Signs about the session and exams or what superstitions to adhere to in order to get excellent. The most successful signs before the exam

Perseverance, erudition and long hours spent with a tutor are not at all a guarantee of success when entering higher educational institutions, as well as passing exams there, some applicants and students believe. Therefore, many student signs and superstitions associated with the examination period were invented. For example, in order to remember what you have learned well, you need to kiss the textbook on both sides when you go to bed and then put it under the pillow.

With a fig in my pocket

If a student does not want the teacher to ask him in a seminar session, he must definitely keep the figs in his pockets.

“In order to pass the exam perfectly,” you need to go to the open window with a record book at midnight the night before, open it in the right place, blow off non-existent dust from it in the wind and say three times: Freebie, come in!

Washing your hair before an exam is enough Bad sign: they say that everything that you have learned is washed away.

Before the exam, in no case should you do cleaning in the apartment or in the room - you will fail.

Going to the exam, you need to put under the heel right foot lucky coin.

No matter how many exams, they should go to the same clothes. In this case, it should be remembered that it cannot be erased until the end of the session.

If on the first exam you got a bad mark, it is possible that the whole thing is in unhappy clothes, and you need to change it.

For the exam, you should wear only the clothes in which you were most successful in past sessions. You should not forget about lucky amulets for you that bring good luck. It can be an ordinary badge, and a comb, and other trifles.

Try to be the first to say hello to the examiner so that he does not accidentally jinx you.

You should take a ticket only with your left hand, while standing on your right foot. Taking a ticket and sitting down, you need to hold on to your right ear with your left hand, not letting go for a second until you leave the office.

On the night before the exam, you can put a coin or a stack of papers with ticket numbers written on them under the pillow “for luck”. Waking up in the morning, pull out one piece of paper without looking - you will most likely pull out the same ticket during the exam.

During the exam, your acquaintances who know about this should scold you, but you can’t use words such as “fool”, “idiot”, as well as obscene expressions.

Rub your dog's nose - you'll get credit!

For additional guarantees of passing exams, students and applicants often turn to famous monuments that, in their opinion, have mystical power.

In Moscow, one of the places of pilgrimage for "abitura" is the fountain complex on Manezhnaya Square. There are two magical "points" here, which, according to students, help to enter the university. The first is a fountain with horses. In order to pass the entrance exams without any problems, you should climb into the fountain, go around it in a circle, touch the hoof of one of the mares and then plunge headlong into the water.

The second "point" is a sculpture of an old man with a goldfish. To make a wish come true, the fish must be rubbed three times clockwise.

Young people come to the Ploshchad Revolyutsii metro station to ask for good luck before the exam near the sculpture Scout with a Dog. If you rub your dog's nose, you will get a test, if you rub your paw, you will pass the exam. In the heat of a session to pet marble dog, here sometimes a whole line of superstitious students line up.

But these are not the “main” Moscow monuments associated with student signs. The main one was installed a couple of years ago in the metropolitan area of ​​Maryino. It is a bronze structure, which includes worn shoes, a record book with the coveted mark "excellent". and a huge stump.

In order to pass the exams “excellently”, you should stand in bronze shoes, take small coin and try to get into the very center of the big penny.

“Among the students of the Moscow Conservatory, there is a tradition to thank the statue of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky standing in front of the alma mater for successfully passed exams. According to the ritual, the future musician, apologizing, climbs onto the monument and inserts a festive bouquet into his bent hand. Those pranksters who decide to put a bottle instead of a bouquet, as they say, can easily lose their hearing.

For future writers, the patron is the monument to Herzen, standing in front of the Literary Institute.

“Students of the Socio-Economic Institute are trying to climb the horse monument in Kuzminki Park. The horse lost its tail somewhere (or was beaten off) and now young people periodically climb on the animal, who believe that this will allow them to pass the session without tails.

By the way, near one of the buildings of the State University in Tula in 2007, a monument was erected specifically to the academic tail! On their first birthday, students from different countries staged a costume show around him, in which plush dragons performed along with rather aggressive-looking African shamans. As the students explained, both of them help in passing the exams.

The student's "tail" is depicted in the form of a dragon (without a tail) a little over 20 cm high. During the time that the monument stands on a pedestal, Tula students already have a new sign - to touch it before the exam for happiness. They say it helps.

The tail is made of "lucky" copper nickels. A total of 91 coins were included in the alloy.

St. Petersburg students have a special reverence for the monument to Catherine the Great, installed in the Catherine Garden. During the examination period, the neckline of the empress shines brightly: it is the young students who are constantly stroking the intimate place of the great woman before the session.

Students of Samara Pedagogical University they believe that you can get a good mark if you pass between two large stone balls located in front of the entrance to the university building before the exam.

in Kazansky state university best friend students before the exams is considered a bronze monument to the young Vladimir Ulyanov. Many students and applicants try to sit at least five minutes on a bench next to the pedestal to the future leader of the world proletariat and ask him for help.

In the campus of Sevastopol national university a monument was erected to the ball - the Ukrainian sister of the Russian Freebie. This is a hollow, transparent ball, which contains a bottle of vodka and cheat sheets. Before exams, students dance around Shara or cover it with small coins.

Dark night in the cemetery

Which ticket will come across in the exam? This sacramental question worries some students more than anything. Knowledgeable people in this case, it is advised to take exam tickets an hour before bedtime, tear them into small pieces, put them in a kettle of water and put on fire. After boiling, pour the "infusion" into a mug and, when it cools down, drink, then go to bed. If you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, immediately look at the clock: how many minutes will be on them, this will be the ticket number!

To find out in which subject your teacher can flunk you on the exam, on a full moon, lay your textbooks on the floor in a dark room around you, light a candle and start reading the following verse aloud:

"Marie Curie brewed mashed potatoes,

And Herodotus is compote,

One, two, three, here…”

At the same time, very quickly bring a burning candle with each word to the next textbook. On which candle goes out - on that exam you will be cut off!

To successfully pass the exam, you should look for a lilac flower with five petals in front of it and, having found it, immediately eat it. But if you eat a flower with three petals - to failure.

Finding a four-leaf clover is also considered everywhere a sign of great luck, and some students, knowing this, spend their free half an hour before the exam walking in the city square in the hope of finding such a clover.

The glory of the four-leaf clover comes from an ancient legend, according to which Eve took this particular plant with her when she and Adam were expelled from paradise.

It is also believed that young man with a four-leaf clover in his buttonhole would never be drafted into the army.

Cemetery divination is considered the strongest and most effective among students.

You should come to the cemetery at night, find a grave with the same age and name as yours, with your left hand pick the seeds of grass growing nearby, and immediately count them. Remember the number and return home.

At home, add to this number the number of the day on which the exam is scheduled. For example, there were 20 seeds in the hand, and the day was May 19. If the number came out odd, then you will fail miserably in the exam, and if it is even, everything will be fine with you. At the same time, of course, it should be borne in mind that cemetery divination is valid only for those students who chronically do not prepare for exams, hoping for a chance.

There are students and "their" saints. The Holy Great Martyr Tatyana is considered the main intercessor and helper of all young students, because it was on her day that the famous Moscow University was founded. You can also pray to St. Nicholas - he helps everyone. But Sergei Radonezh patronizes mainly those who studied hard. The brothers Cyril and Methodius will also contribute to a good exam, if you ask them well about it ...

Signs for good luck in the exam will be useful to schoolchildren, applicants, students. They are relevant in any situation related to testing knowledge, whether it is writing an essay in the 9th grade or passing a test at a university. Even psychologists do not oppose various conspiracies and superstitions, since they contribute to the student's confidence in his abilities. So, what actions attract luck and deprive it?

Signs for good luck in the exam: we catch a "freebie"

Perhaps, among all the strange actions that students perform before tests and tests, there is no more popular than this one. The rest of the signs, superstitions and conspiracies before exams can be forgotten if the student does not forget about the main thing - catching "freebies". The ritual is practiced at night, which precedes the knowledge test.

Anyone who has a record book is able to take advantage of a simple practice. It is necessary to put this element in an open window, take the lungs into the air and loudly shout the call: “Catch, freebie!” Then it immediately closes, hides from prying eyes until handed to the teacher. It is desirable that the cry be loud, otherwise the "freebie" may not hear it.

Doctors do not like these signs for good luck in the exam, as cases of voice breakdown have been recorded in the most diligent catchers. However, students are convinced of the main thing - the technique works.

hair superstitions

Popular rumor says that the most important signs for good luck in the exam are connected with the student's head. Clarifying point - we are talking primarily about the hair. It is advisable to postpone the acquisition of a new hairstyle until the knowledge test has been successfully passed, and a positive mark has been received. It is highly recommended not to cut your hair if there is less than a week left before the exam. It is believed that along with hair strands, the student cuts off knowledge.

Signs for good luck in the exam also do not order to wash your hair immediately before passing it. The shampoo is expected to have the same negative effect on the acquired knowledge as if the student were to pick up scissors. This rule does not mean a ban on the use of a comb.

There is no exact information on whether it is possible to resort to a razor before testing knowledge. In order to avoid problems with fortune, it is best not to touch the stubble a day or two before the appointed date.

Clothes and exams

There are also certain superstitions associated with the attire of a student or schoolchild going to take a test. First of all, it is worth abandoning the idea of ​​dressing in new suit. An unchecked element of the wardrobe may turn out to be “unlucky”, in addition, the teacher may not recognize the student and decide that he missed all the classes.

Signs for good luck before the exam - a set of rules that recommend wearing old clothes. However, this does not mean that the student can wear any outfit taken from the wardrobe. It is advisable to dwell on a thing in which the test has already been successfully passed. If it is not possible to wear only “happy” sweaters, trousers, skirts, shirts, it is allowed to limit one such detail.

How to prepare properly

Good luck signs before the exam unanimously advise students to prepare for them. In the process of cramming the material, one should not forget about some rules, non-observance of which can ruin everything. It is strictly forbidden to combine preparation and eating. Having taken a break, you should definitely take care of the bookmark for the textbook used, otherwise the acquired knowledge will be “lost”.

If little time was allocated for classes, you should definitely enlist the support of a brownie living in an apartment or hostel. Ordinary lump sugar will help appease it. The product must be put in the record book, put this gift in the corner. This action is performed the night before the test, there should not be a lot of sugar - a couple of pieces. The main purpose of the ritual is to lure the five into the grade book.

To study or not to study the night before the exam? The answers to this question are very contradictory. Some superstitions do not recommend cramming in the last hours, while others, on the contrary, welcome this activity. In the second case, you should definitely place the textbooks and notes used in the learning process under the pillow. The missing knowledge will certainly be dreamed of, securely fixed in memory.

Sleep and exam

The success of the student (applicant) depends on how correctly he prepares for sleep before testing knowledge. Signs for good luck in the exam at school and other educational institutions even allow you to "calculate" your ticket. To do this, it is enough to prepare several small pieces of paper, focusing on the number of questions, number them and leave them under the pillow. Waking up, you must immediately get one of the sheets, regardless of what is written on it. The specified number is the ticket option.

Signs before the GIA exam for good luck forbid abruptly jumping out of bed before passing it. The student must rise from the bed by stepping on the “correct” foot. He will definitely be lucky if this foot is left. It is it that must be used at the moment when the student crosses the threshold of the classroom. This rule works for all exams without exception: university, school.

The theory has also spread among the people that success depends on the hand that the student uses to select a ticket. The efficiency of this superstition is unknown, but it is still worth taking the sheet with your left hand.

The road to the exam

Home rituals are important, but do not forget about the right actions on the way to the institution where knowledge testing will take place. About which leg is best to use when crossing the threshold of the apartment and vehicle, pupils and students already know. What are the signs before exams related directly to the road?

When putting on shoes, it is important to place the iron money under the heel. The denomination of the coin also plays a role, ideally there should be a five among the numbers. There is another superstition related to money. On this day, it is strictly forbidden to use public transport in the role of a "hare", travel must be paid.

Leaving the house, you should definitely grab a talisman. The choice of a happy subject should be taken care of in advance. It's great if it has already brought good luck to the owner in past tests and tests. It is important not only to place the talisman in a bag or pocket, but also not to forget to touch it before entering the audience. This action has a direct impact on the future evaluation.

Significant meetings

What are the meeting-related pre-exam subjects? It's great if a student going to college meets a pregnant woman on the way. Such a collision promises not only a high score, but also the examiner's refraining from difficult questions. Meetings with representatives of certain professions have a negative color, first of all it concerns policemen, firefighters. To prevent getting a bad grade, it's best not to look out the windows while driving.

On the way to educational institution not only the right people are important, but also the objects. It's great if the student can find a route that involves passing under the bridge, even for a short time.

What can relatives do?

Parents often worry about passing exams more than students themselves. In this case, you should take mom and dad useful thing, distracting from excessive experiences. The task is simple - do not stop scolding the examinee with bad words during the test.

It is also advisable to recall one universal ritual that works in absolutely all situations. It is necessary to sincerely wish the student “no fluff”, having heard the classic “to hell” in response. If you have free time, you can do another useful action - turn upside down all the chairs in the house without exception. Chairs can not be touched.

What are the signs before the exam that guarantee its failure? The absolute leader among them is forgetting the gradebook at home. Therefore, you should not put this item in unexpected places like the freezer, as some superstitious people advise. The above actions are quite enough to attract fortune.

And who would have thought that modern students are so superstitious, and they believe in all signs, like little children. You know, I used to think so too, until I became a student. But then for me, student signs before the exam became a kind of tradition and the norm of life.

In general, this is normal, since the student is ready to believe in any nonsense, just to pass the next exam safely. For example, I often remember how my bosom friends with unwashed hair were shaking in front of the examination committee.

They, naive, sincerely believed that washing their hair and airing their brains are about the same thing, so they tried with all their might to keep in their minds at least a small fraction of useful, and most importantly, information needed during the exam.

As a rule, all teachers clearly believe that the best sign for a student can only be a learned and prepared exam, because it is then that not a single examination task will cause ridiculous surprise, and emotionally unstable students will have tears in their eyes.

However, students are always looking for easy ways to solve their problems, and instead of cramming notes, they try to find that effective sign that will allow them to get a positive mark in the grade book “for free”.

It has long been clear to everyone that such signs do not work, however, from this understanding, students' faith in their strength does not decrease at all. And this is understandable: after all, it is much easier to believe in all sorts of nonsense that is scientifically unfounded than to finally do a dense preparation for the subject.

And here the students are divided into three categories, where the first ones are sure that superstitions cannot be trusted, the second ones doubt the effectiveness of signs, but they are afraid of incurring “God’s wrath”, and the third ones are convinced that even an impeccably learned subject without signs will pass for a positive assessment, alas, it won't work. In general, almost all students of higher educational institutions believe in such predictions, or they very much want to believe in it.

My notes from student life

I learned about the existence of signs when I was in my first year at the university, namely, on the eve of the first session. No, of course, I perfectly prepared the exam program, but just in case, I slept through the night on a medical reference book, and in the morning, as if by chance, I forgot to wash my hair.

I came to the exam, and to become a hunt, I have no strength to endure. And then you enter the audience: a friend pushes you in the side, they say, “come in with your right foot, otherwise you won’t pass.” I was so nervous that I mixed up my legs and did everything as always. I slept through the whole exam: no, of course, I created the appearance of presence, but in my soul I was sleeping and did not even think of waking up. The result is the first "failure", and the stamp - a bad omen worked.

Since then, I, like all my classmates, blindly believed in signs, and entered the audience only with my right foot. By the way, I didn’t stop becoming a medical reference book, and even with washed head None of the teachers saw me during the exam. And what, after all, it is much better to use several signs at once, that one worked.

Signs common among students

Well, now it is already clear that you can enter the exam only on the right foot, otherwise passing the exam is simply doomed to failure. However, among other equally effective signs, the following points should be highlighted:

1. If on the way to the university you meet future mother then you should stop her and politely ask any number. The value that she calls will correspond to the number of the exam ticket. So such a hint helps to prepare in advance for the answer to the specified ticket.

2. Before you go to the exam, do not forget to ask your family, friends and acquaintances to certain time remember you" with an unkind quiet word". As you know, if a person is scolded, it means that even the most difficult exam will not be difficult for him to pass.

3. Before leaving, all students are advised put a heel under the heel, which, in theory, should bring luck, good luck, mental clarity and the ability to get out of any situation. Yes, by the way, it is desirable that it does not ring and does not attract extra extraneous attention to itself.

Perhaps these signs are the most common, although there are plenty of superstitions for modern students. You should not take away other people's signs, but it is best to choose your own, which have already been tested in practice more than once and really contribute to the successful passing of exams.

Folk omens popular among students

My friend prefers sleep on notes before the due date. Not only she, but also other students are sure that knowledge at night will independently enter the brain and be deposited in right places. However, for this sign to work, it is important to remember that the textbook or abstract under the pillow should only lie in open form, otherwise access to the brain will be blocked.

To enhance the attack of brain activity, it is advisable to sleep not only with notes, but with a bar of chocolate, which you put on your feet in the evening, and eat it whole after waking up. They say that chocolate allows you to stimulate the brain, which means that there is a good chance of successfully passing the exams. So on the day of delivery, you can forget about allergies and extra centimeters in the waist, since a favorable assessment in the grade book on this day is much more important.

Another sign that does not match sanitary standards, is an unwillingness students on the eve of the exam get a haircut, wash your hair and bathe. Indeed, as practice shows, exams are much easier to pass when unwashed and unshaven.

Therefore, students, noting this regularity decided to use it. So advice to all students: on the day before the test, it is advisable to ignore trips to the bathroom so as not to wash off all the knowledge accumulated during the preparation period.

There is an opinion that taking the exam don't stand in brand new clothes, since it still does not carry its semantic energy. That is why it is advisable to dress up in a proven ensemble, which the teacher has seen more than once in class, and especially at lectures. However, in your desire to get an excellent mark, you should not reach fanaticism, and flies should not prompt on the exam or die during an unplanned flight.

Gradebook - the path to success

Many students sincerely believe that the key to success in the exam is, of course, a record book, which in this period has the so-called " magic power ". That is why many student signs associated with the successful passing of the session just refer to the record book, which, by the way, must still be present at the exam.

According to the first sign, on the eve of the exam, one should open the grade book to the page where the grade will be recorded, and then direct it to the open window and say out loud: “ Shara come". And so three times. Many students are sure that after such a conspiracy, the exam grade will definitely not be lower than “satisfactory”.

There is another conspiracy with a record book, but for its implementation it is required at midnight on the eve of an important exam to send a record book to the window and say three times: “Catch, catch, freebie!” It is also allowed at this time to go out onto the balcony with an open record book and loudly ask the freebie to help in the exam. If the neighbors do not calm down such an active student on their own, then in the morning there is a chance to successfully pass the exam.

There is also a third option, and for its implementation, again, at midnight, you need to put an open record book on the floor, take a broom, turn five times around its axis, and then place more on the record book with the words: “Find a freebie.” Close the book and go to bed, and open it in the afternoon for the first time only in front of the examiner. The main thing here is that he doesn’t start sneezing from the dust, otherwise he will expose all student witchcraft tricks.

Household signs for a student

As practice shows, even the most non-superstitious students are afraid of certain signs, so they avoid them already at an intuitive level. For example, it is very difficult to meet a student before an exam who would unexpectedly return from a house that has just left. If the circumstances oblige, then before repeated exit required see your own reflection in the mirror.

Not a very good omen black cat and grandmother with an empty bucket on a drink. In such cases, it is extremely important that neither the first nor the second "conditional pest" could cross your path. If this still happened, then you should definitely let passers-by pass ahead of you.

When a pedestrian meets a pedestrian on the way to the university, then a lot also depends on his gender: a man - to luck, and a woman - to failure. In this case, there is nothing to be done, and you can reconcile with fate.

On the way to the exam it is not recommended to trample on manhole covers otherwise, unfavorable energy penetrates the body, which can reduce academic performance and the quality of knowledge. But to close an open hatch before passing is a feat, that is, it is possible that in this case the exam will pass quite safely. So heroism in this situation certainly will not be superfluous.

Conclusion: So now all readers know what are the most common student signs before the exam, and what are their subtleties. However, it is not always worth believing in these superstitions, because a person is an independent creator of his future and happiness; and this simple truth is simply a sin not to use in practice.

Now you know what are student notes before the exam.

Students are people whose life is unimaginable without signs, because otherwise they would be much less fun to live. And it is clear that most often these signs are associated with the most stressful time in the whole world. student life- session.

There is even something like a joke: if you enter the audience, and they ask you to pull out a ticket, then most likely you are in an exam.

But when you have a student ID card in your pocket and the session is yet to come, it's not funny. It comes to real fierce disputes about what kind of student signs are best observed in order to pass the upcoming session as bloodlessly as possible, in the sense of losses in the credits and in the eyes of the teaching staff.

Clothes, underwear and the smartest - as a guarantee of good luck

There are, for example, people who are convinced that one should go to an exam only in new clothes, or at least in one that has not been worn for a very long time. And there are those who believe that the exam is such a special time when you need to dress only in what you wore while preparing for the session, since this shirt or trousers absorbed knowledge with you.

There is even a sign that says that you need to wear new underwear for the session, although it is categorically unclear how such a belief is justified.

There are also student signs that are based solely on a competent queuing strategy. For example, in almost any group there is a person who is able to pass the exam with an A, simply because it cannot and cannot be otherwise. Something is being prepared for this person. For example, a beaded fennec. This item is declared the greatest treasure, and is kept like the apple of an eye.

At the time of passing the exam, the smartest and most capable first goes to the audience, and before entering the room, he is given lucky mascot so that he charges it, so to speak, for good luck. When a person leaves the examination room, he passes this amulet to the next one, and that one to the next one, and so on.

Hunting for free and other attempts to pass "thank you"

It is clear that you will not be fed up with baubles alone, besides, it looks and feels far from being as spectacular as catching, for example, freebies. This ritual was performed, it seems, even by our grandfathers and grandmothers, because this sign is considered the surest way to get a good grade.

The recipe is known, if not to everyone, then to very many. On the day before the exam, you need to open the window (exactly at midnight), lean out the window, always with an open record book in your hands, and then yell loudly: “Catch, freebie!!”.

Another thing is that you are not the only one so smart, and at midnight a lot of windows will open, and there are not so many freebies in the world. And it will end much faster than all the suffering will catch it.

How to lure her to your record book?

Yes, everything is very simple, you need not only to shout, but also to offer mythical creature something more material. for example delicious cookies. It is placed in a plastic bag, which, after a three-time cry asking for a freebie, catch this animal and quickly tie the bag.

And how to use the acquired prey later? There is nothing complicated either: when you come to the exam, you need to quietly drag the bag with you, and then just as quietly untie it. The freebie will be free and will begin to fulfill his immediate duties. Some students so sincerely believe in the effectiveness of this method before the exam that they even manage to graduate from the university with honors. What is curious: some, having caught a freebie, forget to release it, and as a result they get not five or ten points, but less.

Pyatak in a boot and left-hand side: all on the altar of luck

A classic example of a sign of students during a session is a patch in a shoe. It's about about a five-ruble coin. Although, for example, in Belarus such a sign will not work, since there are no such coins there, but they can be replaced with a fifty, since this is also not too big money.

By the way, a coin under the heel is quite an international sign. It is known that back in the fifties of the last century in America there were the same superstitions of students - they put pennies in their shoes before going to “surrender”. And of course, it wouldn't be America if the story didn't have a sequel.

Entrepreneurs, having learned about the passion of freebie hunters, even began to produce special ... shoes.

They had a pocket in the tongue, and such shoes were called “penny loafers”. By the way, this model still has not lost its relevance, since students love such superstitions before and during the session.

And the left side for students is the same, which is very true friend. On the day of the exams, many simply become left-handed, they just don’t shoe fleas, but start doing everything on the left. They get up on their left foot, brush their teeth and comb their hair with their left hand. They close the door, hold a mug ... In general, it's understandable.

Naturally, they enter the bus with their left foot, into the auditorium and into the university building itself. Standing on the left foot, they pull the ticket, and naturally with the left hand. True, problems begin when people begin to prepare for an answer - not everyone can write with their left hand. But up to this point, people really do everything according to the rule, and sincerely hope that such behavior will bring them good luck.

There is even a logical explanation for such a strange sign. The fact is that it is on the left side that a person has a heart, and the heart is what feels, and does not think. There are even a number of students who are very hard on themselves on exam day, they sign left hand, and the right one is generally put in a pocket or somehow fixed so as not to accidentally use it. In general, being a student is difficult, but no less interesting for that.

Ban on washing and shaving - good luck?

It is not known who and when, and most importantly - why he came up with a sign that forbids the student to wash and cut his hair, as well as shave before the session (or at least before the exam). But many are sure that the knowledge that they so diligently accumulated can be washed away with water. Of course, this is rather stupidity, because many students do not observe such a sign at all, and wash themselves, dressing in everything new, going to the exam. And they deliver it beautifully.

But there is also a clarification that says that students who are going to take accurate hands cannot wash only the left half of the body.

And accordingly, the humanities cannot wash their right hand, although it is not very clear how one can wash only half of oneself, not to mention a haircut or a shave.

Regardless of which sign or several at once you decide to use, never tell others about it. Otherwise, you risk nullifying the effect of a lucky baubles or a freebie in a bag. Miracles do not like to be told ahead of time.

Video: Signs for students

| Denis Ivanov | 5246

Exams are feared and feared by any student, be he the most literate and intelligent, because during the exam the most stupid man may ask much more than the smartest person can answer.

The session for students and exams for applicants is a very difficult time, when you have to be nervous and worried a lot, sleep little and constantly prepare for the upcoming tests. Everyone wants to pass all the exams for a high score, therefore, in addition to rereading and memorizing notes, many rely on signs that will help them not to fail the exam.

In addition to cheat sheets and learned material before and during the session, many students spend special rituals which they believe will help them pass their exams. They adhere to various signs, perform actions that, in regular time may even seem a little strange. But what won't you do for a good mark!

Notes before the exam

Signs of students- this is the association of some phenomenon with whether the exams will be successfully passed. Students have a huge number of superstitions and signs. Someone believes in some of them, someone in others, but, one way or another, the vast majority of students resort to interpreting signs during the session. There are the following notes before the exam:

You can’t cut your hair, shave your beard, and also wash your hair before the exam, since you will certainly forget everything that you have learned;

On the night before the exam, you need to lean out the window with a record book in your hands and shout “Freebie, come!” several times. It is believed that the stronger and louder you shout, the greater the opportunity to catch a freebie and pass the session perfectly;

You need to turn all the chairs in the house upside down. It is believed that this sign will bring good luck;

On the way to the university on transport, do not be stingy and pay for the fare. Your generosity and conscientiousness are also a good student omen;

Warn all your loved ones what time you have an exam, and ask them to scold you at this time. This is done in order to confuse evil forces and not allow them to scare away luck from the student;

If on the way to an educational institution you met a pregnant woman, consider yourself lucky and the exam will be successful. But a meeting with a policeman or a fireman does not bode well, and you will have to work hard for a positive mark;

In the morning before the exam, before you get out of bed, make sure that the first person to touch the floor is left leg, since it will also bring good luck and luck in the exam;

At the exam, pull the ticket with your left hand. Then surely pull out what you know.

Unusual student signs

Signs of students very diverse and may differ in minor details in different settlements However, in general, they are similar for all students. But among them there are some that cause bewilderment or a smile from others.

You must come to all exams in the same clothes, without washing them between them;

Pull the ticket, standing on the left foot and covering the right eye;

Enter the auditorium with your back;

During preparation, do not leave textbooks and notebooks open, otherwise you risk forgetting what you have learned;

Do not look into the record book, do not even open it;

Before going to the exam, sit down on the record book to enhance memory;

Do not step on manhole covers on the way to the exam.

Thus, student signs are very diverse and sometimes it is absolutely not clear how they can help pass exams. But in addition to signs, there are also special rituals that also help to ensure that luck does not turn away during the exam tests.

Rituals before exams

These rituals require a lot of preparation and planning. They can be used not only for passing the session, but also for other purposes: . Make a wish to pass an exam or test, sitting between two people who have the same name;

Go to the monument (preferably not far from educational institution) and rub his nose;

Put your textbook under your pillow the night before the exam. It is believed that when you wake up, your knowledge will be much stronger;

Do not forget to prepare a talisman and take it with you to the exam. It can be a randomly received ticket from the bus with fives, a token from the wardrobe. Or maybe it's your little thing, thanks to which you feel more confident.

So, exams are a very difficult and psychologically difficult thing, no matter how confident you are in yourself and your abilities. Despite the fact that you can know a lot and be prepared for the exam, every student has a share of uncertainty. Then everyone resorts to the help of rituals and observance of signs, hoping thereby to attract good luck to their side and pass the exams perfectly.

Signs may change from year to year, but faith in an excellent rating remains!

Expert opinion

Golovin Nikolai, chairman of the primary trade union organization of students:

Student years give not only knowledge, but teach to believe in miracles. A session for a student is like a parachute jump: there is a sea of ​​adrenaline, the mood of teachers is changeable like the wind, and most importantly, someone lands “excellent” the first time, someone is helped by a “reserve parachute”, and someone has to continue flying with diploma of incomplete education.

Students, no less than skydivers, believe in omens before "flying to the session." This and putting a mountain of textbooks under the pillow to better remember! Eat plenty of chocolate to keep your head working! At midnight, shout out the window three (three hundred thirty-three) times: "Come Freebie!"

And finally, in the morning, before leaving, put a five-ruble coin in your shoes in order to pass only perfectly!

I sincerely wish all students that signs help in an excellent passing of the session, but still "hope for signs, but don't make a mistake yourself"! Prepare for exams in advance and rely only on your strength!

Victoria Verina, 4th year student of the faculty foreign languages :

- Signs and superstitions in exams are good topic. It would seem that the older we get, the less we should be worried about, they say, experience and everything else. But everything is not so simple, even now, being in the 4th year, most students have their own special rituals. I won’t talk about the banal, I’d rather note the funny ones ;-) For example, in the first 2 years, one of my classmates always wore a long loaf for the exam white bread, but what, after active brain activity, you definitely want to have a bite to eat.

I myself listen to music in the language that I have to take, for example, in German.

Another classmate carries bug-eyed plush toys with her in her backpack, she started with one, now there are three of them.

Signs may change from year to year, but faith in an excellent rating remains!

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