How to go abroad with debts? Nuances and tips. Is it possible to go abroad with debts and how to do it

Summer is the time for vacations and travel warm countries. Many Russians prefer to spend this time abroad. But it is not always enough to buy a ticket, apply for a visa and pack your things. In some cases, travel abroad may be closed. For example, if there are unpaid debts on time.

Is it possible to go abroad with debts

Debt in our time is a common occurrence, since many citizens take out loans to realize their desires right now, and not wait until the required amount is accumulated. There is an opinion that any debts to a bank or other organization inevitably impose some restrictions, including travel abroad. This is far from true.

According to Russian laws, if the debtor does not comply with the court order without serious reasons and does not pay the debt, then the bailiff has the right to decide on a temporary restriction of departure from the Russian Federation. The paper is sent to the border guard. The document is valid for 6 months. If after this time the debt is not paid, the measure is extended for the same period.

What amount of debt limits travel abroad

The minimum amount of debt at which a sanction is imposed is legally established. This is 10,000 rubles. But again, we emphasize, only if the debt is confirmed by the court. AT regulations it is separately specified that both the bailiff himself and the exactor upon the relevant application have the right to initiate a ban.

A debt of 10,000 rubles can be not only in one case, but also in the aggregate for several decisions. The subject of execution can also be anything - from a traffic police fine to a loan outstanding on time.

If the debt is less than the limit, you can fly abroad without any problems. For example, once the traffic police issued a fine for speeding in the amount of 500 rubles, and the citizen safely forgot about it. In this case, no one will be able to forbid him to go abroad.

The amount of debt for making a decision on the ban must exceed 10,000 rubles, if it is less, no one has the right to impose restrictions.

Video: Russians cannot go abroad because of debts

The duration of the ban

Only a court can impose a ban on free exit, and only for a certain period - the maximum allowable period is 6 months. To re-enter the restriction, the bailiff will have to go through the whole procedure again, that is, prepare documents, go to court, wait for a decision. In other words, a once-imposed ban is not automatically renewed after 6 months.

Is it possible to travel abroad with a loan and a mortgage

Just like that, the border service or the migration department will not prevent the exit. And they are definitely not interested in the credit history of citizens, the availability of mortgages and other debts.

The right of the FSPP not to release debtors outside the Russian Federation is enshrined in FZ-229 "On Enforcement Proceedings". However, only a court can impose restrictive measures. The bailiffs implement the court decision by sending the decision on the restriction to the border and migration service.

Who sets the travel ban and how

To prohibit a Russian citizen from traveling abroad, the bailiff must have a court decision that has entered into force. With this document in hand, the bailiff opens enforcement proceedings. If the debtor is within reach, he is given 5 days to pay the debt. Then the bailiff, at his own discretion or at the request of the creditor, decides to restrict the exit and sends Required documents to the border and migration services. After the imposition of a sanction, a citizen will not be allowed to go abroad, they can withdraw a passport or refuse to issue it. The seizure takes place at the border, then the passport is sent to the department that issued it.

It must be understood that the presence of debts, even in open enforcement proceedings, does not mean a mandatory ban on leaving. The bank itself or a private person is not entitled to prohibit issuance abroad, if the issue is not understood in judicial order, there is no decision and proceedings on the case have not been opened. In other words, the creditor must first sue the debtor, obtain a decision, transfer a writ of execution to the FSPP (Federal Bailiff Service). And only then can he demand to take restrictive sanctions against the debtor. Most often, bailiffs make such a decision precisely at the request of the creditor.

Types of debt that prevent leaving

We have already found out that the debt must be confirmed by a court decision. A missed loan payment will not become an obstacle to leaving if the bank did not go to court and did not receive a decision.

The restriction threatens citizens with debts under various articles:

  • alimony;
  • taxes;
  • overdue loans;
  • utility bills, housing and communal services;
  • debt to private individuals, confirmed by the court;
  • administrative fines imposed by the State Traffic Inspectorate, the police, the Federal Tax Service, the customs service, the labor inspectorate, and so on.

The traffic police will send the material to the court if the fine for violating the rules traffic not paid within 60 days. The police will do the same if the offender neglected penalties and did not make a payment in a timely manner.

In other words, any debts in 2018–2019 may lead to restrictions on exit from the Russian Federation.

How to check debts before going abroad

Usually, citizens themselves know about late payments on loans or rent, unpaid alimony and outstanding fines. And they are also most often aware of the consequences that usually arise due to debts: court decisions come by mail, the bailiff sends a summons, and so on. But there are times when debt becomes an unpleasant surprise. For example, a person does not live at the place of registration, letters about paying fines from the traffic police or other authorities simply do not reach him. Or ex-wife may suddenly file for alimony, and this fact will remain unknown to the defendant. There are plenty of options.

In order not to be in an unpleasant situation when leaving the country, it is advisable to ask in advance about the presence of debt. How to do it?

Of course, bailiffs and border guards have information about restrictive measures. It is undesirable to directly address this issue to the bailiff service. The FSSP is interested in collecting the debt from the debtor, the attention of a citizen to this issue can provoke a situation where the bailiff, at his own discretion, initiates an appeal to the court in order to close the exit. The best option is to make an official request to the border service.

Surname check in the register of the Federal Bailiff Service

You can find out about the debt already recognized by the court on the FSSP website. You will need to enter your personal data, and the system will issue a certificate of open enforcement proceedings indicating the amount of debt, its origin and contact details of the bailiff. The site has the ability to immediately pay the debt in one of several ways. You can also pay off the debt with a personal visit to the FSSP branch. If you pay in the latter way, the money will be entered into the database much faster than with a cashless transfer.

The very fact of open enforcement proceedings does not mean that the exit from the Russian Federation is closed. The nuances of this issue will be clarified by the bailiff.

There are several ways to pay the debt on the FSSP website:

  • through Sberbank-online, for Sberbank clients there is also a corresponding tab in personal account;
  • through the app for mobile phones FSSP;
  • through payment system("Yandex. Money", Qiwi, WebMoney, Robokassa);
  • on a printed receipt at any branch of the bank.

How to find out about unpaid taxes on the website of the Federal Tax Service

It is useful to make sure that there are no debts for taxes and fees before the trip. To do this, you need to do several things:

  • go to the website of the Federal Tax Service, create a personal account (you will need a TIN number);
  • select the section "Find out your debt";
  • enter information in all fields and click the "Find" button.

After processing the request, the system will provide information about the existing debt.

Video: when alimony may not be allowed abroad

Where to check the debt according to the lists of traffic police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs

To find out information about debts for unpaid fines for administrative violations in the field of traffic, you need to go to the State Services portal. In your personal account, you can check whether there are fines issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Where and how to check the availability of credit debt

Loan debts will also prevent you from leaving for another state. To find out about the debt, you need to contact each banking institution with which the contract was concluded and clarify information about the debts. To do this, you can either visit the bank branch on your own, or go to your personal account or call hotline credit organization.

When visiting in person, you need to have a passport with you. To obtain information by phone, you will have to answer a few clarifying questions that the operator will ask.

How to lift a travel ban

The simplest and The right way remove the ban - pay the existing debt. Moreover, this must be done in advance, and not a few days before departure from Russia.

Debts are important to pay in advance. The bureaucratic machine is designed in such a way that it is impossible to immediately get rid of restrictive measures. Both the imposition and removal of the ban is the prerogative of the bailiff.

The bailiff must make sure that the debt is repaid, make a decision on the withdrawal and send the document to the controlling services, which, in turn, are obliged to exclude the Russian from the “black list” of people not allowed to travel abroad. The process takes several days or even weeks.

Do not expect that it is enough to pay the debt and take a receipt with you. The border service will not let you out of the country in this case either.

If a citizen is sure that the ban was introduced illegally and violates his rights, he can file a complaint against the actions of the bailiff. You can also file a complaint through the website of the prosecutor's office. It's completely free. But here you need to be completely sure that you are right, otherwise it will be a waste of time.

Is it possible to bypass the ban

Until 2017, many debtors resolved the issue of the ban by leaving through Belarus. In February 2017, a border zone was introduced between Russia and Belarus with verification of documents. Border posts are equipped with terminals with access to various databases, including the database of Russian debtors. In other words, at present, debtors will not be able to freely leave through Belarus.

Video: how to legally get abroad while on the travel list

Departure through Kazakhstan

Another option for an emergency exit from the Russian Federation in the presence of debts is a trip through Kazakhstan. To circumvent the ban, debtors must act as follows:

  • purchase two tickets (transit and to Petropavlovsk);
  • cross the border on a transit ticket, for the authorities the debtor will be considered a transit traveler;
  • after passing the border control, present a ticket to Petropavlovsk and move in this direction;
  • get off at Petropavlovsk and head to the country of destination.

Departure through Kaliningrad

This option is only suitable for holders of a Schengen visa. A train ticket to Kaliningrad is purchased. But transport leaves in Vilnius, and from there you can fly to any country in Europe.

These methods are not completely illegal. They just use spaces in Russian laws. The border services of Kazakhstan, Lithuania, and until recently Belarus are not interested in Russian debts of foreign guests, moreover, they simply do not have information about them. You can return back in any way, no one has the right to prohibit a citizen of the Russian Federation from entering Russia. Another issue is that upon returning home, the passport can be withdrawn.

  1. Periodically visit the FSSP website and check for any enforcement proceedings open against you.
  2. Visit the site of the justices of the peace of your district, go to the "Courtwork" section. So you can find out about a probable debt even before a court decision is made.
  3. Do not contact the bailiff for information about the ban. Perhaps the official did not have time to deal with your issue closely or extend the existing ban, and the creditor himself did not demand this.
  4. If, in your opinion, the restriction was established illegally, feel free to contact the prosecutor's office with a complaint. This can be done even on the website of the regional prosecutor's office.
  5. To avoid a travel ban, pay the debt that has arisen in a timely manner. The need to travel abroad may appear unexpectedly, you need to be prepared for such an option in advance.
  6. Do not forget that it will take several weeks to lift the already established ban even after the final repayment of the debt.

An untimely paid fine can become a serious obstacle to traveling abroad in the Russian Federation during the summer vacation season. In order not to overshadow the rest and not get into an unpleasant situation when you have to abandon the trip, you need to make sure in advance that there are no debts and a travel ban.

As of May 2017, the debt of 2.3 million Russians exceeded 10 thousand rubles. This will most definitely cause them to be denied travel abroad if they decide to go there for business or pleasure. Experts predict that by the end of the year the number of Russian defaulters will increase to 2.6 million, although many of them have already found a way out of the situation - they go abroad through Belarus or Kazakhstan.

As Izvestia writes with reference to information received in Federal Service bailiffs (FSSP), over the year the number of Russians restricted to travel abroad increased by 15%, and the figure is consistently increasing. If two years ago, as of May, there were only 782,000 of them, then a year ago it was already 2 million, and now it is 2.3 million. According to the law in force since 2005, it is forbidden to travel abroad with an outstanding debt.

Bailiffs every year increase the amount of penalties from travel restrictions, considering the ban to leave the Russian Federation as an effective measure. Thanks to the application of restrictions on travel to debtors, 9.3 billion rubles were collected in four months of 2017, which is 19.2% more than the amount collected in 4 months of 2016 (7.8 billion rubles), - noted in the press service FSSP. Over four months of 2015, more than 5.1 billion rubles were collected.

The increase in the number of Russian debtors restricted to travel to 2.3 million is quite serious and raises concern due to excessive activity in using travel restrictions as a measure of influence on them, says Ekaterina Vashchilko, lawyer at the A2 Law Office. Yes, she indeed admits that the inclusion in the Federal Law "On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation ..." the possibility of applying restrictive measures against citizens was intended to provide bailiffs and courts with sufficient tools to ensure high efficiency in debt collection, whether it be tax payments, fines , loans or utilities. However, it should be taken into account that we are talking only one of the methods of influence, but by no means the only one.

Even taking into account overall growth debts of the population, dictated solely by economic factors (high debt burden and a long-term decline in real disposable income), the fact that since 2014 alone the number of debtors restricted to travel from 1.2 million to 2.3 million can be explained solely by the fact that the measure is simply abused , Ekaterina Vashchilko is sure.

In general, the measure is effective, the lawyer believes, except for the seizure of property, travel restrictions are one of the most effective tools legal pressure on debtors, but it is worth noting that the very fact of the possibility of introducing such a significant restriction on the rights of citizens to move freely both within the country and abroad due to debts of 10 thousand rubles or more today does not correspond to those that have changed since 2005 socio-economic realities. 10 thousand rubles - these are two unpaid receipts for housing and communal services, an overdue payment for consumer credit to purchase household appliances or several fines for traffic violations. Unfortunately, there are no legislative mechanisms for automatic indexation of the previously set debt threshold, and the current norms fully meet the interests of both creditors and the Federal Tax Service, but violate the interests of the population and need to be revised.

If we talk about loopholes that allow debtors to violate the ban, then, of course, Ekaterina Vashchilko points out, it is worth mentioning the possibility of crossing "transparent" borders with allied Belarus, from where you can fly or leave the EAEU, as well as the possibility of transit through Kazakhstan. However, such loopholes are resorted to only persistent offenders and debtors. Become restricted to travel abroad, taking into account the current legislation, is too simple and without intent, the lawyer emphasizes.

The second big problem is the fact that the lifting of restrictions occurs with a large time lag after making the necessary payments, 10 days. The current state of affairs is fully in the interests of creditors, the Federal Tax Service, the Criminal Code and the Federal Bailiff Service, since it provides good results: only in 4 months of 2017, travel restrictions made it possible to recover 9.3 billion rubles, which is almost 20% more than last year. Obviously, the expert concludes, no one is going to refuse such an effective measure, even if it violates the balance of interests in society.

The effectiveness of the measure to combat debtors in the form of a ban on traveling abroad is greatly exaggerated today, objected to the director of strategic projects of CAF Group Valentin Ostrovsky. The figure of growth in debt repayment of more than 30% since the introduction of the ban, announced earlier by the FSSP, is really real, only the amount of debt is not significantly reduced, and in the corporate segment it is growing at all (in 2016, the growth was up to 12.1%).

It should be noted, the expert says, that some citizens do not even know that they have been banned from leaving, just as they do not know about the very fact of the debt, for example, fines for traffic violations. Due to the high rate of informatization of the process of notifying citizens about fines, the situation is changing in better side, but there is still a very large number of citizens, and according to some estimates, this could be up to 600 thousand drivers who have been at fault, who find out about their debt only after 60 days or later, and some only at the airport.

It must be understood, Ostrovsky warns, that the effectiveness of the measure is affected by the number of citizens seeking to travel abroad. During the crisis recent years the number of such citizens has significantly decreased, which means that the significance of the restrictive measure has fallen. And only this year we can see some recovery in the number of those leaving, but the ban will indeed lead to a downward adjustment in the number of people crossing the border.

Given the economic situation today, one can only predict an increase in the number of travel bans, as the number of debtors continues to grow steadily, the expert expects. And if today prohibitive measures are already in place for 2.3 million Russians, by the end of the year the number of such people can actually exceed 3 million, and not 2.5-2.6 million, as previously thought. Optimistic estimates of growth by only 200-300 thousand are not justified due to a sharp increase in claims to the court for debt collection, which now shows a multiple increase.

Today, almost every Russian takes a bank loan. But given the complex financial situation in the country, far from everyone has the opportunity to repay debts in a timely manner. A defaulter, faced with the need for an urgent trip abroad, often wonders how realistic it is to go abroad with debts.

Russians who are faced with the need to travel abroad, even with small debts, need not worry about a possible ban. It is possible to fly abroad if the amount of debt has not grown to “travel restricted” volumes.

You can find out if there is a possibility of departure quickly at.

In addition, today every debtor has the opportunity. You can check the presence of your last name in the terrible “black list” in several ways.

The first method is considered the least convenient. It lies in the fact that the bank manager notifies the Russian about the presence of debt. Notifications to the debtor usually come either by e-mail or as an SMS message. Some banks even prefer to report the presence of debt by phone.

If the case went to court, then the debtor is notified. If an appropriate decision was issued with respect to the non-payer, then it is imposed on him. You will have to not only reschedule your foreign rendezvous, but also take part in not the most pleasant procedures.

Simple, convenient and fast

The fastest and most reliable way to check if a traveler's last name is blacklisted in 2019 is to use the bailiff's website. , without leaving home. You can check if your name is on the list of debtors as follows:

  1. Go to the FSSP website.
  2. Select your region.
  3. Enter your first and last name.
  4. Indicate your date of birth.
  5. Click on the "Find" button.

If the system shows that there is a debt, it can be paid here, on the website of the bailiff service.

But if you have debts, then a court decision on them may have been made recently, and this information may not yet make it to the website of the bailiff service.

Impossible to leave

The question, with what amount of debt a person is not allowed to go abroad, has long been clarified. According to existing legislation, a person will not be able to travel abroad if the amount of his debt is 10 thousand rubles.

The minimum amount of debt, with which it is not possible to travel abroad, remains unclear in 2019. Formally, traveling abroad is impossible even if a person's debt to a bank amounts to 2-3 hundred rubles.

But in fact, everything is somewhat different. If a person does not have time to pay the debt, then he can only rely on the fact that the "penny" amount will not force the border guards to make him travel abroad.

The term of relevance of the ban on traveling abroad is also not strictly determined by Russian law. The main thing is that it does not exceed 6 months.

The procedure for introducing a ban

When the court makes a decision regarding the ban on traveling abroad, this document is at the disposal of the bailiff. In turn, the bailiff undertakes to notify the non-payer regarding the ban on traveling abroad.

Also, an employee of the authorized body must notify the migration police and the border service of the travel ban.

The decision to ban travel may affect not only those who regularly travel abroad. Sometimes the decision to ban travel is taken against a person who does not have a foreign passport. In this case, the FMS management service temporarily prohibits issuing a foreign passport to the non-payer.

If a citizen, in respect of whom there is a ban on traveling abroad, has a passport, then it is not necessary to give it to the bailiffs. Bailiffs do not have the authority to take away identity documents.

A foreign passport is withdrawn only after a court decision, in exceptional cases.

How can I go abroad from Belarus

A few years ago, information that was pleasant for non-payers was leaked onto the Internet. It turned out that they are allowed to go abroad with debts. True, they let foreign countries Russian debtors are not domestic, but Belarusian border guards.

Today, a trip abroad through Belarus is the most acceptable and economical option. are simple. The border across this country is virtually invisible. You can travel across the border both by air and by land. You can board the Moscow-Minsk flight without hindrance. There is no need to cross the bases of border guards. From Minsk you can fly to any corner of the world.

Visiting debtors abroad through Belarus does not formally violate Russian legislation. Belarus is a different country, and the laws on its territory are also somewhat different from Russian ones. The fact that Russia and Belarus do not have a common base also plays a role.

If the Belarusian border guards released the debtor, then their Russian colleagues have no right not to let him go home.

At the airport in the capital of Belarus, a Russian can meet his fellow citizens who are also planning a flight. Experienced travelers love to share information with newcomers, and they will gladly instruct the Russian on which flight he will need to fly back home.

The details of the departure must be treated with the utmost attention. It is not recommended to fly abroad in transit through Zlatoglavaya. This is explained by the fact that in Moscow, a traveler who wants to fly abroad will have to go through passport and customs control.

Now is the holiday season and many Russians are going on holiday abroad. But, alas, not everyone will be able to reach their destination. After all, several million inhabitants of our country on different reasons banned from leaving the country. And the situation from the clip of the Leningrad group “Ecstasy”, when a person is not allowed on a plane because of a debt of 20 thousand rubles, is not uncommon.

Below you will learn how to find out about your debts before buying a ticket, in what cases you can travel abroad with debts and whether the scheme works with the Republic of Belarus.

Who is not allowed to leave Russia?

According to article 15 of federal law N 114-FZ "On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering Russian Federation» it is impossible to leave the Russian Federation:

1. People who had access to state secrets (only 1 and 2 forms of admission, with the 3rd it is possible). Usually the term of the ban (registered in employment contract) - five years after the last acquaintance with classified information. AT special occasions the period may be extended.
2. Persons passing military service conscription or alternative civilian service;
3. Suspected and accused of crimes;
4. Convicted for committing a crime before serving (punishment) or release from it;
5. Persons who have not fulfilled any obligations before the court;
6. Those who knowingly provided false information about themselves when applying for travel documents. The ban is valid until the issuance of new documents;
7. FSB officers;
8. Bankrupt.

Now more about the fifth point. First, he may concern people on whom the court has imposed non-property obligations. Examples: publicly apologize to the person you offended, move out of the apartment ex-husband, remove other people's photos from your site, paint over obscene inscription on the fence.

Secondly, people who owe someone more than 10 thousand rubles. It is possible that in December 2017 the threshold of the minimum "travel debt" will be raised to 30 thousand rubles.

But the presence of debts or other obligations does not guarantee that a person will be deployed at the border. For this you need exactly travel ban.

According to the FSSP, in June 2017, 1.6 million Russians fell under the travel ban, and this number is growing, because six months ago there were only a million of them. There are many more debtors. At the end of 2016, there were 79 million “enforcement proceedings in execution” in the FSSP database (there may be several of them per person).

How to check your debts?

Go to the official website of the FSSP, indicate in the form your full name, date of birth and region of residence. Some debts can be paid directly on the site.

But it's better to pay your debts before they reach the bailiffs. After all, if you do not meet the deadline for the voluntary execution of a court order (no more than five days from the date of receipt writ of execution), you will have to pay an enforcement fee of 7% of the debt (at least 1000 rubles) + a penalty for each day of delay 1/300 of the debt.

Debts to the tax pension fund, utility service providers, as well as alimony debts and fines can be found in your personal account on the portal before they get into the bailiffs' database. You can pay them online.

To know full information about your loans is free once a year. To do this, you need to apply to the Bureau of Credit History. Here are the contacts for different regions.

How to check if a travel ban has been imposed?

When a travel ban is imposed, the debtor receives a notification about this, but sometimes it can be lost by coincidence. There is no open base in which it would be possible to find out whether a person is prohibited from traveling abroad yet.

There is an option to take a passport and come with this question to the bailiff who is responsible for your enforcement proceedings. If you are ready to voluntarily pay the debt right away or want to agree with the bailiff on an installment plan of several months, then this option is right for you.

But if you don’t want to pay yet or can’t, then it’s better not to remind yourself once again. After all, it may be that they have not yet managed to impose a travel ban, since bailiffs are hellishly overworked. But after your appeal to the FSSP, out of harm, they can quickly write a letter to the Border Guard Service in order to encourage you to pay off the debt. Some people have already been in such situations.

If you are sociable, and the bailiff comes across understanding, then you can persuade him not to impose a ban on your vacation. But if the ban has already been imposed, then you will have to pay the debt in full at once.

What to do if there are debts, but there is no travel ban yet?

You can take a risk and go. There is a chance that everything will be fine. Especially if you agree in advance with the bailiff on the timing of the payment of the debt. But it is worth remembering that a travel ban can be imposed at any time and you can lose money spent on travel.

Can I pay the debt at the airport?

You can pay anywhere, but it will be possible to leave only after the removal of the ban on leaving the base of the Border Guard Service. Usually this process takes one to two weeks, but there have been cases when, due to technical problems, it has been extended for a month or more.

After paying the debt, you must inform your bailiff about this to lift the travel ban. This will speed up the process.

Perhaps in next year bailiffs' offices will appear at border control points, where it will be possible to lift the travel ban immediately after paying the debt.

Do schemes with departure from the countries of the customs union work?

For many years, debtors flew abroad through the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan. The most popular scheme is by plane to Minsk and from there to another country.

Residents of the Asian part of Russia bought tickets for a transit train (passports of transit passengers are not checked for debts) through Kazakhstan, but they got out not in the Russian city to which they bought the ticket, but in Kazakh.

Now there are difficulties with this, as the border guards are actively working to unite the bases of the debtors of the states of the customs union.

In June 2017, messages began to appear on the forums that Russians with debts were being turned away at the border control at the Minsk airport. And on May 19, 2017, on the border of Russia and Kazakhstan, the driver was removed from the train for a loan debt.

Some holders of a Schengen visa used the scheme: buy a train ticket to Kaliningrad -> at the Russian customs, present the UP Railway (a document that allows a passenger to transit through the territory of another country without a visa) -> at the Lithuanian customs, present a Schengen visa and exit in Vilnius, instead Kaliningrad. News about the unsuccessful passage of this scheme has not yet been found.

But the site is not responsible for its use. Before using it, find the person who used it in last month or two.

What to do if there is a travel ban, but you want to go on vacation?

Travel around Russia. Within the country, the debtor can move freely. If you are flying to a Russian city, then you only go through a pre-flight inspection without border control and your passport is not checked against the FSSP database. A similar alignment when boarding a train or intercity bus.

Even conscientious loan payers sometimes have doubts: is it possible to travel abroad with a valid loan? Will border guards be deployed at the entrance to another country? It all depends on the specific situation.

When can you travel abroad?

The loan itself does not impose any restrictions on the freedom of movement of a Russian. In most cases, travel abroad with operating loan- even with a mortgage, even with a consumer, even a business loan - you can. The main thing is that all debts are repaid on time.

Another thing is when a loan is overdue. It all depends on how far the situation has gone.

So, if the borrower has delayed the payment one or two times, then he will be released abroad without problems, even if administrative proceedings have already been initiated.

When you can not go abroad with a loan

But if the defaulter turned out to be malicious and the case went from administrative to criminal, then after charges are brought (even before the verdict), the borrower will be banned from leaving the country.

According to its status, the debtor for loans is equated to debtors:

  • for alimony;
  • on taxes;
  • by fines.

The travel ban is initiated either by bailiffs or by a direct order of the court. The case is transferred to the debtors to the FSB and border control. Therefore, borrowers can easily issue a passport and even purchase tickets, but they will not be able to leave the country.

Moreover, their property and accounts may be seized. So, even if the debtor manages to cross the border, he may end up with blocked accounts, i.e. without a livelihood. The only option is to apply to the embassy with a request for extradition.

If an administrative case has been initiated against an unscrupulous payer, then a travel ban is introduced only 14 days after the announcement of the decision (if it is not protested). After the case is transferred to the border guards and the security service, and the debtor has no chance of leaving the country.

Some make an attempt to leave Russia in order not to attend the trial, believing that this will delay the hearing. In fact, the decision may be announced without the presence of the defendant.

The debtor can generally be declared in international wanted list with a large debt.

What to do when you need to travel abroad

  1. Debt can also be formed during the stay of the payer abroad. When you return home, you will have to pay interest. If there are a lot of debts, then the violator can be put on the wanted list and forcibly returned to the country or his assets seized.
  2. What to do to prevent unpleasant situation? There are several solutions, the implementation of each of them is at the discretion of the borrower.
  3. Negotiate with the bank to defer payment. This is more likely if you have a good credit history and there is a significant reason for going abroad: for example, a business trip, foreign business trip, medical treatment, accompanying a child, etc. In fact, this method means restructuring. This means that if you temporarily have nothing to pay on the loan and there are good reasons for this, then you can ask the bank to slightly change the terms of the loan. For example, to increase the term, due to which it decreases monthly payment. Read more about this possibility.
  4. Agree that a relative or friend will pay the debt. He can leave the required amount or send it from abroad, or he can pay out of his own pocket, and then the borrower will return all the money to him - this is purely by agreement.
  5. You can deposit the required amount into your account in advance. For example, if the trip is scheduled for three months, then you need to replenish the account in the amount of three monthly payments. The bank will withdraw money in the standard mode. Some banks have such a service as auto payment, that is, debiting from the account required amount in certain date. We talk more about it in this article.
  6. You can contact the bank and ask for the addresses of foreign representative offices or partner banks in order to pay the loan through them.

To avoid any problems with banks, you need to know how to foresee them. If you see that you are unable to make monthly payments, then you should take action in a timely manner. For information on what to do if there is nothing to pay on the loan, read on this

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