Fly over the road in a dream. What does it mean to fly in a dream. Why dream - to fly on an airplane, helicopter

This dream can have several meanings, depending on who and when flew and what views surrounded him. Miller's dream interpretation interprets it as the beginning of a journey and a move. But if you pay attention to the interpretation of old books - flying in a dream to illness or great and rare luck. The time when the dreamer saw him is important, and plans for the future.

The modern dream book gives a broad interpretation. Depending on the circumstances of the dream, it is important to pay attention to when he dreamed, what helped to stay in the air and how the journey in night dreams took place. Vanga's dream book says that in reality a joyful and pleasant event awaits you. To obtain exact interpretation, pay attention to the following details of sleep:

  • time of year and day;
  • flight altitude in a dream;
  • views below;
  • distance and duration;
  • air vehicle;
  • plans and intentions of the dreamer in reality.

Here's what these details can tell in a dream. Pay attention to them and try to remember the picture of the night flight.

The very fact of floating in the air

If a young person full of strength and energy sees this, then flying in a dream speaks of big dreams and plans, as well as freedom from earthly problems and worries. The dream interpretation indicates the breadth of his nature, the ability to rise above everyday problems and worries, as well as the state of admiration, naivety and falling in love.

For girls, such a dream portends that they have not yet parted with childhood dreams too much. Flying in a dream over a city or country for them means freedom from rules and prohibitions and the desire for Great love. Such a dream may indicate a broad outlook and range of possibilities, as well as a strong desire to free oneself from frames, restrictions and prohibitions. Sometimes flying in a dream means a creative person who thinks outside the box, but the dream book does not indicate real changes. If the plot is blurred or a dream with indefinite drama was repeated more than once, this is simply a symbol of liberation from an oppressive situation in reality. Very often, dreams with flights are seen by students who do not study at the universities and colleges of their dreams or those who are too shy life circumstances or parental pressure. And liberation is quite desirable for them.

For people without pronounced talents and creativity, flying in a dream means getting rid of frames, prohibitions, restrictions. Especially if such visions are repeated from time to time. For creative personality fly over the earth - find new facets in your favorite business, success and self-realization. This means that they are busy with their activities and nothing prevents them from improving in it. Moreover, such dreams can be seen by people who are only striving to realize themselves. In reality, sooner or later, this leads to the fact that then they begin to engage in creativity. Even the Muslim dream book does not give a standard interpretation of such recurring dreams. It is simply a reflection of the dreamer's inner growth.

To fly in a dream to a child - to growing up. This means that his body is actively growing and developing. But if the parents saw that he was floating in the air above the ground in white clothes - to great grief. Possible trouble with the child or his parents, especially if he did not have wings. The dream means the same if your friend or acquaintance who is sick flies in a dream outside the window. For a sick or old person, the dream book portends death or an unexpected recovery for everyone.

With or without wings

Miller's dream book gives an interpretation of trouble. This may mean that reality is so terrible that you want to rise above problems and worries.

Flying without wings in a dream is a sign of liberation from problems, restrictions and worries, looseness. Sometimes it means that you feel a little higher than your team in which you study or work.

Flying with wings - someone will help make your dreams come true if they are not clipped. Perhaps this is a loved one, communication with which will give you a feeling of great freedom and love, a producer or philanthropist. Such a dream is especially good for a creative person.

Fly with a parachute hot-air balloon or hang glider - to romantic trip, great love and lightness. The interpretation of such a dream is always positive, as is the meaning that indicates modern dream book. Flying on a parachute or hang glider almost always portends a journey, the solution of a long and painful problem in your favor, or good news from which you will grow wings. Flying in a balloon, airship or just on a bunch of airborne children's gifts - expect good news or a romantic adventure. For lovers, such a dream portends a wedding.

Flying in an airplane or helicopter over a country or land - the most ambitious plans can come true. But the frequent repetition of such a dream suggests that the most ambitious dreams will never become a reality.

Flying on a broom - for a big booze, party and holiday. After such a dream, it is possible that you will show yourself to others not with yourself. better hand. Seeing children on a broom is a quarrel with them and a mischievous trick. The meaning of such a dream always portends troubles associated with them or bad news. Sometimes a dream about flying on a broomstick of an adult speaks of a big scandal or an unseemly act of this person.

Flight duration and scale

Soar in the air in a room at a low altitude - to freedom from unpleasant situation and opportunities to express themselves in creativity. Perhaps the beginning of a new business that you will like.

Flying low over the streets and houses - a quarrel is possible that will “glorify” you all over the street or a scandal. Sometimes such a dream means a job offer, falling in love, which will pass quickly, but will not bring the expected joy and romance.

Fly high above the streets, city, village and houses - make ambitious plans. But sometimes it is possible to realize an old dream that you have given up on. Expansion of activity and glory is possible, especially for those who are engaged in creativity, but its scale will be modest. In some cases, the dream book says that you will soon have to leave your hometown due to a more profitable job or the fulfillment of a dream.

Fly over the country - a dream with double value. Especially on a broomstick. It portends either great ambitions that will never come true, or glory if you have great talent and abilities in some activity. Perhaps the recognition of the project, winning the competition or high expectations.

Flight over the Earth or in space - to separation from reality. Possible mental illness or isolation from the world. But flying with a man over cities and countries - to great romantic love and the desire to be together in spite of everyone, rare luck and happy love. Although in some cases - high expectations, drug addiction, leaving in illusion, inability to live.

Time of year and day in a dream

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Flying in a dream is one of the most beautiful and pleasant dreams that returns to childhood. The feeling of flight is associated with a special production of hormones, the formation of organisms, the work of the thyroid and pancreas. For adults, flying in a dream is not very typical.

This is a sure sign of a change in hormonal balance - stress, falling in love, strong fear, thrills, taking drugs that affect the production of hormones, sedatives. Changes in metabolism can also be associated with age-related changes or diseases of the endocrine system, thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus.

Flying in a dream is certainly pleasant, but if you fly in a dream, as in childhood, every night, this is an occasion to visit a doctor and get an examination. Consider why dream of flying in dream books.

Basic values

  • The main meaning of free flight without any support is dreams, fulfillment of desires, carelessness, joy, happiness. Flying in a dream is incredibly pleasant, you hope to achieve your goals with absolutely no effort. Perhaps it seems to you that they will come to you and give everything themselves and offer, you will only have to agree to an extremely profitable terms. Such expectations are somewhat arrogant and threaten with serious disappointment.
  • The same applies to weightless flight, when you soar up to the ceiling or float freely between stars, planets and satellites. There may be some infantility and carelessness, but if you keep these feelings under control, do not consider yourself a special native of the planet Krypton - everything is in order.
  • If you dream that you are flying down and run the risk of crashing into the ground, this is an indicator of stress, strong excitement. If the dream is repeated in the form of a nightmare, it makes sense to visit a neurologist.
  • Fly with technical means, use transport - you are adamant in moving towards your dream and are ready to use the shortest and most effective ways achieving goals. Transport in a dream is always a method of achieving goals. If you choose a plane - obviously. That the goals are far enough thought out and the journey, although risky, is thought out in detail. To fly a plane, an airship, a glider, a hang glider, to control a parachute - you not only prefer fast routes, but also do not intend to transfer control of your destiny into the wrong hands.
  • Fly on a broomstick, magic carpet, dragon, magic bird - you are in the sweet captivity of fantasy.

Interpretation of authorities

  • Miller's dream book promises happiness and joy, a carefree time to the lucky ones who dare to joyfully fly in a dream without the slightest technical devices. If you are flying along a complex amplitude, then approaching, then moving away from the ground, considering nature or buildings - an interesting exciting job awaits you to make your dream come true. You are lucky to love your job and see your purpose in it.
  • Learn to fly in a dream and transfer sensations into real world You clearly overestimate your abilities.
  • Women's dream book promises happiness in love. But do not trust your heightened feelings too much, test a possible partner without indulgence. The hormonal storm often makes young girls deceive themselves in their own feelings and fall in love with a non-existent ideal.
  • Veles' dream book promises joy if the flight in a dream was successful. Long-haul flights mean that your aspirations are far from where you really are. Perhaps you love a person who is in another city.
  • Loff's dream book pays attention to flight as a lucid dream, when the dreamer himself chooses to fly in a dream and enjoys amazing sensations. Loff interprets lucid dreams of flight as a desire for unlimited freedom, internal anarchy, unwillingness to obey external requirements, idealism.


Flying in a dream is always a break from reality, regardless of the method of implementation. You succumb to dreams, feel an extraordinary spiritual uplift, joy, happiness. Try to use this wonderful state wisely and not waste it on trifles. Be careful, share dreams, imagination and the real world.

There are many deeply unhappy people who are sure that in early youth they really knew how to fly, but over time they lost this skill due to wrong behavior. The whole life of these people is dedicated to secretly regaining their alleged skill with inevitable disappointment. It takes great wisdom to enjoy an imaginary flight without taking it too seriously.

You are guided by an ancient parable about Daedalus and Icarus - you should not look at the luminaries and get carried away with flying for the sake of flying. Follow your goal and reach it, easily overcoming all obstacles. Like magic.

Flying in a dream is always good. This action reflects spiritual development, success in business and general well-being. Popular dream books will analyze in detail the various plot options and tell you what they dream of.

According to the collection of dream books

Did you happen to fly in a dream? It is a symbol of movement and freedom. At the same time, the vision hints: you are too far away from real life and soaring far in the clouds.

But if flying in a dream does not happen so often, then at the current stage you are trying to solve some problem, overcome an obstacle, get out of difficult situation. The dream book also believes that you want to gain greater influence, take a higher position or, on the contrary, get rid of duties.

Had a dream about flying without wings easily and freely in the sky? Achieve what you have in mind. I had a chance to fly in a dream on some air transport? The cherished wish will come true soon.

According to Islamic dream book

Why dream if you are lucky to fly? In reality, you will achieve power, receive incredible power, but only if you really deserve it. Did you happen to see that the flight ended in a fall? In reality, get what you fell on in a dream. Sometimes this is a sign of a close illness and serious problems.

Had a dream about how easily they flew from roof to roof? In reality, conclude new marriage, Contract. The dream interpretation also considers this a harbinger of an exciting journey. If you are lucky to fly on wings, then get ready for big life changes.

Why dream if you had to fly to another country? In reality, earn the honor and respect of others. Flying up without wings means that cherished dreams will soon come true, and the situation will improve significantly. However, flying very high in the sky is bad. Especially if in a dream it was not possible to return to earth. This is an omen of imminent death.

Did you dream that you flew away from your home? There is a possibility of a change of place of residence, work. The dream book also hints at a close death. Flying horizontally in a dream means the usual course of being without any special changes and bright events.

According to the Wanderer's dream book

Why dream if you had a chance to fly in the air without outside help or some kind of device? Similarly, a dream reflects the presence of vitality, achievements in the spiritual and professional field, creative upsurge. If in reality you are engaged in some kind of spiritual practice, then flying in a dream speaks of clear progress.

But flying too high means that you have inflated ambitions, excessive conceit, unreasonable needs. Dreamed of flying high in the sky? This image symbolizes in a dream spiritual growth, self-knowledge or death, a serious illness.

Why dream if you had a chance to fly on strange objects? The interpretation of sleep depends entirely on the type of object used. So, flying on an animal or a broom means that you are passionate about dark practices, indulge your whims too often, and be overly proud of yourself. The dream interpretation is sure: all this leads to the degradation and death of the soul.

Did you dream that you were flying on an ordinary chair? You will lose your job, position, or, on the contrary, you will successfully advance in the service, you will find a profitable place. Flying in a dream right on the bed means that in life will happen very unusual event that will change lives.

According to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

why does a woman dream that she flew in a dream? This is a sign of withdrawal from the situation, renunciation of desires. You will be able to find the right way out of the circumstances. For a woman, dream flights promise energy harmony and peace of mind.

If a man dreamed that he was flying, then this is a sign of a loss of vitality, as well as excessive daydreaming, a discrepancy between the desired and the actual. After such dreams, a man can prepare for major losses, illnesses, and inappropriate actions.

It's good to see yourself as a child and fly in a dream, or just feel the joy of flying. This is the sign of perfect energy balance that is unique to children. The dream book considers the dream favorable and promises an increase vitality, activity in business, literally a second youth. However, the same plot symbolizes in a dream the desire to hide from problems or responsibility.

According to the dream book of D. and N. Zima

Did you dream that you had a chance to fly freely and easily in a dream above the ground? Be sure: fate itself leads you, it also keeps you from all sorts of troubles and serious difficulties. There is no certainty that you will get everything you want, but you will live a bright and eventful life.

Why dream if you had to fly with great difficulty, or did you constantly think that you could fall? Dream Interpretation considers this a sign of obviously unfulfilled dreams and expectations. In addition, you have to literally make your way everywhere and everywhere on your own.

According to Medea's dream book

Why dream if you were lucky enough to fly at night? The dream interpretation is sure: astral travel is manifested in this way, the separation of the soul from the physical body. The vision also calls in a dream to rise above earthly problems in order to see something more.

Happened to fly outdoors, outside a confined space? In reality, you will experience a surge of strength, a creative upsurge. Trying to fly in a room under the ceiling means that spiritual forces are in the process of awakening. But, flying high in the sky symbolizes in a dream an illusion, dreaminess, separation from reality.

Why dream if in a dream it turned out to fly quite low above the ground without outside help? In the near future, listen only to yourself and do not follow other people's, even the wisest advice. Have you had a chance to fly up to the clouds on your own? Forget about dreams and channel all your energy into a specific direction.

Did you dream that you were lucky to fly on an airplane? you have chosen right direction, and there is very little left to reach the goal. Have you managed to fly in a vehicle that was not designed for flying at all? Use the chance, now you can realize the most daring ideas.

Did you happen to fly in a hot air balloon? You are in love with a person who cannot be missed. If in a dream you had to fly and fall, then you will have to put up with the loss in order to gain strength and try again later.

Why dream - to fly on an airplane, helicopter

If you happen to fly on an airplane, then you risk getting involved in a dubious and unsafe business. Try to reasonably assess your capabilities. Flying by plane or helicopter also symbolizes an attempt to speed up the movement, the course of events, to get to some place ahead of time.

Dreamed of a long plane flight? In a dream, he marks a period of hard work and great responsibility. Why dream if it happened to fly in a balloon? If you are going on a trip, then it will be unsuccessful. Hot air balloon ride marks improvement financial situation thanks to the success of some unreliable scam.

In the night fly alone without wings

Why, in general, dream of flying? Until the age of twenty, they symbolize physical development, after the specified age - spiritual. Did you dream that you were floating freely in the air? In reality, get complete freedom of action. If in a dream the flight was given with great difficulty, you had to wave your arms, then you are clearly experiencing lack of freedom, limitation, oppression.

Flying up without wings in a dream is good. This is an omen of successful development, both spiritually and professionally. Flying on your own also means that you will be able to find a non-trivial way out of this situation.

What does it symbolize - to fly on wings

Why dream if in a dream you used wings to climb up? In reality, you will rise thanks to someone's support. Did you dream that you flew on black wings? Get ready for a big disappointment.

It is good to fly on white wings. In reality there will be a grand success in love or business. If such a dream appears often enough, then in real life expect an improvement in well-being, fulfillment of dreams, long-term luck.

What does it mean to fly above the earth, clouds

Had a dream about how lucky you were to fly relatively high above the ground? In fact, the dream will come true. Flying too low is worse. Plans will be disrupted by a minor illness or accidental misunderstandings. It's good to see yourself flying under the clouds. In real life, you are destined happy fate and a successful marriage.

Why dream if you had a chance to fly in space? You inadequately perceive the surrounding reality, because you are completely immersed in dreams. Sometimes the plot hints at excessive workload, the desire to do everything, at the same time to do different things. In a dream, did you dream that it happened to fly over water? If it is cloudy, then a clash with enemies is coming, if it is clean, then a wish will come true.

Why dream - fly and fall

If in a dream you managed to fall during the flight, then the sign should be taken literally: in reality you will not be able to achieve what you want, to cope with the problem, you will know the bitterness of defeat. Did a fall from a height cause an awakening? Be prepared to meet a blow of fate or a difficult test.

Flying in a dream - even more transcripts

For an extremely clear interpretation, it is very important to note where and on what they flew, what they saw under themselves and other nuances.

  • fly low - road, journey
  • high - well-being, all kinds of improvements
  • very high - ambition, conceit, inflated needs
  • fly through the air horizontally upwards - achievements
  • from top to bottom - conflict, bad luck
  • very far and long - experiences, mixed events (bad and good)
  • fly over your house - excessive workload with household chores
  • above the city - you are tired of the bustle or, on the contrary, you need to be active
  • above dirty water- pay attention to things
  • over the ruins - boredom, failure
  • above the green trees - a successful streak
  • fly around strange creatures- getting rid of sorrows, heavy thoughts
  • flying for a healthy dreamer - excellent health, a surge of strength
  • for the patient - death or miraculous healing (depending on the details)
  • fly on wings that have grown - happiness
  • without wings - success in your endeavor
  • like a bird - fulfillment of expectations, common success
  • riding an icon - protection, a lucky break
  • flying on an airplane - personal happiness
  • on a comfortable liner - confidence, determination, moderate ambitions
  • on an old cornfield - difficulties, problems, stress
  • on a military aircraft - inflated self-esteem, dedication, readiness
  • by helicopter - accident, accident, injury
  • in a balloon - missed opportunities, unused chances
  • on a hang glider - idle leisure, fun
  • fly and fall - mental trauma, failure, defeat

Had a dream about how carelessly they flew, but you were shot (shot down) and you collapsed down? Numerous traps await on the path to success, so think through your every action.

Why dream of flying in a dream? The dream book will help us understand this.

Flying in a dream speaks of a desire to get away from the real difficulties in life. Each dream book explains this differently. Falling and injury at this moment is a disaster. Such a meaning of vision will be leveled if you wake up during a fall.

Interpretation of various dream books

Miller's dream book

  • Flying in the endless sky - promises an unhappy marriage
  • Not high from the ground - to illness, difficulties
  • Above the muddy pond - intrigues around you from enemies. Be vigilant
  • Above the ruins - trouble and grief
  • You see sunlight in flight - your worries are groundless
  • Meet the Moon during the flight, others celestial bodies- harbinger of disaster
  • On black wings - disappointments await you

Imperial dream book (China)

  • For women, flying in a dream is a harbinger of good changes. This is for material independence, spiritual growth personalities
  • For men - the conflict of the desired and the possible. Financial losses are not ruled out. Authority under threat, other negative manifestations

Dream Interpretation A. Meneghetti

Escape from everyday troubles and responsibilities. The desire to become an independent, important person

Autumn dream book

Flying together and experiencing pleasure - to a fleeting romance, a short addiction

Summer dream book

Soaring high for young people means growth, for the elderly portends the last flight

Spring dream book

Your dreams are in vain and useless

Small Velesov dream book

  • Triumph in business, cheerfulness, prosperity
  • Sick person - recovery
  • Fly down - collapse, up - grace. Low - get ready to go, high - change for the better

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

  • long way
  • Climb up - feigned pride
  • Fly long ahead - love excitement
  • Flying in the sky - brings happiness for healthy people and withering for weak people

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • Achievements in all areas of activity
  • If you are engaged in spiritual self-development, you have real progress in this area.
  • Too high - ambition, failure of plans
  • In the sky - serious illness or death
  • Flying on any object or on a four-legged creature - your spiritual hobbies are demonic in nature. It can lead you to intellectual degradation
  • Fly on your bed - the appearance in life of unexpected and original changes in life

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • Tells you that you have left your physical body. Traveling in the astral world
  • Characterizes the dreamer's elevated soulfulness, the ability to be above his problems
  • Your vital and sexual energies are on the rise
  • Trying to fly in an apartment - awakening your spirituality
  • Fly in the clouds - fantasy dominates reality
  • Close to the ground - decide your affairs at the behest of the soul and heart, ignore extraneous advice
  • Flying up to the sky - now is not the time to fulfill your hopes. Spend more time on current affairs
  • On an air liner - you have chosen your path correctly. Your goal will be reached in the near future
  • In a balloon - try to get close to someone who expresses signs of attention to you
  • On the vehicle- now fortune is on your side, seize the moment and boldly take on practical matters
  • Fly and fall - accept failure and save energy for the next flights

Modern dream book

Execution of plans, things are going uphill

Azar's Bible Dream Book

Means luck, prosperity

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

  • Long distance - love and excitement
  • Fall - grief, resentment
  • On the wings - well-being
  • In heaven - for the healthy to success, for seriously ill people - eternal peace

Esoteric dream book

You will find a worthy use for your talent

Lunar dream book

Fly low - you have a trip ahead

Dream interpretation of psychologist D. Loff

  • Spontaneous flight. This requires some effort to lift into the air. For example, wave your hands. Dreamed of by people who seek to avoid difficulties in life
  • Conscious flight. We choose this desire consciously. We are lifted by an invisible energy, we are simply sure that we can do it. This is astral flight. At this time, the dreamer can see his further best directions in practical matters.

Eastern dream book

  • For young dreamers, this means growth in the physical plane.
  • For older people - growth on a spiritual level
  • Seeing the sky fly without clouds - your dreams will soon become a reality

Freud's dream book

All dreams associated with flying in a dream tell us about the intention of sexual looseness.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

  • On its wings - portends good luck, bliss
  • Fly high to heaven - to money, luxury and prosperity

Universal dream book

  • If you were shot in flight - your enemies are not asleep, be careful
  • Fly close to the ground - to the disease
  • Hovered in the sky for a long time - problems in the family are possible

Italian dream book

  • It's a symbol of independence
  • Talks about your ability to solve any problems in reality
  • This can only be done by successful and strong personalities.

Interpretations from other sources

  • On an air liner - changes in life to a good end
  • On a helicopter - the opportunity to get into an accident
  • On the airship - help the disadvantaged people
  • In a balloon - you will regret the missed opportunity
  • On a hang glider - a carefree pastime
  • In flight, you are overcome by a feeling of fear - a failure in career growth

Explanation of visions depending on what you saw below you in flight

  • Fly over the mountains - to overcome obstacles
  • Flying over the surface of the sea is a threat to life on the material and spiritual levels
  • The sea is raging under you - great harm
  • Over fields and valleys - joy in life
  • There is a thick and impenetrable forest under you - a threat from unknown strong sources looms over you
  • Below you is a city - dreams of glory, a penchant for poetry
  • Fly over the river - the awakening of self-awareness, the ability to control oneself or the desire to do so
  • During the flight, you noticed white wings on your back. You admire the green leaves of the trees you are flying over. This is for success in business, mutual love
  • Your flight was in space. In life, fantasies overwhelm you, all your thoughts are occupied with them. You don't care what happens next

Did you happen to fly above the ground in a dream? This is a reflection of great spiritual strength and vitality, professional growth or unparalleled creativity. The dream book will tell you why such a vision is dreaming specifically.

According to Miller

Did you happen to fly in a dream? The dream interpretation believes that your personal desire for freedom and independence is reflected in such an original way. This is a sign that you need to act, and in the most non-trivial way.

Sick of all?

Sometimes the interpretation of sleep is the opposite. Flights in a dream symbolize a conscious escape from life's problems into an illusory, invented world.

The same vision is associated with a real desire to get out of a very difficult situation. Probably, you have already exhausted all the ways and simply do not know what to do.

Success or escape?

Why else dream of solo flights? If in reality you are engaged in spiritual or magical practices, then this method of movement indicates clear success.

Had a dream that you had to fly above the ground in order to escape from persecution? In reality, you will be able to avoid an unpleasant incident by listening to your intuition in time.

A little specifics

To find out why such a way of moving is dreamed of, it is worth considering what exactly you had to fly on.

  • On a broomstick - an elusive development, a positive gradation.
  • On an animal - you have clearly set foot on the demonic path of self-destruction.
  • On a vacuum cleaner, mop - fatigue from everyday problems.
  • On a chair - you will lose your position, work, or, on the contrary, get it.
  • On the bed - an original twist of fate.

Answers are nearby!

In a dream, were you lucky enough to fly above the ground? The dream book advises to remember what happened to see below. Dreamed of houses, cities and streets? Try to soberly assess the situation.

Seeing the sea, rivers and other bodies of water means that you need to be careful in business and at work. In addition, the dream book believes that in appearance water element you can make predictions about the future.

Move forward!

Did you dream that your wings have grown and you can easily take off? The dream interpretation guarantees the fulfillment of a dream, the acquisition new hope and generally unconditional success in endeavors.

Taking off without wings right from the spot is even better. This means that you have achieved certain results in your development and can safely move on.

Did you happen to take off in a dream jumping down? To rise, you have to work hard, and besides, use your wits and unusual moves.

Better below!

Why dream that you had to fly very low? The dream interpretation considers this an unfavorable sign, predicting a sudden, but short-lived illness.

Fly relatively low above the ground and clearly see the surrounding landscape - to a long journey or even a journey.

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