Mental maps. Mind maps: technologies of creativity

Here is a sample of the simplest mind map created using the free program FreeMind. It presents the initial structure of the first few trainings prepared by the project. It can be used, for example, during a presentation, since such a card is an excellent solution for visual presentation of information, an alternative way of recording (as opposed to linear). But we are much more interested in them as a method of organizing systems thinking, searching for ideas based on associations. We have already briefly mentioned such link diagrams in the lesson on . Today we present to your attention a more detailed material describing the benefits of mindmaps for each, indicating their differences from other visualization methods and specific examples of use.

The essence and history of the appearance of mental maps

Let's talk about the meaning of the term. The concept of "mental map" in the scientific literature is more common in psychology and is associated with human behavior. Regarding the subject of our article, this term is not entirely successful, since it does not reflect the essence of the English “mindmap”, from which it comes. Nevertheless, the name "mental maps" is widely used, along with the more correct from a philological point of view categories "connection diagrams", "mind maps", "mind maps". Therefore, we agree that for greater convenience we will use them as synonyms.

mental maps or link diagrams - efficient technique alternative recording and visualization. The modern idea of ​​them was laid in the 70s. of the last century by the British psychologist and TV presenter Tony Buzan. He was interested in the development of intellectual abilities,. Achieved outstanding results - in 1997 in live set a record in memorizing multi-digit numbers.

In the course of his research, T. Buzan came to the conclusion that the generally accepted way of perceiving textual information is not optimal. According to him, reading a page from left to right and from top to bottom seems artificial to the human brain, because it is designed in such a way that it perceives data non-linearly and at once as a whole. From the criticism of the "inconveniences" of linear perception later, mental maps appeared as a method of organizing information and alternative way records. More importantly, work towards improving the concept smart cards showed the possibility of their use as a tool in the "brainstorming" technique (although this was not a discovery - the prototype was used before), for searching and generating new ideas, memorizing,.

The Buzan method began to be widely used almost immediately after it was introduced to a wide audience with the help of the TV show “Think with Your Head” on the BBC channel, which the author himself hosted. Later, he wrote several more books about his technique, which became bestsellers. But he can be called the inventor of the theory only with a stretch. Similar methods have already been used by the sages Ancient Greece and Rome (Porfiry, Aristotle, etc.), engineers of the New Age. Of course, Buzan drew boundaries modern approach, without hiding that he relied on the works of his predecessors.

To complete the idea of ​​the essence of mental maps, we note how they differ from other visualization methods. From standard charts and graphs, the link diagram is distinguished by the lack of rigor. You create your tree diagram as required by the task, or as you prefer. No need to worry about iconography, dry numbers or percentages. A graph is most often built to show some measurable relationship, but the principle of building a mental map is completely different - to show the connection (often not obvious) as the author sees it.

Recently, the use, primarily by designers and engineers, of concept maps, a graphical tool designed to show the relationship between concepts, has become popular. But their main difference from mind maps is that they are created for simultaneous work with several ideas at once, and not just one, and a description of the relationship between them.

Application of link diagrams

How effective is the use of mind maps? A series of studies was conducted with students from American universities. The result was the following:

  • 80% of students are sure that mind maps help to better understand scientific concepts and ideas;
  • Mental maps contribute to better memorization of the material;
  • Students with low level abilities better assimilate the knowledge obtained with the help of link diagrams.

So, the areas in which you can apply thought maps to your advantage are:


80% of people on the planet are visuals. This means that they perceive better what can be seen. With this in mind, you should prepare your own. Use illustrations, diagrams, graphs, including mental maps. Combined use various ways presentation of information will serve to retain attention and better assimilation of the material.

Activation of creative thinking. Brainstorm

The creative process is often closely related to . T. Buzan suggested using mental maps to activate it: to do this, write in the center of the sheet key concept or idea, and mark or draw all associations on the branches coming from the main concept. In the future, they are already overgrown with new associations. This allows not only to expand the set of links already ready idea, but also to generate a new one, to find the non-obvious.

Link diagrams are also useful for solving creative problems, creating an algorithm for finding an answer. Write the question you are interested in on the sheet in the upper left corner, and the ideal solution in the lower right. Build a chain with intermediate actions that will take you from the problem to the ideal result. Study and analyze this path, find optional links, or those that can be combined. All this seems quite simple, but sometimes it is precisely clear visualization that is not enough in order to find the necessary conclusion.


As mentioned above, a schematic representation of the material contributes to its better assimilation. Try, when learning something, to use not only textbooks, but also tables, mind maps, diagrams. You can even create them yourself - this is both a convenient way and a memorization technique (see below).

Memory Development

Mind maps can be used as. Information recorded in this way is better remembered, structures knowledge, allows you to highlight the main thing and conveniently work with large amounts of data.

Management (management)

Link diagrams are also used in planning and developing projects, building organograms. They are an excellent solution for where there is a need to separate areas of responsibility.

In addition, mental maps will be useful in conducting trainings, in compiling, developing intellectual abilities.

The main principles of the technique of constructing communication diagrams

1. Start in the center of the paper by writing or drawing in at least three different colors your keyword.

2. Feel free to use images, symbols, codes different sizes for your card.

3. Write down keywords using and capital letters, and lowercase letters.

4. One branch (line) must correspond to each word or image.

5. The lines of one branch should be connected and become thinner as they move away from the center.

6. The length of the line should be related to the length of the words written on it or the objects drawn on it.

7. Apply different colors for different branches and groups of keywords.

8. Develop your own mind mapping style.

9. Use associations.

10. Clearly build your map around radical hierarchies or contours.

This technique is called differently: mind map, mental map, desire map, value map. Why is a mental map able to grant wishes?

The Mind Map Wish Fulfillment Technique was developed by Tony Buzan. At first, it was used to understand and quickly memorize new information. Various lectures, books, articles were assimilated rather quickly if the notes contained diagrams with drawings showing the main concepts or statements.

Then such radial schemes began to be used in other areas.

The mental map provides an opportunity to see the prospects, successes and failures of each section of the project.

She made it possible to understand what is worth using and what is not.

What does the mental map have to do with the fulfillment of desires?

Today, this method is used to fulfill desires, because it allows ... But first things first!

To create a mind map, you will need:

  • Whatman sheet of any size;
  • several magazines;
  • felt-tip pens or pencils;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • some free time.

Make a wish!

Now think about what you would like. It is important that your desires concern only you and have nothing to do with other people. Your desires will come true in the most natural way, you just need to go to meet them.

Any magical practice or ritual¹ is full of hidden meaning, so it will be very good if you create your mental map in a group of like-minded people who will fill the creation process with positive.

A mental map can be drawn up for some important day for you, it can be your birthday, the beginning of a vacation, or New Year, which is the start of a new time period. The mental map is very individual, it only carries a semantic and symbolic load for you.

How to create a mental map?

Use the ba-gua² grid from Feng Shui³ as the basis for the map. No need to show your card to someone who might criticize it.

You can discuss your mental map of desires only with those who share your views and support your endeavors.

Your mental map should receive positive energies, thanks to which it will gain strength.

The mind map can be created in any order. Draw a sheet of paper into nine parts, not necessarily the same size. In the center you need to place your photo or write a phrase that is directly related to you.

Draw the remaining eight sectors according to the ba-gua grid:

Income, profit, earnings Recognition, success, goals of public importance and implemented in society Marriage, partnerships, dating for marriage
Family, home, prosperity in the house, the building itself Centre, main idea, image, health, your energy Creativity, ideas and projects for the future, realization of talents
Education, teachers, mentors, books, diplomas, exams Career, efforts to achieve the desired Travel and outside help

It is advisable to fill in all sectors so that you do not have a bias in one or another area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

All drawings, pictures and photographs must be signed, and any phrase must be supported by a drawing. Each desire in the mental map should begin with the words “I / I have ...” The desire is formulated in the present tense⁴.

A mental map at this stage looks like this:

Now think and determine how much the realization of your desires depends on you, and what you need to do to fulfill them. come up with maximum amount ways to fulfill your every desire. Complex or great desire break it down into parts and write down how each part will be done.

For example, here is a mini-map of one event:

After working on analyzing each desire, your map looks like this:

Now take a good look at your mental map and find out how your desires depend on each other. Find the most important desire on which the rest depend. Show the dependence of desires on the map with arrows:

Place the mind map in your room so that you can see it before you go to sleep and when you wake up.

So why does the mind map allow wishes to come true?

Because you approach this process from different angles.

You use your capabilities, determine the main desires, set priorities.

so wide and systems approach will surely lead you to success, the main thing is to notice the opportunities that will appear in front of you and use them!

“And if my desires have changed?”

In case your intentions have changed, you can review the card and write down new desires. You can also replace fulfilled desires with others.

² Gua is a special graphic symbol. Depending on the number of features included in the symbol, two types of gua are distinguished: trigram and hexagram. The trigram consists of three lines, their alternation forms eight possible combinations - ba-gua (Wikipedia).

³ Feng Shui, or Feng Shui - Taoist practice of symbolic development (organization) of space (

Is it so?

What is it?

A memory map is an easy-to-understand scheme for presenting information.

For example, I made a mental map of a spring car repair:

Examples of mind maps

Why is that?

Tony Busan says this is how our brains think. Such bunches (he calls it a radial scheme) and associations. This means that such a format for presenting information is the most understandable for our brain.

In order to truly “permeate” any information, our brain needs it:

  • See
  • Hear
  • Smell
  • Touch
  • lick
  • draw
  • pronounce
  • ETC

In other words, the more senses, skills, and connections we use when thinking, the better ideas our brain will produce.

Basic rules for mapping

  • come up with central image and position it in the center future card. For example, thinking about vacation ideas? Plunge the hat pattern into the center and label it with the word "REST!!!"
  • Use short words instead of long sentences. If you are considering options to go to the sea, then the key word will be “SEA”, and not “TRIP TO THE SEA”.
  • Only PRINTED LETTERS on the map!
  • Draw! The more colorful your card, the better it will serve you.

Why is a Mind Map better than a Synopsis?

From childhood we were taught to take notes ...

But mental maps put them on both shoulder blades!

Look, mind maps:

  • Clearer (due to drawings, arrows and colors)
  • Faster (you move your eyes around the map faster)
  • More structured (connections and hierarchy are visible)
  • More enjoyable (Believe me, drawing a map is much more fun than writing a boring abstract!)

Where to apply?

  • When reading
  • At the reports
  • For memorization
  • For education (for both students and teachers) - oh, I would like a mind map method at the university!
  • To choose from multiple options
  • To come up with out-of-the-box ideas

In fact, the uses of mind maps are limitless. Buzan writes in detail about all these points in his book, a link to which I will provide at the end of the article.

Mind mapping software

To date, the most convenient and advanced program is MindJet. It is fantastic to work with her, but she costs very, very well. However, when did this stop a Russian person?))

Mind map software

The most popular mind mapping software is MindJet (formerly Mind Manager). It costs a fortune - 349 euros.

Many stop their searches at this point and go to download the cracked MindJet. But in vain. There is a good alternative free program XMind. Here her official website.

And this is how the working window of the program looks like (click to enlarge):

Everything is in English, but in the settings you can also enable the Russian interface.

XMind also has paid versions. They cost 69 and 89 Euros (as of 10.10.16). Still much cheaper than MindJet, but what are we paying for?

Here is a table that explains a lot:

By the way, for non-profit organizations XMind gives 50% discount.

But I personally use the free version and it's enough for me. Often they send me a map in MindJet format, but XMind “digests” it perfectly.

Popular questions about XMind

Whose program is this? Where are the developers from?

If I understand correctly, from China. Moreover, the product is very old and proven - they have been on the market since 2007! And since 2008, the program has opened its code (Open Source).

Is there a Russian language?

Yes, the program has been translated into 14 languages. Including in Russian. Here:

In places, English words slip through, but this is not critical.

What are the system requirements?

Modest. The program requires the presence of Java on the computer. If you do not have it, then the installer will help you install it.

If the program still slows down, then in the menu you can do the following:

  • Edit - Preferences - Editing, and then turn off animation and shadow
  • Edit - Preferences - Spell Check - Disable Spell Check

Is there integration with cloud services like Dropbox?

No, there is no integration built into the functionality. Of course, you can always do it manually.

To do this, simply create a folder in Dropbox for your XMind projects. And then save all new projects there.

By the way, the program provides integration with Evernote. You can save all maps in text format or as a large picture.


Buzan himself sings like a nightingale, of course ... Buzan's mental maps are a miracle, a panacea for all ills and the path of humanity to a brighter future. Such “thick chocolate” smeared on the pages of a book is a bit repulsive. But such is the style of ABSOLUTELY all books on self-development from American authors.

For me personally, mental maps have become a good alternative, a kind of “upgrade” to the usual linear recording of projects, plans and notes.

Indeed, these bunches, these drawings are not just cool and fun, they also work better. I got better at planning bright ideas began to appear more frequently. Mind maps are more pleasant to read after a couple of weeks - everything remains clear.

In short, mind maps are another tool efficient person! I'm planning this now.)

Drawing a mental map - VIDEO!

Update from 09/01/2016:

Years later, I can say that ... I practically DO NOT use mental maps. So they didn't stick with me.

I use it only when I need to sketch the architecture of some small project. Or if we conduct a quick brainstorming session on a magnetic board. In other cases, I use the usual notes, but not boring, but with drawings, arrows, highlights and drawings. IMHO such an outline is more convenient than a mental map.

That is, I took something from mental maps, and something from ordinary notes. It turned out to be a kind of hybrid)) This is if you write by hand. And if not, then mental maps become quite inconvenient. Well, it's probably individual. I know people who just love programs like MindJet or XMind.

What inconveniences I found with the mind map method:

  • It is necessary to think over the whole architecture in advance. If you just need to quickly outline something, then you can make a mistake with the structure and the map will come out ugly. On the one hand - it is empty, and on the other - it barely fits in small print.
  • If you take notes in Word or Evernote, you can easily copy the content even into a chat. But with a mental map based on MindJet, everything is not so simple ...

Mind maps or mind maps have long been successfully used to organize thoughts and a large amount of information. Especially they like to use the leaders of large companies and various training organizations. Let's try to figure out what are the main advantages and secrets of such cards?

Imagine that you have to prepare for some important event in your life or project. And at the same time, you need to keep a lot of thoughts, details and important information in your head. At first glance, it seems that this is simply impossible and something is sure to be forgotten. But in fact, for these purposes, people have long learned this interesting way like making metal maps. When all necessary information is located not just on a piece of paper in a notebook, but on big sheet with the designation of the main groups and many subspecies, so as not to forget and not lose sight of any little thing.

Imagine how convenient, for example, when preparing for a wedding, first paint all the necessary details in the form graphic image or tables, and then just cross out unnecessary details as you complete them. When we visually see the entire scope of the work to be done, we get a complete picture of the work to be done. It is possible that having drawn everything on a piece of paper, it turns out that not so much needs to be done in fact.

The mind map method was invented by psychologist and writer Tony Buzan. He successfully combined psychology, mnemonics and neurolinguistics in this method. And initially they were used only by the heads of large business companies, teachers and journalists. But over time, people began to use this method in ordinary life due to their convenience and visibility.

How to make a mental map?

Mind maps are visualizations of thoughts and ideas. Mind mapping is a bit like drawing a branched tree. First we need to draw the base of our map in the center of the page. It is better to take a colored pencil or marker for this. Next, we make the most important “branches” or subtypes on our topic. Above each branch we make an inscription. It is important that the inscriptions are large and understandable handwriting, preferably in block letters.

The main details for compiling a convenient and understandable mental map:

  • For the convenience of visualizing your thoughts and for a better perception of the map, the branches should be approximately the same length.
  • Branch labels should not be too long. A few will suffice short words conveying meaning. If you need to write important information, which takes up a lot of space, then write this subtype in a notebook or on reverse side mental map sheet.
  • Use multiple bright colors. Our perception is arranged in such a way that first we see and remember the picture, and then the information contained in it.
  • Accompany your lettering with illustrations and images. Thus, perception and memory are activated. Lettering must be in capital letters. This is for maximum readability.
  • The main theme of the mental map is located in the center and should be larger than the rest
  • The sheet is always horizontal. This makes it easier for the mind to process information. Think, for example, of a blackboard or a TV set.

Get creative with your mind map small drawings next to what you need keywords, use a lot of colors. Make a map as you like, for someone it is more convenient to draw a table, and for someone to draw a map in the form of a sun or a tree. If you find it difficult to create a mental map or table on your topic yourself, use an electronic compiler. They are easy to find and download from the Internet. The most popular of them:

When is it useful to use mind maps?

The convenience of using mental maps is that they are easily applicable for both workers and educational projects, and for Everyday life. So, for example, it is convenient to prepare for important events in life, whether it's getting married, going to college, or getting your child ready for school. Basically, such cards are used in the following cases:

  • For self-study. To speed up the process of remembering new material, fix your main thoughts in the form of a mental map.
  • Presentation of a product or service. With the help of mind maps, you have the opportunity to more profitably, fully and clearly present any type of object or service offered for sale.
  • To capture a large amount of information. In order not to miss all the nuances, present them in a concise form on one sheet of the mind map.
  • To generate new ideas. If you lack inspiration and don't know where to draw new information for your project, a mind map can also easily help with this.

Metal cards are very useful for presenting information in a clear and constructive way in a more understandable way. Due to clarity and brevity, as well as associative designations in the form of drawings, everything is perceived much easier and faster. Thus, it is possible to remember a large amount of information, prepare for an important project, or even make a plan for a future vacation.

Examples of mind maps

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