Trendy dark colors for short hair. Fashionable hair color - current ideas, photos and videos. Bright trends for bold women

A beautiful hairstyle and hair color are decisive in any look. Well-groomed and healthy curls attract attention, and in combination with a trendy shade inspire interesting experiments. Stylists recommend choosing paint based on the type, face shape, hair length, and season. For the autumn-winter period, a warm range is ideal.

Stylists say that the fashionable hair color in the autumn-winter 2017-2018 season should be non-standard, since the trends in coloring have changed significantly. Shade combinations are no longer the exception, but the rule. Do you want to be in trend and look modern? The combination of basic and contrasting colors is the best solution. At the peak of fashion - blond, light brown, ashy, red, dark.

Choose the most natural base paint in the new season. Alternative, unusual tones are also gaining popularity: strands with a bronding effect, soft transitions, for example, mixing gray with pink or ultramarine.

Actual colors and shades of hair for the autumn-winter season 2017-2018

The color of the hair should be selected taking into account individual characteristics and, of course, personal preferences. Fashionable shades of hair in 2018 are distinguished by bright connections, inconspicuous transitions and soft overflows. Platinum blondes boldly take on the sand variation of the blonde.

Fashionable in the fall of 2017, hair color is not only alternative coloring options, but also a combination of natural shades. Pay attention to cold dark blond, walnut, caramel, light brown, red gold, coffee, cinnamon + champagne tandem.

Short haircut

Women who prefer short hairstyles should pay attention to shades of blond. The characteristic “long bob” haircut will withstand rich pink. Thick colored bangs are another trend for the coming season. Tones are selected depending on the base color. A muted bright palette looks great on short hair, for example, mother-of-pearl with pale blue or pale pink.

A short hairstyle goes well with a smoky color. If you prefer a neat haircut, try to complement the ashy with rich shades. Cherry and a rich palette of red are back in fashion.

Long curls

The fashionable coloring trend for long curls is blond, dark blond, red, if they are made using the bronding or colombre technique. The combination of base and additional paint looks advantageous on light and dark blond hair. In light colors, stylists advise adding honey, cream, platinum, caramel tones.

Light curls can be diluted with a dark natural color. Long-haired girls are encouraged to experiment with sombre, ombre, balayage techniques. If the hair is light blond, such coloring will look the most advantageous. Blondes are more fortunate than brunettes, since the first coloring of strands is shown with unconventional cold shades - purple, pearl, pink.

Popular staining techniques

Today, the fashionable hair color for autumn and winter 2017-2018 is the one that best suits a woman, regardless of trends. It depends on the correct technique how the chosen shade will look on the hair.

All these techniques should be done by a hairdresser with extensive experience. Contact a professional salon if you want to get a beautiful and high-quality result. Don't forget to check out the artist's portfolio. The photo of the result will tell about one or another method of application.

What is the recipe for creating a unique look? and the actual shade of hair, selected by an experienced stylist, sometimes work wonders. The habitual image changes beyond recognition, allowing you to look in a new way every day. What is in the new autumn-winter season? Let's find out what the most fashionable hair color of 2016-2017 was recognized as.

What hair color is in fashion in the fall-winter 2016-2017 season - only the truth

Those who say that naturalness is in fashion today are cunning! The cold autumn-winter season has become cold even in the fashionable sense. After all, stylists-colorists actively use cool colors. And these are far from natural colors - where have you seen women with natural strawberry, mother-of-pearl or gray-lilac hair? But these tones are as close to natural as possible, as colorists use pastel toning, smooth transitions and halftones.

Shades gouge your eyes out - no longer in fashion. Relevant light color haze and halftones.

Among the most trendy shades and coloring options:

  • Pearlescent blonde.
  • Red gold.
  • Frosty chestnut.
  • Colored ombre.
  • Reverse ombre.

And now more about fashionable colors for light and dark hair and coloring techniques for the 2016-2017 season.

Dark and light ombre - chocolate notes and white sand

We dye dark hair: unique shades of chestnut

This season, warm chestnut colors will fade into the background and cool notes will become popular. Ash shades will look win-win. Dark tones of chestnut and deep black become truly chic in their cold glow. But you should be careful - "pure" black colors this season are considered unnatural, their time has already passed.

Natural brown-haired women and girls with natural chocolate hair color will not have to change the shade. A change of image will be provided by fashionable styling and an up-to-date haircut. You can only slightly refresh the tone, using notes of cocoa, cinnamon or coffee glace.

Luxurious copper: the precious glow of red hair

In the new season, the red mood has won a leading position in the popularity rating. Stylists recommend bolder experimenting with shades of bronze and using a rich copper color scheme to create a fashionable look.

A subtle ruby ​​hue may seem like a light sun glare in the hair, but no red strands - everything should look natural! Stick to the trend of being as natural as possible this year.

One of the most fashionable shades of hair for the autumn-winter 2016-2017 season is red gold. Bright, expressive, warm golden. As if the fire will warm you in the cold season.

The radiance of precious pearls for blond hair

Warm shades of wheat and honey this season are inferior in popularity to the cold Norwegian blonde. The use of ashy shades is welcome, but do not overdo it, otherwise the hair may appear gray. You can only slightly refresh the main color, using a platinum, pearl tone or bleached blond.

The most fashionable shade among blondes is mother-of-pearl blond. This color sparkles and shimmers in the rays of the sun, like the first snow on a frosty day. A cold mother-of-pearl shade is ideal for girls with a winter-summer color type.

Also, gray hair colors, snow blond and blue and white hair are still very fashionable. They are best for young girls.

Hair color in 2017 is getting bolder, playing with the styles that were popular last year and adding newness. From new shades of silver, platinum, coral and gold rose to mixed colors of blorange, red-brown, tiger's eye, this year's shades are trendy and modern.

In addition, 2017 promises to be interesting for lovers of pastel colors, those who prefer a more natural tone will also be satisfied. No matter what your style is, calm and natural or bright and independent, this year you will definitely find “your” color.


Blorange new mix 2017. Gorgeous shade, a combination of blond and orange tones, the hottest trend of this year. This shade comes from last year's popular strawberry blonde, copper and warm peach shades, the new stylish color mix is ​​light, rich and great for bright sunny days.


Silver is more popular than ever. Instead of fighting colorless strands, gray in 2017 is becoming even more popular. Whether you choose platinum silver or ash grey, these shades will keep you on trend. Just be sure to correct the imperfections using a toner.

Ash brown

If you like silver streaks but prefer something more natural, how about ash brown? This color is gaining popularity in 2017 and is suitable for those who have very fair or slightly pinkish skin. The ash brown shade is created on the basis of gray and blue, and can be either an independent color or used to create strands. It is easy to maintain, so it will be possible to visit the salon a little less often than usual.

Platinum blonde

Platinum blonde is still the main trend and will not go away in 2017. On the contrary, the color will be even more refined to stay trendy. The modern version will become even more white, without the slightest sign of yellowish tints. Trendy and elegant, the color conveys a sense of yesteryear Hollywood glamor and sophistication. Platinum blonde is spectacular, the case where the style outweighs the costs. The main thing is not to forget about special hair care, otherwise the color will soon look tired.

natural blonde

Despite the unique and bold colors of 2017, natural shades also do not go unnoticed. Natural blonde can already be seen on models and movie and TV stars. A charming alternative to the intensely rich platinum shade and dark blonde, natural blonde attracts with its simplicity. Not too bright like the blondes of yesteryear, this new natural tone is neutral and very natural.

Dark blond

Luxurious and dressy, dark blonde is a beautiful shade for 2017. With deep hues that almost border on brown, this color is perfect for brunettes who want to look lighter and blondes who want to look darker. Since there are many golden tones in most dark blonde shades, this trend works best for women with warm skin tones. If you have a paler skin tone, your colorist can help you find the perfect shade of dark blonde.

light tips

Dyed hair ends are back in fashion in 2017. Starting with one shade on the roots and top strands, the shade suddenly changes into another, a kind of ombre version, but brighter. One of the best ways to try this trend is to dye your ends blonde. It doesn't matter if you're a brunette or have very dark hair or are already dyed a blonde shade, this style can work for you. Blonde hair ends are not only a fashionable and modern style, but also a way to revive dull ends.

Saturated brunette

Another natural shade that you can see this year is a rich brunette. Although this color is a kind of return to the basic coloring, it is far from being boring. By choosing the right shade of brown and keeping your hair healthy, you can afford luxurious hair without the lighter streaks. Shades such as mahogany and chocolate are more than capable of offering brilliance and color saturation on their own.

chestnut tips

As well as dyed in light shades, chestnut tips are no less popular in 2017. Two-tone coloring offers colors such as brown chocolate shades that turn into chestnut. Red-brown tone, the best way to bring spice to the strands. This look is especially good in autumn and winter.

Dark brown

Hair color does not have to be bright to stand out and catch the eye. This year, dark brown hues create a rather exhilarating color intensity. So dark that they blush against black, these colors are both sensual and semi-gothic. This color in combination with smoky eye makeup will create a unique evening look.


In 2017, any mix of colors is possible. Although you already know about bronde and blorange, now is the time to learn about red-browns. Sandwiched between fiery streaks and shades of brunette, red-brown hair is warm and beautiful. Choose from lighter browns with a subtle hint of red and darker browns with a more powerful combination to try this trend.

Red and pink tips

For girls who love pop music, red and pink tips are a great choice for 2017. Captivating looks can spice up any strands, whether brunette, blonde or black hair color, this coloring exudes confidence and brightness. For example, dark base tones of brunette with red ends, or sandy blonde strands with washed out hot pink.

Chocolate Rose Gold

Rose gold hair is sure to be everywhere in 2017, and with good reason. The luxurious, shimmery shade is simply chic and can create a beautiful look for any hair. While the blondes are thinking, it's time for the brunettes. Chocolate pink gold hair combines delicate warm pink tones with a rich brown base to create a striking color. You certainly won't regret trying this trend.

Ombre and Balayage

Also known as flamboyage, the combination of ombre and balayage is gaining momentum in 2017. An exciting new technique combines two hair coloring techniques together to create a more vibrant yet natural look. The technique, which has already produced impressive results, is definitely a trend that should not be overlooked in 2017.

Balayazh "tiger's eye"

Balayazh "Tiger's Eye" got its name from the stone, thanks to which the colorists received inspiration. The beautiful combination of caramel and dark brown highlights has been dubbed the new bronde and is on its way to being one of the biggest trends of the year. While the color can work on all skin tones, it looks especially vibrant on warm undertones.

coral shades

The fine line between orange and pink offers us a gorgeous coral color. Warm, vibrant, and oh so beautiful, coral is one of the newest color trends to try in 2017. Whether you opt for a bright shade or something in a pastel color scheme, this hair color is sure to get you countless compliments and likes on Instagram.

Two tone pastel

While pastel hair colors are by no means a new trend, they remain popular in 2017. To look updated and fresh, choose a two-tone color. Combining colors like fabulous glittery pink, mauve and mint, these new partnerships are bold and different. For those who are wondering how to reveal the image, there are several ways. Choose from two options: 50/50, top and bottom, and base and tint to find the look you love the most.

see also



What hair color will be the most fashionable in 2017? The new season brings a variety trendy hair colors 2017. Whether you're ready to experiment with sweet caramel colors, blue mermaid streaks, purple tresses, or natural-looking babylights, you can be sure you'll look stylish. There are many options for every taste - based on your own preferences and desires, you will surely be able to choose the right fashionable hair color 2017 for yourself.

Fashionable hair colors 2017 for brunettes

Chocolate Copper

Hair color Chocolate Copper - chocolate copper - new in 2017. A rich rich shade of brown with copper highlights and soft purple reflections. This trendy hair color 2017 is ideal for brunettes who dream of a warm tone, while not wanting to change drastically. As a base, use any chocolate shade - cold dark chocolate, or, conversely, warm milk chocolate. In any case, strands of the right tones will play a role in this coloring.

Cafe Au Lait

Cafe Au Lait - coffee with milk - another shade of brown, built on the basis of dark or light coffee. Reminds me of hot milk to which coffee was added, and it went with characteristic soft stains. Fashionable hair color 2017 Cafe Au Lait is recommended to be used in combination with highlighting or bronding techniques.


Terracotta is an earthy terracotta color that covers all shades of copper. Another interesting shade for brunettes with brown eyes who want to brighten up their dark hair with red tones. Terracotta hair color is very versatile as it can range from burnt red to honey peach.

Radiant Orchid - the brightest trendy hair color 2017

Do you remember how in 2014 Radiant Orchid (radiant orchid) became the most fashionable color of the year? In 2017, this shade once again burst into the top of the most fashionable, this time in hair color trends. A stunning vibrant shade of purple will suit creative people and those who are not afraid to show their individuality. But, remember that this trendy hair color 2017 is prone to rapid washout, so use shampoo to protect the color, and if you still practice hot styling (with a hair dryer, hair straightener), then thermal protection products. By the way, you can use the Radiant Orchid shade not on all hair, but to make softer strands using the balayage technique.


You will see more than once that in 2017 all shades of purple will be in favor for hair. And Mulberry (mulberry) is no exception. The shade of mulberry is still significantly different from the Radiant Orchid shown above - it is deeper, darker, more saturated. On the hair, the fashionable Mulberry color looks elegant and rich.

Fashionable hair colors 2017 for blondes

Butter Blonde

For those girls who noticed with concern that among the above-described fashionable hair colors of 2017 there is not one for blondes, I suggest you breathe easy. Because for blond hair in the trend range of 2017 there are interesting shades.

And the first of them - Butter Blonde - a warm shade of blonde, reminiscent of butter. It looks very natural, unlike the cool blonde that was fashionable in past years. In addition, warm blonde shades are easier to care for, which will undoubtedly affect the health of the hair.

nude blonde

Blonde hair never goes out of style, but certain shades of blonde hair are becoming popular. And if earlier fair-haired women of fashion went from one extreme to another - from icy platinum to golden blond, now the new trendy color 2017 Nude Blonde is in trend.

Nude Blonde - Nude blonde is something between cold and warm shades of blonde. Stylists recommend that everyone choose their Nude Blonde based on your skin tone. This hair coloring is achieved by mixing shades of different temperatures, but the same tone to create a more natural, vibrant color.

Honey Bronze

Honey Bronze is a trendy 2017 hair color that is perfect for blondes who want to make a smooth transition to a darker color. At the intermediate stage, your hair will look bright, lively and play with warm golden highlights. This trendy hair color goes especially well with the Babylights technique, which creates strands that look like they've been sun-bleached naturally.

vintage rose

Vintage Rose is in tune with the popular shade of Antique Rose last year, but darker, with a smoky purple tone. Fashionable hair color 2017 vintage rose is the perfect shade for winter, so I advise you to take note of it now. And of course this shade is quite bold, interesting and will attract the attention of others.

Pumpkin Spice - fashion trend 2017 for red-haired girls

It's the turn of bright, one might even say hot trendy hair colors 2017. Red-haired girls, rejoice - you are in trend! Pumpkin Spice - Spiced Pumpkin is one of the great shades of 2017, more suitable for the fall season. Based on copper hair color with the addition of a honey shade. Depending on this, it can be brighter, saturated or calm, deep.


Merlot - This stunning shade of red is obtained by mixing purple and red. It got its name thanks to the variety of French red wine - Merlot. Looks expensive, aristocratic, noble. This trendy hair color 2017 looks especially good on dark hair. Merlot can also be used in combination with the ombre hair coloring technique (smooth stretching of color).

silver gray

Shades of gray came into fashion last year, and now they have further strengthened their leadership position. Silver Gray is one of the trendy hair colors 2017 that uses different tones of gray to make the hairstyle more textured. Today, gray hair is not the destiny of older people, but of young girls who are not afraid to try on this bold trend in hair coloring. To look more modern, combine this hair color with highlights. Choose different shades of gray.

Fashionable colored hair 2017

pastel blue

Pastel Blue - pastel blue is another original trendy hair color of 2017. If you are ready to go for such an experiment, know that you first have to completely bleach your hair. Not every girl will decide on such drastic measures. Therefore, pastel blue is a shade for bright creative personalities, thus showing their individuality.

bright yellow

And finally, another cool hair color trend is Bright Yellow. This is a bright shade of yellow, sometimes even turning into a lemon. If you are tired of conservative hair colors, then it's time to try on bright yellow, which has entered the fashion palette of 2017. This shade draws attention to the face, so take care of the condition of the skin - it should be perfect.

Now that you've taken a close look at the hottest hair color trends of 2017, you can make the right choice. Remember that different techniques, mixes and combinations are in fashion, so feel free to try different color combinations. There is no reason to stop at one hair color - change as often as you like.

The new year is just around the corner, so many girls are trying to decide in what new way to celebrate it and whether it will follow the fashion of 2017. The most accessible and popular subject of changes for women is the hairstyle and hair color. In order not only to look beautiful, but also to be in the trend of modern fashion, women are actively looking for the answer to the question “what hair color is fashionable in 2017”.

In this article, we will look at the fashion trends in hair color in 2017, the knowledge of which will help you look not only beautiful, but also fashionable and stylish.

A woman's hair is one of the main feminine virtues. It is the hair color and hairstyle that determine the general image of a person, "by which they meet." Thanks to hair, a woman can emphasize her individuality, femininity and sexuality, and even knowledge of the latest fashion trends.

  • ombre- this technique consists in combining various shades (2 or more). Its result is contrasting transitions from one color to another. Colors can be either similar shades or completely opposite. Ombre fashion continues its popularity from year to year. This is due to the versatility of this technique: it is suitable for any age and hair length.
  • Sombre. This technique consists in a more restrained combination of shades. Smooth hair coloring makes them close to natural. Sombre creates the effect of slightly sun-bleached strands.

  • Highlighting hair strands. One of the most popular coloring techniques continues to be “highlighting”. The main difference between this trend and the similar one in previous periods will be the use of similar tones. The most popular is expected to be highlighting Californian for a sun-bleached look and a French style shatush.
  • Balayazh. This type of hair coloring is a combination of two tones of the same color. The result strikes with the effect of naturalness and looks a bit like a shatush style. The main difference between these two techniques is the method of staining.

  • Booking. This coloring technique is one of the most complex and, accordingly, expensive. It is also called 3d coloring. In order to do it correctly, you need a good specialist who will choose the appropriate 2-4 shades of the same color, while giving a natural look to the hair with a 3d effect. This type of coloring is most suitable for blond hair.

  • . The latest fashion trend is babylights style coloring, also called “micro coloring”. Its essence is to create the effect of reflection of sunlight in the hair.

  • glare coloring, like babylights, it creates the effect of lightening hair with sunlight. Only, unlike babylights, the effect of this type of coloring is more noticeable and bright, the most pronounced glare zone is the middle of the hair.

Fashion color 2017: hair coloring (photo)

Fashionable hair color in 2017

Bright hues

Congenital blondes in 2017 can be the object of envy, as blond curls will become one of the most fashionable colors. Stylists decided to give preference to more soft blonde tones in combination with golden or beige shades. Highlighting curls in a light tone should not contrast strongly with the background tone. The stylists are focused on a mixture of different light tones that seem to dissolve into each other.

  • For women with a dark skin type, stylists recommend using " honey» tone.
  • Women with a "cold" appearance should pay attention for a platinum blonde shade.
  • If a woman's wishes include the image of a strong and independent woman, it is recommended to emphasize this style. a combination of ash or platinum color with darker tones .
  • Girls looking for color saturation can satisfy their whims caramel blonde.

Dark and red tones

Dark and red tones of hair coloring can give some zest to brunette and brown-haired girls.

  • Dark blond. The trend of dyeing hair in dark blond color, smoothly turning into lighter tones, will continue its popularity. The peak of fashion among dark blond tones is walnut or cold dark shades.
  • red gold. This color is something new among the variety of trendy shades. For girls who are trying to look light and casual, brown tones combined with light beige strands are suitable.
  • To ofe with caramel. This tone is distinguished by its versatility for all skin types.
  • Cinnamon. An alternative to the bright red color that has long survived itself will be a discreet shade of cinnamon.

unconventional hair colors

In the new year, stylists will also delight fashion fans with new non-standard shades. One of them - tone "armored", which can be obtained using combinations of chestnut color with contrasting strands of blond. Fashion experts say with confidence that armoring is expected to be very popular, only professionals can do this technique accordingly.

For lovers of extreme sports in appearance and informal style, experts recommend ashen, gray, pink, blue and turquoise hair tone. A beautiful addition to these non-standard colors can be a hair coloring technique " colombre". It consists in using one color of hair as a background in the upper part of the head, and the lower part is dyed in a bright color. This trendy hair color 2017 for long hair fits in the best way.

Photo of fashionable hair colors

Fashionable hair color for caret

In fashion in 2017, short haircuts continue to return, in particular a bob. Eye color and skin type features are also determining the choice of fashionable hair color for short hair.

The bob haircut itself is very versatile for any woman's whims. It is suitable both for those who want to create a more aggressive and strict style, and for emphasizing femininity. To help give the desired image can properly selected hair color under the caret and eye color.

For brown eyes dark colors are best, especially black. This combination of colors can give the female image brightness, mystery and sexuality. Brown-eyed people should be careful with light tones, it is also advisable to focus on skin color: light skin and blond hair do not look very attractive, which cannot be said about dark-skinned girls with blond hair.

Red tones also work well with dark brown eyes, and for light brown eyes, a light or dark red color is the best combination. If you want to achieve the most natural effect from staining a caret, brown-eyed is better to use chocolate shades of hair dyes.

Girls with blue eyes fashion experts recommend using golden, light brown or red colors.

Green-eyed girls style with normal skin color, it will complement peach or light brown hair color well. Dark skin and green eyes can decorate a chestnut or chocolate shade of hair. The most inappropriate combination with green eyes is ashy and black tones.

If you want to change not only your wardrobe, but also your hair color in the changed season, listen to our advice.

Fashionable hair color winter 2017

With the onset of winter, experts predict the orientation of fashion trends towards bright hair colors. The contrast of the black and white color of winter can be embellished with red, light blond and chestnut. Experts also consider “shades of space” to be a good choice: black, blue, hot pink. The fusion of blue and pink on the hair will give it a purple hue. Such hair manipulations will not leave the girl unattended by outsiders and will give the image a zest.

Fashionable hair color spring 2017

In spring, everything in nature blooms and returns to its former attractiveness. Women in this case are no exception. You can give your hair freshness, color saturation by dyeing your hair in natural colors that will refresh and improve the overall look of your hair. Dark blond, chestnut, burgundy hair color, or a combination of them using the ombre technique, will add spring romance.

Fashionable hair color summer 2017

Given that the fashion of 2017 gives preference to naturalness, you should not paint in a color that will be in contrast with the unpainted zone during regrowth. A great idea for summer 2017 is the newly introduced splashlight style. Its essence is to give the hair a sunny shine.

This type of coloring will help your hair to be distinguished by its freshness, naturalness and health, attracting the eyes of men and rivals.

If you decide on light colors, it is better to refrain from radical white, and choose a more natural blond. The best choice among fashion trends can be ash blonde.

Fashionable hair color autumn 2017

Brightness in the rainy season can give different types of hair highlighting. Also, a mixture of red and black in the hair is returning to fashion. Such an eccentric solution is well suited for rebellious women who want to look stylish, strict and inaccessible at the same time.

Mysteriousness and sexuality for women with brown eyes can give dark shades of hair, close to natural.

Also a fun coloring idea is to combine different colors in a rainbow style. This technique is based on dark tones with lightening, which smoothly pass down the length into other desired colors.

Under the color of the yellowed leaves and to decorate the dullness of the environment, you can choose a carrot hair color.

Hair highlighting: trendy color 2017

As already mentioned, fashion experts in 2017 are trying to bring hair coloring ideas closer to naturalness.

Based on this, natural shades during highlighting will be fashionable in 2017. Among the most popular are:

  • light blond
  • ashen
  • chestnut
  • burgundy
  • dark chocolate
  • cinnamon

Also, some stylists are still trying to create a fantastic image of a woman. To this end, they use non-standard colors for highlighting, namely: blue, yellow, purple, green.

Whatever hair color is fashionable, you should always focus only on individual preferences, features of the appearance and type of hair, haircut and styling. After all, fashion only gives its own vision of the beautiful, and what is aesthetically attractive for you is up to you and your inner essence.

Video: How to find your hair color?

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