Minced meat soufflé recipe like in kindergarten. Chicken soufflé like in kindergarten recipe in the oven

How to cook chicken soufflé? Recipe as in kindergarten, should be kept by all young mothers and housewives in their cookbook. After all, such a dish is great for feeding a baby who finds it difficult to chew sinewy meat, and he needs food with a puree-like consistency.

Tender Chicken Soufflé: A Step by Step Recipe

There are several ways to make delicious chicken soufflé. In this section, we will present you the most popular recipe, which is often used by kindergarten and nursery chefs. Thanks to this method, you can quickly and easily cook incredible tasty dish, which will be appreciated not only by your child, but also by all family members.

So, how do you make chicken soufflé? The recipe, as in kindergarten, involves the use of products such as:

  • fresh chilled chicken fillet a little more than 300 g;
  • large a raw egg 1 PC.;
  • fresh milk, not too fat, about 100 g (use for making milk sauce);
  • light flour about 10 g (use for sauce);
  • butter 10 g (use for sauce).

Meat processing

How to make chicken soufflé? The recipe, like in kindergarten, requires careful processing of poultry meat. It must be thoroughly washed, and then put in a pot of water and bring to a boil. After that, you need to remove the foam from the broth, salt it, cover it with a lid and cook for 40 minutes (if the fillet was fresh and young).

After the specified time, the white meat should be removed from the broth and cooled. Subsequently, it is necessary to remove the skin from it and remove all the bones. As for the pulp, it is recommended to chop it coarsely, so that in the future it would be convenient to beat the product in a blender.

Making milk sauce

Souffle, like in kindergarten, requires the mandatory use of a delicious milk sauce. To prepare it, you need to take a small saucepan and slowly melt it in it. butter(to avoid burning). Next, the dishes with cooking oil need to be removed to the side and add light flour to it. By mixing the ingredients well, you should achieve complete disappearance all lumps.

After the described actions, it is required to slowly introduce warm skim milk into the resulting mass. In this case, the products should be continuously mixed, achieving a uniform consistency.

In conclusion, the saucepan with milk sauce must be put back on the fire and bring the contents to a boil. Within 2 minutes, the ingredients must be actively mixed, and then removed from the stove. This process will help thicken the sauce.

Mixing the Ingredients

To make a delicious souffle, like in kindergarten, you need to use a good blender. Previously boiled chicken fillet should be placed in its bowl, as well as milk sauce and egg yolk. All components must be thoroughly beaten until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After that, they need to introduce egg white. However, it should be pre-beaten to a state of strong and persistent foam. It is thanks to this ingredient that the chicken soufflé will become lush, tender, soft and very tasty.

If desired, a little salt can be added to the finished mass to taste.

Heat treatment

Now you know what you need to do to make chicken soufflé. The recipe, as in kindergarten, recommends cooking this dish in a double boiler. After all, this is the only way you will get a very tender and nutritious lunch that will be useful to your child.

Therefore, the rice bowl should be thoroughly oiled. olive oil, and then lay out the previously prepared mass of chicken breasts, eggs and milk sauce. Having put the container in the double boiler, you need to close it tightly and set the timer for 27 minutes. During this time, the soufflé should completely seize.

How to serve at the dinner table?

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making chicken soufflé at home, as in a nursery / kindergarten. After the steamer has completed its work, the rice bowl should be removed and the contents cool slightly. Next, the soufflé needs to be cut into portioned pieces and laid out on saucers. It is desirable to present such a dish to the table along with sweet jelly or tea. Enjoy your meal!

Delicious chicken soufflé recipes in the oven

Above, we looked at the classic version of how to cook chicken soufflé in a double boiler for young children. If you want to feed this dish to all members of your family, then we suggest making it a little differently. In kindergarten, such a lunch is served in older groups, as it turns out to be a little rough.

So, we need:

  • medium potatoes 2 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet without skin and bones about 400 g;
  • raw eggs large 2 pcs. (separately used yolk and protein);
  • unsweetened white bread 1 small piece;
  • low-fat milk - 1/2 cup;
  • use iodized salt to taste.

We prepare products

How to cook an unusual chicken soufflé? chicken soufflé, the recipe of which we are considering, is made no more complicated than the previous dish. To begin with, white poultry meat should be thoroughly washed, and then put in a blender and chopped into a homogeneous gruel. Next, you need to peel the raw potatoes and grate it on a large grater. As for bread, it must be broken into pieces, put in a deep bowl and poured with low-fat milk. The flour product should be thoroughly soaked.

Among other things, it is required to separate the proteins and yolks in different dishes. The last ingredient can be immediately added to the meat. The first must be strongly beaten with a mixer or a regular whisk.

Meat base preparation

Having processed all the components, in one bowl you should combine the chopped chicken breasts, egg yolks, crumb of white bread soaked in milk, salt and grated potatoes. Having received a homogeneous meat mass, it is necessary to introduce whites whipped to a strong foam to it. As a result, you should get a very lush and delicate base, which should be immediately subjected to heat treatment.

Bake in the oven

Before placing the meat mass in the oven, it should be laid out in a mold greased with oil. By the way, some housewives cook soufflé in muffin bowls.

Thus, the filled form or molds must be sent to a preheated oven. Bake chicken soufflé preferably for half an hour at 180 degrees. During this time, the dish will become lush and very tasty.

Serve the soufflé to the dinner table

After making a chicken and potato soufflé in the oven, it should cool slightly, and then cut and put on plates. In addition to such a dinner, you can present any side dish (buckwheat, rice, vegetable stew etc.). Bon appetit!

A new recipe for those who are nostalgic for the kindergarten menu. In addition to cottage cheese casserole and scrambled eggs, there was another dish for which it was worth going to kindergarten - chicken soufflé. A mega-dietary product with a delicate structure and a very pleasant taste. Reproducing the recipe one-on-one was not an easy task. It seems that the exact recipe for children's workers preschool institutions kept like the apple of an eye. I rummaged through the entire Internet, tried a bunch of recipes and eventually found an option as close as possible to that taste. I am sure that after trying it, you yourself will say that this is exactly the same soufflé as in kindergarten. My recipe is from chicken fillet, as this is the most useful and dietary part of the chicken. You can also use shins, thighs, and other parts to your liking.


  • Chicken fillet (breast) - 500 gr. (or 300 gr. boiled chicken meat)
  • Butter - 1 tbsp (with a slide) + 1 tsp. (for greasing molds)
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 3 tbsp.
  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp

How to cook chicken soufflé like in kindergarten:

You can cook chicken soufflé both in portion molds and in large general form(or contrary). I cooked in portioned ceramic molds. Diameter of each 9 cm, height 5 cm.

Boil the chicken fillet in water until tender (about 40 minutes). I put the meat on a plate. Let it cool down a bit.

You can initially use already boiled chicken meat. It should be 300 gr.

I separate the egg whites from the yolks. In a large bowl of a blender, I split and put the chicken fillet. I add egg yolks, butter, flour and milk.

Beat on high speed until smooth (I beat for about 7 minutes). The resulting mass is transferred to a deep bowl.

Pour egg whites into another deep bowl, add 1.5 tsp. salt and beat with a mixer until a stable foam (peaks). It took me 5 minutes to whip.

I combine 2 mixtures.

I mix with a spoon. This must be done carefully, with movements from top to bottom. This is necessary so that the protein foam does not settle, but rather makes the chicken mass airy and tender.

Grease baking molds with butter (1 tsp)

I lay out the chicken mass in the molds, filling them 2/3.

I bake chicken souffle in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes. If you are baking large quantity or in a larger form, you will need to increase the baking time.

When the baking time is over, you can leave the molds in the oven for a couple of minutes, opening the door ajar. This is necessary so that the soufflé does not settle (should not be abrupt change temperature). I let the finished soufflé cool slightly and remove the soufflé from the mold (turning it onto a plate).

Serve to the table and enjoy a delicious, nutritious and healthy dish. Bon appetit!

When a child turns 1 year old, his diet undergoes significant changes. The baby is no longer a baby, but not yet an adult, so there are special requirements for nutrition during this important transition period. Food should be light, dietary and balanced, without harmful additives. The baby needs to receive at least 100 g of meat daily. It is better if it is sufficiently soft, uniform and steamed. Consider the most successful recipes for preparing healthy and very tender meat soufflé for the whole family, as in kindergarten.

  1. As the basis of the dish, it is recommended to choose lean meats: beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken fillet, offal (liver, heart). Fatty pork and lamb should be avoided, as the child's stomach is not yet able to digest them.
  2. The main ingredient of any recipe can be replaced in equal proportions with the meat that is available, or a mixture of varieties.
  3. For a children's menu, meat is most often pre-boiled before baking. In raw form, you can use only chicken fillet, total time heat treatment in this case is slightly increased.
  4. A small amount of vegetables added to minced meat (carrots, zucchini) will give the dish additional softness and a pleasant delicate taste.
  5. Meat soufflé for a child should not contain spices, Bay leaf, onion garlic. The exception is salt in an amount of about 1 gram for boiling the components of the dish.
  6. All products must be exceptionally fresh.
  7. It is recommended to cook and serve the soufflé in silicone or ceramic portion molds with a volume of 150-200 g.
  8. You can bake the dish in the oven, slow cooker or double boiler, regardless of the recipe. In this case, the total cooking time and temperature regime will change in accordance with the typical settings and instrument modes.

Classic beef recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • 300 g of raw beef;
  • one large or two small eggs;
  • one piece of loaf or stale rolls;
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk;
  • a little butter for greasing.

Process meat: wash in running water, cut off cartilage, fat and films, boil thoroughly and allow to cool to room temperature. Cut off the hard crust from the roll, cut into strips and dip in warm milk or boiled water for swelling. Combine bread and milk with chopped beef, butter and yolks, grind until smooth by hand or with a blender. Beat the cooled proteins until foamy and introduce into the main mass in small portions. Distribute the carefully mixed ingredients into lightly greased molds and bake for half an hour in the oven at a temperature of about 180-200 ° C.

Souffle with semolina and carrots

Required Ingredients:

  • 650-700 g chicken or turkey fillet;
  • 65-70 g raw carrots;
  • 2 eggs;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 20-25 g butter;
  • 20 g semolina.

Pour semolina slightly warmed milk and allow to swell for some time. Thoroughly wash the chicken or turkey fillet, remove fat, cartilage and veins, boil in water until tender. Grind carrots, add chilled and cut into random pieces of meat, two yolks and warmed butter, mix the ingredients in a blender bowl until a paste-like consistency is obtained. Then add the foam from the proteins and mix until smooth. Arrange in portion molds and bake for about 30 minutes at 195-200 ° C.

Required Ingredients:

  • 100-120 g of beef (rabbit or poultry fillet);
  • one medium sized egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream;
  • butter for molding.

Rinse meat, remove fat and films, finely chop. Add the yolk and sour cream, grind until smooth with a blender. Carefully combine the resulting mass with whipped protein into a high foam and mix. Spread the mixture into greased molds and bake for a couple under a closed lid for 40-45 minutes.

Beef soufflé with cottage cheese and cheese

Required Ingredients:

  • 200 g of dietary beef or veal;
  • 50 g fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 15-20 g of mild cheese;
  • one medium sized egg;
  • 1 st. l. milk;
  • a small piece of banana;
  • a few drops of sunflower oil.

Wash a piece of beef, cut off the films and cook until fully cooked. After cooling, pass the meat with cottage cheese through a meat grinder. Separate the protein from the yolk, cut off the crust from the loaf and soak in milk for a few minutes. Add the yolk and softened bread to the curd-meat mixture, then the whipped protein. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients, transfer to greased baking dishes, sprinkle with grated cheese if desired. Steam under a lid or in an oven at 200°C for 25-30 minutes.

Instead of cottage cheese and a long loaf, you can put 1-2 tablespoons of pre-cooked rice porridge.

Soufflé with meat broth

Required Ingredients:

  • 450 g of veal;
  • 120-140 g of weak meat broth;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 20-25 g flour;
  • 20-25 g butter.

Rinse the veal, remove the films, boil until tender and cut into pieces. Put in a blender bowl, add pre-cooked and chilled meat broth, egg yolks, butter and flour. Thoroughly grind all the ingredients until completely homogeneous. At the end, add the protein foam and gently mix the resulting mixture. Fill lightly greased baking dishes with it and steam the soufflé under a closed lid for half an hour.

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