Shishkhanov Mikail Osmanovich connection with Kolomoisky. Shishkhanov Mikail Osmanovich - biography. Chinese and Japanese payment systems claim the place of Visa and MasterCard

Mikail Shishkhanov is the owner of Binbank, a co-owner of several pension funds, a player in the development and oil markets, and has the academic title of Doctor of Science. The concepts of duty and honor are not an empty phrase for him. And although Mikail Osmanovich owes much of his success to his family clan, the entrepreneur himself works tirelessly, learns new things, grows and develops. Mikail Shishkhanov does not recognize human stupidity and laziness, hates hypocritical people, calls himself a "cautious optimist". He can benefit from any, even the most unsuccessful project. He believes that he spends too little time with his family due to constant employment. The father of four children dreams that all his relatives and friends live happily ever after.

  • Date of Birth: 08/06/1972
  • Education: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
  • Business start date/age: 1992 - the time of entering the service in LLP "BIN".
  • Type of activity at the start: banking sector.
  • Current activity: banking sector, investment in real estate, construction.
  • Current state:$2,300 million, according to Forbes.
  • Link to pages in social networks: no.

National character and family clan laid a strong foundation

The personality of Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov does not leave anyone indifferent. He is not a show business star, not a famous actor, but just a successful banker-financier - a famous and influential person, a member of the list of the richest businessmen in Russia. A brief biography of the entrepreneur began on August 6, 1972, when a boy was born in the family of Osman Shishkhanov, later named Mikail. The name was chosen by the mother, who believed that the angel Mikail was the closest to Allah. By nationality - Ingush, was born and raised in the capital of Chechnya, the city of Grozny.

Interesting fact. In ethnography, the Ingush are described as sympathetic, purposeful and assertive people. Hospitable people who sacredly honor good neighborly relations and the concept of mutual respect.

Perhaps, thanks to these traditions, our hero has reached such heights and successes in his life.

From childhood, little Mikail Shishkhanov dreamed of helping people, he thought that he would become a doctor and treat the sick. And he began to help, but his success story is connected not with medical, but with financial practice. In his youth and still the entrepreneur is very business style, rigor and elegance. At the time when Mikail decided to start working on his own, his uncle created his own company - the industrial and financial company "BIN". It was there that nephew Mikail came to work, while still a student.

Science is not a hindrance to business, but a good help

A responsible and hardworking young man never forgot about his studies. Mikail Shishkhanov received his first higher education at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. The year 1993 is listed in the short biography of the businessman as the year of receiving a bachelor's degree from RUDN University. Even then it was obvious that he would not stop halfway and would bring the work he started to the end. Mikail graduated from the same university with a master's degree. It took three years to prepare and defend a Ph.D. thesis. In 1998, Mikail Shishkhanov became a candidate of legal sciences.

The success story of Mikail Shishkhanov is connected not only with entrepreneurial activity, but also with science. 2000 - the year of receiving a diploma from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Two years later, the scientist defended his doctoral dissertation, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Economics. Today Mikail Osmanovich is a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Over the years of research activity, Shishkhanov published two monographs, and was the author of a series of articles in the field of economics and jurisprudence. Peru, a member of the Forbes list, owns several books and a reference dictionary on consulting.

How did the career of a successful businessman develop?

In the company of Uncle Mikhail Gutseriev "Bin" Shishkhanov made a dizzying career. Starting in 1992 to work as a simple financier, already in 1993 he became its general director. A year later, the story of Mikail Shishkhanov continued at the Bin Joint Stock Commercial Bank, where he also rose through the ranks from the head of department, deputy chairman of the board to vice president. He became the president and chairman of the board of Binbank in 1996, and today the businessman is the main owner of the bank.

Figure 1. At the ceremony of signing a memorandum of intent to create a center for operational support of Binbank in the Ulyanovsk region.
Source: website

July 2015 was remembered by the financier Shishkhanov as the time when he became the chairman of the board of MDM Bank and at the same time continued to head the Board of Directors of Binbank. The success story of the entrepreneur is also connected with development activities, because, along with Arkady Rotenberg, he owns shares in the Dekmos development company, and she, in turn, owns the famous Moskva Hotel. Together with the owner of the European Pension Fund of the Safmar Group, non-state pension funds "Doverie" and "Regionfond", which three years ago took possession of 10 percent of the shares of Promsvyazbank.

Figure 2. Founders of the Safmar Group.
Source: website

At the end of 2016, the success story of Mikail Shishkhanov continued: with his direct participation, Binbank and Binbank Murmansk joined MDM Bank, receiving the common name Binbank. Our hero became the president and chairman of the board of the renewed structure.

From statements:“If I ever become a brake on development, I will make the difficult but necessary decision to leave. So far, fortunately, I do not see such a need. Binbank is growing, developing and opening up new prospects.”

At the end of May 2017, the banker left this post and moved to the Safmar industrial and financial group to act as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors. His area of ​​responsibility included the financial sector and the foreign economic activity of the Group. Mikail Osmanovich developed areas of interaction with Arab, Asian and Western funds, worked on subsidiary retail companies Eldorado and Technosila, supervised the insurance business and IT technologies. In September 2017, when the reorganization of Binbank began, Mikail Shishkhanov again headed the board of directors. According to authoritative publications, the problems arose due to the fact that Mikail Shishkhanov and his uncle Mikhail Gutseriev carried out an aggressive growth of the structure in the midst of the economic crisis.

Figure 3. Workflow.
Source: site

Among the main projects that the billionaire is engaged in today are the construction companies Dekmos, Inteko, and Patriot. He also owns 49% of the shares of the A101 Group of Companies and 9.2% of Russneft, which is one of the top ten. According to Forbes magazine, Mikail Shishkhanov is included in the list of the 200 richest people in Russia, occupying 44th position with a fortune of $ 2,300 million.

The banker's fortune at the end of last year amounted to about 2,300 million dollars. However, how hard it was acquired: work in the field of science and in the banking sector, in the field of real estate construction, finance and modern technology. The entrepreneur remains a workaholic and optimist under any circumstances. He invariably arouses the interest and deep respect of all who know him.

No change on the personal front

Publicity imposes certain restrictions on a person. And although the president of Binbank can spend hours discussing economics and business, markets and credit histories with journalists, Mikail Shishkhanov keeps his personal life “with seven seals”. It is known that the businessman is married. His wife Svetlana bore him four children - three daughters and a son. They are his true wealth.

Materials about the billionaire's daughter Nicole have repeatedly appeared in the press. She is about 20 years old, the girl loves to attend social events, balls, in particular. Lately, Nicole has allegedly been spotted at the social Tatler party. On the Internet, Nicole is called a good, well-mannered girl who studies in England as a marketer, does an internship at her father's bank in the USA and listens to the advice of Svetlana's mother. Nicole Shishkhanova's passion is diving. And the girl would like to see her future husband as kind, intelligent and courageous. Only once did reporters record the appearance of Mikail Osmanovich with his wife and two daughters at the ball. For the first and only time.

Shishkhanov Mikail Osmanovich

Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov is a Russian businessman and financier.

The main owner of PJSC "Binbank" (59.4%). Together with the Gutseriev family, he is a co-owner of MDM Bank (84.38%), as well as the BIN pension group, which includes the pension administrator SAFMAR Pension LLC (100% subsidiary of BINBANK), as well as the European Pension Fund NPF , NPF "Doverie", NPF "Education and Science", NPF "Regionfond" and acquired in October 2015 NPF "Raiffeisen". He is a co-owner of the Europlan group of companies.

He is also a co-owner of large real estate assets, in particular, he owns CJSC INTECO and CJSC Patriot (the total stake is 95%), PJSC Mospromstroy, the A101 urban development project in New Moscow.


In 1995 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Patrice Lumumba University of Peoples' Friendship, and in 2000 from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 1998 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences, and in 2002 - doctor of economic sciences. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Mikail Shishkhanov's uncle, Mikhail Gutseriev, is a big businessman.

Professional activity

Starting in 1992, Mikail Osmanovich combined his studies with work at CJSC "Industrial and Financial Company" BIN ", where he took the post of general director in a short time.

In June 1994, he moved to the Joint Stock Commercial Bank "BIN", where he worked as the head of the department for organizing interbank relations and representatives of the bank in the regions, deputy chairman of the board, vice president. From 1996 to July 2015, he was President and Chairman of the Board of PJSC Binbank. Currently, he heads the Board of Directors of Binbank and the Management Board of MDM Bank.

Shishkhanov takes an active part in the life of the banking community: he is a member of the Board of the Association of Russian Banks, as well as a member of the Moscow Banking Union.

Shishkhanov is the author of two monographs and a number of articles on economic and legal issues, as well as the books "Scientific and Methodological Aspects of Audit Preparation", "Property: Administrative and Legal Support of Market Transformations in Russia" and the dictionary-reference book "Management Consulting".

According to the results of 2015, Mikail Osmanovich became the winner of the XI National Banking Prize in the nomination “For personal contribution to the consolidation of the Russian banking system”.

As a child, I wanted to become a doctor and even worked for some time as a nurse in an ambulance. But his further fate, largely thanks to his uncle, the famous businessman Mikhail Gutseriev, became connected not with medicine, but with banking.


Graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

He received his second higher education at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in jurisprudence, and soon his doctoral dissertation in economics.

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Labor activity

While still a student, in 1992, he began working in his uncle's company BIN LLP. In 1993, he became the general director of CJSC Industrial and Financial Company BIN. In 1994, he moved to the joint-stock commercial bank BIN. There he changed a number of positions: head of the department for organizing interbank relations and bank representatives in the regions, deputy chairman of the board, vice president.

In 1996, he took the post of President and Chairman of the Board of Binbank. He was the main owner of this bank until 2017*.

In July 2015, he became the Chairman of the Board of MDM Bank, in parallel to November 2016, he headed the Board of Directors of Binbank.

Together with Suleiman Kerimov and Arkady Rotenberg, he owns shares in the Dekmos development company, which owns the Moscow Hotel.

Along with Sait-Salam and Said Gutseriev, he was the ultimate owner of the NPF European Pension Fund (JSC), NPF Doverie JSC, NPF Regionfond (JSC). It is known that in the summer of 2015 these three funds acquired about 10% of the shares of Promsvyazbank.

On November 18, 2016, the completion of the merger of Binbank and Binbank Murmansk with MDM Bank on the basis of the latter's license was officially announced, which was eventually renamed Binbank. The latter, as president and chairman of the board, was headed by Mikail Osmanovich.

On May 28, 2017, on the official page of Binbank, information appeared about the banker's resignation from the post of chairman of the board and the transition to the position of deputy chairman of the board of directors of the Safmar industrial and financial group. He began to oversee the financial block and foreign economic activity of PFG, including areas of promising cooperation with Western, Asian and Arab funds, subsidiary retail companies (M.Video, Eldorado, Technosila), Europlan leasing company, IT- technology, as well as the insurance business - the company "VSK".

*On September 20, 2017, the media became aware that the owner of Binbank (Mikail Shishkhanov and Mikhail Gutseriev were the Central Bank) with a request for a possible sanation through the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund (FCBS) (these were Mikail Shishkhanov and Mikhail Gutseriev, who exactly communicated with representatives of the Bank of Russia was not specified). Then the board of directors of Binbank decided to re-elect Mikail Osmanovich as its chairman, including because of negotiations with the Central Bank.

Since December 15, 2017, for the duration of the provisional administration, the powers of the governing bodies of Binbank were suspended. At the beginning of March 2018, Binbank was additionally capitalized by 56.9 billion rubles, and the Central Bank announced its imminent merger with FC Otkritie bank. The banker himself played an important role in the recovery of the credit institution, having transferred for this purpose his non-banking assets - shares of Inteko, A101, companies producing broilers, cement, woodworking and nanotechnology enterprises.

In June 2018, Open Media reported that since June 8, the businessman has been listed as the sole owner of the Ural agricultural holding Healthy Farm. Thus, he controls Healthy Farm Group, Healthy Farm Delicacies, Delicacies from Healthy Farm, as well as Uralbroiler and Ural Meat Company.

Included in the list of 200 richest businessmen in Russia.


Has state awards.


He enjoys chess and boxing.

Family status
Married, has four children.

Gutseriev will buy one of the largest developers in Moscow from Trust. How a deal with A101 will help pay off debts due to the reorganization of Binbank ... , including Binbank - his nephew Mikail Gutseriev was the majority shareholder Shishkhanov, Gutseriev himself owned a minority stake. The redemption of A101 is one of the elements ... of the minority shareholder Mikhail Gutseriev to actively engage in business in the bank, ”said Shishkhanov in an interview with RBC after the bank's transfer to the FKBS. In ... Reuters and confirms the source of RBC. But it does not participate Shishkhanov, said another interlocutor familiar with the negotiations. With Shishkhanov "Trust... Shishkhanov wrote a letter to Forbes after an article about Safmar's debt of ₽1 trillion ... Former owner of Binbank Mikail Shishkhanov wrote a letter to the editors of Forbes magazine after the publication of the article, in ... it is reported that the total debt of companies associated with the family of Mikhail Gutseriev ( Shishkhanov is his nephew. - RBC), is about 1 trillion rubles. (about ... ", - says the appeal, which was received by RBC through Shishkhanov's office. Shishkhanov reproached the journalists of the publication that at the time of preparing the material ... "Trust" challenged the withdrawal scheme of 255 billion rubles. from Rost Bank ... Shishkhanov. In 2015, Rost Bank became the sole sanatorium directly Shishkhanov. In 2017, Binbank itself was on the verge of collapse, and ... securities of offshore Cypriot companies, the ultimate beneficiaries of which were Mikail Shishkhanov, Said and Sait-Salam Gutseriev. The money ended up in these accounts...

Finance, 25 Mar 2019, 19:03

"Trust" lost the case for 205 billion rubles. against Shishkhanov's former company ... securities of offshore Cypriot companies whose ultimate beneficiaries were Mikayil Shishkhanov, Said and Sait-Salam Gutseriev and others, declared at the trial ... Investments "invalid and recover 205 billion rubles. in your favor. Shishkhanov, Said and Sait-Salam Gutseriev were involved in the case in ... Bank "Trust" became the owner of Shishkhanov's agricultural assets ... was the ex-owner of Binbank and Rost Bank Mikail Shishkhanov. poultry business Shishkhanov, as he told Vedomosti, he received after the purchase of MDM ... Vladimir Akaev, who previously held the position of adviser to the president of Binbank. "Open Media" Shishkhanov explained that he had exercised the option to buy out a 100% stake in...”. At the end of September 2017, Binbank, owned by Mikail Shishkhanov and Mikhail Gutseriev, appealed to the Central Bank with a request to reorganize ...

Finance, 11 Sep 2018, 06:43

Ex-owner of Binbank began negotiations on debt restructuring ... debt, Vedomosti writes Ex-owner of Binbank and Rost Bank Mikail Shishkhanov overdue payment on a loan from the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) and is ... issued to Shishkhanov for reorganization Rost Bank at the expense of the Central Bank. Shishkhanov took up the rehabilitation of Rost Bank in 2015 with the help of Binbank ... look for himself in business, ”the entrepreneur quotes the publication. In June, Mikail Shishkhanov became the owner of the Ural agricultural holding Healthy Farm. Under the control of the entrepreneur came ... Shishkhanov became the owner of the Healthy Farm agricultural holding ... SPARK data. The first to become the owner of the "Healthy Farm" Shishkhanov, drew the attention of Open Media. Under the control of the entrepreneur came "GK "Healthy ... farms", as well as "Uralbroiler" and "Ural Meat Company". Like Michael Shishkhanov lost all assets Agroholding "Healthy Farm" is engaged in the production of chilled and ... . At the end of September 2017, Binbank, whose main shareholder was Shishkhanov, turned to the Central Bank with a request for reorganization through the Consolidation Fund ... More than 25% of "RussNeft" was transferred to the balance of the bank being rehabilitated by the Central Bank ... the interlocutor did not open the package. He declined further comment. Mikail Shishkhanov- RBC: “I lose everything, only my name is saved” Rost Bank ... Shishkhanov left the board of directors of NPF "Safmar" ... Director of the company "Corporate Investments and Technologies" Ilya Mikhailenko. Like Mikail Shishkhanov lost all assets Together with Shishkhanov and three top managers... . Earlier in November, RBC, citing sources, wrote that Shishkhanov will leave the board of directors of the Safmar group before the end of the year. Then the representative ... of the directors of "Safmar" until the end of the year Binbank, the main shareholder of which is Shishkhanov, at the end of September he turned to the Central Bank with a request for reorganization ... Shishkhanov will be expelled from the board of directors of Safmar before the end of the year ... connected with the name, ”said the businessman. At the end of September Binbank, in which Shishkhanov is the main shareholder (he owned 67.967% of the bank's shares), and ... which the bank's shareholders can again receive part of this business. But Shishkhanov in an interview with Vedomosti, he promised to leave the banking business: “These 25% [of shares ... are reported. New introductory: why Mikail Shishkhanov changes plans for Binbank “As part of the rehabilitation of Binbank Shishkhanov I have repeatedly said that I am ready to give everything ... Rendez-Vous will buy land in Moscow from the Gutseriev family ... and the Moscow region, the rest - in the regions. Former partners in "Safmar" Mikail Shishkhanov and Mikhail Gutseriev are also beneficiaries of the Central Bank, which fell under the sanation ... Shishkhanov to leave the board of directors of Gutseriev's oil company ... the board of directors of RussNeft, owned by his uncle Mikhail Gutseriev. Shishkhanov has already left the board of directors of "M.Video" and left the number of ... "RussNeft" at the end of September, a source told RBC. According to him, Shishkhanov leaves the council, as he completely sold off the assets included in the group ... Gutseriev of the M.Video household appliance network. Shishkhanov also withdrew from the shareholders of M.Video. Mikail Shishkhanov and Mikhail Gutseriev are the beneficiaries of the... Shishkhanov ceased to be a shareholder of M.Video ... happened in two stages - in the summer, he first left the shareholders Shishkhanov, at the end of September Sait-Salam Gutseriev. As a result, if before... refused. At the beginning of the week it became known that Mikail Shishkhanov appealed to the board of directors of M.Video with a statement about the exit ... by groups A101, Mospromstroy, Inteko, hotel assets. After the announcement of the reorganization Shishkhanov left the board of directors of RussNeft. After the appeal of Binbank to the Central Bank ... Shishkhanov decided to leave the board of directors of M.Video ... ". The retailer is controlled by the Safmar group of Mikhail Gutseriev The main owner of Binbank Mikail Shishkhanov filed an application for resignation from the board of directors of M.Video ... will convene an extraordinary meeting of shareholders on December 18 to re-elect the board of directors. Shishkhanov- the nephew of Mikhail Gutseriev, who through Safmar owns the main stake ...

Business, 28 Sep 2017, 21:43

Shishkhanov redeemed RussNeft shares pledged in Promsvyazbank ... The day before, on September 27, the Region-Invest company, owned by Mikail Shishkhanov, said that it owns 3.68% of RussNeft, three series of ruble ... Banking Sector Consolidation Fund. After the beginning of the rehabilitation procedure, its co-owner Shishkhanov was about to leave the board of directors of RussNeft, a source close to ...

Business, 27 Sep 2017, 21:03

Shishkhanov's company pledged securities to Promsvyazbank for 14.5 billion rubles. ... materials on the website of the Region-Invest company, owned by Mikail Shishkhanov, it follows that her RussNeft shares, three series of ruble bonds ... Gutseriev, in which his nephew Shishkhanov owns a minority stake. Mikail Shishkhanov- RBC: "I lose everything, only my name is saved" According to the disclosed ... Banking Sector Consolidation Fund. After the beginning of the rehabilitation procedure, its co-owner Shishkhanov was about to leave the board of directors of RussNeft, wrote RBC with reference to ...

Business, 26 Sep 2017, 19:01

Mikail Shishkhanov to leave RussNeft Board of Directors ... the assets of the Safmar group The board of directors of RussNeft leaves the co-owner of Binbank Mikail Shishkhanov, a TASS source said and confirmed a RBC source close to RussNeft ... determining the quantitative composition of the company's board of directors and electing a new board. Shishkhanov leaves the board of directors of RussNeft, as he completely sold off the assets ...

Finance, 25 Sep 2017, 17:22

New introductory: why Mikail Shishkhanov is changing plans for Binbank ... 25% of the bank and called him one of the most capitalized Mikail Shishkhanov changed its position regarding the future of Binbank, in respect of which the Central Bank launched ... . Therefore, I feel it on my fingertips, ”explained Shishkhanov in an interview with RBC. Mikail Shishkhanov- RBC: “I lose everything, only my name is saved ... to get the development corporations Inteko and A101 Development.” Why is the position changing? Shishkhanov adjusts public statements depending on the changing situation, respondents say...

Business, 25 Sep 2017, 08:15

Shishkhanov allowed the transition of Inteko under the control of the Central Bank ... ". This was stated in an interview with Vedomosti by the main owner of Binbank Mikail Shishkhanov. “I am giving away all my shares, the purchase of which I financed, including at the expense of Binbank,” said Shishkhanov. He did not say how much was spent on the purchase of Inteko and ..., "but it's too early to talk about the details." Mikail Shishkhanov- RBC: “I lose everything, only my name is saved” Mikail Shishkhanov together with Sberbank Investments acquired...

Finance, 21 Sep 2017, 14:00

The Bank of Russia assessed Binbank's capital needs ... . How the decision to reorganize was made on September 20, the owner of Binbank Mikail Shishkhanov turned to the Central Bank with a request to reorganize the credit institution through ... own funds and, based on the results of the analysis of the bank's problems, the owner Mikail Shishkhanov turned to the Bank of Russia with a request for reorganization, ”the article said ... was not disclosed. In an interview with RBC, one of the beneficiaries of Mikail Bank Shishkhanov(share in the bank - 59.7%) among the key causes of problems...

Finance, 21 Sep 2017, 07:57

The owner of Binbank said that he was caught in the "scissors of a falling market" ... but it needs to be done, Mikail admitted Shishkhanov in an interview with RBC The main shareholder of Binbank Mikail Shishkhanov called the former model of financial recovery of banks inoperative ... entry into the capital of the banks being rehabilitated by the Consolidation Fund, showed efficiency, claims Shishkhanov. “The Central Bank found a new mechanism, showed at the Otkritie that this...

Finance, 21 Sep 2017, 07:56

Mikail Shishkhanov - RBC: "I'm losing everything, only my name is saved" ... The main owner of Binbank Mikail Shishkhanov in a blitz interview, RBC spoke about how the decision was made ...

Finance, 21 Sep 2017, 02:02

The owner of Binbank called the bank "a hostage of rumors on Twitter and WhatsApp" ... rumors, Mikail said in an interview with RBC Shishkhanov, the main shareholder and chairman of the board of directors of Binbank. Previously Shishkhanov turned to the Central Bank with a request for ... . My task now is to properly organize the so-called transition process, ”explained Shishkhanov. According to him, the understanding of the need to apply for support from the Central Bank ... political goals to nationalize the banking system,” said Shishkhanov in an interview with RBC. Last Wednesday, September 20, Shishkhanov asked the Central Bank to reorganize Binbank with ...

Finance, 20 Sep 2017, 01:55

The Central Bank prepared for the reorganization of Binbank In the coming days, the Bank of Russia is preparing to announce the introduction of a temporary administration in Binbank, sources told Vedomosti. Until recently, the bank's shareholders have made attempts to negotiate with the Central Bank, says a RBC source. The Central Bank on Thursday, September 21, may announce the introduction of a temporary administration in Binbank and transfer it to the Fund ... Gordeev became the controlling shareholder of the largest housing developer The president and main shareholder of the largest housing developer of the PIK group of companies, Sergey Gordeev, completed a deal to buy out shares from the structures of Alexander Mamut and Mikail Shishkhanov, thereby gaining control of 50.02% of the shares, according to the company's website. VTB Capital acted as the organizer of the transactions, the cost of one ordinary share was 280 rubles. AT... Sergey Gordeev will receive a controlling stake in the largest housing developer Sergey Gordeev, the main shareholder of Russia's largest housing developer PIK Group, will increase his stake in the company to 50.02% of the shares. Its structures will buy out shares in the company from Alexander Mamut and Mikail Shishkhanov, another 7.6% will be bought out by VTB President and main shareholder of the PIK group of companies Sergey Gordeev agreed to buy out stakes in PIK from other major... Mikail Shishkhanov resigned as Chairman of the Board of Binbank ... also "the need to improve its corporate governance". In his new position Shishkhanov, according to Binbank, will also oversee the foreign economic activity of the group, in particular ... financial assets based on the Europlan company. As RBC explained then Shishkhanov, three main areas were to be included in the combined company, and ... RussNeft decided to raise up to half a billion in IPO ... no, purely economics,” Lukin said. Co-owner of Binbank and RussNeft Mikail Shishkhanov explained that there is no anchor investor in the placement of the oil company, it is planned ... to a greater extent this is to increase the capitalization of the company,” he specified. Shishkhanov added that the company is entering the IPO "in its current form", and ... New Europlan: why the Gutseriev family - Shishkhanova combines assets ...below BB-. “There is no such financial structure on the Russian market,” said Shishkhanov RBC. According to the head of the corporate finance department of Finam, Igor ... in additional capitalization, ”notes the interlocutor of RBC. Mikail Shishkhanov- RBC: "The capitalization of the holding will exceed 60 billion rubles." Mikail Shishkhanov, who has extensively tested the strategy of large transactions on... Mikail Shishkhanov will merge his financial assets ... the Europlan company, the shareholder of Safmar and the head of Binbank Mikail told RBC Shishkhanov. According to him, the combined company will include three main areas ... below BB-. There is no similar financial structure on the Russian market,” said Shishkhanov in an interview with RBC. Europlan Leasing Company was established in 1999 ... 51% of the shares are controlled by Europlan Holdings Ltd (Cyprus), the beneficiary of which is Shishkhanov. According to SPARK, 15.5% of the shares of the leasing company are controlled by funds... Binbank reduced its net profit in the second quarter by 12 times In the first half of the year, the bank received a net profit of 3 billion rubles under IFRS. against a loss a year earlier. At the same time, in the second quarter, the credit institution reduced the positive financial result by 12 times relative to the first one. Binbank in the second quarter of 2016 received a net profit under IFRS in the amount of 229 million rubles. against a loss of 3 billion rubles. in the second quarter... The financial group of Gutseriev and Shishkhanov became interested in the subsidiaries of VEB ... ", although talks about the purchase are still at a preliminary stage. Myself Shishkhanov Co-owner of the BIN group found a way to get rid of unprofitable insurance ... is considered and not discussed.” Mikail himself plans to buy out the share of VSK Shishkhanov, two sources in the BIN group told RBC. “Our task is to create... analysis of the NRA insurance sector Tatyana Nikitina. "After the merger of insurance companies Shishkhanov does not claim control, which in fact means the transfer of non-core business,” says a source close to the group. RBC comments Shishkhanov noted that he is negotiating the merger of the insurance business not only ...

Finance, 14 Mar 2016, 19:16

BIN Group denied the presence of a stake in the capital of Rosagro Binbank denied information about the presence of the BIN group of shares in the capital of Rosagro. This is stated in the message of the credit institution, which was received by RBC today. “Neither the BIN group, nor the shareholders of the group, nor any of the companies included in the BIN group (including Binbank) are the beneficiaries of the Rosagro company,” the message says. Nevertheless, in Binbank ...

Finance, 11 Mar 2016, 05:29

BIN Group Pension Funds Receive Nearly 2 Million New Clients Pension funds of Mikail Shishkhanov attracted the most clients last year, overtaking the previous leader - NPF Sberbank Leaders by inflow RBC polled the 15 largest pension funds (in terms of pension savings), how many they managed to attract new clients as part of the 2015 transition campaign. Half of the funds surveyed provided... Tariko's pension business was pledged to Shishkhanov ..., there was a gentlemen's agreement between Tariko and Shishkhanov,” he said. " Shishkhanov could get control over the NPF on account of the old debt, ”says ... . Russian Standard and the BIN Group declined to comment. Mikail Shishkhanov did not answer RBC's question. In autumn 2015 Rustam Tariko...

Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov- Russian businessman and financier.

He is also a co-owner of large real estate assets, in particular, he owns CJSC INTECO and CJSC Patriot (the total stake is 95%), PJSC Mospromstroy, the A101 urban development project in New Moscow. For 2016, he has a fortune of $ 1.6 billion and ranks 46th in the Russian rating of Forbes magazine.


Born on August 6, 1972 in the city of Grozny, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 1995, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics and Law at the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University, and in 2000 from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 1998 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences, and in 2002 - doctor of economic sciences. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

For 2016, he has a fortune of $ 1.6 billion and ranks 46th in the Russian rating of Forbes magazine.

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An excerpt characterizing Shishkhanov, Mikail Osmanovich

Pierre did not answer, because he did not hear or see anything. He had been thinking at the last station and still kept thinking about the same thing - about such an important thing that he did not pay any attention to what was going on around him. He was not only not interested in the fact that he would arrive later or earlier in Petersburg, or whether there would or would not be a place for him to rest at this station, but all the same, in comparison with the thoughts that occupied him now, whether he would stay for a few hours or a lifetime at that station.
The caretaker, caretaker, valet, a woman with Torzhkov sewing came into the room, offering their services. Pierre, without changing his position of his raised legs, looked at them through his glasses, and did not understand what they might need and how they could all live without resolving the issues that occupied him. And he was always occupied with the same questions from the very day he returned from Sokolniki after the duel and spent the first, painful, sleepless night; only now, in the solitude of the journey, they took possession of it with particular force. Whatever he began to think about, he returned to the same questions that he could not solve, and could not stop asking himself. It was as if the main screw on which his whole life rested was curled up in his head. The screw did not go further in, did not go out, but spun, without grabbing anything, all on the same groove, and it was impossible to stop turning it.
The superintendent entered and humbly began to ask his excellency to wait only two hours, after which he would give courier for his excellency (what will be, will be). The caretaker obviously lied and only wanted to get extra money from the traveler. “Was it bad or good?” Pierre asked himself. “It’s good for me, it’s bad for another passing by, but it’s inevitable for him, because he has nothing to eat: he said that an officer beat him up for this. And the officer nailed him because he had to go sooner. And I shot at Dolokhov because I considered myself insulted, and Louis XVI was executed because he was considered a criminal, and a year later those who executed him were killed, also for something. What's wrong? What well? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live, and what am I? What is life, what is death? What power governs everything?” he asked himself. And there was no answer to any of these questions, except for one, not a logical answer, not at all to these questions. This answer was: “If you die, everything will end. You will die and you will know everything, or you will stop asking.” But it was also scary to die.
The Torzhkovskaya tradeswoman offered her goods in a shrill voice, and especially goat shoes. “I have hundreds of rubles, which I have nowhere to put, and she stands in a torn fur coat and looks timidly at me,” thought Pierre. And why do we need this money? Precisely for one hair, this money can add to her happiness, peace of mind? Can anything in the world make her and me less subject to evil and death? Death, which will end everything and which must come today or tomorrow - all the same in a moment, in comparison with eternity. And he again pressed on the screw, which was not grasping anything, and the screw was still spinning in the same place.
His servant handed him a book of the novel, cut in half, in letters m me Suza. [Madame Susa.] He began to read about the suffering and virtuous struggle of some Amelie de Mansfeld. [to Amalia Mansfeld.] And why did she fight against her seducer, he thought, when she loved him? God could not put into her soul aspirations contrary to His will. My ex-wife didn't fight and maybe she was right. Nothing has been found, Pierre told himself again, nothing has been invented. We can only know that we know nothing. And this is the highest degree of human wisdom.”
Everything in him and around him seemed to him confused, meaningless and disgusting. But in this very disgust for everything around him, Pierre found a kind of annoying pleasure.
“I dare to ask Your Excellency to make room for a little one, here for them,” said the caretaker, entering the room and leading another, who was stopped for lack of horses, passing by. The passer-by was a squat, broad-boned, yellow, wrinkled old man with overhanging gray eyebrows over shining, indefinite grayish eyes.
Pierre took his feet off the table, got up and lay down on the bed prepared for him, occasionally glancing at the newcomer, who, with a gloomy tired look, without looking at Pierre, was heavily undressing with the help of a servant. Left in a shabby, covered sheepskin coat and felted boots on thin, bony legs, the traveler sat down on the sofa, leaning his very large and wide at the temples, short-cropped head against the back and looked at Bezukhy. The strict, intelligent and penetrating expression of this look struck Pierre. He wanted to speak to the traveler, but when he was about to turn to him with a question about the road, the traveler had already closed his eyes and folded his wrinkled old hands, on the finger of one of which was a large cast-iron ring with the image of Adam's head, sat motionless, or resting, or about something thoughtfully and calmly thinking, as it seemed to Pierre. The passerby's servant was all covered with wrinkles, also a yellow old man, without a mustache and beard, which apparently had not been shaved off, and had never grown with him. The agile old servant was dismantling the cellar, preparing a tea table, and brought a boiling samovar. When everything was ready, the traveler opened his eyes, moved closer to the table and poured himself one glass of tea, poured another for the beardless old man and served it to him. Pierre began to feel anxiety and the need, and even the inevitability of entering into a conversation with this traveler.
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