation, on an artificial vagina and with the help of electroejaculation.

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