How to find out what person the verb is in. Person as a grammatical category

Often we use words when speaking mother tongue, without hesitation. Rarely does anyone make mistakes. However, there are various cases and situations when it is simply necessary to update knowledge, clarify something, repeat or re-learn.

Verb face

The face of the verb tells us who is doing the action. It is an inflectional grammatical category of verbs that expresses the action voiced by the verb in relation to the participant of the speech. This category of person is characteristic:

  • imperative verb forms;
  • verbs of the indicative mood of the future and present tense.

In Russian, an action called a verb is distinguished by quantity (singular (singular) and plural (plural)) and by persons, of which there are three:

  • first: singular I - means that the speaker is the subject of speech and performs an action (I am preparing a holiday, I will pick a berry);
    plural We - a group of people together with the speaker perform an action (we watch TV, we play sports);
  • second: singular You - indicates the action performed by the interlocutor (you will plant eggplants, you are reading a magazine);
    plural You - mean actions that are simultaneously related to the interlocutor and a group of people (you dream of the sea, you dig up potatoes);
  • third: singular He, she, it - indicates an action regarding a person or object that is not involved in speech (he shows a trick, she goes to a shooting range);
    plural They - indicates actions regarding persons or objects not participating in speech (they play the ball).

How to determine the person of the verb

You can determine the person of the verb by posing a question, as well as highlighting the personal ending of the verb, determining its meaning, taking into account the content of the text:

Verb 1 l.: What will I do? What do I do? What will we do? What are we doing?
Verb 2: What are you going to do? What are you doing? What will you do? What you are doing?
Verb 3 l.: What will he do? What is he doing? What will they do? What are they doing?

Consider examples of the use of persons of verbs in the table. Please note: with the help of particles yes, let, let, let forms of the first and third persons of imperative verbs are formed.

Exception: without personal verbs(lighted up, rained) and infinitive (sing, grunt), forms of the past tense verb do not have a person category.

It will not be difficult for any person who knows the above information to determine the person of the verb in Russian. After all, speaking well in our time is a sign of good taste!

The Russian language has a lot of grammatical categories. These include the category of person, the category of tense and mood of verbs, the category of gender, etc. The study of categories and their grammatical expressions together provides objective knowledge about the morphology of the language.

Category of a person in Russian

There are 3 persons in Russian - the first, second and third. Its forms express the relation of the action to the speaker. To correctly determine the 1st, 2nd, 3rd person in Russian, you need to know the main pronouns that express its semantics. Let's turn to the table.

So, we have 3 persons in Russian. The table above shows which pronouns to focus on when determining a person.

The 1st person shows the attitude towards the action of the speaker or speakers. Speakers are participants in an action or conversation.

The 2nd person form expresses the relation of the action to the interlocutor or interlocutors. They are also part of the conversation.

Forms of the 3rd person have a dual nature. They can express, firstly, the relation of the action to the person (people) who are not participating in the conversation. At the same time, they are indirect participants in the action. Secondly, the forms of the 3rd person in Russian express the relation of an action to an object or something inanimate.

Not all pronouns can be identified by a person. As you know, pronouns are divided into several categories: personal, reflexive (it is one - itself), possessive, interrogative-relative, negative, demonstrative and attributive. Only personal pronouns have the category of person, and they are all listed in the table above. It should be remembered that for personal pronouns, the category of a person is one of the most important, and most importantly, invariable categories.

Person category of verbs

Verbs have a pronounced category of person in Russian. It is difficult for many foreigners studying Russian to readjust, because when people change, verb endings automatically change. It is also worth noting that not all forms of verbs have faces in Russian. So, for example, in the forms of the past tense, the person cannot be determined. Let's take the verb "read" as an example. Let's try to determine his face: "I" read, "you" read, "he" read. It is clearly seen that when the faces change, the verb itself does not change. His face can only be determined in context. Compare: "I read a book." - "Paul was reading a book."

The same phenomenon is observed in the plural forms: "we" read, "you" read, "they" read. Similarly, a face can only be contextual.

An interesting phenomenon is observed in the forms of the present tense. In the 3rd person, the category of gender is erased from the verbs of the future tense. Compare: "She is painting a picture" and "He is painting a picture." If you take the verb "writes" without context, it becomes incomprehensible whether a male or female performs this action.

1st person verbs

Endings of Russian verbs are mainly indicated by endings. Verbs of the first person singular (in the present and future tenses) have endings -U or -YU. For example: write, read, call, shout. Verbs of the 1st and 2nd conjugations have the same endings in the 1st person, so when writing 1st person verbs, people make fewer spelling mistakes.

2nd person verbs

The 2nd person in Russian verbs has its own characteristics. They are connected with the endings of verbs. As you know, the endings in verbs depend on the conjugation. So, verbs of the 1st conjugation have an ending -EAT in singular and -ETE in plural. For example, eat, go. Verbs of the 2nd conjugation have the ending -ISH in the singular and -ITU in the plural. For example, call, shout. 2nd person verbs can be recognized either in a specific context or by a special ending.

3rd person verbs

As mentioned above, the 3rd person in Russian is determined by the pronouns "he", "she", "it", "they". 3rd person verbs have their own paradigm of endings. For verbs of the 1st conjugation, these are the endings -ET in the singular and -UT in the plural (he, she, it reads, they read). For verbs of the 2nd conjugation - endings -IT and -AT (YAT) in the plural - he, she, it calls, they call.

If you know the inflections that define faces in Russian for verbs, then there will be no problems with the formation of new forms. It is also worth noting that knowing the category of a person helps when writing words. Verb endings are one of the most difficult spellings in the school curriculum. Knowing the faces will help you navigate the choice of ending.


Written speech has always caused and will cause much more difficulties than oral speech, because the Russian language contains very few words that are the same when writing and speaking. One of the problems writing, which often confronts schoolchildren and students, is how to determine the person of the verb. In order to do this quickly and correctly, there are many recommendations and examples.

When solving the problem of what the person of the verb is, it is important to consider that this grammatical category is one of its fickle signs. It allows you to determine who is performing the action and how many participants in the speech.

Person and number are inflected grammatical categories that serve to form word forms.

The ability to determine this feature is necessary for conducting, in which accurate knowledge of the permanent and non-permanent features of a given part of speech is necessary.

And also it may be needed for spelling correct writing of the text.

The faces of verbs indicate who is doing the action. However, not in all cases it is possible to determine the correlation of the action with the participant in the speech. Therefore, this category is not inherent in all words of this part of speech.

It has the following forms:

  • imperative mood;
  • indicative mood of the future tense;
  • indicative present tense.

In no other cases (past tense, infinitive) the existence of this category is impossible - it is absent.

Table of persons of the verb in Russian

The verb in Russian has three types of person, they can be defined both in the singular and in the plural. Each combination of these two signs has its own meaning.

The table will help you understand these values:

Unit h. Mn. h.
1st l. The direct correlation of the named action with the speaker (subject of speech):

I will find a treasure; I am reading a novel.

Correlation of action with a certain group of persons, including the speaker:

we breathe air; we are reading a novel.

2nd l. Correlation of the named action to the interlocutor:

you will find a treasure; you buy candy.

Correlation of action with a certain group of persons, including the interlocutor:

you tell; you buy cakes.

3rd l. Correlation of the named action with an object (creature/object) not participating in speech:

he will find a treasure; she is going to school.

The correlation of an action with a group of persons or objects not participating in speech:

they go to the theatre; they will receive a prize.

Important! At 3 l. singular object can be expressed in three ways additional value: masculine (he), feminine (she) and neuter (it).

How to recognize a face?

Determining the person of present and future tense verbs becomes a simple task if you follow simple recommendations. It is best to remember these tips.

This sign can be identified by the question:

  • What do I/what will I do? (draw / draw) What do we do / what do we do? (draw / draw) - speaks of the belonging of the word to 1 l .;
  • What are you doing / what will you do? (draw / draw) What are you doing / what will you do? (draw / draw) - such questions are answered by verbs of the 2nd person singular;
  • What does/what will he do? (draws / draws) - questions 3 l. singular. In the 3rd person plural questions what are they doing / what will they do? (draw / draw).

The simplest way is to substitute personal pronouns. Pronouns are selected appropriate in meaning, their list must be learned by heart:

  • 1l .: if the pronouns I, we are suitable for actions (I am lying, we are lying);
  • 2 l .: if you fit, you (you lie, you lie);
  • 3 l .: if he, he, it, they fit (he lies, they lie).

Formal signs - personal endings of words:

It is better to draw such a plate on a separate sheet as a template. Choose your own examples, according to which information about the endings will be well remembered, and use it when completing the task.

  1. It is important to remember that the person of a word denoting an action committed in the past tense does not need to be determined. The same applies to the infinitive -.
  2. It is better to use all methods until the definition of a grammatical category becomes an easy task. Then you can choose one method you like. If you have any difficulties, you should check yourself using all the well-known methods of determining the person of the verb in the present and future tense.

The phenomenon can be explained as follows: the persons of the singular and the plural of all forms coincide. For example: ate (singular) - this can be said in relation to all three forms: I ate, you ate, he ate. The same is true with the plural. So, the form is 3 l. plural coincides with the forms of 1 l. and 2 l. including: they ate - we ate, you ate.

Therefore, in the morphological analysis of the verb denoting an action performed in the past tense, this meaning is omitted.

Before you determine the person of the verb, you will have to repeat the recommendations and use a special

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Write out the word for the task.
  2. Determine its time. Present or future - we conduct further analysis.
  3. Choose a pronoun that makes sense. Find out or remember his personal affiliation - these categories are the same for the words of both parts of speech. For example, if you fit the word come (pronoun 2 l. singular) - then the verb come will also have 2 l.
  4. Ask a question, use it to set the value of this category.
  5. Select ending - formal sign. By the way, this method is the most reliable. According to the table of verb endings, one can determine personal affiliation.

Determining the person of a reflexive verb

indicators reflexive verb are postfixes (suffixes in position after the end) -sya and -ss. For example: swim, laugh, learn, hoped, went down, packed up, got out.

Important! Next to the words of this form, nouns and pronouns in the accusative case can never stand.

In order to set the participant of the action denoted by the word in this form, you need to do the following:

  1. Write it out together with the adjoining or noun.
  2. Substitute a pronoun for the noun and / or set the meaning of the grammatical category based on it.

For example, they say goodbye, bathe, laugh - verbs of 3 literals, because you can substitute “they” (3 literals) for them; say goodbye, bathe, laugh - 2 persons singular, because the pronoun "you" fits them.

Useful video: Person and number of verbs


One of the most important verb categories It is important to know both in theory and work out in practice. Learning how to do this morphological analysis, in the future, the student or student will not make mistakes in the written presentation of their thoughts.

The morphological category of a person is the most important in the Russian verb system. Personal forms help to determine who is acting: the speaker himself (the subject of communication), - walking, my; speaking with others: walk, wash; interlocutor (addressee of communication) - walk, wash; interlocutor with others: walk, wash; not participating in the dialogue (object of communication) - walking, washing, walking, washing. The face is one of the most inconsistent signs. Therefore, the student is often faced with the question of how to determine

Leisurely Analysis

The verb has three faces: 1. walking 2. walking 3. walking; 1. I am silent 2. you are silent 3. you are silent.

They differ not only from each other, but also in the plural: ( read, read, read; build, build, build). is not correlative in meaning to the singular: writing- the speaker is acting write- someone else joined the speaker. It is not yet clear how to determine the person of the verb? And we are not in a hurry. For now, memorize three properly Remember all pronouns by person: 1st person: I, we; 2nd person: you, you; 3rd person: he, (she, it) they. Learn to find the appropriate meaning for a particular verb. For example: verb are flying. The rest is up to you: if you don't like it" I'm flying" or " it's flying", look for more!

Other meanings

Personal forms of the verb, in addition to those indicated above, may have other meanings. For example, the 1 person plural form can become "author's we", that is, imply 1 person singular: We already touched verb tense definitions, now let's get started to the analysis of actors. Although it sounds different here: I still trying to explain... The form of the 1st person plural in emotionally charged speech is sometimes used in the meaning of the 2nd person singular: Oh what we got big!(referring to the only child present). Verbs of the 2nd person singular appear in the meaning of the 1st person of the singular in generalizations: You you won't understand, seven Fridays a week. Everyone must use the replacement in the 2nd person singular plural - as a sign of respect: You wonderful play on a violin! Also, personal verbs can become indefinitely personal or generalized personal - with an unknown acting person or if the action applies to everyone at once and to no one in particular: Taking off your head, through your hair don't cry (generalized-personal); Football on TV transmit (indefinitely personal).

Determine the person of the verb

We proceed to the most important thing - how to determine the person of the verb. The first step is to ask the verb a question that is appropriate in meaning.

1 person: what do i do? and what are we doing? (pronouns I, we) I walk, we walk.

2 person: what are you doing? and what are you doing?(pronouns you you) you walk, you walk.

3 person: what do they do? and what are you doing?(pronouns he/she/it, they) walking, walking.

The verb table will help you remember even faster how to determine the face of the verb. Draw it and practice, sign with a pencil invented examples of verbs, erase, and start again.

About the wealth of the Russian language

We have so many verbs that from time to time we will come across inappropriate for this table. What is it, how to determine the person of a substandard verb? It's a matter of time. In the literal sense - time. Define it! And you will see that the verbs that are in the past, as well as the indefinite form, do not have a face! Here is the infinitive indefinite form): verb be treated. Me (me) it's time to heal. But just the same, always it's time be treated and to you (you), and them (they) and so on. The same story happens. It is enough to substitute the correct pronouns and ask appropriate questions, the verbs will be determined immediately and in later life will be obedient!

Face in Russian acts as the most important morphological trait verbs. With the help of persons in a sentence, the attitude of the one who performs the action to the one who speaks about it is expressed.

There are three forms of faces: 1st, 2nd and 3rd. It is the face that is the defining feature of the word, which allows you to correctly put down suffixes and endings in it. Ultimately, it is the knowledge of faces that allows you to correctly express your thoughts.

In the form of the 1st person there are those verbs, the cases of the use of which provide for the coincidence of the performer of the action and the one who speaks about it.

Example: I eat, I do, I talk, I sleep, we do, etc.

Verbs in the 2nd person indicate that the action being performed refers not to the narrator himself, but to his interlocutor.

Example: You did, you ate, you talked, you slept, you do.

Verbs in the 3rd person express the relation of the action to a person (people) who are not participating in the conversation and are usually used with pronouns - he, she, it, they.

Example: He did, he ate, he spoke, they slept, she did, it fell out.

Endings of Russian verbs are mainly indicated by endings. Verbs of the first person singular (in the present and future tenses) have endings -U or -YU. For example: write, read, call, shout. Verbs of the 1st and 2nd conjugation have the same endings in the 1st person.

The second person in Russian verbs has its own characteristics. They are connected with the endings of verbs. And as you know, the endings in verbs depend on the conjugation. Verbs of the 1st conjugation have the ending -EAT in the singular and -ETE in plural. For example, eat, go. Verbs of the 2nd conjugation have the ending -ISH in the singular and -ITU in the plural. For example, call, shout. 2nd person verbs can be recognized either in a specific context or by a special ending.

3rd person in Russian is determined by the pronouns "he", "she", "it", "they". Verbs of the 1st conjugation have endings -ET in the singular and -UT in the plural (he, she, it reads, they read). Verbs of the 2nd conjugation have endings -IT and -AT (YAT) plural (he, she, it calls, they call).

Verbs in subjunctive and in the past tense, the indicative mood does not change by person, these forms represent differences not by person, but by gender. Personal pronouns-nouns correspond with personal forms of the verb.

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