Divination for the new year. General tarot spreads. "Analysis of the Year" layout

Alignment "Chimes"

1. what dies in us, our personality
2. what material affairs, problems are already in the past
3. broken ties
4. what leaves our home, family
5. what achievements are left behind
6. what is going away in the field of health
7. what is left behind in a love relationship
8. Trouble left behind
9. our beliefs that we no longer need
10. what is left behind at work
11. plans left unresolved
12. what our fears go away

Layout "Christmas mood"

1. Star What are your plans for this holiday?
2.Christmas tree- what will be the main event on New Year's holidays
3. Christmas toys- how to react to this event
4. Santa Claus- what will bring you joy
5.Guests Who will you spend the holidays with?
6. Champagne- surprises
7. Chimes What wish should be made at midnight
8. Salute- feelings after the holiday

The layout "New Year's gifts"

The alignment can show both very specific material gifts for the New Year, as well as intangible ones, that is, what can be expected from people thought of in each position.

1. a gift from relatives
2. a gift from a loved one
3. a gift from children (if any); if not, then take a specific person
4. gift from friends
5. a gift from the boss, employees
6. gift from neighbors
7. a gift from Santa Claus (surprises of fate)
8. a gift from yourself (your mood)

The layout of the "Christmas bedspread"

1. winter (pentacles)- financial situation, material comfort this year
2. spring (cups)- love experiences, relationships with people, family hearth
3. summer (staves)- position at work, plans for this year, hobbies and hobbies
4. autumn (swords)- surprises, troubles and unforeseen circumstances this year

Alignment "Upcoming Year"

1. January(start of stage) - what starts in the new year
2. February(last snow) - the last echoes of the outgoing year
3. March(birth of a new life) - your plans for this year
4. April(primrose) - your inner readiness to move forward
5. May(communication with nature) - who will be next to you this year
6. June(sun) - what will warm the soul, delight you
7. July(heat) - love relationships in the coming year
8. august(harvest) - difficulties to be overcome
9. September(beginning of studies) - this year's lessons, what knowledge you will gain
10. October(harvested) - to what extent your plans are being implemented in the "March" position
11. november(rains) - the main trouble of the year
12. december(completion of the stage) - results of the year

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Tarot layout "12 grapes" can be done on New Year's Eve or on a birthday.The author of the alignment is the tarologist Aurora from Puerto Rico.

Values ​​of positions in the layout:

1. Doors. New opportunities for the coming year.
2. Mirrors. The position may show something that will be repeated in the new year, but the main meaning here is still in what reflects our personality, is connected with our mirror.
3. Abundance. Something that this year will be a lot.
4. Stability. Something that won't change significantly. A safe place from this point of view.
5. Changes. Change is movement, movement in and out.
6. Love. Relationships.
7. Spirituality.

8. Discipleship. Learning something new, honing what is already known
9. Achievements
10. Goodbye. What needs to go, what needs to be let go.
11. Portal (passage, it can be a difficult experience, a change of point of view, the beginning of a metaphysical path, a growing experience that will change you)
12. Here you can enter your name. This is your card, a card about you and about your energy in the new year.

We begin the interpretation of the alignment by reading each position separately. But the comparison of the corresponding positions will be the most interesting.

For example: Doors + Love. Doors + Spirituality. Changes + What will leave. Etc. - there are many options.

Good luck scheduling!

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Astrological alignment of 12 houses
will show you where you need to direct your energy, to solve what issues. This universal tarot spread will give you all the information you need to use the benefits of this year to your advantage. It will also show you what you need to pay attention to. This universal spread provides an overview of 12 areas or areas of human life. This schedule is valid for 2012.

So, within the framework of this spread, one card will show you the main task of 2012, its main theme.

The following 12 cards will describe your situation in different areas:

1. Self-awareness. A way of life and perception of all events in other spheres.

2. Finance. Confidence in the future. Income and spending.

3. Daily life. Things that occupy our attention most of the time.

4. House. A place where we feel safe. The security we long for, especially when the outside world begins to threaten us.

5. Pleasure. Games and entertainment of any kind. Your children, creativity, romantic relationships.

6. Work. WHAT you need to do is a profession. working conditions relationships with colleagues. Your health, daily duties (service) and your attitude towards them.

7. Partnerships. Love, marriage, long-term affection.

8. The invisible side. All sorts of taboos and the desire to break them. Crises and their overcoming.

9. Higher thinking. Your religious and philosophical beliefs, higher education and long-distance travel.

10. Universal recognition. Professional success and possible prospects for the future. Your career, social goals and achievements.

11. Friends. Friendship, choosing your group, participation in its affairs, hospitality. Hopes, plans for the future.

12. Secret dreams and fears. Hopes and fears affecting not one but several areas of life. Secrets, something you have to work on yourself through solitude and introspection, limitations.

Well, 2 additional cards as a bonus.

1. Advice for you in the realm of love.

2. Advice for you in the field of finance.

Instead of houses, in this layout, you can lay out 1-2-3 cards for each month. For example, one card of the major arcana and 1 card of the minor.

Or for each month: 1 - positive influences, 2 - negative influences, 3 - TARO advice.

Layout "Happy New Year"

Cards of the outgoing year _______________ Cards of the coming year

1______physical condition_______5_______

2______mental state_______6_______

3_____emotional state______7_______

4______spiritual state_________8______

The central one - card 9 - indicates in which direction you need to act in the new year in order to achieve your plans. This is the most important card of the alignment, which occupies a special place in the coming year.

Author's layout "Picture of the New Year 2012"

For the idea, I took Aili's "Picture of Life" layout, which I really liked, and adapted it to what you usually want to know about the upcoming New Year.

1 row - Health

2 row - Love relationship

3rd row - Home, Family

4 row - Work, career

5 row - Finance

For each row, draw out 5 cards:

  • card 1 Current situation.
  • 2 card - What can I achieve this year.
  • 3 card - A warning about obstacles that can throw back.
  • 4 card - how can I act to achieve my goals.
  • 5 card - advice for the year.

By the way, this alignment is very good to do, and not only for the new year, but at any time. After all, you can specify a different date.)))) An excellent analysis of the life situation in all areas and a few tips for each direction.

Strange, I thought that I had already posted my author's New Year's layouts on LiveJournal, but I did not find it. Therefore, I am correcting this misunderstanding and posting the good old, already familiar layouts.

With each stroke of the chimes, the outgoing year takes away a piece of our life.
The alignment shows what specifically remains in the past, and what we carry with us into the new year.

1. what dies in us, our personality
2. what material affairs, problems are already in the past
3. broken ties
4. what leaves our home, family
5. what achievements are left behind
6. what is going away in the field of health
7. what is left behind in a love relationship
8. Trouble left behind
9. our beliefs that we no longer need
10. what is left behind at work
11. plans left unresolved
12. what our fears go away

"New Year's Wish"
On New Year's Eve, it will be useful to find out what wish you should make under the chiming clock - it is this wish that is the most important and relevant now in your life.
The layout in four cards describes the atmosphere of New Year's Eve.

1. With whom will I celebrate the New Year?
2. With what mood will I meet the New Year?
3. What wish to make on New Year's Eve?
4. How will I remember the New Year holidays?

"New Year mood"

1. Star - what are your plans for this holiday
2.Yelka - what will be the main event on New Year's holidays
3. New Year's toys - how to react to this event
4. Santa Claus - what will bring you joy
5.Guests - with whom you will spend the holidays
6. Champagne - surprises
7. Chimes - what wish should be made at midnight
8. Salute - feelings after the holiday

"The Coming Year"

1. January (beginning of the stage) - what begins in the new year
2. February (last snow) - the last echoes of the outgoing year
3. March (the birth of a new life) - your plans for this year
4. April (primrose) - your inner readiness to move forward
5. May (communication with nature) - who will be next to you this year
6. June (sun) - what will warm the soul, delight you
7. July (heat) - love relationships in the coming year
8. August (harvest) - difficulties to be overcome
9. September (beginning of studies) - this year's lessons, what knowledge will you acquire
10. October (harvested) - to what extent your plans are being implemented in the "March" position
11. november (rains) - the main trouble of the year
12. December (completion of the stage) - results of the year

"New Year gifts"

1. a gift from relatives
2. a gift from a loved one
3. a gift from children (if any); if not, then take a specific person
4. gift from friends
5. a gift from the boss, employees
6. gift from neighbors
7. a gift from Santa Claus (surprises of fate)
8. a gift from yourself (your mood)

"Christmas blanket"

1. winter (pentacles) - financial situation, material comfort this year
2. spring (cups) - love experiences, relationships with people, family hearth
3. summer (staves) - position at work, plans for this year, hobbies and hobbies
4. autumn (swords) - surprises, troubles and unforeseen circumstances this year

I accidentally saw myself in the mirror and realized: I was wearing scarlet jeans and a red and white T-shirt with gift boxes and Santa hats. It's time to write about the New Year, in short.
What is magical about this holiday? Why should miracles (and who should?) happen right now? And how is it most useful to apply a Tarot deck to this?

New Year in any tradition and in any season - a time of magic and miracles. Somewhere it is timed to coincide with the economic cycle (October 31, for example). Somewhere the idea of ​​the New Year (new era, New Testament) is merged into traditions with the Nativity of Christ. But the disastrous properties of the holiday alone. What?
?Farewell to the old = summarizing. Magically, only what is counted and approved is really there. So this is the time to leave in life all the nice results of the year - and, while you can, quickly admit a mistake and get rid of the unpleasant results. In physics - they clean up and throw away unnecessary things, in emotions and relationships - they thank relatives and new good friends, in their minds - they make plans, in places - they make promises and make wishes ... (Students, did you recognize the pattern?

Changing from one year to another is powerful border state of the world. Namely, there is a lot of magic on the borders. It allows you to "see the miracle" even for those who have been far from magic all year.
Therefore, New Year's wishes and resolutions really work. The trick of vishmaking: on New Year’s Eve, the whole world stands on the border (well, or at least huge social groups), so it’s better to want to be not only about you, but include circumstances (“promotion at work”, “health for my whole family”, "world peace"). But on your birthday, it is you who cross the border, and it’s better to blow out the candles with thoughts about what depends on you and only on you (“learn Swedish”, “open your own business”, “go to India”).

And yet most often the New Year is now celebrated in the middle of winter. It's a celebration in the middle of the darkest time of the year, fun to keep warm and light up the darkness. Daylight has just begun to grow, and it will not be noticeable soon. In the meantime, yes, we have light from light bulbs and flashlights, vitamins from tangerines, brightness on the Christmas tree and joy with us.

Any magical time is perfect for tarot spreads. What can cards give us in the New Year?
? Forecast for the year ahead. It is better to make it voluminous, to see the trends of each month and each area of ​​life in general. Well, the main card of the year is also important. Exactly like this

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