The present time as proved. Why time passes faster with age

Priest Alexander Shumsky stated that in last years strange things happen - even small children say that time flies very quickly. Meanwhile, adults have been organizing online consultations on the topic of what has happened over time for a long time.

Speaking about modern children, the famous Moscow priest Alexander Shumsky told the Russian Line news agency: “Children's sense of time is changing. As children, it seemed to us that time flows very slowly, while in an adult, by definition, time flows quickly. I ask small children, but they say that time flies very quickly. My grandson went to first grade, and he says that time flies very quickly.

The priest is perplexed: why is this happening? He makes guesses: “Is the substance of time objectively changing, because it is the most incomprehensible substance, or is such an impression formed from information overload? But in any case, time subjectively passes faster than before.

According to Priest Alexander, all this is very dangerous, as it leaves an imprint on the psyche. He says that when a person's internal clock works in a measured way, then the psyche develops smoothly and there are no jerks. And when a person is overloaded with information, and time flies quickly, then he, and especially a child, may have mental breakdowns.

The Russian Internet is already full of discussions about the problem of time change. For example, on one forum, a person opened an extensive discussion with the following message: “People, who knows: why does time fly so fast? And every time it gets faster and faster! Or am I the only one who feels like this? Soon again New Year, and, like, recently there was a past one!

And even schoolchildren complain that time passes very quickly. For example, on one school forum, a girl writes: “Time flies very quickly, and I began to realize this a long time ago. I especially felt it when I came to the 12th grade in September and realized that three months flew by for me like two weeks. Now it’s also flying fast – June is already ending.”

Some forum visitors, referring to some unnamed scientists, say that something really happened over time. And others ask questions about this problem to priests on Orthodox websites. But they answer that nothing fundamentally new is happening. None of the scientists with official statements that time has accelerated its course, has not yet come out. On the contrary, they all say only that this category is subjective and little studied, and that time passes faster with age.

There are Christian prophecies, according to which, before the end of the world, time will change dramatically. The “Posthumous broadcasts of the Monk Nil the Myrrh-streaming Athos” says that in the very last era of the existence of mankind, when the tyrant - Antichrist reigns, something incomprehensible will happen with time.
“The day will turn like an hour, a week like a day, a month like a week and a year like a month,” said St. Neil. “For human cunning made the elements become tense, began to rush and strain even more, so that the number prophesied by God for the eighth number of centuries would end as soon as possible” (here we mean the eighth millennium from the creation of the world).

Theory of Temporal Acceleration

Problem modern world is an acute shortage of time. At the same time, those who are over 50 will say that this shortage has not been felt so acutely before. There was enough time for work, and for rest, and for doing something around the house. Now, literally, you barely have time to do the most necessary things. Why is that?

Many modern scientists have paid attention to the issue of the transience of time, or rather, the fact that it began to run much faster than before. The passage of time is greatly accelerated. In general, this problem could be considered fictional, so to speak, attributed to the subjective perception of a person, if not for the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein, who in 1905, at the age of 25, revolutionized science and ordinary human thinking with his discovery.

He wrote: “Everyone who is seriously engaged in science is convinced that the laws of the universe bear the imprint higher mind so superior to man that we, with our modest means, should reverently bow before Him.

The beginning of the 20th century was the beginning of a particularly progressive development and formation of science. Einstein also made a significant contribution to this. Once, when journalists asked him how he makes discoveries, Albert Einstein replied: “I just turn to God, Who created all these laws, and ask Him how they work.” This answer was taken as a joke by journalists, and indeed, it could be understood as such, were it not for the fact that the discoveries made by Einstein exceeded the limits of ordinary human thinking.

He wrote: "The more science comprehends the physical world, the more we come to conclusions that can only be resolved by faith." The Bible says, "There is one Lord among all, rich to all who call on Him." (Rom. 10:12) “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives freely to all and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5)

The special theory of relativity - SRT, refuted the concept of the constancy of many fundamental quantities, such as time, mass, length, etc. For example, in Newton's mechanics, time was considered absolute, it was believed that, as Newton wrote, “it flows in the same way, regardless of anything external ". "The duration or age of the existence of things remains the same, whether the movements are fast or slow or they do not exist at all." The constant synchronicity of time was considered in Newton's mechanics as obvious and independent of different frames of reference.

But in the theory of relativity, the opposite conclusions were drawn. As a result of the experiments, it turned out that Newton's statements are valid only for special cases when two or more events occur in the same frame of reference. From the postulates of SRT - the special theory of relativity, it follows that time flows differently in different frames of reference. If exact clocks with exactly the same time readings are placed on different planets in space, then later it will be found that each clock shows a different time. different planets move in space with different speeds relative to each other, and each planet is an independent frame of reference.

The duration of events will be shorter in the frame of reference in which the point is stationary. That is, moving clocks run slower than stationary clocks and show a longer time interval between events. For example: If you launch a spaceship into space at a speed equal to 99.99% of the speed of light, then according to calculations, if this ship returns to earth in 14.1 years, then 1000.1 years will pass on earth during this time. The greater the speed of a moving object, the slower time passes on it.

Time dilation was directly measured in an experiment with chronometers placed on jet aircraft. This experiment was carried out in 1971 by two American physicists, J. S. Heifel and R. E. Keating. For the experiment, two fully coordinated cesium clocks were needed, accurate to 10 (-13), that is, with an error of 1/10,000,000,000,000. One of them stood motionless at the Naval Observatory in Washington, while the other was installed on a jet aircraft , which flew around the world, first from east to west, and then vice versa. In both cases, a distinct and well-measurable difference was found in the readings of the clocks standing still and the clocks flying on the plane. The difference completely coincided with the theoretically calculated value.

There is another confirmation of time dilation proven with the help of muons. A muon is an unstable, spontaneously decaying elementary particle. It has an extremely short lifespan of 0.0000022 seconds. Arising in the upper atmosphere, it moves to the ground and is recorded by instruments. And then it becomes noticeable that the path he has traveled, that is, the length of his flight path, must correspond to a much longer duration of the time that he can actually exist. It turns out that moving randomly in the atmosphere at a speed close to the speed of light, according to SRT, the muon lifetime runs slower. At the same time, the muon's own lifetime in its own frame of reference remains the same, but in the frame of reference of an earthly observer, the muon's lifetime has changed and become longer.

But back to the theory of temporal acceleration. Why did time on earth begin to run faster? It is known that in order to slow down the passage of time, you need to increase the speed, therefore, to speed up time, the speed must be reduced. Our planet had to reduce its speed. There needs to be a serious reason for this. And there is this reason.

American astrobiologists D. Brownlee and P. Ward came to the conclusion that the increase in temperature on planet earth is the result of solar activity, and it is connected with the fact that our luminary is a young growing star. Expanding, the sun gradually absorbs our planet. This understanding is consistent with biblical prophecy, which says: “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun: and it was given to him to burn people with fire. And a strong heat burned people, and they blasphemed the name of God. (Rev. 16:8-9) It is also said: “The heavens will pass away with a noise (“They will pass away” - old Slavic word signifier - cease to exist), the elements, having flared up, will be destroyed, the earth, and all things on it will burn. (2 Pet. 3:10)

It is worth noting that the extraction of minerals over the past century has reached fantastic figures. Many billions of tons of oil, billions of tons of gas, coal and other minerals have been mined and burned. They are forever destroyed, turned into energy that has been wasted. If we take into account the oxygen burned and other factors, then huge numbers are also accumulating here. The needs of mankind are growing, production continues and grows.

According to satellite imagery, massive melting and sliding of glaciers has already been noted, but the flooding of territories, which should be associated with this, does not occur, rather, on the contrary, the water disappears. Drying out inland seas. Evaporating, water vapor rises into the atmosphere, where it cools and falls back to earth as precipitation. Probably, supersaturated thermal masses, which always tend to rise up, prevent normal cooling. In other words, we began to lose water, it goes into space. total figure of the substance spent by the planet has far stepped over trillions of tons. By this amount, the mass of our planet has decreased.

According to the laws of gravity, any decrease in the mass of the planet should affect its orbit. The attraction of the growing sun will act in increasing proportion to the two ongoing processes. At the same time, the moon, the only natural satellite of the earth, will gradually begin to move away from us. The reason for this is the same laws of gravity. The fact that the moon is slowly moving away from us has already been noticed by astronomers. We are gradually losing it. Since its effect on the earth is extremely significant (tides, tides, and many others), the decrease in its influence due to its distance will lead to a number of natural disasters. A change in the earth's orbit and its gradual approach to the sun should cause an increase in the average daily temperature and climate change. This is happening now. The phenomenon, which scientific world considered to be the "greenhouse effect".

Several thousand tons of chlorofluorocarbon compounds are produced and used annually in the world. Getting into the atmosphere, they are able to remain there for 60 - 80 years, migrating over the planet. It is known that one molecule of chlorine oxide destroys a thousand molecules of ozone. "ozone holes" are formed. The ozone layer, like a blanket, protects our planet from the scorching sun, dangerous ultraviolet rays and solar radiation. The destruction of the ozone layer will also lead to an increase in the scorching solar effect.

The Bible says: “And there will be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars, and on the earth there will be despondency of the nations and perplexity; and the sea will roar and rage. People will die of fear and expectation of disasters coming to the universe, for the powers of heaven will be shaken. (Luke 21:25-26)

"Raise your eyes to the heavens, and look down upon the earth: for the heavens will vanish like smoke, and the earth will decay like a garment, and its inhabitants will also die out." (Isaiah 51:6)

Year after year, revolution after revolution, our planet continues to change its orbit and approaches the sun. If we compare the solar system with a model of an atom, where at a certain distance from each other, around the nucleus, electrons rotate, then we can understand how the speed of the earth's movement has decreased. Electrons that are closer to the nucleus rotate more slowly than those that are farther from the nucleus. The closer the planet is to the sun, the slower it will revolve around it, slowed down by the more powerful gravitational field of the sun. As the speed decreases, time will speed up. It will just go faster. This does not mean that the day will become 23 or 22 hours. No. The smaller trajectory of the orbit is compensated by the lower speed of rotation along this orbit. There are 24 hours left in the day, but these are not the 24 hours that were before.

In each individual frame of reference, time flows differently, but it flows the same for an observer in this frame. If on spaceship 14.1 years have passed, and on earth 1000.1 years, then the astronauts lived their 14 years quite normally, just like earthlings, they lived their 1000 years quite normally. Being in different independent reference systems, they did not feel any difference in the run-up. Everyone lived their own time, the same seconds, days, weeks, etc. They lived according to the same standard of time - a measurement, which is used as a constantly uniform process, for example: the swing of a pendulum, the movement of an arrow along a dial, etc. d.

The question arises: How, then, in general, could one see and realize temporal acceleration?

First: The change happened very quickly, in a short period of time - one human life. If it stretched out for 300 - 400 years, no one would have noticed anything.

Secondly: The change took place within the same frame of reference - this is our planet.

Third: Change is still happening. Time continues to accelerate, and this acceleration is within the perception zone of our biological clock, which is forced to constantly adapt to the constantly changing mode of transience. The speed of the planet is not a constant value now, it continues to decrease. This year will go by faster than last, and next year will go by faster than this one.

Any system tries to return to its normal state, that is, to balance, but the earth continues to reduce speed, increasing temporal acceleration. If the speed of the planet ceases to decrease and becomes a constant value, the earth will occupy a certain orbit and the acceleration will stop. Time will pass in its usual, normal mode. In other words, the uniformity of the course of time depends on the constancy of the speed. From this dependence it follows that time can not only be accelerated, but also slowed down if the speed is constantly increasing.

There is a speed limit at which time ceases to exist altogether. The limit at which time is zero. If we assume that even it can be stepped over, then we find ourselves where time has gone negative, i.e., in the past. But in this case, the speed should be equal to plus or minus infinity, that is, it should be so super huge that it will be much less than zero. A speed that is so far ahead of time that it begins to catch up with it. At such speeds, no matter is able to exist.

According to calculations, when moving at the speed of light, the length of an object is so compressed that it becomes zero. No material body can move with such speed. The speed of light is the speed limit for any material body.

Any matter consists of molecules, molecules consist of atoms, atoms consist of nuclei and electrons, and as a result, all this division comes to the point that everything consists simply of positive and negative charges and even less, or rather, from nothing, from emptiness. However, all this emptiness, or vacuum, is nothing but energy. The vacuum energy contained inside a simple light bulb is enough to completely destroy the earth. It is known from physics that the particles that make up any physical body move inside this body at speeds close to the speed of light. When we take any thing in our hand, we do not even think about what kind of movement occurs in it and how much energy it contains.

The speed of light is the limit at which matter ceases to exist, turning into energy. When moving at the speed of light, any matter turns into light. The sun is a huge reactor on which explosions of the greatest power occur. Sunlight is the mass of the sun ejected into space at a speed of 300,000 km/sec. Light is a stream of tiny charged energy quanta called photons. The elementary particles that make up any matter are constantly moving inside it. closed system very high speeds close to the speed of light, but never reaching it. If some material body begins to move in space faster than the speed of the particles of which it consists, the system will “open” and the body will “crumble” down to photons. When the speed of movement physical body exceeds the speed of its own particles, there is a break in the closed system of this body. This means that no matter can move faster than the speed of the particles of its constituents. Everything that starts moving at the speed of light turns into light.

Photons are the only particles that always move in space at the speed of light and do not have a rest mass. There are no resting photons. The resulting photons can exist forever until they are assimilated by matter, that is, transformed into material particles.

If two particles with opposite charges and equal masses, such as an electron and a positron, collide, they will both disappear in a bright flash of light. It is also known that light can turn into a particle: a photon can turn into an electron pair of an electron and a positron. When an atom passes from one stationary state to another, one photon is emitted or absorbed, that is, light is emitted or absorbed.

In fact, it turns out that any matter is created from light, representing its lower energy level. Gold and iron are made of this light, as well as the bread that we eat. Everything is made of light. Energy constantly forms matter, and matter, being annihilated, gives rise to energy. This cycle in the universe is constant. God created everything with His word: "He spoke and it was." There have already been statements in the scientific world that matter is actually some kind of oscillatory waves sound-like. By the way, according to the spectrum of light scattering, one can also judge the sounds that come from matter. After all, they do oscillatory movements that generate acoustic waves. But these same movements cause the play of reflected light. Therefore, the spectra of sound and light are fully consistent with each other.

The energy reserves are unimaginable. It follows from Albert Einstein's theory of relativity that every kind of energy has mass, and that every matter, having mass, is also energy. Expressing the ratio of mass and energy by the formula E=mc2, where the energy is equal to the mass times the speed of light squared, we get that 1 gram of matter contains 25,000,000 kilowatt-hours of energy.

Matter is like a repository of energy that is stored there until a certain time, so that it can be extracted again, creating everything new and new. But since the energy of photons always significantly exceeds the energy of the molecules of the substance from which they were formed, such cycles constantly increase the reserves of matter in the Universe. This means that if you split, for example, an ingot of gold, turning it into light, and then again create an ingot from this light, you will get not one ingot, but many more. This is very reminiscent of the principle of sowing and reaping discovered by Christ. What is sown will not bear fruit if it does not die, if it does not cease to exist. We won't get more if we don't sacrifice less. Speaking in parables, Christ revealed many secrets of the universe. He said to his disciples: "It has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, and to the rest in parables." (Luke 8:10) God is the Creator. This is his essence. He didn't just create and stop once. No. He continues to create always and unceasingly. Astronomers have already established that the universe is constantly expanding.

Returning to temporal acceleration, it can be noted that since time depends on speed and any material body already at the speed of light turns into light, that is, it is practically destroyed, only beings consisting of light itself can step over all these limits and exist where there is no time . It is noteworthy that the Bible describes angels as beings made of light.

If our planet stopped and stopped all movement altogether, then there would be the most fleeting time on earth than anywhere else in the universe, but we would not realize this. Of course, this will not happen, but time will go faster and faster. This may be a second, deeper understanding of the meaning of the words of Jesus Christ. Foretelling the events of the future, He said: “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and will not be. And if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.” (Matt. 24:21-22) And the days will become shorter, and they will pass faster. The temporal acceleration that has begun is a signal that everything has already begun. The great time of tribulation that awaits the earth is at hand.

Among all the civilizations of the Universe, created by the God of creations, only one Earth has fallen and lives in sin. The first earthly civilization was destroyed for its sins by water, flood. “For the Lord saw that the corruption of people on the earth was great, and that all the thoughts and thoughts of their hearts were evil at all times.” (Gen. 6:5) Our civilization will be destroyed by fire. But before that, so many disasters will fall on the earth and such a time of sorrow will come, which the earth has not yet known from its very creation. “But for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened,” says Christ.

Most the simplest example spatio-temporal relativity is a picture of the starry sky. Looking at Jupiter, we see what happened 40 minutes ago. If you look at the nearest star to us, Alpha Centauri, you will see what happened 4.3 years ago. The light from the star Sirius reaches us in 8.8 years, the light of Capella from the constellation Auriga takes 46 years, Canopus - almost 200. In the constellation Orion there is the star Rigel, its light reaches us only after 800 years. If you point the telescope at a small patch of fog a little higher middle star Andromeda, this means that we see the light of a new star system in another galaxy. More precisely, what happened there 2.2 million years ago. Right now you see not the present, but the past, in its various temporal distances. The picture of the present is created from the pictures of the past.

According to the theory of relativity, we are all in a curved four-dimensional space-time. Where time is the fourth dimension of reality. Any movement is now recognized as a displacement in time and space. The four-dimensional space of our universe is curved. Each point of this space is both the beginning and the end. Leaving any point in space and going around the Universe, you can freely return to the same point. But since space is four-dimensional and the fourth dimension is time, then, after leaving a certain time point and going around time, you can return to the same time point from which you left. If we could move along the fourth dimension, then the walls would not be an obstacle for us. We could leave and enter enclosed spaces without going through doors and windows. The Bible says: “In the evening, when the doors of the house where His disciples were gathering were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the middle, and said to them: Peace be with you! They, embarrassed and frightened, thought they saw a spirit. (John 20:19; Luke 24:37)

In 1943, at the height of the Second World War, A. Einstein participated in the experiment of the US Navy - navy to create an undetectable ship. Using the strongest force field, scientists wanted to create a ship invisible to enemy radars. The destroyer Eldridge was specially equipped for the experiments. As a result, the ship became truly invisible, but then everything took an unpredictable turn, the destroyer disappeared. There was a movement of the vessel in time and space. All this led to a number of very strange events, both with the ship and with the crew on it. Subsequently, this experiment was called the Philadelphia experiment. At that time, Einstein was working on the unified field theory. This was to be another breakthrough in physics.

Everything that was achieved was used primarily for military purposes. Probably, this was the reason why, shortly before his death, Einstein destroyed his latest scientific works, writing in his diary that humanity is not ready to possess such knowledge and uses everything for evil.

Back in the mid-1930s, two Russian physicists proposed a theory in which time was considered as matter or energy. It turned out that time can both be absorbed and released by matter. Both scientists were repressed, and one was shot. The second physicist N. A. Kozyrev survived, while still in the camp, he continued to work on his theory. It is noteworthy that in the 1990s a group of physicists from Russian Academy Sciences subscribed to this discovery, officially recognizing it as valid and confirming this with a series of experiments. Now we can say that the possibility of existence on earth special zones, with a changed course of time, is quite real.

God said: "Call to Me and I will answer you, show you great and inaccessible things that you do not know." (Jer. 33:3)

God is ready to reveal to us much more than we care to know. The Lord, who has no change and no shadow of change, is the complete possessor of time and space. Time is in his hands like clay, with which he is able to do whatever He pleases. The Creator is Incomprehensible, Unchangeable, Boundless, Infinite, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Eternal… One of His names is Existing, which means existing always now. Just as any point in space is always “here” for God, so every moment of time is always “now” for Him.

Meister Eckhardt, who had a visionary encounter with God, wrote: “The exclusivity of the Lord lies in the fact that God is exalted beyond space and time. He lives in the continuous "now" and in the "eternal now", where the past, present and future are merged into one. For God, everything is at once. When we mortals talk about the past present or the future, it is because we are subject to time and think in terms of time associated with it. But for the Lord there is no time. This means that God will hear my tomorrow's prayers not tomorrow, just like my yesterday's prayers, he did not hear yesterday. No. He hears all my prayers right now, both yesterday and tomorrow.”

“And it shall come to pass, before they call, I will answer; they will speak yet, and I will hear.” (Isaiah 65:24)

On the Antichrist and the Acceleration of Time

Father, good afternoon!
I wanted to ask about one of the topical topics of the Orthodox part of the Internet - the Antichrist. Now, I noticed that time began to go much faster, which means that the end of the world is near. Misunderstood Americans think that the Lord, at the end of the world, will appear to destroy us, but this is not so. He only wants to save us from Satan, who will soon break free and get out of hell. So now I noticed one strange thing:
I used to do A LOT of homework last year, we were given so many assignments and had time to do everything before 7 pm, but now they don't do enough, I come home at half past three and do my homework, do it quickly, then turn around ... Oops! 6 o'clock already! This is exactly the time has become much faster to go! I wanted to ask about this - but by whose will time is speeding up or is it the way it is? I just read somewhere that time was invented by Satan, in revenge on God, who invented eternity.
If the Antichrist comes, then the era of slavery will come for 3.5 years? And they say that he will force everyone to accept his mark. If there is a refusal, then - exile. I swore to God that if there was an Antichrist in my lifetime, then I would refuse his sign for anything. Although this may be a bluff, I feel with all my heart that I can refuse the temptation sign. I would rather die in a waterless wilderness for the glory of God than enjoy the false pleasures of Satan. I'm on the right way?

Time will be shortened in the last times by the will of God, and the Lord created it. Yes, when the Antichrist comes, after the first half of his reign there will be slavery for those who accept his seal. Yes, you are on the right track, and to correctly understand the end times, read the Apocalypse. Save the Lord!

As a kid, three months of summer vacation feels like an eternity. And it is worth growing up, as whole years rush by, we do not even have time to blink an eye. However, time as such does not change, no matter how old we are. So why is its perception changing so much in our minds? Perhaps the fact is that we are subjective beings, and time for us flows non-linearly? It does not move from point A to point B at a constant speed, but exists in several dimensions and can slow down or speed up.

We live simultaneously in our biological time and in the time associated with an important event for us. Our brain is to blame, says neuroscientist Mark Schwob, and cites as an example the state of concentration when solving a complex intellectual problem. At such moments, time seems to stop: “Our limbic system, the center of emotions, sensitivity, is temporarily turned off. We do not perceive the world because the cerebral cortex only allows vital signals to pass through.”

But also powerful emotions able to stop time. While we are waiting for a loved one, minutes turn into hours, but as soon as he appears, the sense of time disappears. The "mechanism" in this case is different - it is the limbic system that is actively involved, which produces a huge amount of hormones that literally intoxicate us.

Perhaps the subjective change in the speed of the flow of time is also associated with a change in the rhythms of our lives. “We have swapped periods of rest and activity: now we work in winter and rest in summer. But such changes require adaptation, which means an increase in stress levels, says Mark Schwob. “Stress hormones, cortisol and catecholamines, are being produced by the body more and more, causing us to constantly rush and cause a feeling of lack of time.” In addition, time in our minds accelerates with age. The older we are, the more often we turn to memories and thoughts about the future - reducing the duration of the present.

Of course, neuroscience is not able to describe and explain the subjectivity of the perception of time, but it allows at least to understand its complexity. Both in terms of biology and in terms of philosophy the only way slow down the passage of time - be aware of it. By changing our attitude to each specific moment of time and our sense of self in it, we open eternity before us.

Psychoanalyst's opinion

"The speeding up of time is part of growing up"

Svetlana Fedorova, psychoanalytic psychotherapist, senior lecturer at National Research University " graduate School economy"

“The idea of ​​time is formed in the process of growing up. The child gradually learns that there is a past and a future, and the present is noticeably reduced in his mind. The most important leap occurs in adolescence- disappointment as a result of unfulfilled childhood expectations. The teenager realizes that he will never become a knight or a prince. From that moment on, the passage of time in his mind begins to accelerate.

In order to find our time, it is necessary to have internal boundaries that are laid down in childhood and allow us not to experience excessive anxiety that we cannot correlate our desires with the reality of life. In a sense, we enter into a dialogue with time, define ourselves in time, fill abstract chaotic time with our own meaning and content. It is important that impersonal time become personal, and then we will live consciously and with pleasure every minute of it.

Opinion of a neurophysiologist

"Information processing slows down time"

Alexander Kaplan, Doctor of Biology, Head of the Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Neurocomputer Interfaces, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov

“There is no brain structure that would be responsible for the sense of time. And the question of time perception is, of course, rather psychological. Man cannot objectively measure the passage of time. Neuroscientist David Eagleman conducted experiments by showing subjects various images. Some of them were familiar to the participants of the experiment, and some they saw for the first time. Eagleman then asked how long the subjects looked at the pictures. It turned out that according to subjective sensations, the subjects looked at unfamiliar pictures much longer. Meanwhile, the images were displayed with equal duration. Obviously, the more the brain is busy processing new information, the slower time passes subjectively. That is why 10 years of childhood are so stretched out, 10 years of adolescence and youth are so short, and the rest of the years are so fleeting, no matter how many there are!

Philosopher's opinion

"We trust the clock too much"

Oleg Aronson, philosopher, art historian, employee of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of the Russian Anthropological School of the Russian State Humanitarian University

“When we feel that time is running too fast or stretching endlessly, it is only because we have too much confidence in objective calculation - the clock, the calendar, and in general - the ordering of the world, where the past is followed by the present, and after it - the future. The experience of time and its understanding cannot be reconciled. For Augustine, time is somewhat like a divine presence: it is given outside the thought of it, but when you ask the question “what is it?” - it disappears. And according to Heidegger, we feel time only because we are mortal. It points us to our finitude, we experience it as a touch of being itself. For Bergson, on the contrary, time is expressed in the idea of ​​duration and connects us, cultured and technologized people, with the variability of life itself, which does not depend on us.

Every time you have to ask: where is the place of time? Where is it in mathematics? Where is it in psychoanalysis? Where - in everyday life? These are always different images created by the collision of memory and expectation, a forgotten and obsessive desire ... It can shrink, making our existence mechanistic, or it can stretch indefinitely, revealing in us the ability to madness and faith.

Anthropologist's opinion

"Time is culture"

Marina Butovskaya, anthropologist, doctor historical sciences, professor at the Center for Social Anthropology of the Russian State University for the Humanities

"Representatives different cultures they perceive and structure time differently. The Datoga, the traditional pastoralists of Tanzania, with whom I have worked for many years, can know exactly under what circumstances a person was born, but it is useless to ask the date of birth. They do not know their age either, only classifying themselves as a group: a child, a teenager, a young man, a parent, a grandfather.

They agree on the time of the meeting approximately: “at dawn”, “at noon”, “when it gets dark”. Important events(for example, weddings) are timed to coincide with the season - when the rains begin, at the beginning of the dry season ... The following is a clarification: the ceremony will take place on the full moon or "when the moon completely wanes." The day and hour are not specified, but the Datogi know unmistakably when the event is to take place. Time in the European sense is not important for them, and no one is annoyed that the event can start a few hours later. Everyone is waiting peacefully and does not understand why we Europeans are so impatient.

Ideas about accuracy, however, differ in industrial cultures, so the presence of a watch does not yet ensure compliance with agreements. In Latin America, North Africa or the Middle East, an hour and a half late is acceptable. The person waiting is resting, drinking coffee, leafing through a book or listening to music. But in Germany, Sweden or Holland, being late for a few minutes is already a bad form.

- 5104 Probably, many have noticed that in recent years something wrong has been going on with the passage of time. Days and months are flying fast, overtaking our capabilities, and we have less and less time to do. It would seem that the day has just begun, and lo and behold, it is already ending!

No sooner had we "driven" into the third millennium than twelve years had already run by without us even noticing. The former explanation of this phenomenon, that, they say, the older a person becomes, the faster his life flies, is no longer relevant. Nowadays, the rapid passage of time is noticed not only by aged people, but even by teenagers and young men! So what does happen over time?

The days got shorter

In a private conversation, one priest, known for his special gift to see the invisible, told impressive information; time is running out! Compared to what it was a hundred or more years ago, the current day has become shorter. According to the real, and not the calendar duration, if we take the old time that has not changed over the centuries as a standard, the modern day lasts only 18 hours against the previous 24. It turns out that every day we lose about 6 hours, and that is why we always do not have enough time, days fly at high speed. The shortening of the day was especially noticeable at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.

One can doubt the foresight of the priest and the objectivity of his conclusions. But it turns out that there are other facts that point to a reduction in time.

On sacred Athos, the monks even spend their nights in prayer. Moreover, Athos elders a special prayer rule has long been worked out: in a certain period of time they must read so many prayers, and so every day, strictly by the hour. Previously, the monks had time to complete this "program" overnight, and before the early morning service they even had a little time to rest. And now, with the same number of prayers, the elders no longer have enough night to finish them!

No less amazing discovery was made by Jerusalem monks serving in the Holy Land. It turns out that for several years the lamps at the Holy Sepulcher have been burning longer than before. Previously, oil was added to large lamps at the same time, on the eve of Easter. It burned out completely within a year. But now, for the umpteenth time, before the main Christian holiday, there is still a lot of oil left. It turns out that time is ahead of even the physical laws of combustion!

The reduction of the day also affected labor productivity. In the old days, using the simplest tools, people managed to do much more than we can now. Archpriest Valentin Biryukov recalls that in the 1930s, his father, returning from exile to his family, managed to build a good new hut in just a week with a minimum of helpers. And in the memoirs of Boris Shiryaev about the Solovetsky camp there is an episode of how 50 prisoners, of which almost half were "goal", built and put into operation a hefty bathhouse in just 22 hours! The builders were armed only with hand saws and axes. Now, even with modern electric tools, we will not be able to keep up with the hard workers of the past! And not only because they have become lazier and weaker, but also because there is not enough time.

end times

Some Orthodox people tend to believe that metamorphoses over time are a clear indication that we are entering the Last Times and there are only a few years or decades left before the end of the world. No one can speak about this with certainty, but there is a hint in the Gospel: "... For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be famines, plagues and earthquakes in places ... then there will be great tribulation, which was not from the beginning of the world until now, nor shall it be. And if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened" (Matthew 24:7-22).

Some holy fathers speak about the shortening of the day before the end of the world, for example, Saint Nil the Myrrh-streaming: "The day will rotate like an hour, a week, like a day, a month, like a week and a year, like a month..."

The problem of the inconsistency of time was comprehended at the intersection of philosophy and theology by the great Russian thinker Alexei Fedorovich Losev. “Considering time in its essence, as it is given to us in living experience, we state a certain fundamental instability characteristic of the essence of time. It is ... heterogeneous, compressible, expandable, completely relative and conditional ... Since 1914, time somehow condensed and began to flow faster. Apocalyptic expectations are explained precisely by the condensation of time ... "

Slow down life

Comprehending the problem of time reduction, one involuntarily turns to the science fiction of Herbert Wells. To one degree or another, many of his predictions came true - for example, about the artificial production of diamonds and the creation of bathyscaphes for research ocean depths. Recall Wells' story "The Newest Accelerator".
Professor Gibbern invented a miraculous elixir with which you can change the time for a particular person. In a drunken drug, all processes in the body are accelerated hundreds of times, and he manages to do as much in a second as in ordinary life I wouldn't have done it in a few minutes. At the same time, the world around seems frozen, and even bees move at a snail's pace.

It is clear that this is a fairy tale, but a fairy tale is a lie, but in it ...

In the case of our real time, we have in some way the opposite effect. For some mysterious reasons life processes could slow down in the world. We breathe more slowly, the heart beats less frequently, cells regenerate longer. Thanks to the slow work of the body, for every minute of time we manage to do about 25 percent less than the representatives of previous generations managed to do. Accordingly, the worldview has changed, and time in our perception has accelerated its run and flies a quarter faster.

But this is just a version, which, by the way, does not explain the example of the lamps at the tomb of the Lord. It is more likely that time itself, despite its apparent constancy, can "shrink". What do scientists think about this?

The earth has grown old

Interesting explanations of the variability of time were given by the famous physicist, Dr. technical sciences, Corresponding Member of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, now deceased Viktor Iozefovich Veinik.

Academician Veinik put forward a scientific hypothesis that time, like physical phenomenon, there is material carrier- a certain substance of time, which he called the "chronal field". In the course of the scientist's experiments, an electronic wrist watch placed in the experimental setup he created could slow down or speed up. Based on his experiments with the substance of time, Veinik concluded that there is a time field of the planet - the "chronosphere", which controls the transition of the past into the future.

The scientist considered the speed of some processes (he called it the term "chronal") and came to the conclusion that in the world the intensity of these processes is decreasing - for example, the intensity of radioactive decay of atoms, nuclear and chemical reactions.

Of all living beings, the highest speed of the body is observed in newborns. All their processes are fast - babies grow fast, quickly gain weight, quickly learn to understand the world ... And the life around them, accordingly, seems very slow to them. If a child is only two days old, then for him one day is half his life! And with age, the speed decreases many times. This also affects our perception of time - the lower the intensity of the processes, the faster time flies. For an elderly person, the weeks begin to flicker as quickly as the days in his youth.

But that is not all. It turns out that not only specific people are aging. Gradually, the whole society and civilization as a whole "dilapidates"! On our planet, the speed of life processes is steadily decreasing, which is why the running of time is accelerating for everything that exists on Earth.

In ancient times, at a high speed of processes, life on the planet literally boiled - dinosaurs were from a three-story house, grass - like today's trees, and the process of radioactive decay of an atom was incredibly intense. The first people were also distinguished by gigantism, confirmation of this can be found in the Bible: “At that time there were giants on the earth ... these are strong, glorious people of old” (Genesis 6:4).

Over time, the “violence” of life weakened more and more, representatives of the plant and animal world decreased in size, the world began to age. Now the intensity of all processes has decreased thousands of times, and today we can even feel the slowdown of time, which is happening literally before our eyes.

By the way, even now on Earth there are still places with a slightly increased chronal, for example, Sakhalin Island. The burdocks there are like hefty umbrellas, and the grass is the size of a bush. French scientists tried to plant these giants on their own land, but failed. A year later, the transplanted giants became ordinary, low and unremarkable plants. And one inquisitive scientist traveled from Moscow to Vladivostok with a radioactive clock and found that the rate of decay of atoms, which is reflected in the course of the clock, is not the same in different places.

Time Compression

Representatives of the occult trend in alternative science - eniology, which studies the laws of energy-informational interaction in nature, society and the Universe, are also showing keen interest in the problem of time compression. Curiously, in this area their conclusions echo the End Times prophecies mentioned above.

According to Doctor of Medicine Yuri Lir, real time in the Universe noticeably accelerated (and we, accordingly, do not keep up with it). This process began back in the middle of the 20th century, when the solar system entered an incredibly powerful stream coming from the center of our galaxy and carrying a huge amount of energy and information in the most different variations. This affected the psyche of each person and people's perception of the world around them.

There are many theories about the change in the course of time, says Lear. - I consider the most convincing opinion of the Soviet scientist, Professor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev, who proved by experience that time is the energy in which the Universe resides. And this energy can change the flow density. According to Kozyrev's theory, if solar system the rotation speed changes, the time also changes automatically. Where there is more energy, time "reduces", compresses.

Alas, we do not feel like inhabitants of the planet and treat our common house The earth is worse than ever! Lear continues. - Consciousness modern man artificially narrowed and tied to a specific point of residence. He does not feel what is happening to the planet. Hence the lack of responsibility for everything that he does at a particular time. It is sad to admit, but catastrophic phenomena like tsunamis and typhoons are a consequence of people's attitude towards each other, a terrible price to pay for the unreasonableness of human behavior. Why did the terrible tsunami hit Indonesia and Thailand specifically? I believe that the main cesspool of humanity is located there today. Everything that rich perverts can afford - everything is there. On a gigantic scale and cheaply. That is, it is modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Hence the result. And now it's the turn of the United States to pay for the decline in spirituality, pride, arrogance and the desire to rule the world...

But despite water disasters, the main danger for today's humanity lies not in water, but in fire.
- Everything is coming to Earth more energy, - Yuri Lir is sure. - Nowadays, the Sun has increased all types of radiation so much that many of them have ceased to succumb to the usual instrumental study! The spectrum of solar radiation steadily moves from yellow color to white, that is, the luminary is heated. This is the same fire that the Savior and the apostles speak of in the New Testament. If we combine this with the prophecies in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, with the calendar of the ancient Egyptians and the secret, sacred calendar for the Mayakiche Indian book "Popol Vuh" (this is the Mayan Bible), it will become clear: very soon we will have a transition to a new state, at a different time. . For us today, this means one thing: following the calls of the ancient prophets, you need to behave like a human, not like a beast. Those who do not fit into the system of moral values ​​have no place in the future! Mankind that does not want to obey the laws of the One Whose offspring it is is doomed...

And yet, in no case should you fall into despair and give up, foreseeing the near end of the world! Firstly, the end of everything that exists on Earth is in the hands of God, and "about that day and hour" no one knows except the Creator Himself. And secondly, there is no need to think about the fate of the entire planet - let's think better about ourselves, about our life and our destiny on Earth. After all, only you and no one else will have to be responsible for how you lived your life, long or short.

Why is time flying faster? August 18th, 2016

Think about it, it really was like that in childhood - the summer holidays seemed to have no end, and wait new year holidays took forever. So why does time seem to pick up pace over the years: weeks or even months fly by unnoticed, and the seasons change at such a dizzying speed?

Such an obvious acceleration of time is not the result of those who have fallen upon us in our adulthood responsibilities and worries? However, in fact, studies show that the perceived time does indeed move faster for adults, filling our lives with chores and fuss.

There are several theories that try to explain why our sense of time speeds up as we get older.

One of them points to a gradual change in our internal biological clock. slowdown metabolic processes in our body, as we get older, corresponds to a slowdown in our heart rate and breathing. Biological pacemakers in children pulse faster, which means that their biological parameters (heartbeat, breathing) are higher in a set period of time, so the time also feels longer.

Another theory suggests that the passage of time we experience is related to the amount of new information we take in. With the advent a large number new stimuli, our brain takes longer to process the information - thus, this period of time is felt longer. This could also explain the "slow perception of reality" that is often reported to take place in the seconds before the accident. To face unusual circumstances means to receive an avalanche of new information that needs to be processed.

In fact, it may be that when faced with new situations, our brains capture more detailed memories, so that our memory of the event appears more slowly than the event itself. That this is true was demonstrated in an experiment with people experiencing free fall.

But how does all this explain the constant shortening of perceived time as we age? The theory goes that the older we get, the more familiar our surroundings become. We do not notice the details of the environment around us at home and at work. For children, the world is often an unfamiliar place, where there are many new experiences that can be obtained. This means that children must use much more intellectual power to transform their mental representations of outside world. This theory suggests that in this way time passes more slowly for children than for adults who are stuck in the routine of everyday life.

Thus, the more familiar our daily life becomes, the faster it seems to us that time passes, and, as a rule, a habit is formed with age.

It has been suggested that the biochemical mechanism underlying this theory is nothing more than the release of a neurotransmitter hormone upon the perception of new stimuli that help us learn to measure time. After 20 to old age, the level of this happiness hormone drops, which is why it seems to us that time goes faster.

But still, it seems that none of these theories can quite accurately explain where the coefficient of time acceleration comes from, which increases almost with mathematical constancy.

The apparent shortening of a certain period as we grow older suggests the existence of a "logarithmic scale" with respect to time. Logarithmic scales are used instead of the traditional linear scales when measuring the strength of an earthquake or the loudness of a sound. Since the quantities we measure can vary and reach enormous powers, we need a scale with a wider range of measurements in order to really understand what is happening. The same can be said about time.

On the logarithmic Richter scale (for measuring the magnitude of earthquakes), an increase in magnitude from 10 to 11 is different from a 10% increase in ground wobble, which a linear scale would not show. Each increment point on the Richter scale corresponds to a tenfold increase in vibration.


But why should our perception of time also be measured on a logarithmic scale? The fact is that we correlate any period of time with a part of the life that we have already lived. For two-year-olds, a year is half of their life, which is why when you are small, it seems that birthdays have to wait so long.

For 10-year-olds, a year is only 10% of their life (which makes the wait a little more bearable), and for 20-year-olds, it's only 5%. On a logarithmic scale, a 20-year-old would have to wait until he was 30 to experience the same proportional increase in time that a 2-year-old baby experiences in anticipating his next birthday. With all this in mind, no wonder time seems to speed up as we get older.

We usually think of our lives in terms of decades - our 20s, our 30s, and so on - they are presented as equivalent periods. However, if we take a logarithmic scale, it turns out that we mistakenly perceive different periods of time as periods of the same duration. Within the framework of this theory, the following age periods will be perceived equally: from five to ten, from ten to 20, from 20 to 40 and from 40 to 80 years.

I don't want to end on a depressing note, but it turns out that five years of your experience, spanning the ages of five to ten, is perceived to be equivalent to a period of life spanning the ages of 40 to 80.

Well, mind your own business. Time flies, whether you enjoy life or not. And every day it flies faster and faster.

Here's a slightly related topic on why we don't remember being kids.

According to Freud

Sigmund Freud drew attention to children's forgetfulness. In his 1905 work Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, he reflected in particular on amnesia, which covers the first five years of a child's life. Freud was sure that childhood (infantile) amnesia is not a consequence functional disorders memory, but stems from the desire to prevent early experiences from entering the child's mind - traumas that harm one's own "I". The father of psychoanalysis considered such traumas to be experiences associated with the knowledge of one's own body or based on sensory impressions from what one heard or saw. Fragments of memories that can still be observed in the child's mind, Freud called masking.


The results of a study by Emory University scientists Patricia Bayer and Marina Larkina, published in the journal Memory, support the theory of the birth time of childhood amnesia. According to scientists, its "activation" occurs in all, without exception, the inhabitants of the planet at the age of seven. Scientists conducted a series of experiments in which three-year-old children were asked to tell their parents about the most vivid impressions. Years later, the researchers returned to the tests: they invited the same children again and asked them to recall what they had been told. Five-seven-year-old participants in the experiment were able to recall 60% of what was happening to them at the age of three years, while eight-ten-year-olds - no more than 40%. Thus, scientists were able to put forward a hypothesis that childhood amnesia occurs at the age of 7 years.


Canadian psychology professor Carol Peterson believes that, among other factors, the formation of childhood memories is influenced by the environment. He was able to confirm his hypothesis as a result of a large-scale experiment, in which Canadian and Chinese children became participants. They were asked to recall the most vivid memories of the first years of life in four minutes. Twice as many events came to life in the memory of Canadian children as in the memory of Chinese children. It is also interesting that Canadians predominantly recalled personal stories, while the Chinese shared memories in which their family or peer group was an accomplice.

Guilty without guilt?

Specialists of the medical center at the state research university Ohio states believe that children cannot reconcile their memories with a specific place and time, so at a later age it becomes impossible to restore episodes from their own childhood. Discovering the world for himself, the child does not make it difficult to link what is happening to temporal or spatial criteria. According to one of the co-authors of the study, Simon Dennis, children do not feel the need to remember events along with "overlapping circumstances." A child may remember a merry clown at the circus, but is unlikely to say that the show started at 5:30 pm.

For a long time it was also believed that the reason for forgetting the memories of the first three years of life lies in the inability to associate them with specific words. The child cannot describe what happened due to the lack of speech skills, so his mind blocks "unnecessary" information. In 2002, a study on the relationship between language and childhood memory was published in the journal Psychological Science. Its authors Gabriel Simcock and Harleen Hein conducted a series of experiments in which they tried to prove that children who have not yet learned to speak are not able to "code" what is happening to them into memories.

Memory erasing cells

Canadian scientist Paul Frankland, who is actively studying the phenomenon of childhood amnesia, disagrees with his colleagues. He believes that the formation of childhood memories occurs in the zone short term memory. He insists that young children can remember their childhood, colorfully talk about ongoing events, in which they were recently involved. However, these memories fade over time. A group of scientists led by Frankland suggested that the loss of childhood memories may be associated with an active process of formation of new cells, which is called neurogenesis. According to Paul Frankland, it was previously thought that the formation of neurons leads to the formation of new memories, but recent studies have shown that neurogenesis is able to simultaneously erase information about the past. Why, then, do people not remember most often the first three years of life? The reason is that the most active period of neurogenesis falls on this time. The neurons then start reproducing at a slower rate and leave some of the childhood memories intact.


To test their assumptions, Canadian scientists conducted an experiment on rodents. Mice were placed in a cage with a flooring, on which weak electrical discharges were fired. A repeated visit to the cage led adult mice to panic even after a month. But young rodents willingly visited the cage the very next day. Scientists have also been able to understand how neurogenesis affects memory. To do this, they artificially caused the acceleration of neurogenesis in the experimental subjects - the mice quickly forgot about the pain that arose when visiting the cage. According to Paul Frankland, neurogenesis is more of a blessing than a bad thing, because it helps protect the brain from an overabundance of information.


Scientists have figured out why time is accelerating

In recent years, the leading scientists of our planet began to notice that time is accelerating. Yes, and we are increasingly hearing: “It seems that I will never have enough time to manage everything” or: “Where does the time go?” And indeed, the years are flying faster than ever, and there was a scientific explanation for this.

We are rapidly changing, becoming more aware, and more than ever turning to the spiritual and personal development. Why is this happening?

The pulse of the Earth or why time is accelerating

Scientists discovered many years ago that the Earth has a pulse. This pulse or heartbeat-like beat has been steady at about 7.8 beats per second for thousands of years. However, around 1980, the Earth's heartbeat began to accelerate. It currently stands at 12 cycles per second, but the most incredible thing is that some scientists believe that the Earth will actually stop rotating when this pulse reaches 13 cycles per second. It is believed that the rotation will stop for about three days, and then the Earth will begin to rotate in the opposite direction. This will cause a reversal of the magnetic poles, but what happens after is unclear...

It is because of this increase in the pulse rate that we feel that time is speeding up, as it were. Why do we “feel” that time seems to be going faster than before? The fact is that a period that was previously perceived as 24 hours now feels like only 16 hours. Our chronometers still measure seconds, minutes and hours. And still they mark a new day every 24 hours, but due to the accelerated heartbeat of the Earth, we perceive their duration as 2/3 of normal, or as 16 ordinary hours.

It is thanks to time compression that so many people (perhaps without even realizing true reason) turn on the way to spiritual development away from materialism. Feel the need to change their lives, begin to do the right thing for the soul. Appears great desire share kindness, help others and thank the Creator for this.

From the program "Unity" on the Internet channel "AllatRa TV".

The conversation of the guest of the studio - Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, academician, professor, author of the method of vertebrorevitology - with the host of the program Olga Gorbaneva:

THEM.: - … Over the past 12 years, time has actually decreased by at least 20 percent. I'm not talking about the fact that the stars began to fly faster or the second hand accelerated ... No, the second hand went on and on. Correctly? And the day follows the night at the same interval. But almost every person, even children who have recently been born, feel how time is shortening. If earlier a day passed like a day, now a week is like one day. And what will happen next? So isn't that something to think about?

O. G.: -Maybe yes.

THEM.: - This is also the answer to another question for those who ask themselves. My opinion is this: people need to change - do not swear, do not rely on the One Who will come, especially since people do not see this, they do not feel it. Therefore, do not wait for someone to come and do everything for them. We need to act ourselves. We should stretch out our hands to each other, we must unite.

But if people are believers, they have nothing to share, because God is one for all. And it doesn't matter what languages ​​people speak here in this world. There they will speak the same language. And it is true. In this we can always find reconciliation.

O. G.: Undoubtedly!

Helpful information

You can learn more about the changes taking place on our planet, as well as gain unique knowledge (spiritual, historical, scientific, biographical, and others) in a series of programs on Internet channel "AllatRa TV" with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov and Father Sergius, miter archpriest, rector of the church of St. Michael the Archangel.

Also, epoch-making knowledge that changes the fate of each individual and society as a whole, carrying the keys to the unity and reconciliation of all people on a spiritual basis, contains books

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