How big does a gerbil grow? The gerbil is a miniature friend. Video: Gerbil knocking paws

If you really want to start pet, but you are afraid of the responsibility that will fall on your shoulders, then get a small and unpretentious animal - a gerbil. But first, learn how to care for her.

What is this animal?

The gerbil is a small rodent that looks like a rat. Basically, it's cute. house mouse. The body length of an adult animal can vary from 5 to 20 centimeters. The length of the tail is usually 6-24 centimeters, at the end of it there may be a small tassel.

The muzzle of the gerbil is pointed, the auricles are small but well developed, the eyes are rather large and protruding. The color on the back is darker and can vary from gray to brown. The abdomen is usually light. There may be light spots on the head. The hind legs are more developed than the front ones, so sometimes these rodents move on them.

Gerbils are ubiquitous. They are found in semi-deserts, deserts and steppes. Such animals can be found in Asia, Africa, China, Mongolia, as well as in the regions of Transbaikalia, Kazakhstan and Ciscaucasia.

The life expectancy of a gerbil at home ranges from two to three years. And in natural environment such rodents usually live no more than six months.


Gerbils are burrowing animals. But they all lead a predominantly terrestrial lifestyle, and climb into holes only when necessary. Most of these rodents form colonies. Many gerbils are diurnal animals, meaning they are active during the day. But they can't sleep at night either.

At the same time, in hibernation gerbils do not fall, they continue to live in winter familiar life, but in very coldy may go into a state of torpor.

AT wild nature these rodents feed on plants as well as various seeds. Gerbils are very thrifty, sometimes the food supply in the hole by weight reaches 60 kilograms!

It is worth noting that gerbils have a special gland in the abdomen, which is used to mark the territory. But the smell of the secreted liquid is not sharp and almost imperceptible, so gerbils cannot be called bad-smelling animals.

These rodents are very active. They are constantly digging, nibbling, looking for, storing and so on. And if the rodent does not have the opportunity to do all this, then he can get sick and even die. Consider this and by all means provide your pet with all the conditions necessary for a full life.

Although gerbils are relatively unpretentious animals, still providing optimal living conditions will prolong the life of the pet and make it healthy and active. Let's list a few key points.

One or two gerbils?

The gerbil is a rodent that needs constant communication, so it's best to get a pair at once. But remember that unfamiliar rodents can fight, so at first, keep a close eye on them.

The optimum air temperature is 20-25 degrees. In any case, it should not fall below 15 degrees, in a cool place the rodent will be less active. Gerbils do not tolerate moisture, so the room must be dry. Do not place your pet's home in drafts, near air conditioners or heaters.


The best housing for such a rodent will be a cage with metal bars. But remember that the gap between the bars must be small, otherwise the pet may escape or get seriously injured. Also, choose a deep-bottomed cage.

Instead of a cage, you can also use an aquarium, but always with a breathable lid (a gerbil can jump out and travel around the house, which can be unsafe). In any case, housing should be quite spacious, otherwise the animal will feel cramped.

Home Improvement

How to properly care for a gerbil rodent? It is extremely important to properly equip her housing. Be sure to pour a fairly large (about 10 centimeters) layer of sawdust into the cage tray, their pet will dig. But such a rodent also needs sand, so pour it into a small bath and place it in the corner of the cage so that the gerbil bathes and cleans its coat.

You can put a house in a cage in which the rodent will hide. But remember that it will have to be changed, as the gerbil will periodically gnaw and destroy its homes. Instead of a house, a pet can use a nest. Hay is most often used to create it, so be sure to put it in a cage.

Since gerbils need to grind down their teeth, offer them twigs, tree bark. Otherwise, the pet will use the cage for grinding and damage the teeth or soft tissues.

Since these rodents do not tolerate moisture, the sawdust must remain dry. That is why you should purchase a special non-spillable drinker for rodents. And be sure to keep the water clean! It is best to hang the feeder or place it on the second floor of the cage, otherwise the pet will constantly turn it over or bury food, making supplies.

The sawdust in the cage should be changed regularly, but not too often. 1 time in two weeks is enough.

Since gerbils are active and like to move a lot, then either periodically let them out of the cage, or place a special wheel in the dwelling (preferably metal and mesh).

Be sure to offer your little pet toys. These can be cardboard boxes, toilet paper sleeves, baskets, and so on. Games have a positive effect on the mental development of gerbils, so they are necessary.


What to feed a gerbil? The diet should be quite varied. Its main part will be made up of grain mixtures. Also, be sure to give your pet vegetables (carrots, lettuce,), fruits (apples, bananas). You can buy a special ready-made food at the pet store.

If you prefer natural nutrition, then by all means give the rodent vitamins. To avoid a lack of salt, attach a mineral-salt stone to the bars of the cage or hang it on a wire (it can be purchased at a specialized store).


Puberty occurs in gerbils at the age of 3-4 months. One female can bring from 1 to 10 litters per year. In one litter, as a rule, 5-6 cubs. They are born naked and blind and become independent only after a month. The duration of pregnancy is 3-5 weeks. The lactation period lasts approximately three weeks.

Possible problems

Gerbils practically do not get sick, but still some problems can arise. Among them, such as loss of the tail, swelling of the secretion gland, diseases of the ears, digestive disorders, diseases of the teeth, eyes, respiratory and cardiovascular systems as well as injury.


It is better to tame a pet from the very beginning. early age(from about three weeks). First, feed him with your hand, pet him, talk to him, be around more often. Then pick up the animal. As a rule, gerbils are non-aggressive and do not bite for no reason.

Let your pet be healthy and active!

The gerbil is a cute animal, somewhat similar to the brilliant Remy from the popular cartoon Ratatouille. More and more more families they want to get themselves a funny "cook" that will perfectly brighten up their leisure time at any time of the year. Her big, black, somewhat childish ones will not leave indifferent either an adult, or even a child, and if the animal sees a friend in you and understands that you are not a threat, it will very willingly allow itself to cuddle and scratch its back.


Benefits of buying a gerbil

Here are some of the reasons to buy these animals:

  • Small maintenance costs;
  • You only need to clean the cage and terrarium once a week. The gerbil excretes very little waste;
  • The animal is not the source of odors;
  • At home, does not hibernate;
  • It is interesting to observe his behavior;
  • Very friendly pet, easy to tame.

The gerbil is an active animal. Sleeps mostly at night. During the day, he rests no more than two hours in a row.

The kids decided to take a nap

After sleep, it amusingly stretches its front paws in front of it and yawns sweetly.

While awake, he is always busy with something: either he digs a mink for himself, or he enthusiastically turns the wheel.

The gerbil is distracted from work

Many people are touched by the way he stands on two legs and examines everything around with curiosity, and presses small “handles” to his chest.

When the animal has got used to it, got used to the new owners, it can be let out for a walk around the apartment. He will be so engrossed research activities that won't gnaw on furniture or wires. A tamed gerbil will not run away from people, and, once on the floor, will allow you to pick yourself up.

Tamed gerbil

Then you can enjoy the softness of his fur, look into his smart little almond eyes. The animal will answer your care and love with trust and tenderness.

Life in natural conditions

The habitat of this rodent is quite large: semi-deserts in the southeastern part of Asia. Often the animal is called the Mongolian gerbil. The name indicates not only the place of residence, but also the masking color. There are more than a dozen shades of fur of these animals - from dark gray to light sand.

Colors of animals

And given that the fur coats are decorated with different types of patterns, then the color options are simply impossible to list. hallmark gerbil is a pubescent tail with a small brush-panicle.


Animals eat:

  • Grain;
  • Plants;
  • Small insects.

God sent a piece of cheese...

Often these small animals devastate agricultural fields, which is why people often declare war on them.

social habits

Animals have a lot natural enemies. Life in family groups provides them with a safe existence: someone is always on guard and notifies relatives about what is happening around. Males jealously guard their territory from rivals. But females can cross borders with impunity and even bring offspring from foreign males. But these facts only support the healthy genotype of the population and its large number.

On guard of order

During frosts, gerbils hide underground, and do not always hibernate. Burrows and long dug passages of these animals occupy large areas. They can be compared with the streets of the city, connecting the houses of the inhabitants of the underworld.

Here, too, there are leaders and laws. And pantries are simply bursting with supplies and can reach 3 kg per individual.

Gerbil cage

Some owners prefer to buy an aquarium for their pets and take care of good ventilation. This reduces the risk of bald patches on the muzzle of an animal that gnaws on the bars of the cage.

Animals can be toilet trained. To do this, place two containers with high sides in different angles pet homes. Fill them with clean sand. In one corner, gerbils will relieve themselves, and in the other they will bathe in the sand, like. This is a very pleasant and useful activity for them.

Gerbil in a swimsuit

At the bottom of the cage there should be a thick layer of sawdust (not pressed). Animals with enviable zeal dig holes and passages in them, build nests. You can not deprive them of this pleasure, because active animals will find other uses for their paws and teeth. And this may not please their owners. It is better not to immediately save on cheap sawdust.

Often gerbils are given twigs of fruit trees to satisfy the instinctive need to gnaw something all the time.

Feeding your pet at home

Feed 2 times a day with grain mixtures.

Rodent food

During the day, you can offer fruits, vegetables, but without sourness. Sweet fruits are not allowed.

Water is poured into a ball drinker, because all the bowls and plates will soon be buried under a thick layer of bedding. For the same reason, let's give some food so that it does not stay in the stocks of the "household" animals.

Put hay in the cage. Animals can use it to build nests or eat it. But it is always important to monitor the dryness of hay and sawdust.

Choice of little friends

Gerbils are social animals, so it's best to buy them in pairs. If you do not want to please your children with the appearance of new generations of pets, then buy brothers or sisters from the same litter. The last condition is very important to fulfill: gerbils can show extreme hostility to strangers. In the wild, a weak individual flees. At home, this is not possible.

baby gerbils

Given the low cost of keeping gerbils, any family can afford to buy a pair of smart, funny pets. Moreover, even males will caring parents, they do not have to be planted.

You can buy gerbils at a pet store, where they will help you determine the sex of pets.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Domesticated gerbil at home

Most vulnerable spot this cute mouse is a tail. In nature, the gerbil loses it when attacked by predators, in captivity - due to rough human touches.

Description, appearance

Gerbillinae (gerbils / gerbils) are a family of mice from a large detachment of rodents. Gerbils are quite different (including the brightness of sexual characteristics), which is determined by belonging to a particular species. Outwardly, they resemble a cross between a mouse, a jerboa and a squirrel. Height fluctuates in the range of 5–20 cm, weight in the range of 10–230 g, tail length is 5.5–24 cm. Males are usually larger than females.

It is interesting! Densely pubescent tail turns into a brush at the end. A damaged or fallen tail is not restored again. The gerbil has elongated hind limbs in common with the jerboa: however, in the latter they are still not so impressive.

All types of gerbils are endowed with a modest camouflage coloration - brownish / ocher-sandy top and light bottom. Often light markings are also observed on the head: around the eyes and behind the auricles. On a blunt or pointed muzzle, large bulging eyes are noticeable. Most gerbils have 16 teeth that grow throughout their lives. In the course of evolution, both vision and hearing have become extraordinarily acute in the gerbil.

Gerbil mouse species

So far, 110 species of gerbils have been described, grouped into 14 genera. Almost a third (35 species) are on the pages of the International Red Book. One species is considered critically endangered, and 4 species are classified as endangered:

  • Meriones dahli;
  • Meriones arimalius;
  • Meriones zarudnyi;
  • Meriones sacramenti.

Representatives of the genus Meriones (small gerbils), including Meriones meridianus (midday gerbils), live in the post-Soviet space.

Range, habitats

Gerbils live in Mongolia, North Africa, India, Western / Asia Minor and China (with the exception of its eastern and southern regions).

Gerbils are also found in the northeast of Ciscaucasia, in Kazakhstan, regions of Transbaikalia and on individual islands. southeast zone mediterranean sea. Animals have perfectly adapted to the conditions of existence in an arid climate, inhabiting semi-deserts, steppes and deserts.

Fans of ornamental rodents, as a rule, give birth to Mongolian gerbils, growing up to 12 cm (with average weight 75–120 g) and living up to 3–5 years. Gerbils need companions, so they are rarely kept alone, but more often in pairs and sometimes in large families.

Cage preparation, filling

An aquarium/terrarium (minimum 10 liters) is more suitable for keeping gerbils than a cage, even the most comfortable one. Solid walls will serve as soundproofing from the noises made by overly fussy pets, and at the same time protect from the debris they scatter. If you still place gerbils in a cage (necessarily steel), provide it with a pallet with high sides so that the sawdust does not fly around the apartment: rodents need a layer of at least 15–20 cm for active digging.


We need to ensure the flow fresh air, especially in the heat, and for a low capacity, provide a lid, as gerbils are very jumpy. Sheer sunlight should not fall on the housing of rodents. To grind the incisors, you will need snags, branches or cardboard. At the bottom, instead of sawdust, you can use hay / straw, and give the mice paper for the nest. A small box, for example, from under shoes, where gerbils will rest or hide from prying eyes, will also come in handy.

It is interesting! Gerbils don't drink, so they don't need drinkers. Little of, high humidity they are contraindicated. In nature, animals are content with moisture from succulent plants and their seeds.

This active mouse needs toys, ladders and wheels. True, instead of a wheel with crossbars, it is better to take a special rotating ball (to avoid tail injuries). Occasionally, a pet is released to run around the room, but only under supervision.

Diet, diet

Gerbils are fed three times a week, laying out food directly on the litter. The feeding rate is determined by the type, size, physiology and well-being of the rodent. Smaller animals, paradoxically, need (due to faster metabolism) more food per unit of weight. Juicy fruits are given in such portions that the mice eat them without a trace, and excess dampness is not observed in the cage. Fresh fruits are replaced with soaked dried fruits, and boiled eggs crushed together with the shell, adding to grain feed.

The diet combines plant and animal ingredients, such as:

  • grass (summer);
  • carrots, beets, pumpkin and apple;
  • banana, grapes, watermelon (a little so as not to spoil);
  • oats and sunflower (dosed);
  • boiled eggs and cottage cheese;
  • fresh branches with swollen buds;
  • white crackers and live crickets.

The source of calcium, in addition to eggshells, is bone meal or chalk. Young gerbils grind off rock salt-lick (a storehouse of microelements) with pleasure.

Animal proteins are more often needed by breeding males, pregnant/lactating females, and young gerbils.

Diseases, breed defects

It is believed that gerbils from birth have good health, but are prone, like any domestic rodents, to some typical ailments. The most common ailments include:

  • exposure of the tail bone (after injury);
  • swelling of the subcaudal gland (in older males);
  • growths / wounds on the ears and cyst of the inner ear;
  • anomalies of the incisors requiring their cutting;
  • allergic inflammation of the nose (due to coniferous sawdust);
  • eye injury (due to a foreign body);
  • clouding of the lens (not treated).

It happens that gerbils also have diarrhea, which is eliminated with the help of sulfonamides / antibiotics, not forgetting to feed the patient with probiotics (bifidumbacterin or bifitrilak). To prevent dehydration, saline or Ringer-Locke solution is injected subcutaneously.

Important! Hoarse breathing indicates a cold or other respiratory disease, which is treated with chlortertacycline or Baytril. In old mice, heart attacks/strokes are observed, accompanied by paralysis and weakness. Often the attacks end in the death of the pet.

Gerbils break not only the tail, but also the limbs, which, however, grow together well for about two weeks. The danger lurks in open fractures when an infection enters the wound. Reception will help prevent fractures vitamin supplements and chalk (mineral blocks).

Care and hygiene

Gerbils do not tolerate water and any hygienic manipulations associated with it, but periodically take sand baths. They are needed to keep the fur clean: a container of sand is placed in the aquarium once a week.

It is interesting! Gerbils have highly concentrated urine, due to which there is almost no specific smell in the cell (less than 4 g of fluid leaves the body per day).

Half-eaten food is removed daily, and a thorough cleaning of the cage is carried out once a week. Use sawdust (not coniferous!) or a mixture of them with hay as bedding. The filler is changed every 14 days.

Reproduction and offspring

To begin with, decide where and to whom you will sell the young, and only after that do the mating of gerbils. When breeding, consider several requirements for animals:

  • uniform age (optimally older than 3 months);
  • exterior, including color;
  • pedigree;
  • previously brought offspring;
  • affiliation of producers to unrelated families.

The last point is easier to accomplish if you purchase gerbils from different breeders: this guarantees the absence of closely related mating, which means healthy offspring. A couple is brought together on neutral or "male" territory: the result of a successful sexual intercourse is a pregnancy lasting 25 days. The female brings 2–8 (sometimes more) cubs, after which she is able to conceive again. That is why it is better to remove the male immediately.

A mother can eat stunted newborns and this is normal. The brood should not be touched by hand. It is also recommended (during breastfeeding) do not clean the cage so as not to disturb the female. Under her care, mice are up to 1.5 months of age, but from about 3 weeks they are already gradually picked up. By the way, the degree of trust of their parents in you is considered the key to the rapid domestication of babies.

The gerbil is a small animal, similar to a mouse. It has thick, short hair, a long tail, elongated muzzle, small pubescent ears. Body color is different (depending on the breed). The weight of rodents should not exceed one hundred and twenty grams. For the first time Mongolian gerbils appeared in Africa and Asia. Later spread to all continents. Now animals are found in every country. In the wild, the animals live up to four years, in captivity, life expectancy increases several times. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for small animals to survive among predators, another danger. Loneliness can often be detrimental. In captivity at good care gerbils will live a long time. It is important to remember a few key points, which we will now discuss.

First, most important rule- do not buy one animal! As described above, rodents terribly endure loneliness. Buy a couple.

The second rule is that the cage should be spacious, have many different carousels. The fact is that gerbils are active animals, they require constant movement, they cannot sit still. If you follow this recommendation, your pet feel much better. It is advisable to let the mouse run around the house. So they can run enough, play enough. But do not forget about their safety. The animal is curious, so it can run into a hard-to-reach place (under the sofa, behind the closet), not get out of there. In unfamiliar places, far from the wild, gerbils are poorly oriented. At first, be especially careful. If you have other pets living in your house (cat, dog), do not leave the gerbil alone while she walks. They may not like the appearance of a new little friend. There are no problems with birds and other rodents.

The third rule is food. It must be varied. You can feed the animals daily with ordinary rodent food. Highlight the days of the week when you give them vegetables (carrots, cabbage), fruits, grass. Do not abuse this. Feed the animals green food once every two weeks. In the wild, they do not need water, because they saturate the body with moisture, which is taken from fruits and greens. In captivity, this is not possible, so put a drinker nearby. Change water daily.

If gerbils show interest in each other, then expect a quick offspring. Females bear cubs for a month. Interestingly, during this process, males spend all their time expectant mother. They clean them, feed them, protect them from dangers. Gerbils are monogamous, therefore, in the absence of the second half, the animals suffer. At the end of the term, the female gives birth to two or three babies. The couple at this time takes special care. The animals do not leave the babies a single step. When they grow up, the upbringing of the future generation is exclusively done by the father. He teaches children everything that he knows himself.
Gerbils love to dig. It is advised to cover the bottom with a thick ball of wood shavings. Also sketch a few sticks of fruit trees in the cage. Rodents will grind their teeth.

The gerbil mouse is diverse in nature, there are 87 species, it belongs to the hamster family. The rodent can often be found in the semi-desert and desert regions of Asia and Africa, on the Mediterranean islands. The gerbil lives in a colony, loves territories with rubble, clay and sandy soils, but where there is vegetation that she eats. A small mouse lives in minks, which can sometimes reach up to three meters in depth, they are connected to each other by branched passages.


The animal feeds on cereals: oats, wheat, barley and corn, greens and grass, hay, fruits and vegetables. He likes to eat boiled egg whites or cottage cheese. If you have such a rodent at home, in no case do not give them citrus fruits (they cannot tolerate them). For them, in pet stores you can buy ready-made grain mixtures. Such mixtures are divided into categories.

Mice should not be overfed, for one adult one tablespoon of food will be enough for one day, the water poured into the bowl should always be filtered and fresh.

In order for the animal to live comfortably at home, he will need a ventilated terrarium with a lid or
special cage for keeping. Mice perfectly jump in height, they can easily leave the terrarium (therefore, you need to remember to close it from above).

Rodents do not like drafts as well as direct sun rays, the temperature in their dwelling should be about 22 degrees Celsius, this temperature is optimal for keeping, and the minimum should not be lower than 15 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to lay a litter about 15 centimeters thick in a cage, because mice love to rummage, it is better to take coniferous sawdust as a litter.

Hay can be put in for her to create a nest for herself, you can also use toilet paper(not painted) napkins or landscape blank paper. Do not put cotton or cloth in the cage as this may damage and injure the animal.

Put several small wooden houses in the dwelling, the food bowl should be heavy so that the rodent does not knock it over. Place the bowl on a shelf or stand because the animal may bury it in the sawdust. Be sure to fix a mineral-salt stone on the grate or wall of the rodent dwelling, it can be purchased at a pet store.

Animals love to lead a mobile lifestyle, run through tunnels, ladders. To do this, fix ladders, tunnels or a wheel along which the mouse will run.

What are the diseases of mice

These animals have good immunity, they rarely have health problems. In order to determine whether a rodent is healthy or not, look at its activity, stroke its fur (in a healthy animal it will be smooth and soft). Patients are always motionless and sleepy, their hair grows dull. If the pet is sick, do not self-medicate, seek the help of a ratologist who will prescribe the necessary medications.

Animal training

Many experts believe that rats and mice are the most intelligent of all rodents. The animal can be taught to respond correctly to some sounds about commands, it quickly gets used to its name, to which it responds. An animal can be taught to jump from ladder to ladder and "serve".

The nature of the rodent

The animal is very affectionate, sociable, friendly and curious, it can be tamed. Keep these animals away from dogs, birds and cats as they may eat or harm them. If you decide to have a small mouse at home, you won’t need special care for it, it will always delight its owners with its habits and spontaneity.

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