What or who is dangerous in the forest. Do not spit in the well: what threatens humanity with massive deforestation? Forests are divided into three groups

    On hot days it is nice to take a walk in the forest. Feel the cool coniferous air in your lungs and plunge headlong into your dreams. But besides pleasant moments, forest clearings also hide unpleasant surprises.

    Wild animals
    Nobody wants to be scared or even bitten by wild wolves and foxes. Of course, not all animals are evil and want to eat you, but it's better to be on the lookout.

    Even the smallest creeping creatures can be dangerous, if not for life, then for human health. If this still happened, then do not delay the trip to the hospital.

    Poisonous plants and fruits
    As a child, we were taught not to eat unfamiliar berries, and we did the right thing. In addition to headaches, problems with the digestive tract and nervous system can take you by surprise.

    inedible mushrooms
    Usually no one eats mushrooms of unknown origin right in the forest. Dangers can lie in wait at home when eating ready-made dishes with mushrooms. But in no case do not eat mushrooms in which you are not sure, consult with experts.

    In unfamiliar areas, you can fall into a hole or a trap. So no need for walks at a late hour.

    It is especially dangerous to walk at night in a thunderstorm. After all, you can not only get caught in a downpour and get sick, but when struck by lightning, you can get a fatal electric shock or get injured from a falling tree.

    Get lost in the forest
    Like an episode from a nightmare, where you can’t get out of a terrible thicket. In fact, getting lost in the forest in the evening can be very cold.

    An accidental injury that is not treated in time can lead to serious problems, such as tetanus.

    Water from a stream
    It can hide various pollutants that cause intestinal infections.

We all want to live in comfortable conditions and a safe environment. In addition, it is important for us to preserve our property - a house, a car, garden plantings and buildings, etc. Trees often become a serious threat to our security. The very trees that provide us with comfort - create shade, protect from wind and dust, humidify the air, purify it from harmful impurities, and finally produce oxygen that is vital for us.

Kill and maim

The thousand-year history of mankind is inextricably linked with trees, they have not only practical, but also aesthetic value for us, and a situation can be called truly paradoxical when trees turn into a threat to our life, health and property.

Here are some excerpts from media reports.

- 07/01/2013 on the street. Academician Vinogradova, Moscow, a 25-year-old student died as a result of a tree fall ...

- 06/19/13 in the Krasnoglinsky district of Samara, a tree fell on an elderly woman on a pedestrian sidewalk. The victim died from her injuries...

– 09/05/13 on Varshavskoe highway in Moscow, a tree fell on a 60-year-old woman, who died as a result of this ...

- In August 2012, a tree branch fell on a 13-year-old girl near the house on the street. Vetlyanskaya. She died from her injuries. The Samara Investigative Committee of the ICR believes that the cause of the tragedy was the improper performance of professional duties by the head of the repair and maintenance site, since this tree had long been recognized as emergency and had to be eliminated. Investigators charged the said head with negligence, resulting in causing death by negligence ...

- May 15 on the street. Remizov (Moscow), a tree fell on a child. A 9-year-old boy was hospitalized with a traumatic brain injury and concussion ...

– Two children were injured when a tree fell on Leningradsky Prospekt (Moscow), where an old poplar fell on a playground. As a result, a three-year-old boy and girl were hospitalized with bruises on their backs and heads...

At first glance, it seems that we are talking about accidents, but in fact, such tragedies are often caused by criminal negligence. The essence of the problem lies in indifference, slovenliness, ignorance and false economy.

It must be admitted that many of the trees growing on municipal lands are now a danger. First of all, this applies to trees affected by rot. It is these trees that, falling under the pressure of the wind, cause damage to people's health and their property, and often cause death. And in our country, such cases are repeated more and more often. Among dangerous trees there are a huge number of old poplars.

In Germany, many municipalities have banned the planting of poplars in settlements.

poplar problem

The problem with poplars came from our parents. But we have no right to blame them - they acted according to their contemporary knowledge and tasks. It was necessary to build a lot of housing and plant greenery in settlements in a short time. And poplar is grown easily and quickly, but at the same time this species is soft-leaved, with loose wood, and is easily affected by rot. In addition, mature trees have a huge crown with a large mass. The combination of these factors makes poplar a dangerous, fall-prone tree.

Utilities are forced to carry out the so-called "crowning" - the removal of the upper part of the tree in order to lighten the crown. But very often pseudo-professionals get carried away and “crown” not only poplars, but also lindens and birches. And if lindens, at the very least, live out their days in the form of "pencil pillars", then birches inevitably die.

In essence, "kronirovanie" - the path to the gradual destruction of the tree. In the place of the cut, the development of rot begins. It extends further into the trunk. Therefore, the affected part must be cut off every third year, like sharpening a pencil, which ultimately leads to the destruction of the tree. But if this is not done, an even bigger problem will arise: a new crown will form in place with rot, gaining a huge mass.

Such a barbaric attitude towards trees in our cities makes a huge impression on foreign experts. Knowing about the problems of poplars, for example, in Germany, in many municipalities it was forbidden to plant this breed in settlements. In our country, they continue to reinvent the wheel and try to grow male poplars that do not spread fluff and are resistant to rot. But in stressful situations (for example, in extreme heat), the poplar is able to be reborn from a male to a female and begins to bear fruit.

In essence, "cropping" is a way to gradually destroy a tree.


Why do intra-stem rot develop? Experts know - from various damage to the trunk and branches. Mechanical damage to the pruning site, breaks in large branches, frost holes, etc. are open gates for penetration into the infection trunk.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the spores of wood-destroying fungi penetrate the trunk at a still young age, when the tree is transplanted into new growing conditions. The reason is known - thermal damage to the conductive tissues of the tree due to a sharp change in solar exposure to the bark. Burns and frost cracks occur, and rot begins to develop at the site of the lesion.

Thermal damage

The importance of thermal damage in our country is very often underestimated. We don't want to understand the elementary. Arriving to sunbathe on the sea, the first thing a person does is smear a pale body with sunscreen so as not to burn. Allows the skin to get used to the changed intensity of solar radiation. The same protection is required for a tree planted in new conditions. It is necessary to apply protection from radiation to the bark, to help the tree adapt. And it is very important to know how and with what protection can be provided.

How do we usually do it? We take whitewash and in spring or autumn we smear the trunk of a tree to a height of 1 m. We smear both young trees and old ones with thick bark. What do we get as a result? Absolutely nothing! Waste of time, effort and money. It has long been proven that thermal damage to the conductive tissues of a tree occurs at peak temperatures, usually in July, and spring frosts - at the end of February - March. The whitewash is washed off after the third rain, and the tree is left unprotected. Conventional whitewashing with lime is not only ineffective, but also harmful to wood tissue, because it interferes with breathing. And covering the trunk of a young tree by no more than a meter is not enough at all - the trunk must be protected to the very crown.

The problems listed above are solved by the innovative Arbo-Flex tree protection product. A single application of this coating on the bark not only provides the plant with long-term reliable and absolutely harmless protection, but also saves money spent on annual useless whitewashing.

Thermal damage to the conductive tissues of wood occurs at peak temperatures, usually in July, and spring frost holes occur at the end of February - March.

Dangerous economy

The danger of thermal damage is that they can be detected, as a rule, 7–10 years after transplantation. A problem arises: money was invested in the tree, and then damage was discovered in which rot is developing. As a result, a dilemma arises: to remove the tree or continue to grow? After all, a grown adult tree with rot is a great danger. If you don’t remove it, the person affected by the fallen tree will sue the municipality. And to remove - to incur economic damage.

In developed countries, the affected trees, in spite of everything, are removed. And our municipalities often go the second way. Thinking about today, they save, but such “savings” can be too expensive. I was not too lazy and examined the lindens, maples and chestnuts near my house in the park in Mitino - 60% of the trees have dry sides due to thermal burns. And among these potential killers our children will walk!

One gets the impression that at present many of us live one day: if only now it was good, but what will happen tomorrow is not of interest. How else can one explain the planting of trees from the forest on the streets of cities, where one-sided, irregular crowns are formed due to cramped conditions and solar deficiency? Take a closer look at young trees, and you will see both multi-stemmed crowns and individual, large branches sticking out to the side. In the absence of a proper care system in Russia, such specimens, growing up, turn into a threat to the surrounding space. But, according to people who live by the principle “my hut is on the edge - I don’t know anything”, this is not their problem. And the fact that in the future this situation will create a problem for our children does not interest them.

Tree inspection with ARBOTOME
Examining a tree with a RESISTOGRAPH
Germany. Trees protected by Arbo-Flex

What to do?

What is the way to solve the problem? How to protect our yards and streets from dangerous trees?

First, it is necessary to urgently introduce modern technologies and methods to accurately identify emergency trees. And nothing has been invented better than instrumental diagnostic methods using resistography and sound tomography. When examining the state of a tree, the RESISTOGRAPH ® device immediately issues a printout on the spot, on which the expert sees the real situation inside the trunk. Fortunately, now RESISTOGRAPHS are actively purchased by the administrations of Russian cities and with their help they solve the problem of identifying emergency trees.

Secondly. In the Russian Federation, at present, there is no unified legal act that is mandatory for implementation, regulating the relationship between people and trees growing on municipal lands. And it is very important to urgently develop and adopt it. Sometimes people object to me, pointing out that in many cities there are different rules for planting and maintaining green spaces, but basically they are based on the “Rules for the Creation, Protection and Maintenance of Green Plantations in the Cities of the Russian Federation” approved by Gosstroy back in 1999, bearing recommendation character! They are very outdated. It's been 15 years already! There are many misconceptions in them, and many vital issues are not touched upon in any way.

In the Russian Federation, at present, there is no unified legal act that is mandatory for implementation, regulating the relationship between people and trees growing on municipal lands.

professional care

The level of professional tree care in Russia lags far behind the level in European countries. There, this industry has been actively developing since the beginning of the twentieth century. In the process of the formation of the North American and European markets, professional communities of workers, scientists and specialists, educational state and commercial institutions, research and production companies have appeared.

The main thing is that every tree from the moment of planting to old age is registered, provided with control and care. A specialist throughout the life of a tree monitors its growth and development of the crown. Everything is done to ensure that in old age it is safe. And this despite the fact that in Western countries a tree from the forest is not planted on the streets. It comes from a tree nursery, with a well-formed crown already.

In our cities, the situation is still quite different. Many scientific advances are not used by municipalities, with the result that thousands of planted trees continue to be damaged, creating problems for future generations. Ignoring modern knowledge leads to unreasonable monetary costs for senseless annual whitewashing of trunks with lime, replacement of dead specimens and compensation for damage caused by a fallen tree to property and people's health.

We must correct this situation and save not only ourselves, but also future generations from the problems.

seems possible. At the entrance to the forest at 8 o'clock the sun was shining directly into your eyes. The railroad tracks remain behind your back perpendicular to your direction of travel. Gathering mushrooms, you did not notice that the clouds covered the sun. It began to drizzle, and it got colder. You will try to navigate using the signs of local objects. Which? Indicate at least 5 signs of local objects by which you can determine the sides of the horizon. Explain in more detail.
Answer: (answer option):
The definition of the sides of the horizon according to the signs of local objects is based on the position of these objects in relation to the sun:

Task 2. Based on knowledge of the environment and the dangers of everyday life, determine the actions that must be followed to avoid being bitten by a tick.

Task 3. A group of tourists is moving along the route. Unexpectedly, the weather conditions deteriorated sharply, heavy rain began, the wind rose, the terrain was difficult to pass. The leader of the group was able to inform by mobile phone about the approximate location of the group. Determine what decision the leader should make and what is the algorithm of the group's actions in this situation.
For the second part of the question, you must specify at least 4 positions (group action algorithm).

Task 4.
All tourist equipment is divided into three types: personal, group and special. Determine the type of equipment: compass, bicycles, clothes, sleeping bag, maps, dishes, backpack, ropes, cooking utensils, shoes, axes, schemes, boats, tent, life jackets, washing supplies. Enter it in the table.

Personal equipment Group equipment Special equipment

1 task.
1. We moved to the east, behind the west.
2. The anthill on the south side is more gentle.
3. Moss covers the rocks on the north side.
4. The branches of the trees are wider and thicker on the south side (by the way, beyond the Arctic Circle, where I also observed this now).
5. Mushrooms appear from the north side of the trees.
6. In summer, the soil near the trees is more humid from the north.

2 task.

1. Cover open areas of the body.
2. Use sprays and ointments from ticks.
3. Avoid tick habitats.
4. Avoid dense thickets and thickets.

3 task.

1. Set up tents, make a fire, change the group into dry clothes or just take off wet clothes.
2. Locate the parking lot near an open area so that it is easy to notice signs of people from the air.
3. Post identification marks (red matter).
4. Leave sentries to report to the head if a search group is found.

4 task.

Personal: bicycle, clothes, sleeping bag, shoes, backpack, washing accessories, dishes.
Group: axes, dishes, ropes, tent, cooking utensils.
Special: compass, maps, diagrams, life jackets.



Other questions from the category

After what time after immersion under water, irreversible processes begin in the body of a drowning person, and he can die?

a) after 3-4 minutes;
b) after 5-6 minutes;
c) after 7-8 minutes.

2. Determine what causes true drowning?
a) as a result of the ingress of water (liquid) into the respiratory tract and lungs of a person, which prevents the flow of air;
b) as a result of spasm of the vocal cords (laryngospasm) when a small amount of fluid enters the upper respiratory tract, which does not enter the lungs;
c) as a result of a sudden stop of the heartbeat and breathing.

3. Why should you beware of areas covered with a thick layer of snow on water bodies in winter?
a) ice is not visible behind a layer of snow;
b) snow in the sun can melt quickly;
c) under the snow the ice is always thinner than in the open.

4. How should you approach a person who has fallen through the ice to provide assistance?
a) follow his footprints in the snow;
b) approach him lying down with arms and legs outstretched to the sides;
c) approach him standing, as if sliding the soles of his feet on snow or ice.

5*. Choose from the following reasons for drowning:
a) prolonged exposure to the sun;
b) violation of the rules of conduct on the water, deliberately dangerous actions;
c) diving in unknown places;
d) sudden precipitation of a large amount of precipitation in the form of rain;
e) lack of safety signs in the bathing area.

6*. Which of the following is not a water rescue device?
a) rescue balls;
b) life anchor;
c) life jacket;
d) life jacket;
e) rescue nets;
f) Alexandrov's rescue line.

7*. Determine and note what is forbidden to do when swimming in water bodies.
1. Go into the water (especially in deep places) without knowing how to swim
2. Swim in unknown places and at depths, even under adult supervision
3. Swim only in permitted, well-known areas
4. Swim near spillways, locks, piers, bridges, whirlpools, rapids, in a navigable fairway, near watercraft
5. Entering or diving abruptly after prolonged exposure to the sun, immediately after eating, in a state of fatigue
6. Swim in the water on an air mattress
7. Swim in the water on an inflatable bladder
8. Leaving children on the shore of a pond without the supervision of adults who can swim
9. Be in the water at noon when the sun is at its zenith
10. Long stay in water, especially cold

P.S. in tasks 5-7 there may be several correct answers.
Help!! very urgent!!

Recently, attacks by wild animals on people have become more frequent in the forests. Mushroom pickers and tourists are in the greatest risk zone, however, everyone else can be face to face with a wolf or a bear: predators often come out of the forest in search of food. the site tells what to do and how to behave when meeting with a wild animal.


When meeting a bear, do not try to run away. Photo: pixabay.com

Hunters say that wild animals themselves avoid meeting a person, and in order not to run into a bear, it is enough to follow some rules of behavior in the forest. Experts advise moving through the forest not alone, but in company, and talking loudly to warn the beast of your approach: then the animal will not show itself. It is best to stop for a halt in open areas of the forest, and after cooking on a fire, all leftover food must be burned - the bear can smell the food and go out to people. You also need to burn cans. If you suddenly meet cubs in the forest, you can’t stop to take a couple of pictures or just admire the cubs: their mother bear walks nearby, and she definitely won’t like that you approached her cubs.

If it was not possible to avoid a meeting, and you see an approaching bear, you should try to remain calm, no matter how difficult it may be: in such a situation, a cold mind is the main assistant. If the bear has not noticed you, try to silently hide from his field of vision and carefully leave the forest. In the event that the predator is looking at you, talk to him in a low voice. The animal may come closer and stand on its hind legs to sniff you and make sure there is no threat. At the same time, it is better not to move and in no case run away - the predator will regard this as a danger and will quickly be able to catch up with you. Don't try to climb the tree. When the bear is aggressive and about to attack, lie down on the ground and play dead. Most often, an inhabitant of the forest sees that a person is not dangerous, sniffs him and leaves. In other cases, it remains, on the contrary, to scream loudly, call for help and, if possible, rattle with metal objects: when the predator sees other people, it will get scared and run away.


The wolf is acutely aware of fear. Photo: pixabay.com

The wolf feels fear better than all predators, so when meeting with him, first of all, you must not forget about maintaining calm. In no case do not turn your back on the wolf: he will regard this as a reason to attack. If you meet with a whole pack, slowly step back, while facing the wolves, talk loudly. Try to climb the first tree you come across.

If the wolf has attacked, try not to let yourself be knocked to the ground, stay on your feet as long as possible and call loudly for help. You can try to insert a thick stick into the predator's mouth. When the jaw is closed, the animal will experience pain, try to get rid of the obstacle, and you will have time to run away.


You can escape from a wild boar on a tree. Photo: pixabay.com

Most often, the attack of a wild boar is provoked by the person himself. The beast attacks first if it is wounded and enraged: in such a situation it is better not to catch its eye. While the animal does not see you, you can try to hide unnoticed, but when the wounded boar sees the person and runs at him, only a few seconds remain for action, and you cannot hesitate.

The best way to protect yourself is to climb a tree, even if it is not high, but strong. Boars can't climb or jump and will soon lose interest in you. The animal can be scared away by the hunter's signals - special pyrotechnic cartridges. Do not try to use them as a means of self-defense: the boar will only get more angry. Point the charges into the air - in most cases the animal will leave.


The lynx rarely attacks first. Photo: pixabay.com

The lynx behaves very carefully and tries never to catch the eye of a person. Even if the animal sees tourists or mushroom pickers, it will not attack and prefer to remain unnoticed. Danger exists only if the animal is wounded. It is almost impossible to prevent an attack, since the lynx usually hides in the branches of trees and appears unexpectedly.

However, do not forget that the lynx is the same cat, only big, and it is rather shy. The animal can be forced to leave by actively waving its arms and making loud noises.

If you see a receding animal, do not try to get closer to it or lure it to you: the meeting may end in failure.


Often, an elk can be more dangerous than a bear. Photo: pixabay.com

Although an elk is a herbivore, it can often be more dangerous to humans than a bear. Moose are most aggressive during the mating season, which usually takes place in early autumn. In this situation, the elk is extremely dangerous, and it will be much easier to prevent such a meeting than to escape when it has already taken place.

If you see that the bark on the trees is peeled off at about the level of human growth, then an elk is walking nearby. You can also recognize its close location by the heaps of litter on the ground.

When the animal does see you, try to hide behind a tree. As you know, moose have poor eyesight, and the elk can lose sight of you. Do not run: this will only cause him more aggression. While the animal is looking at you, stay still and do not move, and if the moose attacks, climb a tree and wait for it to leave.

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    Walk in the woods- it is always a joy from communicating with the world of wildlife, it causes a whole range of sensations and impressions, painted in spring-summer-autumn-winter colors. However, lovers of such trips must know: the forest is, first of all, the most complex complex of relationships between plants, animals, soils, sunlight and night darkness, air and water.

    man in the forest- a guest, and from the point of view of the forest inhabitants - an uninvited and uninvited guest, often not at all knowing the rules of behavior "away". Hence - accidents, emergencies, injuries, fears, legends and myths associated with both exaggeration and understatement of the danger that the forest is fraught with.

    Animals living in the forest are a danger to humans. They are very diverse, but it is still possible to formulate several general patterns in their behavior:

    1. Animals, especially birds and mammals, are much better adapted to life in the forest than humans. They have more advanced sense organs and are almost always the first to notice a person by smell and sound. Its smell for a wild animal is the strongest signal of danger.

    2. One should not exaggerate the widespread opinion about the fearfulness of animals, especially large predators. For some of them, such as the bear and the tiger, a very common behavioral trait is curiosity, which can sometimes turn into unprovoked aggression.

    3. Not people, but animals are in the forest on their territory, so they regard the appearance of a person as a typical “border violation”, “invasion” with all the ensuing consequences.

    4. In the animal world, in contrast to human society, the concepts of "alien" and "enemy", "unknown" and "dangerous" often coincide, so it is at least naive to count on a friendly attitude on the part of forest dwellers.

    5. Animals, to a greater extent than people, try to avoid danger: mobile ones go as far as possible from a person, inactive ones use various methods of passive or active protection. Forest animals are unsurpassed masters of disguise, they know how to use all sorts of shelters.

    6. The behavior of many animals (especially large ungulates and carnivores) changes significantly at certain periods of their life cycle (reproduction, migration, etc.). Animals become much more aggressive, and the danger to humans increases dramatically.

    7. Any species, even a widespread species, prefers certain habitats, and here the probability of an accidental meeting with animals of this species is higher.

    Remember two fairly simple and accessible rules that will help you avoid many troubles. It is necessary to have an idea about the habits of animals and birds, plus be attentive and careful during forest walks.

    Forest emergencies related to animals can be divided into two groups: an active attack by a potentially dangerous animal and accidents resulting from careless (or illiterate) handling of an animal, which in a normal situation is quite neutral towards a person.

    In the main zone of settlement in Russia and Ukraine, situations of the first type are most often associated with large predatory and ungulate animals - a bear, a wolf, a tiger, a lynx, a leopard, an elk, a wild boar, a deer. Attacks that are not provoked by a person are quite rare. For example, a tiger attacks people for no reason in about 4% of all cases. Usually, the animal attacks: in self-defense, while hunting, being caught near prey, when a person carelessly invades its territory, during the mating season (the so-called rut; animals during this period are especially aggressive), protecting offspring, with persistent pursuit under - a wound or simply by a chance meeting with a person, with a sudden close contact "eye to eye".

    According to many experts, the most unpredictable large forest predator in terms of behavior is the brown bear. Most of the sudden encounters with this animal end in its swift flight. Nevertheless, cases of unprovoked attacks on a person in the European part of Russia are noted almost every year. Unexpectedly, "go out to the bear", as a rule, pickers of mushrooms, berries and tourists. Sometimes a bear shows aggression and may even chase a person, but then quickly stops the pursuit and runs away. However, much more serious incidents are also known, when the beast literally besieged the hunting lodge - sometimes for almost a week! - and did not let people out of there. Cases of aggression of a bear disturbed in a winter den are quite common. However, it is easy to avoid such "dates" if you know the bears' favorite places in a given forest (bears are quite conservative in choosing a territory for a den) and avoid them as far as possible. A significant danger is fraught with a meeting with a wolf, although this predator will almost always prefer to hide than attack. The well-known Canadian naturalist Farley Mowat remarkably described such a sudden meeting. “... We faced nose to nose. We were separated by some two meters ... We silently stared at each other. I don't know what was going on in his massive skull, but my head was filled with a swarm of unsettling thoughts. The amber eyes of a seasoned tundra wolf stared straight at me; apparently, he was heavier than me and, no doubt, had a much better command of unarmed combat techniques.

    For several seconds neither of us moved, we continued to hypnotize each other with our eyes. The wolf broke the spell first. With a jump that would have done honor even to Russian dancers, he soared into the air and took to his heels ... "

    In recent years, experts have noted that people encounter wolves in the forest zone more often than before. Fans of forest walks, and especially long-distance routes, should be careful.

    Perhaps the most serious danger is a sudden encounter with a wolf or a fox that is sick with rabies. Here the attack is almost guaranteed, and it is almost impossible to avoid it. A sick animal can be recognized by its "dazedness", angry eyes, sharply aggressive behavior, immediate, literally on the move, attack. The animal sometimes seems to spit; there is often foam in the corners of the mouth. These animals are dangerous even when they are already dying and, snarling, cannot move. In no case should you approach them - they may have time to bite, and then a long treatment will be necessary.

    Animals with rabies are not found everywhere, and before going to the forest it would be useful to get information from the SES about the foci of the disease. In case of a bite, you should immediately consult a doctor, because only the correct and, most importantly, timely treatment started and carried out guarantees a complete recovery.

    In recent years, due to the emergence of numerous holiday villages, another serious problem has arisen - feral dogs that huddle in packs, often large ones. Animals are very aggressive, secretive and cunning (learned from humans). Meeting with a flock is extremely dangerous in the same cases as with other predators. If such dogs fell on you, we advise you to use a peculiar method of protection. Since many of these animals still remember communication with a person, a sharp and imperative shout “no!” often helps.

    Wild ungulates common for Russian and Ukain forests- moose, wild boars, deer, roe deer - are much more shy and cautious than predators, and, as a rule, leave a person. However, during the mating season, these animals are characterized by increased excitability and aggressiveness and can pose a significant danger. There are cases when an elk kept a tree “under siege” for hours, on which an unlucky tourist or hunter escaped from an angry elk.

    How to avoid an unwanted meeting with a wild beast? Perhaps the best way is to minimize the chance of collision. Refrain from traveling to areas where predator encounters are common; do not appear in the favorite habitats of dangerous animals. If you still went on a hiking trip, be extremely careful and careful, especially at night. The presence of predators or dangerous ungulates can be indicated by a variety of signs: footprints on the soil, crushed grass and undergrowth, peeled bark on trees, droppings, feeding places, and sometimes the remains of prey. Wolves, the first to smell a person, make specific sounds (snorting, howling, ringing barking), warning other members of the pack, and especially young animals. Boars during the rut or feeding behave so noisily that it is not so difficult to notice them. Animal paths, impassable, overgrown with bushes and littered areas of the forest, windbreaks should be avoided. In such places, there is a high probability of meeting an animal, and besides, it is extremely inconvenient to retreat here. Going into the forest (best not alone), be sure to tell about where you are going to go and when you plan to return.

    But what if an unpleasant date still happened? First of all, don't lose your presence of mind! Try not to panic. Experienced hunters believe that the animal feels when a person is afraid of him, your fear will only spur aggression, i.e., the instinct of an attack on a weaker opponent may work in the animal. No sudden movements and piercing screams - at least at the first moment, until you are sure that you can really scare the beast in this way, and not attract the beast. However, sometimes the scream actually confuses the animal and even turns it into a stampede. Stories are told about how a man, spreading his arms, ran screaming towards a bear, and he retreated in fear. However, not everyone is capable of such actions!

    When meeting a bear or a tiger, you should not turn your back on the beast: he will regard such a pose as proof of your weakness. From danger, a person naturally tries to run away, but in this case, running away is good only if you are absolutely sure that you will reach a safer place (for example, a hunting lodge, a tree, a car, etc.) faster than a predator, and to do this in forest conditions is extremely difficult. It is almost impossible to run away from a bear or a tiger; besides, in all predators, the flight of the prey only warms up the desire to pursue it. Experts, as the best way out of the situation, are advised to freeze in place, and then, as calmly as possible, backing away, retreat and, only having retired 10-15 meters, also slowly, sideways retreat. At these moments, it is very important not to provoke the predator to aggressive behavior by excessive courage or, on the contrary, cowardice, not to aggravate the situation, which at the very beginning is more neutral than frankly dangerous. The experience of unexpected encounters with a tiger shows that in about 80% of cases the animal does not show aggression at the first moment, behaves “cognitively”, does not leave the person, but does not approach him either. A tiger can simply stand still and look in the direction of a stranger, and then retire with dignity.

    Experienced people do not advise looking directly into the eyes of a predator for a long time, since such a look (and a person, numb with fear, usually stares at the animal) can be perceived as rivalry and will only spur aggression.

    Retreating, you need to carefully monitor the facial expressions of the animal in order to predict its intentions. A bear, for example, has a good "indicator" of a relatively calm state - ears standing upright. If the ears are pressed to the head, the hair on the back of the neck stands on end, the beast shows its teeth, trembles, hunches a little, it means that it is really angry and ready to attack.

    When you are faced with a large predator nose to nose, remember that there is some critical distance, under which the situation will still remain fairly neutral and the beast will most likely not dare to attack first, but will only frighten. If the distance is less than critical, then the predator may feel cornered and go ahead, i.e., rush at the person. Therefore, suddenly finding yourself, for example, directly in front of a bear, move a few meters to the side, keeping a critical distance.

    While in the forest, it is sometimes worth making your presence known (by voice or in another way), as if warning the animals and giving them the opportunity to leave. In general, if a person is not on the hunt, the most correct thing for him is to go noisily, speak loudly or hum. But on the contrary, the sounds of a human voice can attract an exceptionally dangerous predator, a connecting rod bear.

    Experienced hunters also talk about more "exotic" ways of behavior at critical moments of a meeting with a predator. This, for example, is the “persuasion” of the animal: the person began to talk affectionately about something and the calm intonation softened the aggressive tension of the animal. In some cases, objects thrown aside helped - a backpack, a hat, a sweater, food; they diverted the attention of the predator and gave time to retreat. Another way to reduce the aggression of the beast is to pretend to be dead, as some small animals do. It is recommended to fall on your side, if possible curl into a ball, reducing the surface of the body, and hide your head. It is likely that the beast will sniff, touch or even move you for a long time - you need to be prepared and endure for this.

    To avoid direct contact with a predator, all methods are good, since an unprepared person has very few chances to emerge victorious in a fight with a tiger, wolf or bear. Meanwhile, experts note that hand-to-hand combat with a brown bear often ends in serious injuries than death on the spot, the beast is more likely to “remember”, but not kill. There were cases when hunters, having fallen into the “arms” of a bear, acted so decisively and courageously (any means were used, up to blows to a sensitive nose and bites!), That the beast retreated.

    Nevertheless, let us remind you once again: there are no rules of conduct that would guarantee an unarmed person absolute safety when meeting with a large predator. Most importantly, try to avoid encountering wild animals.

    Another type of emergencies is the careless handling of seemingly harmless forest dwellers. Unfortunately, such emergencies happen much more often than attacks by large animals, and the person himself is primarily to blame for them.

    From this point of view, many forest animals can be considered as potentially dangerous. First of all, it is an extensive and diverse group of poisonous animals.

    Under certain circumstances, the danger is represented by arachnids and insects, especially biting and stinging - beetles, ants, wasps, mosquitoes, flies, butterflies. These small mobile animals, almost imperceptible in dense grass or bushes, are able to penetrate the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, which can lead to serious injuries, especially in children. Halts and overnight stays on a hike should be done away from places of accumulation of social insects; We also advise you to carefully check the clothes. Explain to young children that it is strictly forbidden to take insects in your hands, and even more so in your mouth, since even the most “kind” beetle will always have means of protection - spines, “jaws”, an unpleasant smell, caustic substances, etc.

    Despite large-scale preventive measures, there is a threat of infection with serious diseases, which can be carried by forest insects. First of all, flies should be mentioned here. They carry pathogenic microorganisms (causative agents of dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, diphtheria) on their lanks and proboscis. These insects are especially dangerous near forest dumps. A person is “owed” to ticks by such serious diseases as tick-borne encephalitis and piroplasmosis. No less dangerous are fleas (they carry plague and tularemia) and blood-sucking mosquitoes, which not only cause pain with bites, but also carry a number of pathogens. Perhaps the simplest and most accessible method of preventing the bites of these animals is a thorough examination of exposed areas of the body immediately after each visit to the forest, as well as the use of a wide arsenal of modern insect repellents. And of course - preventive vaccinations, thanks to which the frequency and severity of diseases has been significantly reduced.

    Small and medium-sized predatory mammals belonging to the mustelid family (badger, ermine, weasel, pine marten, black polecat, European mink, otter) are harmless only at first glance. Remember that mustelids are, although relatively small in size, but still the most real and very energetic predators capable of active and aggressive defense; when protecting the young, they are able to seriously bite. There are cases when a badger, disturbed in its hole, severely bit the hunting dogs and the hunters themselves, which they would never do first when they accidentally met a person. Some animals (for example, weasel, polecat, ermine) are not devoid of curiosity and willingly visit settlements, and in the forest they can approach the campsite of tourists, especially at night.

    It is not out of place to recall once more about such an “iron” rule of behavior in the forest as a ban on destroying animal shelters - burrows, nests, etc. A person who violates this rule not only behaves unworthily towards our smaller brothers, but also exposes his own health and life to serious danger, because in the face of the loss of his own home or the death of offspring, the most peaceful creature “goes wild”.

    In conditions of limited visibility, especially at night, any animal, even a harmless one, can be very frightening, especially a child, with a loud cry, a sudden sharp movement, or simply by its appearance (for example, non-venomous snakes). From fright, people sometimes had heart attacks, when not only such a large bird as a capercaillie, but even a hazel grouse suddenly took off right from under their feet. The sharp and noisy takeoff of birds is nothing more than an active defense, designed to bring the predator into a state of shock for a moment. In the forest, with relative isolation, fear is much more difficult to bear and sometimes leads to severe stress, psychological trauma. Here you always need to be internally prepared for fear, for the fact that you can hear or see something “terrible”.

    Study the habits of wild animals, then the fear of them will recede, and the forest dwellers will favorably accept you into their "company".

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