What reserves does a squirrel make for the winter. Amazing facts about the intelligence of squirrels. The game "Let's build a bridge. The longest sentence about autumn "

Psychologists at the University of California at Berkeley are studying the ability of squirrels to find and make strategic food supplies. Scientists are interested in how these animals choose the territory for collecting nuts, where they hide them and how they remember these places. In other words, the researchers decided to find out to what extent the mind of these animals has developed in order to learn how to make a decision and remember thousands of moments: where the stocks made a few months ago are hidden.

Approximately 70 people participated in the study forest squirrels supervised by student volunteers. They compared the habitat of animals and their memory systems. As a result, naturalists managed to compose detailed map, where they marked over 1,000 places with hidden nuts.

Professor Jacobs, a leading expert on the study of squirrel behavior, believes that these animals are an ideal example to improve understanding of the psychology of survival in wild nature. At the same time, he believes that squirrels are very smart animals and think about the future, so they find hidden nuts not only with the help of smell, but also use a combination of architectural elements and memory for this. Meanwhile, other scientists believe that proteins, on the contrary, bad memory, and thanks to this, new trees grow from forgotten, hidden in the ground, squirrel nuts.

Squirrels are found everywhere except Australia. This lively and mobile animal is considered a typical inhabitant of forests. Moreover, steering with its tail, the squirrel easily jumps from tree to tree 3 or 4 meters in a straight line and 10-15 meters along a downward curve. At the same time, during the snowless period, as well as during the rut of the squirrel most spends time on the ground, where it moves in leaps and bounds. However, individual areas are weakly expressed and overlap.

In addition to mass migrations, the squirrel is also characterized by seasonal migrations associated with the gradual maturation of food and the transition of young animals to an independent lifestyle. At the same time, some adults remain in place; from their usual food, they switch to low-calorie foods with a high fiber content (these are buds, lichens, needles and the bark of young shoots). Thanks to this group, the restoration of the local population then occurs.

Squirrels are very prolific. During the rut, up to 6 males stay near the female, which demonstrate aggression towards competitors - they purr loudly, beat branches with their paws and run after each other. Pregnancy lasts approximately 38 days. Newborn squirrels are born naked and blind, and weigh only 8 grams. Wool appears after two weeks, and they begin to see only on the 30th day. At the same time, they are ready for independent life at the age of 10 weeks, but the mother feeds them with milk for a month and a half.

I also note that in captivity, a squirrel lives on average up to 12 years. For comparison, in nature, a 4-year-old squirrel is already considered old. The share of such animals under the most favorable conditions does not exceed 10%. In areas with intensive squirrel hunting, the population is completely renewed in only 4 years. The mortality of young animals is especially high - up to 85% of baby squirrels do not survive their first winter.

1. By stocking, squirrels benefit trees. As you know, many squirrels bury acorns in the ground in order to later dig them up and eat them. So, for example, one Carolina squirrel is able to create several thousand such caches of acorns every year. However, she will be able to find a few of them later. This situation is good for trees. Squirrels collect acorns mainly under oak trees, and bury them far from them. Thus, protein helps the plant to spread over long distances.

2. While stockpiling, squirrels can also harm trees. For example, red squirrels and Douglas squirrels, common in North America, feed mainly on seeds from pine cones. These squirrels either eat the food they find immediately or store it in hiding places in the trees themselves. Usually in such "pantries" it is too damp, and the seeds have little chance of germinating. Squirrels such a place for stocks allows almost always to remain full in the cold season, but the trees are less likely to reproduce.

It's also worth noting that a study published in 1995 in the International Journal of Organic Evolution suggests that trees have evolved ways to "fight" this behavior of squirrels. Yes, in the Rocky Mountains North America, where red squirrels are common, soft pine cones have seeds with a thicker shell and are covered large quantity resins. This makes them less accessible to proteins. In addition, the researchers also found that these cones have far fewer seeds than pines of the same species elsewhere and have less nutritional value.

3. Squirrels dry mushrooms for the winter. One of the components of the diet of red squirrels is mushrooms. Sometimes they hang them between branches on trees so that they can be eaten in winter. Also, insect larvae and nematodes are less common in such mushrooms.

4. Squirrels understand "gardening" and know well what they eat. So, gray squirrels distinguish acorns of red oak from white and store each in a certain way. Because acorns white oak germinate almost as soon as they hit the ground, then squirrels eat them immediately, since sprouted acorns lose their nutritional value. At the same time, red oak acorns do not germinate until spring, so squirrels prefer to bury them for winter snacks. And in 1996, a study was published in the journal Animal Behavior, according to which some squirrels bit through the embryos of white oak acorns to prevent them from germinating, and buried them in the ground like red oak acorns. What's more, scientists have seen squirrels dig up some red oak acorns that they probably didn't intend to eat in the winter, bite into the buds, and bury them again for storage until the next winter.

The most important thing for an animal in winter is to find food for itself. The earth is strewn with deep snow cover, and such little animal, like a squirrel, will not be able to break through the scab and get to the frozen berries or nuts left over from the summer. Therefore, stocks have to be made in the fall in order to safely survive the cold. The squirrel stores acorns and hazelnuts, hiding them in hollows, withered grass and moss. Pine nuts will also come in handy for her - a smart animal cleans the cone, takes out the grains and leaves them in a secluded place. Having made a hiding place, the squirrel can even cover up the traces of its stay - straighten the grass, smooth out the moss that has become flattened. Sometimes the animal hides its ration so well that in winter it cannot find it.

Mushrooms also serve as an excellent food for squirrels in winter. So that they do not deteriorate for many months, the animal dries them beforehand, hanging them on tree branches or spreading them out on a stump. After the mushrooms dry, the animal puts them in a secluded place.

Before the onset of cold weather, the squirrel begins to insulate its home. She diligently caulks all the cracks with the help of bunches of dry grass, moss, tufts of wool, which she manages to find. AT very coldy the animal does not go outside, curling up in its hollow. A well-prepared dwelling is warm and safe.

Preparing for winter, the squirrel sheds. She changes her usual red fur coat for a gray one. In winter, the squirrel's coat becomes thicker, so the animal is not afraid of frost. In addition, the gray coat is less visible to predators, and it is much easier for the squirrel to hide from the sharp eyes, clinging to the tree.

Often, people who like these cute animals help them survive in the winter. They install feeding troughs in the habitats of squirrels, where they put dried mushrooms, seeds and nuts so that animals can eat if necessary. And squirrels eagerly attend free canteens.

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Hello guys! What season is approaching us? That's right, winter! Now we have late fall and we're getting ready for winter, right? How can we as humans prepare for it? (We buy warm clothes, prepare preparations for the winter, insulate our houses, plug windows, etc.). Guys, do you know that the animals living in the forests are preparing for winter almost the same way as we are! They also make edible stocks, insulate their minks, change their summer skin for winter, and some animals generally spend the whole winter in deep sleep! Today we will talk with you how different animals prepare for the arrival of winter. You tell me something, and I tell you something!
The first animal that we will talk about today is the master of all woods bear. What do you know about him? (children's answers)
The main food of the bear is berries, nuts, roots, bulbs, ants, beetle larvae and fish. By this, he accumulates a fatty layer for the winter. brown bears arrange a lair for themselves in a hidden, inaccessible place. Most often, under the root of a twisted tree or in a windbreak. In November, the bears climb up there and fall asleep. Bears sleep restlessly. If something disturbs them, they can abandon the lair and build another. In the bear's den, cubs are born, usually 1-2, rarely 3. They are very small, the size of a mitten. Mother bear feeds them with milk for 8 months. and even when she sleeps in winter.

The next animal we will talk about is the lynx. The lynx does not hibernate. Among all representatives of the cat family, the lynx is best adapted to the cold. She moves superbly in deep snow, climbs trees. Favorite prey of lynxes are hares, black grouse, hazel grouses. Sometimes she attacks wild boar cubs, in a hungry winter she can also feed on small rodents. In winter, elks especially get from the lynx, when it is difficult for these long-legged animals to move through deep and loose snow. By winter, the lynx's coat becomes thick, fluffy and soft, and the lynx's paws are heavily pubescent so as not to feel the cold.

Hare. As we know, before the onset of winter, the hare changes its gray skin to white. In winter they feed on bark, small branches of aspen, willow, birch. In winter, a fallen tree can become a real hare dining room, where animals visit every day until they gnaw all the bark. They have no permanent home. In extreme cold, they hide under snow-covered bushes.

Hedgehog. By cold weather, hedgehogs need to accumulate fat, and in autumn, hedgehogs have little prey. Worms hide in the ground, Nimble lizards hide. It is difficult to find beetles and frogs. In clear autumn days The hedgehog prepares a warm nest for the winter. At night and during the day it drags dry leaves and soft forest moss into the hole. AT hibernation hedgehog spends more than six months. At this time, he does not eat anything and does not move. He sleeps curled up in a den, under a deep snowdrift, as if under a thick, fluffy blanket. And he sleeps like this all winter, until the spring sun.

Squirrel. Many rodents also make winter stocks. Squirrels that sleep in winter only in very severe frosts need capital stocks. Unlike many other animals, squirrels share their reserves. In autumn they hide acorns and nuts in forest floor, in hollows, ground. Not only the hostess herself, but also any other squirrel can get them from there. They also store mushrooms in a special way: they string them on tree branches or put them into forks between branches. By winter, the fur coat of this animal becomes very soft and fluffy, and the color is grayish. She builds her nest on tall spruce or pine trees. Inside the nest - soft grass, moss, wool balls. In severe frosts, the squirrel does not crawl out of its hollow, it may even fall asleep.

Foxes and wolves. These predators certainly do not sleep. By winter, these animals' coat becomes thicker. In winter, wolves unite in large flocks. Their victims are wild boars, hares, roe deer. And foxes attack smaller animals - hares, small rodents, birds. Burrows are usually dug in groves, on the slopes of hills and ravines.

Beavers. In autumn, the family of beavers is busy preparing food. Alone, and sometimes together, beavers easily fell aspen and willow. They build strong houses for themselves. The entrance to it is always arranged under water so that the enemy does not get close. In winter, it is warm inside the beaver's dwelling, the temperature is above zero.

Hamsters. With the approach of autumn, hamsters begin to actively arrange pantries - they are preparing for winter. And most arrange them right in the mouth, where they hide the food behind the cheeks. These animals are rightfully considered the most thrifty.

Elk. They live in the forests. Closer to autumn, when lingonberries and blueberries ripen, moose love to eat them right with twigs, they also love mushrooms, they even look for them on purpose. In winter, the elk gnaws on the bark of aspen, mountain ash and willow. At the end of autumn, he sheds his horns, and by the spring new ones grow in him. They do not prepare a permanent home. It is difficult for them in winter, when the snow flooring is very deep, because to move along it with such long legs not easy.

forest mice, voles. All of them are very voracious, stocking up on seeds and berries. In winter, when everything around is covered with snow, the animals dig passages in snowdrifts, and can also live in haystacks and buildings.

Quiz "How animals hibernate"

1. What do animals do to protect themselves from the cold?
- fly away to warmer climes
- change the summer coat for a warmer and lighter winter coat
- change the summer coat for a warmer and brighter winter coat

2. What animal does not change its coat in winter?
- squirrel
- hare
- hedgehog

3. And which other animal sleeps all winter?
- badger
- fox
- wolf

4. What is the first thing necessary for hibernating animals?
- Fat reserves under the coat
- silence
- peace

5. The hare has no fat reserves. What does he eat in winter?
- Tree bark and twigs
- carrot
- cabbage

6. What do predators eat in winter: wolves and foxes?
- tree bark and twigs
- small animals
- are starving

Who is out of place here?

Having eaten enough for the summer, bears, badgers, mice and hedgehogs hibernate at the beginning of winter.
(Mice do not sleep in winter, and they are not visible because they move under the snow. But foxes always know where the mouse is, they smell it through a snowdrift)

In search of prey, a wolf, a fox and an elk roam the snowy forest.
(The elk is not a predator. He, like all ungulates, is a herbivore, and when there is no fresh grass, he eats branches and last year's grass)

Elks, wild boars, weasels, hares and roe deer feed on twigs, roots, plant bark and fresh leaves in winter.
(Weasels are predators, they catch mice and birds. Unfortunately, there are no fresh leaves in the forest in winter, so it’s hard for them)

Well done guys! They told me everything right! Well, now I'll show you a cartoon!

How do animals prepare for winter? Part 2.

How do animals prepare for winter? Part 2:squirrel, badger, beaver, fox, wolf, mouse. Speech exercises and finger theater about how animals prepare for winter.

How Animals Prepare for Winter: Part 2

Picture stories on the topic "How animals prepare for winter"

Today we continue the topic of how animals prepare for winter. We discussed with you:

  • Experiences for children“Why is a hare gray in summer and white in winter?”, “Which fur coat is warmer?”
  • How hare getting ready for winter?
  • How bear getting ready for winter?
  • How hedgehog getting ready for winter?
  • presentation for looking at pictures with children.
  • Poems, stories, assignments for kids.
  1. How squirrel getting ready for winter?
  2. How beaver getting ready for winter?
  3. How badger getting ready for winter?
  4. How mouse getting ready for winter?
  5. How fox and wolf preparing for winter?
  6. 4 speech exercises for kids.
  7. Games are dramatizations.
  8. How easy and fast to make finger theater for dramatizations of forest conversations and dialogues?
  9. Poems, pictures, stories for kids about animals

I wish you an interesting journey into the world of animals and new discoveries!


Almost all children know how a squirrel prepares food for the winter, because all cartoons show how she hangs mushrooms on tree branches and dries them on stumps. She also collects nuts, acorns, cones. Where is the squirrel hiding them? Under the stumps, under the roots of trees, in hollows, in moss.

Squirrels prepare their houses for winter. The squirrel's house is called a "hollow". But if there is no hollow, then the squirrel builds a nest for itself. This is a ball of twigs and pieces of bark with one entrance. Inside the nest, the squirrel lays moss, bird feathers to be warmer. She plugs the cracks with moss and grass. The squirrel nest is built very high in the tree so that no one climbs into it.

The squirrel's winter coat is silvery, similar to snow. And in the summer - red. How to conduct a simple and interesting experiment for kids, showing a child why a squirrel changes a red coat to a silver one, you already read in the first part of our conversation about autumn. Did the kid like guessing?

Belkin dryer. V. Bianchi

The squirrel had taken one of its round nests in the trees under the pantry. There she has folded forest nuts and cones.

In addition, the squirrel collected mushrooms - boletus and birch. She planted them on broken branches of pines and dries for future use. In winter, it will roam the branches and fortify itself with dried mushrooms.

G. Skrebitsky

Here you go late autumn through the forest among the bare, flown trees. Look, something darkens on the branches of one of them; looks like dried leaves.
No, these are not leaves, but dried mushrooms.
Who carried them to the tree? This is the work of a troublesome squirrel. At the end of summer and autumn, she gathers mushrooms - she prepares food for herself for the winter.

During the autumn, the mushrooms on the branches will wither and wither, and they will remain hanging there until one of winter days the squirrel will not find them and will not eat them.
In addition to mushrooms, the squirrel also prepares other food for the winter. She stuffs nuts and acorns into hollows, through wood chips. All this will come in handy in the winter starvation.
By winter, squirrels not only store food: they take care of the insulation of their homes. With the onset of autumn, troublesome animals plug the cracks in the nests with withered grass and moss. Each hole is closed. Well, now everything is ready, you can meet the winter.

Squirrels, chipmunks, hamsters and many other animals store food for the winter.


Beavers.A. L. Barto
I've been walking since morning
I ask everyone:
What kind of fur does a beaver have?
What, say, fur?

Is it true that beavers
Build hillforts
And do they hide beavers there?

And rightly they say
That they have carpets there
From fragrant herbs and bark?

I asked my mother about the beaver
But it's time for her to go to work.

I see a janitor in the distance
He sweeps the yard.

Could you tell me:
Where does the beaver live? -
And the janitor told me: - Do not stand in the dust,
Let's postpone the conversation.

Without leaving the game
playing dominoes,
The neighbor laughs: - Where are the beavers?!
Haven't met them for a long time.

Say, be so kind
Can you tell me where the beavers live?

Task for children: Do you know where beavers live? How would you answer this boy to his questions?

The beaver is an amazing animal! It is even called the "Rodent King"! The beaver has a spatula tail, sharp teeth. A beaver can even gnaw through a tree with its teeth! Beavers can swim, and their fur coat is special - it does not get wet in the water! Beavers take care of their coat and take good care of it. They comb it with their front paws, teeth and claws of their hind legs. But other beavers help them to comb the back, because you can’t reach the back yourself! Just like you, mom probably helps to rub your back with a washcloth when you wash!

The beaver's house is called a "hut". Beavers build a house from branches and twigs. The house of beavers is very durable, because all the branches are fastened with clay and silt. The hut can only be entered underwater.

Beavers live in families. In autumn, they have a lot to do - they need to prepare a dam for the winter, repair it, prepare a lot of branches and put them near their house - "hut". This is their "food" for the winter. "Food" they store under water near their home. And they need a lot of food in winter! After all, beavers do not sleep in winter, and they need to eat! In winter, beavers swim underwater and eat roots. aquatic plants and their autumn food preparations - stocked branches.


Under the birch on the mountain… Timofey Belozerov
Under the birch on the mountain
The badger sleeps in its hole.
And the badger's hole
Deep, deep.

Badger warm and dry
All day caress the ear
Noise of birch branches
Yes, the sniffing of children:

Sleep soundly on the bed
boys with mustaches
And they snort from satiety
Wet noses...

A branch or bough creaks -
The badger will open his eyes.
A sensitive ear will lead
Smile and fall asleep:

After all, a badger's hole

The badger also prepares his house for winter. The badger's house is a hole. In autumn, the badger repairs the house, brings dry grass, moss, leaves and prepares a warm and soft bed for himself for the winter. Just as we have a mattress and pillow on our bed to make it soft and comfortable to sleep, so the badger wants to make his bed soft and comfortable.

And the badger also stores food for the winter, dries it and hides it in a hole. He stores acorns, seeds, plant roots.

By winter, the badger falls asleep in its mink.

Badgers. I. Sokolov-Mikitov
Once there were a lot of badgers in our Russian forests. Usually they settled in remote places, near swamps, rivers, streams. For their holes, badgers chose high, dry, sandy places that were not flooded with spring waters. Badgers dug deep burrows. Above their holes grew tall trees. There were several exits and entrances from the holes. Badgers are very neat and smart animals. In winter, they, like hedgehogs and bears, hibernate and leave their holes only in spring.

I remember, as a child, my father took me to see residential badger holes. In the evening we hid behind the trunks of trees, and we managed to see how the old short-legged badgers come out to hunt, how the little badgers play and fuss around the very holes.

In the forest in the mornings, I had to meet badgers more than once. I watched the badger slithering carefully along the tree trunks, sniffing the ground, looking for insects, mice, lizards, worms, and other meat and plant food. Badgers are not afraid poisonous snakes, catch them and eat them. Badgers do not go far from their burrow. They graze, hunt near an underground dwelling, not relying on their short legs. The badger walks quietly on the ground, and it is not always possible to hear his steps.

The badger is a harmless and very useful animal. Unfortunately, there are almost no badgers in our forests now. Rarely where inhabited badger burrows have been preserved in the deep forest. The badger is an intelligent forest animal. He doesn't harm anyone. It is difficult for a badger to get used to captivity, and in zoos during the day badgers usually sleep in their dark kennels.

It is very interesting, having found holes, to follow the life of their inhabitants.

I have never hunted peaceful badgers, but sometimes I found their forest dwellings. Live badgers were rarely seen. You used to walk from a capercaillie current, the sun rises over the forest. You will stop so that, sitting on a stump, you will listen and look carefully. You will see a badger, cautiously making his way along the trunks of trees and sniffing every inch of the earth. The badger's paws are like small, strong shovels. In case of danger, the badger can quickly burrow into the ground. When badgers dig their burrows, they rake the ground with their front legs, and push it out with their hind legs. They dig holes as fast as machines.

If you have to find live badger burrows in the forest, don't touch them, don't ruin or kill useful and good-natured animals. The badger has become a very rare animal in our forests. It is not difficult to completely destroy this beast.


The mouse prepared her pantry for the winter and filled it with grain. Sometimes the mice make their pantry right on the field and carry grains into it every night. The mouse hole has multiple entrances and contains a "bedroom" and several "storage rooms". In winter, the mouse sleeps only in cold weather, and on other days she needs to eat, that's why she stores so much food! Here is how Vitaly Bianchi writes about this:

Getting ready for winter. W. Bianchi.
The frost is not great, but it does not allow you to yawn: as soon as it strikes, the earth and water will be covered with ice at once. Where will you get your food then? Where will you hide?
In the forest, everyone prepares for winter in their own way.

Whoever is supposed to fly away from hunger and cold on wings. Those who are left are in a hurry to fill their pantries, preparing food supplies for the future. Especially diligently dragging her short-tailed mice-voles. Many of them dug their winter holes right in the stacks and under the stacks of bread and steal grain every night.
Five or six paths lead to the hole, each path leading to its own entrance. Below ground is a bedroom and several storage rooms.

In winter, voles are going to sleep only in the most severe frosts. That's why they do large stocks of bread. In some burrows, four or five kilograms of selected grain have already been collected.
Small rodents rob grain fields. We must protect our crops from them.

Fox and wolf

The fox has already grown her foxes by autumn, so she does not sit in a hole. But if danger threatens, then the fox runs to his house and hides. The fox's hole is at the edge of the forest on a hill, so that the fox can see the forest from all sides. The fox is very smart, she never runs straight to the hole, first she makes a loop to confuse her tracks, and then she hides in the hole.

The fox is a predator, it does not sleep in winter and does not make reserves for the winter, like a wolf.

But now the fox and the wolf are preparing a fur coat for winter. Their hair, like all animals, grows and becomes very warm and fluffy so that it is not cold in winter.

Speech exercises on the topic "How do animals prepare for winter?". Playing with words

The game "Where is whose house?". Guess how to proceed

  • Lives in a den...
  • Can live in a hole...
  • Lives in a hut...
  • Lives in a hollow...
  • Lives under a bush...

If the kid is wrong, then you can play a game called "Help the kids find a home." Little animals got lost and lost their houses. Where are their mothers waiting for them? Where should the squirrel be taken? Where is the bunny? Where is the mother bear waiting for the baby? And where is the papa beaver waiting for the beaver? Where should the badger go? And where is the hedgehog? In the game, the baby will quickly remember who lives where. For the game, you can use toys or pictures.

"Continue the offer"

  • AT winter forest never meet...
  • In the winter forest you can meet ...
  • Change coats in autumn...
  • Hedgehog in autumn...

"Name the animals affectionately."

  • Squirrel - squirrel,
  • fox - ... (chanterelle),
  • bear - (bear, bear),
  • hare - ... (bunny, hare, hare),
  • hedgehog - ... (hedgehog).

The game "Let's build a bridge. The longest sentence about autumn "

Take chips. Any small objects can act as chips: pencils, cones, buttons, shells, pebbles, bars of building material or design details. You can cut out squares from thick colored cardboard. One chip is one word. Lay out one chip and name one word. For example, "hedgehog". The child lays out the second chip and calls the second word, attaching it to the first: "Running." "The hedgehog is running." You lay out the third chip and call the third word. You can name two words if the preposition is used: “Through the forest. The hedgehog runs through the forest. But each word is one chip! Ask the child: “What is this word? It's the word "by". And this word is "forest". Together it turned out: through the forest. Next, the child adds his word. For example, "Autumn". It has already turned out such a proposal: "The hedgehog runs through the autumn forest" and you have laid out 5 chips. Keep expanding this offer as much as you can. For example, your final result may look like this: "A prickly cheerful hedgehog runs through the autumn golden forest and carries dry leaves on its back." The rule is that one word is used only once in a sentence so that it doesn’t turn out “butter oil” 🙂

I usually use a game version of this exercise. The children and I "build a bridge" from one side of the river to the other of our chips.

  • On the old wallpaper we draw two banks through which we need to build a bridge. You can draw "shores" with chalk on linoleum or lay out strings.
  • We discuss why this bridge is needed. For example, a kid lost his way, he needs to go home, but he cannot swim across the river. If we build a bridge of words, he will cross it. But the bridge needs a long one, so we need a lot of words!
  • We build a bridge of words, that is, we make a sentence. And at the same time we get acquainted with the term "sentence", learn to select beautiful figurative expressions and build complex sentences in your speech!
  • When the bridge is ready, our hero runs merrily along it to his mother.
  • It is possible to build sentences - bridges with any words and in any game situation: the car needs to drive to the other side, Aibolit needs to go to the sick bear, etc. You can build not a bridge, but a road.

Dialogues - dramatizations on the topic "How animals prepare for winter." forest talk

How to conduct an animal dialogue in the autumn forest - dramatization with a child

The animals gathered in a forest clearing and began to tell each other about their affairs. “I will spend the winter in a hollow,” said the squirrel. “And for the winter I saved food for myself - dried mushrooms, collected nuts and acorns.”

“And I, I will sleep in a den,” the bear said in a bass voice. “Now I need to eat a lot of food so that I can sleep peacefully all winter. I don't need food in winter. I have prepared a lair for myself. I will sleep in it in winter.

Play out this conversation with your child and continue it on behalf of different animals. You can enter other characters - birds and insects. Let the birds tell how they are going to fly to distant lands, and let the insects tell how they hide in cracks and under the bark from cold and frost. Each character tells from himself, about his autumn affairs, about how he prepared for the winter.

For dialogues, you can use toys - a bunny, a fox, a bear, a mouse, a squirrel. You can cut out the silhouettes of animals or use pictures. Playing the dialogue of animals, the child consolidates the knowledge gained about the natural world in an interesting and exciting way. And what is more important - the kid learns to apply the acquired knowledge in life! This is much better and more effective than “tormenting” the child with questions: “How did the hare prepare for winter? Remember how the badger prepared for winter? Remember ... ”The child will remember, and in a few days ... will forget! But the information that the child used in the game, he will never forget! After all, it was lived and felt by him, it was interesting and emotional, it was so bright and exciting! Play and develop your baby in the game! And success will be guaranteed!

Children are very fond of playing out such dialogues of animals with the help of a finger theater. Finger theater does not have to be bought or sewn or knitted. You can quickly make it from improvised materials available in every home.

How easy it is to make a finger theater on the topic "How animals prepare for winter"

  • Draw the animals yourself or print out the finished pictures and stick each one on a thin strip of thick cardboard. The width of the strip is approximately 1 cm. Length 7-8 cm. You can color the pictures, or you can leave them as they are - black and white. Coloring pictures with colored pencils is very useful for a child. This develops fine motor skills, so you can involve the baby in this business. After all, prepare toys for your future game always fun for kids!
  • Take a strip of cardboard 3-4 cm wide and about 8-10 cm long. Glue a "ring" out of it with adhesive tape on the child's finger. Exact size the details depend on the size of the child’s finger - the “ring” should be freely put on and removed from it, but at the same time it should not fall off the finger.
  • Insert the finished strip of cardboard with the image of the animal glued to it inside the “ring” and put it on your finger. You can change characters by inserting them into the "ring" and taking them out. It turns out finger theater.
  • In this finger theater, one child can either play the role of one animal or play several roles. Each animal talks about how it prepared for winter.
  • To conduct a dialogue - a game, the baby will need your help. Take on one of the roles, ask questions, suggest new stories and topics for discussion!

Plots for the game - dramatizations with children on the topic

How Animals Prepare for Winter

As a basis for such a dramatization by children of a dialogue between animals, you can take a folk song.


Above the city is a wattle fence,

The animals sat on the wattle fence,

Boasted all day.

For older children 5-7 years old, the story of Nikolai Sladkov can be taken as the basis for dramatizing the dialogue of animals. Let the raven ask questions to the animals, and they answer him. At first, mom can take on the role of a crow and ask questions to the little animals about how they are preparing for winter. Then switch roles. Each time change the composition of the animals that answer Raven's question.

A fairy tale for children about autumn by Nikolai Sladkov

- Inhabitants of the forest! cried the wise Raven one morning. - Autumn at the forest threshold, is everyone ready for its arrival?
Like an echo, voices came from the forest:
Ready, ready, ready...
"Now we'll check it out!" Raven croaked. - First of all, autumn will let the cold into the forest - what will you do?

Animals responded:
- We, squirrels, hares, foxes, will change into winter coats!
- We, badgers, raccoons, will hide in warm holes!
- We, hedgehogs, the bats, let's sleep soundly!

Birds responded:
- We, migratory, will fly away to warm lands!
- We, settled, put on downy padded jackets!

“Secondly,” Raven shouts, “autumn will begin to rip off the leaves from the trees!”
- Let it rip off! the birds responded. - The berries will be more visible!
- Let it rip off! the animals responded. - It will be quieter in the forest!
“Third thing,” the Raven does not let up, “the autumn of the last insects will snap with frost!”

Birds responded:
- And we, thrushes, will fall on the mountain ash!
- And we, woodpeckers, will begin to peel the cones!
- And we, goldfinches, will take on the weeds!

Animals responded:
- And we will sleep more peacefully without mosquitoes!
- The fourth thing, - Raven buzzes, - autumn will pester with boredom! It will overtake gloomy clouds, let in tedious rains, nauseka dreary winds. The day will shorten, the sun will hide in your bosom!
- Let him pester himself! birds and animals responded in unison. - We will not get bored! What do we need rains and winds when we are in fur coats and down jackets! We will be full - we will not get bored!

The wise Raven wanted to ask something else, but waved his wing and took off.
It flies, and under it is a forest, multi-colored, motley - autumn.
Autumn has already crossed the threshold. But it didn't scare anyone.

You can also use for staging a fairy tale about how animals prepare for winter by G. A. Skrebitsky “Everyone in their own way” (riddles, tasks for children, folk traditions, video)

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