The most beautiful female names with the letter m. Female names with the letter m

Name Maxim: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Maxim from childhood is the embodiment of obedience and independence. Not only does he not cause trouble for the household, but on the contrary, he strives to enthusiastically help in everything, even in non-childish matters. He has such qualities as kindness, wisdom, energy, justice, ambition.

The name Maximilian (Maximilian): meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

As a child, the Maximilians are thoughtful, persistent and hardworking. Sometimes they are shy, but this does not prevent them from being stubborn - they do not make concessions and do not change their beliefs. Maximilian is usually very honest, which in adult life does not always work in his favor. Maximilians never forgive lies to others, even to their own parents. These children are quite assiduous, thanks to their patience they achieve success.

Name Marat: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Marat is a very peaceful boy, he easily makes contact with his peers, he has many friends. He is always ready to help. He may not be interested in sports, but achieve noticeable results if he is interested in them. Marat is very creative person- Likes to draw and sculpt.


The name Marseille: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

As a child, Marcel is a hyperactive, bright and sometimes overly stubborn boy. Leadership inclinations are already manifested in this period. The instigator of all pranks, has many friends, but it is hard to endure critical remarks addressed to him. Despite excessive emotionality, in a dispute he is able to behave in cold blood, so opponents lose more often.


The name Matvey: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Matthew is very long-awaited child in family. It often has high expectations. As a child, Matvey is a mobile and healthy boy, he is not capricious, he does not fight with his peers in the yard. Boys with this name are very honest. They study well at school, but still without enthusiasm, driven only by a sense of duty.


Name Miroslav: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

In childhood, parents do not cause trouble: they are not capricious, do not require increased attention, they are distinguished by calmness and goodwill. After five years, it is better to closely monitor his health, his weakness– eyes, infectious diseases are possible.

The name Mitrofan: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Mitrofan is a whole and deep nature. Since childhood, he has been trying to comprehend what is good and evil. Mitrofan is rich inner world full of spirituality. Adult Mitrofans often indulge in reflections on the meaning of being and philosophy. They make good writers.

The name Michael: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Michael is often reputed to be a calm person, he is often compared with a strong and unhurried bear. But this similarity is only superficial. Inside he is a fire, everything in him is on fire, he is simply overflowing with energy. But, what can not be taken away from Mikhail - he is always balanced, which allows him to achieve success and become a good boss.

The letter "M" in the name means the presence of such qualities as caring and a desire to help. Sometimes this is a shy person, and sometimes, on the contrary, striving to be in the spotlight.

A person who has a name with the letter "M" is endowed with a craving for travel, he wants to visit as many places as possible, as much as possible. a large number of experience for yourself.

The letter “M” introduces the desire to philosophize into the character of its bearer. A person with this name is prone to reflections, which are clearly reflected on his face. Everything that this person achieves, he achieves with his mind. In order to understand something, he must touch it himself and realize it. The talents of this person may not appear immediately, but it will not be a momentary insight. To some, the bearers of the letter "M" may seem slow, but no one will dispute the fact that they always achieve their goal. You can never trust their distraction and forgetfulness. This person never forgets anything, especially when it comes to his interests.

In many ways, the bearer of the letter "M" manifests himself as a leader and, in this regard, takes into account the interests of other people. However, the external gentleness of this person can develop into aggression, manifest itself in stubbornness, vindictiveness and vindictiveness. True, if this person is not touched, then he will not attack the first, but if he has something to complain about, then he will remember this for a long time. "M" gives its owner a significant inner strength, which does not immediately come out.

List of names beginning with M

The name begins with the letter "M" - it means that the girl will always achieve her goal, although it may not be right away - her talents are revealed gradually. Her slowness is only external, in fact she is smart and never forgets anything. Literally everything interests her in life - she wants to visit all countries, work in hundreds of areas and, in general, get as many sensations as possible - just to avoid boredom and routine. There are no patterns in communication - a girl can be both rather closed and the soul of the company. The only thing is that she is always more prone to philosophy, reflection than to discussing everyday trifles.

  • Mayan - translated from Greek - "nurse", "mother". A girl with a bright appearance, strong character and will. People like her, but in communication she is rather cold and strict towards others. A rather complex nature that does not know how to lose - she needs everything at once. 27
  • Malika - there are several options for the origin of the name, including Arabic and Slavic (from the word "small"). Malika - sane calm girl striving for stability. -16
  • Malvina - a name from the ancient Germanic language, means "weak", "gentle". In fact, Malvina is a smart, creative, tough person, with whom it is dangerous to argue. -27
  • margarita - (Daisy, Margo). translated from Greek - "pearl", "pearl". The main quality of the character of this woman is straightforwardness. She will say everything she thinks to any person, regardless of age and status. Honest, courageous and impatient, she has an analytical mindset and logical thinking. 14
  • Marianne - (Maryana) may have come from the names Maria and Anna. The popular form of the name is Maryana. This sociable, cheerful girl is loved by everyone without exception, and even having matured, she still remains a common favorite. (6) 8
  • Marina - from the Latin word "marinus", meaning "sea". In life, Marina is ice and fire. Receptive, impatient and impulsive, with boundless imagination. The main thing she is waiting for is love, tenderness and understanding. 12
  • Maria - the most common name in the world, because that was the name of the mother of Jesus. Kind, affectionate, balanced and responsible. She either becomes the perfect housewife and blossoms during motherhood, or becomes a woman who will always prove to everyone that she is not what she seems. (4) 20
  • Martha - perhaps this is the European version of the name Martha. This is a girl who is confident in her abilities. (1) 0
  • Matryona - respectable lady, madam (from Latin). A calm, patient, slightly phlegmatic girl who likes to watch more than participate. (1) -13
  • Melania - (Melanya) swarthy, dark (from Greek). Feminine, charming, affectionate girl. 12
  • Melissa - (Melisa) from Greek - “bee”, “honey”. Protective, independent, creative person, an obvious perfectionist - accurate, scrupulous. -2
  • Mila - from Old Slavonic means - "dear", and in figurative meaning it can be described as "beautiful" or "gentle". An emotional girl who is always in the spotlight. 13
  • Milada - sweet, kind (from Slavic). Kind, sociable, creative girl. -14
  • Milan - (Milena) Slavic name meaning "sweetheart". Strong personality, active and receptive, a little mysterious. (2) 14
  • Milolika - sweet face (Slavic name). Artistic, charming girl, always ready to help. -13
  • Miloslava - nice, sweet (Slavic name). A kind, sociable girl with a sense of humor, never being alone. -9
  • Mira - (Mirra). There is no single version of the origin of this name. Mira has an analytical mindset, strong, smart, seeking to attract attention. (1) 6
  • Miroslava - Slavic name, formed from two parts "peace" and "glory". A smart, cautious, decent girl, shunning everything new. Her desire for order can drive you crazy. 45
  • Michelle - name French descent. Michelle loves comfort and beautiful life, but not like to make an effort to achieve something. -9
  • Mia - (Mia) one of the variant of the name Maria. A proud, active girl striving for excellence and striving to be the best in everything. (2) 41
  • Mlada - Slavic name, means "young". Charming, smiling, easy to communicate personality. -18
  • Monica - The name Monica has Greek roots. A strong, active, sensible girl. -9
  • Muse - goddess of the arts Ancient Greece). A sociable, intelligent, capable girl, whom you can always rely on in everything. -52
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