Mountains of Italy. Where is the Apennine Peninsula located. Apennine Peninsula: climate

), so that only a few rather extensive valleys and isolated recent volcanic mountain systems remain on the sides of the mountains. The Apennine Range, with a general direction from northeast to southeast, forms the skeleton of the entire Italian peninsula, rising from a hilly plain known as Subapennin. The length of the Apennine Range is about 970 km, and with all the meanders of the main ridge - about 1650 km; the greatest width of the ridge, between Chieti and Subiaco, 96 km, the smallest, between Squila and the Gulf of S. Evfemia - 22 km; the average height of the Apennine Range does not exceed 1200 m (4000 ft.); the extreme, in the Gran Sasso mountain, extends up to 2900 m (9200 ft.); nowhere does the ridge reach the snow line. The relief of the Apennines is incomparably softer than the Alpine: it does not rise either by the steep cliffs of the Alpine side zones, or by the spikes and needles of the central zone. On the other hand, the crest of the Apennines does not rise, like the crest of the Jura, with a monotonous wall. In the interior of the Apennine Highlands there are no torn, winding, transverse valleys of the Alps, as well as the longitudinal mountain valleys of the Jura, tedious in their monotony. In the absence of alpine wildness in the Apennines, however, there is no lack of diversity. In the absence of eternal snows on the peaks, the very slopes of the Apennines are less irrigated than the Alpine ones, but in general in flowing waters there is no lack, and in some places, as, for example, near Tivoli and Subiaco, even magnificent waterfalls fall from the A. cliffs. In terms of geological structure, the Apennines differ sharply from the composition of the central alpine zone. Dominant rocks Apennines - dolomites, marbles (carrara, porto-venere), red and white limestones (alba rese), biancone, majolica) and dark sandstones (macinho), serpentines, gabbro (euphotides). In the Apennines, in addition to igneous rocks and crystalline schists, deposits of the Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary systems are developed. There are Northern, Middle and Southern Apennines.

Northern Apennines

The northern Apennines, west of Savona, in contact with the easternmost spurs of the Ligurian Alps, occupy the space between Turin and Ancona, have a length of approximately 410 km with an average width of 70 km and generally retain an east-south-east direction. Their easternmost part, which is surrounded by a wide arc around the river. By and which is separated by the Cuneo plain from the easternmost outskirts of the Cottian and Ligurian Alps, is called Ligurian Apennines. Their main ridge begins with the mountain of Monte dello Schiavo (Monte dello Schiavo) and stretches first along the coastal chain; to the north from Genoa, at Bocchetta, the main entrance to Genoa from the land side, through which passes and Railway from Alessandria to Genoa, this chain descends to a height of 780 m, then goes more inland in a southeast direction to the north from Lucca, and reaches at the peaks: Antola - 1385 m, Penna - 1740 m, Gottaro - 1640 m, and on the Camporagena Alps Alpe di Camporaghena) rises even up to 2000 m, is crossed from Parma to Pontremoli by the La Chisa pass ( La Cisa) with a height of 1040 m and, finally, in the north it gradually descends to Stradella, and in the north to the valley of the river. By. Between the main ridge and the Gulf of Genoa, two more parallel chains stretch; of these, the outer one, stretching along the seashore and the valley of Bara to the Lower Magra, is famous for Lavan schist ( Lavagna-schifer) and black marble with red veins ( Marmo Portor), and the inner one - by the valleys of Upper Magra and Upper Serkio ( Serchio) or the locality of Garfagnana, separated from the main ridge, contains a huge store of excellent marble, thanks to which Kappapa (see this next) has gained worldwide fame. This internal high chain is called " Alpe Apuana", in which, east of Carrara, Bird Peak ( Pizzo d'Uccello) reaches a height of 1877 m, Pisanino 1997 m, at the southern end of Pania della Croce ( Pania della Croce), - 1841 m, and through which lies the beautiful Tambur pass with a height of 1610 m.

The continuation of the main chain of the Apennines on the other side of the Fiumalbo Pass (1200 km), leading from Modena to Lucca, is Etruscan Apennines. They start at the top of Monte Cimone (2167 m) and are in the form of a wide shaft, the crest of which is formed by a number of so-called " Alpe", rising at the source of the Arno to 1648 m (Monte Falterona) and up to 1316 m in " Alpe delia Luna". Parallel chains, which gradually become lower towards the west, fill Tuscany on both sides of the Arno, leaving only the low (60-80 m) valley of Pistoia and Florence and the coastal plain of Pisa and Livorno with their "maremmas" free. The most important crossing point across the Etruscan Apennines is the railway, which from Bologna goes up the Reno, descends in skillful meanders to Pistoia and then continues to Florence. The road from Bologna to Florence crosses La Futa (915 m), or Pietramala ( Pietramala), so named because strong storms rage there ("futa"); the road from Urbino to the valley of the Upper Tiber runs along the Alpe della Luna.

Middle Apennines

Roman, or Medium, Apennines they represent a 150 km long ridge, which is widened to the south, and consists of Cretaceous limestones; higher massifs rise on it; it stretches from Urbino to the sources of Velino and Tronto in the form of two parallel chains with peaks and ridges, 500 m below the snow line, well-forested and dominating fertile valleys, and reaches south to Norcia. Between both chains lies a longitudinal valley with the places of Matelica, Camerino, etc. In the eastern chain, in the so-called " Monty Sibillini”, rises Monte Rotondo, reaching 2100 m, and to the east of Norcia - Monte Vittore (2477 m). In the western chain stand out Monte Catria (1670 m), Pennino (1572 m) at Nocera and Monte Fionchi (1348 m) at Spoleto. The Roman Apennines are crossed by three main passes:

1) the Fano pass on the Adriatic coast, leading through the Furlo and della Scaletta gorges to Gubbio and Perugio; 2) the pass of Loreto through Macerasa, through the narrow gorge of Serravalle and through the mountains at Col Fiorito in Foligno; 3) between them, the Ancona pass, rising along the Esino, crossing the eastern chain at Fabriano and then extending south to Rome, joining at Foligno with the previous pass road. This pass is currently the most important in the Roman Apennines, as the railway from Ancona to Rome runs through it.

South of Norcia begins a large mountainous quadrangle Abruzza(see this next) - the highest part of the Apennines. Parallel limestone chains extending along the main direction of the mountains border the 70 km long valley of the rivers Alterno and Gizio, which flow from the northwest and southeast and form Pesjara. The northeastern chain begins at Pizzo da Sevo (2513 m) and at the headwaters of Vomano turns to the southeast. Here rises the most significant peak of the Apennine Peninsula, the exposed Gran Sasso d "Italia ( Gran Sasso d'Italia) at 2900 m. At Monte la Scalata, south of which Pescara breaks through, this chain takes a southerly direction. To this chain belong the powerful Maiella Mountains, whose most significant peak is Monte Amaro (2790 m) and whose slopes reach the sea. The second, parallel chain to the east from Leonessa by means of Monte Marano adjoins the first, starts to the east from Rieti with the summit of Terminillo at 2144 m, rises to " Montagne del Velino» up to 2487 m and through the plateau of Cinquemilia again connects to the main chain. The southern tip of the Abruzzi system is formed by the Meta peak at 2245 m. The wonderful Rieti valley adjoins Terminillo from the west. To the west of it rise the Sabatinsky, or Sabinsky, mountains, forming a transition to western plains. To the south of Sacco stretch the chains of Monte Lapini, or Volsky Mountains, near the Pontic marshes, with the summit of Monte Caprio at 1690 m, to the mouth of the Garigliano.

Southern Apennines

The southern A. embrace the Neapolitan A. and the Calabrian mountains. The Neapolitan mountains adjoin Maiella and between Volturno and Calore expand into a significant mountain range of the Matesia Mountains, in which the summit of Monte Miletto rises to 2118 m. di Puglia, to the south of Matese and to the west of Benevent rises Monte Taburno (1257 m), and near the outskirts of Campagna Felice - Monte Partenio (1309 m). Somewhat to the south of A. are crossed by a chain perpendicular to them, which stretches along the Sorrento Peninsula, where it rises to 1520 m on Monte San Angelo, and further, on Monte Terminio, to 1832 m; north of this chain runs the railway from Naples to Foggia. At Monte Voltura Vultur), an extinct volcano (in Pizzuto di Melfi, 1329 m), which, almost at the same distance from both Italian coasts, gently rises above the plain, its own A. are divided into two main chains. One of them, in the form of a long ridge, descends to the south and southeast to the Gulf of Tarentum; the other extends under the name of Montaña della Maddalena almost in a southerly direction from Potenza to Lagonegro, where Monte Serino rises to 1820 m, but soon then ends between the Gulfs of Tarentum and Policastro high mountain Pollino Alto at 2415 m. To the east of the Neapolitan A., Monte Gargano stretches as an independent branch with the summit of Monte Calvo (1500 m) and juts out into the Adriatic Sea in the form of a peninsula; to the west from here stretches the Apennine mountainous terrain with a height of only 250-60 m and bordered by the course of the river. Calore. To the southeast of Ofanto, on the Apullian peninsula, A. have no continuation. The Calabrian Peninsula, on the contrary, is filled with granite Calabrian mountains, often referred to as Calabrian Apennines, although in their geological structure they differ sharply from the A. mountains. The Calabrian mountains stretch first along the western coast to the south as far as Nicastro; the summit of Coccuzzo reaches 1600 m; east of here, the whole peninsula between Crati and the Gulf of Tarentum is occupied by a wide Silian forest (1800 m), and the main ridge, in the middle between both coasts, continues to Aspromonte, where at the southern end the highest point of Monte Alto reaches 2050 m. The Strait of Messina of the same kind of mountain formations continue on about. Sicily in the form of a chain stretching from east to west.

On both sides of the foothills of the real Apennines, hilly areas stretch, connected under common name subapennin; they are intersected in the west by only a few valleys (such as the valleys of the Arno, Roman Campania, and Campania) and reach the sea in the form of low, rounded ridges. The most remarkable of these sub-Apennine regions is that which is limited by the course of the Arno, Kiana and Tiber, reaches greatest height in Poggio di Montieri (1015 met.) and is distinguished by great wealth in metals. The sub-Pennines of Western Italy are cut through in many places by a number of volcanic centers located parallel to the Apennines.

One of the largest peninsulas in the world is located in the south of the Eurasian continent. The Apennine Peninsula is otherwise called the Italian Peninsula, hinting at the country that occupies its territory.

Located in Southern Europe peninsula, almost entirely occupied by Italy and the Republic of San Marino. Relatively "microscopic" by world standards, the Vatican and the Order of Malta are also located on the peninsula.

The Apennines are washed by the Mediterranean Sea. Area important geographical feature is 149 thousand square meters. km. Except mediterranean waters, the peninsula is washed by the following seas:

  • Tyrrhenian (west);
  • Ionian (south);
  • Adriatic (east).

All these seas make the Apennines very attractive for tourism. The peninsula is located in the Northern Hemisphere in relation to the equator.

The Apennine Peninsula has a shape that can be compared with a boot, so the object is so easy to find on the map.

No less interesting is the relief of the island, thanks to which all countries there have a warm and southern climate.

Relief of the Apennine Peninsula

The peninsula is named after the Apennines. Mount Corno Grande is considered the highest point of the peninsula. The height of the peak is 2914 meters.

The plateau on which the Apennines are located is subject to strong seismic activity. There are also extinct volcanoes in these territories, for example, Vesuvius.

The plains of the peninsula are dotted with rivers and lakes. The Po River is the most important water system in these areas. Its length is 676 km.

The Padana Plain occupies only a fifth of the land of the Apennines. Nature has left everything else to high mountain ranges, mixed forests and deep gorges.

The territory of the country is occupied by two large mountain systems: the Alps in the Italian mainland and the peninsular Apennines. In general, mountains occupy about 80% of the territory of Italy. The rest falls on the coasts and the great Padan Plain. The peninsular part is formed by the mountain ranges of the Apennines and Tyrrhenides. The Apennines, with their gentle eastern slopes, and steep cliffs in the west, occupy almost the entire territory of the peninsula. These mountains are of medium height and hilly terrain. The island part of Italy is considered the remnants of the once destroyed and flooded Tyrrhenides. The Alps, located in the north of the country, are usually divided into Western, those that border France, Eastern, located on the border with Switzerland, Central, neighboring Austria, and the Dolomites.


The Apennines with their folded ridges underwent faults in the Neogene, and then strong uplifts in the Neogene. Quaternary. Also, the formation of the relief was significantly influenced by volcanic phenomena, which continue to this day. Earthquakes are not rare here, which speak of the incompleteness of the process of mountain building.

The northern part of the Apennines is formed by clays and sandstones, as well as sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The axial zone of the central part of these mountains is formed mainly by limestones. mesozoic era. In the east, it is adjacent to a zone formed in the Tertiary period from sandstone and clay.
The base of the Alps is formed from metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, as well as Precambrian granites. And the cover is formed by sedimentary rocks of the Mesozoic. In the eastern Alps there are deposits of polymetallic, antimony, manganese ores. Mercury ores are mined in the Apennines near Tuscany.
Due to the prevalence of limestone, karst funnels, grottoes, and caves are found in Italy in its different regions.

Climate in the mountains of Italy

The climate varies significantly in different parts of the country, which is quite natural for such a length in longitude. On the coast of the Ligurian Sea, the climate is rather subtropical. The peninsular part of the country, washed by the Mediterranean Sea, is characterized by a mild climate with long, hot, sunny summers and warm, wet winters. Average temperatures reach +26 °С in July and +10 °С in winter. The southern edge of the Apennines and the island part of the country is exposed to hot winds from the Sahara in summer, and then the air temperature can reach 45 ° C. The Alps have a continental type of climate with hot summers and quite harsh winter. The tops of the mountains trap clouds and regularly bring down snowfalls. Therefore, the snow does not melt on them even in summer. average temperature air in summer here is about +22 °С, and in winter -15 °С.


The territory of Italy is confused by a network of rivers and reservoirs, however, due to the mountainous nature of the landscape, the rivers do not differ in full flow. Unless in the spring the snow melts on the tops of the mountains. main river The country is rightly considered to be Po, carrying its waters to the Adriatic Sea. Its length is 625 km, and it has many tributaries originating on the slopes of the Alps and the Apennines. In the spring, it tends to destroy everything in its path, so many dams are built on the Po.
The second longest river in Italy is the Adige (410 km). It originates on the slopes of the Northern Alps and flows into the Adriatic Sea. It has a violent temper, which makes it popular with kayakers. For the same reason, there are several hydroelectric power stations on it. But at the same time, in its lower part, the river is navigable.

On the Apennine Peninsula there are many short mountain rivers, the largest of which are Metauro, formed from the confluence of two rivers Meta and Auro; Potenza, with its abrupt change of direction; Esino, only 90 km long; Ofanto, with a source at an altitude of 710 m. long river, originating in the Apennines near Tuscany - the Tiber. The Tiber has a length of 405 km. Rome stands on its left bank.
Most of The rivers, especially in the south of the country, dry up in summer. There are many underground rivers, due to karst rocks.
Most large lake country, located in its northern part, is called Garda. The mild climate, coupled with picturesque landscapes, attracts lovers of a relaxing holiday. The sharp high teeth of the Alpine mountains protect the lake from the winds. Como is one of the deepest European lakes (up to 410 m) also located in northern Italy. Various species of fish are bred on the lake and numerous coastal villages, surrounded by high Alpine mountains, gladly accept fishing enthusiasts. Lake Maggiore is the border with Switzerland, and it is the lowest point in Switzerland (193 m). The length of the lake is 60 km. Its feature is the presence of many small islands.

Flora and fauna

Animal and vegetable world Italy differs significantly in different regions. The Padan Valley has been almost completely cultivated for more than one hundred years, and there is no talk of wildlife here. there is a clear division in altitudinal belts. On the coast of the Apennines and the islands, vegetation inherent in the subtropics is common - oaks (stone and cork), succulents, various palm trees, agaves. Among cultivated plants here you can find citrus fruits, fig trees, olives, almonds. When climbing to a height of 700 m, they are replaced by broad-leaved oak forests, diluted with interspersed with beech, ash, chestnut. There are cultivated fruit trees and vineyards. At an altitude of one and a half thousand kilometers, typical coniferous forests of pine, spruce, and fir predominate.

The same zonal division is also observed in the Alps, but the altitude is somewhat different and the vegetation characteristic of the subtropics is absent. Closer to the peaks and snows are the famous emerald alpine meadows.
The animal world is also very diverse. In the center of the Apennine Peninsula host brown bears, ferocious boars, wolves and foxes. Ferrets, wild cats, stone martens, chamois. Hares and squirrels are often found here. Wild forest cats have taken root on the islands, wild boars, fallow deer, mouflons are in charge. Various lizards and snakes crawl everywhere. Turtles are often seen. In the south of the peninsula, you can stumble upon scorpions.

About 400 species of migratory and nesting birds have been observed in Italy. Eagles and falcons, hawks and golden eagles soar proudly over the mountains. You can also see the vulture here. Capercaillie, white partridges, swifts, and hazel grouses live in the Alpine highlands. Near the lakes you can observe ducks and geese. AT mountain rivers common carp and trout.

Mountainous regions of Italy

Apennine mountains

The Apennines stretched for 1000 km along east coast peninsulas. The average heights of the Apennine Mountains are 1200-1800 m. The highest point of the peninsula is Corno Grande with a peak at 2912 m in the Grand Sass mountain range. Athletes climbers love this mountain for its steep slopes. The massif also includes the southernmost European glacier Calderone.

A slightly lower height is Mount Amaro (2793 m), located in the Maella mountain range in the central part of the peninsula. Maella National Park is designed to preserve the beautiful landscapes and biodiversity of these places. About 1700 species grow in these mountains, most of them are endemic.
The oldest mountain range of the Apennines, the Apuan Alps, belongs to northern Tuscany. Peak Monte Pisanino (1946 m) is the highest point of the ridge. On their slopes national park Apuan Alps, designed to preserve the unique ecosystem of the ridge.


The Herzen massif is called the highest ridge of the Italian Alps. It is represented by three peaks Monte Rosa (4634 m), Monte Bianco (4807 m), Cervina (4478 m). On their slopes are famous ski resorts. On the northern slopes of the Monte Rosa massif, with its compacted snows, the Horner Glacier originates. Its area is 68.9 km2, and it looks like 8 streams merging into a single whole.

Monte Bianco, better known as Mont Blanc, is located on the border between France and Italy. Many travelers consider the White Mountain the heart of the Alps, because it is not for nothing that they compose poems about it.

Adamello is a picturesque mountain in the Middle Alps, covered with green lush meadows, a network of small streams and streams and lakes. At the same time, the peak of the mountain reaches a height of 3539 m. Connoisseurs of rock climbing and hiking tours have chosen this mountain.

The Dolomites extend over a fairly large area, bounded by the valleys of the Adige and Piave, Pusteria and Brenta rivers. The Dolomites are known all over the world for their peculiar sheer cliffs rising against the backdrop of alpine meadows. The color of these mountains is also unusual, in the rays of the sun they become creamy and pink colors. It is believed that these rocks are ancient coral reefs that have risen from the abyss of the seas along with the Alps. The highest point in the Dolomites is Mount Marmolade (3343 m). Also noteworthy are the Lavaredo peaks and the Cinque Torri ridge.

Mountains of the islands of Sardinia and Sicily

The central zone of the island of Sardinia is represented by mountains and hills. The highest point of the island of La Marmora (1834 meters) in the mountains of Gennargentu. The remaining mountains of Sardinia are significantly lower. Thus, the Iglesiente massif reaches a height of only 1236 m on Mount Linas.

About 90% of the area of ​​the island of Sicily is occupied by mountain ranges, volcanic origin. The Peloritan Mountains are located on the northern coast of the island.
To the east stretched a chain of volcanic mountains. Here is the highest on the island, and indeed in all of Europe, active volcano, named Etna (3340 m). There are a number of dormant volcanoes nearby.

Apennines  /  / 43.28167; 12.58194(G) (I)Coordinates : 43°16′54″ N sh. 12°34′55″ E d. /  43.28167° N sh. 12.58194° E d./ 43.28167; 12.58194(G) (I) CountriesItaly Italy
San Marino San Marino

Length1,000 km Widthup to 140 km highest peakcorno grande Highest point2 912 m

The prevailing heights are 1200-1800 m, maximum height mountain system- 2912 m (top of Corno Grande). The vegetation of the mountains is represented by Mediterranean shrubs, beech and coniferous forests, meadows are found on the peaks. Geologically, the Apennines are characterized by the predominance of erosion-dissected ridges.

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

An excerpt characterizing the Apennines

“Yes, nice, nice guys,” the count confirmed, always resolving questions that were confusing for him by finding everything glorious. - Look, I wanted to be a hussars! Yes, that's what you want, ma chere!
“What a lovely creature your little one is,” said the guest. - Gunpowder!
“Yes, gunpowder,” said the count. - She went to me! And what a voice: even though my daughter, but I'll tell the truth, there will be a singer, Salomoni is different. We took an Italian to teach her.
- Is not it too early? They say it is harmful for the voice to study at this time.
- Oh, no, how early! the count said. - How did our mothers get married at twelve thirteen?
“She is in love with Boris even now!” What? said the countess, smiling softly, looking at Boris's mother, and, apparently answering the thought that always occupied her, she continued. - Well, you see, if I held her strictly, I forbid her ... God knows what they would do on the sly (the countess understood: they would kiss), and now I know her every word. She herself will come running in the evening and tell me everything. Maybe I spoil her; but, really, it seems to be better. I kept my elder strictly.
“Yes, I was brought up in a completely different way,” said the eldest, beautiful Countess Vera, smiling.
But a smile did not adorn Vera's face, as is usually the case; on the contrary, her face became unnatural and therefore unpleasant.
The eldest, Vera, was good, she was not stupid, she studied well, she was well brought up, her voice was pleasant, what she said was fair and appropriate; but, strange affair Everyone, both the guest and the countess, looked back at her, as if surprised why she said this, and felt awkward.

The Apennine Peninsula is the largest peninsula in Europe, which is located in the south of the continent. It is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea from three sides, and in the North it intersects with the Alpine Range. Italy is mainly located on the peninsula, as well as some autonomous territories dependent on it. The Apennine Peninsula is a typical example of Mediterranean landscapes and climate. Read about these and other features below.

Geographical position

So, first consider where the Apennine Peninsula is located. The well-known "boot" is located in the very south of Europe, in the water area mediterranean sea. In the west it is washed by the Tyrrhenian Sea, in the east by the Adriatic Sea, and in the southeast by the Ionian Sea. The northern part is separated from the main mainland by the Padan Plain, immediately followed by the ridge Alpine mountains. They are the "filter" of most cyclones that pass over the continent. total area The peninsula is 149 thousand square kilometers, the maximum length from north to south reaches 1100 km, and from west to east - up to 300 km.


To a greater extent, the Apennine Peninsula is a mountainous area. Here is the mountain range of the same name, which covers the entire part of the land and literally goes into the sea with its rocks and cliffs. In the north of the peninsula, the Apennines are connected to the Alps. There is no clear boundary between the two mountain ranges, therefore, from a geological point of view, these two massifs are one. It is worth noting that seismic changes are now taking place in Italy, as a result of which small volcanoes erupt - Stromboli, Etna. The mountain ranges here are covered with dense forests, mostly evergreen. In the south, where the climate becomes especially mild and hot, there are most rare species palm trees and ferns. Due to the fact that the peninsula is covered by mountains, the coastline is indented here. On the shores of the seas there are countless quiet bays, which are an excellent place for a secluded holiday.


Now consider what weather conditions the Apennine Peninsula is famous for. The climate here varies from Mediterranean to continental, depending on latitudinal zonality. In coastal areas weather soft and gentle. Summer is always warm - up to +30 degrees, while there is no rain. In winter, the humidity level rises, and the temperature drops to +8. In the depths of the continent, seasonal differences are much greater. Summers here are very dry and hot - above +30, and winters are cold, frosts often occur and snow falls. The warmest region of the peninsula is the Riviera - the northern resort area, which is located near the border with France. He's protected from the continent high mountains so cold air doesn't get in.

Inland waters

Far from the longest and full-flowing are the internal waters that cover the Apennine Peninsula with their grid. The rivers here are mostly short, narrow, completely unsuitable for navigation. The longest and deepest of them is Po, which stretches as far as 652 km. It occupies more than a quarter of the length of Italy and flows into the Adriatic Sea basin, as a result of which it forms a delta. The Po has many tributaries that feed it. These are Dora Baltea, Ticino, Adda and many others. Some of them dry up summer period, but at the end of winter and spring they literally overflow with water, flooding all coastal areas. Another important water artery The peninsula is the Tiber River, on which the historic city of Rome is located. It is 405 kilometers long and, like the Po, has many tributaries that dry up completely in summer.

Vegetation of the region

The Apennine Peninsula is located mainly in tropical climate, however, due to the vast mountain range, the local flora is very diverse, and its features depend on the specific region. The territories that are located in the depths of the continent, with their landscape, are more reminiscent of continental latitudes. Evergreen oaks, ferns, many other shrubs and trees grow here. At the same time, in especially cool regions, they often shed their foliage for the winter. At sea ​​shores nature is changing. The climate becomes Mediterranean and the plants turn into tropical ones. These are all kinds of palm trees, undersized tropical shrubs, huge citrus plantations. It is worth noting that the southernmost regions of Italy are literally planted with orange trees. Many of them are combined into private fields and are not grown in wild environment, but at home, subject to all the rules. It is also important to know that most of the reserves on the Apennine Peninsula are created artificially. Seismic destructive processes here often destroyed the entire flora, so people themselves sowed vast territories with trees and bushes of various types.

Animals, birds and insects

Considering the fact where the Apennine Peninsula is located, what climatic zone falls on it and what features the local relief has, it is easy to guess what it will be like here. animal world. There are extremely few mammals here due to the fact that the natural woodland exterminated repeatedly. Among this species, only the mountain goat, chamois, moufflons and rams remained. small mammals here also not great variety- it's just a ferret, a hare, hedgehogs and several types of wild cats. The bird fauna here is represented by a much wider range. Goshawks, vultures, golden eagles, falcons, eagles and others are often found in mountain ranges. predatory inhabitants heavenly heights. Ducks, swans, geese, herons live closer to water bodies; sea shores, of course, are home to seagulls and albatrosses of the most various types. The bird flora in the Alps is considered unique. Grouse, swifts, white partridges, wood grouses and many others live here. Insects, despite the fact that the peninsula is located in the tropics, there are few. There are only spiders, centipedes and other arthropods familiar to us.

Political division of the peninsula

Now consider what administrative division the Apennine Peninsula has. The countries that are here are exclusively those territories that belong to Italy, which occupies the bulk of these lands. The state stretches from the southern border of the Alps and ends on the island of Sicily. Within its limits there is a country with a special status - the Vatican. It is also the smallest on the planet. Also in the western part of the peninsula is San Marino. This is another tiny country that has more sacred meaning for the Catholic world than political. In fact, it is a republic of Italy.


Apennine peninsula - unique place on the ground. Even though he lies in tropical zone The weather here is incredibly varied. Most of this mini-continent is covered by mountain ranges. Among the peaks there are active volcanoes that correct the seismic activity of the region. And in those areas that are close to the shores of the seas, the climate is much milder and more stable than in the zone of latitudinal zonality. There's more rich flora and fauna, less sharp drops temperatures and higher humidity. That is why the coastal areas of Italy are considered one of the the best places for a beach holiday.

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