South America: the plants and animals that inhabit it. Animals of South America. Description and features of the animals of South America Natural zones of South America deserts and semi-deserts

South America- the fourth largest continent, it lies in the southern hemisphere. Five climatic zones determine the characteristics of flora and fauna: equatorial, subequatorial, tropical, subtropical and temperate, most of the mainland has a warm climate.

The flora and fauna are very rich, many species are found exclusively here. South America is a record holder in many ways, the longest and most deep river in the world is the Amazon, the longest mountain range of the Andes is located, the largest Mountain Lake Titicaca is the rainiest continent on earth. All this significantly influenced the development of wildlife.

Nature different countries South America:

Flora of South America

The flora of South America is rightfully considered the main wealth of the mainland. Such well-known plants as tomatoes, potatoes, corn, chocolate tree, rubber tree were discovered here.

Wet rainforests The northern part of the mainland is still striking in its richness of species, and today scientists continue to discover new plant species here. These forests are found different types palm trees, melon tree. There are 750 species of trees and 1,500 species of flowers per 10 square kilometers of this forest.

The forest is so dense that it is extremely difficult to move through it, vines also make it difficult to move. A characteristic plant for the rainforest is ceiba. The forest in this part of the mainland can reach a height of over 100 meters and spread over 12 levels!

South of the selva are variable wet forests and savannas, where the quebracho tree grows, which is famous for its very hard and very heavy wood, a valuable and expensive raw material. In the savannas, small forests give way to thickets of cereals, shrubs and tough grasses.

Further south are the pampas - the South American steppes. Here you can find many types of herbs, common for Eurasia: feather grass, bearded vulture, fescue. The soil here is quite fertile, as there is less rainfall and it is not washed out. Shrubs and small trees grow among the grasses.

The south of the mainland is desert, the climate there is more severe, and therefore the vegetation is much poorer. Shrubs, some types of grasses and cereals grow on the stony soil of the Patagonian desert. All plants are resistant to drought and constant weathering of the soil, among them are resinous chanyar, chukuraga, Patagonian fabiana.

Fauna of South America

The animal world, like vegetation, is very rich, many species have not yet been described and qualified. The richest region is the Amazonian selva. It is here that such amazing animals as sloths, the smallest hummingbirds in the world, a huge number of amphibians, among which poisonous frogs, reptiles, including huge anacondas, the world's largest rodent capybara, tapirs, jaguars, river dolphins. At night, a wild cat ocelot hunts in the forest, resembling a leopard, but found only in America.

According to scientists, 125 species of mammals, 400 species of birds and an unknown number of species of insects and invertebrates live in the selva. rich and water world Amazons, its most famous representative - predatory fish piranha. Other famous predators are crocodiles and caimans.

The savannahs of South America are also different rich fauna. Armadillos are found here, amazing animals covered with plates - “armor”. Other animals that can only be found here are anteaters, rhea ostriches, spectacled bear, puma, kinkajou.

In the pampas of this continent there are deer and llamas who live in open spaces and who can find here the grasses that they feed on. The Andes have their own special inhabitants - llamas and alpacas, whose thick wool saves them from the high mountain cold.

In the deserts of Patagonia, where only hard grasses and small shrubs grow on stony soil, mainly small animals, insects, and various types of rodents live.

South America includes the Pacific Galapogos Islands, which are home to amazing turtles, the largest representatives of the family on earth.

Located in three climatic zones ah: temperate, subtropical and tropical, then animal and vegetable world these zones has differences due to climatic features.

In the semi-deserts of the temperate climatic zone, plants of the cereal family, wormwood, thrush, cinquefoil, fescue, prutnyak, and also bulbous plants- ephemeroids that transform its appearance on a short time in the spring as a result of soil moisture, but under the influence of high daily temperatures quickly fade, and the semi-desert again takes the form of a scorched space with a fragmentary arrangement of specific vegetation. In addition to herbs, shrubs and trees grow in this zone: sand acacia, juzgun, sucker, white saxaul, etc. southern hemisphere succulent plants are added to these species. In the semi-desert zone there are conditions for cattle breeding.

The fauna is represented by rodents (hamsters, jerboas, ground squirrels, mice, long-eared hedgehogs), reptiles, insects that hide from the daytime heat in burrows. Predators - polecat, fox, goitered antelope, saiga, birds - larks, bustard, which is an endangered species, eagle, etc.

in South America, in addition to the listed rodents, there are coypu, viscacha, armadillo, deer, pampas cat, birds: ostrich Nandu, tinamou, palmedei, and also condor.

sand acacia

The film below tells about a beauty bustard that lives in the semi-desert zone of Kazakhstan.

In Russia, semi-deserts are located along the southern border, in the regions of the Caspian and Ciscaucasia.

A distinctive feature of the semi-deserts of the subtropical climatic zone from the temperate one is the absence of negative temperatures in winter period. In the semi-deserts of the subtropical climate zone North Africa, Central Asia, in the Caucasus, in Australia, South America, a shrubby type of vegetation prevails, although sod species of grasses, wormwood are also common, prickly pear cactus, Billardier's saltpeter, astragalus, derzhiderevo, lavender, and wild euphorbia are often found.

Euphorbia wild

In the semi-deserts North America typical representatives of vegetation are cacti, creosote bush, agave, dasilirion, yucca, parpolistnikovye, xerophytic bromeliads.

The fauna of the subtropical semi-desert zone, in addition to rodents and reptiles, is supplemented by ungulates (gazelles, donkeys), predators - leopard, cheetah, lions, hyenas, jackals. There are reptiles (turtles, lizards, geckos), birds, among which the black vulture and vultures are noteworthy. Insects are widely represented: many beetles, spiders, termites.

The tropical semi-desert zone is characterized by an arid and hot climate throughout the year. Plants are drought-resistant, with some ephemera. The sparse vegetation consists of acacia and tamarisk shrubs, a wide range succulents, irises, amaryllis, lilies grow here, which bloom during the rainy season. Solyanka, cereals, succulents predominate among herbs. Not found in Australia a large number of eucalyptus trees in places of close occurrence of groundwater. In the Kalahari semi-desert region, acacia is also the most common, from grass - aristida, aloe, cereal plants. The semi-deserts of America are characterized by cacti, represented in a huge variety of species, and thorny thickets of acacia.

See a video about how aristida grows in semi-desert conditions.

The fauna of the tropical semi-desert of America is inhabited by antelope ground squirrels, hamsters, guinea pigs, kangaroo mice, predators: coyote, puma, skunk, fox, wolf live here.

In Africa, in addition to rodents, snakes, reptiles, there are jackals, hyenas, leopards, cheetahs, ostriches, ibis, camels, in Australia - a kangaroo, a Dingo dog, a one-humped camel.

The plants and animals of the African semi-desert and desert are described in the film:


South America is the fourth largest continent on Earth. This is southern part land, which is called the New World, the Western Hemisphere, or simply America. The mainland has the shape of a triangle, it is wide in the north and gradually narrows towards southern point- Cape Horn.

The continent is thought to have originated when the supercontinent Pangea broke apart several hundred million years ago. This theory says that throughout both South America and Africa were a single landmass. For this reason, both modern continents have similar mineral resources and types of rocks.

Basic geographic information

South America, together with the islands, occupies 17.3 million km². Most of its territories are located in the Southern Hemisphere. Passes through the continent. The coastline is quite indented. Quiet and Atlantic Oceans that form bays at river mouths. The southern coast with the Tierra del Fuego archipelago is more indented. :

  • north - Cape Gallinas;
  • south - Cape Frouard;
  • west - Cape Parinas;
  • east - Cape Cabo Branco.

The largest islands are Tierra del Fuego, Galapagos, Chiloe, Wellington Island and the Falkland Islands. Large peninsulas include Valdes, Paracas, Taitao and Brunswick.

South America is divided into 7 natural regions: Brazilian Plateau, Orinoco Plain, Pampas, Patagonia, Northern Andes, Central and Southern Andes. The continent consists of 12 independent countries and 3 territories without sovereignty. Most of the countries are developing countries. The largest country in terms of area is Brazil, which is Portuguese-speaking. Other countries speak Spanish. In total, about 300 million people live on the mainland, and the population continues to grow. The ethnic composition is complex due to the special settlement of the mainland. Most people live on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.



The base of the continent consists of two elements: the Andes mountain belt and the South American platform. It has risen and fallen several times during its existence. Plateaus have formed in elevated places in the east. Low-lying plains formed in the troughs.

The Brazilian Highlands settled in the southeastern part of Brazil. It stretched for 1300 km. The composition includes the Serra de Mantiqueira, Serra do Paranapiataba, Serra Gerall and Serra do Mar mountain ranges. The Brazilian shield is located south of the Amazon. The Guiana Plateau, 1600 km long, stretches from Venezuela to Brazil. It is famous for its gorges and tropical forests. Here is the highest Angel Falls, 979 m high.

The Amazonian lowland was formed due to the turbulent waters of the river of the same name. The surface is filled with continental and marine sediments. In the west, heights barely reach 150 meters above sea level. The Guiana Plateau arose in the north of the continent. The longest mountain range on Earth, the Andes, is 9 thousand km. most high peak is Mount Aconcagua, 6960 m. Mountain building continues to this day. This is evidenced by the eruptions of numerous volcanoes. The most active volcano is Cotopaxi. Mountain chain seismically active. The last major earthquake occurred in the Chile region in 2010.


In the southern part of the continent, a zone and semi-deserts were formed. This is a unique area for temperate zone: deserts overlook the ocean coast. The proximity of the ocean creates high humidity. However, the formation of arid terrain was influenced by the Andes. They block the path of moist winds with their mountain slopes. Another factor is the cold Peruvian Current.


Atacama Desert

The desert territory is located on the western coast of the continent, its total area is 105 thousand km². This region is considered the driest on the planet. In some areas of the Atacama, precipitation has not fallen for several centuries. The Peruvian current of the Pacific Ocean cools the lower ones. Because of this, in this desert, the lowest humidity on Earth is 0%.

The average daily temperature is cool for desert regions. It is 25 ° C. In some areas, fog can be observed in winter. Millions of years ago, the region was under water. After a while, the plain dried up, resulting in the formation of salt pools. Enough in the desert active volcanoes. Red stony soils predominate.

The landscape of the Atacama is often compared to that of the moon: sandbanks and rocks alternate with dunes and hills. Evergreen forests stretch from north to south. On the western border, the desert strip gives way to thickets of shrubs. In total, there are 160 species of small cacti in the desert, as well as lichens and blue-green algae. Acacias, mesquite trees and cacti grow in the oases. Among under climatic conditions llamas, foxes, chinchillas and alpacas tuned in. 120 species of birds live on the coast.

A small population is engaged in mining. Tourists come to the desert to visit the Moon Valley, see the "Desert Hand" sculpture, and enjoy sandboarding.


Sechura Desert

This desert area is located in the northwest of the continent. On the one hand it is washed Pacific Ocean, and on the other - borders the Andes. The total length is 150 km. Sechura is one of the cold deserts with average annual temperature 22° C. This is due to southwest winds and ocean currents off the coast. It also contributes to the formation of fogs in winter. Fog retains moisture and gives coolness. Due to subtropical anticyclones, little precipitation falls in the region.

Sands form mobile dunes. In the central part they form dunes 1.5 m high. Strong winds moving sand and exposing bedrock. The animal and plant world is concentrated along the watercourses. On the territory of Sechura there are two large cities.


Desert Monte

The desert is located in the north of Argentina. It has a hot and dry climate. Precipitation may not fall for about 9 months of the year. Weather changes are explained by the absence of mountains: the territory is open to the northern and south winds. Clay soils in the valleys, and stony soils in the mountains. Few rivers are fed by rain.

The territory is dominated by semi-desert steppes. There are woodlands near the water. The animal world is represented birds of prey, small mammals, including llamas. People live in oases and near water bodies. Part of the land is turned into agricultural land.

Inland waters

Amazon river

The continent receives a record amount of rainfall. Thanks to this phenomenon, many rivers were formed. Since the Andes act as the main watershed, most of the mainland belongs to the Atlantic basin. Water bodies are mainly fed by rain.

The Amazon, 6.4 thousand km long, originates in Peru. She has 500 tributaries. The rainy season increases the level of the river by 15 m. Its tributaries form waterfalls, the largest of which is called San Antonio. are poorly used. The length of the Parana River is 4380 km. Its mouth is located on the Brazilian Plateau. Rainfall is uneven because it crosses several climatic zones. AT upstream because of the rapids, Paraná forms waterfalls. The largest, Igausu, has a height of 72 m. Downstream, the river becomes flat.

The third largest inland body of water on the continent, the Orinoco, is 2,730 km long. It originates on the Guiana Plateau. In the upper reaches there are small waterfalls. In the lower part, the river forks, forming lagoons and channels. During floods, the depth can be up to 100 m. Due to the frequent tides, shipping becomes a risky business.

by the most big lake, which is located in Venezuela, is Maracaibo. It was formed as a result of the deflection of the tectonic plate. In the north, this reservoir is smaller than in the southern part. The lake is rich in algae, thanks to which various species of birds and fish live here. The south coast is represented. Tourists are attracted by a rare phenomenon called the Catatumbo Lighthouse. As a result of mixing the cold air of the Andes, warm air The Caribbean Sea and methane from the swamps appear lightning. They strike 160 days a year, and silently.

Titicaca, the second largest lake in South America, is located between the Andes. It has 41 inhabited islands. It is the largest navigable lake. Titicaca and the surrounding area is a national park. Rare live on its territory. Due to rarefied air, there is little species diversity. Most of the continent has large reserves fresh water.


Subequatorial climate zone

The continent is located in five climatic zones. occupies the Pacific coast and the Amazonian lowland. During the year, 2 thousand mm of precipitation falls. The temperature throughout the year is low, about 24 ° C. It is in this zone that equatorial forests, which is the largest array of wet forests on Earth.

The struggle for the environment is to create national parks and reserves. Countries need to adopt clean technologies and replant deforested areas.

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The main area of ​​the vast territory of the mainland of South America extends in the equatorial - tropical latitudes, therefore, it does not feel a lack of sunlight, although the climate of this part of the world is not at all as hot as African.

This is the wettest continent on the planet, and there are many natural causes. The pressure difference between warm land and the ocean environment, currents off the coast of the mainland; the Andes mountain range, stretching across a huge part of its territory, blocking the path westerly winds and contributing to the increase in humidity and the loss of a significant amount of precipitation.

The climate of South America is extremely diverse, because this continent extends through six climatic zones: from subequatorial to temperate. Along with areas of fertile nature, there are areas known for mild winters and cool summers, but famous for frequent rains and winds.

In the center of the mainland, precipitation is much less. And the highlands are distinguished by clean, dry air, but a harsh climate, where the bulk of the heavenly moisture falls, even in summer months, in the form of snow, and the weather is capricious, constantly changing during the day.

A person does not survive well in such places. Naturally, the vicissitudes of the weather affect other organisms that live there.

It is not surprising that with these natural features, the world of fauna is incredibly diverse and rich. List of animals of South America is very extensive and impresses with its individual bright features of organic life that has taken root in this territory. It includes many beautiful and rare species creatures that amaze with their fantastic originality.

What animals are in South America live? Most have adapted well to living in harsh conditions, because some of them have to endure the discomfort of tropical showers and survive in the highlands, get used to the peculiarities of shrouds and sub equatorial forests.

The fauna of this continent is amazing. Here are just some of its representatives, the diversity of which can be seen on photos of South American animals.


interesting mammals- the inhabitants of the forests are known to the whole world as very slow creatures. Peculiar animals are closely related to armadillos and anteaters, but outwardly they have little resemblance to them.

The number of sloth species included in the number animals endemic to South America, only about five. They unite in two families: two-toed and three-toed sloths, quite similar to each other. They are half a meter tall and weigh about 5 kg.

They resemble an awkward monkey in external features, and their thick shaggy hair looks like a haystack. It's curious that internal organs These animals differ in structure from other mammals. They lack hearing and vision acuity, teeth are underdeveloped, and the brain is rather primitive.

Pictured is an animal sloth


Fauna of South America would be greatly impoverished without mammals. These are the most unusual animals of the edentulous - a detachment to which sloths are also ranked.

The animals are dressed by nature in something similar to chain mail, as if chained in armor, girded with hoops consisting of bone plates. They have teeth, but they are very small.

Their eyesight is not well developed, but their sense of smell and hearing are quite sharp. When feeding, such animals capture food with a sticky tongue, and are able to dig into loose earth in the blink of an eye.

Pictured is an armadillo


Scroll animal names of south america would not be complete without amazing creation, as . This is an ancient outlandish mammal that existed in the early Miocene.

These representatives of the fauna inhabit the territories of shrouds and moist forests, and also live in swampy areas. They are divided by scientists into three genera, differing in weight and size.

Representatives of the genus of giants have a mass of up to 40 kg. They, as well as members of the genus of large anteaters, spend their lives on the ground and cannot climb trees. Unlike relatives, pygmy anteaters skillfully move along trunks and branches with the help of clawed paws and a tenacious tail.

Anteaters do not have teeth, and they spend their lives in search of termite mounds and anthills, absorbing their inhabitants with a sticky tongue, sticking their long nose into the habitat of insects. Anteater is able to eat several tens of thousands of termites per day.

Pictured is an anteater animal


Among animal forests of south america, dangerous predator killing one jump is . It is in his dexterous, lightning-fast ability to kill his victims that the meaning of the name of this beast, translated from the language of the indigenous inhabitants of the continent, lies.

The predator is also found in shrouds and belongs to the genus Panther, reaches a weight of just under 100 kg, has a spotted color, like a leopard, and has a long tail.

Such animals live in the north and in the central part of America, but are found in Argentina and Brazil. And in El Salvador and Uruguay some time ago they were completely exterminated.

Pictured is a jaguar

Mirikin monkey

American monkeys are endemic, and differ from relatives living on other continents by a wide partition separating the nostrils of these animals, for which they are called broad-nosed by many zoologists.

To this type of creatures inhabiting mountain forests, refers to Mirikina, otherwise called durukuli. These creatures, having a height of about 30 cm, are notable for the fact that, unlike others, they lead an owl lifestyle: they hunt at night, seeing perfectly and orienting themselves in the dark, and sleep during the day.

They jump like acrobats, eat small birds, insects, frogs, fruits and drink nectar. They know how to make a huge number of interesting sounds: they bark like a dog, meow; roar like jaguars; chirping and chirping like birds, filling the darkness of the night with diabolical concerts.

Mirikin monkey

titi monkey

It is not known exactly how many species of such monkeys exist in South America, since they have taken root in impenetrable forests, whose wilds cannot be fully explored.

Appearance titi resemble mirikin but have long claws. During the hunt, they guard their prey on the bough of a tree, picking up their arms and legs together, lowering their long tail down. But at the right moment, in the blink of an eye, they deftly grab their victims, whether it be a bird flying in the air or a living creature running along the ground.

Pictured is a titi monkey


These monkeys live in the forests of the interior regions of the continent. They spend their lives on the tops of trees, especially in areas of the Amazon that are flooded for a long time, as they cannot tolerate dampness.

They jump on the branches very dexterously and far, and walk on the ground on their hind legs, helping themselves to maintain balance with their front legs. Zookeepers, watching these, noticed their habit of rubbing their own wool with pieces of lemon. And they drink, licking water from their hands.

white-faced saki

wakari monkey

Close relatives of the saki, living in the Amazon and Orinoco basins, are known for the shortest tail among the monkeys of the continent. These peculiar creatures, classified as endangered species and rare animals of south america, have red faces and a bald forehead, and with their lost and sad expression, they look like an aged, confused person in life.

However, appearances are deceiving, because the nature of these creatures is cheerful and cheerful. But when they get nervous, they smack their lips noisily and shake with all their might the bough they are on.

uakari monkey


South American harpy bird

Titicaca whistler frog

Otherwise, this creature is called the scrotum because of the flabbiness of its skin, hanging in folds. She uses her bizarre skin for breathing, as her lungs are small in volume.

This is the most big frog in the world, found in the waters of the Andes and on Lake Titicaca. Individual specimens grow up to half a meter and weigh about a kilogram. The color of the back of such creatures is dark brown or olive, often with light spots, the belly is lighter, creamy gray.

Titicaca whistler frog

American manatee

A large mammal that inhabits the shallow waters of the Atlantic coast. Able to live also in fresh water. The average length is three or more meters, the weight in some cases reaches 600 kg.

These creatures are painted in rough grey colour, and their forelimbs resemble flippers. They eat plant foods. They have poor eyesight, and communicate by touching their muzzles.

American manatee

Amazonian inia dolphin

The largest of. His body weight can be estimated at 200 kg. These creatures are painted in dark tones, and sometimes have a reddish skin tone.

They have small eyes and a curved beak covered with tin bristles. Live in captivity no more three years and are difficult to train. They have poor eyesight, but a developed system of echolocation.

river dolphin inia

piranha fish

This aquatic creature, famous for its lightning-fast attacks, has received the title of the most voracious fish of the continent. Having a height of no more than 30 cm, she ruthlessly and brazenly attacks animals and does not disdain to eat carrion.

The shape of the body has the form of a rhombus, compressed from the sides. Usually the color is silver-gray. There are also herbivorous species These fish feed on vegetation, seeds and nuts.

Pictured is a piranha fish

Giant arapaima fish

According to scientists, the appearance of this ancient fish, a living fossil, remained unchanged for millions of centuries. Separate individuals, as they say locals continent, reach four meters in length, and weight is estimated at 200 kg. True, ordinary specimens are more modest in size, but it is a valuable commercial one.

Giant arapaima fish

electric eel

most dangerous big fish, having a mass of up to 40 kg, found in the shallow rivers of the continent and having enough human victims on its account.

Capable of emitting electric charge high power, but it is powered only small fish. It has an elongated body and smooth, scaly skin. The color of the fish is orange or brown.

Electric eel fish

Agrias claudina butterfly

most beautiful rainforest with a span, saturated with colors, bright wings of 8 cm. The shape and combination of shades depends on the subspecies of the described insects, of which there are about ten. It is not easy to see a butterfly, as they are rare. Even harder to capture such beauty.

Agrias claudina butterfly

Butterfly nymphalida

With wide wings of medium size, bright and variegated colors. The lower part usually merges with environment against the background of dry leaves. These insects actively pollinate flowering plants. Their caterpillars feed on grasses and leaves.

Butterfly nymphalida

South America is a continent animal world which is incredibly rich and varied. What animals live in South America, and what plants grow there ... want to know?

South America - ranks 4th in size among other continents the globe. Every continent has something unique and inimitable, and South America is no exception.

Even a seasoned traveler has something to be surprised at, there are tropical rainforests, savannahs and the Andes. This is a place of contradictions: Tierra del Fuego between Chile and Argentina is located in the Atlantic cold ocean, the dusty steppes of the Pampas stretch through Uruguay and Argentina, the majestic Andes rise from the west with green valleys and coffee plantations, in the north of Chile is the Atacama Desert, which is the driest place on Earth, and in Brazil in the area of ​​the Amazon River there are thickets of impenetrable jungle.

Animal life of the Andes

The animals of South America are striking in their diversity, as are its landscapes.

The Andes are the longest mountains on the planet, they are about 9 thousand kilometers long. These mountains are located in different zones: in the temperate, two subequatorial, equatorial, subtropical and tropical, therefore, growing in the Andes more quantity plants and a variety of animals.

Deciduous and evergreen trees grow in the lower tier of the equatorial forests, and at an altitude of 2500 meters there are cinchona trees and coca bushes. AT subtropical zones grow cacti and creepers. There are many in the Andes valuable plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, coca, cinchona.

The Andes are home to over 900 amphibian species, 1700 bird species and 600 mammal species, which are not found in large flocks as they are separated by densely growing trees. The forests are bright large butterflies and big ants. A large number of birds nest in dense forests, the most common are parrots, in addition there are many.

On the animal world of the Andes Negative influence rendered the activity of people. Previously, many condors lived here, but today they have survived only in two places: the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Nudo de Pasto.

is the largest flying bird in the world West Coast. It has black shiny plumage, and a collar of white feathers is folded around the neck. A white border runs along the wings.

Female condors are much larger than males. Sexual maturity in these birds occurs at 5-6 months. They build nests on rocky cliffs, at an altitude of 3-5 thousand meters. The clutch usually contains 1-2 eggs. Among birds, condors are long-lived, as they can live for about 50 years.

It has simultaneously become a symbol of several Latin American states: Bolivia, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Ecuador. In the culture of the peoples of the Andes, these birds play an important role.

But, despite this, in the twentieth century the number of these big birds decreased significantly, so they were included in the International Red Book. Today, condors are in the group of threatened species.

It is believed that anthropological factors have become the main reason for the degradation of condors, that is, the landscapes in which these birds lived have changed. They are also poisoned by the carcasses of animals that people shoot. Among other things, until recently, condors were specifically shot, as there was a misconception that they pose a threat to domestic animals.

To date, several countries have organized programs to breed condors in captivity, with their subsequent release into the wild.

Unusual Islands of Lake Titicaca

Unique animals live not only in the Andes, but also in the areas of Lake Titicaca. Only here you can meet the Titicaca whistler and the wingless great grebe.

The Titicaca whistler is a frog endemic to Lake Titicaca.

Lake Titicaca is unusual for its floating Uros islands. According to legend, small tribes of the Uros Indians settled on floating islands several millennia ago in order to separate from other peoples. These Indians themselves learned how to build islands from straw.

Each island of Uros is formed from several layers of dry reeds, while the lower layers are washed away over time, but the upper layers are constantly updated. The islands are springy and soft, and water seeps through the reeds in some places. The Indians build their huts and make "balsa de totora" boats, also from reeds.

The wingless grebe is a bird that visits Lake Titicaca from time to time.

To date, there are approximately 40 floating Uros islands on Lake Titicaca. Moreover, on some islands there are observation towers and even solar panels for generating energy. Excursions to these islands are very popular among tourists.

Animals endemic to South America

Pudu deer are found exclusively in South America. The growth of these deer is small - only 30-40 centimeters, the body length reaches 95 centimeters, and the weight does not exceed 10 kg. These deer have little in common with their relatives: they have short, straight horns, small oval-shaped ears with hair, and the body color is gray-brown with indistinct white spots.

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