Differences between boy and girl pregnancy. Why the expectant mother wants salty during pregnancy A pregnant woman is drawn to sour who will


Many future mothers are familiar with the situation: literally in the middle of the night, they suddenly wanted ice cream, pickles, cake, roach, chips, pizza, or something unusual - for example, clay. Such desires appear suddenly and are difficult to control. What do these irresistible attacks mean, and how to get rid of them?

Melanie McGries, an Australian nutritionist and nutritionist, revealed to visitors to The Daily Mail's website three main reasons behind pregnant women's strange eating habits.

1. Pulls on salty - you do not have enough liquid

Surprisingly, if you dream about chips, tomato juice, pizza, etc., this may mean that you are dehydrated.

During pregnancy, the mother's fluid requirements increase by about 150%. Including because of this, at the end of the third trimester, pregnant women begin legs and arms. The fact is that the body needs to produce more blood in order to provide nutrition to the fetus, it is necessary to produce amniotic fluid. Most women gain at least two kilograms of weight in the first trimester through fluid alone.

Salt helps retain fluid in the body, which is why athletes drink salted drinks during prolonged physical exertion. If you're not consuming enough water, your body will likely crave salty foods to make you drink more and thus retain more fluid.

So what to do if you really want chips or pizza? It may seem counter-intuitive, but the best thing to do is just drink some water.

If you still decide to follow your desires, then it’s better to have something salty, but healthy, for example, salted nuts, fish, or vegetables poured with soy sauce.

2. You want something strange - you do not have enough iron

The need for iron increases dramatically during the time, especially in the second and third trimester. A lack of iron leads to the fact that you constantly feel incredibly tired.

One of the signs of iron deficiency anemia may be an irresistible desire to eat something inedible - dirt, soil, clay, coal, chalk, etc. You may also crave tastier, iron-rich foods like red meat, fish, and spinach. In this case, it is worth taking tests for the level of iron in the blood. If it is too low, you will be prescribed iron supplements.

3. Cravings for sweets - you eat irregularly

It's no secret that appetite increases during pregnancy. If you eat often and little by little, you will always be full and bouts of gluttony will most likely not threaten you. If you do not change your eating habits - you will eat from time to time, eat up in the evenings, since you have been snacking all day on the go, then you will urgently crave fast, that is, carbohydrates that almost instantly provide the body with energy: ice cream, pastries, cookies, cake. If so, then make sure that every three to five hours you eat a serving of nutritious food.

In addition to the fact that sugar cravings lead to weight gain and other negative health effects, such foods do not contain anything useful. Therefore, if you still really want carbohydrates, it is better to eat fruit yogurt, for example, pour it over whole grain cereal.

Whether you believe in signs or not, but from time immemorial, certain folk signs have developed that allow you to determine the gender of the unborn child: who will be born - a girl or a boy?

The content of the article:

Every expectant mother is curious about who will be born to her - a girl or a boy? Of course, you can turn to doctors and use ultrasound diagnostics, but most women still trust folk signs. By the way, on ultrasound, the baby may turn the wrong way and see who will be - a boy or a girl - it will not be possible, then moms and dads do not know the gender of their baby until his birth. On the site, we will give some of the signs that will help you find out the gender of the unborn child.

Expect a boy if:

  • A man loves a woman a little more than she loves him;
  • During a woman's pregnancy, her husband begins to gain a lot of weight;
  • A pregnant woman is always in a good mood, she is more attractive and prettier;
  • Her nose becomes pointed;
  • Hair on the legs grows more actively (from a scientific point of view, this is due to the fact that boys begin to secrete the male sex hormone, which affects accelerated hair growth);
  • The legs become colder than before pregnancy and are more likely to get cold;
  • The palms of the hands become drier than before;
  • The areolas around the nipples of the expectant mother's breasts become darker;
  • More often you want salty and sour foods, as well as cheese, milk and meat;
  • Fetal heart rate - less than 140 beats per minute;
  • A pregnant woman has a sharp and protruding tummy.

Expect a girl if:

  • A woman loves her husband more than he loves her;
  • A pregnant woman does not eat a crust of bread;
  • Often there are whims and bad mood of the pregnant woman;
  • The woman looks worse than before pregnancy (“daughter takes mother’s beauty”);
  • The skin on the face becomes too dry;
  • Red shades appear in the hair;
  • Draws on sweets and fruits;
  • The waist of the pregnant woman "blurred";
  • The weight gained during pregnancy is concentrated mainly on the buttocks and thighs;
  • The volume of the breast increases, and the left one is slightly larger than the right one;
  • Fetal heart rate - more than 140 beats per minute;
  • Constantly sick in the morning, especially in the first three months of pregnancy;
  • A pregnant woman has a wide and round belly, located high.

A few more folk tales

If the weather was dry at the time of conception, then expect a son, if it is rainy, then there will be a daughter.

If the expectant mother's legs swell during pregnancy, then there will be a boy, if not, then a girl.

If the baby pushes in the tummy on the right, then this is the son, and if on the left, then the daughter.

Compare the age of the mother and the year of conception: two numbers turned out to be even or both odd, then a daughter should be born. If one number is even and the other is odd, then there will be a son.

According to popular belief, you can also influence the sex of the unborn child. So, if a woman lies down during conception with her head to the north, then there will be a son, and if to the south, then there will be a daughter.

If the family wants the birth of a daughter, then a woman should eat more sweets a few months before conception, but if they want a son, then more salty and sour.

Remember passion - this was also talked about a long time ago! The greater the mutual passion between the parents at the time of conception, the more talented and beautiful your baby or baby will be. Therefore, love each other as much as possible, passionately and with all your soul!

May your daughters and sons be born healthy, smart and beautiful, and grow up to your joy!

Video about folk signs for determining the sex of a child:

During the gestation period, many women change their taste preferences. Not all foods are useful during this period, especially salty ones. Experts are divided on this issue. Why pregnant women want salty and sour, how to replace harmful foods can be found in this article.

The reasons

Many people have different eating habits starting from the first weeks of pregnancy. Studies have shown the reasons why pregnant women eat salty. Sodium is indispensable for the functioning of the heart, kidneys, bladder and other human organs. And in expectant mothers, the fetus takes away all the reserves of trace elements and vitamins.

Is it possible for pregnant women to eat salty? Salt should be present in any food for a girl in position. It is forbidden to adhere to a salt-free diet, unless there is a reason for it. Its use in moderation will benefit both mother and baby.

Why pregnant women want salty:

  1. pressure drop;
  2. pathology;
  3. protein deficiency;
  4. inflammatory processes.

After fertilization in the body of a woman, the hormone progesterone begins to be produced. Due to it, all vessels relax, which leads to fainting, weakness, drowsiness and dizziness. Blood circulation slows down and blood pressure drops. Salt will help normalize his condition.

Salty foods during pregnancy can make you thirsty, and drinking a lot of fluids can speed up blood flow, which also increases low blood pressure. With severe edema, excess drinking has a negative effect.

If you want salty for these reasons, you can not call it taste preferences. The body needs to restore the physiological process. But the main thing is to know that such desires arise in the first trimester. From the fourth month of pregnancy, progesterone normalizes and creates a placenta around itself, pressure normalizes.

Acceptable salty foods

Not everything salty for pregnant women is useful. The diet should be carefully selected in order to avoid problems.

What foods and how much should be consumed:

  • pickles It is not recommended to eat more than 2 per day. They contain vinegar, which adversely affects a pregnant woman. Pickled cucumbers can be consumed 3-4 pieces per day. Of course, there are other foods with salt to consider as well;
  • tomatoes. It is advisable to eat this type of pickles, which was prepared at home. Store-bought canned tomatoes may contain harmful substances;
  • caviar. Not every person can afford this quality product. Black and red caviar is very useful during pregnancy. But it is allowed to eat it no more than 2 times a week;
  • red slightly salted fish. Eating fish while carrying a baby will provide the body with many vitamins and minerals. Despite its nutritional value, it is allowed to consume 50 grams in 3 days. The main thing is that the composition does not contain dyes and harmful substances during processing;
  • herring. Also, it is nutritious, contains calcium, phosphorus and protein. For a week, you can eat 4-5 pieces of salted fish;
  • sauerkraut. The daily norm is 130-160 gr. It is considered a very healthy food because it contains folic acid. This is the main and necessary vitamin in the first trimester. Sauerkraut helps with early toxicosis and constipation.

It is advisable not to use purchased products, such as crackers, chips, dried fish and various smoked meats. During this period, it is better to prefer homemade pickles.

Sour food during pregnancy

Not always a girl in an interesting position stops only on salty foods. After all, her desires to eat something tasty can be different, and it is difficult to refuse her. Often pregnant women want salty and sour at the same time. Doctors believe that acidic foods are healthier.

Why pregnant women want sour:

  1. for the absorption of iron and calcium;
  2. during toxicity.

Acidic foods provoke the production of gastric juice, it is necessary for the absorption of calcium and iron. Indeed, from the first weeks of pregnancy, these two enzymes are very important for the formation of the baby's skeleton.

In the early stages, many suffer from toxicosis. It occurs due to slow production of gastric juice. Sour food activates gastric secretion and speeds up digestion. The gestosis stops.

If a pregnant woman has an iron deficiency, hemoglobin decreases, the baby experiences oxygen deficiency. The expectant mother feels weak and lethargic, and the child may develop anemia.

Vitamin C is a good helper for improving immunity, for colds, and also for the formation of the cardiovascular system.

What foods contain ascorbic acid?

  • oranges;
  • Strawberry;
  • currant;
  • apples;
  • lemon;
  • cherry.

When a pregnant woman wants sour, it is better not to deny yourself and eat all the fruits in moderation.

It is worth limiting the use of vitamin C if a woman has increased acidity of gastric juice, an ulcer, an exacerbation of gastritis, or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor.

If you follow the recommendations and follow the norm of salty foods, it will only benefit. Do not deny yourself some products. After all, the mood of a pregnant woman affects the course of the period. The health of the child depends on food, diet and the psychological state of the mother.

There are several hypotheses that explain the desire to eat something special, in particular:

  • hormonal changes;
  • emotional instability;
  • lack of certain substances;
  • physiological features;
  • mental disorders.

According to doctors, a strong desire to eat something unusual occurs in pregnant women with an acute shortage of any nutrients in the diet. If the craving for eating inedible substances becomes unbearable, you should inform your doctor about this so that the specialist prescribes the appropriate vitamin complex.

You should not succumb to momentary desire and eat inedible (plaster, chalk soap, and so on) or harmful foods - this can lead to very negative consequences.

Why do you want chalk, tomatoes and other products?

The taste preferences of a future mother can tell a lot about her state of health and the need to replenish the supply of certain substances in the body. So, if you want chalk during pregnancy, most likely there is not enough vitamin D and calcium. The deficiency of these substances occurs as a result of the formation of the baby's skeletal system, so mom is recommended to introduce an increased amount of fish and dairy products into her diet. In addition, you should get a prescription from a doctor for a vitamin-mineral complex that helps to fill the deficiency of substances.

If you want fresh tomatoes during pregnancy, you should pay more attention to the range of products used - this factor indicates a lack of vitamins PP, C, B. Tomatoes are not a product prohibited when carrying a baby, but they should be consumed in a rationed and exclusively fresh. This vegetable will help to cope with constipation, improve mood, relieve excessive swelling.

But, eating tomatoes is allowed only if there are no contraindications, which include arthritis, diseases of the genitourinary system, and individual allergic reactions.

If you crave alcohol...

Strange taste cravings that occur during pregnancy are not uncommon. Most of them are much easier to satisfy than to fight an irresistible desire. But what if you want to drink beer during pregnancy?

As you know, drinking alcohol can lead to the development of serious abnormalities, harm the health of a developing organism. It is for these reasons that you should not drink alcohol, including beer, during pregnancy.

Remember that succumbing to the desire to experience the taste of beer, you can harm your baby.

According to doctors, if a pregnant woman wants beer, this means a lack of vitamin B in her body. You can make up for the deficiency of this substance by using foods such as:

  • liver;
  • milk;
  • legumes;
  • chicken eggs;
  • apples;
  • tomatoes;
  • yeast;
  • oats;

Why do you want sour or salty?

According to the results of statistical studies, most pregnant women want to eat foods with a pronounced taste - overly spicy or sour, sweet or spicy, salty or smoked. So why do you want salty during pregnancy? Such a craving is explained quite simply - salt, which is a natural source of sodium, is necessary for the normal functioning of many organs. Sodium is needed for:

  • maintaining a normal level of amniotic fluid;
  • work of the heart, brain, kidneys and bladder;
  • prevention of hypotension;
  • healthy blood circulation in the placenta.

As a rule, the strongest craving for salty foods is noted in the first trimester, when the hormone progesterone is intensively produced. If you really want salty, you can eat a small piece of lightly salted red fish, and it is also recommended to replace ordinary table salt added to dishes during cooking with iodized, more saturated with useful substances.

Scientists say that a woman should not worry if she wants sour during pregnancy. This desire is due to natural physiological needs - the restructuring of the body and changes in the hormonal background. As a rule, a strong craving for sour foods is noted in the first third of the pregnancy. Eating sour foods contributes to:

  1. The production of gastric juice and better absorption of food.
  2. Getting rid of nausea.
  3. Absorption of calcium and iron.
  4. Getting the body enough vitamin C.

If during pregnancy you want to eat something sour - do not deny yourself this. The main thing is to eat any foods in moderation and not to use those that can harm the development and health of the baby and mom. It is also worth telling your doctor about emerging unusual addictions - he will select the appropriate vitamin and mineral course and help adjust the menu.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes a restructuring. Expectant mothers begin to feel the need for unusual food. Salty is the most primitive case. Such a craving manifests itself in the first trimester, when the body begins to lack useful microelements obtained from salt. But with their addictions, women often overdo it, getting an excess. We will understand the reasons for such non-standard desires and the norms of salt consumption.

Causes of salt cravings in pregnant women

Craving for salty foods in pregnant women is explained by the characteristics of the human body. Despite the disagreement among experts about its benefits, they deduce the reasons unanimously:

Lack of sodium - the child, while in the womb, takes part of the salt from the parent's body. This means there is a sodium deficiency. This trace element is too important for the functioning of many organs, so mothers feel an immediate need for its restoration.

Active production of progesterone is a pregnancy hormone that relaxes blood vessels. When it is produced, blood circulation slows down and blood pressure decreases. The person begins to feel nausea, drowsiness and shortness of breath, is called. To increase the pressure, women also lean on salt, which makes them drink more water, which replenishes blood reserves. The pressure returns to normal, and health improves.

Salt addiction is far from a myth. It's just that not all pregnant women have this condition. It is especially typical for the first trimester, when eating salt is very easy to explain. It is only important to follow the rules so as not to cause harm. After all, any product is useful only in limited quantities.

Salt - harm or benefit during pregnancy

A pregnant woman needs salt in reasonable amounts: it brings sodium into the body, and its lack provokes a decrease in appetite, which harms the fetus. Therefore, salt-free diets for expectant mothers are a ban. However, it is very easy to disturb the balance in the body. This is especially true for those who were addicted to salt even before pregnancy. The amount of sodium becomes excessive, which increases blood density and pressure, and edema appears. The latter is a very common consequence of pregnancy, and salt certainly does not contribute to its elimination.

Salt brings particular harm to people prone to health problems. Therefore, its use should be strictly controlled if you have at least one of the following pathologies:

  • toxicosis;
  • problems with ;
  • pressure above normal;
  • kidney or liver disease.

If you are afraid to overdo it and harm the body, then you should try alternatives to replenish salt deficiency. Try lightly salted red fish for this. It contains many useful trace elements, so a piece of 60-100 g will not harm. With strong cravings, iodized sea salt can be added as an alternative to table salt. Enriched with iodine, it will strengthen the thyroid gland and make up for the deficiency without problems.

Salt intake during pregnancy

Each trimester of pregnancy has its own salt intake. But here it is important to note that cravings for salty foods are normal only within the first trimester. This is justified by the production of progesterone in the process of complete formation of the placenta.

Attention! The feeling of need for salt in the II-III trimesters is far from being considered the norm - it indicates the presence of a pathology in the development of the fetus, an inflammatory process, an underdeveloped immune system, or a deficiency of protein foods. In this case, contact your doctor immediately.

In order not to violate the concentration of salt, follow the rules for its use:

  1. During the period of strong cravings during the first trimester, salt intake of more than 12 grams should not be allowed.
  2. For the II trimester, only 9 grams per day is allowed.
  3. During the third trimester, salt should not exceed 3 grams.

These are just general guidelines and may vary from person to person. For example, due to the fact that salty foods increase appetite, the amount of salt should not exceed 1-2 grams per day for obese women. The same applies to mothers with certain chronic diseases.

What salty foods can you eat

Each product has its own concentration of salt, and not all of them are useful. Consider the most common and best craving products:

Pickled cucumbers are the first food that immediately comes to mind. However, you need to be careful with it. No more than 1-2 cucumbers per day are allowed. Such restrictions are imposed not only because of salinity, but also because of the presence of acetic acid in them and the property to increase appetite.

Fish is the best product of all. The content of a large number of trace elements in it is of great benefit for the development of the fetus.

Pickled tomatoes are acceptable if they are personally prepared. But it is better not to experiment with store goods. It causes severe swelling and pressure surges.

Sauerkraut - it is useful in the presence of not only vitamins, but also. Cabbage relieves toxicosis, heartburn and constipation. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Sour and spicy foods during pregnancy

As in the case of salty foods, pregnant women are drawn to sour foods due to hormonal changes. These foods contain a lot of vitamin C, they contribute to the proper absorption of calcium and iron. Therefore, if you do not have individual contraindications, then you can add rose hips, currants, citrus cherries, apples and more to the diet.

Spicy food is also a separate taste preference in the first trimester. It has its own benefits: it prevents blood clots from forming, stabilizes blood circulation, and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Of the permitted foods, look at onions or garlic, seasonings and sauces containing hot peppers, as well as spices.

Is it possible to eat salted and dried fish

Any fish for a pregnant woman should be selected based on the degree of its salinity. Give preference to lightly salted products. The most useful red fish. Among pregnant women, herring is also a priority. It is more enriched with salt, but at the same time it is extremely useful. Protein, ergocalciferol, calcium and phosphorus have a beneficial effect on the body. It is enough to limit yourself in quantity, and there will be no harm.

There is also a question about dried fish. During pregnancy, the product can be dangerous only if its quality is questionable. In other cases, it will only become a source of polyunsaturated fat, which is not synthesized in our body on its own.

Attention! The use of salty foods should always be diluted with unsalted foods.

What are the myths about salt

Among expectant mothers, different myths really spread about salt. Someone believes in the need for its use, others talk about specific harm. These rumors are supported by the ambiguous opinion of experts regarding the product. Consider the most common misconceptions about salty foods:

Salt is the main cause of edema

This myth prevents many women from returning salt to their diet. However, he is completely wrong. Edema gives rise to diseases of the kidneys and liver, a change in the balance of estrogens, not salt. It is a secondary stimulus.

Pregnant women need a salt-free diet

Completely restricting yourself from salt means deliberately harming yourself and the fetus. After all, its elements are equally useful as protein and calcium.

You get better from salt

Increased appetite due to salt is true, but this reason alone will not cause weight gain. There is a whole range of reasons here.

Iodized salt causes poisoning

No excess can cause poisoning with iodized salt. A person simply cannot consume such a large amount to cause poisoning. Moreover, salt enriched with iodine is the most useful, since it is iodine that is not enough for residents far from the sea.

Such misconceptions should not be trusted. If you are worried about your condition and are afraid to eat salty foods, then the best way to get rid of doubts is to visit a doctor. The specialist, through a complete diagnosis, will identify your features and make a diet, indicating the daily intake of salt. The main thing to remember is that a strong craving for something is always a signal indicating either a deficiency or a pathology.

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