"Nerezinovaya": analysis of the number and density of the Earth's population. How many people in the world? The most populated countries on earth

The population in February 2017 approached the mark of 7 billion 498 million people. The number of earthlings is growing exponentially, but most of of them live in 10 countries of the world. We bring to your attention a list of the most numerous states in this article.

1. China

Today, there are about 1 billion 390 million people in the Celestial Empire. There are almost 35 million more men in the People's Republic of China than women. China is the third country in terms of area, the second in terms of economy nominal GDP and first in purchasing power parity. China is not in vain called the "factory of the world", the largest exporter, industrial leader. The country owns the world's largest gold and foreign exchange reserves, is famous for its large-scale space programs, is included in nuclear club and boasts the largest armed forces.

2. India

The population of the Indian Republic is 1 billion 329 million people, men make up 52% ​​of total. In terms of territory, India is the seventh on the planet, while the vast majority of Indians live below the poverty line. The country has nuclear capability, is a member international organizations, but the most pressing problems to this day remain poverty and high levels of corruption. The most populous cities are Mumbai, the former Bombay (13 million) and Delhi (11 million). The leading industries are agriculture, automotive, electronics, metalworking, oil production and oil refining.

3. USA

4.4% of the world's population is in the United States of America (326.8 million). The female population of the New World is slightly larger than the male population. In terms of area, America ranks 4th in the world, in terms of purchasing power parity - the second. The United States, a founding member of NATO, has a huge nuclear potential, is famous for its space programs and is considered the only superpower in existence today.

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4. Indonesia

The population in mid-2018 was 263 million people, of which the ratio of men and women is approximately the same. Indonesia is a presidential republic, which is distinguished by an unusually large ethno-cultural diversity. The vast majority of the population is Muslim, making Indonesia the largest country where Islam is practiced. The main sectors of the economy are agriculture (rural residents make up 56% of all Indonesians), services, tourism, food and chemical, textile and tobacco industries, automobile and mechanical engineering.

5. Brazil

The number of inhabitants inhabiting Brazil is more than 210 million people. The ratio of men and women is 49.2% to 51.8% in favor of the beautiful half of humanity. Per last year Brazilians have increased by 2 million people due to natural increase, there are 2.2 newborns per mother. The Federative Republic of Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking and most large state South America. Most of the inhabitants profess Catholicism, the proportion of the white population is declining year by year due to mixed marriages and today is 92 million people, to mixed race owns 82 million. The formation of GDP occurs due to the developed Agriculture, extractive industry and industry.

6. Pakistan

The population of the country is 211 million people, women are 1% less than men. The demographics of Pakistan are changing due to the huge number of people leaving the country, and if the pace of emigration continues, population growth may soon turn negative. Pakistan is a Muslim country that appeared on political map peace in 1947. 20% of GNP comes from agriculture (the main crops are cotton and wheat), 24% of income comes from the industrial sector (hydropower, textile production). The main exports are rice, textiles, carpets and leather.

7. Nigeria

The number of inhabitants of this exotic African country- 193.3 million people. Men and women are almost equal. Nigeria is characterized by a catastrophically low average life expectancy: for both sexes it is only 47 years. A little more than 59% of literate citizens, the rest do not even have access to secondary education. The Federal Republic of Nigeria is the 14th largest state in terms of territory. African continent and the leading producer of petroleum products on the "black continent". In terms of HIV infection, Nigeria is in 3rd place in the world, most Nigerians live in constant lack of water and food. There are more Christians in the country than Muslims, as a result of which wars on religious grounds periodically break out here.

8. Bangladesh

The country's population is 165 million people, of which 83 million are men and 82 million are women. Life expectancy for both sexes is 69.8 years. People's Republic Bangladesh is an Islamic state, official language is Bengali. The country is one of the poorest in Asia, with 68% of the population employed in the agricultural sector, which specializes in rice, tea, potatoes, sugar cane, wheat and spices. The main export items are items made by folk artisans, clothing, leather, frozen seafood and fish.

9. Russia

Population Russian Federation at the beginning of 2018 - about 146.8 million people, the most Big City- Moscow (more than 12 million). There are 7% fewer men in the country than women. The ratio of urban to rural population - 74% to 26%, average duration life for both sexes - 66.3 years. In terms of area, Russia ranks first in the world and borders on 18 countries. 75% of the inhabitants are Orthodox Christians, official language- Russian. The country is the leader in the space industry and has the largest nuclear potential. The state's economy is replenished through the sale of energy, weapons, minerals.

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10. Japan

Population Countries rising sun as of March 2018, it amounted to 126.5 million people, of which 64 million were women, 61 million were men, and infant mortality is one of the lowest in the world. A little more than 1 million children are born in Japan every year. Japan is a great economic power with 6,852 islands. The state is highly developed, with a long life expectancy - 82.3 years for both sexes and one of the highest GDP per capita. Leading industries: banking services, electronics, automotive, machine tools, shipbuilding and mechanical engineering, telecommunications.

This article lists the top 10 countries by population. In addition, you will learn about the features of the demographic policy of the most populous countries in the world - India and China.

TOP 10 countries by population

The number of inhabitants of our planet has already exceeded seven billion. One of the main features of the earth's population is a significant unevenness in its concentration. So, in one state there can be tens (and even hundreds!) of times more inhabitants than in a neighboring one.

The top 10 countries by population are listed below (they are shaded on the map). In the table, in addition to the total number of inhabitants in these states, density indicators are also given.

TOP 10 countries by population


Population (in millions)

Density (person/sq. km)





The table contains demographic data as of 2016. Total population 10 largest countries is 4.3 billion people (almost 60% of the total number of inhabitants of the Earth).

Curiously, such an arrangement of "demographic leaders" will be irrelevant in a few decades. Thus, by 2030, India will overtake China in terms of population. Even greater changes are expected by the beginning of the next century. In 2100, judging by the forecasts of analysts, Nigeria will be in the third position of this rating, but Russia will no longer be in the top ten countries.

India and China are the leaders of the "demographic race"

Chinese is significantly different from the similar Indian, which is reflected in the dynamics of the population of these states.

In the PRC, measures to stabilize population growth began to be carried out in the early 1980s. The measures taken were tough and well thought out. So, each state strongly recommends having no more than one child. For this, parents receive a number of preferences: subsidies, increased pensions and a simplified algorithm for obtaining housing. If the family has more than two children, then additional taxes are deducted from the parents' salaries in favor of the state treasury.

Demographic policy in India is also aimed at reducing the population. However, in this country it does not bring the desired results and, by and large, comes down to only declarative slogans. A family of five in India is still considered quite common and familiar.

In the near future, India should overtake China in terms of population. Experts predict that this event will happen in the first half of the 2020s.

Planet Earth is home to many living beings, the main of which is man.

How many people inhabit the planet

The world population today is almost seven and a half billion people. The peak value of its growth was noted in 1963. Currently, the governments of some countries are pursuing a restrictive demographic policy, while others are trying to stimulate an increase in the number of people within their borders. However, the general population of the Earth is aging. Young people do not seek to reproduce offspring. The population of planet Earth today has an unnatural bias towards the elderly. This feature makes it difficult material support pensioners.

According to scientists, by the end of the twenty-first century, the world's population will exchange the eleventh billion.

Where do most people live

In 2009, a wake-up call sounded. The population of the world living in cities has become equal in size to the number of people in villages and rural areas. The reasons for this movement of labor are simple. The people of the world strive for convenience and wealth. Wages in cities are higher and life is easier. Everything will change when the urban population of the world experiences food shortages. Many will be forced to relocate to the provinces, closer to the land.

The world population table is presented as follows: in fifteen countries there are almost five billion people. In total, there are more than two hundred states on our planet.

Most populous countries

The world population can be presented in the form of a table. In this case, the most densely populated countries.






Russian Federation


Most populous cities

The world population map today already has three cities, the population of which has exceeded twenty million people. Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China, which stands on the Yangtze River. Karachi is a port city in Pakistan. Closes the top three of the Chinese capital - Beijing.

In terms of population density, it holds the palm main city Philippines - Manila. The world population map reports that in some areas this figure reaches seventy thousand people per square kilometer! The infrastructure does not cope well with such an influx of residents. For example: in Moscow, this figure does not exceed five thousand people per square kilometer.

Also in the list of cities with very high density The population includes Indian Mumbai (this settlement was previously called Bombay), the capital of France - Paris, the Chinese autonomy of Macau, the dwarf state of Monaco, the heart of Catalonia - Barcelona, ​​as well as Dhaka (Bangladesh), the city-state of Singapore, Tokyo (Japan), and already the previously mentioned Shanghai.

Population growth statistics by period

Despite the fact that humanity appeared more than three hundred years ago, for a long time its development was extremely slow. Short life expectancy and extremely difficult conditions affected.

Mankind exchanged the first billion only at the beginning of the nineteenth century, in 1820. A little more than a hundred years passed, and in 1927 the newspapers trumpeted the good news about the second billion earthlings. Just 33 years later, in 1960, they talked about a third.

From this period, scientists began to seriously worry about the boom in the growth of the world's population. But this did not prevent the four billionth inhabitant of the planet from joyfully announcing his appearance in 1974. In 1987, the account went to five billion. The six billionth earthling was born closer to the millennium, at the end of 1999. In less than twelve years, we have become a billion more. At current birth rates, no later than the end of the first quarter of this century, the name of the eight billionth person will appear in the newspapers.

Such impressive successes have been achieved primarily due to a significant reduction in bloody wars that claim millions of lives. Many dangerous diseases were defeated, medicine has learned to significantly prolong the life of people.


Until the nineteenth century, people had little interest in the population of the world. The term "demography" was introduced only in 1855.

At the moment, the problem is becoming more and more threatening.

In the seventeenth century, it was believed that four billion people could live comfortably on our planet. As shows real life, this figure is significantly underestimated. The current seven and a half billion, with a reasonable distribution of resources, feel relatively comfortable.

Potential settlement opportunities are possible in Australia, Canada, in desert areas. This will require certain forces for improvement, but theoretically it is real.

If we take into account exclusively territorial possibilities, then up to one and a half quadrillion people can be settled on the planet! This is a huge number, which contains fifteen zeros!

But the use of resources and the rapid heating of the atmosphere will very quickly change the climate so much that the planet will become lifeless.

The maximum number of inhabitants on Earth (with moderate requests) should not exceed twelve billion. This figure is taken from food supply calculations. As the population grows, more resources need to be obtained. To do this, we should use more areas for sowing, increase the number of livestock, and save water resources.

But if nutritional problems can be solved relatively quickly, thanks to genetic technologies, then the organization of consumption of clean drinking water is a much more complex and costly undertaking.

In addition, humanity must move to the use of renewable energy sources - wind, sun, earth and water energy.


The Chinese authorities have been trying to solve the problem of overpopulation for decades. For a long time there was a program allowing the appearance of no more than one child in the family. In addition, a powerful information campaign was carried out among the population.

Today we can say that the Chinese succeeded in everything. Population growth has stabilized and is projected to decrease. Not the last role was played by the growth factor in the well-being of the inhabitants of the PRC.

As for the poor in India, Indonesia, Nigeria, the prospects are far from rosy. In thirty years, China may lose the "palm" in the demographic issue. The population of India by 2050 may exceed one and a half billion people!

Population growth will only worsen economic problems poor states.

Conducted programs

For a long time people had to have a large number of children. Housekeeping required huge forces, and it was impossible to cope alone.

Pension security can help solve the problem of overpopulation.

Also possible ways solutions to the demographic issue become thoughtful social politics and prudent family planning, as well as improving the economic and social status the beautiful half of humanity, an increase in the level of education in general.


It is very important to love yourself and your loved ones. But do not forget that the planet on which we live is ours. common Home which must be treated with respect.

Already today it is worth moderating your needs and thinking about planning so that our descendants can live on the planet as comfortably as we do.

Recently, the UN presented a rather optimistic forecast regarding the growth of the population on the planet, the conclusion of which was the decision that the population will constantly increase, people will age later and live longer. According to the latest data, the world population for 2019 is more than 7.5 billion, and if you spend comparative analysis figures with the previous year, we can conclude that it has grown rapidly (from 7.1), and this cannot be called a bad trend.

Several decades ago, the birth rate increased in accordance with the hyperbolic law, the formula of which was confirmed by multinomial studies, but in modern times growth slowed down significantly. Of course, the number of people is constantly increasing, but if you compare it with the level of last year, you can easily see that it has halved.

There are also positive aspects that deserve special attention, and these include the fact that the number of older people is increasing, therefore, the average life expectancy is starting to increase. Moreover, arguing that the population of the Earth in 2019 is more than 7 billion, one cannot fail to say that this figure is approximately equally distributed between the city and the countryside (for the first time in many years, the indicators in cities and villages are almost equal). Most people are born, of course, in developed countries, however, those who belong to the "third" world also do not remain from them, although in this case the lack of contraceptives is to blame.

Separately, it is also necessary to discuss the fact that today there is a trend of “aging motherhood”, that is, most women prefer to postpone the joy of motherhood for more late dates giving himself to the realization of his own ambitions. All this indicates that women today are engaged in self-education and want to work, so that the peak of motherhood falls on 30-35 years. This trend mainly affects more developed countries, because such women have more opportunities for self-realization, moreover, in developed countries, the average life expectancy is quite high - more than 77 years, and by the end of the century it will increase even more, because past years indicate that that it's completely real.

The situation in different countries

In general, the population of the countries of the world for 2019 is more than 7.6 billion people., but if we analyze this situation more carefully, then one cannot but say that the most populated country is China (all sources of distribution mass media), India and the United States are in second and third place, followed by Africa, Russia, and Japan, which experienced a decline in growth last year.

Today in many countries there is some depopulation of the population, the main reason for which is the crisis family relations, as well as propaganda of non-traditional sexual orientation, and the legalization of abortion. However, despite the current situation, it can be said that the population will grow rapidly, and the UN forecasts only damage this version. UN specialists are fully confident that the population will grow rapidly, and in the past all their forecasts have fully justified themselves - they knew exactly when the number would reach 6 and 7 billion people, so their words can be unconditionally trusted.

What awaits the world in the future?

Despite the fact that a little more than 7.6 billion people, however, most scientists are confident that in 2100 the number of people will increase to 11 billion (although this figure was slightly less about two years ago), just such information is contained in one from the issues of the popular scientific American magazine.

Earlier in the press, there was information several times that when the number of people on Earth grows to 9 billion, this figure will gradually stabilize and will no longer jump in different directions, however, the fact that the world population for 2019 is more than 7.1 billion man, makes you think that growth is inevitable. Fertility will increase the most in Africa (soon the number of people living on this continent will increase to 4 billion, which is about half of the total), and this will be helped in large part by the fact that deaths from AIDS among Africans have fallen significantly. In general, the Asian continent expects the peak of growth around the 50th year, after which the growth will fall, but in other countries it will continue.

Demographers who work at the UN certainly admit the idea that this forecast can be called exemplary, but most of them are still confident that the forecast is completely reliable and this must be taken into account.


Demography(from Greek demos- people and grapho- I write) - the science of the patterns of population reproduction, which studies its size, natural growth, age and sex composition, etc.

The scientific theory of population considers the population involved in labor as the main productive force of society, the basis of all social production. Constantly interacting with nature (the geographical environment), the population plays an active role in its transformation. At the same time, the population also acts as the main consumer of all created material goods. That is why the population is one of the important factors in the development of each country, and of all mankind.

Table 1. Population of the planet since 1000

Table 2. Growth of world population in 1950-2001

Year Total,
million people
million people
Year Total,
million people
million people
1950 2527 37 1981 4533 80
1955 2779 53 1982 4614 81
1960 3060 41 1983 4695 80
1965 3345 70 1984 4775 81
1966 3414 69 1985 4856 83
1967 3484 71 1986 4941 86
1968 3355 74 1987 5029 87
1969 3629 75 1988 5117 86
1970 3724 78 1989 5205 87
1971 3782 77 1990 5295 88
1972 3859 77 1991 5381 83
1973 3962 76 1992 5469 81
1974 4012 74 1993 5556 80
1975 4086 72 1994 5644 80
1976 4159 73 1995 5734 78
1977 4131 72 1996 5811 77
1978 4301 75 1997 5881 71
1979 4380 76 1998 5952 71
1980 4457 76 1999 6020 68
2000 6091 71

In 1987, the world population reached 5 million people, and already in 1999, on October 12, it exceeded 6 million people.

Table 3. World population by country groups.

Table 4. The share of certain groups of countries in the world population, world GDP and world exports of goods and services in 2000, in %

world population World GDP * World export
industrialized countries 15,4 57,1 75,7
G7 countries 11,5 45,4 47,7
EU 6,2 20 36
Developing countries 77,9 37 20
Africa 12,3 3,2 2,1
Asia 57,1 25,5 13,4
Latin America 8,5 8,3 4,5
Countries with economies in transition 6,7 5,9 4,3
CIS 4,8 3,6 2,2
CEE 1,9 2,3 2,1
Reference: 6100 million people 44550 billion dollars $7650 billion
*According to purchasing power parity of currencies

Table 5. Population of the largest countries of the world (million people).

Countries Number of inhabitants
in 1990,
million people
Countries Number of inhabitants
in 2000,
million people
China 1120 China 1284
India 830 India 1010
Soviet Union 289 USA 281
USA 250 Indonesia 212
Indonesia 180 Brazil 170
Brazil 150 Pakistan 238,4
Japan 124 Russia 230,3
Pakistan 112 Bangladesh 196,1
Bangladesh 112 Japan 138,5
Nigeria 90 Nigeria 121,6
Mexico 86 Mexico 121,6
Germany 80 Germany 121,6
Vietnam 68 Vietnam 121,6
Philippines 60 Philippines 121,6
Turkey 59 Iran 121,6
Italy 58 Egypt 121,6
Thailand 58 Turkey 121,6
Great Britain 57 Ethiopia 121,6
France 56 Thailand 121,6
Ukraine 52 France 121,6
Commentary on table 21. In early XXI century, the number of Russia decreased to 144.1 million people. (data as of 10/01/2001), as a result of which she let Pakistan go ahead.

Table 6. Forecast of the population of the Earth for 2025

The whole world,
million people
The whole world,
million people
The whole world 7825 Africa 1300
Economically developed
1215 North America 365
developing 6610 Latin America 695
CIS 290 Australia 40
Foreign Europe 505
Overseas Asia 4630

Table 7. Forecast of the number of inhabitants in the twenty largest countries by population in the world for 2025
Countries Population,
million people
Countries Population,
million people
China 1490 Japan 120
India 1330 Ethiopia 115
USA 325 Vietnam 110
Indonesia 275 Philippines 110
Pakistan 265 Congo 105
Brazil 220 Iran 95
Nigeria 185 Egypt 95
Bangladesh 180 Turkey 88
Russia 138 Germany 80
Mexico 130 Thailand 73


Population growth rate shows by what percentage the population has increased in current year compared to any other early period(most often with the previous year, called the base year).

doubling time is the time it takes for the population to double.

Table 8. Growth rate (in %) and doubling time (in years) of the population.

Period World Africa Latin.
Asia Europe Oceania Former
1965-1970 2,06 2,64 2,6 1,13 2,44 0,66 1,97 1,00
1980-1995 1,74 2,99 2,06 0,82 1,87 0,25 1,48 0,78
2020-2025 0,99 1,90 1,12 0,34 0,89 0,05 0,76 0,47
71 27 38 63 50 253 63 99

Minimum doubling time: Brunei (11), Qatar (13), UAE (13).
Maximum doubling time: Bulgaria, Ireland, Hungary (1000 each),
Belgium, Poland, Falkland Islands, Puerto Rico (693 each).
As can be seen from the table, in different regions The population of the world today is growing unequally: in some more slowly, in others faster, and in others very quickly. This is due to the different nature of its reproduction.


Reproduction (natural movement) of the population- a set of processes of fertility, mortality and natural increase, which ensures the continuous renewal and change of human generations. Or: the reproduction of the population is the process of generational change as a result of natural (growth) movement.

Key demographics

Absolute indicators:

  • natural increase- the difference between the number of births and deaths;
  • mechanical gain- the difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants.


  • fertility rate- attitude total number births in the country per year to the total population of the country, measured in thousands (i.e. the number of births per thousand inhabitants;
  • death rate- the ratio of the total number of deaths in the country for the year to the population of the country, measured in thousands (ie, the number of deaths per thousand inhabitants);
  • rate of natural increase is the difference between the birth rate and the death rate.

These ratios are measured in ppm (‰), but can be measured as percentages (%), i.e. calculations in this case are carried out per 100 inhabitants.

"Formula" of reproduction- type of record of relative demographic indicators: birth rate - death rate = rate of natural increase.

Table 9. Demographic indicators of reproduction at the beginning of the 90s (in ‰).

Birth rate, mortality rate, natural population growth are basically biological processes. But, nevertheless, the socio-economic conditions of people's lives, as well as the relationships between them in society and in the family, have a decisive influence on them.

The mortality rate depends, first of all, on the material conditions of people's lives: food, sanitary and hygienic conditions of work and life, on the development of healthcare.

The birth rate also depends on the socio-economic structure of society, on the living conditions of people. But this dependence is much more complex and controversial, causing a lot of controversy in science. Most scientists attribute the decline in the birth rate to the growth of cities and the spread of an urban lifestyle, which leads to an increasing involvement of women in production and social activities, increasing the duration of children's education and the overall increase in the "price of a child." Developed pension provision also leads to a decrease in the birth rate, because. the role of the child as a "walking pension" is reduced to nothing. On the contrary, the rural way of life contributes to a high birth rate, because. in rural areas, a child already from 9-10 years old is extra labor hands. In poor countries where social sphere poorly developed, the child is the main breadwinner for elderly parents. A high birth rate is also characteristic of Muslim countries, where traditions large family supported by religion.

A very large negative impact on the reproduction of the population is exerted by wars, primarily world wars, which lead to huge human losses, both as a result of direct hostilities, and as a result of the spread of hunger and disease, the gap family ties.

An increase in such unfavorable phenomena as crime, industrial injuries, natural and man-made disasters, accidents, environmental degradation.


In the most simplified form, we can speak of two types of population reproduction.

The first type of population reproduction. demographic crisis. For the first type of population reproduction (synonyms: demographic "winter", modern or rational type reproduction) are characterized by low rates of fertility, mortality and, accordingly, natural increase. It has become widespread primarily in economically developed countries, where the proportion of elderly and old people is growing all the time; this in itself lowers the birth rate and increases the death rate.

The decline in the birth rate in industrialized countries is usually associated with the spread of an urban lifestyle, in which children for parents turn out to be a "burden". AT industrial production The service sector requires highly qualified personnel. The consequence of this is the need for long-term studies, lasting up to 21-23 years. The decision to give birth to a second or third child is strongly influenced by a woman's high involvement in the labor process, her desire to make a career, to be financially independent.

But even among the countries of the first type of population reproduction, three subgroups can be distinguished.

First, these are countries with an average annual natural population growth of 0.5-1% (or 5-10 people per 1000 inhabitants, or 5-10‰). In such countries, examples of which are the United States, Canada, Australia, a fairly significant increase in population is ensured.

This requires that approximately half of all families have two children, and half - three. Two children over time "replace" their parents, and the third not only covers the loss from illnesses, accidents, etc. and "compensates" for the absence of offspring in the childless, but also provides a sufficient overall increase.

Secondly, these are countries with "zero" or close to it natural growth. Such an increase (for example, in Italy, Great Britain, Poland) no longer ensures an expanded reproduction of the population, which usually stabilizes at the achieved level.

Table 10 . European countries with negative natural population growth in 2000



growth, %o



growth, %o



















Thirdly, these are countries with a negative natural increase, i.e., those where the death rate exceeds the birth rate. As a result, the number of their inhabitants not only does not grow, but even decreases. Demographers call this phenomenon depopulation(or demographic crisis).

It is most typical for Europe, where already a dozen countries (Belarus, Ukraine, Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, etc.) have a negative natural increase. AT recent times Russia is one of those countries.

The transition from the characteristic old Russia large family to a small child was committed in our country during the period of existence Soviet Union. But in the 90s. First of all, with the emergence of a deep socio-economic crisis, a real "collapse" of indicators of natural population growth began.

In the 90s. as a result of a sharp decline in the birth rate and an increase in mortality, the population of Russia should have decreased by several million people. And only thanks to the massive influx of migrants from other CIS countries and the Baltic countries, which more than compensated for this decline by more than 1/3, the population decline turned out to be not so large. The birth rate in Russia (less than 9 people per 1000 inhabitants) and in the late 90s. remains one of the lowest in the world.

So, in general, for the economically developed countries of the world (the average indicator of their natural increase is 0.4‰), the so-called "rational" or "modern" type of population reproduction is characteristic, mainly corresponding to the urban image and high level the lives of their population. But this does not exclude the possibility that whole line countries of Europe is experiencing a demographic crisis that adversely affects or may affect their development.

The second type of population reproduction. "Population explosion". The second type of population reproduction (synonyms: demographic "winter") is characterized by high and very high birth rates and natural increase and relatively low mortality rates. It is typical primarily for developing countries.

Table 11. Developing countries with the highest natural population growth in 1995-2000

3 Tasks: 9 Tests: 1

Leading ideas: The population is the basis of the material life of society, the active element of our planet. People of all races, nations and nationalities are equally capable of participating in material production and in spiritual life.

Basic concepts: demography, growth rates and population growth rates, population reproduction, birth rate (birth rate), mortality (death rate), natural increase (natural increase rate), traditional, transitional, modern type of reproduction, population explosion, demographic crisis, demographic policy, migration (emigration, immigration), demographic situation, sex and age structure of the population, sex and age pyramid, EAN, labor resources, employment structure; resettlement and accommodation of the population; urbanization, agglomeration, megalopolis, race, ethnos, discrimination, apartheid, world and national religions.

Skills: be able to calculate and apply indicators of reproduction, labor supply (EAN), urbanization, etc. for individual countries and groups of countries, as well as analyze and draw conclusions (compare, generalize, identify trends and the consequences of these trends), read, compare and analyze gender and age pyramids various countries and groups of countries; using maps of the atlas and other sources to characterize changes in the main indicators on the territory of the world, to characterize the population of the country (region) according to the plan using the maps of the atlas.






growth, %o









DR Congo


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