Church names for girls in March. Strong names for boys in the year of the dog

Every parent knows how responsibly it is necessary to approach the choice of a name for the unborn baby, since it is no secret to anyone that the name can have a direct impact on the fate little man. Therefore, it is not surprising that with the approaching date of birth little miracle, families vying with each other to argue whose name is most suitable for the child.

Some proceed from a harmonious combination with a surname and patronymic, others, on the contrary, believe that unusual and rare name help your child succeed in adulthood. Still others choose a name based on family history - often babies are named after outstanding representatives of the family, known for their achievements, character or good fortune. And the fourth simply follow the lead of relatives and call the child a name that they like.

To avoid disagreements and discontent from loved ones, many turn to church calendar names, which greatly facilitates difficult process choice - you just need to take a calendar and see which names are relevant for a particular month of birth.

As a rule, choosing a name using the church calendar is quite simple: the child is given the name of the saint on whose memory day he was born. In the event that parents do not like such a name (and it also happens that the baby himself begins to react badly to the sound of the chosen name), then you can give the baby one of the recommended names on the eighth and fortieth day from birth.

The main thing that parents should remember is that when choosing a saint who will patronize a future person, you should not name children in honor of the great martyrs, since there is a high probability that the child will repeat his fate

Name for a girl

Girls born in 2018 will be different high level optimism, balance and calmness.

As a rule, future parents are most reverent about maiden names, since in many respects the character of the girl will depend on the name. On the one hand, the name should be beautiful and rare, on the other hand, it should carry good value.

Therefore, the church calendar can serve parents well by endowing future girl just the name that suits her best and that she will proudly wear all her life.


Girls born this month will be distinguished by good health, a logical mindset and a rational attitude to life. In order to emphasize all the most best features nature, the church calendar recommends such names as Irina, Eva, Tatyana, Natalya, Uliana, Alexandra, Xenia, Polina, Maria and Valentina.


born in last month winters will have a persistent and purposeful character. Often, February girls have a penchant for creativity in general and art in particular, and an ambitious disposition will help them achieve success in any business they choose. The most suitable names are Anna, Valeria, Ekaterina, Natalia, Anastasia, Christina and Olga.


In the first month of spring, as a rule, very kind and bright people are born, who charge everyone around with their energy. Very often they have organizational skills and are able to find a way out of any situation. March girls are recommended to be named: Valentina, Camilla, Marianna, Barbara, Praskovya, Elizabeth, Irina or Victoria.


Those born in April are usually cheerful and very sociable girls who are drawn to others. However, at the same time, they are quite stubborn and proud, therefore, in order to soften these character traits, you need to choose names with appropriate meanings, for example, Sophia (wise), Alexandra (protector), Vaselina (cheerful), Polina (sunny), Anna (bringing good ).


May girls are pragmatic and have mercantile values. They look at the world without rose-colored glasses and do not like to rely on other people. However, for all the difficulties of character, they are quite constant and true to their choice. Such girls are suitable names - Louise, Irma, Valeria, Olesya, Victoria, Taisiya, Anastasia, Inessa, Uliana and Arina.


Girls born in June have a penchant for needlework, have high intelligence and good wit. An integral feature of their character is kindness, responsiveness, some frivolity and the ability to quickly adapt to life circumstances. It is advised to call such girls by the names Elena, Angela, Paulina, Ilona, ​​Emma, ​​Diana, Maria, Karina and Antonina.


From girls born in the middle of summer, born keepers of the hearth and family comfort are born, so it is not surprising that the main features of their character are the ability to maintain Hard time, the ability to care and the desire to give warmth to loved ones. They recommend naming such people by the names of Angelina, Vasilisa, Inna, Alina, Ulyana, Christina, Olga, Pelageya, Martha, Olesya and Angelica.


In August, usually, girls are born with a strong and fighting disposition, self-confident and possessing female charisma, in fact, born leaders. At the same time, they are very straightforward and ambitious. To help your daughter in the future and emphasize her bright personality, you should choose from such names as Anna, Milena, Iraida, Evdokia, Anfisa, Anastasia, Raisa, Agnia and Yulia.


Girls who were born in September can be impulsive, but quite non-confrontational. The naturally phlegmatic character makes them organized, punctual and executive, so the names of Adeline, Tatyana, Barbara, Kira, Serafima, Praskovya, Xenia and Vasilisa will best emphasize these qualities.


Girls born in the middle of autumn are very kind and sociable, quickly converge with strangers, and never get into trouble, as they know how to defend their position with arguments. At the same time, they are in enough subject to the influence of others, which means that they need additional protection. Therefore, the church calendar recommends choosing from the following names: Arina, Sofia, Agnia, Vladislav, Ustinya, Akulina, Juliana, Olesya, Polina and Vera.


In November, as a rule, purposeful, stubborn, ambitious, proud, and also very sociable girls are born, using which they can find mutual language with almost anyone they meet life path. To soften hard and strong-willed character names should be given based on the recommendations of the calendar - Elizabeth, Ilona, ​​Agatha, Anna, Elena, Renata, Evdokia, Victoria, Margarita and Inessa.


December girls are distinguished by strong emotionality and irascibility, often they have a rather explosive choleric character and a high desire for social activities. Such girls are born leaders, very ambitious and interested in self-development.

At the same time, it cannot be said that they are proud and ambitious, not at all - they are extremely responsible, and are very respectful of the people around them. The names Polina, Ada, Barbara, Ekaterina, Angelina, Valentina, Alice, Victoria, Sofia, Yana and Evdokia are most suitable for them.

Name for a boy according to the church calendar

Parents of boys, as a rule, face the same problem as parents of girls - the name of the future man should not only sound beautiful, but also have a noble meaning that will have an impact on the fate of the child.

AT recent times there is a tendency to increase the number of ancient Russian names. So, such names as Ratibor, Yaroslav, Yaropolk and Mstislav began to enjoy particular popularity.


Boys born in the first month of the year become polite and responsible young men who know what they want from life. They are distinguished by a high mind and good health. To enhance these characteristics, the church calendar recommends choosing from the names Victor, Gregory, Daniel, Jacob, Konstantin, Prokhor and George.


In February, usually, boys are born energetic, active and with developed leadership qualities. Most often they take the position gray cardinal”, as they prefer to remain in the shadow of ongoing events and observe. The most suitable names for such children are Arseny, Makar, Peter, Nikolai, Fedor, Alexander, Lev, Viktor and Dmitry.


Boys born on the first day of spring can hardly be called fighters and hard workers. Moderately lazy and distracted, they nevertheless have an analytical mindset and strong logic that helps them succeed in many endeavors. It is advised to choose a name for such a boy from the following - Ilya, Felix, Roman, Nikolai, Arkhip, Evgeny, Yaroslav, Klim, Arseny, Vyacheslav and Pavel.


But the boys who were born in April can be called ambitious stubborn people who think only about their desires. Quite short-tempered and arrogant, they often misjudge situations and act recklessly. To soften character traits and add stability to him, the church calendar advises the names of Innocent, Miron, Plato, Zakhar, Ilya, Cyril, Benjamin, Yegor, Tikhon, Nikita and Grigory.


Boys who were born in the last month of spring no doubt claim the status of the most stubborn children, and it is often pointless to argue with them. Unlike April, they are quite calm and balanced, they never do stupid things. They prefer to achieve their goal consistently, slowly and without compromising their principles, therefore the names Anton, Victor, Alexander, Maxim, Alexei, Vitaly, Ivan, Nikolai, Mikhail, Pavel, and Roman are best suited.


In the first month of summer, kind and energetic children are usually born, distinguished by a high level of intelligence, self-sufficiency, and determination. It cannot be said that they have pronounced leadership qualities, but they are always in the spotlight - they love noisy companies and intimate conversations. It is best to call those born in July by the names Timothy, Vasily, Alexei, Nikita, Mikhail, Fedor, Ivan, Peter, Zakhar, Mark and Konstantin.


Balanced young men grow up boys born in the middle of summer. Such children will not cause any special problems, but will support and support their parents. hallmark Julyat is extreme emotionality, a tendency to experience and deeply analyze one's actions. Most suitable for them are such names as Vladimir, Peter, Philip, Semyon, Leo, Arkady, Sergey, Dmitry, Savva, Andrey, Bogdan and Stepan.


A boy born in August will be successful in life and he will touch any undertakings. A persistent, ambitious and purposeful young man will be distinguished by amazing performance, and diligence, which is why he is simply doomed to achieve his goals. Character flaws to be prepared for are resentment, unreasonable outbursts of anger, and a painful perception of criticism. The most suitable names are Vitaly, Valery, Boris, Makar, Klim, Ivan, Maxim, Nikolai, Alexander and Ostap.


Boys born in the first autumn month have a calm, balanced character and the ability to stand up for themselves and others. They are distinguished by a sharp mind, perseverance, determination and a creative approach to life. The church calendar advises naming such children Matvey, Ivan, Vadim, Pavel, Vladimir, Fedor, Nazar, Makar, Gennady and Ignat.


Born in October, they have developed intellect and thirst for knowledge. Friendly and sociable, they are more drawn to books than to others, but at the same time they manage to be the soul of the company. The disadvantages of the nature of such boys include the inconsistency of actions and the optional fulfillment of promises, therefore, in order to smooth out negative features, it is recommended to give names such as Nikolai, Feoktist, Dmitry, Edward, Grigory, Leonid, Zakhar, Prokhor and Benjamin.


Boys born in the middle of autumn are endowed with a tough and unyielding character, and are almost unable to compromise. They will not be stopped even by the fact that everyone around them will be against them - they will still continue to bend their line and defend their position. Parents are strongly encouraged to choose softer-sounding names to level out negative traits- Arseny, Elisha, Ivan, Anton, Emelyan, Felix, Peter, Evgeny and Alexey.


Like girls born in the last month of the year, boys are distinguished by an extreme degree of emotionality and irascibility. It is difficult to find a common language with such children, but it is possible - despite the difficult nature, December children easily make contact. They are free-spirited, energetic and straightforward. In order to emphasize the merits and brighten up the shortcomings of the character, the church calendar advises choosing soft, but sonorous names, for example, Yakov, Boris, Gleb, Oleg, Yuri, Andrey, Egor, Artur, Makar, Mark and Ostap.


Nowadays, it is considered a difficult task to name a baby. Parents often have arguments. Parents, in general, want to be original, while they do not think at all about how this will affect future life child. You can simplify the task by choosing a name from the church calendar.

Names according to calendar 2018

This problem did not exist a little over a hundred years ago. In Russian traditions, since ancient times, it was customary to give Orthodox names according to the church calendar. It is also called saints. Every day there is a saint's name day, often not even one, as a memory of his life's exploits. During baptism, the child receives a patron and protector for life. Some believed that if you name the baby according to the calendar, then he will have the same high quality like his guardian angel. When growing up, a person himself began to communicate with the patron through prayers.

Restores old traditions. So everything more people turns to God. The custom of naming a newborn according to the church calendar also returns. Parents believe with all their heart that the baby's personal protector will protect him from dangers, and also change his life for the better. It is worth noting that at the beginning of the 20th century it was customary to celebrate not a birthday, but a name day as a memory and reverence for the feat of life of the patron saint.

Saints for girls 2018

Old names for girls are not as fashionable in our time as their parents want to be unique. It must be understood that the name days of holy women do not fall on all days. Right choice the priest himself can help to do during baptism. Today some female names went out of use according to the church calendar, and the secular does not always coincide with the Orthodox. Here is the list of birthdays:

  • - Vasilisa, Anastasia, Tatiana
  • – Xenia, Alexandra, Veronica
  • – Ulyana, Galina, Margarita
  • – Tamara, Claudia, Daria
  • – Christina, Julia, Elizabeth
  • - Valeria, Anna, Sophia
  • – Marina, Zhanna, Olga
  • – Evgenia, Praskovya, Christina
  • - Elizabeth, Hope, Sophia
  • - Zinaida, Pelageya, Ariadne
  • – Elena, Natalia, Nelly
  • - Barbara, Angelina, Ekaterina

Names according to the Saints for boys in 2018

Men are more fortunate. And all because according to the church calendar it is easier to pick them up. They meet more often, and some even several times a year. When you think of a boy's name, then go back to the old values. It must be understood that male names according to the holy calendar, they sometimes sound differently than secular ones. The priest can choose an alternative at baptism. Here are the most common names:

  • January - Gregory, Ilya
  • February - Ivan, Yuri, Vladimir
  • March - Kirill, Ivan
  • April - Vasily, Sergey
  • May - Grigory, Nikita
  • June - Pavel, Dmitry
  • July - Nikolai, Gleb
  • August - Makar, Anton
  • September - Andrey, Stepan
  • October - Mikhail, Rodion
  • November - Leonid, Grigory
  • December - Matvey, Roman

Church calendar of names

Male and female names according to the church calendar are painted for every day. Some can be seen more than once a year - several saints have their name days at once. It is worth knowing in advance the details about their life in order to choose a close guardian angel. In our country, the memory of the saints is honored:

  • universal;
  • Russians;
  • revered in a particular locality;

In any month, you are allowed to pick up names according to the Saints in 2018. Every day they are, except for the main ones. church holidays. Since female names are less common, the use of consonant male names is allowed, for example, Olga - Oleg. If the child was already named at birth, at baptism it is allowed to choose a name by Orthodox calendar. They will be consonant with the secular:

  • Angela - Angelina
  • Jan - John
  • Jeanne - John
  • Polina - Appolinaria

List of other names

Now you look at several other male and female names. Choose the most beautiful for you.

Abo, Avdon, Avudim, Agn, Alim, Ammonius, Anuvius, Anin.

Bogdan, Boris, Branko.

Babyla, Bacchus, Varsava, Vasily, Benedict, Wil, Vit, Vitimy, Vladimir, Vsevolod.

Gavinius, Gad, Gerasim, Galik, German, George, Gordius.

David, Dada, Diy, Dasius, Dometian, Dukitius, Dovmont.

Evagrius, Ekdikt, Erasmus, Yermil, Eros.

Zakharia, Zinovy, Zoil, Zosima.

Isaac, Justus, Callistus, Castulus, Cyrus, Laurus, Leont, Luke, Mauritius, Maximian, Mardonius, Mily, Michael.

Nazarius, Nestor, Nikolai, Nit, Oleg, Onisius, Hosea, Pavel, Pard, Pompey, Proclus, Ravula, Raphael, Rustic.

Savva, Sisoy, Dry, Sergey, Tavrion, Timon, Urvan, Uar, Favius, Firmin, Caleb, Shalva, Julius, Yaroslav.

Augusta, Anisia, Valentina, Vriena, Gaafa, Galina, Daria, Eva, Zoya, Julia, Justina, Kaleria, Kapitolina, Larisa, Leah, Melania, Muse, Natalia, Nika, Potamia, Raisa, Ruth, Sarah, Sopatra, Tamara, Tekusa, Wirko, Faina, Feozva, Kharitina, Khristina, Shushanika, Julia, Yazdundokta.

AT modern world calendars are so diverse that there are publications for every taste and for every hobby. We are accustomed to early years use dates and numbers to build personal plans, but our ancestors tied their thousand-year-old customs to the calendars. One of these traditions is to choose a name for the baby in honor of the great martyr, whose memorial is near the birth of the child.

This custom is still believed today. It is considered if you pick names of boys according to the church calendar 2018 your son or names of girls according to the church calendar 2018 his daughter in honor of the martyr of the same name, then this image will accompany the child everywhere in the unconscious childhood. Next, you need to teach the child to turn to his intercessor.

Some believe that the Guardian Angel, who is given from above at baptism, and this is the accompanying intercessor everywhere. But, if you believe the descriptions of the Angel in the Bible and what other data about angels are, we can say that this is nothing more than conscience. That is, at baptism we receive the Spirit, which prompts us to do the right things, and if we are wrong, our conscience will tell us about it.

In any case, this cannot be argued, because there is no reliable data, but there are only human assumptions. Angels are God's helpers, but why can't they be the souls whom the Almighty took to work.

Name days according to the church calendar- this is the memory of the martyr, in whose name we were named. As a rule, the name day determines the day of death of the great martyr, who at one time invested a lot of time and effort in Christianity. There can be more than one such day in a year, because not only the days of death are often celebrated, but also the reburial of relics or miraculous phenomena after death.

How to recognize your protector?

To get to know your family names by months according to the church calendar 2018 worth contacting any Orthodox church. If you easily own the Internet, you can make an appropriate request in a search engine.

It may happen that you do not find your names according to the church calendar 2018. The entire calendar contains Greek and Old Slavonic names. If your name is not common, for example, Angelica, then Angelina is determined as your patron saint.

Names for girls according to the church calendar 2018 diverse, you can always find if not the right name, so consonant with it. This is a normal practice that works all over the world.

Evdokia is suitable for the name Dean, Photinia is consonant with Svetlana. Male names according to the church calendar are chosen in the same way as women's.

Often, when a baby is baptized, the holy father immediately baptizes in the name of a certain Saint, whom you choose together, under his control.

When to celebrate the name day and angels?

Since it's two various events you can decide for yourself to highlight both or just one in your life. Nominal dates happen several times in the liturgical year (depending on the number of memorable ones) or in one chosen by you.

Angel Day is strictly your moment of baptism, which reminds you of a gift from God and the salvation of your soul from the devil. Many remember and also celebrate this event.

Our ancestors traditionally glorified all the days of reverence, they believed that only thanks to the holy intercessors they live on this earth, are healthy and have the benefits that they have. And this is true, because we are nobody without our creator, and it is important for us to constantly turn to Him in prayer through our patrons or directly.

How to celebrate and what to give?

On the day of their name day or the anniversary of baptism, Orthodox go to church, turn to God, confess, take communion, reevaluate their lives, draw new conclusions. Toward evening they gather with family or like-minded people for a modest dinner or tea. Since pre-revolutionary times, it has traditionally been treated to relatives with a birthday cake, which the hostess bakes herself. If fasting falls on this day, you should postpone the celebration or make it modest, for example, bake lean cookies and treat guests to tea.

In ancient times, it was a tradition to bake pies and loaves on this day, there is even a corresponding song. In tsarist times, all the local people were invited to a feast. treated different pies, sweet and savory, made a whole lot of fun with performances of acrobats, jesters and dances.

The day of the angel was celebrated by going to the temple and praying. Today, few people know when he was baptized, so all personal events are celebrated together.

Do you need a prayer to the Holy Intercessor?

To feel the help of your intercessor, it is important to turn to him in prayer. When we pick up a man or female names according to the church calendar then we must understand to which saint we will pray. For example, the name Anna was very common. There are more than five martyrs with this name in the church calendar. It is better to immediately read about their life in order to know which of them to mention.

The choice of name is given Special attention before the birth of a child. per century modern technologies The gender of the baby is known in advance, so they have enough time to choose a name.
Some parents try to pick up something original, not like those that we hear every day, modern names for kids. Others prefer to name boys after someone. It can be relatives or famous people. It is important to beautifully combine the name with the patronymic and surname. Also, the boy himself should like it in the future.

At such moments, future parents are under pressure from relatives and friends who simply insist on their names, and all the proposals of the parents themselves are long and joyfully criticized. By choosing a name for a boy according to the church calendar, you can make your task easier. Everyone is looking for only the best for their child. That's why fashion names for boys are now rare and beautiful.

The character of a boy born in 2018 year of the Dog

The dog is a noble and valiant protector of the signs of the zodiac. She is always ready to protect in battle and close her breasts to the unjustly offended and weak. She is smart enough, so she can distinguish friend from foe, pretense and falsehood. The same character traits will be acquired by a boy born this year.

In the event that in 2018, according to the baby’s horoscope, there are not many unfavorable aspects, then he will fully acquire the nobility and features of an affectionate patron. In the year of the dog, many well-known and beloved by the whole world famous personalities were born.

  1. Stephen King.
  2. Elvis Presley.
  3. Sylvester Stallone.
  4. Mother Teresa.
  5. Winston Churchill.
  6. Michael Jackson.
  7. Brigitte Bardot
  8. Sharon Stone and many others.

The boy will grow up as a devoted son, husband and hardworking worker. And most importantly, such people are endowed with the gift of understanding others. Men born in the year of the dog intuitively feel when to say the right phrase and give advice. They see the world as bright and positive. And because they can easily remember new information, they quickly adapt to new and even unusual conditions for them.

Such people know how to do their job efficiently and quickly. Therefore, their career is always on top. He will be a worthy, understanding, loving and beloved companion in life. And that means that the name of such a boy must be given the appropriate one. But parents don't know which names to choose, will they be common names or new Orthodox Russian names for boys.

Rules for choosing a name according to the church calendar

It is important to know that there are certain rules that must be considered when choosing a name for a boy according to the church calendar. The name of the child must be given in honor of the saint on whose memory day he was born. Often, no name available on this day is liked by the parents. Then you can choose from the names of the following days, or even from the names that are offered for the whole month. The calendar contains popular names for boys in 2018.

Since ancient times, it has been customary that a boy named after a saint will always be protected. He will immediately receive a very strong guardian angel at birth. But it’s also not worth calling thoughtlessly. The kid can repeat the fate of the person after whom he is named. Therefore, the names of the great martyrs should not be given to children.

It is popular to give children two names at once. One is chosen for everyday (worldly) life, and the second is given according to the Orthodox calendar, and the child is baptized with it. According to legend, a baby with two names is protected from envy and the evil eye, since the usual name does not allow you to get to the church, taking on all the negative energy.

Many, despite the variety of options in the church calendar, cannot decide on a name. When all options are rejected or parents are at an impasse, you can turn to a clergyman for help. He will tell not only what names are available for the baby on the day and month of his birth, but also what meaning is hidden in each name. In addition, the priest will tell you in detail how to correctly determine the day of the angel and answer other questions of interest. In any case, he will tell you the best and lucky names for boys

Choose a name

The name for the son should not only have a good meaning, but also sound courageous. Therefore, all parents are trying to find the “right” name for their baby. Because of this double names are now the most common. They are unusual, but very beautiful. Plus, they have great energy. Children are often named according to the sign of the zodiac, but the most popular ones are now in the church calendar.

Happy birthday baby is hard to guess. But the month is determined in advance. Po offers many different names.

  1. January.
    Timothy and Daniel. Common, but at the same time unusual names, also include Cyril, Pavel, Ignat. Nifont and Nikanor are quite unusual, so they are chosen as middle names. Nikolai, Yuri, Anton, Sergey, Veniamin, Peter - the boys under this name will become defenders. Athanasius, Proclus, Sebastian, Feoktist are also rare. Vasily, Ivan, Maxim, Nikita, George, Philip, Yegor, Stepan, Savva. Unusual names Adam, Prokhor, Sebastian.
  2. February.
    Valery and Alexander. Gerasim, Victor, Felix. Timofey, Dmitry, Stepan, Semyon. Leonty. Vitaly, Nikita, Zakhar, Pavel, Vsevolod, Glas, David will grow up especially hardworking.
  3. March.
    Alexey, this is usually the name of the children who were born on March 30th. Heraclius, Semyon, Mark, Benedict, Mikhail, Yegor, Taras. Of the more popular, Cyril, Denis, Danila, Daniel and Ilya can be distinguished.
  4. April.
    April children can have such unusual names as Samson, Aristarchus, Artemon, Niphon, Titus, Hypatius, Antip, Makar, David. There are also names that are more familiar to us, these are Stepan and Maxim, Andrei and Anton, Martin and Ivan. Gabriel, Cyril, Benjamin and Trofim, Thomas, Alexander, and finally Peter,
  5. May.
    Modest, Joseph, Severin, Kasyan, Timofey, Yeremey, this month offers more unusual names. Of the usual us, Pavel, Peter, Yuri, Arseny, Alexei, Vsevolod and Alexander, Valentin and Irakli.
  6. June.
    Karp, Sylvester, Julian, Eremey, Savely, Jan, Peter, Igor, Andrey, Dmitry, Valery, Khariton, Roman, Nikifor, Gabriel, Vladimir, Tikhon, Fedot. Also beautiful names for a boy, these are Nazar, Yuri, Fedor, Denis, Ivan, Mstislav.
  7. July.
    Safron, Samson, Emelyan, Galaktion, they are also used as middle names. The first ones are usually Stanislav, Efim, Arseny, Anatoly, Kuzma. The calendar also offers options such as Vasily, Mikhail, Alexei and Innokenty, German, Sergey, Julius.
  8. August.
    Markel, Frol, Nikanor, Ermolai, Valentin. In August, the names of boys by months for 2018 according to the Orthodox calendar are quite unusual, but beautiful. Gury, Clement, Kuzma, Christopher, Alexei and Elizar, David and Polycarp, Miron, Leonid and Stepan, Konstantin and Denis.
  9. September.
    Kondrat, Porfiry, Leonty, Pimen, Valery, Stepan, Herman, Foma. Of the more familiar to us in the calendar, we can single out Maxim, Adrian, Benjamin, Nikolai, Alexei, Arseny.
  10. October.
    Nikita, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Ivan, Mikhail, Peter, Roman, Andrey. Of the more specific, one can single out Demyan Kasyan, Aristarkh.
  11. November.
    There are also rarer ones, for example, Nikon, Demyan, Hilarion, Maximilian, Vincent. But this month you can choose from those more familiar to us, these are Fedor, Evgeny, Pavel, Stepan, Athanasius, Mark, Artem, Denis, Kirill, Matvey, Maxim.
  12. December.
    The best names for this month are Semyon, Nikon, Modest, Mitrofan. There is also Vsevolod, Mark, Thomas, Pavel, Naum, Savva, Gabriel, Sofron, Nikolai, Leo.

These are the most popular church names presented in the church calendar. For many parents, it is important that the name has certain value. Here is a common new boy name list. In addition, these are the most popular names for boys in 2018.

Stepan - wreath, crown. Vsevolod - possessing, omnipotent. Daniel is fair. Nicholas is the conqueror of nations. Andrew is brave. Maxim is great. Gregory is awake. Ivan - pardoned by God. Zakhar is not forgotten by God. Alexey is a protector, protector. The lion is the heart or king of animals. Eugene is noble. Taras is a rebel. Semyon - heard by God. Savva - Saturday, sage. Tikhon - good luck. Basil is regal. Victor is a winner. Denis is a reveler, a merry fellow. Michael is asked of God. Alexander is protective. Anton is a challenger. Vyacheslav is the most glorious. Artem is unharmed. George is a farmer. Matthew is a gift from God.

Russian popular male names are divided by months of 2018.
Boys born in winter are personalities, with stubborn character but insanely talented. This gives them purpose. They have a tough temper, but at the same time they are quite persistent and strong-willed.

Spring babies are quite vulnerable. They have a good memory and a great sense of humor. Boys are always careful about how they look and can be quite selfish. They make excellent diplomats.

Summer boys are brave and risky people. In addition, they love creativity in all its manifestations. They are naive, but very kind.

In autumn, unhurried and reasonable boys are born. With such men it is easy to communicate and in life.

When choosing a name for a boy, all parents are lost, and this is normal. Everyone around is trying to give advice, indicate what names to call, make them listen. After all, the options of the parents themselves are often criticized, and sometimes ridiculed. Do not listen to anyone, and be guided by your own tastes. Also don't choose names for boys 2018 that are too exotic. Otherwise, it may provoke other children to ridicule.

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