What is the difference between a short communion and a full communion. What is a short communion, a full communion? How to make a morphological analysis of the sacrament

Since the sacrament special form verb, containing the features of both the verb and the adjective, then one of its features is the ability to form a short form. In the lesson, you will learn about the grammatical, syntactic and stylistic features of short participles.

Theme: Communion

Lesson: Short Participles

Unlike full participles, which are used mainly in book speech, short participles are widely used in everyday speech and are even used in dialects.


Exercise number 87, 88.Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. etc. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

Exercise. Read the text of a joke letter that was written by one fairytale hero. Extract from the text short passive participles, highlight the ending, determine the number, gender, indicate the verb from which this participle is formed.

We live very well. The house is always tidied up, the linen is washed and ironed. The room is very cozy: the floor is covered with a carpet, the curtains are starched and sheathed with frills, the walls are decorated with paintings. Flowers are watered and fed on time. The books are stacked on shelves. Toys are scattered, but in the evening they are always collected and hidden in special boxes.

Our children are washed, washed, combed. Their noses are always wiped, bows and laces are tied. The girls are all dressed up and dressed up. The boys are dressed and shod.

Russian language in diagrams and tables. Brief Communions.

Didactic materials. Section "Communion"

3. Online store of the publishing house "Lyceum" ().

Spelling of participles. Exercises.


1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. etc. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.

2. Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. etc. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

3. “Russian language. Practice. 7th grade". Ed. Pimenova S.N. 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.

4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. "Russian language. 7th grade. At 3 o'clock." 8th ed. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.

The aspect meaning of participles is the result of their formation from verbs of both kinds, and not the fact of their own formation, therefore, in passive participles of the past tense, aspect oppositions are irregular.

As already noted, the aspect category has a significant impact on the process of participle formation, "allowing" or "prohibiting" the formation of present tense forms. Passive past participles are formed mainly from the verbs SV : cook - welded, read - read . NSV forms of such participles are unproductive: read - read, wash - washed.

The category of participle time is not related to the categories of mood and person and is not predicative. The regularity of temporary oppositions is observed only in real participles, since in the passive form the past tense is rarely formed from NSV verbs, which was noted above.

The category of voice in participles has some features: for passive forms, only a passive voice is possible, real participles can have the meanings of both active and passive voice: Writer,who wrote book for several years, finished his work(active voice) - Book,written several years, finished(passive voice). Real participles expressing the meaning of the passive voice are necessarily participles with a postfix -sya, formed from NSV verbs. They are usually used when the corresponding passive participle is not formed or is of little use.

§ 5. Full and short forms of participles.

Real participles have only the full form. Short forms form passive participles, and for present participles they are less typical, often obsolete and are found mainly in book speech: For birthdaycookable there were surprises: some kind of beaded case for a toothpick (G.). Short forms from the past participles CB, on the contrary, are quite frequent: Quiet lake in the early morning, everything is covered with seedsblooming trees and grasses (Prishv.). Short forms are formed from full way cutting off adjective endings and adding endings characteristic of short adjectives: zero, -a, -o,-s: read, read, read, read .

Short participial forms have semantic and grammatical features compared to full ones:

The meaning of short participles is peculiar: they indicate the result in the present of an action that took place in the past: The whole south side of the sky is thickflooded crimson glow(Ch.);

They do not decline, although they did in Old Russian;

They vary by numbers, and in the singular by gender;

Correlate with the NSV verbs of the passive voice, taking the place of the passive form of the verbs CB;

Short participles do not express the meaning of time; the temporal characteristic contains the form of the auxiliary verb " be":was built, will be built, present with zero binding: built. It is the absence of the category of time that gives some linguists reason to say that short forms cannot be considered participles;

Short participles usually act in a sentence as a predicate: Literature has emerged from the laws of decay. She alone does not recognize death (S.-Sch.). Less often, in combination with dependent words, they play the role of a separate definition: Chased by spring rays, snow has already fled from the surrounding mountains in muddy streams to flooded meadows (P.).

Subject. Full and short passive participles

Educational: Give the concept of short participles, their syntactic role in a sentence; repeat short adjectives.

Developing: Development of analytical thinking, mastery of techniques learning activities, independence.

Educational: Education of love for the Russian language, instilling interest in its knowledge


The short form of participles is formed from the basis of the full form with the help of endings:

zero - for masculine gender,

A - feminine

Oh - neuter

Y - plural

for example: glued th - glued, glued a , glued about , glued s

That is, the endings of short participles consist of one letter or may be zero.

Unlike full participles, short participles DO NOT decline (do not change in cases).

Brief participles answer questionswhat? what? what is it? what are

Unlike full participles, which are used mainly in book speech, short participles are widely used in everyday speech and are even used in dialects.

What is the difference between full and short participles?

3.2 Primary consolidation of knowledge.

a) Reading material p.45

b) performing exercise 103

Conclusion : short passive participles change in numbers, and in singular- by birth.

In short passive participles of the feminine gender, the stress is most often on the last syllable.

The suffixes -nn- and -enn- (-yonn-) of full passive participles correspond to the suffixes -n- and -en- (-yon-) of short ones.

4. Consolidation of the studied

4.1 Insert one or two letters -n-

The leaves are illuminated..s; the letter was omitted..o; preoccupied..th look; farm building..a; reject the enemy ..; read ..th book; lubrication loops..s; thickly forced .. th; subscribed to .. newspapers; phone number issued..; glade, scorched .. by the sun; Zakova .. in shackles; built..th church; schedule change..o; library pick up..a.

4.2 exercise 104

-Write out short and full participles, determine the gender, number, highlight the endings

Put on, torn off, wrinkled, stretched, disheveled, open, cut, stitched

4.3 Write down by rearranging the full participles into short participles, and the short participles into full participles.

Organized excursion; full ..th person; hanging ..s paintings; faces are concerned..s; broken..th trees; brought up by a grandmother; organizational .. work; the lessons are over..s; the silence is broken..o; a message addressed to a comrade; grown ..th crop

Organized excursion – the excursion is organized; full-fledged man - man complete; hung pictures - hung pictures; faces preoccupied - preoccupied faces; broken trees - trees broken; raised by a grandmother - raised by a grandmother; organized work work organized; lessons completed - completed lessons; silence broken - broken silence; a message addressed to a comrade - a message addressed to a comrade; grown crop - the crop is grown.

5. Summing up the lesson.

How are short participles formed?

How do they change?

What are the members of a proposal?

What do short adjectives and short participles have in common? What's the Difference?

Announcement of grades for the lesson.

6. Homework

- Learn the rule p. 46, complete the task in the notebook

Exercise. Read the text of a comic letter that was written by one fairy-tale hero. Write out short passive participles from the text, highlight the ending, determine the number, gender, indicate the verb from which this participle is formed.

We live very well. The house is always tidied up, the linen is washed and ironed. The room is very cozy: the floor is covered with a carpet, the curtains are starched and sheathed with frills, the walls are decorated with paintings. Flowers are watered and fed on time. The books are stacked on shelves. Toys are scattered, but in the evening they are always collected and hidden in special boxes.

Our children are washed, washed, combed. Their noses are always wiped, bows and laces are tied. The girls are all dressed up and dressed up. The boys are dressed and shod.

To master the topic "Communion", you need to understand many nuances. For example, you need to know that some of these words can exist in two forms. Let us consider this issue in more detail and find out how short and full participles differ.

Some information

All words of the named category, depending on the direction of the expressed action, are divided into two categories. These are real participles, showing that the object is doing something by itself, and passive, denoting the focus of activity on the object. The words of the first group are always complete: walking, lying, washing. And only passive participles can also be short: fed - fed, watered - watered.


First of all, each case raises its own questions. “What has been done with the object?”, “what?” set to short participles. Meanwhile, the words used in the full form correspond to the questions “what?” and the like.

Some grammatical features participles of both types are the same. Both of them change in numbers ( suggested, suggested- the only thing; glued, glued- plural) and childbirth ( nailed, nailed, nailednailed, nailed, nailed). But the difference between short and full participles is that only the latter have a case ( shrouded- nominative shrouded- parental shrouded- dative, etc.).

Another discrepancy between these groups of words lies in their syntactic meaning. The function of short participles is not diverse. They are assigned the role of a predicate: House erected (what is done?) builders. Full participles most often become a definition: Raised (what?) The builders looked great. They can also represent the nominal part of the predicate: The dress turned out torn.

Let's see what is the difference between brief and full participles in terms of spelling. Here we note that if the suffix of the word contains "n", then in short forms it is single, and in full it is double ( sownsown, embellished - embellished). You should also touch on the spelling of words with a particle NOT. It can be combined or separate when using full participles. For short forms, only the second of these options is correct.

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