Vietnamese dish with radish leaves recipe. What can be done from radishes for the winter. Radish salad with Chinese cabbage

  • radish - 2 medium bunches;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pieces;
  • fresh herbs (optional) - a small bunch;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • coriander seeds - a pinch;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to your taste.

Cooking fried radish:

1. Rinse the radish thoroughly, cut off the ends with ponytails. Cut each fruit in half or quarters, depending on the size of the fruit. Put in a bowl, salt a little, mix and leave to stand for 10 minutes.

2. During this time, the radish will release some juice, drain it.

3. While the radish slices are salting in the bowl, take care of the coriander seeds. Put them in a mortar and crush them well with a pestle.

4. Chop the garlic cloves with a knife or garlic press, add to the radish and mix.

5. In a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil, transfer the radishes and fry over medium heat under a lid for 8-10 minutes. Stir occasionally while doing this.

6. During this time, prepare the greens - rinse it and chop finely. At the end of frying, add greens, coriander and ground pepper to the radish. Once again, mix everything well, turn off the heat and let stand for a while so that the fried radish is properly saturated with the aromas of spices.

7. Serve hot with sausages, chicken or meat.


  • Dill with parsley, basil, green onions, cilantro (who loves) are well suited as greens, you can add a little mint and oregano.
  • You can lightly crush the radishes with sesame seeds in the middle of frying or add a teaspoon of mustard in grains.
  • If the radish is very small, do not cut it, but deep-fry it.
  • In addition to coriander, you can use other spices - thyme, rosemary, cumin, Italian or Provence herbs.

Consumption ecology. Food and recipes: Radish recipes are not only salads and sandwiches. We suggest you cook curry and fried radish - these dishes are simple and original

Radishes are a salad vegetable and are easy to pick and bright. Many love its crunchy, fresh roots with a spicy flavor, so radishes are usually eaten raw.

Among the radish varieties, there are round and oblong root crops of different colors, from white to dark red. Young, intact radish leaves are also edible when cooked like spinach. However, you can’t eat them raw - they are covered with hairs, which can cause irritation in the mouth or on the skin if you hold the leaves in your hands.

How to store radishes

It is best to eat radishes immediately after digging, but you can resort to short-term storage: put radishes in a bag and keep in the refrigerator for a day or two. Before storing radishes, it is necessary to remove all tops. Radishes are not suitable for freezing.

What can be cooked from radishes?

Radishes bring spice to cheese and ham sandwiches, but they make an excellent sandwich themselves when salted and set in a good layer of butter. The answer to the question "What can be cooked from radishes?" very simple - cut it into salads and put it in side dishes. You can make a dip sauce and dip radish slices in it.

Recipes with radishes:

Cut off the stem and tops of the radishes and place them on a cutting board with the top on the left and the stem on the right. Take a sharp knife and make a cut along from left to right to the middle of the radish, not reaching the tail.

Turn slightly and continue to make cuts around the entire circumference. Soak the cut radishes in ice water for a few hours. Gradually they will become like fans. Dry them and serve the radish fan on the table.

Radishes with chives and cheese sauce

Take a fresh and crisp French radish with oblong roots, soak it in ice water for 15 minutes to make it even firmer.

For 4-6 servings

  • 200 g soft cheese
  • 50 ml mayonnaise
  • 50 ml natural yogurt
  • 50 g mature cheddar cheese
  • 3 art. tablespoons chopped fresh chives
  • salt, black pepper
  • 12 long radishes

Grate cheese and combine all ingredients except radish. Let stand one hour in the cold.

Cut each radish into four pieces.

Pour the resulting sauce into a serving bowl and place on a plate, and spread the radish around.

Radish Salad Recipes

Red salad with radish and onion.This radish salad recipe is great with spicy cheese, and it can also accompany fried chicken and fish.

For 4 servings

  • 1 red chili
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons light olive oil
  • juice of 1 lime
  • salt, black pepper
  • 16 radishes
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 red pepper
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped fresh coriander (cilantro)

Combine finely chopped chili, olive oil, lime juice, salt and pepper and let stand 30 minutes.

Slice the vegetables thinly and arrange them on a plate. Top with dressing and garnish with coriander leaves.

Salad of radish, cucumber and goat cheese.

A delicious light lunch for a summer day. Serve with French baguette.

For 4 servings

  • 16 radishes
  • 1/3 cucumber
  • 400 g goat cheese
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of french dressing
  • 100 g shelled walnuts (chopped)
  • 4 dried apricots

Cucumber and radish for this salad, as seen in the photo, are cut into thin slices. Arrange the radishes and cucumbers around the outer edge of your breakfast plates.

Cut the goat cheese into 8 rounds and grill in a grill pan for 3 minutes until the cheese starts to bubble. Place in the middle of the plates.

Spoon dressing over top, sprinkle with walnut pieces and finely chopped apricots.

Other radish recipes

Radish recipes are not only salads and sandwiches. We suggest you cook curry and fried radish - these dishes are simple and original. Wash the radishes, if necessary - scrape, cut off the tops and root (be careful, some people are allergic to the hairs located on the leaves). Small radishes can be left whole - just grab them with your fingers and eat. Can be cut in half or cut into slices. If it seems to you that the radish is too hot, remove the skin from it - the sharpness is mainly concentrated in it. When cooking radishes, do it right before eating, otherwise the root vegetables will soon become soft and lose their pleasant crunch.

Roasted radish with sesame seeds and soy sauce.

This is a good way to use up excess grown radishes before the roots get too big and rough. If you don't have sesame oil, use more vegetable oil instead.

For 4 servings

  • 30 medium sized radishes
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sesame oil
  • 1.5 st. spoons of soy sauce
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 st. tablespoon toasted sesame seeds

Cut each radish into quarters and place in a frying pan with both types of oil and 1/2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce. According to this recipe, fried radish is cooked for 20 minutes at a temperature of 190 ° C. Turn over once.

Finely chop the onion, disassemble it into rings and mix with the radish. Saute for another 5-10 minutes until the radishes are soft and the onions are golden. Pour in the remaining soy sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Serve hot.

Curry with radish

Try this spicy dish served with rice, beef or chicken curry. In India, radish curry is made with chopped radish leaves along with spices.

For 4 servings

  • 30 radishes
  • 1 bulb
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 3-4 chili peppers
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon coriander seeds (cilantro)
  • 1/2 teaspoon mustard powder
  • 2 tomatoes
  • salt, black pepper

Finely chop the radish and onion, fry over medium heat in vegetable oil, stirring constantly, for 3 minutes. Then add finely chopped garlic, chili, turmeric, crushed coriander seeds and mustard powder. Stirring constantly, fry for another minute.

Add the chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper, mix well, lower the heat, cover and cook for another 10 minutes over very low heat.published

If you are bored just serving vegetables and want some original serving, I suggest you learn how to make radish roses. Carving (curly cutting of vegetables) is now in vogue :)

Salad with radish and egg - a classic spring salad of Russian cuisine. As soon as the first radish ripens in the country, on the same day I cook this favorite vegetable salad with eggs by everyone (even children).

Prepare the most spring salad of fresh radishes and cucumbers, charge your body weakened over the winter with a portion of delicious vitamins! A simple recipe for a salad of radishes and cucumbers - read!

I associate a young radish with okroshka. Fresh and light soup for lunch will save you extra calories and will not kill your efficiency. Stock up on sweet radishes and step into the kitchen!

Seasonal radish salad is the first herald of the impending summer. In the month of May, you want to eat fresh radish salad every day - so much the body missed ripe seasonal vegetables during the winter.

Spinach and radish salad is a storehouse of vitamins on your plate. The most useful vegetable salad, a small portion of which will provide your body with a daily norm of various vitamins and nutrients.

Daikon came to us from the East. If you have not tried to cook a daikon radish salad, you urgently need to fix it. Very useful and economical, not bitter. Worth cooking!

Apologists for a healthy diet will throw stones at me for a recipe for a radish salad with mayonnaise, but lovers of a hearty and tasty meal will like this salad. Yes, the salad is not so healthy. But it's delicious!

Radish salad with sour cream is a salad that needs no introduction. The combination of just a few simple ingredients will bring you a fantastic gastronomic pleasure.

Learn how to make a salad with radishes and tomatoes - a very juicy, tasty salad filled with vitamins and nutrients. In my opinion, this is the most delicious salad with radishes.

If you want to learn how to make a radish and celery salad that is not only healthy, but also really tasty, this recipe is for you. The products are affordable, and the benefits are invaluable!

You definitely haven't tried this! Radish chips are a super fun homemade snack that isn't too hard to make. Not a delicacy, but crunching in front of a TV or computer is just right.

If you want to know how to make spring radish salad, then read this recipe. There is nothing difficult to prepare. The salad is fresh, juicy, spring-like bright. Exactly what is needed;)

Stunningly colorful and festive, and spring-like healthy salad. Surely each of you knows how to cook a vegetable salad with radish, but still - I will share my recipe! ;)

In the heat, okroshka will go for the first, and for the second, and for compote :) The dish is light, but mayonnaise and sour cream give it calories, so they saturate it as it should. And vegetables will replenish vitamin reserves. Ready!

Fresh vegetables appear, which means it's time to recharge with vitamins. The recipe for cabbage and radish salad is extremely simple, no tricky ingredients are needed, so we take vegetables and cook!

I’ll tell you how I got rid of extra pounds: I spent more time outdoors, walked and ate dietary okroshka. The dish is fantastic, prepared quickly and insanely delicious. Recommend!

With shiitake mushrooms, you can cook various delicious salads. Most often, shiitake caps for salad are fried. My easy shiitake salad recipe includes beans, onions, radishes and a spicy dressing.

My recipe for raw okroshka is for those who still consume sour-milk products. Although kefir here can easily be replaced with kvass, mineral water or water. Cooking okroshka for raw foodists!

Salad "White flowers"

Salad "White Flowers" is more of a table decoration than a regular edible salad, although all of its parts are edible. Making it is extremely simple. Yes, it's true, the flowers will be white and pink, female.

Perhaps the most unusual version of okroshka is with sprat in tomato. When you want something quick and easy, this okroshka is a good option. We take a can of canned food, one or two - and you're done!

Horseradish - vigorous, fragrant, the best seasoning for any dish. With it, you get a great fresh okroshka! Thrill seekers will be delighted! I will share how to cook it quickly.

Okroshka is a national cold Russian soup, which is prepared differently in different regions of the country. Today we will cook okroshka on kvass - the simplest and most common version of this dish.

This simple mayonnaise okroshka recipe is easy to remember. It will take you about 20 minutes to prepare it. It’s good to add ice to the finished okroshka! Take care of fresh vegetables, preferably from the garden.

I offer a very simple and at the same time very original salad recipe, which we call country salad in our family. Everything is simple and ingenious, the main feature is the serving of the dish. Meet!

Beets are an extremely useful vegetable for our body. It promotes digestion, and rejuvenates, and prevents cancer. From these properties of beets follows the benefits of beetroot soup.

Vegetarian okroshka - summer cold soup, without eggs and sausage. Also, this okroshka is prepared not on kvass, but on kefir.

Canned radish is an excellent snack that can be crunched all winter. The taste of such a radish comes out spicy-sour. Friends, seeing a radish on the New Year's table, groan and immediately sweep everything away!

Baked radish is a very unusual dish made from young radish. You've probably never experienced anything like it. Try baking radishes, if only out of curiosity - it's really delicious! ;)

Cabbage and radish salad is an easy-to-digest and easy-to-prepare salad for lunch or dinner from fresh young radishes and no less fresh white cabbage.

Salad with radish and cottage cheese is not just a delicious salad, but also a real vitamin bomb. The combination of radish and cottage cheese will not only feed, but also saturate the body with a large portion of calcium.

A recipe for a simple but delicious spring salad in the best traditions of America's elite restaurants.

When I was visiting Imereti (this is a region of Georgia), in one of the houses I was treated to an unusual beef and radish salad. The combination seemed to me very successful, and to this day at home I cook this salad.

Recipe for cabbage salad with chicken and radish. Two varieties of cabbage are used in the preparation of this dish. All ingredients go very well together.

Recipe for tacos with radishes, zucchini, corn, onions, garlic, cilantro and salted cheese.

For healthy eaters. Most often, vegetable chips are made from carrots, beets, eggplant or spinach. But for these purposes, radishes are also suitable! Season the vegetables with your favorite spices to make them fragrant, slightly spicy.


  • 10 pieces. radish,
  • 1/2 tsp salt,
  • 50 ml vegetable oil,
  • paprika and hot peppers.

How to cook?

  1. Wash the radish, cut into thin slices. Pour vegetables with water, put on the stove, cook for 4-5 minutes over medium heat. Then put the radish in a colander to drain excess water.
  2. Transfer the vegetables to a deep bowl, add salt and oil, season with paprika and pepper to taste.
  3. Mix the radish well and spread evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake the chips in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for about 20 minutes.

Pickled radish for the winter

Recipes for pickled tomatoes and cucumbers are familiar to many. Experienced housewives must salt at least a couple of cans of vegetables for the winter table for the winter. But you can stock up for the future not only with the usual tomatoes and cucumbers, but also with radishes. You will get a delicious snack that you can crunch all winter - savory, with a fresh, spicy aroma.

When serving, add marinated radishes with oil and fresh herbs. Guests at the festive table will never refuse such a vitamin snack.


  • 1 kg radish
  • 3 tsp salt,
  • 3 art. l. table vinegar,
  • 100-120 ml vegetable oil,
  • 800 ml of water
  • 5 bay leaves,
  • 8 black peppercorns,
  • 1/4 tsp hot red pepper,
  • a large bunch of dill.

How to cook?

  1. Wash the radish and dry it on a towel. Cut the vegetables into thin circles and small slices.
  2. Finely chop the dill.
  3. Connect the radish and dill.
  4. Pour water and oil into a saucepan. Put it on the stove and start heating. A little later, add salt and red pepper. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from the stove. When the brine has cooled, add the vinegar and stir.
  5. Sterilize the jars in which you will pickle vegetables in advance.
  6. Fill jars with radishes and dill. Add a few peppercorns and 1-2 bay leaves to each. Pour vegetables with marinade up to the neck of the jar, roll up the lids. It will be possible to try pickled radishes in 3-5 days.
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