Well-known environmental organizations. Environmental organizations of the Russian Federation. International environmental organization "Bellona"

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  • Ecology and business / Green Business, Zoya Viktorovna Mankovskaya. The textbook forms the general cultural and professional competence of students to conduct a dialogue on issues of ecology and nature management and ensure environmental safety on ...
  • Ecology and Business Green Business Tutorial, Mankivska. The textbook forms the general cultural and professional competence of students to conduct a dialogue on issues of ecology and nature management and ensure environmental safety on ...

World Wild Fund for Nature: for a living planet!
An international environmental organization founded in 1961 that funds activities for the protection and study of endangered and rare species of animals, plants and their habitats. Goals: prevention of degradation of the natural environment; assistance in building a future with a harmonious existence of man and nature; attracting financial resources to protect nature and save certain species of animals and plants from extinction. Participants - 5.3 million permanent sponsors and national associations of five continents.
The site contains a detailed history of the World Wildlife Fund, its structure, areas of project activities in the field of conservation of marine, forest resources, climate, animal diversity, minerals, etc. Reference information about the state of nature and climate on the planet. On the main page of the site there is a news feed, information about competitions, polls, mass events of the organization. Information about the work of WWF Russia is given by areas (9 positions in total) and by regions (11 regions).

Greenpeace International
An international commission established in 1971. Participants are 43 closely related national and regional chapters in 30 countries. Purpose: to contribute to the preservation of the Earth, to reproduce life in all its diversity through campaigns for the protection of the atmosphere, non-proliferation and prohibition of nuclear weapons.
The headquarters is located in Amsterdam (Netherlands).

International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA
The organization, established in 1957, is part of the UN system. It is the world's leading international governmental forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the field of the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes, protection of humans and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation, radioactive and non-radioactive decay products of nuclear materials, etc.

Location - Vienna (Austria).

International Social and Ecological Union
The International Socio-Ecological Union is the only international environmental organization born in the USSR. At the moment, MSEU is more than 10 thousand people from 19 countries of Europe, Asia and North America. The main idea behind the creation of MSEU is to gather under one roof people who “care about”. It is not all the same what will happen to the Earth, with its nature and culture, with its people.

Official website of the UN international organization
On the site you can find general information and the history of the creation of the UN. All official UN documents on environmental protection and sustainable development are presented. It also provides information about conferences, about all dates and events, and about events dedicated to these dates. The section "Global issues on the agenda" separately collected materials related to sustainable development. There is a "Resources and Services" section. Separately, the section "New UN materials" is highlighted.

World Society for the Protection of Animals

The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is an international non-profit animal protection organization operating in more than 150 countries and uniting more than 900 organizations.

WHO has 13 offices located in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Tanzania, Thailand, the US and the UK, with the WHO headquarters in London.

History of creation

The World Society for the Protection of Animals was created in 1981 by the merger of two societies for the protection of animals. Founded in 1953 by the World Federation for the Protection of Animals (WFPA) and established in 1959 by the International Society for the Protection of Animals (ISPA).


The mission of the WSPA is a world where animal welfare is valued and cruelty is eliminated, the mission of the WSPA is. Building a global animal welfare movement.


The WSPA fights both against animal cruelty in general and campaigns against specific forms of cruelty and inhumane treatment such as bullfighting, bear-baiting, the whaling industry, captive dolphins, and intensive animal husbandry.

WSPA is famous for its bear protection campaigns, one of them is Libearty, started in 1992. The WSPA is currently fighting to end bear farming, bear baiting, and the exploitation of baby bears. In addition, WHO funds and advises community organizations and runs orphaned bear cub rehabilitation and bear sanctuaries. It can be said that due in large part to the WSPA campaign against bear baiting, this bloody sport has been stopped in Pakistan.

In addition, the WSPA also advises governments and pushes for legislation to improve the welfare of animals. Her international campaign for a World Declaration on Animal Welfare to be signed at the United Nations aims to establish a set of principles to ensure that animals are respected and protected.

WSPA also develops educational programs dedicated to the work and care of animals, including programs for veterinarians, pet owners, and children.


The World Wide Fund for Nature (until 1986 - the World Wildlife Fund, WWF) is an international non-governmental organization engaged in nature conservation, research and restoration of the natural environment. The official name of the organization was changed from World Wildlife Fund to World Wide Fund for Nature, however the former name remains official in many countries.

It is the largest independent conservation organization in the world, with approximately 5 million employees and volunteers worldwide, operating in over 120 countries. Every year WWF carries out over 1,200 environmental projects, drawing the attention of millions of people to environmental problems and their solution. The organization exists on voluntary contributions, approximately 9% of its budget comes from private donations.

The mission of WWF is to prevent the growing degradation of the planet's natural environment and achieve harmony between man and nature. The main goal is to preserve the biological diversity of the Earth. The symbol of the World Wildlife Fund is the giant panda.

History of creation

The World Wildlife Fund was founded in 1961 by the Englishmen Peter Scott, Luke Goffman and Guy Montfort. WWF gained fame and financial independence 10 years after its inception. In 1971, the president of the fund, Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, personally addressed one thousand of the most influential and famous people in the world with a request to support WWF and transfer 10 thousand dollars to the fund's management. The capital raised in this way ($10 million) became the basis of a trust fund, which, by the number of its participants - a thousand invitees plus Prince Bernard - was called the 1001 Conservation Trust. You can get into the number of the chosen ones only after the personal invitation of the prince and payment of the entrance fee. Members of the Rothschild and Rockefeller clans, high persons of the royal houses of Europe, the richest people from the countries of the Near and Middle East are in the club "1001". In 1981–1996 Philip, Duke of Edinburgh was President of the Foundation.

For more than forty years of its existence, the World Wildlife Fund has become an influential organization and operates in more than 130 countries around the world. WWF unites 28 national branches, they are headed by well-known and respected people in their countries, among whom there are royal persons, as, for example, in Sweden and Spain, where the monarchs themselves took up the conservation of wildlife. The World Wildlife Fund is also supported over 5 million individual members.

More than half of the money comes to the Foundation as charitable donations from organizations and individuals. Since its inception, WWF has provided funds for about 11,000 projects in 130 countries around the world.

The WWF International Secretariat is based in Switzerland.


Among the WWF projects, the annual international action "Earth Hour" should be noted.

Global Environmental Label Network

The Global Ecolabeling Network (GEN) is an association of independent organizations from 36 countries that implement environmental labeling systems in accordance with the voluntary international standard ISO 14024.

GEN works closely with the World Trade Organization and one of its members is the European Community Commission for Environmental Certification and Labelling.

Robin Taylor- Chairman of the Global Eco-Label Network.

Ukrainian eco-labelling program

The Ukrainian environmental label "Environmentally friendly and safe" was included in the international register on October 8, 2004 at the official annual meeting of GEN member organizations, which took place in Tokyo. At the same time, the Ukrainian Environmental Labeling Program was recognized.

In 2011, the Ukrainian Eco-Labeling Program passed an international audit and received a certificate under the GENICES mutual recognition program

The audit took place on May 3 and 4, 2011 on the basis of the environmental labeling authority, which has been administered since 2003 by the All-Ukrainian public organization "Living Planet".

Global Environment Facility

The Global Environment Facility (GEF, English Global Environment Facility, GEF) is an independent international financial sub-object, whose activities are implemented through the United Nations Development Program, the United Nations Environment Program, and the World Bank. The GEF provides funds to finance additional costs in order to to make the project environmentally friendly.

Gromada Fishing of Ukraine

The Fishing Community of Ukraine (GRU) is the All-Ukrainian public association of amateur fishermen and athletes. It includes the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation, the All-Ukrainian Fishing and Sports Club and the All-Ukrainian Public Organization. "associated with fishing sports or business, deals with environmental issues, nature conservation, the state of water bodies and the fight against poaching.


In 2006, the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "VBF GRU" was founded. In 2008, the All-Ukrainian Fishing and Sports Club and the All-Ukrainian newspaper "Rybolovny Vestnik" were created, which later became part of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Community of Fishermen of Ukraine". Regional branches of the IGR, which are formed on the basis of local fishing clubs and communities, are already operating in almost all regions of Ukraine.


The organization aims to protect the rights and interests of Ukrainian fishermen: a widespread ban on the free sale of nets and illegal fishing gear, public protection of fish resources and the aquatic environment of Ukraine, promotion and development of both amateur and sport fishing, as well as fishing tourism, increasing the fishing culture of the population, teaching the basics of skill to the younger generation, fishing rehabilitation of orphans and disabled children.


Greenpeace (English Greenpeace, in translation - "green world") is an international environmental organization founded in 1971 in Canada. The main task of the organization is to promote ecological revival and draw the attention of people and authorities to the conservation of nature.

Funding for the organization - exclusively from the donations of people who are not indifferent to the conservation of nature. Greenpeace does not accept funding from business, government or political parties.

The rise in popularity of Grіnpisu happened after many actions aimed at preserving the environment.

Main directions

As of March 2007, there are 6 tasks in the Ґrіnpisu program:
1, stop global warming;
2, save the nature of the oceans;
3, save the ancient forests and jungles;
4, ensure nuclear disarmament;
5, introduce ecological farming;
6, stop the manufacture of toxic substances.

Distribution countries

Greenpeace first appeared in Canada in 1971. It has spread from that time to almost all countries of North and South America. In Asia, this security organization is more common than in Europe. Australia and Oceania has many branches of Greenpeace. Greenpeace is least common in Africa and Antarctica.

Regional offices

Regional offices unite several states.

Central and Eastern Europe (Austria, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia)

Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden)

Mediterranean (Israel, Lebanon, Malta, Turkey)

Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines)

Australia and Oceania (Australia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji)

National offices

Europe: Belgium, UK, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Romania, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Ukraine

Asia: India, China, Japan

Africa: Congo, Senegal, South Africa

North America: Canada, Mexico, USA

South America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile

Australia and Oceania: New Zealand

"Ukraine and Belarus"

On the initiative of the students of the Khmelnytsky region on the basis of the Khmelnytsky regional branch of the All-Union International Public Organization "Student Republic" to provide legal, social and medical support to the countries (Ukraine and Belarus), which suffered the most from the Chernobail disaster, on 01.01. rescue Greenpeace Ukraine. The Khmelnytsky NPP and one of the largest national parks in Europe are located in the Khmelnytsky region, and the Goryn and Sluch rivers are tributaries of the Prit "yat".


The Greenpeace Ukraine song is a Polish-Ukrainian folk song "In the Green Ukraine".

Dnipropetrovsk City Society for Nature Conservation

Dnepropetrovsk City Society for the Protection of Nature (full name - Dnepropetrovsk City Organization of the Society for the Protection of Nature) is a public organization of environmental orientation, which extends its activities to the territory of the city of Dnepropetrovsk.

From the history of society

The organization was established in 1959 through the reorganization of the Society for the Promotion of Greening of Dnepropetrovsk in Dnepropetrovsk, the city branch of the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Nature.

An important role in the creation and development of the urban organization of the society for the protection of nature was played by the scientists of the biological faculty of the Dnepropetrovsk State University (now - Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University).

In 1963, at the initiative of the city society for nature conservation, an organizing committee of the regional organization was created, and in 1964, the Dnepropetrovsk regional organization of the Ukrainian Society for Nature Conservation was formed.

In 1990, the Dnepropetrovsk city organization of the Society for the Protection of Nature was registered as an independent public organization.

In the House of Nature, together with the Dnipropetrovsk TOP, there is the directorate of the Dnieper-Orel nature reserve, created in the same 1990 (September 15).

The main activities of the company

holding public environmental campaigns;
educational activities;
conducting public environmental reviews;
publication of ecological literature;
interaction with state authorities and local self-government in the field of environmental protection;
protection of environmental rights of citizens.

The structure of modern society

The supreme governing body of the society is the city conference, which meets every five years. In the period between conferences, the work of the society is managed by the board of the society elected by the conference. The head of the organization is the chairman of the society (chairman of the city council of the society), who is elected and dismissed by the council.

Society's assets (city council of the society;):
Chairman of the Society (Chairman of the City Council) - Edamenko Sergey Vladimirovich, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Council of the Ukrainian Society for the Conservation of Nature, Deputy Chairman of the Association for International Legal Studies, lawyer,
Deputy Chairman of the City Council - Belokon Vitaliy Leonidovich, Chairman of the Association for International Legal Studies; Director of the Commodity Exchange "UMTB"
Responsible Secretary - Zaitseva Oksana Alexandrovna, Head of the Department of Legal Support for the Activities of Enterprises of the UMTB Commodity Exchange


According to the information provided on the official website of the company, the forms of its recent activities include:
participation in the X international scientific-practical conference "Water: problems and solutions" (September 20, 2012);
organization of the Round Table of the Public Council under the Dnepropetrovsk City Council on the topic: "European practice of corporate social responsibility and prospects for its implementation in Ukraine" (03/13/12);
Participation in the National Ecological Campaign "Go Green" (Go Green);
work (together with the board of the Dnepropetrovsk regional association of gardeners and gardeners) on the draft law "On horticultural associations";
Participation in the initiative group for the creation of the National Natural Park "Samarsky Bor"

The Society takes part in various public appeals to the authorities, including:
OPEN STATEMENT TO THE PUBLIC on the problems of legal regulation and the practice of conducting a public examination of the activities of executive authorities (March 23, 2011)


In 2013, the Society launched an environmental project for environmental schools and all those who are not indifferent "GOOD IN YOUR HEART", details of which are posted on the website of the City Palace of Youth Children. Project coordinator: Postol Svetlana Ivanovna.

On the website of the "Association for International Legal Studies" in the program of its activities, a separate paragraph states:
2. Interaction with the public. 2.1. Establishing interaction with other legal public organizations; 2.2. Continuation of cooperation with the Dnepropetrovsk city organization of the Society for the Protection of Nature."

On the website "European space (portal of the pro-European civil society of Ukraine" in the section "List of participants of the Platform" the society is listed in the list
"Registered participants of the Ukrainian National Platform"

Ecoclub "Green Wave"

Ecoclub "Green Wave" is an environmental organization of students and graduates of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" (NaUKMA), whose work is aimed at promoting the conservation of the natural environment through educational activities and practical activities.

Purpose of creation

Provide NaUKMA students with the opportunity to gain professional experience in environmental protection;
- To promote the self-realization of environmentally conscious students and the rallying of the student community around the principles of environmental protection;
- to form the image of the Academy as an "environmentally conscious" educational institution in Ukraine.

Organization structure

Ecoclub "Green Wave" unites the public organization "Ukrainian Ecological Club "Green Wave" and a student organization at the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".

student organization

Student environmental organization Ecoclub "Green Wave" was established in 2006 by three graduates of the Department of Ecology of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy". Founders: Alena Tarasova, Natalya Gozak, Alexander Baskov. Ecoclub members are interested university students. Activities of the student organization:
popularization of the principles of sustainable development among the university community;
introduction of the Green Office at the Academy and organization of separate waste collection at NaUKMA;
Green Cinema;
natural photo exhibitions (Photo exhibition “Chernobyl today: 20 years after the accident”);
re-art (master classes in needlework);
personal development trainings;
participation in environmental activities (“Earth Hour”).

Public organization

The public organization was registered in 2008. EDRPOU code 36174854 according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs. The first chairman of the organization during 2008-2012. was Tarasova Elena Sergeevna, and since 2012 the chairman of the organization is Gozak Natalia Aleksandrovna. The activities of the public organization are carried out in the field of environmental education, mainly on the topic of biodiversity protection.

Public report of the organization for 2010-2012.

The following areas are being developed:
Natural school "Wonderful World", which offers scientific and educational excursions to parks and protected areas. About the school in June 2013 wrote the magazine "Power of money"
A network of educators and practitioners of biodiversity conservation. The network represents the Ukrainian branch of the International Network of Biodiversity Conservation Educators and Practitioners, which was once created by the Center for Biodiversity Conservation and Conservation at the American Museum of Natural History (New York, USA). More information about the work of the Ukrainian Network can be found on the official website - conservation.in.ua
Close cooperation with the student Ecoclub (organization of hiking trips for students, search for a place for practical training, consulting and organizing thematic meetings with such people, website support, etc.)


MATRA program of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
US Embassy in Ukraine
British Council (Kyiv)
Water Information Center of KSCA
International Charitable Foundation "Renaissance" of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

Ecological union

The Ecological Union (Ekosoyuz) is a scientific ecological public organization that was created and operates in Udmurtia. The governing body is the Coordination Council, which since 1992 has been headed by L. Ya. Yampolsky.

The Ecounion was established on November 10, 1988. The first training camp took place at the Izhevsk State Medical Institute, and was registered on July 15, 1989. Since January 1992, the Ecounion has been a regional branch of the international public environmental organization, the Socio-Ecological Union.

The goal of Ecosoyuz is to lead to the improvement of the environment in Udmurtia. With the participation of members of the EcoUnion, the Forest Code and the Subsoil Law of Udmurtia, as well as other regulatory documents, were developed and adopted. The initiative group annually organizes teenage ecological camps and excursions.

European Environment Agency

The European Environment Agency (EAD) (eng. European Environment Agency (EEA) is an EU agency for providing independent information on the state of the environment. There are also names - the European Environment Agency (EAD), the European Environmental Protection Agency. Located in Copenhagen ( Denmark).

The EAD materials are the main information base for those involved in the development, adoption, implementation and evaluation of environmental policy, as well as for the public.

The main areas of work of the EAD:

Prevention of climate change;
- prevention of loss of biological diversity and understanding of its spatial change;
- protecting human health and quality of life;
- use and management of natural resources and waste.

The EAD has 32 member countries (27 EU countries together with Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey) and six countries cooperating with should accelerate the process (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro).

The European Environmental Information and Observation Network (Eionet) is a network of cooperation between EAD and partner countries. EAD is responsible for developing the network and coordinating its activities. To this end, EAD works closely with national focal points, usually national environmental agencies or ministries of nature protection. They are responsible for coordinating national networks involving many institutions (about 300 in total).

Cooperation with Ukraine

The Ukrainian side is now analyzing the directions of the Agency's activities that meet the priorities of Ukraine.

Establishing cooperation with EAD is one of the tools that will contribute to the further integration of Ukraine into the EU in the field of environmental protection. First of all, Ukraine's participation in the work of the Agency will provide an opportunity to better understand the EU environmental policy. In addition, Ukraine's access to the European Environmental Information and Observation Network will allow timely response to the assessment of the environmental situation both in Ukraine and in the EAD partner countries.

The European Commission confirms the expansion of cooperation in the field of environmental protection, which was proclaimed by the EU in February 2005, offering Ukraine new principles of participation, in particular in the European Environment Agency.

Green Front

"Green Front" is a Kharkiv regional public environmental organization that is engaged in environmental protection, protection of environmental and related social rights of citizens.


HOOO "Green Front" was created by activists who defended Gorky Park in Kharkov from cutting down for the construction of a highway and a whole block of apartments, hotels and other objects.

On June 2, 2010, unidentified persons in black clothes (most of them were "municipal security" badges) kicked environmental activists out of Gorky Park with physical violence. On the same day, the park's defenders got together and created a public organization that united all citizens who are not indifferent to the fate of green spaces, protected areas and the environment in general.

The name of the organization is the result of a mistake by journalists: during the confrontation in Gorky Park, one of the tents of the round-the-clock camp was called "Green Fort", but journalists from several publications for some reason called the entire camp "Green Front". This name was liked by the activists and indeed became the name of the entire movement.

The founding conference of the HOOO "Green Front" was held on August 3, 2010. It adopted the charter of this organization, its policy documents.


Among the most famous campaigns led by this organization is the fight against the theft of black soil from the agricultural land of the Kharkiv region, which was reported even in the English-language press and American blogs.

The organization pays great attention to the creation of protected areas and the protection of existing ones. In particular, she created projects for four wildlife sanctuaries, which should appear on the territory of the Kharkov Forest Park. Its activists take part in all-Ukrainian environmental campaigns: "Primrose", "Yolka", in holding other all-Ukrainian and international events.

Earth Charter Initiative

The Earth Charter Initiative is the collective name for an extremely diverse global network of people, organizations and institutions that are involved in promoting and implementing the moral and ethical standards and principles of the Earth Charter.

The initiative represents a large-scale voluntary civil society movement. Its participants include leading international institutions, national governments and their institutions, university associations, non-governmental organizations, local communities, municipalities, various faith groups, schools, businesses, as well as thousands of individuals.

Mission and goals

The mission of the Earth Charter is formulated - to promote the transition to a sustainable way of life and a global society within the framework of a common ethical framework, which is based on respect and care for the living community, environmental integrity, universal human rights, respect for diversity, economic justice, democracy and a culture of peace.


To acquaint the world community with the Earth Charter and spread the understanding of its comprehensive ethical vision.
- Promote the adoption and formal recognition of the Charter by individuals, organizations and the United Nations.
- Promote the application of the Earth Charter as an official reference and the implementation of its principles by civil society, business and governments.
- Encourage and support the use of the Charter for educational purposes in schools, universities, religious communities, local communities, etc.
- Promote the recognition and application of the Earth Charter as a document "which" the law.

Strategic objectives

Contribute to the growth of a global network of Earth Charter supporters and partners in collaboration with advisors, partner organizations and working groups.
- Develop and distribute high quality information and training materials to a diverse target group that reaches millions of people.
- Translate key Earth Charter materials into the world's most widely spoken languages.
- Create Earth Charter websites in all countries in collaboration with key individuals and organizations.
- To promote the vision of the Earth Charter in prominent local, national and international events and to encourage individuals and organizations to use the values ​​of the Earth Charter in their areas of activity.
- Link the Earth Charter to important international initiatives and processes in such a way that its ethical framework can be used as guidance in addressing pressing issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, the Millennium Development Goals, food security and conflict resolution.
- Organize training programs that would promote the adoption and application of the Earth Charter in various fields.
- Develop guidelines and tools to help organizations, businesses and local communities use the Earth Charter to measure progress towards sustainable development.


An official network of supporters, partners and youth groups helps spread the Earth Charter around the world. Many of these representations are located in large organizations and institutions at the national level.

The initiative is coordinated by the Earth Charter International Organization, which consists of the executive part and is called the International Secretariat of the Earth Charter, as well as the International Council of the Earth Charter. The secretariat consists of a small staff and is located at the University for Peace in San José, Costa Rica. The International Council is identified with the Board. It meets once a year and provides strategic direction for the Secretariat and the Earth Charter Initiative.

Earth Charter Youth Program

The Earth Charter Youth Program is a network of youth non-profit non-governmental organizations and young activists who share a common interest in sustainable development and the Earth Charter. Severn Callis-Suzuki of Vancouver, Canada, was appointed youth representative to the Earth Charter Commission, which oversaw the charter writing process. At the age of 17, Severn attended the 1997 Earth Summit and ensured that youth interests were taken seriously during the creation of the Earth Charter. She contributed to the inclusion in the final version of the Charter of principle 12c, which emphasizes the need to: “gather and support young people, enabling them to play a significant role in the formation of balanced societies.” It is this ethical principle that inspired the launch of the Earth Charter Youth Program. Now there are two youth representatives in the Council of the International Earth Charter.

World Watch Institute

The World Watch Institute is located in Washington, DC, USA. The staff is about 30 employees. The main task is to familiarize the general public around the world with various global, including environmental, problems.

The Institute's most famous work is the collection The State of the Planet, which the Institute publishes annually in Washington. Each issue consists of ten sections, which may change from year to year, such as deforestation or global warming, etc. The collection is published in 30 languages ​​all over the world.

The partner of the Institute for World Observation in Ukraine is the Institute for Sustainable Development in Kyiv, which is preparing for publication the publication of the collection "The State of the Planet" in Ukrainian.

Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution named after A. M. Sєvertsov RAS

A. M. Severtsov Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution (Russian: A. N. Severtsov Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution) is a research institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences that deals with the problems of general and separate animal ecology, biodiversity, behavior and evolutionary morphology of animals , which also develops recommendations for nature conservation.

The Institute was established in 1934 on the basis of the Laboratory of Evolutionary Morphology, founded by the famous Russian scientist, Academician Alexei Nikolaevich Sєvertsov, who was its first director.

The Institute coordinates research within the framework of three federal programs on biological diversity:
Fundamentals of biodiversity monitoring
Conservation of rare and endangered species of plants and animals and species that have resource support
Assessing the Consequences of Alien Species Impacts on the Structure, Productivity and Biodiversity of Russian Ecosystems

The data obtained at the institute are widely used in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fisheries, medicine, nature protection, etc. These data are the basis for the rational use and conservation of natural resources and ecosystems of the Earth.

Institute for the Development of Territorial Communities

The Institute for the Development of Territorial Communities (ICDU) is a charitable organization that ensures the sustainable development of rural and natural areas of Ukraine, combining economic, social and environmental approaches. The Institute works on issues of climate change, sustainable land use, capacity building of local communities and wildlife conservation in Ukraine and some CIS countries. The Institute's projects are being implemented in the fields of agriculture, forestry, hunting, and nature conservation areas.

Institute activities

The Institute was registered in June 2004 and is the legal successor of the Local Environmental Action Program (LEP). The purpose of the MEP was to bring together stakeholders to solve local environmental problems; The program was funded by the US Agency for International Development. In the period from 2005 to 2008, the Institute continues the work begun in the MEP towards the sustainable development of local communities through the introduction of transparent and democratic local governance, addressing priority community issues and raising public and stakeholder awareness of their rights and participation in the management of the territorial community.

Currently, the Institute, in addition to project activities, provides technical support to local governments on the development of targeted policies and action plans to address the problems of society, the development of mechanisms for financing activities, improving the investment climate in the community, etc.

Among the problems to which the work of the Institute was directed, it should be noted the disposal of solid household waste and the provision of high-quality drinking water to individual communities.

Since 2008, the Institute has been participating in major EU and German KfW projects aimed at adapting to climate change, restoring degraded lands and introducing sustainable land use practices taking into account local needs. In these projects, the Institute uses the experience of working with local authorities and focuses on a combination of environmental interests and specific territorial communities.

The main areas of work of the Institute are:
The study of the environment using methods of remote sensing of the Earth's surface (ERS) and geoinformation technologies (GIS)
Development and adaptation of greenhouse gas accounting methodologies, development of carbon projects under the joint implementation mechanism or targeted environmental (green) investments and monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions in selected areas
Development of climate change adaptation strategies and plans for specific areas<;br />Restoration of degraded lands and development of business models for nature conservation facilities’objects, rural, forestry and hunting farms

Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center

Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center (KECC) is a Ukrainian public environmental organization. Established in 1989. Heads the V. Center. Boreyko.

The Center is an official member of the International Society for the Protection of Animals - WSPA, a member of the International Socio-Ecological Union - IUEC, a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN.

The Center is engaged in legislative activities, conducts courts in defense of nature, since 1999 publishes the "Humanitarian Ecological Journal", organizes seminars and conferences on various issues of nature conservation, conducts campaigns in defense of primroses, bison, moles, dolphins, wolves, centuries-old trees, engages in the fight against poaching, the creation of territories of the natural reserve fund.

The Center publishes books and booklets on nature protection. For the first time in Ukraine, courses on environmental ethics and environmental aesthetics have been developed for schools. The Center has held more than 60 different international and Ukrainian conferences and seminars on nature protection. The Center develops and popularizes two promising environmental concepts of the future - the rights of nature and the idea of ​​absolute conservation.

During its existence, the Center created or expanded 336 objects of the natural reserve fund in 20 regions of Ukraine. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved 9 environmental laws developed by the Center together with a number of public organizations and people's deputies. The Center published more than 150 titles of books on nature protection, Since 1999, 50 issues of the “Humanitarian Ecological Journal” have been published, which can be subscribed to in any country of the world, as well as 28 issues of the bulletin “Biodiversity Protection and Reserve Management in Ukraine”.

To train young conservationists, the Center holds annual seminars, as well as Boreiko-Wojciechowski Reserve Schools (together with the Polish environmental organization For the Benefit of All Creatures).

Together with another public organization - "Ekopravo-Kyiv", the Center won 29 lawsuits on environmental issues against the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, the State Forestry Committee of Ukraine.

The Center achieved the approval of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Ukraine of the Rules for keeping wild animals in captivity, and from the Ministry of Education of Ukraine - the List of alternative methods and objects "objects for use instead of experimental animals, as well as the Procedure for conducting research and experiments on animals by scientific organizations.

The Center has achieved

2004 - ban on spring hunting in Ukraine,
2011 - ban on the use of traps,
2007 - prohibition of commercial bison hunting,
2008 - ban on catching dolphins,
2010 - a ban on hunting in national parks.

In 2012, the Center, together with the Association of Animal Protection Organizations of Ukraine, achieved the approval of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine of the Procedure for the use of animals in agriculture, a normative act that allows protecting farm animals from cruel treatment.

Since 2009, the Center, together with the State Service for Reserve Affairs, began conducting the All-Ukrainian census of ancient trees. About 300 ancient trees have been identified, of which 43 are 1000 or more years old. According to the census data, over 160 ancient trees from 12 regions of Ukraine received the status of a monument of nature.

In 2011, the Center, together with the Fishing Community of Ukraine, achieved a legislative ban on the manufacture, sale and use of poaching tools (poisonous baits, prickly, pressure and trap-like fishing gear, electric fishing rods, explosives, bird glue and monofilament nets from fishing line) and a ban on the import into Ukraine of traps, monofilament nets made of fishing line and electric fishing rods, which are used exclusively for poaching purposes.

In 2012, the Center, together with the Rybalok Community of Ukraine, achieved the return of the rights of public environmental inspectors to draw up reports on poachers, as well as a ban on the import of zinc phosphide poison into Ukraine.


The History of Conservation Series (all available online
Environmental Advocacy Series (all available online
Wildlife Conservation Series (all available online
Abstracts of conferences and seminars published by EKCC (all available online
"Humanitarian Ecological Journal" (all available online

Sierra Club

The Sierra Club (Eng. Sierra Club) is an American conservation organization founded on May 28, 1892 in San Francisco, California, by the famous naturalist and nature conservationist John M "yure (was its first president).

The Sierra Club has hundreds of thousands of members in chapters throughout the US and is related to the Canadian Sierra Club.

Forest Supervisory Board

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), FSC, is an independent, international, membership-based conservation organization dedicated to supporting the environmentally responsible, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests. It helps to conserve forest resources and find solutions to problems arising from careless forest management.

The work of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) began as an attempt to stop the destruction of rainforests. It was founded in Toronto (Canada) in 1993 at the initiative of forest owners and environmental organizations from 25 countries, and in August 1994 the FSC certificate was accepted - as a correspondence of words and practical actions. Today this certificate is valid in more than 41 countries. Over the past 12 years, over 82 million hectares in over 82 countries have been FSC certified and many growers have been granted the right to use the FSC quality label. Today LNV promotes environmentally sound, conscientious and financially sound use of the world's forest resources. The FSC certificate, issued to forest owners, producers and their products, local communities and non-profit organizations, means that the raw materials they use in their activities come from forests grown according to environmental, social and economic standards.

For a paper and pulp company, FSC certification means that it is doing its part to support the management of both local and global forests.

The presence of an FSC certificate guarantees, among other things, network control over the production of products, in particular, over all stages of its processing, transformation and distribution, as well as over the path that raw materials get from the manufacturer's forest.

The social benefits of cooperation with the Council are reflected in the assistance of the woodworking industry to the local population and forestry.

From an economic point of view, this means that woodworking companies operate in such a way that part of their profits are distributed among forestry enterprises and local communities in order to maintain ecosystems in good condition.

International Green Cross

Green Cross International is an international environmental organization founded by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1993 after the Earth Summit conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The headquarters of the Green Cross International is located in Geneva, and there are branches in 30 countries, including the USA, countries of Latin America, Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, Belarus, Japan, Pakistan. The founding president of the MZK is Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, the current president is Alexander Alexandrovich Likhotal.


In January 1990, during an address to the Global Forum on Environment and Development in Moscow, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev floated the idea of ​​creating an organization like the International Red Cross, only this new organization would deal with environmental issues, not medical. The creation of such an organization will accelerate the resolution of those environmental problems that transcend national boundaries.

Developing this idea, Mikhail Gorbachev at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro (June 1992) announced the creation of such an organization. At the same time, Roland Wiederkehr, a member of the Swiss National Rada, founded the environmental organization World of the Green Cross. Both of these organizations merged in 1993 to form Green Cross International.

Green Cross International was officially founded in Kyoto on April 18, 1993. Many famous figures have joined its Board of Directors and Honorary Council, at the invitation of Mikhail Gorbachev.

The first set of national organizations officially joined the International Green Cross in The Hague, in the spring of 1994. These include the green cross of Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Switzerland and the United States.

Purpose of the organization

The purpose of the creation of the International Green Cross is to take measures aimed at ensuring a sustainable and secure future of the planet, environmental education, and instilling a sense of responsibility for the consequences of civilization's influence on the environment.

Areas of activity of the Green Cross

Prevention and resolution of conflicts that arise as a result of environmental degradation;
- Providing assistance to people affected by the environmental consequences of hostilities and conflicts;
- Development of legal and ethical standards, which will later become the basis and motivation for the actions of the state, business and society in order to create an environmentally safe world.

International Union for Conservation of Nature

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN; English - International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN) is an international organization whose goal is to conserve natural resources.

Founded in 1948, the main office is located in the city of Gland (Switzerland). Members of the organization can be both legal entities and individuals. Currently, IUCN members are 78 countries, 112 governmental and 735 non-governmental organizations (including Ukrainian), as well as a large number of scientists from 181 countries.

IUCN's core statutory activity is to help communities of all kinds conserve biodiversity and promote environmentally sound and sustainable practices in the use of natural resources.

Members of the IUCN

IUCN about "unites both state and non-state public organizations. They determine the general policy of the IUCN, develop the principles of day-to-day work, and elect the IUCN Council at the IUCN World Congresses, which meet regularly. Member organizations can be grouped into National and Regional communities.

IUCN commissions

As part of the IUCN, there are 6 commissions that assess the world's natural resources and provide information and advice on biodiversity conservation:
- The Species Survival Commission (SSC): assists the IUCN in the field of technical issues related to the work of conservation of species and conducts conservation activities in relation to endangered species. Issues the IUCN Red List. 700 members Chairman - Holly Dublin.
- Commission on Protected Areas (World Commission on Protected Areas, WCPA): deals with the organization of new and management of existing terrestrial and marine natural protected areas. In 2006 it had 1300 members. Chairman - Nikita Lopoukhine.
- Commission on Environmental Law (CEL): develops legislative concepts and tools, and provides advisory assistance in the field of environmental legislation and sustainable natural development of territories. In 2006 it had 800 members. Chairman - Sheila Abed.
- Commission on Education and Communication (CEC): develops methodologies for education at all levels, aimed at understanding the importance of biodiversity conservation. In 2006 it had 600 members. Chairman - Keith Wheeler.
- Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP): conducts expertise and develops recommendations for optimizing economic and social factors for environmental protection and sustainable development of natural ecosystems while preserving biodiversity. In 2006 it had 500 members. Chairman - Taghi Farvar.
- Commission on Ecosystem Management (SAM): provides expert support on an integrated ecosystem approach to the management of natural and modified ecosystems. In 2006 it had 400 members. Chairman - Hillary Masundire.

The IUCN has developed the following system of protected area categories:

Ia - Strict Nature Reserve

An area of ​​land or sea that contains outstanding or highly representative specimens of ecosystems, geological or physiological systems, and/or species; available for scientific research and environmental monitoring.

Ib - Wilderness Area

A large area of ​​unaltered or slightly altered land and/or sea that retains a natural character, without significant permanent population, that is protected and maintained in a way that ensures its natural state is preserved.

II - National Park

The natural territory of land or sea, intended for:
protecting ecological interconnections"connections within one or more ecosystems for present and future generations;
exclusion of the use of the territory, which may lead to the loss of its natural characteristics;
providing opportunities for spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational and tourist use of the territory, subject to their most environmental compatibility

III - Natural Monument

An area containing one or more specific natural or cultural properties of outstanding or unique value due to their rarity, preserved typicality, aesthetic qualities or cultural importance.

IV - Habitat/Species Management Area

An area of ​​land or sea permitted for active use, provided that some specific locality or species is preserved.

V - Protected Landscape/Seascape

An area of ​​land, sea or coast where the interaction between man and nature has over time resulted in the emergence of specific entities of significant aesthetic, ecological or cultural value, most often with significant biodiversity. The protection and preservation of this traditional interacting complex are vital conditions for maintaining the existence and evolution of such a territory.

VI - Managed Resource Protected Area

An area containing mostly unmodified natural systems that has been used for a long time with the condition of protecting and maintaining biodiversity on it.

Youth Ecological Center

Youth Ecological Center (full name - "Youth Ecological Center" of the Dniprovsky district of Kyiv, short - YEC) is a public organization that constantly introduces various programs of environmental education for children and youth, which contribute to the formation of the environmental consciousness of the younger generation, the education of their indifferent attitude to environment, help to preserve the environment.


The purpose of the work of the METU is to carry out activities aimed at satisfying and protecting its legitimate social, economic, creative, spiritual and other common interests.

The tasks and activities of the METU are:
- implementation of practical environmental measures and their financial support;
- participation in the development of environmental policy;
- implementation of educational activities among the population in order to educate public environmental consciousness;
- prevention of environmental offenses, implementation of public control in the field of environmental protection;
- at the expense of its own and borrowed funds, organizes practical measures aimed at preserving and reproducing natural resources, protecting the environment, ensuring environmental safety, taking measures to consolidate other public organizations, movements and environmentally oriented formations for this purpose;
- if necessary, organizes scientific research;
- takes the initiative to hold a local referendum on the most pressing environmental issues relating to the interests of the population;
- organizes the public environmental review, engages independent experts in its implementation (at the expense of the IEC, interested organizations or on a voluntary basis), publishes the conclusions of the review and transfers them to the bodies authorized to make management decisions;
- carries out public independent control over compliance with the environmental legislation of Ukraine in this part by the relevant formation;
- receives from state authorities and administrations and local self-government bodies information on the implementation by enterprises, institutions, organizations of environmental programs and activities;
- disseminates information and propagates their ideas and goals;
- creates institutions, enterprises and organizations that contribute to the implementation of practical environmental measures that promote youth employment;
for the purpose of carrying out educational activities, upbringing and education, creates on a voluntary basis environmental cultural and educational institutions, clubs, specialized divisions, organizes lectures, exhibitions, competitions, lotteries, charity events, has its own press organs, uses periodicals, radio, TV, Internet.
contributes to the harmonious development of the individual.

The subject of the MEC activities are:
- assistance to the development of ecological self-awareness of the population;
- assistance in carrying out educational and educational activities on environmental issues;
- promotion of environmental protection measures;
- introduction of the concept of systematic environmental education in educational institutions;
- participation in international and all-Ukrainian conferences, seminars and schools;
- organization of public conferences, educational seminars, trainings, ecological schools;
- participation and organization of educational and health camps;
- participation and organization of training camps and ecological expeditions of the IEC members;
- participation and organization of trips around the country and foreign countries of the IEC members;
- participation and organization of mass cultural, environmental, educational and other events;
- interaction with health authorities, education, culture, etc. in the implementation of the MEC programs, both in Ukraine and abroad;
- establishment of direct international contacts and "links" with similar organizations. To achieve the goals and objectives of the IEC in the prescribed manner:
- uses the financial resources of individuals received on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by law, for the implementation of statutory activities;
- promotes the direction of children to rest in other countries in special children's institutions or families, as well as receives children from foreign countries and organizes their holidays in Ukraine; - participation in charity, cultural and entertainment events, whist-wok, competitions, concerts, competitions, reviews, lectures, etc.;
- carries out economic activity by creating self-supporting institutions and organizations, founding enterprises in accordance with the current legislation;
- Creates local branches.

Ecological Bike Patrol School

One of the most complex and important aspects of the work of many public environmental youth organizations is the interest of young people of different ages with different interests to participate in the environmental movement. Today's youth is characterized by a variety of interests, inclinations, preferences, hobbies. Finding a single approach that could be applied to anyone is simply not possible. However, we have no right to leave teenagers, boys and girls indifferent to what is happening around in order to save ourselves in our home, to save our future.
Deepening environmental education and upbringing of the younger generation, changing people's attitudes towards the environment, the environment, nature and personal health, increasing responsibility for the future development of mankind and the planet as a whole is the main task of non-formal environmental education. Public youth organizations face the problem of intensifying their work with young people in their interest in improving the state of the environment.But what can children, students, adolescents and just caring adults do?
In order to develop the ability of students and students to see the impact of anthropogenic pressure on the environment, to assess its consequences in forest park areas, a system of bicycle patrols was created, which makes it possible to form the norms of behavior of students and students in the environment, helps to organize research, experiments, deepen environmental education and education, to form ecological consciousness.
Goals and objectives of the WEB:
create special units that will study their terrain;
monitor compliance with environmental laws;
conduct direct patrols on the territory of the forest park zone;
warn and prevent violation of laws on nature protection;
conduct environmental monitoring;
conduct trainings with different age groups;
organize environmental campaigns and holidays;
develop information materials for visitors to the forest park zone and the population living near the forest;
influence public opinion in the security system through student and student youth;
attract young people to socially useful work;
promote a healthy lifestyle.
The strategy of the work of SHEV is the formation of personal qualities in students: responsibility for the state of the environment; self-control over one's own behavior in nature; learning to foresee the results of human activity in nature; learning to accept timely weighted responses; value the life and health of others; create an image of success.
The tactic for introducing environmental knowledge into WEB is: to teach how to comply with and require others to comply with environmental laws; teach how to provide first aid; use the equipment necessary for work; learn how to use video and photo equipment with subsequent processing of the received materials; carry out explanatory work with different segments of the population; conduct excursions on environmental topics; issue environmental leaflets; conduct consultations, provide advice on environmental issues.
The work of WEB is carried out in three directions: theoretical, practical and propaganda. 1. Theoretical includes training in the following subjects:
- Means and devices for surveillance and communication "language (photo equipment and radio sound" communication) (ZPSZ).
- Mapping and topography (CT).
- Basics of patrol service (OPPS).
- Rules of the road (SDA).
- Environmental law (EP).
- Health training (MSP).
- Velomaisternist (VM).
- Environmental management (EM).
- Computer environmental monitoring (CEM).
2. Practical includes direct patrolling of the forest park zone of the DVRZ microdistrict of Kyiv. Patrolmen should monitor the movement of vehicles on the territory of the forest park zone, draw up maps of the most littered places, try to force legal entities and individuals through the state authorities to most conscientiously comply with the Laws of Ukraine on the protection of nature and natural resources.
3. Propaganda includes conducting information work among various segments of the population, organizing trainings, promotions and holidays on environmental topics

School with character

This is a topical youth project that aims to provide knowledge and skills that would help develop personalities and educate real leaders.

Education at the school is carried out in the spirit of harmonious and complementary education in economic, environmental and social areas.

The training is structured in such a way that the main focus is on obtaining and mastering practical leadership skills.

WEC in 2008

During 2008 the activities of the organization were carried out in various directions.
Youth work:
- conducting various trainings on environmental topics ("Green office", "Water", "Energy saving", "Live sharing - improve the future", etc.)
- organization of one-day actions to improve the environment (cleaning the territory, planting green spaces, preparing the forest for winter)
- support and material assistance in holding the City School Ecology Olympiad
- Support and creation of new eco-clubs at Ukrainian universities and secondary schools
- Organization of leisure activities for young people to promote a lifestyle that is friendly to the natural environment (excursion trips to nature, hiking)
- Conducting scientific student and school seminars, round tables (an obligatory component of our seminars is a direct action, i.e. not only a discussion of topical environmental problems, but also practical measures)
- Constant work of the film club - showing films on environmental topics to students of various specialties and a permanent film screening in the office of the organization
- Organization of the work of circles and various programs for children of middle and senior school age - Economics, School with Character
- Work under the program "School of Ecological Bicycle Patrol"
- Organization of various competitions (drawings, essays, eco-calendars, eco-quest)
- Helping students organize environmental research (for example, detecting changes in the carbon footprint by the population of the area)
- There is a permanent Internet mailing list on environmental topics "IEC News"
Work with teachers (biology, chemistry, life safety, physics) - conducting trainings and lectures for teachers and organizing seminars (for example, for university teachers - "Strengthening the procedural side of education").
Also, the work of the activists of the Dnieper region outside the city - assistance in the restoration of the Dzhardzhala River (Kerch), assistance in the work of the foresters of Transcarpathia and direct participation in helping residents of the western regions during the flood, participation in various environmental events in the city of Nikolaev (landscaping territories and a seminar, the creation of an eco-club), Lviv (organization of landscaping, an information campaign about biofuels and the collection of toys for children from boarding schools on the feast of St. Nicholas).
This year, the International Economic Center came up with initiatives against illegal development in our district (Hydropark, Kurnatovsky St.)
Also interesting is the fact of recognition of the organization at various levels. This is evidenced by the facts of the appeal for help from specialists and volunteers of organizations such as the State Department for Environmental Protection in Kiev (assistance in organizing and conducting trainings on the basics of ecology for middle school students (school 11, boarding school 14, Technical Lyceum) , assistance in organizing a photography competition), Kyiv Zoological Park (organization and participation in information campaigns), NPU named after. Drahomanov, National Agrarian University and National Transport University (organization of practical training for environmental students), etc.

National Ecological Center of Ukraine

The National Ecological Center of Ukraine (NECU) is one of the first ecological public non-profit organizations of the national level, registered in independent Ukraine.

24 territorial offices throughout Ukraine.

In 2003, the activities of the Youth Department of NECU were restored.

NECU Founders

Antonenko Vladimir Stepanovich (* 1954), ZAT "Insurance company" Brama Zhitya ", Director
Gardashuk Tatyana Vasilievna (* 1958), candidate of philosophical sciences, chairman of the "Green Ukraine" society
Gleba Yuriy Yurievich (* 1949), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Golubets Mikhail Andreevich (* 1930), Director of the Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Zayets Ivan Alexandrovich (* 1952), People's Deputy of Ukraine, 1st Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Environmental Policy, Nature Management and Elimination of the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster
Kostenko Yuriy Ivanovich (* 1951), candidate of technical sciences, people's deputy of Ukraine
Movchan Yaroslav Ivanovich (* 1957), Candidate of Biological Sciences, Director of the Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine
Sandulyak Leonty Ivanovich (* 1937), Professor of the Department of Ecology and Law of the Chernivtsi Faculty of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", co-author of the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine in 1991.
Svіzhenko Viktor Alekseevich (* 1947), Director of the Department of Scientific and Technological Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Ruban Yuri Grigorievich (* 1958), director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies
Shelyag-Sosonko Yuriy Romanovich (* 1933), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Botany named after. MG Kholodny of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, President of the All-Ukrainian Committee for Assistance to the Activities of UNEP in Ukraine.

NECU declares that its position may not coincide with the position of the founders. The position of NECU is formed by the Council of NECU.

The activity of NECU is not related to the political activity of one of the founders. NECU does not support any of the political forces in Ukraine or abroad.


NECU aims to create a healthy environment and improve the quality of life of people in Ukraine, trying to convey the position of experts in environmental protection to decision-makers in various sectors of the economy.

A significant part of the work of NECU pov "associated with the conservation of the nature of Ukraine through the creation of new environmental protection objects and upholding the integrity of existing ones.

NECU is also trying to influence energy policy, realizing that it is the latest approaches to the development of the energy sector that will create conditions for the development of the country without negative consequences for the environment.

Finally, NECU defends the position that taxpayers' funds should not be used for the construction of objects with a significant negative impact on the population and the environment, and is trying to influence the decision to finance projects by international financial organizations.


Since 1996, NECU has been a member organization of the CEE Bankwatch Network, monitoring the activities of international financial institutions in Central and Eastern Europe. The projects of development banks in the energy sector attract special attention of our employees. Now it is from NECU that Bankwatch is coordinating the work of Bankwatch to improve the policies of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the project to support organizations in the Caucasus and Central Asia. For more information about the network's activities, visit the CEE Bankwatch Network website.

NECU is a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which helps to find practical solutions to the most pressing environmental and development problems. IUCN supports scientific research, carries out field projects around the world, and collaborates with governments, non-governmental organizations, United Nations agencies, companies and local communities to develop and implement policies, legislation and best practices.

NECU is a member of the Ukrainian River Network - a voluntary association of citizens, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local communities, whose goal is to promote the improvement of the ecological state of rivers, as well as positive changes in the environmental policy of Ukraine in the field of river protection and conservation.

guerrilla gardening

Guerrilla gardening (Eng. Guerilla Gardening, guerrilla gardening) - a youth movement whose goal is unauthorized gardening of public space in cities, is seen as a peculiar anarchist protest.

Brief description of shares

Like real guerrillas, underground gardeners avoid direct confrontation, operating mainly in secret, in the style of graffiti artists. For inconspicuous sowing of plants in crowded places, they use the so-called "seed bombs", that is, balls consisting of a mixture of earth and clay with seeds inside. Such "bombs" are imperceptibly thrown into the soil, on foot or by bicycle.

Gray concrete pillars or inhospitable walls are sprayed with a mixture of kefir and moss spores in order to green the concrete surface with moss.


Guerrilla gardening as a social form of protest originated in Great Britain and spread to most Western metropolitan areas. The forerunner of this movement was the political and artistic actions of the 1970s in the US and Germany by environmental activists and contemporary artists such as Louis Le Roy or Joseph Beuys. Guerrilla horticulture rose to prominence in London on May 1, 2000, when critics of globalism, anarchists and environmental activists with shovels and saplings held a landscaping action in Parliament Square.

Over time, guerrilla gardening has developed in the West into horticulture as a political action, when, for example, golf courses sown with bushes or planted plants depict a certain symbol, as well as urban gardening, which has the goal of harvesting and planting greenery in abandoned corners of urban space.

Rada of trees

The Tree Council was founded in 1974 in the UK and became a registered charity in 1978. Its main goal is to bring together under its roof local environmental groups who are involved in planting, caring for and preserving trees throughout the UK.


Tree Council was founded in 1974 with the support of the British Department for the Environment. That time in the UK to remember" was remembered as the beginning of a broad environmental movement, the awakening of environmental consciousness. The impetus for the creation of the "Council of Trees" was the 1973 campaign "Plant a tree!" (Eng. Plant A Tree In "73), for the first time clearly highlighted one of the environmental problems of Great Britain - only ten percent of the territory of the United Kingdom is forested. This is one of the poorest forested countries in Europe. Forest is the most valuable national wealth - this thought became the motto of the "Council of Trees".

Since 1978, the "Rada of Trees" has become an independent charitable environmental organization. The Rada of Trees has the following goals:
improve the environment in towns and villages by planting new trees and better caring for old ones;
spread knowledge about trees and teach how to care for them;
about "to bring together all organizations concerned with the problem of trees to outline the international situation and possible cooperation

Since its founding, several British public figures have planted trees on behalf of the Tree Council, including: The Queen, The Queen Mother, and Prime Ministers.


Every year, the organization holds "National Tree Week" Eng. National Tree Week for planting trees and bushes. During "Tree Week" in 1988, over 600,000 trees were planted.

The Council of Trees constantly arranges national forums and conferences, which discuss issues related to forestry, theoretical developments on landscape change, etc. Within the framework of the Council of Trees, a wide cultural program is also produced: scientific, methodological, artistic books are published, exhibitions of paintings and photographs are arranged.

Movement for the voluntary extinction of mankind

The movement of fighters for the voluntary extinction of mankind as a biological species, known as VHEMT (Eng. Voluntary Human Extinction Movement) is an international public environmental movement that arose in 1991 in the United States in the city of Portland, whose goal is to solve existing environmental problems by destroying a biological species Homo sapiens through the voluntary refusal to have children


The movement was founded by Les Knight in 1991 in Portland (Oregon, USA). Knight is the owner of vhemt.org and the voice of the movement. Les Knight became interested in the environmental movement in the 1970s after returning from Vietnam, becoming a member of the Zero Population Growth movement and had a vasectomy at age 20.


The movement's slogan is "May we live long and die out". The movement does not promote murder, suicide, mass sterilization and other violent methods, instead it is proposed to abandon the further reproduction of the human race.

The movement has three levels of support:
Volunteers (eng. Volunteers) - people who share the goals of the movement and decided not to have children (or not to have more children than those already existing)
Supporters (eng. Supporters) - people who do not believe that the extinction of mankind is necessary, but nevertheless are supporters of the control of the human population and, for this reason, refused to have new children.
Potential supporters of the organization.

VHEMT does not consider itself an organization as it does not have any structures of its own. It's just a movement represented by an international internet site. Thus, the movement has no official representation.

Ukrainian Ecological Association "Green Light"

The Ukrainian Ecological Association "Green Light" was established in 1988 as a public reaction to the terrible ecological situation in Ukraine caused by the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. The association is a member of the largest international public organization - the Federation "Friends of the Earth" (Friends of the Earth).

UEA "Green Light" was registered in 1992 by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, certificate of registration of the Charter of the Association of Citizens No. 371 dated December 30, 1992. It was re-registered in 2000, in accordance with the law of Ukraine "Association of Citizens". The same year, UEA "Green Light" registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine the Regulations on the symbols of the Ukrainian Ecological Association "Green Light" and received a Certificate of registration of symbols in the "unity of citizens No. 361 dated August 16, 2000. December 10, 2009 XIII" Congress of the ACS " Zeleny Svet” introduced and approved amendments to the Charter of the Association, the new version of which was registered by order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine No. 623/5 on March 26, 2010.

Having finished with the issue of legal re-registration, UEA "VS" continued to fulfill its statutory tasks. environment - a mirror that recreates our reality. For the majority of the population of our state, environmental problems have been relegated to the back of consciousness, and the problems of the struggle for survival have become urgent. These problems are also far from a priority for the majority of mass media (media), which mainly fulfill the state order of power structures and smooth out the sharp corners of environmental problems, for which the state does not have real financial opportunities to solve. The Ukrainian Ecological Association "Green Light" carries out work aimed at protecting the interests of man and nature. One of the main tasks of the Association is to make the voice of the environmental movement heard.

The printed organ of the Association is the newspaper "Green World."

The environmental situation in Ukraine requires the involvement of a wide range of the population in the development of environmental problems, close interaction with public environmental organizations, support for their initiatives and specific proposals, which is in line with the environmental legislation of Ukraine and the Orgus Convention.

Ukrainian Society for the Conservation of Nature

The Ukrainian Society for the Conservation of Nature (VkrTOP) is a public environmental organization, the creation of which was the forerunner of the Khrushchev thaw. Under pressure from UkrTOP in 1967, the Government of the Ukrainian SSR created the State Committee for Nature Protection as the central authority. This happened three years earlier than the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency and 21 years earlier than the creation of similar state bodies in Moscow (Russian Goskompriroda USSR/RSFSR). The State Committee for Nature Protection of Ukraine has had the status of a ministry since 1991.

With a network of local offices in the regions, Kiev and Sevastopol, as well as in many district centers, UkrTOP promotes public awareness of recycling, spreads environmental education and love for nature in schools, local communities and among local authorities .

UkrTOP in foreign languages: English. Ukraine Nature Conservation Society, fr. la Societé ukrainienne pour la conservation de la nature, Spanish. la Sociedad Ucraniana para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, German. Ukrainische Naturschutzgesellschaft, pol. Ukraińske Towarzystwo Ochrony Przyrody, rus. Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Nature.

History of creation

The Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Nature (UkrTOP) was founded on June 28, 1946 and has an interesting and eventful history of the struggle of the founders of the Ukrainian environmental movement. Responding to numerous appeals from Ukrainian environmental scientists, many of whom were academics, Nikita Khrushchev (Head of the Government and the Communist Party of Ukraine) granted permission for the creation of UkrTOP. Until the mid 1960s. UkrTOP was the only voice of ecology in draft public administration decisions; At that time, UkrTOP sought to introduce an integrated ecological and economic approach to economic management and create a Ministry of Ecology within the structure of the Government of the Ukrainian SSR.

Defending environmental rights in the absence of democracy was difficult even for the world-famous scientists of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. However, under pressure from UkrTOP, the Government of the Ukrainian SSR in 1967 created the State Committee for Nature Protection as the central authority. This happened three years earlier than the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency.

during 1963–1982 Mikhail Voinstvensky was the chairman of UkrTOP. In 1971, the head of the Lviv branch of UkrTOP prof. Stepan Stoyko invited Vyacheslav Chornovil to work, having just returned from prison for political convictions.

During the times of stagnation and perestroika, UkrTOP also made environmental education its priority, including among Ukrainian schoolchildren, students and pensioners. The voice of the public regarding environmental issues also made its way at the time when the outstanding daughter of the Kherson region Protsenko Dina Iosifovna (1978-1988) was the chairman of the State Committee for Nature Protection.

Only with the proclamation of Ukraine's independence, the status of the State Committee for Nature Protection was raised to a ministry in 1991 (Ministry of Ecological Resources). In 1991-2003 UkrTOP was headed by Igor Grinchak.

UkrTOP was re-registered by the Ministry of Justice on December 2, 1992 (certificate No. 335) in accordance with the Charter approved by the 9th Congress of UkrTOP on November 21, 1991 (see previous charter). members on a voluntary basis. At this time, UkrTOP activates public control over environmental pollution due to management, defending the right of citizens to a clean environment.

Since 2002, the chairman of the Presidium of the All-Ukrainian Council of UkrTOP is the former Minister of Ecology Vasyl Shevchuk.

Organizational structure

UkrTOP is an all-Ukrainian public non-profit organization. The supreme governing body of UkrTOP is the congress, and in the period between congresses, which take place every 5 years, is the All-Ukrainian Council and its Presidium.

21 regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city organizations of UkrTOP are subordinated to the All-Ukrainian Council. The regional and Kyiv and Sevastopol city organizations include 354 district and 70 city cells, which include 23,000 primary organizations and more than 10,000 collective members, over 2 million individual members.

There are a number of regional and city branches of UkrTOP, for example:
- Dnepropetrovsk city society for nature protection
- Kiev Society for the Protection of Nature, etc.


Participation in state-political discourse. UkrTOP stands for public and parliamentary control over the cleanliness of the environment, took part in all parliamentary environmental hearings in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, promotes the implementation of the Aarhus Convention and the law "On Environmental Audit".

UkrTOP also actively promotes the introduction of Ukrainian business
- Environmental and social risk management systems, including within the framework of the so-called. "Principles of the Equator"
- Business models that promote sustainable development through energy and resource efficiency, sustainable land development and biodiversity conservation, doing business with partners who manage their environmental and social risks, and caring for employees and local communities.
- Principles of corporate social responsibility[

Thematic areas - work in the Sections of UkrTOP

There are 10 all-Ukrainian and 140 regional sections in the UkrTOP system, whose activities are based on issues of environmental safety, protection and restoration of flora and fauna, subsoil, water resources, atmosphere, land resources, fish stocks, forests and nature reserves, development and the spread of the youth movement, the interpretation of the legal foundations of nature management.

The results of the work of the sections are the development and preparation of recommendations for regulatory documents on the protection and rational use of natural resources, the dissemination of environmental knowledge among schoolchildren, students, the population of the regions, the preparation and implementation of methodological assistance to regional and local branches of UkrTOP.

Carrying out environmental events in the regions

Members of UkrTOP take an active part in holding such international and all-Ukrainian environmental campaigns as Environment Day, World Environment Day, Earth Day, World Wetlands Day, "Clean Ukraine - Clean Earth", as well as regional environmental campaigns - " Primrose", "Source", "Christmas Tree", "Clean Air", "Bear Cub", "Swamp Turtle", "Spawning", etc. (see dates).

An important issue in the activities of UkrTOP in attracting the population to environmental protection is the implementation of various regional and local environmental campaigns from planting forests, planting greenery in cities, improving settlements, streamlining the coastal protection strips of rivers and lakes, eliminating landfills, etc.

Regional organizations of UkrTOP act as the initiators of ecological subbotniks and talks. Thus, in 2004 alone, members of the Society and participants in actions cleared almost 430 km of the banks of small rivers, landscaped 5,000 springs and wells, planted trees and shrubs on an area of ​​about 1,500 hectares.

Educational activities

From year to year, the All-Ukrainian Council, together with regional organizations of UkrTOP, carry out educational and educational work among the population of the country. This work is one of the main directions of activity.

The educational activities of UkrTOP are carried out through publishing activities (in particular, all-Ukrainian ones: the popular science magazine "Native Nature", the magazine "Holy Cause" and the newspaper "Shamrock", many brochures, newspapers, brochures issued in the regions), through regular performances in the media, first of all, in radio and television broadcasts of an environmental direction, as well as through the holding of round tables and seminars, through the implementation of weekend excursions, the preparation and display of video films, and the organization of thematic exhibitions.

Partners and similar organizations in the world

Austria: Naturschutzbund Osterreich
Denmark: Danish Society for Nature Conservation
france nature environment
Germany: Naturschutzbund Deutschland
Italy: Pro Natura
Netherlands: Milieudefensie
Norway: Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature
Russia: All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature
Sweden: Swedish Society for Nature Conservation
United Kingdom: Environmental Protection UK, British Ecological Society

Australia and Oceania
Australia: Australian Conservation Foundation
New Zealand: ECO

Canada: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Nature, Canada
Mexico: Pronatura
USA: Sierra Club, The Nature Conservancy

Africa and Middle East
Ethiopia: Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society
Israel: Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel
Kenya: Green Belt Movement
Nigeria: Nigerian Conservation Foundation
South Africa: Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
UAE: Emirates Environmental Group

China: China Wildlife Conservation Association
India: Wildlife Trust of India
Japan: Nature Conservation Society of Japan
South Korea: Korean Society of Nature Conservation, Korean Association for Conservation of Nature, National Nature Trust, The Ecological Society of Korea
Nepal: National Trust for Nature Conservation
In "Vietnam: Vietnam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment

Charles Darwin Foundation

The Charles Darwin Foundation (Spanish: Fundación Charles Darwin, English: Charles Darwin Foundation) is a conservation organization founded in 1959 under the auspices of UNESCO and IUCN.

The purpose of the foundation is to preserve the ecosystems of the Galapagos Islands.

The Foundation operates the Charles Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz Island, which conducts scientific research and provides educational courses on conservation.

The station has a staff of about 100 researchers, teachers, volunteers and other workers from around the world.

The Foundation is in close contact with the government of Ecuador and the administration of the Galapagos National Park in order to support conservation efforts on the islands.

The foundation is headquartered in Puerto Ayora in the Galapagos Islands.

Chernobyl forum

The Chernobyl Forum is a forum that was established by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 2003.

The Forum included eight UN agencies, the World Bank, as well as representatives of the three states most affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The work of the Forum is also expected to involve other international and internationally recognized national organizations and specialists who have contributed to the assessment of the consequences of the accident and the elimination of the consequences of the accident. This forum should not be confused with the Chernobyl Economic Development Forum.

Goals of the Chernobyl Forum

Investigate and improve the data of scientific analysis of the long-term consequences of the Chernobyl accident for the environment and public health in order to develop a unified view on this problem.

Identify possible gaps in research on environmental and public health effects caused by radiation or radioactive contamination, point to new areas of work based on past situation analyzes and ongoing work and projects.

Contribute to the implementation of scientifically justified programs to eliminate the consequences of the accident, including joint programs of organizations participating in the Forum.



International Social and Ecological Union (ISEU)

International environmental organization "Bellona"

International Association "Green Cross"

International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature (VOOP)

Center for Environmental Policy of Russia (CEPR)

Russian environmental movement "The Greens"

V.I.Vernadsky Non-Governmental Ecological Foundation

Russian Regional Environmental Center (RREC)

All-Russian public organization "Green Patrol"

Russian Green Cross

Nature Conservation Movement (DOP)

Ecological organizations of the world


Greenpeace is an international public environmental organization founded in Vancouver, Canada on September 15, 1971 by David McTaggart.

The main goal of the organization is to achieve a solution to global environmental problems, drawing the attention of the public and authorities to them.

Greenpeace exists only at the expense of donations from supporters and fundamentally does not accept financial assistance from government agencies, political parties or businesses.

Greenpeace is against violence in any of its manifestations, all actions do not accept any form of violence as a method of achieving goals.

Official site in Russia: http://www.greenpeace.org/russia/ru

Wildlife Fund (WWF)

The World Wide Fund for Nature is an international public independent organization working in the areas of conservation, research and restoration of the environment.

The organization has more than 5 million supporters worldwide, operates WWF in more than 90 countries and supports about 1,300 environmental projects worldwide.

The mission of the World Wildlife Fund is to prevent the growing degradation of the planet's natural environment and achieve harmony between man and nature. The main goal is to preserve the biological diversity of the Earth.

Official site in Russia: http://www.wwf.ru/?referer=wwforg

International Social and Ecological Union (ISEU)

The International Socio-Ecological Union is an international environmental organization founded in December 1988.

At the moment, MSEU is more than 10 thousand people from 17 countries.

The main idea behind the creation of MSEU is to bring together under one roof people who care about what will happen to the Earth, its nature and culture, its people, our children and grandchildren.

All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature (VOOP)

The All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature (VOOP) was founded in 1924 as a voluntary Society for the Protection of Nature.

Today, VOOP is an all-Russian, public, cultural and educational environmental organization.

Preservation of the environment, maintaining the diversity of flora and fauna.

Preservation and strengthening of public health.

The main activities of the Company:

Rendering assistance to public authorities and administration in ensuring sustainable environmentally safe development of the country.

Environmental education, education and upbringing of the population.

Scientific, technical and practical environmental activities. Consulting activity of subjects of nature management.

Conducting environmental monitoring of territories on their own and by accredited companies.

Introduction of modern high-precision technologies in order to implement effective state environmental control

Center for Environmental Policy of Russia (CEPR)

The Center for Environmental Policy of Russia was established in 1993 as a professional public environmental organization for expert support of the environmental movement and development of recommendations for the legislative and executive authorities.

Organization website: www.ecopolicy.ru

Russian environmental movement "The Greens"

In 1994, on the basis of the environmental movement "Kedr", the Russian Ecological Party "Green" was created, in 2009 the activity of the Political Party was terminated, and the organization itself was reorganized into the All-Russian Public Movement "Russian Ecological Movement "Green".

The goal of the environmental movement "The Greens" is to change the attitude of the state and society to the environmental problems of Russia and humanity as a whole by organized and strong-willed political actions.

Russian Regional Environmental Center (RREC)

The Russian Regional Environmental Center was established in 2000 by the European Commission and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

The RREC is part of a network of regional environmental centers operating in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia to support cooperation between government structures, the business community and civil society in the field of environmental protection.

The mission of the center is to promote and implement advanced ideas, standards and methods for the environmental well-being and sustainable development of Russia through the organization of an information dialogue and the implementation of practical activities.

The supreme governing body of the Russian Center is the Board of Founders, the collegiate governing body is the Board of Governors, and an advisory body is formed - the Advisory Board.

The eight members of the Board of Governors represent various sectors of the society: government organizations of the Russian Federation, foreign organizations, Russian public organizations, business structures and scientific communities.

Russian Green Cross

To the beginning of the document

World Society for the Protection of Animals

The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is an international non-profit animal protection organization operating in more than 150 countries and uniting more than 900 organizations.

WHO has 13 offices located in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Tanzania, Thailand, the US and the UK, with the WHO headquarters in London.

History of creation

The World Society for the Protection of Animals was created in 1981 by the merger of two societies for the protection of animals. Founded in 1953 by the World Federation for the Protection of Animals (WFPA) and established in 1959 by the International Society for the Protection of Animals (ISPA).


The mission of the WSPA is a world where animal welfare is valued and cruelty is eliminated, the mission of the WSPA is. Building a global animal welfare movement.


The WSPA fights both against animal cruelty in general and campaigns against specific forms of cruelty and inhumane treatment such as bullfighting, bear-baiting, the whaling industry, captive dolphins, and intensive animal husbandry.

WSPA is famous for its bear protection campaigns, one of them is Libearty, started in 1992. The WSPA is currently fighting to end bear farming, bear baiting, and the exploitation of baby bears. In addition, WHO funds and advises community organizations and runs orphaned bear cub rehabilitation and bear sanctuaries. It can be said that due in large part to the WSPA campaign against bear baiting, this bloody sport has been stopped in Pakistan.

In addition, the WSPA also advises governments and pushes for legislation to improve the welfare of animals. Her international campaign for a World Declaration on Animal Welfare to be signed at the United Nations aims to establish a set of principles to ensure that animals are respected and protected.

WSPA also develops educational programs dedicated to the work and care of animals, including programs for veterinarians, pet owners, and children.


The World Wide Fund for Nature (until 1986 - the World Wildlife Fund, WWF) is an international non-governmental organization engaged in nature conservation, research and restoration of the natural environment. The official name of the organization was changed from World Wildlife Fund to World Wide Fund for Nature, however the former name remains official in many countries.

It is the largest independent conservation organization in the world, with approximately 5 million employees and volunteers worldwide, operating in over 120 countries. Every year WWF carries out over 1,200 environmental projects, drawing the attention of millions of people to environmental problems and their solution. The organization exists on voluntary contributions, approximately 9% of its budget comes from private donations.

The mission of WWF is to prevent the growing degradation of the planet's natural environment and achieve harmony between man and nature. The main goal is to preserve the biological diversity of the Earth. The symbol of the World Wildlife Fund is the giant panda.

History of creation

The World Wildlife Fund was founded in 1961 by the Englishmen Peter Scott, Luke Goffman and Guy Montfort. WWF gained fame and financial independence 10 years after its inception. In 1971, the president of the fund, Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, personally addressed one thousand of the most influential and famous people in the world with a request to support WWF and transfer 10 thousand dollars to the fund's management. The capital raised in this way ($10 million) became the basis of a trust fund, which, by the number of its participants - a thousand invitees plus Prince Bernard - was called the 1001 Conservation Trust. You can get into the number of the chosen ones only after the personal invitation of the prince and payment of the entrance fee. Members of the Rothschild and Rockefeller clans, high persons of the royal houses of Europe, the richest people from the countries of the Near and Middle East are in the club "1001". In 1981–1996 Philip, Duke of Edinburgh was President of the Foundation.

For more than forty years of its existence, the World Wildlife Fund has become an influential organization and operates in more than 130 countries around the world. WWF unites 28 national branches, they are headed by well-known and respected people in their countries, among whom there are royal persons, as, for example, in Sweden and Spain, where the monarchs themselves took up the conservation of wildlife. The World Wildlife Fund is also supported over 5 million individual members.

More than half of the money comes to the Foundation as charitable donations from organizations and individuals. Since its inception, WWF has provided funds for about 11,000 projects in 130 countries around the world.

The WWF International Secretariat is based in Switzerland.


Among the WWF projects, the annual international action "Earth Hour" should be noted.

Global Environmental Label Network

The Global Ecolabeling Network (GEN) is an association of independent organizations from 36 countries that implement environmental labeling systems in accordance with the voluntary international standard ISO 14024.

GEN works closely with the World Trade Organization and one of its members is the European Community Commission for Environmental Certification and Labelling.

Robin Taylor- Chairman of the Global Eco-Label Network.

Ukrainian eco-labelling program

The Ukrainian environmental label "Environmentally friendly and safe" was included in the international register on October 8, 2004 at the official annual meeting of GEN member organizations, which took place in Tokyo. At the same time, the Ukrainian Environmental Labeling Program was recognized.

In 2011, the Ukrainian Eco-Labeling Program passed an international audit and received a certificate under the GENICES mutual recognition program

The audit took place on May 3 and 4, 2011 on the basis of the environmental labeling authority, which has been administered since 2003 by the All-Ukrainian public organization "Living Planet".

Global Environment Facility

The Global Environment Facility (GEF, English Global Environment Facility, GEF) is an independent international financial sub-object, whose activities are implemented through the United Nations Development Program, the United Nations Environment Program, and the World Bank. The GEF provides funds to finance additional costs in order to to make the project environmentally friendly.

Gromada Fishing of Ukraine

The Fishing Community of Ukraine (GRU) is the All-Ukrainian public association of amateur fishermen and athletes. It includes the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation, the All-Ukrainian Fishing and Sports Club and the All-Ukrainian Public Organization. "associated with fishing sports or business, deals with environmental issues, nature conservation, the state of water bodies and the fight against poaching.


In 2006, the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "VBF GRU" was founded. In 2008, the All-Ukrainian Fishing and Sports Club and the All-Ukrainian newspaper "Rybolovny Vestnik" were created, which later became part of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Community of Fishermen of Ukraine". Regional branches of the IGR, which are formed on the basis of local fishing clubs and communities, are already operating in almost all regions of Ukraine.


The organization aims to protect the rights and interests of Ukrainian fishermen: a widespread ban on the free sale of nets and illegal fishing gear, public protection of fish resources and the aquatic environment of Ukraine, promotion and development of both amateur and sport fishing, as well as fishing tourism, increasing the fishing culture of the population, teaching the basics of skill to the younger generation, fishing rehabilitation of orphans and disabled children.


Greenpeace (English Greenpeace, in translation - "green world") is an international environmental organization founded in 1971 in Canada. The main task of the organization is to promote ecological revival and draw the attention of people and authorities to the conservation of nature.

Funding for the organization - exclusively from the donations of people who are not indifferent to the conservation of nature. Greenpeace does not accept funding from business, government or political parties.

The rise in popularity of Grіnpisu happened after many actions aimed at preserving the environment.

Main directions

As of March 2007, there are 6 tasks in the Ґrіnpisu program:
1, stop global warming;
2, save the nature of the oceans;
3, save the ancient forests and jungles;
4, ensure nuclear disarmament;
5, introduce ecological farming;
6, stop the manufacture of toxic substances.

Distribution countries

Greenpeace first appeared in Canada in 1971. It has spread from that time to almost all countries of North and South America. In Asia, this security organization is more common than in Europe. Australia and Oceania has many branches of Greenpeace. Greenpeace is least common in Africa and Antarctica.

Regional offices

Regional offices unite several states.

Central and Eastern Europe (Austria, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia)

Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden)

Mediterranean (Israel, Lebanon, Malta, Turkey)

Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines)

Australia and Oceania (Australia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji)

National offices

Europe: Belgium, UK, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Romania, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Ukraine

Asia: India, China, Japan

Africa: Congo, Senegal, South Africa

North America: Canada, Mexico, USA

South America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile

Australia and Oceania: New Zealand

"Ukraine and Belarus"

On the initiative of the students of the Khmelnytsky region on the basis of the Khmelnytsky regional branch of the All-Union International Public Organization "Student Republic" to provide legal, social and medical support to the countries (Ukraine and Belarus), which suffered the most from the Chernobail disaster, on 01.01. rescue Greenpeace Ukraine. The Khmelnytsky NPP and one of the largest national parks in Europe are located in the Khmelnytsky region, and the Goryn and Sluch rivers are tributaries of the Prit "yat".


The Greenpeace Ukraine song is a Polish-Ukrainian folk song "In the Green Ukraine".

Dnipropetrovsk City Society for Nature Conservation

Dnepropetrovsk City Society for the Protection of Nature (full name - Dnepropetrovsk City Organization of the Society for the Protection of Nature) is a public organization of environmental orientation, which extends its activities to the territory of the city of Dnepropetrovsk.

From the history of society

The organization was established in 1959 through the reorganization of the Society for the Promotion of Greening of Dnepropetrovsk in Dnepropetrovsk, the city branch of the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Nature.

An important role in the creation and development of the urban organization of the society for the protection of nature was played by the scientists of the biological faculty of the Dnepropetrovsk State University (now - Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University).

In 1963, at the initiative of the city society for nature conservation, an organizing committee of the regional organization was created, and in 1964, the Dnepropetrovsk regional organization of the Ukrainian Society for Nature Conservation was formed.

In 1990, the Dnepropetrovsk city organization of the Society for the Protection of Nature was registered as an independent public organization.

In the House of Nature, together with the Dnipropetrovsk TOP, there is the directorate of the Dnieper-Orel nature reserve, created in the same 1990 (September 15).

The main activities of the company

holding public environmental campaigns;
educational activities;
conducting public environmental reviews;
publication of ecological literature;
interaction with state authorities and local self-government in the field of environmental protection;
protection of environmental rights of citizens.

The structure of modern society

The supreme governing body of the society is the city conference, which meets every five years. In the period between conferences, the work of the society is managed by the board of the society elected by the conference. The head of the organization is the chairman of the society (chairman of the city council of the society), who is elected and dismissed by the council.

Society's assets (city council of the society;):
Chairman of the Society (Chairman of the City Council) - Edamenko Sergey Vladimirovich, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Council of the Ukrainian Society for the Conservation of Nature, Deputy Chairman of the Association for International Legal Studies, lawyer,
Deputy Chairman of the City Council - Belokon Vitaliy Leonidovich, Chairman of the Association for International Legal Studies; Director of the Commodity Exchange "UMTB"
Responsible Secretary - Zaitseva Oksana Alexandrovna, Head of the Department of Legal Support for the Activities of Enterprises of the UMTB Commodity Exchange


According to the information provided on the official website of the company, the forms of its recent activities include:
participation in the X international scientific-practical conference "Water: problems and solutions" (September 20, 2012);
organization of the Round Table of the Public Council under the Dnepropetrovsk City Council on the topic: "European practice of corporate social responsibility and prospects for its implementation in Ukraine" (03/13/12);
Participation in the National Ecological Campaign "Go Green" (Go Green);
work (together with the board of the Dnepropetrovsk regional association of gardeners and gardeners) on the draft law "On horticultural associations";
Participation in the initiative group for the creation of the National Natural Park "Samarsky Bor"

The Society takes part in various public appeals to the authorities, including:
OPEN STATEMENT TO THE PUBLIC on the problems of legal regulation and the practice of conducting a public examination of the activities of executive authorities (March 23, 2011)


In 2013, the Society launched an environmental project for environmental schools and all those who are not indifferent "GOOD IN YOUR HEART", details of which are posted on the website of the City Palace of Youth Children. Project coordinator: Postol Svetlana Ivanovna.

On the website of the "Association for International Legal Studies" in the program of its activities, a separate paragraph states:
2. Interaction with the public. 2.1. Establishing interaction with other legal public organizations; 2.2. Continuation of cooperation with the Dnepropetrovsk city organization of the Society for the Protection of Nature."

On the website "European space (portal of the pro-European civil society of Ukraine" in the section "List of participants of the Platform" the society is listed in the list
"Registered participants of the Ukrainian National Platform"

Ecoclub "Green Wave"

Ecoclub "Green Wave" is an environmental organization of students and graduates of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" (NaUKMA), whose work is aimed at promoting the conservation of the natural environment through educational activities and practical activities.

Purpose of creation

Provide NaUKMA students with the opportunity to gain professional experience in environmental protection;
- To promote the self-realization of environmentally conscious students and the rallying of the student community around the principles of environmental protection;
- to form the image of the Academy as an "environmentally conscious" educational institution in Ukraine.

Organization structure

Ecoclub "Green Wave" unites the public organization "Ukrainian Ecological Club "Green Wave" and a student organization at the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".

student organization

Student environmental organization Ecoclub "Green Wave" was established in 2006 by three graduates of the Department of Ecology of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy". Founders: Alena Tarasova, Natalya Gozak, Alexander Baskov. Ecoclub members are interested university students. Activities of the student organization:
popularization of the principles of sustainable development among the university community;
introduction of the Green Office at the Academy and organization of separate waste collection at NaUKMA;
Green Cinema;
natural photo exhibitions (Photo exhibition “Chernobyl today: 20 years after the accident”);
re-art (master classes in needlework);
personal development trainings;
participation in environmental activities (“Earth Hour”).

Public organization

The public organization was registered in 2008. EDRPOU code 36174854 according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs. The first chairman of the organization during 2008-2012. was Tarasova Elena Sergeevna, and since 2012 the chairman of the organization is Gozak Natalia Aleksandrovna. The activities of the public organization are carried out in the field of environmental education, mainly on the topic of biodiversity protection.

Public report of the organization for 2010-2012.

The following areas are being developed:
Natural school "Wonderful World", which offers scientific and educational excursions to parks and protected areas. About the school in June 2013 wrote the magazine "Power of money"
A network of educators and practitioners of biodiversity conservation. The network represents the Ukrainian branch of the International Network of Biodiversity Conservation Educators and Practitioners, which was once created by the Center for Biodiversity Conservation and Conservation at the American Museum of Natural History (New York, USA). More information about the work of the Ukrainian Network can be found on the official website - conservation.in.ua
Close cooperation with the student Ecoclub (organization of hiking trips for students, search for a place for practical training, consulting and organizing thematic meetings with such people, website support, etc.)


MATRA program of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
US Embassy in Ukraine
British Council (Kyiv)
Water Information Center of KSCA
International Charitable Foundation "Renaissance" of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

Ecological union

The Ecological Union (Ekosoyuz) is a scientific ecological public organization that was created and operates in Udmurtia. The governing body is the Coordination Council, which since 1992 has been headed by L. Ya. Yampolsky.

The Ecounion was established on November 10, 1988. The first training camp took place at the Izhevsk State Medical Institute, and was registered on July 15, 1989. Since January 1992, the Ecounion has been a regional branch of the international public environmental organization, the Socio-Ecological Union.

The goal of Ecosoyuz is to lead to the improvement of the environment in Udmurtia. With the participation of members of the EcoUnion, the Forest Code and the Subsoil Law of Udmurtia, as well as other regulatory documents, were developed and adopted. The initiative group annually organizes teenage ecological camps and excursions.

European Environment Agency

The European Environment Agency (EAD) (eng. European Environment Agency (EEA) is an EU agency for providing independent information on the state of the environment. There are also names - the European Environment Agency (EAD), the European Environmental Protection Agency. Located in Copenhagen ( Denmark).

The EAD materials are the main information base for those involved in the development, adoption, implementation and evaluation of environmental policy, as well as for the public.

The main areas of work of the EAD:

Prevention of climate change;
- prevention of loss of biological diversity and understanding of its spatial change;
- protecting human health and quality of life;
- use and management of natural resources and waste.

The EAD has 32 member countries (27 EU countries together with Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey) and six countries cooperating with should accelerate the process (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro).

The European Environmental Information and Observation Network (Eionet) is a network of cooperation between EAD and partner countries. EAD is responsible for developing the network and coordinating its activities. To this end, EAD works closely with national focal points, usually national environmental agencies or ministries of nature protection. They are responsible for coordinating national networks involving many institutions (about 300 in total).

Cooperation with Ukraine

The Ukrainian side is now analyzing the directions of the Agency's activities that meet the priorities of Ukraine.

Establishing cooperation with EAD is one of the tools that will contribute to the further integration of Ukraine into the EU in the field of environmental protection. First of all, Ukraine's participation in the work of the Agency will provide an opportunity to better understand the EU environmental policy. In addition, Ukraine's access to the European Environmental Information and Observation Network will allow timely response to the assessment of the environmental situation both in Ukraine and in the EAD partner countries.

The European Commission confirms the expansion of cooperation in the field of environmental protection, which was proclaimed by the EU in February 2005, offering Ukraine new principles of participation, in particular in the European Environment Agency.

Green Front

"Green Front" is a Kharkiv regional public environmental organization that is engaged in environmental protection, protection of environmental and related social rights of citizens.


HOOO "Green Front" was created by activists who defended Gorky Park in Kharkov from cutting down for the construction of a highway and a whole block of apartments, hotels and other objects.

On June 2, 2010, unidentified persons in black clothes (most of them were "municipal security" badges) kicked environmental activists out of Gorky Park with physical violence. On the same day, the park's defenders got together and created a public organization that united all citizens who are not indifferent to the fate of green spaces, protected areas and the environment in general.

The name of the organization is the result of a mistake by journalists: during the confrontation in Gorky Park, one of the tents of the round-the-clock camp was called "Green Fort", but journalists from several publications for some reason called the entire camp "Green Front". This name was liked by the activists and indeed became the name of the entire movement.

The founding conference of the HOOO "Green Front" was held on August 3, 2010. It adopted the charter of this organization, its policy documents.


Among the most famous campaigns led by this organization is the fight against the theft of black soil from the agricultural land of the Kharkiv region, which was reported even in the English-language press and American blogs.

The organization pays great attention to the creation of protected areas and the protection of existing ones. In particular, she created projects for four wildlife sanctuaries, which should appear on the territory of the Kharkov Forest Park. Its activists take part in all-Ukrainian environmental campaigns: "Primrose", "Yolka", in holding other all-Ukrainian and international events.

Earth Charter Initiative

The Earth Charter Initiative is the collective name for an extremely diverse global network of people, organizations and institutions that are involved in promoting and implementing the moral and ethical standards and principles of the Earth Charter.

The initiative represents a large-scale voluntary civil society movement. Its participants include leading international institutions, national governments and their institutions, university associations, non-governmental organizations, local communities, municipalities, various faith groups, schools, businesses, as well as thousands of individuals.

Mission and goals

The mission of the Earth Charter is formulated - to promote the transition to a sustainable way of life and a global society within the framework of a common ethical framework, which is based on respect and care for the living community, environmental integrity, universal human rights, respect for diversity, economic justice, democracy and a culture of peace.


To acquaint the world community with the Earth Charter and spread the understanding of its comprehensive ethical vision.
- Promote the adoption and formal recognition of the Charter by individuals, organizations and the United Nations.
- Promote the application of the Earth Charter as an official reference and the implementation of its principles by civil society, business and governments.
- Encourage and support the use of the Charter for educational purposes in schools, universities, religious communities, local communities, etc.
- Promote the recognition and application of the Earth Charter as a document "which" the law.

Strategic objectives

Contribute to the growth of a global network of Earth Charter supporters and partners in collaboration with advisors, partner organizations and working groups.
- Develop and distribute high quality information and training materials to a diverse target group that reaches millions of people.
- Translate key Earth Charter materials into the world's most widely spoken languages.
- Create Earth Charter websites in all countries in collaboration with key individuals and organizations.
- To promote the vision of the Earth Charter in prominent local, national and international events and to encourage individuals and organizations to use the values ​​of the Earth Charter in their areas of activity.
- Link the Earth Charter to important international initiatives and processes in such a way that its ethical framework can be used as guidance in addressing pressing issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, the Millennium Development Goals, food security and conflict resolution.
- Organize training programs that would promote the adoption and application of the Earth Charter in various fields.
- Develop guidelines and tools to help organizations, businesses and local communities use the Earth Charter to measure progress towards sustainable development.


An official network of supporters, partners and youth groups helps spread the Earth Charter around the world. Many of these representations are located in large organizations and institutions at the national level.

The initiative is coordinated by the Earth Charter International Organization, which consists of the executive part and is called the International Secretariat of the Earth Charter, as well as the International Council of the Earth Charter. The secretariat consists of a small staff and is located at the University for Peace in San José, Costa Rica. The International Council is identified with the Board. It meets once a year and provides strategic direction for the Secretariat and the Earth Charter Initiative.

Earth Charter Youth Program

The Earth Charter Youth Program is a network of youth non-profit non-governmental organizations and young activists who share a common interest in sustainable development and the Earth Charter. Severn Callis-Suzuki of Vancouver, Canada, was appointed youth representative to the Earth Charter Commission, which oversaw the charter writing process. At the age of 17, Severn attended the 1997 Earth Summit and ensured that youth interests were taken seriously during the creation of the Earth Charter. She contributed to the inclusion in the final version of the Charter of principle 12c, which emphasizes the need to: “gather and support young people, enabling them to play a significant role in the formation of balanced societies.” It is this ethical principle that inspired the launch of the Earth Charter Youth Program. Now there are two youth representatives in the Council of the International Earth Charter.

World Watch Institute

The World Watch Institute is located in Washington, DC, USA. The staff is about 30 employees. The main task is to familiarize the general public around the world with various global, including environmental, problems.

The Institute's most famous work is the collection The State of the Planet, which the Institute publishes annually in Washington. Each issue consists of ten sections, which may change from year to year, such as deforestation or global warming, etc. The collection is published in 30 languages ​​all over the world.

The partner of the Institute for World Observation in Ukraine is the Institute for Sustainable Development in Kyiv, which is preparing for publication the publication of the collection "The State of the Planet" in Ukrainian.

Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution named after A. M. Sєvertsov RAS

A. M. Severtsov Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution (Russian: A. N. Severtsov Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution) is a research institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences that deals with the problems of general and separate animal ecology, biodiversity, behavior and evolutionary morphology of animals , which also develops recommendations for nature conservation.

The Institute was established in 1934 on the basis of the Laboratory of Evolutionary Morphology, founded by the famous Russian scientist, Academician Alexei Nikolaevich Sєvertsov, who was its first director.

The Institute coordinates research within the framework of three federal programs on biological diversity:
Fundamentals of biodiversity monitoring
Conservation of rare and endangered species of plants and animals and species that have resource support
Assessing the Consequences of Alien Species Impacts on the Structure, Productivity and Biodiversity of Russian Ecosystems

The data obtained at the institute are widely used in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fisheries, medicine, nature protection, etc. These data are the basis for the rational use and conservation of natural resources and ecosystems of the Earth.

Institute for the Development of Territorial Communities

The Institute for the Development of Territorial Communities (ICDU) is a charitable organization that ensures the sustainable development of rural and natural areas of Ukraine, combining economic, social and environmental approaches. The Institute works on issues of climate change, sustainable land use, capacity building of local communities and wildlife conservation in Ukraine and some CIS countries. The Institute's projects are being implemented in the fields of agriculture, forestry, hunting, and nature conservation areas.

Institute activities

The Institute was registered in June 2004 and is the legal successor of the Local Environmental Action Program (LEP). The purpose of the MEP was to bring together stakeholders to solve local environmental problems; The program was funded by the US Agency for International Development. In the period from 2005 to 2008, the Institute continues the work begun in the MEP towards the sustainable development of local communities through the introduction of transparent and democratic local governance, addressing priority community issues and raising public and stakeholder awareness of their rights and participation in the management of the territorial community.

Currently, the Institute, in addition to project activities, provides technical support to local governments on the development of targeted policies and action plans to address the problems of society, the development of mechanisms for financing activities, improving the investment climate in the community, etc.

Among the problems to which the work of the Institute was directed, it should be noted the disposal of solid household waste and the provision of high-quality drinking water to individual communities.

Since 2008, the Institute has been participating in major EU and German KfW projects aimed at adapting to climate change, restoring degraded lands and introducing sustainable land use practices taking into account local needs. In these projects, the Institute uses the experience of working with local authorities and focuses on a combination of environmental interests and specific territorial communities.

The main areas of work of the Institute are:
The study of the environment using methods of remote sensing of the Earth's surface (ERS) and geoinformation technologies (GIS)
Development and adaptation of greenhouse gas accounting methodologies, development of carbon projects under the joint implementation mechanism or targeted environmental (green) investments and monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions in selected areas
Development of climate change adaptation strategies and plans for specific areas<;br />Restoration of degraded lands and development of business models for nature conservation facilities’objects, rural, forestry and hunting farms

Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center

Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center (KECC) is a Ukrainian public environmental organization. Established in 1989. Heads the V. Center. Boreyko.

The Center is an official member of the International Society for the Protection of Animals - WSPA, a member of the International Socio-Ecological Union - IUEC, a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN.

The Center is engaged in legislative activities, conducts courts in defense of nature, since 1999 publishes the "Humanitarian Ecological Journal", organizes seminars and conferences on various issues of nature conservation, conducts campaigns in defense of primroses, bison, moles, dolphins, wolves, centuries-old trees, engages in the fight against poaching, the creation of territories of the natural reserve fund.

The Center publishes books and booklets on nature protection. For the first time in Ukraine, courses on environmental ethics and environmental aesthetics have been developed for schools. The Center has held more than 60 different international and Ukrainian conferences and seminars on nature protection. The Center develops and popularizes two promising environmental concepts of the future - the rights of nature and the idea of ​​absolute conservation.

During its existence, the Center created or expanded 336 objects of the natural reserve fund in 20 regions of Ukraine. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved 9 environmental laws developed by the Center together with a number of public organizations and people's deputies. The Center published more than 150 titles of books on nature protection, Since 1999, 50 issues of the “Humanitarian Ecological Journal” have been published, which can be subscribed to in any country of the world, as well as 28 issues of the bulletin “Biodiversity Protection and Reserve Management in Ukraine”.

To train young conservationists, the Center holds annual seminars, as well as Boreiko-Wojciechowski Reserve Schools (together with the Polish environmental organization For the Benefit of All Creatures).

Together with another public organization - "Ekopravo-Kyiv", the Center won 29 lawsuits on environmental issues against the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, the State Forestry Committee of Ukraine.

The Center achieved the approval of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Ukraine of the Rules for keeping wild animals in captivity, and from the Ministry of Education of Ukraine - the List of alternative methods and objects "objects for use instead of experimental animals, as well as the Procedure for conducting research and experiments on animals by scientific organizations.

The Center has achieved

2004 - ban on spring hunting in Ukraine,
2011 - ban on the use of traps,
2007 - prohibition of commercial bison hunting,
2008 - ban on catching dolphins,
2010 - a ban on hunting in national parks.

In 2012, the Center, together with the Association of Animal Protection Organizations of Ukraine, achieved the approval of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine of the Procedure for the use of animals in agriculture, a normative act that allows protecting farm animals from cruel treatment.

Since 2009, the Center, together with the State Service for Reserve Affairs, began conducting the All-Ukrainian census of ancient trees. About 300 ancient trees have been identified, of which 43 are 1000 or more years old. According to the census data, over 160 ancient trees from 12 regions of Ukraine received the status of a monument of nature.

In 2011, the Center, together with the Fishing Community of Ukraine, achieved a legislative ban on the manufacture, sale and use of poaching tools (poisonous baits, prickly, pressure and trap-like fishing gear, electric fishing rods, explosives, bird glue and monofilament nets from fishing line) and a ban on the import into Ukraine of traps, monofilament nets made of fishing line and electric fishing rods, which are used exclusively for poaching purposes.

In 2012, the Center, together with the Rybalok Community of Ukraine, achieved the return of the rights of public environmental inspectors to draw up reports on poachers, as well as a ban on the import of zinc phosphide poison into Ukraine.


The History of Conservation Series (all available online
Environmental Advocacy Series (all available online
Wildlife Conservation Series (all available online
Abstracts of conferences and seminars published by EKCC (all available online
"Humanitarian Ecological Journal" (all available online

Sierra Club

The Sierra Club (Eng. Sierra Club) is an American conservation organization founded on May 28, 1892 in San Francisco, California, by the famous naturalist and nature conservationist John M "yure (was its first president).

The Sierra Club has hundreds of thousands of members in chapters throughout the US and is related to the Canadian Sierra Club.

Forest Supervisory Board

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), FSC, is an independent, international, membership-based conservation organization dedicated to supporting the environmentally responsible, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests. It helps to conserve forest resources and find solutions to problems arising from careless forest management.

The work of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) began as an attempt to stop the destruction of rainforests. It was founded in Toronto (Canada) in 1993 at the initiative of forest owners and environmental organizations from 25 countries, and in August 1994 the FSC certificate was accepted - as a correspondence of words and practical actions. Today this certificate is valid in more than 41 countries. Over the past 12 years, over 82 million hectares in over 82 countries have been FSC certified and many growers have been granted the right to use the FSC quality label. Today LNV promotes environmentally sound, conscientious and financially sound use of the world's forest resources. The FSC certificate, issued to forest owners, producers and their products, local communities and non-profit organizations, means that the raw materials they use in their activities come from forests grown according to environmental, social and economic standards.

For a paper and pulp company, FSC certification means that it is doing its part to support the management of both local and global forests.

The presence of an FSC certificate guarantees, among other things, network control over the production of products, in particular, over all stages of its processing, transformation and distribution, as well as over the path that raw materials get from the manufacturer's forest.

The social benefits of cooperation with the Council are reflected in the assistance of the woodworking industry to the local population and forestry.

From an economic point of view, this means that woodworking companies operate in such a way that part of their profits are distributed among forestry enterprises and local communities in order to maintain ecosystems in good condition.

International Green Cross

Green Cross International is an international environmental organization founded by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1993 after the Earth Summit conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The headquarters of the Green Cross International is located in Geneva, and there are branches in 30 countries, including the USA, countries of Latin America, Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, Belarus, Japan, Pakistan. The founding president of the MZK is Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, the current president is Alexander Alexandrovich Likhotal.


In January 1990, during an address to the Global Forum on Environment and Development in Moscow, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev floated the idea of ​​creating an organization like the International Red Cross, only this new organization would deal with environmental issues, not medical. The creation of such an organization will accelerate the resolution of those environmental problems that transcend national boundaries.

Developing this idea, Mikhail Gorbachev at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro (June 1992) announced the creation of such an organization. At the same time, Roland Wiederkehr, a member of the Swiss National Rada, founded the environmental organization World of the Green Cross. Both of these organizations merged in 1993 to form Green Cross International.

Green Cross International was officially founded in Kyoto on April 18, 1993. Many famous figures have joined its Board of Directors and Honorary Council, at the invitation of Mikhail Gorbachev.

The first set of national organizations officially joined the International Green Cross in The Hague, in the spring of 1994. These include the green cross of Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Switzerland and the United States.

Purpose of the organization

The purpose of the creation of the International Green Cross is to take measures aimed at ensuring a sustainable and secure future of the planet, environmental education, and instilling a sense of responsibility for the consequences of civilization's influence on the environment.

Areas of activity of the Green Cross

Prevention and resolution of conflicts that arise as a result of environmental degradation;
- Providing assistance to people affected by the environmental consequences of hostilities and conflicts;
- Development of legal and ethical standards, which will later become the basis and motivation for the actions of the state, business and society in order to create an environmentally safe world.

International Union for Conservation of Nature

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN; English - International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN) is an international organization whose goal is to conserve natural resources.

Founded in 1948, the main office is located in the city of Gland (Switzerland). Members of the organization can be both legal entities and individuals. Currently, IUCN members are 78 countries, 112 governmental and 735 non-governmental organizations (including Ukrainian), as well as a large number of scientists from 181 countries.

IUCN's core statutory activity is to help communities of all kinds conserve biodiversity and promote environmentally sound and sustainable practices in the use of natural resources.

Members of the IUCN

IUCN about "unites both state and non-state public organizations. They determine the general policy of the IUCN, develop the principles of day-to-day work, and elect the IUCN Council at the IUCN World Congresses, which meet regularly. Member organizations can be grouped into National and Regional communities.

IUCN commissions

As part of the IUCN, there are 6 commissions that assess the world's natural resources and provide information and advice on biodiversity conservation:
- The Species Survival Commission (SSC): assists the IUCN in the field of technical issues related to the work of conservation of species and conducts conservation activities in relation to endangered species. Issues the IUCN Red List. 700 members Chairman - Holly Dublin.
- Commission on Protected Areas (World Commission on Protected Areas, WCPA): deals with the organization of new and management of existing terrestrial and marine natural protected areas. In 2006 it had 1300 members. Chairman - Nikita Lopoukhine.
- Commission on Environmental Law (CEL): develops legislative concepts and tools, and provides advisory assistance in the field of environmental legislation and sustainable natural development of territories. In 2006 it had 800 members. Chairman - Sheila Abed.
- Commission on Education and Communication (CEC): develops methodologies for education at all levels, aimed at understanding the importance of biodiversity conservation. In 2006 it had 600 members. Chairman - Keith Wheeler.
- Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP): conducts expertise and develops recommendations for optimizing economic and social factors for environmental protection and sustainable development of natural ecosystems while preserving biodiversity. In 2006 it had 500 members. Chairman - Taghi Farvar.
- Commission on Ecosystem Management (SAM): provides expert support on an integrated ecosystem approach to the management of natural and modified ecosystems. In 2006 it had 400 members. Chairman - Hillary Masundire.

The IUCN has developed the following system of protected area categories:

Ia - Strict Nature Reserve

An area of ​​land or sea that contains outstanding or highly representative specimens of ecosystems, geological or physiological systems, and/or species; available for scientific research and environmental monitoring.

Ib - Wilderness Area

A large area of ​​unaltered or slightly altered land and/or sea that retains a natural character, without significant permanent population, that is protected and maintained in a way that ensures its natural state is preserved.

II - National Park

The natural territory of land or sea, intended for:
protecting ecological interconnections"connections within one or more ecosystems for present and future generations;
exclusion of the use of the territory, which may lead to the loss of its natural characteristics;
providing opportunities for spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational and tourist use of the territory, subject to their most environmental compatibility

III - Natural Monument

An area containing one or more specific natural or cultural properties of outstanding or unique value due to their rarity, preserved typicality, aesthetic qualities or cultural importance.

IV - Habitat/Species Management Area

An area of ​​land or sea permitted for active use, provided that some specific locality or species is preserved.

V - Protected Landscape/Seascape

An area of ​​land, sea or coast where the interaction between man and nature has over time resulted in the emergence of specific entities of significant aesthetic, ecological or cultural value, most often with significant biodiversity. The protection and preservation of this traditional interacting complex are vital conditions for maintaining the existence and evolution of such a territory.

VI - Managed Resource Protected Area

An area containing mostly unmodified natural systems that has been used for a long time with the condition of protecting and maintaining biodiversity on it.

Youth Ecological Center

Youth Ecological Center (full name - "Youth Ecological Center" of the Dniprovsky district of Kyiv, short - YEC) is a public organization that constantly introduces various programs of environmental education for children and youth, which contribute to the formation of the environmental consciousness of the younger generation, the education of their indifferent attitude to environment, help to preserve the environment.


The purpose of the work of the METU is to carry out activities aimed at satisfying and protecting its legitimate social, economic, creative, spiritual and other common interests.

The tasks and activities of the METU are:
- implementation of practical environmental measures and their financial support;
- participation in the development of environmental policy;
- implementation of educational activities among the population in order to educate public environmental consciousness;
- prevention of environmental offenses, implementation of public control in the field of environmental protection;
- at the expense of its own and borrowed funds, organizes practical measures aimed at preserving and reproducing natural resources, protecting the environment, ensuring environmental safety, taking measures to consolidate other public organizations, movements and environmentally oriented formations for this purpose;
- if necessary, organizes scientific research;
- takes the initiative to hold a local referendum on the most pressing environmental issues relating to the interests of the population;
- organizes the public environmental review, engages independent experts in its implementation (at the expense of the IEC, interested organizations or on a voluntary basis), publishes the conclusions of the review and transfers them to the bodies authorized to make management decisions;
- carries out public independent control over compliance with the environmental legislation of Ukraine in this part by the relevant formation;
- receives from state authorities and administrations and local self-government bodies information on the implementation by enterprises, institutions, organizations of environmental programs and activities;
- disseminates information and propagates their ideas and goals;
- creates institutions, enterprises and organizations that contribute to the implementation of practical environmental measures that promote youth employment;
for the purpose of carrying out educational activities, upbringing and education, creates on a voluntary basis environmental cultural and educational institutions, clubs, specialized divisions, organizes lectures, exhibitions, competitions, lotteries, charity events, has its own press organs, uses periodicals, radio, TV, Internet.
contributes to the harmonious development of the individual.

The subject of the MEC activities are:
- assistance to the development of ecological self-awareness of the population;
- assistance in carrying out educational and educational activities on environmental issues;
- promotion of environmental protection measures;
- introduction of the concept of systematic environmental education in educational institutions;
- participation in international and all-Ukrainian conferences, seminars and schools;
- organization of public conferences, educational seminars, trainings, ecological schools;
- participation and organization of educational and health camps;
- participation and organization of training camps and ecological expeditions of the IEC members;
- participation and organization of trips around the country and foreign countries of the IEC members;
- participation and organization of mass cultural, environmental, educational and other events;
- interaction with health authorities, education, culture, etc. in the implementation of the MEC programs, both in Ukraine and abroad;
- establishment of direct international contacts and "links" with similar organizations. To achieve the goals and objectives of the IEC in the prescribed manner:
- uses the financial resources of individuals received on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by law, for the implementation of statutory activities;
- promotes the direction of children to rest in other countries in special children's institutions or families, as well as receives children from foreign countries and organizes their holidays in Ukraine; - participation in charity, cultural and entertainment events, whist-wok, competitions, concerts, competitions, reviews, lectures, etc.;
- carries out economic activity by creating self-supporting institutions and organizations, founding enterprises in accordance with the current legislation;
- Creates local branches.

Ecological Bike Patrol School

One of the most complex and important aspects of the work of many public environmental youth organizations is the interest of young people of different ages with different interests to participate in the environmental movement. Today's youth is characterized by a variety of interests, inclinations, preferences, hobbies. Finding a single approach that could be applied to anyone is simply not possible. However, we have no right to leave teenagers, boys and girls indifferent to what is happening around in order to save ourselves in our home, to save our future.
Deepening environmental education and upbringing of the younger generation, changing people's attitudes towards the environment, the environment, nature and personal health, increasing responsibility for the future development of mankind and the planet as a whole is the main task of non-formal environmental education. Public youth organizations face the problem of intensifying their work with young people in their interest in improving the state of the environment.But what can children, students, adolescents and just caring adults do?
In order to develop the ability of students and students to see the impact of anthropogenic pressure on the environment, to assess its consequences in forest park areas, a system of bicycle patrols was created, which makes it possible to form the norms of behavior of students and students in the environment, helps to organize research, experiments, deepen environmental education and education, to form ecological consciousness.
Goals and objectives of the WEB:
create special units that will study their terrain;
monitor compliance with environmental laws;
conduct direct patrols on the territory of the forest park zone;
warn and prevent violation of laws on nature protection;
conduct environmental monitoring;
conduct trainings with different age groups;
organize environmental campaigns and holidays;
develop information materials for visitors to the forest park zone and the population living near the forest;
influence public opinion in the security system through student and student youth;
attract young people to socially useful work;
promote a healthy lifestyle.
The strategy of the work of SHEV is the formation of personal qualities in students: responsibility for the state of the environment; self-control over one's own behavior in nature; learning to foresee the results of human activity in nature; learning to accept timely weighted responses; value the life and health of others; create an image of success.
The tactic for introducing environmental knowledge into WEB is: to teach how to comply with and require others to comply with environmental laws; teach how to provide first aid; use the equipment necessary for work; learn how to use video and photo equipment with subsequent processing of the received materials; carry out explanatory work with different segments of the population; conduct excursions on environmental topics; issue environmental leaflets; conduct consultations, provide advice on environmental issues.
The work of WEB is carried out in three directions: theoretical, practical and propaganda. 1. Theoretical includes training in the following subjects:
- Means and devices for surveillance and communication "language (photo equipment and radio sound" communication) (ZPSZ).
- Mapping and topography (CT).
- Basics of patrol service (OPPS).
- Rules of the road (SDA).
- Environmental law (EP).
- Health training (MSP).
- Velomaisternist (VM).
- Environmental management (EM).
- Computer environmental monitoring (CEM).
2. Practical includes direct patrolling of the forest park zone of the DVRZ microdistrict of Kyiv. Patrolmen should monitor the movement of vehicles on the territory of the forest park zone, draw up maps of the most littered places, try to force legal entities and individuals through the state authorities to most conscientiously comply with the Laws of Ukraine on the protection of nature and natural resources.
3. Propaganda includes conducting information work among various segments of the population, organizing trainings, promotions and holidays on environmental topics

School with character

This is a topical youth project that aims to provide knowledge and skills that would help develop personalities and educate real leaders.

Education at the school is carried out in the spirit of harmonious and complementary education in economic, environmental and social areas.

The training is structured in such a way that the main focus is on obtaining and mastering practical leadership skills.

WEC in 2008

During 2008 the activities of the organization were carried out in various directions.
Youth work:
- conducting various trainings on environmental topics ("Green office", "Water", "Energy saving", "Live sharing - improve the future", etc.)
- organization of one-day actions to improve the environment (cleaning the territory, planting green spaces, preparing the forest for winter)
- support and material assistance in holding the City School Ecology Olympiad
- Support and creation of new eco-clubs at Ukrainian universities and secondary schools
- Organization of leisure activities for young people to promote a lifestyle that is friendly to the natural environment (excursion trips to nature, hiking)
- Conducting scientific student and school seminars, round tables (an obligatory component of our seminars is a direct action, i.e. not only a discussion of topical environmental problems, but also practical measures)
- Constant work of the film club - showing films on environmental topics to students of various specialties and a permanent film screening in the office of the organization
- Organization of the work of circles and various programs for children of middle and senior school age - Economics, School with Character
- Work under the program "School of Ecological Bicycle Patrol"
- Organization of various competitions (drawings, essays, eco-calendars, eco-quest)
- Helping students organize environmental research (for example, detecting changes in the carbon footprint by the population of the area)
- There is a permanent Internet mailing list on environmental topics "IEC News"
Work with teachers (biology, chemistry, life safety, physics) - conducting trainings and lectures for teachers and organizing seminars (for example, for university teachers - "Strengthening the procedural side of education").
Also, the work of the activists of the Dnieper region outside the city - assistance in the restoration of the Dzhardzhala River (Kerch), assistance in the work of the foresters of Transcarpathia and direct participation in helping residents of the western regions during the flood, participation in various environmental events in the city of Nikolaev (landscaping territories and a seminar, the creation of an eco-club), Lviv (organization of landscaping, an information campaign about biofuels and the collection of toys for children from boarding schools on the feast of St. Nicholas).
This year, the International Economic Center came up with initiatives against illegal development in our district (Hydropark, Kurnatovsky St.)
Also interesting is the fact of recognition of the organization at various levels. This is evidenced by the facts of the appeal for help from specialists and volunteers of organizations such as the State Department for Environmental Protection in Kiev (assistance in organizing and conducting trainings on the basics of ecology for middle school students (school 11, boarding school 14, Technical Lyceum) , assistance in organizing a photography competition), Kyiv Zoological Park (organization and participation in information campaigns), NPU named after. Drahomanov, National Agrarian University and National Transport University (organization of practical training for environmental students), etc.

National Ecological Center of Ukraine

The National Ecological Center of Ukraine (NECU) is one of the first ecological public non-profit organizations of the national level, registered in independent Ukraine.

24 territorial offices throughout Ukraine.

In 2003, the activities of the Youth Department of NECU were restored.

NECU Founders

Antonenko Vladimir Stepanovich (* 1954), ZAT "Insurance company" Brama Zhitya ", Director
Gardashuk Tatyana Vasilievna (* 1958), candidate of philosophical sciences, chairman of the "Green Ukraine" society
Gleba Yuriy Yurievich (* 1949), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Golubets Mikhail Andreevich (* 1930), Director of the Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Zayets Ivan Alexandrovich (* 1952), People's Deputy of Ukraine, 1st Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Environmental Policy, Nature Management and Elimination of the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster
Kostenko Yuriy Ivanovich (* 1951), candidate of technical sciences, people's deputy of Ukraine
Movchan Yaroslav Ivanovich (* 1957), Candidate of Biological Sciences, Director of the Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine
Sandulyak Leonty Ivanovich (* 1937), Professor of the Department of Ecology and Law of the Chernivtsi Faculty of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", co-author of the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine in 1991.
Svіzhenko Viktor Alekseevich (* 1947), Director of the Department of Scientific and Technological Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Ruban Yuri Grigorievich (* 1958), director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies
Shelyag-Sosonko Yuriy Romanovich (* 1933), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Botany named after. MG Kholodny of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, President of the All-Ukrainian Committee for Assistance to the Activities of UNEP in Ukraine.

NECU declares that its position may not coincide with the position of the founders. The position of NECU is formed by the Council of NECU.

The activity of NECU is not related to the political activity of one of the founders. NECU does not support any of the political forces in Ukraine or abroad.


NECU aims to create a healthy environment and improve the quality of life of people in Ukraine, trying to convey the position of experts in environmental protection to decision-makers in various sectors of the economy.

A significant part of the work of NECU pov "associated with the conservation of the nature of Ukraine through the creation of new environmental protection objects and upholding the integrity of existing ones.

NECU is also trying to influence energy policy, realizing that it is the latest approaches to the development of the energy sector that will create conditions for the development of the country without negative consequences for the environment.

Finally, NECU defends the position that taxpayers' funds should not be used for the construction of objects with a significant negative impact on the population and the environment, and is trying to influence the decision to finance projects by international financial organizations.


Since 1996, NECU has been a member organization of the CEE Bankwatch Network, monitoring the activities of international financial institutions in Central and Eastern Europe. The projects of development banks in the energy sector attract special attention of our employees. Now it is from NECU that Bankwatch is coordinating the work of Bankwatch to improve the policies of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the project to support organizations in the Caucasus and Central Asia. For more information about the network's activities, visit the CEE Bankwatch Network website.

NECU is a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which helps to find practical solutions to the most pressing environmental and development problems. IUCN supports scientific research, carries out field projects around the world, and collaborates with governments, non-governmental organizations, United Nations agencies, companies and local communities to develop and implement policies, legislation and best practices.

NECU is a member of the Ukrainian River Network - a voluntary association of citizens, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local communities, whose goal is to promote the improvement of the ecological state of rivers, as well as positive changes in the environmental policy of Ukraine in the field of river protection and conservation.

guerrilla gardening

Guerrilla gardening (Eng. Guerilla Gardening, guerrilla gardening) - a youth movement whose goal is unauthorized gardening of public space in cities, is seen as a peculiar anarchist protest.

Brief description of shares

Like real guerrillas, underground gardeners avoid direct confrontation, operating mainly in secret, in the style of graffiti artists. For inconspicuous sowing of plants in crowded places, they use the so-called "seed bombs", that is, balls consisting of a mixture of earth and clay with seeds inside. Such "bombs" are imperceptibly thrown into the soil, on foot or by bicycle.

Gray concrete pillars or inhospitable walls are sprayed with a mixture of kefir and moss spores in order to green the concrete surface with moss.


Guerrilla gardening as a social form of protest originated in Great Britain and spread to most Western metropolitan areas. The forerunner of this movement was the political and artistic actions of the 1970s in the US and Germany by environmental activists and contemporary artists such as Louis Le Roy or Joseph Beuys. Guerrilla horticulture rose to prominence in London on May 1, 2000, when critics of globalism, anarchists and environmental activists with shovels and saplings held a landscaping action in Parliament Square.

Over time, guerrilla gardening has developed in the West into horticulture as a political action, when, for example, golf courses sown with bushes or planted plants depict a certain symbol, as well as urban gardening, which has the goal of harvesting and planting greenery in abandoned corners of urban space.

Rada of trees

The Tree Council was founded in 1974 in the UK and became a registered charity in 1978. Its main goal is to bring together under its roof local environmental groups who are involved in planting, caring for and preserving trees throughout the UK.


Tree Council was founded in 1974 with the support of the British Department for the Environment. That time in the UK to remember" was remembered as the beginning of a broad environmental movement, the awakening of environmental consciousness. The impetus for the creation of the "Council of Trees" was the 1973 campaign "Plant a tree!" (Eng. Plant A Tree In "73), for the first time clearly highlighted one of the environmental problems of Great Britain - only ten percent of the territory of the United Kingdom is forested. This is one of the poorest forested countries in Europe. Forest is the most valuable national wealth - this thought became the motto of the "Council of Trees".

Since 1978, the "Rada of Trees" has become an independent charitable environmental organization. The Rada of Trees has the following goals:
improve the environment in towns and villages by planting new trees and better caring for old ones;
spread knowledge about trees and teach how to care for them;
about "to bring together all organizations concerned with the problem of trees to outline the international situation and possible cooperation

Since its founding, several British public figures have planted trees on behalf of the Tree Council, including: The Queen, The Queen Mother, and Prime Ministers.


Every year, the organization holds "National Tree Week" Eng. National Tree Week for planting trees and bushes. During "Tree Week" in 1988, over 600,000 trees were planted.

The Council of Trees constantly arranges national forums and conferences, which discuss issues related to forestry, theoretical developments on landscape change, etc. Within the framework of the Council of Trees, a wide cultural program is also produced: scientific, methodological, artistic books are published, exhibitions of paintings and photographs are arranged.

Movement for the voluntary extinction of mankind

The movement of fighters for the voluntary extinction of mankind as a biological species, known as VHEMT (Eng. Voluntary Human Extinction Movement) is an international public environmental movement that arose in 1991 in the United States in the city of Portland, whose goal is to solve existing environmental problems by destroying a biological species Homo sapiens through the voluntary refusal to have children


The movement was founded by Les Knight in 1991 in Portland (Oregon, USA). Knight is the owner of vhemt.org and the voice of the movement. Les Knight became interested in the environmental movement in the 1970s after returning from Vietnam, becoming a member of the Zero Population Growth movement and had a vasectomy at age 20.


The movement's slogan is "May we live long and die out". The movement does not promote murder, suicide, mass sterilization and other violent methods, instead it is proposed to abandon the further reproduction of the human race.

The movement has three levels of support:
Volunteers (eng. Volunteers) - people who share the goals of the movement and decided not to have children (or not to have more children than those already existing)
Supporters (eng. Supporters) - people who do not believe that the extinction of mankind is necessary, but nevertheless are supporters of the control of the human population and, for this reason, refused to have new children.
Potential supporters of the organization.

VHEMT does not consider itself an organization as it does not have any structures of its own. It's just a movement represented by an international internet site. Thus, the movement has no official representation.

Ukrainian Ecological Association "Green Light"

The Ukrainian Ecological Association "Green Light" was established in 1988 as a public reaction to the terrible ecological situation in Ukraine caused by the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. The association is a member of the largest international public organization - the Federation "Friends of the Earth" (Friends of the Earth).

UEA "Green Light" was registered in 1992 by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, certificate of registration of the Charter of the Association of Citizens No. 371 dated December 30, 1992. It was re-registered in 2000, in accordance with the law of Ukraine "Association of Citizens". The same year, UEA "Green Light" registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine the Regulations on the symbols of the Ukrainian Ecological Association "Green Light" and received a Certificate of registration of symbols in the "unity of citizens No. 361 dated August 16, 2000. December 10, 2009 XIII" Congress of the ACS " Zeleny Svet” introduced and approved amendments to the Charter of the Association, the new version of which was registered by order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine No. 623/5 on March 26, 2010.

Having finished with the issue of legal re-registration, UEA "VS" continued to fulfill its statutory tasks. environment - a mirror that recreates our reality. For the majority of the population of our state, environmental problems have been relegated to the back of consciousness, and the problems of the struggle for survival have become urgent. These problems are also far from a priority for the majority of mass media (media), which mainly fulfill the state order of power structures and smooth out the sharp corners of environmental problems, for which the state does not have real financial opportunities to solve. The Ukrainian Ecological Association "Green Light" carries out work aimed at protecting the interests of man and nature. One of the main tasks of the Association is to make the voice of the environmental movement heard.

The printed organ of the Association is the newspaper "Green World."

The environmental situation in Ukraine requires the involvement of a wide range of the population in the development of environmental problems, close interaction with public environmental organizations, support for their initiatives and specific proposals, which is in line with the environmental legislation of Ukraine and the Orgus Convention.

Ukrainian Society for the Conservation of Nature

The Ukrainian Society for the Conservation of Nature (VkrTOP) is a public environmental organization, the creation of which was the forerunner of the Khrushchev thaw. Under pressure from UkrTOP in 1967, the Government of the Ukrainian SSR created the State Committee for Nature Protection as the central authority. This happened three years earlier than the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency and 21 years earlier than the creation of similar state bodies in Moscow (Russian Goskompriroda USSR/RSFSR). The State Committee for Nature Protection of Ukraine has had the status of a ministry since 1991.

With a network of local offices in the regions, Kiev and Sevastopol, as well as in many district centers, UkrTOP promotes public awareness of recycling, spreads environmental education and love for nature in schools, local communities and among local authorities .

UkrTOP in foreign languages: English. Ukraine Nature Conservation Society, fr. la Societé ukrainienne pour la conservation de la nature, Spanish. la Sociedad Ucraniana para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, German. Ukrainische Naturschutzgesellschaft, pol. Ukraińske Towarzystwo Ochrony Przyrody, rus. Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Nature.

History of creation

The Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Nature (UkrTOP) was founded on June 28, 1946 and has an interesting and eventful history of the struggle of the founders of the Ukrainian environmental movement. Responding to numerous appeals from Ukrainian environmental scientists, many of whom were academics, Nikita Khrushchev (Head of the Government and the Communist Party of Ukraine) granted permission for the creation of UkrTOP. Until the mid 1960s. UkrTOP was the only voice of ecology in draft public administration decisions; At that time, UkrTOP sought to introduce an integrated ecological and economic approach to economic management and create a Ministry of Ecology within the structure of the Government of the Ukrainian SSR.

Defending environmental rights in the absence of democracy was difficult even for the world-famous scientists of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. However, under pressure from UkrTOP, the Government of the Ukrainian SSR in 1967 created the State Committee for Nature Protection as the central authority. This happened three years earlier than the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency.

during 1963–1982 Mikhail Voinstvensky was the chairman of UkrTOP. In 1971, the head of the Lviv branch of UkrTOP prof. Stepan Stoyko invited Vyacheslav Chornovil to work, having just returned from prison for political convictions.

During the times of stagnation and perestroika, UkrTOP also made environmental education its priority, including among Ukrainian schoolchildren, students and pensioners. The voice of the public regarding environmental issues also made its way at the time when the outstanding daughter of the Kherson region Protsenko Dina Iosifovna (1978-1988) was the chairman of the State Committee for Nature Protection.

Only with the proclamation of Ukraine's independence, the status of the State Committee for Nature Protection was raised to a ministry in 1991 (Ministry of Ecological Resources). In 1991-2003 UkrTOP was headed by Igor Grinchak.

UkrTOP was re-registered by the Ministry of Justice on December 2, 1992 (certificate No. 335) in accordance with the Charter approved by the 9th Congress of UkrTOP on November 21, 1991 (see previous charter). members on a voluntary basis. At this time, UkrTOP activates public control over environmental pollution due to management, defending the right of citizens to a clean environment.

Since 2002, the chairman of the Presidium of the All-Ukrainian Council of UkrTOP is the former Minister of Ecology Vasyl Shevchuk.

Organizational structure

UkrTOP is an all-Ukrainian public non-profit organization. The supreme governing body of UkrTOP is the congress, and in the period between congresses, which take place every 5 years, is the All-Ukrainian Council and its Presidium.

21 regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city organizations of UkrTOP are subordinated to the All-Ukrainian Council. The regional and Kyiv and Sevastopol city organizations include 354 district and 70 city cells, which include 23,000 primary organizations and more than 10,000 collective members, over 2 million individual members.

There are a number of regional and city branches of UkrTOP, for example:
- Dnepropetrovsk city society for nature protection
- Kiev Society for the Protection of Nature, etc.


Participation in state-political discourse. UkrTOP stands for public and parliamentary control over the cleanliness of the environment, took part in all parliamentary environmental hearings in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, promotes the implementation of the Aarhus Convention and the law "On Environmental Audit".

UkrTOP also actively promotes the introduction of Ukrainian business
- Environmental and social risk management systems, including within the framework of the so-called. "Principles of the Equator"
- Business models that promote sustainable development through energy and resource efficiency, sustainable land development and biodiversity conservation, doing business with partners who manage their environmental and social risks, and caring for employees and local communities.
- Principles of corporate social responsibility[

Thematic areas - work in the Sections of UkrTOP

There are 10 all-Ukrainian and 140 regional sections in the UkrTOP system, whose activities are based on issues of environmental safety, protection and restoration of flora and fauna, subsoil, water resources, atmosphere, land resources, fish stocks, forests and nature reserves, development and the spread of the youth movement, the interpretation of the legal foundations of nature management.

The results of the work of the sections are the development and preparation of recommendations for regulatory documents on the protection and rational use of natural resources, the dissemination of environmental knowledge among schoolchildren, students, the population of the regions, the preparation and implementation of methodological assistance to regional and local branches of UkrTOP.

Carrying out environmental events in the regions

Members of UkrTOP take an active part in holding such international and all-Ukrainian environmental campaigns as Environment Day, World Environment Day, Earth Day, World Wetlands Day, "Clean Ukraine - Clean Earth", as well as regional environmental campaigns - " Primrose", "Source", "Christmas Tree", "Clean Air", "Bear Cub", "Swamp Turtle", "Spawning", etc. (see dates).

An important issue in the activities of UkrTOP in attracting the population to environmental protection is the implementation of various regional and local environmental campaigns from planting forests, planting greenery in cities, improving settlements, streamlining the coastal protection strips of rivers and lakes, eliminating landfills, etc.

Regional organizations of UkrTOP act as the initiators of ecological subbotniks and talks. Thus, in 2004 alone, members of the Society and participants in actions cleared almost 430 km of the banks of small rivers, landscaped 5,000 springs and wells, planted trees and shrubs on an area of ​​about 1,500 hectares.

Educational activities

From year to year, the All-Ukrainian Council, together with regional organizations of UkrTOP, carry out educational and educational work among the population of the country. This work is one of the main directions of activity.

The educational activities of UkrTOP are carried out through publishing activities (in particular, all-Ukrainian ones: the popular science magazine "Native Nature", the magazine "Holy Cause" and the newspaper "Shamrock", many brochures, newspapers, brochures issued in the regions), through regular performances in the media, first of all, in radio and television broadcasts of an environmental direction, as well as through the holding of round tables and seminars, through the implementation of weekend excursions, the preparation and display of video films, and the organization of thematic exhibitions.

Partners and similar organizations in the world

Austria: Naturschutzbund Osterreich
Denmark: Danish Society for Nature Conservation
france nature environment
Germany: Naturschutzbund Deutschland
Italy: Pro Natura
Netherlands: Milieudefensie
Norway: Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature
Russia: All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature
Sweden: Swedish Society for Nature Conservation
United Kingdom: Environmental Protection UK, British Ecological Society

Australia and Oceania
Australia: Australian Conservation Foundation
New Zealand: ECO

Canada: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Nature, Canada
Mexico: Pronatura
USA: Sierra Club, The Nature Conservancy

Africa and Middle East
Ethiopia: Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society
Israel: Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel
Kenya: Green Belt Movement
Nigeria: Nigerian Conservation Foundation
South Africa: Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
UAE: Emirates Environmental Group

China: China Wildlife Conservation Association
India: Wildlife Trust of India
Japan: Nature Conservation Society of Japan
South Korea: Korean Society of Nature Conservation, Korean Association for Conservation of Nature, National Nature Trust, The Ecological Society of Korea
Nepal: National Trust for Nature Conservation
In "Vietnam: Vietnam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment

Charles Darwin Foundation

The Charles Darwin Foundation (Spanish: Fundación Charles Darwin, English: Charles Darwin Foundation) is a conservation organization founded in 1959 under the auspices of UNESCO and IUCN.

The purpose of the foundation is to preserve the ecosystems of the Galapagos Islands.

The Foundation operates the Charles Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz Island, which conducts scientific research and provides educational courses on conservation.

The station has a staff of about 100 researchers, teachers, volunteers and other workers from around the world.

The Foundation is in close contact with the government of Ecuador and the administration of the Galapagos National Park in order to support conservation efforts on the islands.

The foundation is headquartered in Puerto Ayora in the Galapagos Islands.

Chernobyl forum

The Chernobyl Forum is a forum that was established by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 2003.

The Forum included eight UN agencies, the World Bank, as well as representatives of the three states most affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The work of the Forum is also expected to involve other international and internationally recognized national organizations and specialists who have contributed to the assessment of the consequences of the accident and the elimination of the consequences of the accident. This forum should not be confused with the Chernobyl Economic Development Forum.

Goals of the Chernobyl Forum

Investigate and improve the data of scientific analysis of the long-term consequences of the Chernobyl accident for the environment and public health in order to develop a unified view on this problem.

Identify possible gaps in research on environmental and public health effects caused by radiation or radioactive contamination, point to new areas of work based on past situation analyzes and ongoing work and projects.

Contribute to the implementation of scientifically justified programs to eliminate the consequences of the accident, including joint programs of organizations participating in the Forum.

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