World map adjusted for the population of each country. How many people in the world? The most populated countries on earth

Population is a numerical value that describes the number of inhabitants in the countries of the world in any period of time.

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This is one of the main indicators of demographic development. Below is a table of the population of the countries of the world in 2019.

Important Aspects

To calculate the number of people in the world, statistics are used, which are provided national institutions and international organizations under the influence of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Each year, the United Nations publishes data on the number of people on earth in a specific report.

Population values ​​are constantly changing in different states, while UN reports are mostly issued with a delay of several years, since the data need to be updated. international comparison after printing the data by the national statistical services.

According to expert data, today the world's population is approximately 7.6 billion people. In the past century, the natural increase on earth was three times greater than in all periods before.

But over the past few decades, this value has been declining. It is worth noting that the UN predicts an increase in the world population to 11 billion people by 2088.

Top states by years

Speaking about the population of the countries of the world, one must take into account the fact that on today's time The processes of population migration are actively taking place in the world.

Some do it because of the unstable political environment, others due to unsuitable natural conditions, someone just wants to change the country of residence.

Nevertheless, analyzing the situation in general, we can conclude that China and India are leading in terms of the number of inhabitants.

Approximately 35% of the world's population lives in these countries. The high birth rate is maintained by high level development of life, stability in all spheres of society.

The next place is the United States of America. Followed by Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russian Federation. Japan closes the top ten countries.

Since many states conduct population censuses very infrequently, information is provided according to the latest updated data.

World population table for last years presented below:

The name of the country Population 2017-2018 Population 2014-2016
China 1 389 672 000 1 374 440 000
India 1 349 271 000 1 283 370 000
United States 327 673 000 322 694 000
Indonesia 264 391 330 252 164 800
Pakistan 210 898 066 192 094 000
Brazil 209 003 892 205 521 000
Nigeria 192 193 402 173 615 000
Bangladesh 160 991 563 159 753 000
Russia 146 804 372 146 544 710
Japan 126 700 000 127 130 000

Some of the islands of Great Britain, France and New Zealand have the smallest population.

Pitcairn Islands - 49, Vatican City - 842, Tokelau - 1383, Niue - 1612, Falkland Islands - 2912, Saint Helena - 3956, Montserrat - 5154, Saint Pierre and Miquelon - 6301, Saint Barthélemy - 9417 people.

On the African continent among the leaders in terms of population after Nigeria, one can single out Ethiopia - 90,076,012, Egypt - 89,935,000, Congo - 81,680,000, the Republic of South Africa - 51,770,560, Tanzania - 43,188,000, Sudan - 42,749,000, Kenya - 45,010,056, Algeria - 37,100,000, Uganda - 35,620,977 people.

Closes the thirty largest countries in terms of the number of people in Africa Guinea - 10,481,000, Somalia - 9,797,000, Benin - 9,352,000 people.

By GDP per capita

Gross domestic product- this is the amount of goods and services produced in a particular state. This indicator is determined in dollars, since this currency is the leading one in the world.

To calculate GDP per capita, the total GDP is divided by the number of inhabitants of the country.

Today, the leading countries in terms of GDP per capita are:

USA with a GDP of 18.1247 trillion dollars Such a large amount of GDP was formed thanks to the national monetary unit of the United States - the dollar. Credit should also be given to organizations such as Microsoft and Google. Each year, the state's gross domestic product increases by about 2.2%. GDP per person in America is $55,000
China has a GDP level of $11.2119 trillion China is on the top of the list economic development in the world. Annually, there is an increase in GDP in the country by 10%. This is well ahead of the rate of increase in this indicator in the United States. Therefore, China has every chance to take first place in the world.
Japan is in third place The size of the GDP of this state is 4.2104 trillion dollars. In accordance with the statistics, there is an annual increase of 1.5%. This is realized through the production and marketing of technological goods, computers and electrical engineering. GDP per person is 39 thousand dollars
Germany is next with a GDP of $3413.5 trillion. This figure is growing thanks to the sale of German cars, household appliances, production equipment. The increase in GDP, on average, is 0.4% per year. The value of GDP per capita is 46 thousand dollars
The United Kingdom is in fifth place. Which has a GDP level of 2853.4 trillion dollars, which made it possible for the state to overtake France


The population density index characterizes the number of citizens per 1 sq. km. km. This value is determined without taking into account water areas and uninhabited places. In addition to the overall density, this indicator is also calculated for villages and cities separately.

It should be noted that the number of people on earth is unevenly distributed. Therefore, the figures in different countries differ significantly.

According to the population density, 4 types of states can be identified:

The states of Asia, Africa and Europe stand out with the highest density, where 6 of the 7 billion inhabitants of the planet are concentrated. The territory of the state does not affect the density of people.

According to the results of statistical data, it can be concluded that seven percent of the world's territory is occupied by 70% of the total number of people on earth.

The average population density is 40 million people per square kilometer. km. In certain areas, this value can be up to two thousand people per square meter. km, and on some - one person per sq. km.

This article lists the top 10 countries by population. In addition, you will learn about the features of the demographic policy of the most populous countries in the world - India and China.

TOP 10 countries by population

The number of inhabitants of our planet has already exceeded seven billion. One of the main features of the earth's population is a significant unevenness in its concentration. So, in one state there can be tens (and even hundreds!) of times more inhabitants than in a neighboring one.

The top 10 countries by population are listed below (they are shaded on the map). In the table, except total residents in these states, density indicators are also submitted.

TOP 10 countries by population


Population (in millions)

Density (person/sq. km)





The table contains demographic data as of 2016. Total population 10 largest countries is 4.3 billion people (almost 60% of the total number of inhabitants of the Earth).

Curiously, such an arrangement of "demographic leaders" will be irrelevant in a few decades. Thus, by 2030, India will overtake China in terms of population. Even greater changes are expected by the beginning of the next century. In 2100, according to analysts' forecasts, Nigeria will be in the third position of this rating, but Russia will no longer be in the top ten countries.

India and China are the leaders of the "demographic race"

Chinese is significantly different from the similar Indian, which is reflected in the dynamics of the population of these states.

In the PRC, measures to stabilize population growth began to be carried out in the early 1980s. The measures taken were tough and well thought out. So, each state strongly recommends having no more than one child. For this, parents receive a number of preferences: subsidies, increased pensions and a simplified algorithm for obtaining housing. If the family has more than two children, then additional taxes are deducted from the parents' salaries in favor of the state treasury.

Demographic policy in India is also aimed at reducing the population. However, in this country it does not bring the desired results and, by and large, comes down to only declarative slogans. A family of five in India is still considered quite common and familiar.

In the near future, India should overtake China in terms of population. Experts predict that this event will happen in the first half of the 2020s.

Our planet is rich in a variety of ethnic groups, languages, cultures. There are much fewer countries in the world, but their number is quite large. This article will provide a list of countries in the world by population and territorial area. There is no need to list all the countries of the world, so only the top 10 states according to these indicators will be given here.

by population

The top ten countries in terms of the number of people living in them include:

  • China (PRC). In 2017, about 1 billion 385 million people live in this country. For a long time, this country has occupied the top position in terms of population.
  • India. The country has already reached 1 billion 345 million inhabitants, which is only slightly less than in China. Considering that population growth in India is much higher than in China, in a few years India will take the leading place in the world.
  • USA. Today, about 326 million people live in this country. its much higher than in Europe, but not as high as in third world countries. The increase is due not only to a high birth rate, but also to a large influx of immigrants.
  • Indonesia (264 million people). This Asian country today occupies the 4th position in terms of population. In addition, the growth in the number of inhabitants here is quite high, as in the whole South-East Asia.
  • Pakistan, with about 208 million people, is a very poor state, but the population growth here is very high due to the high birth rate.
  • Brazil, with a population of 207 million, recently ranked 5th, but not so long ago, Pakistan overtook it. Moreover, in Brazil itself, the population growth rate is also quite high.
  • Nigeria (192 million inhabitants). Another country with an incredibly high population growth rate, so in the next few years, this country is also likely to push Brazil on this list.
  • Bangladesh (160 million) is the poorest state in the list of countries in the world, but this does not prevent the country's population from growing at an unprecedented pace.
  • Russia today has about 146 million inhabitants. For a long time in the Russian Federation there was a negative population growth, but not so long ago this figure began to increase slightly.
  • Mexico (130 million people). This country has only recently entered the list of countries with the largest population, overtaking Japan. This is due to high population growth in Mexico and low in Japan.

List of countries in the world by area

Unlike the list above, this one hasn't changed in a long time.

There is no need to list the countries of the world in alphabetical order and give it in this article, so the top 10 countries by territory will be presented here:

  1. Russia (17.1 million sq. km). From the very moment of its formation, the Russian Federation began to take first place in the world in terms of area.
  2. Canada (9.98 million sq. km). Although the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis state is the second in the list of countries in the world, but in comparison with Russia, it is almost half that.
  3. China with an area of ​​9.6 million square meters. km stands today on the 3rd position in this list.
  4. The USA has an area of ​​about 9.52 million sq. km, which is almost the same as that of China.
  5. Brazil, in fifth place, has an area of ​​approximately 8.5 million square kilometers. km.
  6. Australia (7.7) occupies an entire continent and is one of the largest states in the world.
  7. India (3.3). Compared to all of the above countries, India seems quite small.
  8. Argentina with an area of ​​2.78 million sq. km is the second in Latin America.
  9. Kazakhstan (2.72) has the longest land border with Russia.
  10. Algeria (2.4) is largest state on the African continent.

Many are interested in how many countries in the world. The list of all sovereign states for 2017 is about 230 states. In addition to them, there are self-proclaimed, semi-sovereign countries, etc.

The alphabetical list of countries of the world is not of particular interest, since it does not carry any specific information about the country itself. If you compare the above countries of the world in the lists (photo below), you can understand a lot about them. For example, their dense population, territorial wealth and natural potential.


The diversity of countries, peoples, natural conditions, languages ​​and cultures make our planet very interesting.

It is thanks to this diversity that people are interested in traveling and learning new things.

Therefore, despite repeated attempts to create a single language for everyone, it has not yet been implemented.

Planet Earth is home to many living beings, the main of which is man.

How many people inhabit the planet

The world population today is almost seven and a half billion people. The peak value of its growth was noted in 1963. Currently, the governments of some countries are pursuing a restrictive demographic policy, while others are trying to stimulate an increase in the number of people within their borders. However, the general population of the Earth is aging. Young people do not seek to reproduce offspring. The population of planet Earth today has an unnatural bias towards the elderly. This feature makes it difficult material support pensioners.

According to scientists, by the end of the twenty-first century, the world's population will exchange the eleventh billion.

Where do most people live

In 2009, a wake-up call sounded. The population of the world living in cities has become equal in size to the number of people in villages and rural areas. The reasons for this movement of labor are simple. The people of the world strive for convenience and wealth. Wages in cities are higher and life is easier. Everything will change when the urban population of the world experiences food shortages. Many will be forced to relocate to the provinces, closer to the land.

The world population table is presented as follows: in fifteen countries there are almost five billion people. In total, there are more than two hundred states on our planet.

Most populous countries

The world population can be presented in the form of a table. In this case, the most densely populated countries.






Russian Federation


Most populous cities

The world population map today already has three cities, the population of which has exceeded twenty million people. Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China, which stands on the Yangtze River. Karachi is a port city in Pakistan. Closes the top three of the Chinese capital - Beijing.

In terms of population density, it holds the palm main city Philippines - Manila. The world population map reports that in some areas this figure reaches seventy thousand people per square kilometer! The infrastructure does not cope well with such an influx of residents. For example: in Moscow, this figure does not exceed five thousand people per square kilometer.

Also in the list of cities with very high density The population includes Indian Mumbai (this settlement was formerly called Bombay), the capital of France - Paris, the Chinese autonomy of Macau, the dwarf state of Monaco, the heart of Catalonia - Barcelona, ​​as well as Dhaka (Bangladesh), the city-state of Singapore, Tokyo (Japan), and already the previously mentioned Shanghai.

Population growth statistics by period

Despite the fact that humanity appeared more than three hundred years ago, for a long time its development was extremely slow. Short life expectancy and extremely difficult conditions affected.

Mankind exchanged the first billion only at the beginning of the nineteenth century, in 1820. A little more than a hundred years passed, and in 1927 the newspapers trumpeted the good news about the second billion earthlings. Just 33 years later, in 1960, they talked about a third.

From this period, scientists began to seriously worry about the boom in the growth of the world's population. But this did not prevent the four billionth inhabitant of the planet from joyfully announcing his appearance in 1974. In 1987, the account went to five billion. The six billionth earthling was born closer to the millennium, at the end of 1999. In less than twelve years, we have become a billion more. At current birth rates, no later than the end of the first quarter of this century, the name of the eight billionth person will appear in the newspapers.

Such impressive successes have been achieved primarily due to a significant reduction in bloody wars that claim millions of lives. Many dangerous diseases were defeated, medicine has learned to significantly prolong the life of people.


Until the nineteenth century, people had little interest in the population of the world. The term "demography" was introduced only in 1855.

At the moment, the problem is becoming more and more threatening.

In the seventeenth century, it was believed that four billion people could live comfortably on our planet. As shows real life, this figure is significantly underestimated. The current seven and a half billion, with a reasonable distribution of resources, feel relatively comfortable.

Potential settlement opportunities are possible in Australia, Canada, in desert regions. This will require certain forces for improvement, but theoretically it is real.

If we take into account exclusively territorial possibilities, then up to one and a half quadrillion people can be settled on the planet! This is a huge number, which contains fifteen zeros!

But the use of resources and the rapid heating of the atmosphere will very quickly change the climate so much that the planet will become lifeless.

The maximum number of inhabitants on Earth (with moderate requests) should not exceed twelve billion. This figure is taken from food supply calculations. As the population grows, more resources need to be obtained. To do this, we should use more areas for sowing, increase the number of livestock, and save water resources.

But if nutritional problems can be solved relatively quickly, thanks to genetic technologies, then the organization of consumption of clean drinking water is a much more complex and costly undertaking.

In addition, humanity must move to the use of renewable energy sources - wind, sun, earth and water energy.


The Chinese authorities have been trying to solve the problem of overpopulation for decades. For a long time there was a program allowing the appearance of no more than one child in the family. In addition, a powerful information campaign was carried out among the population.

Today we can say that the Chinese succeeded in everything. Population growth has stabilized and is projected to decline. Not the last role was played by the growth factor in the well-being of the inhabitants of the PRC.

As for the poor in India, Indonesia, Nigeria, the prospects are far from rosy. In thirty years, China may lose the "palm" in the demographic issue. The population of India by 2050 may exceed one and a half billion people!

Population growth will only worsen economic problems poor states.

Conducted programs

For a long time people had to have a large number of children. Housekeeping required huge forces, and it was impossible to cope alone.

Pension security can help solve the problem of overpopulation.

Also possible ways solutions to the demographic issue become thoughtful social politics and prudent family planning, as well as improving the economic and social status the beautiful half of humanity, an increase in the level of education in general.


It is very important to love yourself and your loved ones. But do not forget that the planet on which we live is ours. common Home which must be treated with respect.

Already today it is worth moderating your needs and thinking about planning so that our descendants can live on the planet as comfortably as we do.

Every day the number of inhabitants on our planet is growing. This is due to many factors and varies from one to another. Therefore, it is very difficult to keep track of how many people live in the world. However, approximate data still exist.

The population of the planet

Today, about 7 billion people live in the world, it is difficult to give exact data, since someone is constantly born and someone dies. For the most part, the population of a country depends on several factors, including the level of development of the state and, in particular, medicine, the standard of living and even the temperament of a person.

Many centuries ago on Earth there were many less people, but over time this figure has grown rapidly. Despite world epidemics, diseases and the terrible continue to multiply and populate every piece of the planet. Most of the population lives in the most developed metropolitan areas, where the standard of living is higher than in small cities, the same applies to countries. About half of the people live in the most populated countries.


The first place rightfully occupied by this country almost reaches the figure of 1.5 billion, that is, almost 1/5 of how many people there are in the world today. Although state authorities trying in every possible way to regulate the birth rate, the number of inhabitants of the country is still growing rapidly, increasing by about 8.7 million annually.


If we talk about how many people are now in the world, then the second place among the most populated states belongs to India. About 1.17 billion people live here, which is about 17% of the total world population. The annual population growth in this country is about 18 million people, that is, the Indians have every chance to bypass the Chinese in terms of the number.


With a constant influx of immigrants from less developed neighboring countries, the United States is one of the most populous countries in the world. About 307 million people of various nationalities live in this state.


The fourth position in the list is occupied by a state located in Southeast Asia. About 240 million people live on its territory, which is about 3.5% of the total


The first five are concluded by this sunny country, which is also the most populated state. South America. Exactly 3% of how many people in the world live in Brazil. The number of inhabitants of this state reaches 198 million inhabitants.


Sixth place belongs to Pakistan, which, according to the latest data, has about 176 million inhabitants, which make up 2.6% of the total population of our planet.


The country, located in South Asia, is home to 156 million people. That is, the number of Bangladeshis is about 2.3% of the inhabitants of the planet Earth.


This African country is also in the top ten in terms of the number of inhabitants. The number of people living here reaches 149 million, that is, 2.2% of all people on the planet. In addition, Nigeria occupies a leading position in terms of fertility, which may soon help it overtake Bangladesh.


A significant part of how many people live on the planet falls on Russia. Despite the fact that Russia in terms of population, it is only in 9th place. This is due to the fact that here the death rate greatly exceeds the birth rate. The territory of this state accounts for about 2% of the population of the entire Earth, that is, about 140 million people.


Closes the top ten Country rising sun, which, however, is the most developed of all presented above. Approximately 127 million people live here, that is, 1.9% of the earth's population. What is important, since the country is in a somewhat mothballed state, almost all of its population are native Japanese.


The World Health Organization regulates the population of states and controls how many people there are in the world. In order to somehow reduce the birth rate in the very poor African countries, missionaries are regularly sent there to give lectures to the local population and provide them with the necessary contraception. Other states are taking other measures. For example, in China, the authorities are fighting too high a birth rate by imposing taxes on families who want to have more than one child. But such measures are urgently needed, because the resources of our planet are limited, and they are greatly influenced by how many people there are in the world. Therefore, it is simply necessary to avoid in order to prevent future ecological disaster and severe exhaustion of all natural resources our planet Earth.

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