Notifications. The landfill is not a landfill! The Ministry of Ecology appealed to the Supreme Court the ban on placing garbage in Poletaevo

Is someone deliberately misleading the inhabitants of a village in the Chelyabinsk region? The landfill in Poletaevo is, firstly, a temporary measure, and secondly, the new complex engineering structures have nothing to do with open dumps that affect the environment.

On Tuesday, the regional court denied the residents of the village of Poletaevo the immediate execution of its earlier decision regarding the Territorial Scheme for the Management of Solid Domestic Waste, specifically the blocking of a landfill in the Sosnovsky district. The reason - the Ministry of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk region filed a complaint with the Supreme Court.

Yana Kuprikova, First Deputy Minister of Ecology of the region, told Guberniya that at the moment the Territorial Scheme is valid and does not contradict federal laws.

The decision of the court has not entered into force, - said the Deputy Minister.

At the same time, our Ministry of Ecology, taking into account the requests of Poletaevo residents, who had previously applied to the regional court, took measures to correct the previously approved Territorial Scheme.

Last week, the Territorial Waste Management Scheme was approved in a new edition, - says Yana Kuprikova. - Changes were made to this scheme, taking into account the comments of Rosprirodnadzor and the public. The next stage is the re-passing of the ecological expertise of the Poletaevo landfill project.

The landfill in Poletaevo is included in the state register of waste disposal facilities and is included in the territorial waste management scheme of the Chelyabinsk region. Earlier, the new Minister of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk Region, Sergei Likhachev, emphasized that the landfill in Poletaevo would be temporary, since it would take about 10 months to prepare all the conditions at the facility in the village of Chishma, where waste would be "buried" in the future.)

Unlike landfills, a landfill is a complex engineering structure, which, in accordance with the strict requirements of sanitary legislation, excludes contamination of the earth, groundwater with decay products, and atmospheric air with volatile organic compounds. The situation that exists in open landfills is impossible at a landfill. Meanwhile, from time to time, residents of the territories where landfills are going to be built express concern about these objects. "Province" decided to explain once again what is the difference between landfills and landfills.

Open landfills are a serious source of environmental pollution. According to experts, as a result of the decomposition of garbage, toxic biological gas is released, one of the components of which is methane, and the second is carbon dioxide. All this poisons the soil, water and air. The nearest reservoirs become toxic and dangerous for humans, the soil is unusable for several hundred years even after the landfill is closed. In landfills, fires constantly occur, poisonous smoke, entering the atmosphere, poisons all living things within a radius of several kilometers. The deterioration of the ecological state of the environment due to landfills has a negative impact on human health and leads to dangerous diseases.

The most famous South Ural landfill is located in Chelyabinsk. As you know, from July 1, it stops its work, its reclamation is to be done. (You can read about how it will be carried out in our other material.) Residents of the region are well aware of another of the largest unauthorized dumps, which is located in the Sosnovsky district near Poletaevo. . Instead of a safe landfill for garbage, first-class waste continued to be brought to the village, and for some reason the residents did not care much. The landfill was then mountains of plastic and glass bottles, spoiled food and broken household items, including batteries and fluorescent lamps. Huge deposits of garbage near Poletaevo are located on two and a half hectares. By order of the regional Ministry of Ecology, the reclamation of this illegal landfill was supposed to be completed in March last year, but the work was delayed.

“In 2011, the land was chosen for the placement of a landfill for municipal solid waste,” Sergey Lavrov, head of the Department of State Ecological Expertise of the Regional State Environmental Supervision of the Ministry of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk Region, told the “Gubernia” at the time. - Within a three-year period, the administration had to prepare all the necessary documents: form a project, pass the state environmental review, and so on. Nothing has been done, but the site is being operated. Garbage is simply dumped on the ground, and there is no control over what is brought here. There is also hazardous waste, and all this will either go into the groundwater along with the melted snow, or end up in the air - the landfill burns regularly.

It is because of the danger of landfills that modern landfills have now begun to be built. They have nothing to do with open landfills. Unlike landfills, where waste is dumped on the ground, the landfill includes permanent buildings, excavation is carried out on it and serious waterproofing is done. For example, not far from the village of Poletaevo-1, the enterprise “SW landfill. Its CEO on the main features of the landfill:

Garbage is brought to a sorting point, where it is separated from the main garbage that which can be recycled, for example, paper, plastic, metal, and so on. All this is pressed and sent to consumers of recycled materials. The remains (tailings) are loaded into a dump truck and taken away for disposal on a landfill map. A map is a large pit, which is covered with a special three-layer material - teplonit, which prevents harmful substances from penetrating into the soil. On the maps, garbage is also pressed, and when its height reaches a certain mark (about a meter), it is covered with a layer of clay. Next, garbage is again piled on the clay, and in this way the waste is completed until the pit is full. Then it is covered with soil (about two meters), on which plants are planted. After closing one card, another opens.

Now all landfills in the Chelyabinsk region work on the same principle: they are engaged in sorting and burial. However, with the transition to a new municipal solid waste management system, there will be a full range of services - neutralization, disposal, and so on. Let us recall that the Chelyabinsk region was one of the first in Russia to approve its territorial scheme for the management of municipal solid waste. It defines what kind of waste, and in what quantity, is generated on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region, which is divided into clusters, within the boundaries of which waste collection sites, logistics, the creation of waste transfer stations are determined, where the waste will be pre-treated, sent to waste sorting complexes. Sorted waste will be sent for recycling, and waste unsuitable for further use will end up in a landfill.

At the meeting, where the prospects for closing the Chelyabinsk landfill were discussed, the director of Landfill SDW LLC Zakhid Kamilov, whose company will deal with the placement and processing of waste at a temporary landfill in Poletaevo, recalled that since 2019, garbage can no longer be buried without processing. This is a legal requirement. Zahid Kamilov spoke about how ready the landfill is to accept Chelyabinsk garbage and what the company will do after the closure of the Poletaevsky landfill and the redirection of waste to Chishma.

Let us add that the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Boris Dubrovsky, personally examined the places (for example, in Magnitogorsk), where a whole waste processing complex is being built, including a landfill. Magnitogorsk, by the way, has become a pilot municipality for the processing of solid waste.

We need a modern waste management system. The introduction of new approaches will significantly improve the environmental situation, - noted the governor of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky more than once.

A group of public activists from the Sosnovsky district, headed by the deputy of the village of Poletaevo, Yulia Kudashova, filed a lawsuit with the Chelyabinsk Regional Court against the Ministry of Ecology of the region. They demand to revise the territorial scheme for waste management in terms of storage of household waste from Chelyabinsk at the Poletaevsky landfill, as well as recalculate the tariff for garbage collection. According to the deputy, officials did not work out the scheme enough, which could turn into an environmental disaster for Poletaevo and exorbitant fees for the removal of household waste for the population of neighboring regions and cities. The Ministry of Ecology of the region does not comment on the complaint, since the court has so far suspended consideration of the claim and has not sent documents to the department for review.

A class-action lawsuit filed by five residents of the Poletaevsky rural settlement “on recognizing the territorial waste management scheme, including municipal solid waste (MSW) of the Chelyabinsk Region, as invalid” was filed with the Chelyabinsk Regional Court. The document was accepted for consideration, but left without movement. According to one of the initiators of the lawsuit, Yulia Kudashova, a deputy of the Poletaevsky rural settlement, the public were obliged to familiarize themselves with the materials of the prosecutor's lawsuit, after which its consideration would be resumed. “The Ministry of Ecology did not respond to our complaints for a long time, sending us to court. More than a year of unsuccessful struggle has passed, we have collected a large number of documents, examinations and now we are going to court. They try to assure us that everything is fine, but this is not so, and we are well prepared, thoroughly studied all the information. I am sure that the ministry knows much less about this test site than we do,” Ms. Kudashova told Kommersant-South Ural.

Residents of Poletaevo have been struggling with the project of placing a solid waste landfill near the village for several years. In February 2017, the landfill was included in the state register of waste disposal facilities by order of Rosprirodnadzor.

The statement of claim says that the territorial scheme has numerous shortcomings, in particular, the volume of waste that will be sent to the Poletaevsky landfill has not been calculated. Initially, according to the deputy, it was not supposed that most of the garbage from the Chelyabinsk city dump, which will begin to close as early as 2018, will be brought there. Ms. Kudashova claims that "there were no public hearings where such a scheme would be agreed with the residents", especially since, "according to some reports, the storage of garbage from Chelyabinsk will not be temporary, but the main one." Residents believe that the landfill will not cope with such a volume of garbage, which will also come from neighboring cities and districts that are part of the Chelyabinsk cluster - Yuzhnouralsk, Yemanzhelinsk, Troitsk and many small villages. In addition, the initiative group attached to the statement of claim a response from the Nizhne-Obsky Basin Water Administration (Department of Water Resources for the Chelyabinsk Region of the Federal Water Resources Agency) to Ms. Kudashova's appeal regarding the placement of a landfill in the areas designated by the Ministry of Ecology. The document says that overloading with volumes of garbage threatens water resources - the Miass River and the Shershnevsky reservoir, since "in case of non-compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation at the MSW landfill," there is a "probability of pollutants" entering surface and underground water bodies. During a flood, pollutants "may be transformed in the form of diffuse runoff into surface runoff into the Birgilda and Miass rivers." “We believe that, despite the fact that the location of the solid waste landfill in the indicated place generally complies with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, a threat is created to the safety of water supply during the operation of the above water intakes. Given the fact that the issue of a backup source of water supply for a million city has not been resolved, the location of the solid waste landfill may lead to an environmental disaster that will leave 1.5 million people without drinking water,” the document says.

Yulia Kudashova noted that the tariff, which can be set for cities included in the Chelyabinsk cluster, may become unaffordable for most residents, especially when it comes to villages and large families: “The map is simply not drawn, all the roads there are straight lines, that is the logistics are not calculated at all. And on its basis, the Ministry of Tariff Regulation will form a tariff for the population. If the garbage needs to be transported 250 km, what will be the tariff? We now have a tariff in private homes - 81 rubles. per person, in the Sosnovsky district, in general, the tariff is the highest - 146 rubles. from a person. That is, the landfill will earn money, and we all will pay,” the deputy believes.

The press secretary of the Ministry of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk region, Ekaterina Sorokina, told Kommersant-South Ural that the department has not yet received documents from the court. “Commenting on rumors and speculation is not entirely correct. We are waiting for official documents in order to familiarize ourselves with the provisions of the public activists,” said Ms. Sorokina.

According to the co-founder of the environmental project Let's Do It! Yaroslav Magazov, the existing landfill in Poletaevo is so small that it will not be able to accept additional volumes of garbage from Chelyabinsk. “Even the one that exists is working with violations, there are already local problems there that could affect the Miass River,” Mr. Magazov told Kommersant-South Ural. In his opinion, recycling and separate collection of waste could solve the problem of overloading the existing landfills in the Chelyabinsk region. “According to our calculations, at the moment it is already possible to recycle about 50% of the collected garbage - metal, glass, things, perhaps even organic matter. Due to this, the volume of garbage collection and disposal will be significantly reduced, and waste will not need to be redistributed from closed landfills to existing ones,” the expert concluded.

The landfill for the disposal of municipal solid waste, to which garbage from Chelyabinsk will be temporarily removed, is ready to increase its capacity in the future. This was stated today, June 28, at a round table in the Public Chamber by the director of LLC "Polygon" Zahid Kamilov.

To date, the capacity of the landfill is estimated at 22 tons per year, which is clearly not enough to receive all the waste streams from the regional center. Experts' data differ, but the volume of Chelyabinsk garbage is estimated at 400 to 650 thousand tons.

The landfill is prepared to accept waste in the amount provided for by the territorial waste management scheme. We are constantly working, modernizing production, purchasing modern equipment. An increase in the landfill is envisaged in the design capacity, - said Zahid Kamilov.

At the landfill, work is underway to restore the waste sorting complex, which will allow processing waste. These works will be completed by July 1. At the moment, the complex is being commissioned. Technically, the landfill is completely ready for waste acceptance. According to the original project, the landfill was designed for the Sosnovsky district and was ready to receive 22,000 tons of garbage per year. To date, it is filled with 6.5 thousand tons. The representative of the company assured that the volume is difficult to compare with a serious load, and today it does not cause any problems.

The enterprise has implemented all actions to increase the capacity of the landfill and is awaiting a positive conclusion from the state environmental review. In the future, it is planned to build four waste sorting complexes in Poletaevo, equipment for the processing of construction waste has been purchased, and the problem of waste disposal after subbotniks is being addressed.

Zahid Kamilov assured that the landfill is ready to be rebuilt to meet the requirements put forward by the city. In addition, the director of the enterprise is sure that the facility does not have a harmful impact on the environment. He considers the indignation of local residents to be the result of insufficient explanatory work with the population.

Photo by Oleg Kargapolov

It is planned to build a waste terminal almost in the center of Moscow

Just a month ago, the giant freight yard of the Moscow-Ural Railway - also known as Paveletskaya Commodity - was considered a promising area for residential or office development. And now it became known that the railway terminal remains in service. But it is re-profiled - for solid household waste. A garbage transfer point will soon appear within a 10-minute walk from the Garden Ring and 320 meters from the nearest residential buildings. With appropriate garbage truck traffic and a consistently excellent smell.

Station address - Zhukov proezd, 20. From "Paveletskaya" you can get here either through Letnikovskaya street or along Dubininskaya. In any case, you will have to go on foot: trams on Dubininskaya most often stand in a dead traffic jam. And no transport goes along Zhukov passage, and there is nowhere to park. During working hours - a continuous flow of cars.

The first question for the designers of the waste terminal: was the increase in the load on the road network taken into account? Zhukov proezd - one-lane, sandwiched between industrial zones - is already overloaded with transport. And if dozens (or hundreds?) of garbage trucks are added to it every day? ..

However, the gates of Paveletskaya Commodity are wide and impressive. Nearby nestled, stuck, rooted car services and tire shops, parking lots and tents with shawarma “for their own”. Inside - a large cargo area with a canopy and loading devices, almost completely cleared of containers. The station stopped accepting cargo in mid-2017.

There is nothing to re-equip here, - the station employee, who went out for a smoke, laughs. - I think so, at least tomorrow you can bring dump trucks with garbage ...

In Soviet times (and right up to the end of the 2000s), Paveletskaya-tovarnaya was a fairly popular station: there were large enterprises around - such as the Vladimir Ilyich plant, the Krasny Clothmaker factory - and dozens of smaller ones. In the middle of the last century, an extensive network of freight trams existed in this area, connecting relatively small enterprises with a freight station. Large plants and factories had their own railway terminals.

Rumors that a terminal for waste transshipment could be placed on Paveletskaya-Tovarnaya have been circulating since the beginning of autumn.

Rumors that a terminal for transshipment of solid household waste could be located at Paveletskaya-Tovarnaya have been circulating in the Danilovsky district since the beginning of autumn, and an official tender for engineering surveys was announced on October 31. There was also a tender for the construction of power grids for the waste cluster.

The municipality of the Danilovsky district learned about this object from the news, - Anna Desyatova, deputy of the district municipal assembly, told MK. - As I understand it, this territory belongs to Russian Railways, so its development does not require municipal approvals or public hearings. Meanwhile, residents are already reacting violently to the news: they are applying to various departments with inquiries. Whether any protest campaign will be organized has not yet been decided.

The Profzemresurs company, which, according to information from Paveletskaya-Tovarnaya employees, works at the facility, does not report on its official website either about the profile of work or about completed projects. The phone number posted on this site is also not answered. The only thing that the company reports about itself is the legal address, which coincides with the MosvodokanalNIIproekt Institute (Pleteshkovsky pereulok, 22). Among the activities of the institute - including the development of projects "structures for systems for the collection, neutralization, recycling and disposal of municipal solid waste and waste from industrial enterprises."

Several more waste terminals are planned to be built in Moscow. In particular, they were designed in Nekrasovka and at the Boinya freight station (near Volgogradsky Prospekt). The terminal, using the Paveletskaya direction of the Moscow Railway, was originally planned in Biryulyovo, but to meet the needs of the city center, it was decided to move it to Paveletskaya-Tovarnaya, a source in the Moscow construction complex told MK.

According to the data published by Profzemresurs, the waste sorting technology used by the company (and developed by MosvodokanalNIIproekt) provides for: automated separation of waste into fractions; collection of used batteries, accumulators, fluorescent lamps, waste containing mercury into separate containers; separation of secondary material resources by types and fractions for further briquetting, packaging and preparation of recyclable materials for transportation. At all sites where waste is handled, environmental measures are envisaged. In particular, wastewater treatment, an impervious screen that prevents soil contamination.

It seems that there is nothing to worry about - especially since the storage of waste on the territory of Paveletskaya Commodity is not provided. But two points are still disturbing. The first is the wind rose: the Danilovsky district, even without a waste sorting station, is included in the “red” zone of Moscow in terms of air pollution. The second is real estate prices in the immediate vicinity.

The apartment market on Dubininskaya Street is quite specific now, - realtor Svetlana Kontsova told MK. - The railway station and the street that is always stuck in traffic jams make this area not very prestigious for living, but the abundance of offices of various classes makes Dubininskaya and the surrounding areas a good place to buy housing for the purpose of subsequent renting to workers nearby.

From July 1, Chelyabinsk will gradually close the city dump, garbage will be taken to a temporary site - a solid waste landfill in Poletaevo, which is designed for only 22 thousand tons of waste per year. The owners of the landfill assure that the facility is already ready to accept the waste of a million-plus city, public figures doubt this and say that the landfill is not ready. An end to this issue will be put by the state environmental expertise, which is currently considering a project to increase the capacity of the landfill, the correspondent reports.

The temporary site is supposed to receive the city's garbage for about 10 months, while the construction of a new landfill in Chishma is underway.

At the round table of the Public Chamber of the Chelyabinsk region, the General Director of LLC "Polygon MSW" Zahid Kamilov stated that currently the solid waste landfill in Poletaevo is technically prepared for waste acceptance to the extent provided by the territorial scheme.

"We have recently completed work on the full automation of the complex, modern waste compactors were purchased. These are the key points that we had in our design decisions to increase the capacity of the landfill. We were upset that the waste sorting complex was destroyed due to a fire. At the moment, we this complex is being restored, it is completely replaced, and we have practically completed this work. We believe that it will work without interruption. We are at the stage of readiness for the construction of the second map for waste disposal, we have all the documents," he said.

Head of the Chelyabinsk Department of Rosprirodnadzor Vitaly Kuryatnikov abstained from the characteristics of the landfill at the time of the examination. But he stressed that in order to improve air quality in the city, it is necessary to address the issue of vehicles and landfills, which "really affect the situation."

"On June 25-26, excesses of formaldehyde were recorded throughout the city. The landfill itself emits 109 tons of this substance, the largest plant 2 tons. This decision is strategically important for Chelyabinsk to breathe calmly, to be confident in air quality. And alternatives that are on today can be discussed, in fact, no," he said.

At present, the landfill in Poletaevo is designed for 22,000 tons of waste per year. During the period of its operation, about 6.5 thousand wastes were buried.

"We are not gaining the capacity for which the landfill is intended. Without the results of the examination, it is premature to draw conclusions, but if we talk about technical capabilities, we have practically implemented all the necessary actions to increase the capacity. Regarding waste sorting complexes, four are planned at the landfill to cover the entire volume of waste ", says Kamilov.

The volume of Chelyabinsk waste per year is, according to various sources, 480-650 thousand tons. Members expressed concern Will the landfill be able to handle this volume and operate safely?

Kamilov notes that we are talking not only about municipal solid waste, but also about construction and industrial waste, which are subject to disposal. "And this has nothing to do with the capacity of the landfill. If the project receives a positive conclusion, we will begin to apply the new technologies that are incorporated in the project. And, of course, the card that we have is more than capable of accepting this amount of waste, up to the moment of the construction of the second map, and this is only less than six months," he assured.

Recall that in May the regional court sided with the residents of Poletaevo, federal legislation and the territorial waste management scheme, which is inactive from the date the court decision entered into force, in terms of sending waste from Chelyabinsk to the landfill in Poletaevo and waste accumulation standards in Chelyabinsk and Sosnovsky district. The Ministry of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk Region is a decision to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

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