Compatibility Sagittarius (female) - Taurus (male). Sagittarius and Taurus - compatibility in love and family life

This is a rare couple. Often they are united by calculation. But Sagittarius and Taurus pass each other in vain. Those couples who have tried to create a strong relationship built on love will never regret it later.

Sagittarius-Taurus Compatibility: How to Seduce a Taurus Man

Much in a Sagittarius woman will be alien and incomprehensible to Taurus. He will not appreciate either her horizons, since he himself limits the scope of his interests only to things that are useful to him, not her money, because he earns by hard work and generous lucky people do not like him, not her desire to travel, because he loves stability. But there is something that unites these signs. This is a sense of humor. Both have it coarse, simple, but not vulgar. They are not witty, but will gladly laugh at a good joke. They like buffoonery, the circus, the Comedy Club and children's jokes. Look for something you can laugh at with Taurus - and his interest in you is guaranteed. Secondly, there is a strong physical attraction between these signs. Taurus is impressed by both the appearance of the Sagittarius woman and her sexual temperament. Therefore, never manipulate sex, do not devalue it - this is one of the few things that holds your union with Taurus. If a Sagittarius woman is not indifferent to household, then another bait for Taurus appears. Tauruses love hearty and good food. And if Sagittarius puts it on the table, then a lot. In the eyes of Taurus, this is the main advantage of a good housewife. Give up overly expensive (according to Taurus) and exotic dishes. He is more likely to appreciate simple, high-quality and tasty food.

What does an ideal couple look like: Sagittarius woman - Taurus man?

People around usually notice two main features of this couple. First, this wealthy people. There will never be poverty in the family of Sagittarius and Taurus. Although Sagittarius is prone to spending money and often buys luxurious things that a practical Taurus would do well without, in return she brings good luck. Sagittarius is the luckiest financial matters sign of the zodiac, and his luck extends to loved ones. Secondly, this is a well-groomed, “sleek” couple, often with a penchant for overweight. Both Sagittarius and Taurus love to look good - without chic, but soundly and richly, and Sagittarius brings a “zest” to the style. The love of both for regular meals and good sleep also affects. If, with the help of synastry, you look at the ideal pair of a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man from the inside, it will become clear that these people give each other a lot. Taurus gradually learns the correct handling of money (with poor performance, Taurus often has stinginess and pettiness), and Sagittarius, in return, acquires practicality. Both win: Taurus begins to allow himself the small pleasures of life, Sagittarius, thanks to a more prudent attitude towards money, can acquire expensive things for saved stocks.

What are the difficulties in the union of Sagittarius women and Taurus men?

The main difficulty of the couple is a completely different worldview. Taurus is stubborn, conservative, hardly changes his views and almost does not perceive the new. His horizons are limited by the things that surround him and have practical applications. And Strelchikha is open to new things, allows the existence of opinions different from her own, easily changes under the influence of circumstances. She is often interested in abstract things: politics, philosophy, culture of other countries. Could this be a problem? After all, in the end, not every married couple leads philosophical debates in the evenings. Unfortunately, maybe. The difference in views will affect any daily affairs. Try a new dish or prefer a familiar and long-time favorite? Relax in Europe or spend time in the country? Buy a fur coat in soft conditions winter climate or a pretty and practical down jacket? It will be noticeably annoying in living together, because you have to look for a compromise in everything - where to relax, how to lead a life, what to spend money on and even how to raise children. At the meeting stage of Sagittarius, Taurus's thrift in general may seem stingy, and stable views - narrow-mindedness. In turn, Taurus may decide that the woman has "too many claims" and "she only wants money."

Unfortunately, they will not be able to convince each other with any arguments, because their views help everyone to live happily and, therefore, are perceived as correct. Only over time, Taurus learns that the breadth of the soul, outlook and wallet can also be necessary, and Sagittarius understands the benefits of strong convictions and savings. Usually this does not begin to happen until couples who know each other go through periods of quarrels and even get divorced. Then Sagittarius begins to appreciate the reliability of her Taurus man. Taurus, in turn, notices that, despite the broad gestures of the woman, their house is not just good, but rich. But until then, a lot of time has passed. And it is impossible to mitigate the contradictions of Sagittarius and Taurus. You can only try to focus less on what they are not similar in, and more often include in everyday life activities where they have common ground. And be sure to watch your appearance, try to be as attractive as possible - both Taurus and Sagittarius are not indifferent to each other's external beauty and physical data.

Sagittarius woman and Taurus man compatibility at work

Business cooperation between Sagittarius and Taurus goes well only when the work is related to money. They both love money and know how to earn it, although different ways. In all other areas, each is engaged in his own area of ​​​​work, without intersecting with the second. If you bring them together and give one order, then the couple will not show any special results.

Compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man - colleagues or partners

As colleagues, this is an average union. They have different ideas about work, different style, different speed work. If the couple voluntarily chose cooperation, that is, we are talking about a business partnership, then they are ready to share responsibilities so that it is most beneficial for the business. Taurus will work long and hard on a routine or in the direction where difficulties arose, and Sagittarius will open new horizons for further development business.

When a Sagittarius woman is a boss, and a Taurus man is a subordinate

A good union, in which the Sagittarius little notices the subordinate Taurus. But his perseverance and perseverance do not cause her complaints. She also loves to give gifts to employees, and practical Taurus likes it.

When a Sagittarius woman is a subordinate, and a Taurus man is a boss

Taurus boss is calm, unhurried and stubborn. He values ​​his subordinates based on the results of their work. If Strelchikha copes with her duties, there will be no complaints against her. If he can’t cope, then Taurus is unlikely to show condescension.

Sagittarius Woman and Taurus Man Friendship Compatibility

A Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man are rarely friends with each other. They have few common interests and common views. If you talk to them separately, it turns out that only one of the couple considers the second to be his friend, and the other characterizes the relationship as friendly or good neighborly. Or the basis of friendship is profit. Often friendship arises between Sagittarius and Taurus-emigrant. Taurus with great difficulty adapts to new conditions and therefore is interested in supporting the contact and plastic Sagittarius. But an affair between them is possible: they are very attractive to each other physically. Therefore, the “halves” of Sagittarius and Taurus should not insist on their communication. Otherwise, a partner who is trying at all costs to bring his beloved Sagittarius to his Taurus friend (and vice versa) may find that his beloved did not appreciate the virtues that he had in mind.

Sagittarius and Taurus have similarities only in how their names sound. The verdict of astrologers about them is clear and clear - in order to achieve compatibility, these signs will have to change their elements. Taurus is a product of the elements of the earth, he is like a sleeping volcano, secretly waiting in the wings. The element of Sagittarius is fire, which, due to its variability and unpredictability, can also flare up from any slightest breeze, and, as a rule, this happens at the most unexpected moment.

Taurus is patronized by Venus, named after the ancient goddess of love, who is responsible for interpersonal relationships. Sagittarius is dominated by Jupiter, once the dominant god of the Roman pantheon. Given heavenly body reveals in his wards the need for promotion, and also awakens in them a craving for excesses. Outstanding features of Taurus are practicality, fairness, honesty and reliability. Sagittarians are active, courageous, sincere and independent. Thus, both signs are characterized by sincerity and unwavering perseverance in achieving their goals.

Let's be honest, compatibility in a love relationship Taurus Sagittarius is not the best. Having tried to converge, the signs of earth and fire will have a hard time, but they will not have to suffer from boredom either. And after all, what could be better than meeting a person who keeps a huge number of secrets in himself, whom you will never stop learning? And therefore, astrologers advise Sagittarius and Taurus not to despair, to discard prejudices and, of course, to get acquainted, from this acquaintance they will undoubtedly learn a lot of interesting and instructive things even if their relationship ends with parting.

Taurus ladies and Sagittarius gentlemen

The Taurus woman is an attractive person, over whom time has no power, because a woman from the earth looks great throughout her life, which does not prevent her from remaining sincere and sweet at the same time. The beauty is always surrounded by boyfriends, even in kindergarten, because of her, “showdowns” between the little ones broke out every now and then, what can we say about youth. At this age, Lady Taurus often becomes the culprit of bloody duels. Meanwhile, she is very picky in people, and she will never hang out with a guy if he seems to her in some way imperfect. But the ladies of the earth are also picky about themselves, and therefore they constantly and hard work on themselves, which gives them the right to demand the same from their partners. The wife of a Taurus woman is often perfect, but her husband should beware of flirting on the side, because a sleeping volcano at any moment can not only start erupting, but even explode altogether.

The Sagittarius man in most cases is lucky, charming, sweet and frivolous. The fiery youth is always ready to perform beautiful deeds, because from childhood he dreams of heroic glory and sets himself the goal of saving the world. The nature of Sagittarius is romantic, they are vagrants in life, over which the desire to change places dominates, which to a large extent creates problems for life partners, since not everyone will have to roam around the world following the restless fiery nature. With all his faith in true love, Sagittarius, having sworn his feelings to one lady today, will tomorrow not like a gentleman forget about his oath, and will swear the same to another. Tellingly, the deceived ladies are not only not angry at the eccentric romantic, but are also ready to help him in search of new victims. After all, it is simply impossible to be offended by such an insincere cutie. Having married, Sagittarius, as a rule, pacify their zeal, but it’s too early for their wives to relax, it is necessary to try hard so that the fiery hubby does not hang huge deer antlers over her bed.

Acquaintance between a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man

Usually this kind of element is rare, but since it happened, it means that the stars had their own good reasons. Of course, the patrons will try to make everything work out for Sagittarius and Taurus, but this affinity of souls, of course, will not do without adventures, the gulf between them is too great.

It will not be difficult for a loving fiery guy to note an earthly beauty, and if she is seriously interested in her, then the acquaintance will inevitably take place.

The Taurus girl will at first react to the eccentric Sagittarius, holding out to her a bouquet of flowers obtained from a flower bed that has turned up nearby, with caution, and sometimes even with fear. But will the assertive Sagittarius give up? He took not such fortresses, and therefore the inaccessibility of the girl will only warm up the ardor in him.

The stars in such cases would advise the Sagittarius guy to cool down. Many women would be pleased with such increased attention, but in the case of Taurus, one should move away from the average norms and adopt ingenuity and erudition, in a word, turn on the intellect.

Taurus girls are not reputed to be hypocrites, and due to their natural curiosity, they will most likely want to try to make an acquaintance, but it all depends on the ingenuity of Sagittarius, and the intelligent perseverance with which he will get a phone number from the Taurus lady.

A date between a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man

In most cases, the adventurous mindset of a male Sagittarius will find its way to the heart of a Taurus girl, and he, having nevertheless asked her for one date, resourcefully invites the girl, for example, to an exhibition of avant-garde artists, where she will certainly catch her eye and a couple of works her obedient servant, which he hastily smears during the night.

Or maybe he would prefer to meet her at the river and offer her to fish, while his friends will secretly hook harvested carps at this time, as in the movie "The Diamond Arm".

There are many options, because the resourcefulness of Sagittarius has no limits, and, as the stars suggested, the defense of the Taurus girl will certainly collapse before the onslaught of an assertive fiery protégé.

Without a doubt, the girl will appear in all her splendor, having carefully thought out her outfit, and Sagittarius can even kick it out of the saddle for a while, but he will quickly remember for a moment forgotten prepared compliments, and removing a dumbfounded-stupid smile from his face, will begin to act. In general, the beginning of the novel, one way or another, is laid, and the wakeful Cupid, perhaps already on the first date, will cast his spell on them, and they, warmed up by the charm and temperament of Sagittarius, will provide the couple with a romantic walk under the moon, and the first hugs with kisses and maybe even declarations of love.


Contrary to prejudice, a restless Sagittarius guy and a calm Taurus girl can make a good couple. Their passionate relationship defies any classification, but one thing is clear - they will be full of everything except boredom and monotony.

But the restless and not shining with constancy Sagittarius will very often receive cuffs from his lady of the heart Taurus, because it is in his blood to look at the ladies passing by, even if she walks arm in arm with him. In this case, the stars recommend not to show off their Sagittarius, the fish in the face of Jupiter's ward can quickly get off the hook and swim away on all fours, and therefore the Taurus girl should use her innate cunning.

For example, a woman of the earth can start an easy flirtation with the friends of her Sagittarius boyfriend, he, of course, will rage and feel that his girlfriend is not as simple as he expected, and in this light she will appear even more valuable than before, and therefore it is worth straining so as not to lose it.

In the meantime, Jupiter and Venus have made bets and are now waiting - which of their wards will lose their nerve faster. But they did not take into account the fact that Cupid's intervention could seriously spoil their game. And in the meantime, he is clearing fertile ground for the friendly feelings of the "test subjects" to develop into quite serious relationships.

A good help to Amur here would be an uninhabited island. It is understandable, because here Sagittarius will have no one to flirt with, and Taurus, for lack of dishes, will have nothing to beat, except perhaps coconuts. By the way, the idea may be good, it will just be something to eat.


Between Sagittarius-guy and girl-Taurus it would be much easier to establish if it were not for the fact that both earth and fire do not tolerate violations of personal freedoms, because of which any attempts to establish harmonious coexistence constantly fail.

The indefatigable and impulsive Sagittarius will definitely make attempts to tame the Taurus girlfriend, only there will be zero sense from such attempts. The lady of the earth will never bend even under her beloved. But, interestingly, in most cases this is what helps to maintain relationships. If the girl succumbs under the onslaught of the guy, then his temperamental soul will find peace, he will calm down, everything will start to bother him and imperceptibly the ward of Jupiter will again go into all serious trouble. And so it's even interesting, what could be more entertaining for Sagittarius than to tame the indomitable.

Sagittarius, in turn, will have to twitch, because everyone around looks at his passion with affection, and he has to work hard to have a brand and be, as they say, “in trend” in order to outshine all potential boyfriends.

Friends from the relationship of the fiery-earth couple are simply delighted. And really, where else can you see scenes between "disliked" people arranged right in crowded places, cinemas, restaurants, and even in the middle of the roadway, when the lady, suddenly forcing the car to stop, jumps out of the passenger seat and, slamming the door, often kicking her feet on heels, going where she doesn't know. Which, by the way, does not prevent them from cooing again after an hour.


Despite her seemingly impenetrable nature, the Taurus bride, as well as all her relatives, will go through a very stressful period before the wedding, because the indefatigable and unpredictable nature of the Sagittarius groom can cancel the ceremony at any moment, or simply not come to it. But if Amur still manages to accompany the offspring of Jupiter to the registry office, then when he sees his bride in a brilliant wedding dress, he will fall in love with her again, and now nothing will interfere with the wedding.

From frequent cries of "Bitter!" glass will rattle at a fiery-earth wedding. The couple will quickly win first place in the top of the newlyweds, and their outfits will be discussed and will soon become the most sought after among other newlyweds. The stylists of the young couple will be in great demand.

But it’s too early for young lucky ones to calm down, because after the wedding night, passions will only heat up. Sagittarius-husband and wife-Taurus will have to rub against each other for a long time, like parts of a new engine.

It may turn out that, due to her naivety and self-confidence, the Taurus wife will think that all the adventures with friends for her husband with marriage are in the past, and he will court her in the evenings in the comfort of her home, or simply sit at the TV. But Sagittarius, seeing that his wife does not call him every minute and does not require his presence, will begin to believe that he can hang out with friends once or twice and twist shura-mura with girls on the side.

In the end, passions will heat up to the limit, and as the stars believe, only the birth of the first child can help the current situation. And there, both signs will not have time for entertainment. And for all their harmfulness and laxity, that Sagittarius and Taurus will become very loving, reliable and responsible parents.


Be that as it may, a spring girl and an offspring of the autumn-winter season can become good friends. Moreover, the resonance in the characters will not prevent them from becoming friends in the kindergarten. Subsequently, the grown-up Taurus girl will constantly look after the excessively quick and restless friend Sagittarius, and he, in turn, will teach her real fun. True, neither parents nor teachers will be able to appreciate such friendship. Indeed, just yesterday, a diligent girl of strict behavior answered at the blackboard and got an A on the test, and today she, together with her fiery friend, handcuffed herself to some gate and went on a hunger strike.

In general, such friends will not be bored, but they are unlikely to let anyone into their friendship either. Well, unless some bulletproof and purposeful Capricorn squeezes into it, and even then the fiery-earth couple will not let him into their main secrets anyway. The friendship given to them will only grow stronger with distance. Even being among the sands of the Kalahari, the Sagittarius guy will find some Bushman, take away his iPhone and send a touching SMS to his Taurus girlfriend. For her part, the girlfriend also remembers her friend. Even being the wife of an oligarch, she will always try to send him some gifts or throw some money, even if he refuses them.


For a Sagittarius man, financial well-being is not the main thing. It is not in his nature to work hard for days for power or prestige, although he likes to live in a big way at the same time. Money is also not so important for the Taurus girl, although she understands that it will be problematic to live without a sufficient amount of them.

The union of proteges of Jupiter and Venus can be very fruitful. The assiduous and meticulous Taurus lady will help her partner complete this or that deal on time, and Sagittarius will certainly not let their union get bored, because Sagittarius, as a rule, has no end of ideas for everything, which is why they are known as excellent businessmen, if they have the necessary control.

The Taurus woman always has everything planned out, she is thoughtful and conservative in business. And the impulsive Sagittarius always has seven Fridays a week. Each time he gives out new ideas in batches, he is ready to change course ten times a day, and without a clear correction, his partner will not come out very well. But acting as a well-coordinated team, such an alliance will always succeed.

As a rule, no one dares to put a spoke in the wheels of such unions - it will come out more expensive for themselves. Lady Taurus will figure out any encroachments of intruders, which, to be honest, cannot be said about Sagittarius-companion. He is not an expert in detecting threats of this type.

Venus and Jupiter will support their henchmen in any situation, and the stars are forced to state that if the unions of Sagittarius and Taurus are destined to come true, then they will be successful, no matter what form these unions wear.

The Taurus man, as a rule, although he has his own supply of kindness, tenderness and responsiveness, he certainly does not hold stubbornness and independence. The child of Venus has a large supply of industriousness, and if he sets some goal, no misfortune will turn him off the path. The guy of the earth is always collected and taut, but at the same time he exudes such warmth, calmness and confidence that women are drawn to him like a train. Even in his youth, all kinds of clever and beauties revolved around Taurus, like planets around the Sun, which is why he is sure that when he needs to, he can always pick up a party to his liking. And if his choice falls on the Sagittarius girl, she should be wound up with a mustache that no intrigues and others women things they won’t pass here, such a guy will only need a genuine and sincere female nature, moderately beautiful, charming and educated.

The Sagittarius woman is always positive, charged with cheerfulness, fun and optimism. Born with a smile on her lips, she greatly pleased both the midwives of the maternity hospital and her own mother, and since then the gaiety of the Sagittarius lady has always been with her. But, despite the seeming carelessness, this coquette is not as simple as it seems. She does not hold any practicality or enthusiasm. Setting a goal, Sagittarius achieves it at all costs, this rule is true, both in relation to men and women. In relations with men, Lady Sagittarius will always try to take a dominant position, and almost every man is ready to compete with her about this. Based on the above, future husband such a lady should be aware that life with her will be far from sugar. The coquette is good in many ways, but he should still be afraid of the originality and unpredictability of his future wife.

Dating Between a Sagittarius Woman and a Taurus Man

The stars are able to bring together natures so different in their properties in many ways. For example, the Sagittarius lady loves to travel, turning every day she lives into a holiday. But he loves to travel and the usually home-settled Taurus man is also not averse to traveling around countries and villages in order to recharge his batteries for the next working year. Thus, often these pairs originate somewhere on the ski, sanatorium or simply beach resorts. Say, a Taurus man, in an attempt to make new useful acquaintances, stumbles upon a Sagittarius girl, reminiscent of an amateur trying to master skiing, in which, of course, an earthly man will gladly help.

The flushed girl will crash into the snow and will try to get up when there is a gallant gentleman in the face of the gentleman Taurus right there. And how can the Sagittarius lady not pay attention to him after that?

The stars claim that an instant sympathy, as a rule, does not pass without a trace, and the next step for such a couple is a cafe and cozy coffee in a hotel near the fireplace.

Male = Taurus and Female Sagittarius will always have something to talk about, because they are very educated individuals. And it will be interesting for them to communicate, despite the vast amplitude in characters.

A date between a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man

The male Taurus will immediately realize that the stranger is an extraordinary person, and therefore he will think for a long time about how to surprise her, and on which mare to drive up to her. But in most cases, the Sagittarius ladies, who do not accept conventions, take the first step themselves and invite gentlemen on a date.

Meanwhile, being a romantic, the Taurus gentleman will still pick up such a surprise to defeat his fiery beauty on the spot. After all, along with romanticism, Taurus men are also resourceful inventors. And the simplest surprise for a lady will be a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of sparkling wine hidden in a snowdrift.

Of course, the girl of fire will appear on a date in some extravagant, but at the same time elegant outfit, which, however, will not prevent her from joking and laughing all evening, from which the timid and shy Taurus man will look a little stunned on the first date .

Imperceptibly during the conversation, they become imbued with the charm of each other, hidden, oddly enough, in their opposites, with which they want to complement each other, and, perhaps, after the first meeting, a stronger feeling will flare up in them.


Cupid, frozen in a snowdrift, after a short warm-up did his job, and now the stars have new alignment, or rather, a couple as rare and unpredictable as it is, in general, possible. And the sanity of the Taurus man will noticeably shaken. He will not understand how this incomprehensible accidentally met woman could turn his head and will make every effort not to lose her in the future under any circumstances, because it is so pleasant to communicate and just be with her.

Well, the lady of fire, although distinguished by amorousness, will immediately understand that past novels are no match for this. And suspecting that this, most likely, is that very love, she will plunge into the pool of passions with her head. But whatever one may say, the harmful Streltsovsky character will sometimes make its own adjustments, but the stars warned about this. Such a big gulf in the characters of fire and earth will not pass in vain.

When such a restless and amazing coquette is next to a Taurus man, his jealousy goes off scale and breaks out. The Sagittarius woman, meanwhile, does not accept any control, and therefore it will sometimes be very difficult to cool passions. Quarrels and passions will boil very often. But, if Cupid pleases, the relationship will not end there so easily. You can squeeze more out of this situation, and that's what he'll do.

If the lady of fire used to think that jealousy is the lot of the weak, now she will understand how deeply she was mistaken. She will be jealous of her male Taurus so that as a result, his every call and trip to the store will be under control. He will even call a friend on the speakerphone. It will always seem to Lady Sagittarius that in the thoughts of a guy, the first question is to cheat on her.

But since the relations between such opposites have reached such a stage, it would be foolish on the part of the stars not to assume that they may have a further development.


The Taurus guy and the Sagittarius girl are doomed to go right to the end, civil marriage between such opposites will only spoil everything.

Salvation for a couple of fire and earth can be free communication. It is better to discuss all the subtleties of life in advance, for example, when the Taurus guy will meet with friends, and the Sagittarius lady, in turn, must be patient, because, as a rule, Sagittarius has no end in friends, and that should be enough for everyone. For his part, the guy should give his lady more free space so that she can travel around or go shopping with her friends, everything is fine until she oversteps the bounds of what is permitted. Meetings with other men are considered unlawful. This is not accepted by any signs, well, except perhaps, except for the Gemini, these ones are capable of anything.

So, if everything is within the framework, as friends and acquaintances will not insist that this novel is not destined to be born in marriage, you can spit on their words from a high balcony and come to grips with wedding preparations.


The union between the fiery maiden and the prince of the earth threatens to break the boundaries of luxury. Having gone around all the salons, the bride will choose the best outfit for herself, and the toastmaster will be invited to the wedding, in general, from abroad, if only she meets modern requirements and standards.

The loss of freedom for the fiery bride will be so critical that she will seriously think about how to sneak away with own wedding. But everything will immediately fall into place when the brilliant groom appears. From the looks that the surrounding ladies will throw at him, the bride will understand that she simply cannot give this treasure to anyone, and everything will be decided on this.

At first, the couple will not quarrel at all, because they will simply not be up to it. They will completely surrender to love pleasures and will not enjoy them soon, because the affectionate and soft Taurus-husband and the temperamental Sagittarius-wife are the best bed layout. And therefore, at first, the newlyweds will have no time to eat.

It is best if the stork with offspring ripens fairly quickly. This will further strengthen family bonds. And in raising children, no doubt, both signs are good. Both Sagittarius mom and Taurus dad will love their children madly. In general, love for children is in their blood, so their children will always be visited by neighbors, because of which sometimes the apartment will look like Kindergarten but this will only make the parents happier. In life married couple after 7-10 years, a moment may come when some indescribable apathy begins to creep into their relationship, as if everything around suddenly got bored, became gray and dull. It would be useful at such moments to come up with something new, for example, go on a trip.


The friendship between a Sagittarius girl and a Taurus guy is quite real. Also in early age fidget and fidget the girl of fire and the measured and persistent boy of the earth were able to find mutual language. Despite all the differences in characters, they have one common and main feature - they are both zealous fighters for justice. Without a doubt, they will rush to save kittens from evil dogs, because the weak are taught to protect even from the nursery.

As a child, the Taurus boy will often have to come to the rescue of his restless and overly temperamental Sagittarius girlfriend. Whoever, no matter how he is best able to instill in her a craving for order. And the parents of the fidget daughter will wait with all their might that her friend will grow up to be a great groom for her. What can not be said about the boy's parents. They will do their best to oppose his communication with this eccentric fidget. But the girl and the boy do not need the advice of their parents. They will decide for themselves what and who suits them best. And you can be one hundred percent sure that their fiery-earthly friendship will be as strong as steel.

Knowing his girlfriend, the Taurus guy always keeps the phone at the ready, because at any moment a call can be heard and an unpredictable girlfriend will ask to pick her up from the club, since “everyone got her” here. But despite its low level responsibility, a fiery girlfriend will be simply indispensable for a Sagittarius-guy in some situations, because who else besides her can cheer up a guy like that or cope with a difficult life situation. If his Jupiterian girlfriend is next to him, he will never be sad, because in her society this is simply impossible.

Such friends will not part and become adults, and even aging. Granny Sagittarius, who has remained a lifelong adventurer, will incite the grumpy old Sagittarius to hitchhike around the country, for which they will safely lower their entire pension. Well, why not a touching happy old age?


An energetic and independent Sagittarius girl will be successful in any endeavors, but her perseverance is lame. And here the Taurus guy will come in handy. He will surely convince his partner to finish what he started. But the Venusian businessman should not forget how sometimes his partner from Jupiter carelessly handles finances. Yes, such a lady knows how to make money, but she is even better at spending them. Moreover, all the statements that finances should be in the work are absolutely on her side. So if a lady wants to buy a new car, it is useless to dissuade her. But this is only at first glance. Male Taurus are excellent lawyers and will be able to turn the arguments so that there is nothing left but to agree with their arguments. And therefore, this cooperation of Venus and Jupiter will be very productive.

Lady Sagittarius is constantly drawn to the new, she has few results already achieved, she is constantly drawn forward, and as a result, the slowness of her Taurus partner will wildly piss her off. As a result, partners will always have squabbles, which can often end in complete discord. But if a compromise is found between a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man, then such an alliance will be truly super fruitful. But it’s better for partners not to stoop to competition. Both of them will be able to make the opponent go bankrupt and, moreover, go into the red, and as a result, both will be left with nothing. And therefore, you should listen to what the stars say, and they advise never to conflict with each other in business, otherwise you should burn the entire campaign right away, without wasting time.

No matter how problematic the union of the signs of Sagittarius and Taurus will be, it is still quite possible. After all, the main thing, after all, is not what astrologers say, but what the heart tells people. Listen to your heart, love each other, because love can smooth out the lines even between the most opposite characters.

Compatibility of zodiac signs is one of the aspects studied by astrologers. They have long known the horoscope of people, as well as which signs fit together. If you listen to their opinion, you can avoid many problems that arise in relationships.

A couple in which he is a Taurus and she is a Sagittarius is extremely rare. However, even between them, love can arise. If they began to build relationships, then in terms of compatibility they are well suited to each other. There is a lot of positive in their union. This is especially noticeable at the moment when they are just starting to build their relationship.

They admire each other, so their relationship develops well. However, even in such a good love relationship, problems can arise. To avoid them, the couple not only needs to inquire about the compatibility of their zodiac signs, but also find out each other's horoscope.

The Sagittarius girl has a mischievous and cheerful character and a bright appearance. So says her horoscope. She possesses good feeling humor and oratory. girl given zodiac sign never offend the weak, but rather stand up for him.

Sagittarians are sincere and optimistic. They have certain ambitions and always achieve their goals.

Guys admire the girl of this zodiac sign. Therefore, she is always surrounded by their attention.

The woman of this zodiac sign is very emotional. She does not consider it necessary to restrain her emotions, so others can often observe her tears or infectious laughter. To many, this behavior seems insincere, but it is not. She just doesn't want to contain her emotions.

There are always a lot of friends next to Sagittarius. This is not surprising, since the representatives of this zodiac sign really know how to make friends.

Lady Sagittarius is straightforward. She always says what she thinks. It might offend someone, but she doesn't do it on purpose. In a different way, a Sagittarius woman cannot because of her character traits.

The representative of the weaker sex of this zodiac sign is by nature a leader. She always tries to be the first in everything. Leadership skills appear in the family. She tries to subdue the man. The Sagittarius woman manages the family budget herself, plans holidays and purchases.

When the fair sex of this zodiac sign falls in love, she blossoms. The Sagittarius woman knows no shame or embarrassment. It will not be difficult for her to take a step towards a man herself. This will scare away weak and insecure men, so she will only be in a relationship with a strong man.

Sagittarius, as the horoscope says, has a peculiarity - they are in no hurry to tie the knot. Even after the wedding, the Sagittarius woman will demand a certain degree of freedom, and if she is not given this, then she may even end the relationship.

She will be a good wife, though housekeeping is not her forte. She loves to cook, but reluctantly puts things in order at home. Sagittarius Woman good mother. She will always protect and defend the interests of her children.

Characteristics of the male Taurus

A guy with the zodiac sign Taurus has been endowed with practicality since childhood. He is hardworking and pragmatic. These qualities allow him to build a good career and achieve material well-being.

The guy of this zodiac sign is inherent in stubbornness and isolation. This is a feature of the Taurus horoscope. It is difficult for him to trust someone with his feelings and thoughts. Only a few know all its secrets.

Taurus guys, as a rule, are characterized by good health. They are strong and resilient. If desired, they will be able to achieve a beautiful figure that will not leave any girl indifferent. However, the so-called sedentary lifestyle and heavy employment at work do not allow them to "take care of themselves." Therefore, Taurus often "suffer" from being overweight.

It is difficult for a man of this zodiac sign to find a woman for serious relationship. He is closed and cannot trust anyone, because of this, problems arise. Taurus is not interested frequent change women. Therefore, his chosen one may not worry about the fidelity of her lover. Taurus man does not cheat on his woman.

According to the horoscope, the guys of this sign are gentle and caring. They will pay a lot of attention to their beloved.

In the family, Taurus is somewhat despotic. It is important for him that the house was order and comfort. In addition, for him great importance so that his wife cooks delicious food for him. He almost never does anything around the house because of the workload. However, if you ask him for a favor, he will definitely provide it.

Compatibility in love between a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man

Compatibility of the union woman-Sagittarius man-Taurus in love is good. Despite the fact that they are very different, they have a strong attraction to each other. It appears at first sight.

The relationship between the Sagittarius woman and the Taurus man is going well. The Sagittarius woman is attracted to the reliability of the Taurus man. As for him, the guy of this sign likes the cheerful disposition of the Sagittarius woman and her eccentricity. They each take for themselves from these love relationships what he lacks.

These signs have a lot to learn from each other. The Sagittarius woman learns to be reserved and not to be a spender. The Taurus man, on the contrary, becomes more "alive".

Despite the fact that the love compatibility of this couple is good and their relationship is filled with love, they can part. This usually happens at an early stage of dating. If they stay together longer, then everything can work out for them.

Prospects for marriage and compatibility in it

Taurus-man and Sagittarius-woman, then such a couple has every chance for the future, but only if they learn to understand each other. They are too different and even though sometimes they balance each other, but there are still many contradictions between them.

However, since the compatibility of a Taurus man with a Sagittarius woman will be good, as their horoscopes show, they can overcome all difficulties. To do this, they need to find common hobbies and spend more time doing them. Then they will be interested together and they will not have time for arguments.

If they tie the knot, then family life everything will be difficult for them. A Sagittarius woman will be bored because of her husband's pragmatic and reasonable disposition. The Taurus man will lack comfort and order in the house. However, he will be pleased with her culinary talents, and she will be satisfied with his decent income. In any case, if they are connected by love, then they will be able to build a strong family.

Positive features of the union

The union of a male Taurus and a female Sagittarius has positive features. Here they are:

  • They complement each other and take from the character of the partner those features that they lack.
  • They treat the same social position. As a rule, they both hold high positions, or have their own business and make good money. Therefore, the couple does not have scandals on the basis of money.
  • They are the same way of life. They both love to dress well, eat deliciously and fully relax.

Negative traits of the union

The union of the Sagittarius woman and the Taurus man has negative traits, despite good compatibility horoscopes. Here they are:

  • They approach life differently. He strives for constancy and stability, and she loves to change the world around her.
  • In the family, he and she strive for leadership. She will try to organize their vacation and will want to take control of the money. Taurus is closer to homebuilding. He believes that a wife should obey her husband and nothing else.
  • They often quarrel because they have too much different tempers. Such conflicts exhaust both of them, and in the end they can destroy the relationship of the couple.

Compatibility in business and friendship

Compatibility in the work of a Taurus man and a Sagittarius woman will be poor if they are colleagues. Their union does not bring the results they expect. However, a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus guy can build a successful business. They are compatible in everything related to money. They both love to live in abundance and both strive for financial well-being. Therefore, in general, the couple is quite compatible with each other.

The compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus guy in friendship is far from ideal. The fact is that they have different hobbies and interests. Therefore, friendship between them is tied up very rarely. However, if they feel mutual benefit, they will be happy to communicate with each other.

The friendship of representatives of these zodiac signs can lead them to a love relationship. This is not surprising, because they experience a strong physical attraction to each other.

The compatibility of a Sagittarius girl and a Taurus guy in love will be good. If they can "find a common language", then there is every chance that the couple will build a strong and happy family.

Opposites attract - it's about relationships where the main characters Sagittarius and Taurus, the compatibility in love of these signs is somewhat reminiscent of a roller coaster. Diametrically different positions in life make their relationship difficult. But if these signs understand how harmoniously they complement each other, a strong and mutually beneficial union is provided for them.

Relationship between Sagittarius woman and Taurus man

The Sagittarius girl and the Taurus man together resemble fire and ice. Sparks fly from them. At first glance, it is not clear how these two attracted each other. A lively, mischievous, mobile woman is a representative of the element of Fire. A calm, thorough, practical and down to earth man - refers to the elements of the Earth.

How can they interest each other? Why don't they pass? Everything is very simple: a serious passion flares up between these two.

Both signs are distinguished by an attentive attitude to the charms of the opposite sex. In a love relationship, they are looking for the same thing. The Sagittarius girl cannot fail to notice the masculinity and external attractiveness of Taurus. Taurus is completely fascinated by the beauty and spontaneity that are inherent in the ladies of Sagittarius.

Marriage is not easy for these two. Their compatibility at first lends itself to serious tests. Harmony can be achieved through mutual compromise. Taurus should not try to make a housewife and stay-at-home out of Sagittarius' active wife.

An energetic girl in family life will be able to do absolutely everything: monitor the comfort in the house and build successful career. But if you require her to focus only on the house, the inner fire will burn her from the inside. Therefore, the Taurus husband will have to come to terms with the active life position wives.

A practical Taurus knows how to make money, and an enterprising Sagittarius is able to spend them correctly and sensibly. She constantly throws up new ideas, which makes the Taurus business more successful and profitable.

Without such a wife, Taurus would simply stagnate in place for fear of taking risks.

Outwardly, they represent a rather harmonious couple. Both are handsome, well dressed and successful.

She sets off his solidity and calmness with her spontaneity and liveliness. He provides her with a reliable rear and constancy. Therefore, harmony and compatibility are possible in marriage.

Possible difficulties

At first, these two need nothing but romance and passion. But when the candy-bouquet period ends, the first difficulties begin.

The practical Taurus is trying to ground the beloved Sagittarius. He is annoyed by her eternal desire to run somewhere, organize something and constantly change the situation.

The girl, on the contrary, is burdened by the monotony and everyday life into which the young man is trying to drag her. She starts talking about "high", but Taurus is more likely to be interested in the exchange rate on the interbank market than a sensational film or a new book.

Difficult times come in love relationships. This is where everything can end. Mutual dissatisfaction develops into scandals, and now the couple does not see anything good friend in a friend. But this is not always the case.

If the Sagittarius girl and the Taurus man learn to see in their dissimilarity not flaws, but virtues, nothing will interfere with their compatibility in love. Both should strive to compromise.

Taurus needs to learn how to let his beloved go to interesting events and sometimes participate in them himself.

It is better for the Sagittarius girl to leave some parts of their life together alone and not demand constant changes. The number of male friends will also have to be limited.

Relationship between Taurus woman and Sagittarius man

This couple has difficult compatibility in family life. Mutual passion also attracts them to each other. They are all good and easy in bed ... and that's where "easy" ends. Read the article on how to save a relationship.

In love, the Taurus woman and the Sagittarius man show themselves as antagonists. They fight violently, make up violently, and end their fights in the bedroom.

They can agree on everything, but they are hindered by the peculiarities of the nature of the signs. The noisy and active Sagittarius guy is never at home, and this is a legitimate annoyance for the Taurus girl.

But this union also has facilitating circumstances. Sagittarius in his eternal wanderings like a magnet attracts to a cozy family nest.

Taurus wife creates not just a nest. Her talents include building a real individual kingdom. Everything in it is harmonious and orderly. This is a safe haven, to which Sagittarius always returns.

The wife grounds the fiery husband. It helps him find meaning and purpose in life. Therefore, he appreciates the talents of his practical and pragmatic wife.

Lady Taurus is proud of her bright and charismatic man. She is always in the shadows, but loved and revered. People around him understand and notice.

Possible difficulties

Literally everyone understands signs in different ways. They have different views on lifestyle, family leisure and raising children. Unfortunately, this creates difficulties both in marriage and in love.

Especially in love relationships, the fact that Lady Taurus is a well-known idealist interferes. They make a lot of efforts to re-educate their partner in their own way. Sagittarius reacts violently to such efforts, with scandals and slamming the door.

If the lady Taurus realizes in time that direct methods do not work, things will go smoothly.

In this union, patience and mutual readiness of spouses to give more than take is important. Then both spouses will be rewarded. They will get a successful, harmonious family.

In any combination, Taurus and Sagittarius make up a complex pair. Their compatibility is born in the tireless labors of these signs.

But reviews say they get a lot more in return. If they manage to agree in marriage, they create a very strong and long-term union.

What keeps the signs together?

  • harmony in bodily love;
  • complementary character traits;
  • financial wealth;
  • similar sexual temperament;
  • the ability to compromise.

What hinders relationships?

  • different views on family life and recreation;
  • different temperaments of signs;
  • the desire to remake a partner in your own way.

Difficult combination. A homely and practical Taurus woman who loves stability and confidence in tomorrow, it is not easy to come to terms with the constant changes in the life of the Sagittarius man, with his desire for freedom and a somewhat frivolous attitude towards money. In addition, Sagittarius runs from marriage like hell from incense, which, of course, does not like a serious Taurus woman.

Taurus-Sagittarius Compatibility: How to Seduce a Sagittarius Man?

Sagittarius will be attracted by your elegance and sense of style, ease of communication and goodwill. This man will also note your desire for stability and firmness of convictions - this will interest him, and initial stage relationship will not be a problem. It will be much more difficult to move on to a stable, long-term relationship. The Sagittarius man is attracted by the opportunity to find a place where you can take a break from the constant struggle with something, but marriage for Sagittarius is a cage that will deprive him of his freedom, and therefore he is extremely reluctant to conclude any official union. Marriage is possible if your goals and aspirations in life coincide - Sagittarius will not want to lose a like-minded person. It is also important to convince Sagittarius that after the wedding you will not change and will not get into the habit of walking around the house for days in a cucumber mask, dressing gown and curlers. It is very good to change the style, hairstyle from time to time.

What does an ideal couple look like: a Taurus woman - a Sagittarius man?

So different, yet together. Energetic optimist - Sagittarius feels more confident thanks to his chosen one. The Taurus woman is "fueled" by the energy of Sagittarius and never ceases to be surprised by the originality of her chosen one. Sagittarius develops, and his chosen one, Taurus, provides a reliable rear. Not everything is going smoothly in this union, however, if a woman knows how to give freedom to her man and does not put strict restrictions on communicating with friends so important to Sagittarius, any difficulties, in principle, can be overcome. This is a beautiful couple, both are quite independent: the Taurus Woman is more elegant and restrained, the Sagittarius Man is more bright and eccentric. Sexual Compatibility not bad, however, Sagittarius sometimes tires Taurus with his tirelessness and desire for novelty of feelings and sensations. As in the case of Scorpio, it is very important here that the opinions of the partners coincide on fundamental issues. Different perspectives on work family relationships or friendship will collapse.

What are the difficulties in the union of a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man?

The idealism and restlessness of Sagittarius is real headache for his chosen one, born under the sign of Taurus. This man can easily come up with the idea to commit world revolution at two o'clock in the morning - and here all your arguments and persuasions are powerless, since they will be perceived by your partner as the intrigues of a class enemy. Sagittarius does not notice disorder, perhaps even a lack of money. The practical Taurus woman is confused and frightened by the constant tendency to change the activities of the Sagittarius man: even financially successful, such a man often tries himself in completely different areas of business, often concludes deals that are dubious, from the point of view of Taurus. You will be fascinated by his thoughts and eloquence, but later you may be frightened: unexpectedly for yourself, you made a decision, followed this person, and suddenly found that the words remained words, not deeds. Taurus is also embarrassed by the constant influx of friends and girlfriends of Sagittarius, of whom he has a great many. Another difficulty is the high conceit of Sagittarius. He often perceives reproaches and criticism as an insult or threat and instantly responds to them, which often offends the Taurus woman, who initially only wanted to point out the flaw and do the best. The chosen one of such a person should be extremely careful and diplomatic, pointing out the shortcomings of Sagittarius.

Numerology by date of birth is wonderful, allowing you to find out all the features and subtleties of the character of your loved one. Analysis of compatibility by dates of birth is the key to successful and harmonious relationships.

Order 1250 rub If you want deep and long term relationship with Sagittarius, you will have to accept him for who he is. Even you can’t re-educate him or convince him. You will have to put up with his desire for freedom, congestion with contacts, risky ventures and numerous friends. It is worth going on joint trips more often, going out together. In order to conquer and keep the Sagittarius man, the Taurus woman will have to become not just a beloved woman, but at the same time a beloved friend. Things are much better if wealthy people enter into a relationship - otherwise, problems and quarrels about money will inevitably arise. The Taurus woman needs confidence in the future, for her the house is her fortress, and for the Sagittarius Man it is only a temporary refuge where you can wait out the storm and gain strength for new adventures.

Compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man at work

This is good couple. Despite their differences, it is much easier for them to find a common language in work than in personal relationships. Often this business couple achieves great success.

Compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man - colleagues or partners

The perfect combination for a partnership. A joint business is doomed to success: Sagittarius provides growth and development, Taurus calculates and normalizes. When these two have the same goal and look in the same direction, nothing is impossible for them.

When the Taurus woman is the boss and the Sagittarius man is the subordinate

Good combination. Sagittarius often devotes all his energy to the success and prosperity of the business he is interested in, therefore, if the work is interesting to him, he will make every effort to ensure that the common business flourishes and generates income. The Taurus boss is alarmed by Sagittarius' love for often risky ventures and original ideas, however, it does not hurt her to listen to the ideas of the Sagittarius subordinate: sometimes his ideas contribute to making profit from the most seemingly unprofitable projects.

When a Taurus woman is a subordinate, and a Sagittarius man is a boss

Great combination. Sagittarius is constantly on trips and movements, but the result is obvious: his company is not just afloat, it is growing and developing. At first glance, such a boss is rather undemanding and loyal, but this impression is deceptive: you should not even try to turn in work later or do less. Taurus may be confused by some rudeness and straightforwardness of the authorities, however, if this manner of speaking does not cause rejection, for Taurus, work can be very pleasant and interesting.

Compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man in friendship

For friendship, this is a very good combination. These people are always pleasant and interesting to be around, despite the fact that irrepressible optimism and constant changes in the life of Sagittarius can sometimes annoy Taurus. However, in general, this is a wonderful union, where friends are ready to help and support in difficult times. Cheating on their partners among these friendly couples is rare - they do not have much interest in each other, and besides, Sagittarius is principled in friendship, and Taurus is distinguished by fidelity in love.

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