What does a monkey look like. The largest monkeys in the world. How long do monkeys live

Particularly the monkeys. These funny creatures won the hearts of their owners with their childish spontaneity, cute appearance and mischievous character.

Is it possible or not?

Do not think that the passion for keeping monkeys at home was born in today's wealthy families. Data have come down to our times that since ancient times in Peru they were very fond of keeping little monkeys at home.

To this day, monkeys are the most common pet in this country. It is also known that in captivity domestic monkeys were kept in Ancient Rome, China and Egypt.

Did you know? The only place in Europe where monkeys live Rocky coast Gibraltar in the south of the Iberian Peninsula.

Any modern man before buying a monkey, he will think about whether it will be cruel to the animal.

You can debate for a long time whether keeping wild animals at home is humane, and a positive answer to this question depends on compliance with the rules for caring for monkeys.

And yet it is better to refuse them if there are small children or pregnant women in the house.

Types for home content

Watching obedient monkeys in the circus dutifully follow all the instructions of the trainer, some may think that this is a wonderful choice. pet. This is not true.

Important! In nature, monkeys live in packs in which there is a leader, there is a struggle for power, which means that any monkey wants to rise above you, become a leader, and both fangs and claws can be used.

Monkeys are unpredictable. In addition, even recognizing you as the leader, the monkey may not want to give in to other members of your family.

These arguments should make you understand that not all types of monkeys are suitable for breeding at home, and buying large and medium-sized monkeys in general should be categorically avoided.

However right choice species of monkeys home content can bring a lot of pleasure to you, your family members and your pet. It must be little monkeys.

It is known that at home, Javanese, Indian and Japanese macaques, rhesus monkeys, capuchins, spider monkeys, marmosets (tamarins, marmosets), and saimiri are more often bred at home.

Javanese macaque (crabeater macaque) has a quiet character and small size (up to 60 cm). The weight of the male is up to 8.5 kg, the female is up to 4 kg. They have a funny black muzzle, the rest of the coat gradually changes color from brown at the top of the body to gray at the bottom.
Indian macaque (bonnet macaque, Macaca radiata) has a height of up to 70 cm, their hair is thick, gray color. Males reach a weight of 8 kg, females - 5 kg.
In Japanese macaques (snow monkey, Macaca fuscata) coat short, dark gray or Brown color, red skin. Males reach a weight of 14 kg with a height of up to 95 cm, females are significantly smaller in size.
Rhesus monkey (Bunder, Macaca mulatta) it is painted in a dirty green with a yellow tint, under the tail it has growths of red color. These macaques are quite strong build.
Such animals are considered aggressive and are more suitable for study in medical laboratories.

Did you know? These macaques owe their name to the fact that it was on them that the Rh factor was discovered, which determines the compatibility of blood.

A genus of monkeys called capuchin (broad-nosed monkey) becoming more popular for home breeding because of his unusual color- white and black, identical to the clothes of the monks of the Capuchin order. Their height is up to 60 cm, weight - up to 5 kg. Females weigh much less.
Spider Monkey (Brown Myriki, Brown Brachyteles, Coal Monkey, Brachyteles arachnoides) reaches 80 cm and 15 kg. Her skin is black and her fur is brown.
Marmosets are one of the smallest families of primates and contain more than 40 genera.
Tamarins (Saguins, Saguinus)- small monkeys weighing no more than 1 kg and up to 44 cm tall, with a tail.

They have a mustache growing on their muzzle, which makes a funny impression. The coat color varies depending on the type of tamarins (white, brown, black).
Marmosetok (wistiti) although they are called marmosets, in fact they are relatives of orangutans. They are considered the smallest monkeys in the world with a height of 30 cm and a weight of 300 g. There are black-eared, golden and silver monkeys of this species.
Little monkey breeds saimiri (dead head, Saimiri sciureus) have a cute face and a weight of no more than 1.2 kg, and a body length of up to 35 cm.

The skin around their nose and mouth is painted black, around the eyes - in pale pink, almost white. The coat color is different in different parts of the body: gray, dirty green, yellow, orange. They have a very beautiful tail.

Important! The most suitable for home keeping are Javanese macaques and marmosets due to their small size and relatively meek disposition.

How to choose and the cost of the animal

The choice of the type of monkeys for keeping depends, first of all, on the thickness of the wallet. This animal is expensive, and its maintenance is also quite expensive.

Weigh this argument well: if there is not enough money, then there is nothing to choose from. The answer to the question, how much does a domestic monkey cost - from 1,000 dollars. Marmosets are sold at prices ranging from $1,500 to $1,800. Some types of monkeys cost up to $8,000.

Pay attention to the size of the living space: it is better if the monkey has a separate room. Monkeys can be carriers of dangerous diseases, so make sure you have a certificate from your veterinarian.

Don't be tempted low prices and attractive offers, stop buying primates from dubious dealers (read reviews).

The animal must have a healthy and well-groomed appearance, not be aggressive.
It is good to buy baby monkeys, then it will be easier to tame them. When buying an adult animal, you must take into account that it is accustomed to the conditions of the previous owner, and considers him the leader.

Keep in mind that these are very sociable animals. If you have a closed character or work "from morning to night", give up their home breeding.

Some types of monkeys live up to 40 years, so consider whether your age will allow you to properly care for the animal all these years.

Monkey in the house: nuances

How long monkeys live at home depends on the correct care of them, and for this you need to know where to keep them, how to care for them, how to walk, feed and treat them.

To prevent the pet from being bored, you can fix a mirror in the cage. Inside the cage, you can place a house with a blanket and a branch for acrobatic exercises.

Make sure that life-threatening objects for the monkey are in hard-to-reach places if she suddenly gets out of the cage.
The temperature in the room where the primates are kept should not be lower than +22 °C. They need sunlight to thrive.

How to care?

First of all, you need to clean the animal’s cage every day, and completely change the filler at least once a week, otherwise bad smell can't be avoided. When releasing the monkey from the cage, make sure that it does not hide food anywhere, rotting food is not the most pleasant smell in the house.

The animal can be put on a disposable diaper, like a child who is changed twice a day. At night, the diaper should be removed to avoid diaper rash. Many trainers teach monkeys to go to the toilet.

Domestic monkeys should be bathed 2 times a day, then dried well so that they do not catch a cold.

They should be treated kindly, but if they are guilty, strictly. Do not shout, hit or swing - this can cause aggression.

When and how much to walk?

You can let the monkey run around the apartment for a couple of hours, but don’t give absolute freedom, keep it under control, otherwise the apartment will look like after a hurricane, and the animal may get hurt or burned.
In order to catch it later, it is desirable to have a special device - a net. In summer, you can take the monkey out of the cottage by placing it in a spacious one.

If you teach a monkey to walk on a leash, it can be warm weather briefly take to the street, in the absence or sharp sounds.

What to feed?

What to include in a pet's diet depends on its breed. Mostly monkeys eat vegetarian food, but there are exceptions. So, rhesus macaques will not give up insects, small animals or.

Capuchins are happy to eat caterpillars, ants, eggs, larvae, small frogs, lizards, small ones. Saimiri loves insects and small birds.

Food should be varied, be sure to include sweet fruits, vegetables, sometimes boiled chicken or turkey. Baby monkeys are fed infant formula.

You can also use commercially available monkey food. The cage must have a drinking bowl with fresh water.

Important! You can not feed monkeys with cockroaches, newly born mice, raw or smoked meat, spicy or salty foods.

What to treat?

Primates can catch a cold if not observed temperature regime, catch pneumonia, dysentery.

Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian, preferably if he specializes in primates.

Features of pet behavior

Monkeys are social animals, they are in dire need of communication and will require maximum amount attention. In addition, they are active, they definitely need toys, room for movement, crossbars to swing.

Activity increases upon reaching puberty. From boredom, the animal can become depressed and become aggressive.
It is recommended, in particular, to hide food in closed boxes or boxes with holes. Monkeys express their emotions with the help of screams, growls, chirps, whistles.

Female primates are very affectionate towards their cubs and can become aggressive during the birth of babies, guarding them. It's fun to watch the animals during the birth of the cubs.

Did you know? The wistiti male takes care of the female and children, without resistance giving them the best pieces.

Monkeys are cunning and savvy - keep this in mind when equipping a cage for them and letting them out for a walk.

When raising a monkey, remember that they are like children: if they become naughty and angry, then something is bothering them.

Find out the reason for bad behavior, talk to the monkey calmly, reward good behavior with food and affection and get an affectionate, gentle and obedient pet.

Monkey in the house: pros and cons

Benefits of monkey breeding include:

  1. Cheerful character.
  2. Funny look.
  3. Friendly character.
  4. Well developed intellect.
  5. They are very attached to the owner, actively showing love with affection, kisses, hugs.
  6. Primates require a lot of attention, so they will brighten up loneliness.

Cons of keeping monkeys at home:

  1. Aggressive, spiteful behavior in case of improper care.
  2. The need to constantly care for the animal, play, caress, pay attention.
  3. Females have monthly menses.
  4. Animals can masturbate.
  5. Monkeys can infect humans with hepatitis or HIV.
  6. Some species mark their territory or rub themselves with urine.
  7. The high cost of monkeys, high maintenance costs.

Making a purchase decision domestic monkey, remember that this animal will require a lot of time and effort.
Be ready not to retreat from the goal, do not throw the objectionable pet into the street, take pity on him, because it is not in vain that they say that we are responsible for those we have tamed. Study the nature of the primate, guarantee the attention of the animal - and love will be rewarded to you a hundredfold.

Monkeys are always of interest to people; in zoos, the largest number of visitors stop near them. Perhaps this is due to a sufficient similarity with humans, because these animals have a similar structure, many habits are also similar. In any case, this view attracts ordinary tourists and sophisticated scientists studying the secrets of nature.

It is customary to call all primates monkeys, although there is a separate suborder with this name, otherwise called anthropoids. Primates have common qualities, for example, movable hands with five fingers that can actively take and cling to something, and legs are also tenacious. The body is covered with wool, and sometimes undercoat, forming a full-fledged fur.

Their ancestors were connected with trees, where they lived, got food. A similar way of life is observed in many modern monkeys. This is especially due to the fact that they live in the forests of the tropics, where there are dense thickets.

It is believed that at first primates settled in the Old part of the world, meaning Africa and Asia, only eventually forming new species there. So these animals differ in names and appearance.

Monkeys of Africa - ancient animals

Narrow-nosed monkeys belonging to the Old World live in Africa, they are also divided as follows:

  • monkey-shaped;
  • large anthropoids (hominids).

Once met and parapithecus, but they died out.

All these animals are ancient, as they have been living on African lands for more than one millennium, and their number is the largest here - about 140 species. They are distinguished by narrow noses with partitions looking down. The existing tails, although long, are not functional, they do not grab a branch when moving.

Martyshkovs can be further divided as follows:

  • omnivorous monkeys (monkeys, macaques, baboons, mandrills);
  • herbivorous thin-bodied (proboscis, fat-bodied, langurs).

Typical representatives of African monkeys are actually monkeys, these animals are especially interesting, as they are small in size and have funny habits, so they are and there are many lovers of such exotics around the world. Usually they are no larger than a cat, with soft, thick hair, the color of which is of various kinds:

  • the black;
  • blue;
  • brown;
  • olive;
  • light gray;
  • red;
  • grey-green.

But the tail is very long, like two body lengths. Slightly elongated muzzles are sometimes decorated with sideburns, a beard or mustache.

Living in a forest area, they are used to eating the food available here:

  • vegetable (fruits, leaves, shoots, grass);
  • animal (small vertebrates, insects).

These African monkeys are often caught by people, as they train well, for this you need to work with a monkey from childhood. In this regard, man has become the main enemy, from which this cute primate escapes only by flight.

Among baboons, baboons stand out, called yellow baboons due to the corresponding coat color. Their size is significant - about 75 cm, the tail itself is slightly smaller - up to 60 cm. They eat mixed food, in addition to plants, they do not disdain insects, lizards and eggs.

The organization of these monkeys is amazing, they constantly live in a group, so when some it becomes nonsense. Each flock has an established hierarchy, obeying several males. They have mutual assistance and friendly relations with their descendants. They also often patronize ungulates, which can protect themselves from danger due to the signals of far-seeing baboons.

The largest among the marmosets are the mandrills living in West African lands. Their large males are especially attractive due to their unusual colors - red beard, pink nose, blue stripes on the head.

They are also organized, living in families where there are about 10 females for each male. Any family has its own territory of about 50 square meters, they specially mark the boundaries. Mothers are strongly attached to babies, until they reach the offspring three years sleep together.

Hominid, that is great apes Africa include:

  • orangutans;
  • gorillas;
  • gibbons;
  • chimpanzee.

The largest among them are gorillas, who have chosen to live in the tropics. With a height of 2 meters, they can weigh 200 kg, so it is not surprising that the local natives tried not to intersect with them. The body in its shape resembles a square, while all the skin is black along with the hair, although in old age gray hair appears on the back.

Their activity is manifested only in the daytime, only plants are chosen for food, especially their green parts, they feast on fruits only occasionally. Despite the size and overall appearance, the nature of gorillas is calm and flexible. They also live in packs, while among males only the leader has the right to have offspring.

It is known from history that monkeys appeared in mesozoic era 200 million years ago. For years these creatures have changed little. Monkeys were called primates, that is, paramount, main.

The brain of monkeys is slightly smaller than a human, but more developed than that of other animals. That's why these mammals are very smart.

The eyes are deep set, bulging, the pupil is small. The mouth is large, bulging forward. Teeth are formed in 2 stages: in small individuals, milk teeth appear, in adulthood, milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. The ears are large, protruding forward.

The limbs of the front paws in many species of monkeys are similar to human ones. The first finger is opposed to the other four. There are nails on the fingertips. The back is hunched.

Growth depends on the breed of the mammal. It varies from 15 cm (dwarf) to 2.5 meters (gorilla). The coat is thick and uneven. Color brown, black, gray, chestnut.

Tiny monkey species

It is considered the smallest representative of the monkeys. Marmoset length 11-15 cm, weight from 100 to 150 grams. It easily fits in the palm of your hand. Habitat - Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. The coat is reddish, thick. Due to it, the animal seems to be 2 times larger. Lives in trees, is diurnal, very nimble and mobile. Marmosets are too clean and pay great attention to cleaning each other's coats. They feed on tree sap, insects, fruits. The photo shows all the beauty of these little primates.

  • tamarin.

The body length is 31 cm. The tail reaches a length of up to 44 cm. Weight 300 grams. Feature of these monkeys is the presence of a beard and mustache. The color is brown, yellowish, brown with black patches. They live in America and Colombia. They live in families in the crowns of trees. They feed on insects, bird eggs, plants, fruits.

  • squirrel monkeys.

These primates live in South America in forests located near water bodies. Body length 25-35 cm, weight 1 kg. The tail is long - 40 cm. The color is grayish-yellow. Very mobile, they can easily jump 5 meters. They are awake during the day and sleep at night. In danger, they emit a piercing cry and freeze motionlessly in place. An inexperienced person will not be able to notice a squirrel monkey even "under his nose." They feed on eggs and chicks, fruits, nuts, shellfish.

Species of medium monkeys

  • Capuchin.

They live in South America. Body length 50-70 cm. Weight 4-5 kg. These monkeys are too smart and very shy. On the tops of the trees where they live, capuchins find food for themselves. They eat frogs, insects, and steal bird eggs. Capuchins are easy to train, so they are popular with monkey lovers. They can live up to 50 years.

  • howler monkey.

They live in Brazil, Central and South America. Maximum height 70 cm. Weight 5-8 kg. The tail is long and tenacious, reaching almost the length of the body - 60-70 cm. Every morning, like roosters, they publish loud sounds to intimidate enemies. And also, these sounds attract females and show rivals that this is their territory. Howler monkeys feed on leaves, plants, and fruits. They hunt birds, insects and even large snakes.

  • Spider monkey or spider monkey.

They live in Brazil, Mexico, South and Central America. Growth is 40-60 cm. The length of the tail reaches a length of 90 cm. Weight 5-10 kg. They are only awake during the day, they sleep at night. Fleeing from a predator, he can spend a lot of time on top of a tree. They feed on wild figs and plants. Individuals will not refuse mouth-watering fruits either. They live up to 40 years.

  • Baboon.

Baboons live in South and East Africa. Body length is 70-80 cm. Weight ranges from 30 to 45 kg. Color yellowish brown. Baboons eat plants, fruits, leaves, bark. The best lunch for baboons are caught gazelles, antelopes. Baboons live in clans, which are always led by leaders. If a baboon is hungry and there is a human house nearby, he will gladly climb into the building for food. They are very agile and, noticing the enemy, quickly climb a tree for cover. The life expectancy of baboons is 40 years.

  • colobus.

Thick-browed monkeys (colobus) live in the dense forests of Ethiopia, Senegal, Nigeria, Guinea. These primates can rise to a height of up to 3 thousand meters. They rarely come down from the trees and lead night image life. The growth of colobus is a maximum of 70 cm, weight - 12 kg. The tail functions as a fifth limb. The color is black and white, the back is a reddish hue. In appearance, these primates are very beautiful and majestic. The peculiarity of monkeys is the absence thumb on hands. Colobus feed on tree leaves, bark, fruits.

  • Langur.

Langurs belong to the monkey family. Height 75 cm, maximum weight 20 kg. Primates feed on fruits and vegetation. Jumping langurs reach a length of ten meters. Habitat Thailand, Tibet, India. Langurs can live in areas where snow falls.

  • Toque.

Macaques live both in forests and in mountains, and even in cities. Growth of individuals 40-70 cm, weight maximum 14 kg. Color brown, yellow, brown, black. Macaques perfectly adapt to city life. Amenable to learning. AT wild nature live in packs of 10 to 20 individuals. Each has its own function in the family. Individuals live in Nepal, North India, China. They feed on small animals, leaves, fruits.

  • Gibbon.

Gibbons live in South-East Asia. Primates weight 6-9 kg, height 40-90 cm. Gibbons feed on juicy fruits, vegetation, eggs and chicks, insects. Primates live in families: parents and cubs. When a young male grows up, he goes into the thicket of the forest to look for his chosen one. But there are also such instances that do not want to leave the family hearth. A parent has to kick their child out.

big monkeys

  • Orangutan.

They live in Kalimantan and Sumatra. The growth of large individuals reaches 130 cm, weight 90-120 kg. Orangutans live alone or in harems. One male can have several females, and other representatives of this breed are not allowed to enter the territory. If such a daredevil appears, then both males scatter to different trees and start shaking them. This can go on for several hours until one of them is removed. Orangutans feed on bananas, plums, leaves and bark.

The gorilla is the largest representative of all monkey breeds. The growth of the primate reaches 2 meters, and the weight is 280 kg. This species lives in Central Africa. Primates feed only on vegetation. They live in groups: 2 males, several females and cubs.

Gorillas have an intimidating appearance, but in themselves they are friendly. If the males feel danger, they begin to beat in the chest with their hands, growl strongly. This is how they protect themselves from enemies. The life expectancy of gorillas is 50 years.

There are many more subspecies of these mammals. All subspecies differ depending on the habitat, environmental situation, weather phenomena, food preferences.

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Barbary monkey (magot) lives in coniferous and deciduous forests Atlas Mountains in northern Africa and belongs to the monkey family. This monkey feeds almost exclusively on vegetarian food, only occasionally eating insects. These animals live in groups dominated by females. Males do not arrange fights because of females and, together with females, participate in the upbringing of babies.

First, the mother carries the baby under her belly, where he clings tightly to her fur, later the cub sits on the back of the mother. These monkeys also live in Europe, where their only habitat is the rocks of Gibraltar. They were brought there in the Middle Ages. Tradition says that if the Magoths die out, Great Britain will lose its possessions there.


Gelada monkeys live in the dry, cool mountains of Ethiopia. They own very difficult language facial expressions and gestures. For example, in warning of danger, the gelada raises its upper lip, shows long fangs, or displays eyelids that are lighter in color than the rest of the coat. They feed on plants and various insects, sleep in the crevices of rocks. There they hide in case of danger. The only enemies of these monkeys are humans and leopards.

Pygmy chimpanzees or bonobos - a species of primates higher apes. They are smaller and more puny than their relatives, the common chimpanzee. Only in 1928 was it discovered that they belong to a special, independent species monkeys. Pygmy chimpanzees live in very dense, impenetrable forests and feed on fruits, seeds, grass, and small animals. They spend most of the day in the trees, descending to the ground only in search of food. They spend the night in nests built from leaves and branches.

Gverets or colobus

Because of their beautiful black and white fur, these monkeys are heavily hunted. They live on the tops of trees in Central Africa and feed mainly on leaves, but they can also eat insects and fruits. They are excellent jumpers and excellent tree climbers.

According to the thickness of the coat and the length of the tail, they are divided into many subspecies. Monkeys live in family unions from 3 to 18 individuals. There is only one adult male in each group, the rest of the males live separately, making up a group of bachelors. The female bears cubs for about 5-6 months. Babies have white fur, but after a few days it turns first gray and then black. Mothers carry their young on their stomachs, where the babies hold on tightly to their fur.

Monkeys are primates. In addition to the usual ones, there are, for example, half-monkeys. These include lemurs, tupai, short-toed. Among ordinary monkeys they resemble tarsiers. They separated in the Middle Eocene.

This is one of the eras of the Paleogene period, began 56 million years ago. Two more orders of monkeys emerged in the late Eocene, about 33 million years ago. We are talking about narrow-nosed and broad-nosed primates.

tarsier monkeys

Tarsiers - species of little monkeys. They are common in southeast Asia. The primates of the genus have short forepaws, and the heel section on all limbs is elongated. In addition, the brain of tarsiers is devoid of convolutions. In other monkeys, they are developed.


Lives in the Philippines, is the smallest of the monkeys. The length of the animal does not exceed 16 centimeters. The primate weighs 160 grams. With these sizes, the Philippine tarsier has huge eyes. They are round, convex, yellow-green and glow in the dark.

Philippine tarsiers brown or grayish. The fur of the animals is soft, like silk. Tarsiers take care of the coat, combing it with the claws of the second and third fingers. Other claws are deprived.

Bankan tarsier

Lives in the south of the island of Sumatra. The Bankan tarsier is also found in Borneo, in the rain forests of Indonesia. The animal also has large and round eyes. Their iris is brownish. The diameter of each eye is 1.6 centimeters. If we weigh the organs of vision of a Bankan tarsier, their mass will exceed the weight of the brain of a monkey.

The Bankan tarsier has larger and rounder ears than the Philippine tarsier. They are hairless. The rest of the body is covered with golden brown hairs.

tarsier cast

Included in rare species monkeys, lives on the islands of Big Sangihi and Sulawesi. In addition to the ears, the primate has a bare tail. It is covered with scales, like a rat's. There is a wool brush at the end of the tail.

Like other tarsiers, the cast has acquired long and thin fingers. With them, the primate clasps the branches of the trees on which it spends most life. Monkeys look for insects and lizards among the foliage. Some tarsiers even encroach on birds.

broad-nosed monkeys

As the name implies, the monkeys of the group have a wide nasal septum. Another difference is 36 teeth. Other monkeys have fewer, at least 4.

Broad-nosed monkeys are divided into 3 subfamilies. These are capuchin-shaped, callimico and clawed. The latter have a second name - marmosets.

capuchin monkeys

Otherwise called cebids. All monkeys of the family live in the New World and have a prehensile tail. It seems to replace the fifth limb of primates. Therefore, the animals of the group are also called chaintails.


It lives in the north of South, in particular, in Brazil, Rio Negro and Guiana. Crybaby enters monkey species, listed in the International Red . The name of primates is associated with the lingering sounds they make.

As for the name of the family, Western European monks who wore hoods were called Capuchins. The Italians called the cassock with him "capuchio". Seeing in the New World monkeys with light muzzles and a dark "hood", the Europeans remembered the monks.

Crybaby is a small monkey up to 39 centimeters long. The tail of the animal is 10 centimeters longer. Maximum weight primate 4.5 kilograms. Females are rarely more than 3 kilos. Even in females, fangs are shorter.


Otherwise referred to as brown. Primates of the species inhabit the mountainous regions of South America, in particular, the Andes. Mustard brown, brown or black individuals are found in different areas.

The body length of the favi does not exceed 35 centimeters, the tail is almost 2 times longer. Males are larger than females, gaining almost 5-kilogram weight. Occasionally there are individuals weighing 6.8 kilos.

white-breasted capuchin

The second name is an ordinary capuchin. Like the previous ones, it lives on the lands of South America. White spot on the chest of the primate comes to the shoulders. The muzzle, as befits the capuchins, is also light. The "hood" and "mantle" are brown-black.

The "hood" of the white-breasted capuchin rarely descends on the monkey's forehead. The degree of dark coat furryness depends on the sex and age of the primate. Usually, the older the capuchin, the higher his hood is raised. Females "raise" it even in their youth.

Saki Monk

In other capuchins, the length of the coat is uniform throughout the body. The saki monk has longer hairs on the shoulders and head. Looking at the primates themselves and their photo, types of monkeys you begin to discern. So, the "hood" of saki hangs on the forehead, covers the ears. The fur on the face of a capuchin almost does not contrast in color with the headdress.

Saki-monk gives the impression of a melancholic animal. This is due to the lowered corners of the monkey's mouth. She looks sad and thoughtful.

There are 8 types of capuchins in total. In the New World, these are the most intelligent and easily trained primates. They often feed on tropical fruits, occasionally chewing rhizomes, branches, catching insects.

Marmoset broad-nosed monkeys

Monkeys of the family are miniature and have claw-like nails. The structure of the feet is close to that of the tarsiers. Therefore, species of the genus are considered transitional. Marmosets belong to higher primates, but among them the most primitive.


The second name is ordinary. In length, the animal does not exceed 35 centimeters. Females are about 10 centimeters smaller. Reaching maturity, primates acquire long brushes of fur near the ears. The decoration is white, the center of the muzzle is brown, and its perimeter is black.

On the big toes of marmosets - oblong claws. With them, primates grab onto branches, jumping from one to another.

pygmy marmoset

The length does not exceed 15 centimeters. A plus is a 20-centimeter tail. The primate weighs 100-150 grams. Outwardly, the marmoset seems larger, because it is covered with a long and thick coat of brown-golden color. The red hue and mane of hair make the monkey look like a pocket lion. it alternative name primacy.

pygmy marmoset found in the tropics of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. With sharp incisors, primates gnaw at the bark of trees, releasing their juices. The monkeys eat them.

black tamarin

Below 900 meters above sea level does not descend. AT mountain forests black tamarins in 78% of cases have a twin. This is how monkeys are born. Fraternal children are brought only in 22% of cases.

From the name of the primate it is clear that it is dark. In length, the monkey does not exceed 23 centimeters, and weighs about 400 grams.

crested tamarin

Otherwise called monkey pinche. On the head of the primate is an erokez-like crest of white, long wool. It grows from forehead to neck. During the unrest, the tuft stands on end. In a good-natured mood, the tamarin is smoothed.

The muzzle of the crested tamarin is bare down to the area behind the ears. The rest of the 20 cm primate is covered with long hair. It is white on the chest and front legs. On the back, sides, hind limbs and tail, the fur is reddish-brown.

piebald tamarin

A rare species, lives in the tropics of Eurasia. Outwardly, the piebald tamarin has a resemblance to the crested one, but there is no that same crest. The animal has a completely bare head. Ears against this background seem large. Emphasized and angular square shape heads.

Behind her, on the chest and front paws - white, long hair. The back, yuoka, hind legs and tail of the tamarin are reddish-brown.

The piebald tamarin is slightly larger than the crested one, weighs about half a kilogram, and reaches a length of 28 centimeters.

All marmosets live 10-15 years. The size and peaceful disposition make it possible to keep representatives of the genus at home.

callimico monkeys

Separated into a separate family recently, before that they belonged to marmosets. DNA tests have shown that callimico is a transitional link. There are many things from capuchins. The genus is represented by a single species.


Included in the little-known, rare types of monkeys. Their names and features are only occasionally described in popular science articles. The structure of the teeth and, in general, the skull of a marmoset, like that of a capuchin. The face at the same time looks like the muzzle of a tamarin. The structure of the paws is also marmoset.

The marmoset has thick, dark fur. On the head, it is elongated, forming a kind of cap. To see her in captivity is good luck. Marmosets perish outside natural environment do not produce offspring. As a rule, out of 20 individuals in the best zoos in the world, 5-7 survive. At home, marmosets are healthy even less often.

narrow-nosed monkeys

Among the narrow-nosed there are monkey species in india, Africa, Vietnam, Thailand. Representatives of the genus do not live. Therefore, narrow-nosed primates are commonly called Old World monkeys. They include 7 families.


The family includes primates of small to medium size, with approximately the same length of the fore and hind limbs. The first fingers of the hands and feet of monkeys are opposed to the rest of the fingers, like in humans.

Even members of the family have ischial calluses. These are hairless, strained areas of skin under the tail. The muzzles of marmosets are also bare. The rest of the body is covered with hair.


Lives south of the Sahara. This is the limit of the range of monkeys. On the eastern borders arid, grassy territories the hussars have white noses. Western representatives of the species have black noses. Hence the division of the hussars into 2 subspecies. Both are included in species of red monkeys, because they are colored in orange-scarlet.

Hussars have a slender, long-legged body. The muzzle is also elongated. When the monkey grins, powerful, sharp fangs are visible. A long tail primacy is equal to the length of his body. The mass of the animal reaches 12.5 kilograms.

green monkey

Representatives of the species are common in the west. From there, monkeys were brought to the West Indies and caribbean islands. Here primates merge with greenery rainforest, having wool with a marsh tint. It is distinct on the back, crown, tail.

Like other monkeys, green ones have cheek pouches. They resemble those of hamsters. Macaques carry food supplies in their cheek pouches.

Javanese macaque

Otherwise called a crabeater. The name is associated with the macaque's favorite food. His fur, like that of a green monkey, casts grassy. Against this background, expressive Brown eyes.

The length of the Javanese macaque reaches 65 centimeters. The monkey weighs about 4 kilograms. The females of the species are about 20% smaller than the males.

Japanese macaque

Lives on Yakushima Island. There is a harsh climate, but there are hot, thermal springs. Near them the snow melts and primates live. They bask in hot waters. The leaders of the packs have the first right to them. The lower "links" of the hierarchy freeze on the shore.

Among the Japanese is larger than others. However, the impression is deceiving. If you cut off the thick, long hair of a steel-gray tone, the primate will be of medium size.

The reproduction of all monkeys is associated with genital skin. It is located in the area of ​​the ischial callus, swells and turns red during ovulation. For males, this is a mating signal.


They are distinguished by elongated forelimbs, bare palms, feet, ears and face. On the rest of the body, the coat, on the contrary, is thick and long. Like macaques, there are ischial calluses, but less pronounced. But gibbons have no tail.

silver gibbon

It is endemic to the island of Java, it does not occur outside of it. The animal is named after the color of its coat. She is gray and silver. The bare skin on the muzzle, hands and feet is black.

Silver of medium size, in length does not exceed 64 centimeters. Females often stretch only 45. The mass of the primate is 5-8 kilograms.

Yellow-cheeked crested gibbon

You cannot tell by the females of the species that they are yellow-cheeked. More precisely, the females are completely orange. On black males, golden cheeks are striking. Interestingly, representatives of the species are born light, then darken together. But during puberty, females, so to speak, return to their roots.

Yellow-cheeked live crested gibbons on the lands of Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos. There primates live in families. This is a feature of all gibbons. They form monogamous couples and live with children.

Eastern hulok

The second name is the singing monkey. She lives in India, China, Bangladesh. Males of the species have bands of white wool above their eyes. On a black background, they look like gray eyebrows.

The average weight of a monkey is 8 kilograms. In length, the primate reaches 80 centimeters. There is also a Western hulok. He is devoid of eyebrows and a little larger, already weighing under 9 kilos.


AT species of great apes not included, but among the gibbons is large, gaining 13-kilogram mass. The primate is covered with long, shaggy black hair. It fades to gray near the mouth and on the chin of the monkey.

On the neck of the Siamang is a throat pouch. With its help, the primates of the species amplify the sound. Gibbons have a habit of calling to each other between families. For this, monkeys develop their voice.

pygmy gibbon

There is no heavier than 6 kilograms. Males and females are similar in size and coloration. At all ages, monkeys of the species are black.

Once on the ground, dwarf gibbons move with their arms behind their backs. Otherwise, long limbs drag along the ground. Sometimes primates raise their arms up, using them as a balancer.

All gibbons move through the trees, alternately rearranging their front limbs. The manner is called brachiation.


Always massive. Male orangutans are larger than females, with hooked fingers, fatty growths on the cheeks in a small guttural sac, like in gibbons.

Sumatran orangutan

Refers to red monkeys, has a fiery coat color. Representatives of the species are found on the island of Sumatra and Kalimantan.

Sumatran is included in types of great apes. In the language of the inhabitants of the island of Sumatra, the name of the primate means "forest man". Therefore, it is incorrect to write "orangutaeng". The letter "b" at the end changes the meaning of the word. In the language of the Sumatrans, this is already a “debtor”, and not a forest person.

Bornean orangutan

It can weigh up to 180 kilos with a maximum height of 140 centimeters. Monkey species - a sort of sumo wrestlers, covered in fat. The Bornean orangutan is also “obliged” to carry a heavy weight. short legs against the background of a large body. The lower limbs of the monkey, by the way, are crooked.

The arms of the Bornean orangutan, as well as others, hang below the knees. But the fatty cheeks of the representatives of the species are especially fleshy, significantly expanding the face.

kalimantan orangutan

It is endemic to Kalimantan. The growth of the monkey is slightly higher than the Bornean orangutan, but it weighs 2 times less. The coat of primates is brown-red. In Bornean individuals, the fur coat is pronounced fiery.

Among the monkeys, the orangutans of Kalimantan are long-lived. The age of some ends in the 7th decade.

All orangutans have a concave skull in the front. The general outline of the head is elongated. All orangutans also have a powerful lower jaw and large teeth. The chewing surface is pronounced relief, as if wrinkled.


Like orangutans, they are hominids. Previously, scientists called so only man and his ape-like ancestors. However, gorillas, orangutans and even chimpanzees have with people common ancestor. Therefore, the classification was revised.

coast gorilla

Lives in equatorial Africa. The growth of the primate is about 170 centimeters, weighs up to 170 kilograms, but often about 100.

The males of the species have a silver stripe running down their backs. The females are completely black. On the forehead of both sexes there is a characteristic redhead.

lowland gorilla

It is found in Cameroon, the Central African Republic and the Congo. There, the plain settles in the mangroves. They are dying out. Together with them, the gorillas of the species also disappear.

The size of the lowland gorilla is commensurate with the parameters of the coast. But the coat color is different. Plains individuals have brown-gray fur.

mountain gorilla

The rarest, listed in the International Red Book. Less than 200 left. Living in remote mountainous areas, the view was discovered at the beginning of the last century.

Unlike other gorillas, the mountain gorilla has a narrower skull, thick and long hair. The forelimbs of the monkey are much shorter than the hind limbs.


All live in Africa, in the basins of the Niger and Congo rivers. There are no monkeys of the family above 150 centimeters and weigh no more than 50 kilograms. In addition, males and females differ slightly in shipanzee, there is no occipital ridge, and the supraorbital is less developed.


Considered the smartest monkey in the world. In terms of brain activity and DNA, bonobos are 99.4% close to humans. Working with chimpanzees, scientists have taught some individuals to recognize 3,000 words. Five hundred of them were used by primates in oral speech.

Growth does not exceed 115 centimeters. The standard weight of a chimpanzee is 35 kilograms. The wool is dyed black. The skin is also dark, but the lips of the bonobo are pink.

common chimpanzee

Finding out how many kinds of monkeys belong to chimpanzees, you will recognize only 2. In addition to the bonobos, the ordinary belongs to the family. He's bigger. Individual individuals weigh 80 kilograms. The maximum height is 160 centimeters.

There are white hairs on the coccyx and near the mouth of the common. The rest of the coat is brown-black. White hairs fall out during puberty. Prior to this, older primates consider marked children, treat them condescendingly.

Compared to gorillas and orangutans, all chimpanzees have a straighter forehead. At the same time, the brain part of the skull is larger. Like other hominids, primates walk only on their feet. Accordingly, the position of the chimpanzee's body is vertical.

The big toes are no longer opposed to the rest. The length of the leg exceeds the length of the palm.

Here we figured it out what are the types of monkeys. Although they have a relationship with people, the latter are not averse to feasting on their younger brothers. Many aboriginal peoples eat monkeys. Particularly tasty is the meat of semi-monkeys. Animal skins are also used, using the material for sewing bags, clothes, belts.

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