Eublefar in the home terrarium. Eublefar What does eublefar eat?

Have you decided to buy a eublefar and want to know what determines the price of a eublefar? Then this article is for you. Of course, each breeder himself determines the cost of eublefar, but there are general indicators that he is guided by, and the eublefar breeders themselves.

Eublefar price and age.

Often young geckos are sold cheaper than adults. A lot of time and expenses have already been invested in adult eublefars, and you can definitely see the color of the eublefar and the gender. In adult eublefars, all the disadvantages and advantages are visible. Young eublefars are more tender and it is easy to accidentally injure them or get various diseases, such as rickets, if they are not properly fed.

Young eublefars are usually wilder, they have not yet had time to get used to and get used to a person, unlike an adult eublefar. There are also wild adult geckos, but it usually depends on the breeder, whether he takes them in his arms, how often he contacts them. Little geckos are stressed and frightened, as a rule, more often than adults, because of which they can throw off their tail.

Therefore, if you want to buy your first eublefar and you have no experience, it is better to take not a small one, but at least 3 months. Another plus of adult eublefars is that if you buy for breeding, you will not need to wait a year until the eublefar grows up. Therefore, it is understandable why the price of an adult eublefar is usually more expensive than if you take 1 month old, for example.

The price of eublefar and morphs.

The price of eublefar depends on the morph, so to speak, color. There are simple morphs of eublefars, for example, the cheapest morph is considered Normal - this is the natural color of eublefars in nature, black dots on a yellow-brown background. The price of such a eublefar is on average 1500 rubles. There is a morph, for example, Diablo Blanco ( White Devil) is a white eublefar, the price of such eublefar is on average 9,000 rubles. If you think that it is expensive, you are mistaken, there is and it is even more expensive - Black Night - black eublefar, the price of such eublevar is on average 100,000 rubles. Therefore, the price range mainly depends on the morph of the eublefar, and the rest (age, gender, flaws) is secondary. We will not list all the morphs and prices here, there are a lot of them.

Eublefar price and disadvantages.

The price of eublefar can be reduced if there are any shortcomings. For example, the secondary tail. This is when the eublefar throws off its tail and a new one grows in its place, but not as beautiful as the first one was. If the tail has already grown at the time of sale, all the dangers for the health of eublefar are over, you can buy such eublefar without fear for his health, but since this is still a secondary tail not as beautiful as the first, the price is a little lower as a rule. It also depends on the breeder, someone will reduce the price, and someone will not, each breeder himself evaluates his work in breeding geckos.

Rickets in geckos is not a rare disease, this disease is caused by a lack of calcium. The curvature is most often the paws of eublefars. Of course, you shouldn’t buy a eublefar if he suffers from rickets, but if he was ill and cured and left, for example, a deformed foot, you can. The price of such eublefars is, for obvious reasons, lower.

Enigma Syndrome is a pathological mutation in the state of certain proteins in the brain (cerebellum) Enigma. It is not a contagious disease, it is genetically transmitted. They seem to lose their orientation in space and can miss the feed or spin in one place. Enigma syndrome is mild, moderate and severe. The price of such eublefars is also usually lower.

Novice hobbyists often ask: "What are eublefar morphs"? In this article, we will get acquainted with this concept, and also tell you about the amazing variety of these cute creatures - leopard geckos.

So what are eublefar morphs?

A morph (from other Greek μορφή - form) is a group of animals of the same species (population) that differ from other groups in this population by some specific external features (phenotype). Such a difference can be not only in body color, spots, body shape, etc., but also in the behavior of animals.

Eublefar morphs are distinct in appearance and inherited certain signs or a set of signs of leopard geckos. For example, different colors, the presence or absence of spots, and so on. These morphs are maintained within certain animal breeding lines. Those. in order for you to get babies of the same morph when breeding, you need to have parents from one such line that has the genes responsible for ensuring that the offspring get a certain color.
You can learn more about how different morphs of eublefars are displayed

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Currently, there are already hundreds of different breeding lines of eublefars. Some of them are more famous, some are not. Each breeder can try to develop their own morph. Although this is not a very simple, but interesting and useful activity for the entire community of animal lovers.

Description of the main lines of eublefars, see our

The most common morphs of eublefars in our country

Normal (Normal) - the ancestor (ca) of all morphs (what it all started with). Normals are eublefares with natural coloration, an abundance of black spots on a yellow background, the tail is most often white with spots, juvenile (children's) coloration is black and yellow transverse stripes.

HighYellow (High Yellow) - very similar to Normal, but their body has a rich yellow color and fewer black dots on the body. This is a derived morph. Juvenile coloring is no different from Normal babies, teenagers become brighter and gain their main color by the year.

Spotted Gecko / Leopard Gecko

(Eublepharis macularius)

In this article, we will talk about some of the most beloved domestic reptiles among all terrariumists, about spotted eublefarah. They are also called leopard geckos because of their natural color - irregularly shaped dark spots on a yellow or gray-yellow background. Peaceful nature, interesting behavior, ease of care, a variety of color morphs (colors) make these geckos very popular pets!

Spotted eublefar (Eublepharis macularius) is an unusually beautiful lizard from the gecko family (Gekkonidae). This lizard is native to the foothills of southeastern Afghanistan, northwestern India and Pakistan. In nature, it adheres to the rocky slopes of low mountains, almost devoid of vegetation. Leopard geckos are twilight inhabitants, they are most active in the late evening, at night and early in the morning, when the temperature is most comfortable for them, they prefer to spend the day in shelters.

The color of the baby eublefar differs from the color of the adult. With each molt, the eublefar "blossoms", the baby's stripes gradually break up into many irregularly shaped spots. In addition, in addition to the standard color (dark spots on a yellow background) many colored morphs have been bred: Tangerine Tremper Albino (Tangerine Tremper Albino), RAPTOR (RAPTOR), Sunglow (Sanglow), Blazing Blizzard (Bleyzing Blizzard), Diablo Blanco (Dyablo Blanco), Mack Snow (Mack Snow), Enigma (Enigma) and others.

Eublefars have beautiful large bulging eyes with a narrow vertical pupil, which can greatly expand in the dark. The eyes are protected from above and below by movable eyelids, so geckos are able to squint and wink.

The spotted eublefar has a massive thick tail, which is an indicator of its health, it stores moisture and nutrients. But the lizard can drop part of the tail due to any negative impact on it, so try not to hold your pet for it, and also seat the geckos if you notice excessive aggressiveness towards each other. After discarding, the wound will heal, and the tail will gradually regenerate, but outwardly it will be slightly different from the original. If this happened to your pet, then separate it from other eublefars and create sterile conditions in its terrarium. Use paper towels or other clean paper (not loose soil).

Eublefaras can grow up to 25-30 cm in length. Females are usually smaller than males.

You can distinguish a male from a female at the age of 3-4 months. The male has two noticeable tubercles behind the cloaca at the base of the tail, in which the genitals are hidden, as well as wedge-shaped pores in the lower abdomen. Females do not have these pores; in the same place they have wedge-shaped white scales (without dots).

In good terrarium conditions, eublefaras live for a long time - up to 20 years! While in nature their lifespan rarely exceeds 10 years.

Before the charm of this charming lizard it is difficult to remain indifferent! Eublefars are very loyal to humans and get used to hands very quickly. They especially love to lie down on a warm palm, clinging to it as much as possible, and bask. They look quite adorable though.

When frightened, babies may make sounds similar to quacking, squeaking or screaming. The older the eublefar, the more self-confident and more adapted it is to external stimuli, so you may not hear the "quacking". From an adult animal, I once managed to hear "quacking" because of his meeting with a dog. The male morph Diablo Blanco then stood up in a defensive stance on high paws, menacingly waving his tail up and shouting at the dachshund, which, despite the hunting instinct, was confused and extremely surprised.


The baby can be kept in a small cage for the first time and change it to a larger one as it grows. Or just take a full-sized terrarium. The recommended minimum size of a terrarium for one gecko is 50(L)*35(D)*30(H) cm. If you want to keep several geckos, the terrarium should be larger. A family of 3-4 geckos will feel good in a terrarium from 70 (L) * 40 (D) * 35 (H) cm or more. The bigger the better (especially for breeding), plus there will be more space for decoration, hiding places and decorations.

You can use a wide variety of decorations: stones of an interesting shape, driftwood, artificial or living plants, it all depends on your imagination.

It is necessary to have a drinker with fresh water, since geckos drink a lot, lapping the water with their tongue. It is desirable that the number of shelters correspond to the number of geckos in the terrarium.


Babies are usually kept on paper, as babies are very active during the hunt, erratic throws at the sight of the slightest movement, so they can easily swallow the soil.

Teenagers and adults can not be afraid to pour safe loose soil. Safe is natural soil, without chemicals and impurities, which is either impossible to swallow (for example, large pebbles, artificial grass rug), or which easily soaks in water and, if swallowed, will not cause blockage of the intestines, but will come out naturally (bentonite clay, vermiculite) .

Eublefars are quite clean, usually they choose one corner in which they will go to the toilet. However, this rule may not apply if several geckos live together. Try to clean the "toilet" corner as often as possible.

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Females are usually loyal to each other, so they can be kept together (if they are about the same size, never plant babies with adult geckos!). If you see that one of the females is more active and eats most of the food, then it is also better to seat the girls so that the less active individual does not have a growth lag due to lack of food. If you are planning offspring, then a male can be added to a group of several females. In one terrarium, there should be only one male, since two males will fiercely fight for territory and females.

If you have acquired two babies of different sexes, then you need to raise them separately, and you can plant them only when the female reaches maturity and weighs at least 35-45 grams. Since males usually mature earlier than females, the female can become stressed due to the male's mating games and aggressive behavior.

Temperature regime

Eublefar should be able to both warm up and cool down. At the heating point, the temperature should reach 27-30 degrees. It can be heated with a thermal mat or electric heating pad (under the terrarium), a light bulb built into the false ceiling (dim, with a matte finish, or ceramic). But still, the lower heating for eublefars is more preferable. Heating stones are not recommended for heating. They, as a rule, heat up much higher than the temperatures required by geckos, which is fraught with burns. Before letting your geckos in, use a thermometer to set the desired temperature and make sure you don't overheat your pet. Overheating for reptiles is much more dangerous than underheating.

In a cold corner, the temperature reaches 20-24 degrees. At night, we turn off the heating if the temperature in the room does not fall below these indicators.

Also, do not try to force the lizard to sit at the warm-up point, limiting its movement. She knows when she needs to warm up and when to cool down. With the right temperature difference in the terrarium, she will choose the most optimal place for herself at the moment.

Never put the terrarium in the sun! Inside a glass jar, the temperature will very quickly reach indicators incompatible with the life of a gecko.

Make sure that other pets, which may be a danger to the gecko, do not have direct access to the inside of the terrarium.


Eublefars lead a twilight lifestyle, so they are not demanding on lighting. Terrarium lighting is purely decorative. It should also be taken into account that geckos have very sensitive eyes, especially red-eyed morphs, so they will be uncomfortable in bright light, geckos will try to hide. Use soft, diffused light. In the terrarium, you can put a low-power fluorescent lamp, closed with a frosted cap, which will illuminate and practically not heat up, or you can make an LED backlight.

Eublefars are nocturnal animals, they DO NOT need to replace the sun - ultraviolet irradiation, and for albino morphs it is generally contraindicated, so you do not need to put a UV lamp in the terrarium.

Shelters and wet chambers

Shelters in the terrarium must be mandatory, and it is desirable that each eublefar has its own house. Show your imagination, in addition to purchased caves and shelters, it can be a box, half a pot, a coconut, anything.

Also in the terrarium must be wet chamber. It is a shelter (tank) with a small entrance, at the bottom of which lies moist soil - moss or vermiculite. In it, eublefar will replenish moisture, soak during molting, and sexually mature females will also lay eggs in moist soil. Even if there was no mating, the females will still lay during the season, only the eggs will be unfertilized - fatty.


When molting approaches, the eublefar skin will turn pale, the color will not be saturated, the eublefar will look like it is covered with a milky film on top. During molting, eublefar will remove its skin and immediately eat it, replenishing the supply of nutrients in the body. Do not try to help the gecko shed prematurely, you will only create unnecessary stress or injure your pet.

Usually eublefaras shed easily. If your pet is having problems shedding, then check the humidity level in the terrarium and the presence of a wet chamber. Examine your pet after shedding. If he still has gloves made of old skin, a non-shedding tip of the tail or even one finger, then the old skin must be removed, as it will squeeze the organ, which can lead to tissue death. Do not try to remove the skin to dry. Plant the eublefar in a humid chamber, after 15-20 minutes the non-shedding skin will soften, now try to gently pull the skin off with wet fingers or a cotton swab. It should come off easily without effort. If it doesn’t work out, then put the eublefar in a humid chamber for some more time.


Eublefars are fed various fodder insects: banana crickets, cockroaches. Meal worms, zofobas are considered less useful food, as they contain a lot of phosphorus, which interferes with the absorption of calcium in the body.

It is best to feed geckos in the evening, when they come out of their hiding places after a daytime sleep. Young animals are offered food every day, and adult animals can be transferred to feeding every other day. Insects are first rolled in calcium powder, then offered to geckos. Once a week or two, vitamins for reptiles are added to the calcium powder. From my own experience I will say that it is better to teach a eublefar from childhood to take fodder insects from tweezers. This allows you to avoid insect shoots, will not allow the food to hide somewhere between the stones, dig into the ground, and also eliminate the possible ingestion of soil by the gecko during the hunt. A fodder insect in width should not be more than the distance between the eyes of a eublefar.

Keep in mind that geckos can be quite picky when it comes to eating, especially some morphs. Often they can refuse food for a long time. Don't panic. The reasons can be completely different: molting, mating season, preparation for laying eggs, lack of mood, or even just taste preferences. Check the conditions of detention, try to offer a different food. If the refusal to feed lasts more than 4 weeks and the eublefar's tail has noticeably lost weight, then it is worth trying to force feed a small food object by putting it in the eublefar's mouth.


In eublefars, the mating period (rut) begins in late February - early March and ends in late May - early June.

Females should be fed well enough to keep their health (and egg development) normal. A pregnant female can be offered food every day.

During preparation and during the breeding season in the diet of females, it is necessary to increase the proportion of calcium-containing preparations, it is necessary to roll the food object in vitamin-calcium powder every feeding.

One or two matings are enough for the female for the entire breeding season, which lasts several months. But even if mating did not happen (or your female lives alone without a male), then an adult sexually mature female will still lay eggs, but unfertilized ones will be fat.

In order for the laying to be successful, the terrarium must have a chamber (or chambers, if there are several females) with moist soil (for example, vermiculite), in which the female will bury her eggs. Most often in one clutch there are two eggs, less often one. As soon as the female calms down after laying, the eggs must be carefully removed from the chamber and transferred to the prepared incubator.

The eggs are incubated for 45 to 55 days at 27 to 31 degrees. Incubation at 27 to 28 degrees guarantees more females, at 28-28.5 an approximately equal number of males and females, and from 28.5 a greater percentage of males. It is important to consider that the sex is formed during the first two weeks of incubation.

After hatching, the babies are placed in prepared containers (terrariums) with heating and slightly damp paper towels (napkins). After 3-5 days, when the babies use up the remaining yolk reserve and molt for the first time, you can begin to offer food.

Interestingly, babies do not immediately look like their parents. Their color will change as they mature. The standard color will appear by 3-4 months, and for colored morphs, the process of re-blooming takes up to 6 months or more. Model 089

Spotted leopard eublefar (lat. Eublepharis macularius)- insectivorous lizard of the family Eublefaraceae. The homeland of spotted eublefars are the countries of South and Central Asia: India, Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as Iran. This lizard inhabits rocky foothills, dry and semi-dry steppes and woodlands. Currently, the species is massively kept and bred in captivity, being one of the most popular terrarium animals, especially among beginners.

Brief description of the spotted eublefar
Spotted eublefaras are relatively small lizards, the length of their body, together with the tail, reaches 25-30 cm. They got their name due to the characteristic spotted color. In addition to the spots, the resemblance to the formidable predator eublefar is given by its amazing eyes: cat-like elongated and unusually expressive for a reptile.

The natural color of eublefars is dominated by gray and yellow tones. However, with the help of selection, more than a hundred different morphs - color variations of the gecko have been bred to date. It should be remembered that eublefar is one of those lizards that can drop their tail when stressed. After some time, the lizard acquires a replacement for the lost part of the body, but the new tail is always somewhat smaller than the original one.

Spotted eublefars lead a terrestrial lifestyle, however, they happily climb the walls of the terrarium in the presence of decorative backgrounds with ledges and shelves. The peak of their activity falls on twilight and night.

Keeping a spotted eublefar at home
For a comfortable stay, eublefar requires a horizontal or cubic terrarium. One medium-sized lizard will have enough space in the terrarium. When keeping a colony of one male and several females, a larger terrarium with many shelters will be required so that the animals are not forced to compete for them.

In a terrarium with a eublefar, you need to equip a heating zone and a cold corner. This is necessary so that the lizard can regulate its own body temperature. In a warm corner, the temperature should be + 30-32 ° C. Since eublefar is a crepuscular animal, it does not require intense ultraviolet baths.

These semi-desert reptiles also do not need high humidity, however, eublefars should always have access to fresh drinking water. The water bowl should be heavy enough so that the reptile cannot turn it over and cause a flood. Eublefar also needs a wet chamber - a special shelter with moist soil in which the lizard will molt. Without such a shelter, the gecko may have problems with molting.

Large pebbles and artificial grass mats are suitable as soil. Sand can be used with caution: geckos often swallow it with food, which can lead to digestive problems and even death of the lizard. Therefore, when using eublefar sand, it is necessary to feed exclusively with.

Finally, the terrarium should be equipped with various shelters in which the eublefar will hide when he gets tired of everyone's attention. The embossed rear wall in the terrarium will allow the gecko to make better use of the space of its dwelling and stimulate its motor activity.

Feeding spotted eublefars
In the menu of these insectivorous lizards, you can include almost any food insects:, and

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