Groups and categories of forests - features, characteristics and description. Forest groups and categories Assignment of forests to protective forests

In the process of life, a person not only uses the resources of nature, but also participates in their reproduction. One way to protect the environment and crops is protective forests. In the article, we will consider why they land, what categories are divided into and how they are used.


Protective forests are homogeneous forest areas that include trees and woody vegetation. Such plantations are developed by man in order to protect various objects from undesirable natural phenomena, for example, precipitation, wind, avalanches, landslides, erosion, drifts and other climate influences.

In order to develop protective forests, a person applies a set of measures, consisting of:

  • organization of the process of using the array;
  • exploitation and creation of green spaces;
  • planning measures for the protection of the forest, its protection and reproduction;
  • carrying out a set of measures to preserve the living conditions of the animal world.

Forest plantations are divided into two types: artificial and natural origin. In fact, each forest performs a protective function. The social and ecological significance of the arrays for protective purposes has superiority over their economic and economic value.

Forest groups

To simplify forest management, all green areas of the country are divided into groups:

What do protective arrays include?

Protective forests are presented as certain massifs, zones and strips.

These include:

  • cultivated fields from drought and protected areas from strong winds;
  • protective areas of the forest, for example, the slopes of ravines, the territory of transport routes and water bodies;
  • pine, grass and grass-shrub plantations - splits - are created to increase humidity in the area and increase crop yields;
  • areas of natural or artificially created forests.

To protect the plantations, forestry activities are planned, which are carried out in accordance with the planned rejuvenation regime for all plantations. They occur with the use of a certain deforestation of the territory without disturbing the integral forest environment. The commercial use of such trees that have not reached the age of natural decay should be eliminated almost entirely.

protective purpose

In addition to their direct duty - to protect the natural area - such forests also perform additional functions.

Among them:

  • accumulation of organic matter;
  • supply of oxygen to the earth's atmosphere;
  • climate mitigation;
  • drainage regulation;
  • contributing to the preservation of the diversity of forest fauna species;
  • become a great place to relax.

To a greater extent, the environmental, water protection, and sanitary functions of forests are aimed at protecting polluted soils, water bodies, and natural objects. Also, their task is to ensure the safety and use of man-made structures and agricultural land.

Water protection forests serve to prevent streams and reservoirs from silting up and to preserve the quality of their banks. Spawning grounds for rare species of fish are organized along these shores.

Sanitary-hygienic and health-improving forest areas are located in urban areas and other populated areas, surrounding cities and industrial enterprises, as well as in a protected sanitary zone, water supply sources and resort recreation areas.

Types of forest plantations

The main difference between the objects of forest plantations is the height of the trunks, depending on which the arrays perform their functions. Tall tree species are designed to protect the territory from winds, landslides, water flow after rains. Shrubs are planted for high-quality darkening of the soil, preventing it from drying out, effectively stopping the snow and replenishing the soil with substances after the fallen leaves rot.

Often, protective forests are areas of strips formed from several species, but on the territory of Russia there are areas with the same type of plantations - areas where trees of the same species can grow. For example, pine and ash are used for planting in the central part of the country.

Man constantly takes care of forest plantations. Dried objects are removed, and new ones are planted in their place. Properly organized arrays contribute to the formation of ecosystems.


Article 102 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation establishes certain categories of protective forests. These include:

In the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, especially protective ones are allocated. These include:

  • Plots of forests that are planted along the slopes of ravines and the banks of water bodies. Plantings perform soil protection and bank protection functions.
  • which border on treeless space.
  • Territories of protected areas.
  • Areas where rare plant species grow, as well as narrow habitats of certain types of vegetation.
  • Territories inhabited by rare species of animals and others.

Specially protected forest areas are intended for designated use only. They are prohibited from carrying out activities inconsistent with such plans.

Determination of the territory of protective forests, their boundaries, methods of protection and restoration is carried out by the authorities in accordance with Chapter 9 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation.

Operational and reserve forests

The Forest Code of the Russian Federation identifies protective forests for operational and reserve purposes.

Operational arrays are designed to obtain high-quality timber and provide industry with other forest resources. Planting planning takes place after the approval of the plan for the restoration of reserve and protective forests.

The main tasks of creating forest areas include:

  • Ensuring the full and rational use of forest resources without reducing the number of forest objects.
  • Creation of conditions for increasing the growth of wood.
  • Creation of conditions for improving the quality of wood and the composition of plantations.
  • Planning to expand the area of ​​cultivation of highly productive plantations.

Reserve forests are territories where timber harvesting is not planned for the next 20 years. In such zones, measures are taken to protect the arrays. Reserve forests can be classified as protective or operational.

Protective forests are the optimal solution for ensuring the safety and integrity of many natural objects, protecting crops and transport routes. Thanks to the creation of a special microclimate in such areas, representatives of the animal world can find a new home.

No matter how forests are used, they all play a primarily protective role in the life of the planet. In addition to a beneficial effect on the chemical composition of the atmosphere, its purification and enrichment with oxygen, forest plantations hold the soil together with roots, act as mechanical barriers to water and mudflows, snow avalanches, collect water, regulate surface and internal runoff. However, depending on the conditions of a particular area, the need for such functions is not the same, as well as the need for targeted allocation of forests for protective purposes.

In accordance with the environmental, economic, social significance of forests, they are assigned to one or another group that determines the direction and rules for their use, for conducting economic activities in them. The differentiation of forests according to these criteria began in Tsarist Russia in the second half of the 19th century. It was aimed at saving forest resources, preventing theft.

Forest groups

The classification of forests, adopted in 1943, has become one of the most important and valuable achievements of the national forest service in the field of nature protection. According to it, forests are divided into three main groups, taking into account functions and social significance. The severity of regulation of forest exploitation increases from the third group to the first. In each of them, especially protective areas can be marked, the possibility of using and methods of ensuring the safety of which are different. Only for the first group, it is assumed that forests are divided into protection categories.

The Forest Code of the Russian Federation considers all forests as protective, reserve or operational. However, the generalized knowledge of several scientific fields made it possible to adopt a slightly more complex system based on it. As legislation changes, group boundaries become less clear-cut.

Third group

This includes actively exploited forests where industrial logging is carried out, and reserve forests (mostly future exploited, logging is planned in 20 years) - in which cutting of green spaces is allowed only during geological research or for the purpose of logging citizens for personal needs. These are mainly forested areas, underdeveloped, with a low population density.

Second group

Includes densely populated forest areas with limited resources. Their use for timber production is allowed within the average annual growth. When carrying out work, the importance of preserving and restoring the protective role of forests in such areas must be taken into account.

First group

It includes the most protected from consumption various categories of forests. They perform the functions of protecting water resources, protect various objects - natural and man-made, have a sanitary and recreational purpose, are especially valuable or belong to protected natural areas.

Categories of forest protection of the first group

Forests belonging to the first group are classified according to their ecological, economic and socio-economic significance for the conditions of a particular area. Accounting units of such a division are called categories of forest protection. All of them can be grouped according to the type of functions performed.

Forests that preserve aquatic ecosystems

They make up about 35% of the total number of forest areas of the group. The categories of forests for this purpose are still a subject for discussion by scientists. Some of them propose to consider only those that are directly adjacent to water bodies as water protection. Others propose to classify the more distant forests participating in the catchment area as well, while others suggest that the importance of water-regulating forests should be noted, highlighting them separately.

According to the current legislation, forest strips bordering on riverbeds, banks of reservoirs or a treeless floodplain of a river are classified as water protection zones. Their width is determined by specially developed state standards.

A separate category of forests has already been identified as plantations that preserve spawning grounds for fish species valuable for industry. These are massifs adjacent to water bodies - places of natural spawning of commercial fish, as well as those under the jurisdiction of fish farms for breeding salmon and sturgeon species. The width of the forest belts that enclose natural spawning grounds is calculated in accordance with state standards, based on the conditions of a particular area. For fisheries, the territory of this category of forest protection is limited to three kilometers.

Protective forests

They include almost half of the group - 45%. This includes:

  • forests that contain soil destruction;
  • forests of various sparsely forested climatic zones of conservation importance;
  • tundra forests;
  • artificial, created for the purpose of protecting or improving climatic conditions by sowing or planting, forest belts;
  • tape burs.

Also, one of the categories of forests with protective functions is marked with lanes fencing existing and under construction transport lines not lower than the regional value, at the rate of 500 meters in both directions from the middle of the carriageway for railways and 250 meters for roads. If there are natural or artificial barriers, narrowing of roadside forests is allowed. Deviation from the standard should not exceed 50 meters. In areas with more severe climatic conditions (mountains, sandy deserts, permafrost areas), such bands can be expanded to reduce the level of danger. Their size in this case is determined by targeted research.

Wellness and sanitary-hygienic

Their share is 6%. This includes:

  • green space forests;
  • forests protecting water supply zones (the first two belts out of three) and protecting resort areas;
  • natural parks;
  • urban forests.

In general, all those that help preserve, restore and improve the health of the population, not only enriching the atmosphere of the planet, but indirectly participating in the activities of people that actively serve to fulfill these tasks.

Green zones include forests located outside the boundaries of settlements, but in close proximity to residential and economic facilities, which have protective, health-improving and sanitary-hygienic (forestry part) significance and serve as recreational areas for the population (forest part). Within the forest park zones, no other categories of forests are distinguished. Their sizes are determined by state regulations. If other categories of forest protection have already been noted in the immediate vicinity of settlements, then their territory does not belong to the green zone, but is taken into account when determining its size, as performing part of the functions. Given the insignificant number of forests in the green zone, all of it can be designated as a forest park.

Target forest categories

They make up 4% of the total forest area of ​​the first group. They include:

  • especially valuable and rare plantations, consisting of unique tree species;
  • forests significant for history and scientific research;
  • wild fruit plantations;
  • nut harvesting areas.

Forests of natural areas specially protected by the state

10% of the first group of forests are located in protected areas with varying degrees of limitation of human influence. The categories related to them are arrays of reserves, nature reserves, national parks, natural monuments.

In cases where the same forests perform different protective functions, when determining their classification unit, preference is given to a category of protection that is of greater value and significance, with stricter regulations for use and protection.

The transfer of forests to another category occurs when carrying out forest management activities or as a result of a change in the purpose of lands of the forest and land funds, based on the results of scientific research.

Particularly protective areas of the forest

On the territory of forests belonging to the second and third groups, where there are no protection categories, zones with a stricter regime of exploitation and protection can be marked, which are quite important in a particular locality, but are too dispersed and small to be singled out as a separate category. The territories of such plots are determined taking into account natural boundaries, in accordance with the existing forestry zoning of the area. Their area can be calculated as tens or hundreds of hectares.

The Forest Code of the Russian Federation contains a list of forest areas recognized as especially protective. Basically, these are lands occupied by plantations with various functions of forest categories of the first group. A separate item highlights "other especially protective areas of the forest." The territories included in it are diverse - from capercaillie currents that enclose places or beaver settlements to those adjacent to tourist routes and enclosing rural settlements and gardening associations. Given the densely populated central regions of the Russian Federation, the large number and proximity of settlements and horticultural communities to each other, almost all forests in this territory will have the status of especially protective.

There are more than 30 names of different categories of protective forests identified in different countries. In 1943 (by Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated 23.IU.1943, Z 430), the forests of the country were divided into three groups according to their national economic purpose.

The first group included forest reserves, field protection, resort, green areas around industrial centers and cities, as well as ribbon forests in Western Siberia and steppe forests. In the forests of the first group, the most stringent regime has been established, aimed at preserving them and improving their protective functions.

The forests of the second group include forests of densely populated areas with limited forest resources. Felling in them is regulated by the average annual growth, carried out with the expectation not only of obtaining wood, but also of preserving and restoring the protective properties of the forest, especially increasing its water protection functions.

The third group includes forests of densely forested, poorly developed areas. Large industrial logging is carried out in them (with the exception of reserve forests, that is, forests that have not yet been developed and are not involved in exploitation).

In 1959, protective belts of pre-tundra forests were identified (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR 16.U.1959 No. 798), which are also assigned to the first group of forests.

In 199 "7, in the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, forests of state importance are divided into the first, second and third groups. This division of forests into groups, while retaining, in general, the previous basis, is a further development and deepening of their content in accordance with the national economic significance of forests , their location and their functions.

“The first group includes forests that perform mainly the following functions:

water protection (forbidden strips of forests along the banks of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other water bodies, including forbidden strips of forests that protect spawning grounds for valuable commercial fish);

protective forests (anti-erosion forests, including forest areas on steep mountain slopes, state protective forest belts, tape forests, steppe groves and ravine forests, protective forest belts along railways, highways of national, republican and regional significance, especially valuable forest tracts) ;

sanitary-hygienic and health-improving (urban forests, forests of green areas around cities, other settlements and industrial enterprises, forests of sanitary protection zones of water supply sources and resorts).

The first group also includes forests of reserves, national and natural parks, protected forest areas, forests of scientific or historical significance, natural monuments, forest parks, forests of walnut commercial zones, forest fruit plantations, tundra and subalpine forests.

The second group includes forests in areas with a high population density and a developed network of transport routes that have a protective and limited operational value, as well as forests with insufficient forest resources, for the preservation of the protective functions of which, the continuity and inexhaustibility of their use, a more stringent forest management regime is required.

The third group includes forests in densely forested regions, which are primarily of operational importance and are designed to continuously meet the needs of the national economy in wood without compromising the protective properties of these forests.

The forests of the third group are divided into developed and reserved. The criteria for classifying forests of the third group as reserve forests are established by the federal forest management body.

Depending on the group of forests, the order of management in them, the use of forests and corresponding lands is established.

In the forests of the first and second groups and in the mountain forests of all groups, especially protective areas with a limited forest management regime can be allocated” (Forest Code of the Russian Federation, 1997).

In accordance with the "Forest Code of the Russian Federation" (1997), forests of the first group are divided into the following categories of protection:

forbidden strips of forests along the banks of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other water bodies;

Forbidden strips of forests that protect the spawning grounds of valuable commercial fish;

anti-erosion forests;

  • -- protective belts of forests along railway lines, highways of federal, republican and regional significance;
  • -- state protective forest belts;
  • - tape burs;
  • -- forests in desert, semi-desert, steppe, forest-steppe and sparsely forested mountain areas, which are important for the protection of the natural environment;
  • -- forests of green zones of settlements and economic objects;
  • -- forests of the first and second belts of zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources;

forests of the first, second and third zones of districts of sanitary (mountain and sanitary) protection of resorts;

  • -- especially valuable forest areas;
  • -- forests of scientific or historical significance;
  • - monuments of nature;
  • - walnut-commercial zones;
  • -- forest fruit plantations;
  • - tundra forests;
  • -- forests of state natural reserves;
  • -- forests of national parks;
  • -- forests of natural parks;
  • - protected forest areas.

In the modern world, forests are not just a part of the world's flora, but also a source of natural resources, as well as significant land areas. In order to establish and streamline the implementation of forestry activities, all lands were divided and classified according to several criteria, including forests of the first category and others.

All categories of forests by purpose

By their nature, forests are divided into natural and artificial. The first type is virgin, spontaneous and natural economic lands. Artificial forests are widespread in Central Europe and are also intended for the household industry.

One of the most important classifications of forest areas is according to their purpose: protective forests - the first group, operational and reserve forests - the second and third groups, respectively.

The function of the first group is to protect certain objects from negative natural and anthropogenic (human) influences. Any type of forest can perform a protective function, but the lands of the first group are looked after with a special approach: trees are cut down in such a way as to ensure their growth and the preservation of the environment as a whole. Cutting is carried out for purely sanitary reasons. The main functions of protective forests are as follows: water protection - protection of reservoirs from filling with silt and destruction of the banks; protective; sanitary-hygienic and health-improving. In turn, the lands of the first category are divided into field-protective and anti-erosion.

In the first group, protection categories are also classified. These include all kinds of forest belts planted along the perimeter of reservoirs, lakes, rivers and other water bodies, as well as protecting the spawning grounds of fish species important for industry. This also includes anti-erosion species, forested areas in mountainous regions, lanes along major highways and highways, spa forests.

The second group performs a limited operational function. This is a forested area, common in densely populated built-up areas. Such forests perform all the same functions as protective ones, but in relation to settlements. They are also used for cutting wood.

The third group represents the lands of the regions in which nature occupies more space than man, and is divided into developed and reserved areas. This is where the main resources are mined.

Depending on which category or group the forest belongs to, procedures for the care of the territory and its processing are assigned. The policy of managing the economy and the use of natural resources are also determined.

Protective forests

"...1. Protective forests include forests that are subject to development for the purposes provided for by paragraph 4 of Article 12 of this Code.

2. Taking into account the peculiarities of the legal regime of protective forests, the following categories of these forests are determined:

1) forests located in specially protected natural areas;

2) forests located in water protection zones;

3) forests that perform the functions of protecting natural and other objects:

a) forests located in the first and second zones of the sanitary protection zones of sources of drinking and domestic water supply;

b) protective belts of forests located along public railways, federal public roads, public roads owned by constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

c) green areas;

(as amended by Federal Law No. 32-FZ of March 14, 2009)

c.1) forest park zones;

(clause "c.1" was introduced by Federal Law No. 32-FZ of March 14, 2009)

e) forests located in the first, second and third zones of the districts of sanitary (mountain-sanitary) protection of health-improving areas and resorts;

c) forests located in desert, semi-desert, forest-steppe, forest-tundra zones, steppes, mountains;

d) forests of scientific or historical importance;

e) walnut commercial zones;

g) tape burs;

h) forbidden strips of forests located along water bodies;

(clause "h" was introduced by Federal Law No. 143-FZ of July 22, 2008)

i) spawning belts of forests..."


"Forest Code of the Russian Federation" of December 4, 2006 N 200-FZ (as amended on July 28, 2012)

Official terminology. 2012 .

See what "Protective forests" are in other dictionaries:

    Protective forests- (Schutzwald in Switzerland and Germany, Bannwald, Schonwald in Austria, vincole forestale in Italy) entire forest cottages or only parts of them, the unconditional preservation of which is recognized as necessary for state or public benefit and ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Protective forests- natural and artificial forest plantations, reclamation and environment-forming properties of which are used to protect various objects from adverse natural or anthropogenic impacts. Allocate forests that perform especially protective, ... ...

    Protective forests- 1) the type of forests located on the lands of the forest fund, separated from their other types according to the purpose of the forests; forests located on lands of other categories can be classified as zonal forests; 2) forests that are subject to development in order to preserve ... ... Russian Environmental Law: Dictionary of Legal Terms

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