Ideas for the development of the hairdressing business. Ready-made business plan for opening a hairdressing salon

Hairdressing services are steadily in demand, so there is a trend of increasing the number of hairdressing salons in 2017 compared to the previous decade. Ready business plan a hairdressing salon will be useful to those entrepreneurs who have the necessary start-up capital and are ready for high competition in this market.

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List of rendered services:

  • a haircut;
  • shaving;
  • creation of model hairstyles;
  • dyeing, highlighting, coloring hair;
  • braiding;
  • perm;
  • drying and polishing hair;
  • medical procedures for hair;
  • styling - evening, wedding and everyday;
  • hair extension;
  • departure of the hairdresser to the house.


Opening such a business makes sense for a number of reasons:

  • hairdressing services are used regularly (each client visits the salon at least once a month);
  • you can choose one of the options for a hairdresser based on the amount of starting capital;
  • organizing a small business is much easier;
  • fairly fast payback period.

Types of hairdressing

There are several types of barbershops:

  • economy class lounge;
  • hairdressing business;
  • children's hairdresser;
  • men's hairdresser.

Economy class hairdresser

A standard idea for opening, which does not require a large investment of money. Great for beginners. This type of enterprise is characterized by a discreet design, a minimum set of equipment and budget prices for services.

Economy class benefits:

  • availability of services for the average client;
  • operational service;
  • convenient location (example: in a residential area).
  • intermittent queues;
  • low level of service;
  • use of inexpensive cosmetics.

Business class cabin

Advantages of a business class hairdressing salon:

  • the cost of services corresponds to the quality;
  • high level feedback with clients;
  • feedback system;
  • qualified personnel;
  • comfortable environment;
  • no queues.

Cons of this salon:

  • big investments;
  • business is designed only for paying customers;
  • significant business experience is required.

Children's hairdresser

A unique solution where you can organize an institution in the form of a stylish lounge with a games room.

Advantages of a children's hairdresser:

  • the ability not to dwell on the high cost of the interior (for children, the main thing is a bright and colorful design);
  • the uniqueness of such a business;
  • low competition;
  • ample opportunities for promoting the salon;
  • narrow-profile services focused on one group of consumers;
  • moderate prices.
  • looking for a place closer to kindergarten or school;
  • unstable demand (decline in demand on weekdays and increase on weekends);
  • the need for specialized equipment, as well as for the design of the waiting area;
  • the need to create a favorable atmosphere for small customers;
  • more thorough inspections by government agencies;
  • strict observance of safety and sanitary standards;
  • the difficulty of recruiting staff (masters must be psychologists at the same time).

Men's barbershop

Business benefits:

  • minimum set of services;
  • no need to buy a large number of cosmetics;
  • simplicity of haircuts (50% of clients ask to shorten their hair and only 15% require a model haircut);
  • service at low prices (except for model haircuts);
  • small amount of time spent per client;
  • low competition.

Disadvantages of a male barbershop:

  • long payback;
  • big investments;
  • the difficulty in selecting employees who can both cut and shave.

Photo gallery

Economy class hairdresser Business class hairdresser Children's hairdresser Men's barbershop

Description and analysis of the market

Description of the hairdressing market:

  • the main way of pricing a business is to use low prices;
  • organization promotion method - discounts, seasonal promotions;
  • the most profitable segment of the market is the average one, where the audience with an average income of 30,000 rubles contacts.

Market analysis:

  1. Throughout Russia there are more than 30 thousand hairdressing salons. Of these, 17% is the Moscow region.
  2. As of 2019, only 900 enterprises are network enterprises.
  3. Most hairdressing salons are a separate business focused on a permanent consumer.
  4. Barriers to entry are low, so any entrepreneur can get into the hairdressing business with ease. Customer service occurs by territory, so competition is reduced.
  5. About 60% of the market is occupied by economy-class hairdressers. About 40% of enterprises belong to the middle class.

Main competitors:

  • salons operating long time and serving regular customers;
  • economy class hairdressing salons (their advantages are low prices- less than 260 rubles for a haircut).

Detailed instructions on how to draw up and implement a hairdressing business plan are displayed in this video.

The target audience

The main target audience for Russia and Ukraine are women aged 18 to 35. They account for just over half of the visits.

The share of revenue by gender is divided as follows:

  • men - 35%;
  • women - 55%;
  • children and teenagers under 18 - 10%.

The age of clients is divided into several groups according to the frequency of visits:

  • 40-55 years old - 30%;
  • 25-35 years old - 30%;
  • 60+ - 15%;
  • 15-24 - 15%;
  • 1-15 - 10%.

Potential buyer profile:

  • women from 20 to 45 years;
  • men with average earnings from 19 to 50 years.

Competitive advantages

The main features that will distinguish this business from competitors:

  • proximity to residential buildings;
  • low prices for any client;
  • friendly and attentive attitude towards customers;
  • cards with one-time discounts and feedback system;
  • usage mobile application to book a haircut
  • refresher courses for hairdressers;
  • trainings to improve the competence of the employee in relation to the client;
  • if this is a children's hairdresser, then it makes sense to make a playroom;
  • loyalty card for regular customers;
  • the use of proven cosmetics;
  • unexpected gifts for new visitors.

Advertising campaign

  1. Business promotion through social networks. Preferably Twitter, Instagram, Odnoklassniki and a group in VK.
  2. Development of a price list posted at the entrance to the salon.
  3. Distribution of leaflets near the subway and places located near the enterprise. It will not be superfluous to indicate on the flyers discounts or promotional codes for which the client will receive inexpensive service.
  4. Placing a sign with an intriguing name.

Step by step instructions and what you need to open

Below is a step-by-step guide to opening a barbershop from scratch:

  1. Preparation of the necessary documentation.
  2. Search for premises and its conversion into a future hairdressing salon (repair if necessary).
  3. Finding and hiring employees.
  4. Marketing events.


The list of documents required for the implementation of activities is presented below:

  • certificate of registration of sole proprietorship with an open bank account(obtained in the tax);
  • lease agreement (purchase and sale) of premises;
  • permission from the fire service and SES (contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations);
  • barber certificate (if you are going to serve yourself);
  • permission to take out the garbage;
  • certificate of commencement of entrepreneurial activity;
  • contract for the processing of the premises (disinfection, etc.);
  • journal for recording the use of chemicals.

Estimated time to collect documentation - 1.5 months. The estimated cost of the list of documents is 10,000 rubles. The recommended choice of taxation system is simplified.

Room and design

The premises can be rented or bought entirely.

Basic requirements for the premises:

  • availability of water supply and ventilation;
  • fire exit;
  • one workplace should occupy at least 7 sq. m.

Estimated area of ​​the premises - no more than 40 sq. m. Average market rental price - 12,500 rubles/month.

The design of the room should create a cozy creative atmosphere. It is recommended to use paintings or wall paintings as accessories. The floor should be paved with non-slip, easy-to-clean tiles. Wall coverings should be made in such a way that the surface can be easily cleaned.

Equipment and inventory

Necessary equipment and supplies.

Additionally, it should be said that the ordered sets are designed for 4 months of work.

Set of tools barber chair Barbershop mirror floor shelves


Below is a list of proposed states.

In order to save on initial stage bookkeeping is worth taking over.

Calendar plan

Below is a plan for the implementation of the project on the calendar.

Thus, it will take 4 months to start the activities of the organization.

Financial plan

To begin with, we will reflect the total expenses for one year, presented in the table.

The opportunity to reduce costs is possible if you pay salaries from the company's revenue. For example, 40% of revenue will be allocated to employees' salaries.

Income planning for 2018/2019 is presented below.

Profit calculation.

Plan for the second year.

In this case, the expenses for the second year will look like this.

Then the expected profit 2019/2020 will be.

Risk Analysis

CriterionLevel of riskDescription of the risk
seasonalityShortPeople go to hairdressers the same way and this does not affect weather generally.
Staff irresponsibilityTallThere are 5 incompetent employees for 110 employees, respectively, programs are needed to eliminate or hire a new employee
RobberyAverageAs a rule, the profit is not so high as to rob a salon, but it will be a plus to properly secure your enterprise.
Poor salon locationAverageWhen choosing even a rarely passable place, a stable flow of customers will be noted, however, it is advantageous to choose only crowded and sleeping areas.
CompetitionTallAt the regional level, competition may be low, but large chain stores pose a serious threat to small businesses.
Changes in legislationShortTightening business rules. This risk is minimal.

Income and payback

Income and payback indicators will look like this:

  • estimated revenue for 2 years of operation of the enterprise - 8.2 million rubles;
  • the payback of the project is 5 months;
  • It is possible to increase income by increasing the average check by 15%. Accordingly, the cost of a haircut will be 670 rubles;
  • the estimated profitability of the project is 11.4%.

Almost 80% of newly opened barbershops close in their first year of operation. The main reason for this is the absence or incorrectly drawn up business plan. Even if you do not need to seek external financing, before investing money, you need to determine who and how will use your services, what factors can affect your activities, and most importantly, how much money will be required to open and maintain the salon before reaching self-sufficiency. A ready-made business plan for a hairdressing salon with calculations, which can be taken as a basis, will help to take into account all the nuances and develop a competent strategy for the development of your business.

Statement of the problem or summary

Any kind of planning begins with setting goals and objectives. Therefore, before you open a hairdresser from scratch, first of all, you should draw up a description of your future activity, where you must indicate:

  • Salon price category (elite, medium, economy). This will determine your target audience, the initial investment in the preparation of the premises and the potential level of income.
  • Number of seats (depending on the size of the room). Allows you to calculate investments in technical equipment and wages for craftsmen, as well as determine the potential flow of customers.
  • Service list.
  • Location of the hairdresser(address, surrounding infrastructure).
  • Room type(area, condition) and type of ownership(rent, own area, planned to purchase).
  • Form of registration and taxation.
  • Schedule.


  • Economy class hairdressing salon, for three chairs.
  • Services: men's haircut, women's haircut, children's haircut, styling, perm, standard coloring, artistic coloring.
  • It is located in a rented premises of 40 square meters without repair (commercial real estate fund), located in a residential area of ​​a city with a population of 3 million inhabitants. The number of potential customers is 50 thousand people.
  • IP on UTII.
  • Working hours: 7 days a week from 10:00 to 20:00.

Analysis of the hairdressing market in your area

Based on the description of your business, you can create a portrait of your potential client by setting:

  • Gender and age category. For elite-class salons, the target audience is mainly women from 27 to 50 years old, for middle-class hairdressers women from 25 to 45 years old and men from 30 to 40 years old, for economy class men and women from 18 to 60 years old.
  • Income level. Your target audience will be the client for whom the cost of your services does not exceed 5% of his average monthly income.

For the example above, the target audience would be men and women between 18 and 60 years old with an income of $100 to $300 per month.

Studying the market Special attention should be given to competition. Not a single ready-made business plan for a hairdressing salon can give you an idea of ​​​​the real state of the market, and therefore you need to independently determine:

  • How many hairdressers and salons are in your area(for elite salons, all competitors in the city should be evaluated, since their customers are ready to go for quality services), list of their services and pricing policy. The biggest threat to your business comes from the barbershops closest to you that are in your price range. Information about them can be collected in field conditions(on your own bypassing the entire area) or using online catalogs.
  • Private masters of your business area. The easiest way to find information about them is to social networks through regional communities or by searching, using simple hashtags and combinations “hairdresser + city” (neighborhood), as well as asking under the guise of a potential client in regional social network communities.
  • How many hairdressers are planning to open nearby in the near future. New potential competitors can have a huge impact on your business because you can't judge their strengths and weaknesses.

For each competitor, data on services and prices, as well as strengths and weaknesses, are provided in the form of a table.

Example: The competition is represented by two hairdressers located at a distance of 0.7-1 km, as well as one private master working at home.

Competitor Analysis Table Sample


1st competitor

2nd competitor

3rd competitor

Men's haircut

Women's haircut

Children's haircut

Hair straightening

do not provide

do not provide

Service Level


a large number of jobs

hairdresser located in a crowded place

low prices, home delivery

Weak sides

outdated interior

high prices, few jobs

limited list of services

Based on this set of information, you need to determine what services your competitors do not provide, but may be of interest to your target audience. How do you stand out in your field of activity, can you reduce the cost in order to attract an audience.

This information is provided in the business plan in the following form:

A study of the competitive market showed a lack of quality and affordable hair straightening and artistic coloring services, which will be provided at a new hairdresser at a price 20% lower than in competing salons. Cost reduction will be achieved through bulk purchases Supplies a lesser known but quality brand.

Barbershop production plan

In order to correctly draw up a business plan for a hairdressing salon, you should describe in detail the work process, indicating the distribution of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, the number of equipment and personnel, and the costs of supporting the production process.

Based on the example above, a room of 40 sq. meters is divided into the following zones:

  • Each workplace is allocated 8 square meters. meters (by sanitary standards). Total 3 places = 24 sq. meters.
  • For the administrator, 3 square meters are allocated. meters.
  • Bathroom - 3 sq. meters.
  • Warehouse - 3 sq. meters.
  • Waiting place for customers - 3 sq. meters.
  • Utility room for staff - 4 sq. meters (can be combined with a warehouse).

For holding repair work(finishing work, lighting, electrical wiring, plumbing) is required from about $ 2,000, depending on the complexity of the design and the region.

Based on the list of services, an example of a business plan with calculations for three jobs, plus one backup set of tools and equipment, includes the following equipment:

  • Chairs for clients (3 pcs)- from $100 per unit (only $300);
  • Mirrors and cabinets (3 pcs)- from $70 ($210);
  • Sofa for those waiting (1 piece)- from $200;
  • Waste bins (5 pcs)- from 4$ (20$);
  • Reception desk (1 pc)- from $150;
  • Rack (cabinet) for warehouse- from $200;
  • Hair dryer (4 pcs)- from $35 ($140);
  • Curling iron (4 pcs)- from $30 ($120);
  • Flat iron (4 pcs)- from $45 ($180);
  • Haircut sets (4 pcs) and accessories (clips, capes, aprons)- from $40 ($160);
  • Instrument sterilizers (4 pcs)- from $25 ($100);
  • Administrator chair (1 pc)- from $30;
  • Clippers (4 pcs)- from $25 ($100);
  • Towels (8-10 pcs)- from $20;
  • Water heater (1 pc)- from $150;
  • Washing (3 pcs)- from $60 ($180);
  • Admin PC- from $200;
  • Scales for paint - 15$;
  • Clothes hanger- from 90$.

In addition, for comfortable work would need:

  • Wardrobe for employees' belongings- from $100;
  • Kettle, microwave and table utility room - from $100;
  • Air conditioning- from $200.

For elite salons with high-level design, the cost of equipment can be several times higher. If you already own some of the equipment or premises, you should also list them in your business plan, stating that they do not need to be purchased.

The barbershop staff consists of:

  • Masters universals- 3 people with a flexible work schedule. Wage craftsmen for big city must be at least $300. At the same time, it can be formed from the rate plus 5-10% of the payment for each service, or simply 30-40% of the cost of services.
  • Administrator- you can perform the function of an administrator yourself or hire a specialist (from $200 per month).
  • Accountant- Most often, an incoming specialist is hired (from $ 100 per month).
  • Cleaning woman- you can pay extra for cleaning masters or hire an individual (from $ 150 per month).

To ensure the operation of the salon requires:

  • Electricity;
  • Heating and air conditioning;
  • Internet, telephone;
  • Water supply and sewerage;
  • Security system.

The size utility bills depends on the region and current tariff rates. On average, they do not exceed $300.

A hairdressing salon is a small "economy class" salon, located mainly in residential ("sleeping") areas of the city and focused primarily on residents of nearby houses.

Salon clients are people with low and middle incomes who value their time and money, and who also want to receive a decent level of service.

  • hair salon,
  • manicure parlor,
  • tanning studio,
  • Sale of cosmetics.

The target market size of a hairdressing salon is 24% of total number potential customers (residents of the city).

The basic principle pricing hairdressing salon is to adjust the price to the minimum price of competitors (based on competitive analysis data).

Promotion hairdressing salon is carried out through promotions - price, to increase the average check and through the loyalty program "6th haircut for free".

Required personnel:

  • Administrator,
  • Four universal masters,
  • Manicurist,
  • Cleaning woman.


This business plan provides for calculations for opening a hairdressing salon in a room of 40 sq.m at a rental rate of 750 rubles / sq.m, with four working hairdressers and one manicurist.

The amount of initial investment is 1 258 000 rubles.

The break-even point is reached at 3 month of work.

The payback period is from 19 months.

Average net monthly income 73 000 rubles.

Profitability of sales 17 % .

2. Description of the business, product or service

The hairdresser provides services in four areas:

  • hairdressing services,
  • manicure services,
  • tanning studio services
  • sale of cosmetics.

Competitive advantages of a hairdressing salon:

Beautiful: A guarantee of customer satisfaction with the result and the service provided due to the high professionalism of the masters and a wide range of modern salon services.

Close: Walking distance of the salon to the place of residence of a potential client or on the way home from work.

Profitable: Coming to the salon, the client receives decent service, high-quality service in a pleasant atmosphere with a cozy interior. At the same time, the client does not overpay for creating a favorable environment, the prices for services remain affordable.

Opening hours of the institution: 10:00-21:00 daily, admission is by appointment.

3. Description of the market

Hairdressing services are included in the list of household services most in demand among the population. Business in this area is one of the most massive in terms of the number of small businesses involved. Consequently, due to the number of enterprises and mass demand for services, the salon business segment occupies one of the leading positions in terms of revenue among other segments of the personal services sector.

Like any other business sector, the hairdressing industry also has its own division into segments according to pricing and the quality of the services provided.

To date, the most promising segment is considered middle level, focused on the target group of the population with an income of up to 30 thousand rubles. It is this group that is the most massive. For this group of the population, the most popular format is the concept of a hairdressing salon that provides wide range hairdressing and additional services such as manicure, pedicure, solarium and beauty services. With affordable prices for services, the level of service and the quality of services provided in this format should be at high level.

The main target audience are clients aged 45 to 55 (30%). Customers aged 35 to 45 make up 27%. 12% are clients from 25 to 35 years old. Up to 25 years old - 15% of clients and from 55 years old hairdressers visit 16% of clients.

The main reasons for visiting hairdressers are:

  • Price - 49%,
  • Location - 42%,
  • Attachment to the master, the advice of acquaintances, accidentally saw, and other reasons account for 9%

The share of the hairdressing salon in the total revenue is 60%, but it is very important that the hairdressing salon has a manicure room and a tanning studio. The hairdresser should provide a range of services. In the absence of one of the listed services, the point may lose a significant share in sales, because. the client, due to the lack of these services, can switch to competitors. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that the percentage of profitability for the additional services provided is significantly higher than the profitability of the services of a hairdressing salon, for example, the profit from a solarium is about 80% of the revenue in the direction.

4. Sales and Marketing

Types of barbershop promotions:

  • Price promotion. Necessary to increase the customer base. The maximum discount is set for one demanded item in the price list.
  • Additional promotion to increase the average check. Such an action is initiated by the administrator of the salon. This may be an unclaimed position, or a set of services at a discount.
  • Loyalty program "6th haircut for free". Designed to increase customer loyalty. Every 6th haircut for a client is free. When visiting hairdressing salons, each visitor is assigned an individual number and a business card with the conditions of the promotion is issued. The program notes services - all haircuts.

5. Production plan

Requirements for the premises

To open a hairdressing salon, you need to find a room with an area of ​​​​30 to 100 sq.m. It should be located in a residential area, within 5-15 minutes of potential customers - residents of nearby houses. However, when choosing a suitable room, you should pay attention to the location - the room should be in a place with good traffic and visibility of the object - on the way home from work. It will also be a plus to be nearby, within 300 m, the so-called "anchors" - sources of traffic - stops public transport, grocery stores, cafes, kindergartens, schools, etc.

Equipment and cosmetics

Requirements for suppliers are quite universal. They can be divided into several basic principles:

  • Delivery to the place;
  • Assembly of equipment on site;
  • Availability of warranty service;
  • Availability of accessories for equipment and tools;

The approximate cost of equipment is shown in the table below:

List of equipment and basic materials

Name Quantity Price for 1 piece total amount
CCTV1 17 000 17 000
Thermal curtain1 4 000 4 000
Barbershop tables4 15 000 60 000
Hairdressing chairs4 15 000 60 000
Hairdressing sinks1 40 000 40 000
Hairdressing carts4 3 000 12 000
Children's hairdressing chair1 2000 2000
barbershop laboratory1 25000 25000
Curling irons3 1 000 3 000
iron1 2 000 2 000
Master's chair2 5 000 10 000
Sukhozhar1 5 000 5 000
UV disinfector2 2 000 4 000
Bactericidal recirculator1 5 000 5 000
Household tools, rags1 10 000 10 000
Manicure table1 10 000 10 000
Rack in the manicure room1 5 000 5 000
Chair for client (manicure)1 5 000 5 000
Mirror for manicure cabinet1 5 000 5 000
Table lamp1 2 500 2 500
Bath for pedicure1 2 500 2 500
Pedicure chair1 16 000 16 000
Solarium1 500 000 500 000
Mirror in solarium1 7 000 7 000
Bedside table in the solarium1 5 000 5 000
Chairs in the solarium2 5 000 10 000
reception desk1 20 000 20 000
Shelves above reception2 5 000 10 000
Wardrobe for visitors1 25 000 25 000
floor hanger1 5 000 5 000
Coffee table1 6 000 6 000
Sofa in the waiting area1 20 000 20 000
Office chair for administrator2 5 000 10 000
Music Center1 7 000 7 000
Cooler table1 14 000 14 000
Cooler1 4 000 4 000
Staff room furniture1 20 000 20 000
Microwave1 5 000 5 000

973 000

The requirements for drug suppliers are similar to those for equipment suppliers. Here are the basic principles:

  • Delivery to the place;
  • Execution of the application day-to-day or the next day;
  • Large inventory balance in the warehouse;
  • Availability of training programs for specialists and administrative staff;
  • Favorable offer in terms of "price-quality" ratio.

Before starting work, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of potential suppliers and choose those with whom it is more profitable to work. The above principles are desirable, but each city may have its own characteristics, and therefore some of the principles may change.

The set of preparations for the work of the salon will directly depend on the price list of your hairdresser, the prices in which will fluctuate depending on the market of a particular city or region.

6. Organizational structure

The hairdresser is open from 9-00 to 21-00, without lunch and days off. They work in a hairdressing salon.

Starting investment in a hairdressing salon: 169,500 rubles.
Payback period of the project: 18 months.
Barbershop profitability: 45%.

The desire of people to be beautiful makes opening hairdressers a profitable and popular type of business. Such a service is in demand in a city with any population density (it is necessary to focus only on the number of similar projects).

Each individual project has individual characteristics.

To make it easier to understand the structure of its compilation, a standard barbershop business plan.

Barbershop Business Plan: Planning

Project Summary

This is the shortest section of the business plan, but no less important.

Introductory 5-6 sentences should briefly reveal the essence of the project and interest the reader.

The head of the project of the hairdressing salon "Golden Scissors" in Ryazan is Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. The goals are:

  1. Meeting the needs of the population in hairdressing services at the most affordable prices and with acceptable quality.
  2. Creation of a profitable enterprise.
  3. Getting profit from activities.
  4. Increasing the number of jobs.

Marketing section of the business plan

In the "Marketing" section, for drawing up a business plan, the place of the project in the hairdressing services market is determined, strengths and presence of competitors.

Niche in the market

According to statistics, the dynamics of the increase in the number of hairdressing Last year in comparison with several previous ones was about 300%. It speaks of the realm of beauty.

The opening of hairdressing salons in residential areas is in particular demand.

By November 2015, there are more than 400 salons in Ryazan. The opening of the project is cost-effective due to competitive advantages and the high population of the city.

The target audience

Data analysis for the business plan showed that women's haircuts more in demand. The main target audience of clients of hairdressing salons is represented by women different ages with moderate income.

  • age category of clients - 16-60 years;
  • wealth level - average and below;
  • place of residence - sleeping area.

Competitive advantages

The strength of the hairdressing salon "Golden Scissors" is the ratio of price and quality. Professional staff will provide customers with cutting and styling services available to the population with low income.

It is worth emphasizing the work schedule of the hairdresser, which was selected taking into account the standard working hours of the main target audience - women aged 18-60. Thus, clients can receive the necessary hairdressing service on a weekday after the end of their own working day.

To make it easier to list the benefits of the project, the business plan analyzes the closest competitor hairdressers in Ryazan.

Barber shop 1

Benefits assessment:

  • strengths: the project has existed for a long time, therefore it managed to gain fame and good feedback clients; at the same time, over the years of work, we have expanded the list of services provided;
  • weaknesses: difficult to get an appointment, high recording density, prices are above average.

Conclusion: a competitive advantage over this hairdressing salon will be work at more affordable prices.

Barbershop 2

Benefits assessment:

  • strengths: prices are lower than in the hairdressing establishment 1, while there is its own base of regular customers;
  • weaknesses: poor quality of service, rudeness of employees and poor cleanliness; the project has earned a lot of bad reviews on the Internet.

Conclusion: competitive advantages in front of this hairdressing salon there will be high-level services and increased control over cleanliness.

Barbershop Business Plan: Company

Company information

This paragraph of the business plan contains information about the company, its location, work schedule.

For example:
The hairdressing salon "Golden Scissors" is located in a residential area of ​​Ryazan (the exact address is indicated).
Works according to the schedule: 10.00-21.00, daily.
Orientation to clients with an average level of income.
In the future, it is planned to expand the range of services provided.

Hairdressing services

  • women's haircuts and hairstyles;
  • men's haircuts and hairstyles;
  • wedding and evening styling.

With the development of the project, additional services can be included in the list in the business plan to increase the profitability of the project (manicure, solarium, weaving afro-braids).


Usually, for the needs of such institutions, the premises are rented. This reduces the risk and one-time cost of the project. In addition, if you plan to expand in the future, you will have to put in much more effort to move.

At the same time, any building for a hairdresser will not work. It must meet a number of requirements:

  1. It is obligatory to have all communications: toilet, plumbing, ventilation systems.
  2. The premises should be transferred to a non-residential fund and a separate exit should be provided.
    At the same time, the facade of the building is preferably designed in the style of internal design.
  3. The rented place must be located on the first floor ( the best option).
    The basement is not suitable for this anyway.
  4. According to all standards, at least 7 sq.m. should be allocated per workplace.

    This means that even when starting a budget hairdressing salon with a minimum staff of 2 hairdressers, you need to rent at least 30 sq. m.
    Why 30 and not 14?
    Because about 6 sq.m. will go to the waiting area, and 10 sq.m. for official needs (toilet, inventory room).

Facility staff

To get started, it is enough to have 2 hairdressers.

Subsequently, with the expansion of the service sector, manicure masters, an administrator and others are hired.

For a business plan, you need to make a table with the calculation of salaries and the total amount of expenses.

Also listed official duties which should be based on the Labor Code.

Position at the barbershopQtySalaryTotal
Total:RUB 105,000
Master hairdresser2 25 000 50 000
Manicurist1 25 000 25 000
Administrator1 30 000 30 000


  • Administrator.
    Coordinates the work of all other employees of the hairdresser, presents services to clients and gives answers to any of their questions, informs about promotions and Special offers, answers calls and keeps a record of visitors, decides conflict situations, monitors the availability of inventory and the correct operation of equipment, calculates and issues salaries to employees.
  • Master hairdresser.
    Performs hair washing, cutting, styling, care, perm, coloring and other types of services.
    Must be able to visually determine the structure of the hair, select the appropriate types of hairstyles, shades of paint.
    Also performs additional assignments for the administration of the hairdressing salon. Monitors the cleanliness of the workplace, takes care of the equipment used, controls the stocks of consumables.
  • Manicurist.
    Carries out hygienic cleaning of nails, removes growths and calluses, covers and removes varnish, monitors the cleanliness of the workplace and tools in the hairdresser.

Hairdressing salon business plan: project implementation

Calendar plan

The calendar plan for opening a hairdressing salon is signed in the business plan by months. In the future, the breakdown can be reduced to quarterly, later - yearly.

EventMonth 1Month 2Month 3Month 4
Registration + drawing up a business plan
Conclusion of a lease agreement
Repair and decor in the room
Obtaining the necessary permissions
Purchase of equipment and inventory
Installation of equipment
Staff recruitment
Advertising company
Start of the hairdressing salon

Calculation of opening costs

NameQtyPrice (in rubles)
Total:169 500 rubles
10 000
Bringing into compliance with the rules of PB and SES
25 000
Work chair
2 17 000
Work table with mirror and shelves
2 28 000
1 14 000
1 4 000
professional tools
2 28 000
Professional cosmetics
- 20 000
TV set
1 16 000
Sofa for the waiting area
1 6 000
Cleaning equipment
- 1 500

Thus, to open a budget hairdressing salon, 169,500 rubles will be required. The amount will be fully covered by the personal funds of the project initiator.

Financial Section of a Barbershop Business Plan

This is the most important section of the establishment's business plan.

He calculates the costs of opening a barbershop and maintaining the project. This includes information about the purchase of equipment, staff salaries, tax deductions And so on.

The example shows average prices for Ryazan, Russia.

P.S. section can be added detailed tables with calculations.

The cost of maintaining and developing a hairdressing salon

By challenging yourself, you grow. Your life is changing. The outlook on the world becomes life-affirming. Achieving your goals isn't always easy, but that's no reason to stop. Never say "I give up." Always repeat: “I can. And I will keep trying until I win."
Richard Branson

  • the cost of renting a room (if it is not purchased) - 30,000 rubles;
  • costs for consumables - 5,000 rubles;
  • payment for advertising - 30,000 rubles. (during the stabilization period of the project, this amount will become less, active advertising is required before and during the first six months after the opening);
  • the salary of the hairdresser's staff is 45,000 rubles.

Total monthly expenses for the project according to the current business plan: 110,000 rubles.

Practical advice on personal experience from an expert:

how to open your hair salon and make it successful!

The volume of revenue and payback of the hairdressing salon

As a summary, barbershop business plan should contain information about the costs of starting a business and the estimated revenue. Based on these data, the payback of the project is calculated, which is especially important for obtaining a loan or financial assistance from investors.

Consider the calculations based on the above example of opening the Golden Scissors barbershop.

  • The average cost of a hairdresser's service is 250 rubles.
  • The average number of visitors per month, including 2 masters, is 450 people.
    After the hairdressing salon is actively advertised and moves to a stable stage of work, the figure can grow to 600-750 people.

Thus, 250*450/750=112,500/187,500 rubles of revenue per month.

According to the indicators of the business plan, the project is planned to break even from the second month of its existence, and the payback period will be 18 months.

Download a ready-made business plan for a hairdressing salon with quality assurance.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

The organization of hairdressing salons is one of the oldest methods of commercial activity. People have always wanted to look good. Moreover, hairdressing salons gradually became not just a place where clients get their hair cut, dyed and curled. Many go there to relax and have fun.

If you invest time and energy to make your establishment such a place and use barbershop business plan, there will be no release from regular customers. Therefore, this project will be able to bring you a stable income.

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Fashion on certain types business comes and goes. Vape shops open with great speed, occupying all the free rental premises like an infection, and then close at the same speed. But there are services that people will always use, regardless of fashion. Today we will consider a business plan that will tell us how to open a hairdresser from scratch and get around all the pitfalls.

Is it profitable to open a barbershop?

The payback of this business varies from 1 to 2.5 years, which is a very good indicator. One barbershop can passively generate high profits, and in the long term, the creation of a chain of barbershops, at least at the city level, can increase income even more.

However, like any other business, there are pros, cons and risks.


  • Human hair and nails will never stop growing. Therefore, this business has a stable demand and will be profitable even in times of crisis. Of course, in a crisis, people have less money, they will prefer cheaper services, and you have to adapt to your customers.
  • There is room to grow. You can always expand your existing barbershop by opening additional halls, for example, for manicure, or run the same hairdresser in another area of ​​the city.
  • If the business stays afloat for the first 3 years, then most likely you hit the mark and it becomes a cash cow. Most barbershops close in their first year because entrepreneurs make mistakes. They make a terrible design of a room that you never want to return to, they make a mistake with the place or with something else. If you managed to live 3 years, most likely your business will live on.
  • Loyal customers can make up the lion's share of your profits.


  • Large upfront costs that may never pay off
  • Very complex business organization
  • Big competition
  • A nice design for this type of business is important, so you will have to spend money on repairs

Some aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering Is hairdressing a risky business? Answer to this question will be more positive than negative. Any business is risky. Great amount external factors can burn all your investments, or vice versa increase many times over. The only question is how much money you are willing to risk.


  • unqualified employees. Having picked up personnel who do their job poorly, you will immediately destroy your business. Word of mouth will do the trick.
  • Lack of clients. This can be caused by an incorrectly chosen type of hairdressing salon or an incorrectly defined target audience.
  • You may not have enough money. Very often development devours your savings. If you are going to run a large institution and your budget is calculated back to back, you may not have enough money to reach a payback.

Types of hairdressing

First of all, you need to decide whether you want to open an economy class hairdresser or a large beauty salon? Consider all the pros and cons.

Economy class

These barbershops are usually located in residential areas, shopping malls or somewhere else. They do not differ in anything original from the gray mass of competitors, either inside or outside.


  • Minimum investment
  • Easy to recruit staff

Cons and risks:

  • Little profit
  • People have been living in their areas for years, and when you open your establishment near their homes in a residential area, it’s not at all a fact that they will go to you. Very often they continue to go to other trusted establishments. Therefore, it is very important not to make a mistake with the place.

Economy class hairdresser

Beauty saloon

Elite hairdressing salons are already a more serious business and they require full dedication from the entrepreneur when starting up. You can’t just take a room with a leaking roof and stink and raise the price tags. The client must receive positive emotions from everything: a beautiful sign, interior, comfortable chairs, well-groomed hairdressers and a sweet smiling girl at the reception. Only then will he be ready to pay a lot for a haircut and come back again.


  • High profit
  • Loyal customers will come to you from all over the city

Cons and risks:

  • Very complex organization
  • Big expenses for absolutely everything
  • You can not hire unqualified employees without work experience
  • Need to come up with general concept and make a nice renovation.
  • Without due diligence, there is a high probability of losing all investments

Large beauty salon


If you want to drastically narrow the target audience and figure out how to open a children's hairdresser, then the essence here is exactly the same as in adult establishments.

You can open a cheap, simple and not very profitable one. Or you can invest a huge amount of money and run a whole beauty salon for children.

the only hallmark will be that you need to find a place where a large number of children and their parents will intersect. In some office district, it would not make sense to open a children's hairdresser. Kindergartens, schools and various children's clubs should be your reference points.

at home

Opening a barbershop at home interesting option for those who are tired of the authorities and want to start working for themselves. All you need is regular loyal customers who will regularly come to you and invite their friends.

Since you work from home, you won't have a big sign to tell people that this is a barbershop. Therefore, you need to create profiles on social networks and try to promote them.

As for the official work of the business and the payment of taxes, difficulties can arise here. The fact is that for legal work, hairdressers must meet sanitary and epidemiological requirements. It is very difficult to do this at home.

What does it take to open a barbershop?

First of all, in order to open a hairdressing salon from scratch, you need to register an IP. We recommend registering an individual entrepreneur, because it is much faster and cheaper than an LLC. In the future, when things take off and you want to create a large chain of hairdressers, you can return to this issue.

To provide services to hairdressers and beauty salons, upon registration, you must select OKVED 93.02.

Necessary stack of documents

To officially open a barbershop, you need to acquire the following documents:

  • IP registration certificate
  • Proof of ownership or lease agreement
  • Conclusion on sanitary and hygienic requirements from SES
  • Rospozhnadzor permission
  • Permission from the local government
  • Project documentation with communication systems
  • Contracts with utility organizations

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements

Hairdressing salons are under the control of the SES, therefore, in order to launch our business, we need to pass certain sanitary and epidemiological requirements. These requirements can be found in the document SanPiN, which was approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2010 No. 59.

Requirements, availability of separate premises for:

  • Storage of inventory and garbage
  • Bathrooms and lounges for staff
  • Cleaning room with hot and cold water

Linen used more than once, such as towels, wraps, cloths, must be washed. To satisfy SES requirements dirty linen must be handed over to the laundry under an agreement, or it is necessary to equip a separate room for laundry in your hairdresser.

Download official document sanitary and epidemiological requirements of a hairdressing salon can be found on our website.

List of services provided

In order to open a small or large hairdressing salon, we must clearly understand what services will be provided to the clients who come.

The larger your establishment, the more services from this list you will provide. It should be understood that it makes no sense to organize spa hair treatments for an economy class hairdresser. And the lack of the opportunity to wash your hair will obviously not be a plus for an elite beauty salon.

Standard services that should ideally be available even in an economy class hairdresser:

  • A haircut
  • model haircut
  • Laying
  • perm
  • Manicure
  • Shaving

Hairdressing services for middle class clients:

  • Beautician services
  • Pedicure
  • Beautiful painting of nails
  • Braid weaving
  • Modern haircuts
  • lamination
  • Biowave

Services of large beauty salons:

  • Stylist services
  • Creation of an individual image
  • Author's haircuts
  • Professional makeup
  • Spa treatments for hair

Step-by-step instructions on how to open a hairdresser from scratch

Below you can find a rough plan for launching your own hairdressing salon. Business planning has a lot to do with it. various factors: city, your budget, competition and others. Of course, the few steps below are not a paradigm. Always go beyond and do not strictly follow someone else's plans. Ours will show you only an approximate route.

1st step - definition of the species

The first thing we need to do is decide what audience we are counting on and how much money we have in our pocket. We have two options: an economical barbershop or a large beauty salon. Based on your budget, strength and self-confidence, you need to make a choice.

Step 2 - IP registration

We have already talked about this above, so we will not focus too much. We register IP
with OKVED 93.02.

Step 3 - choose a place and premises

It is necessary to select a room for a hairdresser, taking into account that one workplace occupies about 6 sq.m. Therefore, you need to think in advance how many employees will work for you.

Economic barbershop Beauty saloon
It is usually located in residential areas and does not require large expenditures. A small room of about 50 sq.m. will do.
Also, you need a small redecorating and fresh signage.
Before choosing a room, you first need to think over the general concept and approximate design. From this we will build on the choice.

It is best to be located somewhere in the city center so that people from different areas can get to you relatively quickly. The ideal option would be a room with a parking lot.

Need expensive repairs.

Rent 30.000r/month Rent 150.000r/month
Repair 70.000r Repair 1.500.000r

One workplace occupies 6 sq.m.

Step 4 - purchase of equipment

The more hairdresser we open, the more equipment we will spend.

Economic barbershop Beauty saloon
Name Price Qty Total Qty Total
Armchair for the client 7.000 4 28000 20 140.000
Mirror 4.500 4 18.000 20 90.000
Washing 10.000 2 20.000 4 40.000
Tool shelf 3.000 4 12.000 20 60.000
Instruments 100.000 100.000 500.000
Administration desk 25.000 1 25.000 1 25.000
Sofa in the waiting area 16.000 1 16.000 3 48.000
Coffee table 5.000 1 5.000 4 25.000
Hanger 8.000 1 8.000 5 40000
Total: 232.000 968.000

After preliminary calculations, the cost of equipment for a small hairdressing salon will be 232,000 rubles, and for a large beauty salon, 968,000 rubles.

In our calculations, averaged indicators were used. In some cases, the cost, for example, of a mirror can be 15,000 rubles for an elite salon, or 1,500 rubles when buying on Avito for an economical institution.

Step 5 - recruitment

Your employees are the most main value, after customers of course. Many clients choose approximately the same hairstyles, the same hairdressers and the same hairdressers from year to year.

It is important for you to do everything so that the client comes back to you a second time. It might even be worth holding promotions “First 5 visits with a 20% discount”

But now is not about that. Most big influence customers are provided by your employees. Therefore, before hiring a new employee, you need to understand what emotions the client will have after communicating with him.

Both for expensive beauty salons and for economical salons, it is important to hire the most professional, positive and sociable employees.

Salary of hairdressers is usually 20%-40% of revenue

In the future, it is necessary to follow which masters are more often recorded for an individual appointment and draw certain conclusions.

In addition to the masters, you will need a couple more employees.

  • Cleaner with salary 11.000r
  • Administrator with salary 25.000r

Step 6 - advertising and attracting customers

At the last step, you need to turn on your imagination to the maximum and try to remember what you read in books about marketing.

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