Indian horoscope: astrology by date of birth. What does the ancient Indian horoscope say about a person by date of birth

The popularity of horoscopes in our time is quite large. This is due to the fact that the stars can quite accurately predict this or that event, warn against wrong steps and wrong actions. Very often people turn to astrology for help to find out what awaits them in the future. It is known that compatibility according to the sign of the zodiac plays an important role. Of considerable interest is the Indian horoscope, which differs from the traditional ones.

Astrology in India

Indian astrology by date of birth is an ancient science dating back about 5,000 years. In India, this science is taken very seriously, since astrology in this country has state status. Not a single serious life decision can do without turning to the stars for a hint.

This horoscope is considered to be love, because compatibility according to the Indian horoscope is a whole system of ancient knowledge that has come down to us from time immemorial.

Before entering into a marriage, lovers carefully compare their horoscopes for compatibility, and when planning a pregnancy, they turn to him to calculate when it is better to conceive a child and what gender he will be.

Distinctive features of the horoscope

He wears the name Jyotish and is significantly different from the traditional horoscope familiar to everyone:

So, each nakshatra refers to a specific animal and is influenced by a particular star. That is, each zodiac sign has its own totem animal that patronizes it.

Love zodiac horoscope

Each sign has its own characteristics and features that affect the quality of life and the events that take place in it. Such a horoscope can rightfully be called a love horoscope, since it contains brief information how each of the signs manifests itself in the love sphere.

Since there are many zodiacs in the Indian horoscope, it looks quite unusual for the layman.

To understand what a particular sign represents, it is necessary to consider its description in more detail..

  1. Ashwini (Horse): April 13-26. These people value freedom very much. They need a life partner who would accept them for who they are, without restricting their freedom and self-expression. This person should have a rich inner world, love adventures and adventures. He has such qualities as passion and sensuality.
  2. Bharani (Elephant): April 27 - May 10. They are very pragmatic. In life, they need a person who fully and completely supports them, with similar interests. These people are ready to selflessly fight for their happiness, rivals are not an obstacle for them. But when the goal is already achieved, these people can suddenly lose interest in it.
  3. Krittika (Sheep): May 11 - 24. Passion is their middle name. They love to be chased. They prefer to flaunt their feelings only when they know for sure that they are mutual. But marriage ties often burden them, and therefore they are in no hurry to marry.
  4. Rohini (Serpent): May 25 - June 7. These are selfless people who have deep feelings. For their beloved, they are ready for any accomplishments, they are devoted to their ideal. However, they do not dare to take the first step towards their love, so they expect activity from their partner.
  5. Mrigasira (Snake): June 8-20. The snake, like the previous sign, is hard to take the first steps. Their distinguishing feature is secrecy. They also have self-control and arrogance. As life partners, they choose a partner with outstanding intelligence.
  6. Adra (Dog): June 21 - July 4. These people are the very embodiment of kindness and tenderness. In relationships, they give 100%, they are faithful and caring. But excessive activity can play with them. bad joke and push your partner away. For family life, they need a person with the same qualities as Adra. In addition, he must admire them in every possible way.
  7. Punarvasu (Cat): July 5 - 18. An impregnable and proud sign of the zodiac, moreover, very secretive. They love to receive signs of attention from numerous persons of the opposite sex, thereby striking a blow to the person who loves them. This is an indicator that they do not tolerate self-control.
  8. Pushia (Sheep): July 19 - August 1. Pretty reserved individuals. They are endowed with incredible sexual energy. long relationship- not for them. Nevertheless, they are prone to jealousy and always try to find confirmation of their guesses.
  9. Ashlesha (Cat): August 2 - 15. This Indian zodiac is characterized by self-sufficiency and independence. Quite secretive, they do not tolerate intrusion into their privacy. They love praise and approval from a partner who is given care and loyalty in response to such a manifestation of admiration for them. Those who do not approve of them feel all their coldness and contempt.
  10. Magha (Rats): August 16 - 29. Natures are very powerful. Pleasure is their element. They choose a kind and understanding person as partners. Fearlessness, courage and courage are their main qualities, and a hot temper can melt the heart of even the coldest person.
  11. Purva Falguni (Rat): August 30 - September 12. Representatives of this zodiac sign sometimes characterized by a manifestation of strong aggression. They prefer long and lasting relationships, they are ready to sacrifice a lot for them. Rage is just an attempt to attract attention and arouse interest in a lover.
  12. Uttara Falguni (Ox): September 13 - 25. They are distinguished by generosity, loyalty and boundless kindness. They do not imagine their life without the second half. Interest for them is the person who needs to be conquered. They also need to experience sexual attraction to a partner in order to build a harmonious relationship.
  13. Hasta (Buffalo): 26 September - 9 October. Outwardly cold and independent. Calmness and restraint - their faithful companions. However, this is only an appearance, because in their souls they are extremely vulnerable natures, prone to anxiety. They are looking for a sensitive nature in a partner that can support in any situation. Next to such a companion, these personalities begin to show all their best qualities.
  14. Chitra (Tigress): October 10 - 22. Powerful people with strong sexual energy, eager to subjugate a partner. But they quickly lose interest in a partner and may even show aggression towards him.
  15. Swati (Buffalo): 23 October - 5 November. Focused on long-term and strong relationships. Their partner will have to have the courage and patience to get along with Swati. They are picky, caustic, critical. Although they always properly try to provide financially for their family.
  16. Vishakha (Tiger): 6 - 18 November. This sign, which has irrepressible sexual energy, needs a frequent change of partners. They need a person who would satisfy their sexual desire. But this is not a guarantee that Vishaha will not cheat. Such a tendency to cheat can negatively affect family life.
  17. Anurada (Deer): November 19 - December 1. Love for them is the meaning of all life. They tend to seek perfect love and changing partners, often without engaging in sexual relations with them. Intimate connection without love is unacceptable for them.
  18. Yeshta (Deer): 2 - 14 December. Sexual sensuality and inconstancy are fully inherent in such people. They are ready to do anything to seduce the object of their desires. Yeshta always strive for power, in connection with which to build family relationships with this sign is very difficult.
  19. Mula (Dog): December 15 - 27. Very windy, fickle and capricious. Stability is not their forte. They can connect their lives only with those who will not persuade them to follow generally accepted standards and rules, because they do not recognize this.
  20. Purva Ashadha (Monkey): December 28 - January 10. This representative zodiac horoscope will not change his partner. Sex for him plays an important role in relationships, he is ready to experiment in order to experience new emotions and diversify his intimate life. loyalty and serious attitude to life - the main positive traits Purva Ashadhi.
  21. Uttara Ashadha (Mongoose): January 11 - 23. People born under this sign have a dual nature. In life, they choose their own guidelines and are guided by their own priorities. Freedom-loving, in no hurry to tie the knot, in intimate life do not tolerate monotony.
  22. Shravana (Monkey): January 24 - February 5. They can experience deep feelings, sometimes like to spend time alone. They are modest, do not like to be imposed. Real mutual understanding is found only with those who appreciate them and do not condemn them for their tendency to solitude.
  23. Dhanishta (Lioness): 6 - 18 February. Charisma, fortitude and responsibility are united in this personality. Need a strong relationship, faithful to their life partner.
  24. Satabhisha (Horse): February 19 - March 3. The passion and sexuality inherent in them are very carefully hidden and outwardly not always noticeable. They like the partner to have the same qualities as them, to be passionate and unrestrained, to take the initiative into their own hands.
  25. Purva Bhadra (Leo): 4 - 16 March. Loving, positive and friendly - it's all about Leo. They tend to idealize their chosen one. In relationships, they give 100%, sparing no effort and energy.
  26. Uttara Bhadra (Cow) March 17 - 30. They are not afraid of loneliness, they strive to create strong relationships and a reliable marriage. If the relationship does not work out, they can easily leave the partner.
  27. Revati (Elephant) March 31 - April 12. They are prone to self-sacrifice, not greedy, their sexual energy is not very high. Tend to high relations and mutual feelings. Very jealous, rather suspicious of their partner.

AT Indian calendar animals, as the Indian horoscope is often called, there are many more signs of the zodiac than in the traditional one. Accordingly, the characteristics of the zodiac signs are much wider.

Zodiac signs in the traditions of India

The people of India have a deep respect for ancient traditions, and the Indian horoscope by date of birth is designed to determine how compatible the bride and groom are. They are so serious about this ceremony that the wedding may not take place if the horoscopes of the young people contradict each other.

In the old days, long before planning a wedding, people turned to astrologers who made a special forecast.

To date, such a compatibility forecast can be obtained online.

Sign compatibility

As in western horoscope, here there is compatibility or incompatibility of the zodiacs. To find out which signs are most suitable for each other, need to analyze the following information.

Undoubtedly, such a kaleidoscope of animals is very unusual for Western people, but it still arouses genuine interest.

Fundamentals of Indian astrology

The Indian horoscope is based on a different astrological system of forecasts than in Western astrology. There is a more thorough study of the influence of the planets on the basis of the Vedic system. Indian predictions are considered very accurate, and they are taken quite seriously.

If two loving person want to tie their lives, then no predictions should stand in the way of their happiness. To believe horoscopes or not is a personal matter for everyone, but do not forget that there are always exceptions to any rule, and stars can also be wrong.

Attention, only TODAY!

People have believed in astrology and the signs of the zodiac for centuries. The Indian horoscope is the oldest on the planet. Its history begins in the first centuries of our era. Jyotish defines personal qualities person and helps to correct his fate.

AT ancient india believed that the fate of a person depends on the position of the sun and the position of the moon - nakshatras. The Vedic horoscope distinguishes 27 nakshatras, or lunar stations. Each of them has its own star associated with it, as well as the corresponding animal symbol.

The fate of a person born in a certain lunar position is influenced by his totem animal. The talisman is associated with karma and is an intermediary in the transition of the spirit.

Jyotish tells in detail about the character traits of a person, his purpose, relationships, compatibility with the opposite sex. It focuses on the intimate side of life, which is why it is called love.

Indian astrology, like Ayurvedic medicine, has undergone some changes over time under the influence of the West. However, it has not lost its accuracy and popularity.

Video "Vedic astrology Jyotish in practice"

In this video, an expert will talk about Vedic astrology Jyotish.

Seasonal divisions

Twenty-seven Vedic Nakshtars complete a full circle in one earth year. The Indian horoscope begins in mid-April. For each season there are 6-7 lunar stations, which last for 13-15 days.


The main features of Purvabhadrapada: friendliness, honesty, nobility. These are incorrigible optimists who see everything in a rosy light. They do not accept mistrust, they are sacrificial. These people are often reckless with their own finances. In love relationships, Purvabhadrapada are resolute, active, emotional. To please a loved one, they are ready to give up their principles.

In the first place for Uttarabhadrapada is spiritual development and the ability to manage anger. They are selfless fatalists. Distinctive features: wisdom, sympathy, condescension. They are trying to build an ideal relationship, and if it doesn’t work out, then they are looking for new ones. These people are gentle and sensual, they can safely do without love or sex. In love relationships, they prefer the golden mean.

Revati are very caring people who are able to give protection and patronage to their loved ones. Character traits: calmness, equanimity, kindness, attentiveness. Putting forward the interests of others, they often forget about themselves. In love, romance and trust are important for Revati. They need a partner who understands their inner world. Due to constant internal doubts, people of this nakshatra are often jealous or distrustful. Shy - it is difficult for them to talk about sex, for example.

Ashwanis are charming, elegant, and love jewelry. They are good at understanding other people. Their goal is recognition in society. Open to everything new. Very sociable, love to travel, adventurous, active. Ashwanis value freedom extremely, therefore they are looking for a companion with a rich inner world who would share their aspirations. These are tireless, magnificent lovers with a pronounced sexuality. Ashwanis always act as the initiator of intimacy.

Bharani are restrained, prone to self-restraint. These are ambitious egoists, ready to take on the hardest work. They have strong creative energy. Bharani have good taste love luxury. In a relationship, the strength of the union and vivid sex are important for them. These are owners who like to control the situation. Over time, Bharani's former feelings may subside. Then these people will take the love of their companion for granted.

Krittika are creative and energetic people. There are many intellectuals among them. They go from one extreme to the other throughout their lives. However, they do not lose self-control and can solve a difficult problem. They do not have a competitive spirit - at the slightest competition, Krittika will retreat. Representatives of this nakshatra love to be conquered. They will hide their feelings until they make sure that they are interesting to their partner. Leaders in life, in love relationships they remain passive, preferring to contemplate.

Rohinis are very sensitive, vulnerable, easily offended. They often wear a mask of indifference so that others do not guess about their feelings. For them, material well-being and luxury are important. They love intellectual conversations. In love, the Rohinis are selfless. They need a faithful partner for life. Often they are not satisfied with the union, which is why they can change. They tend to idealize the chosen one. Disappointed when he doesn't live up to their expectations. Because of their jealous, passionate nature, Rohinis are often involved in a love triangle.


Mrigashirsha - kind, peaceful people, endowed with a sharp mind. It is important for them to be universal authority. They have a passion for adventure, like to enter into disputes. Not tolerant of criticism. Defensively, they can show aggression. Relationships are given by Mrigashirsha quite difficult. They are afraid that feelings will overwhelm them, so they keep cool. In intimate relationships, they are waiting for steps from their partner, keeping their sexual desire under control.

Ardra have insight and ability to analyze. Representatives of this "parking lot" are attractive, friendly, endowed with the ability to skillfully manipulate, love power. These people are idealists who want to realize all their plans and dreams. Ardra are devoted and tender lovers. Often they become victims of their own illusions. Ardra's partner must approve of their actions, be gentle and caring. These people do not hide their sexuality, openly declaring their feelings.

Punarvasu are restless, tend to change their personal qualities. They do not have a clear goal, but they are not interested in adventures. It is important for them to be among people. They are affectionate, tend to question their feelings. They will not be allowed to be controlled. Punarvasu are monogamous who need constant attention from the side. In intimate relationships, they do not show their desires. Putting on a mask of impregnability, such people are waiting for the first steps from the satellite.

Pushyas have a rich imagination, have a craving for creativity, and often achieve material independence. They have a very strong sense of duty. They are erudite, they can give good advice. In love, closed and bashful. Pushyas are very jealous, they need mutual understanding. Ideal relationships - calm, but at the same time diverse. These people often restrain their desires. However, if internal barriers No, they will be happy to be active.

Ashlesha are ascetics with strict habits. Often go deep into the process of cognition. They can be tactless or deliberately hurt. Ashlesha easily achieve their goal, using their insight and ability to seduce. They have good feeling humor and high intelligence. Family life there will be no peace with them. Ashlesha love flirting, so there are always a lot of fans around them. These are owners who are afraid to fully devote themselves to a love relationship. In sex they are selfish. They do not accept when they are trying to re-educate.

The hallmark of Magha is the lust for power. It is important for them to manage other people, to be financially successful, to enjoy respect and authority. They are conservative, true to tradition. Magha's love is taken very seriously, so they can choose a partner for a very long time. In relationships, they prefer to be leaders. They know how to truly enjoy life. In sex Magha are insatiable and tireless.


Purvaphalguni are friendly and pleasant to talk to. They are lucky in life. Distinctive features: calm, sober mind, perseverance, diligence. They strive to gain material independence and universal recognition. Purvaphalguni are extremely attached to those close to them. They are excellent home keepers. Children are the meaning of life for them. In a relationship, trust and reciprocity are important. These are straightforward personalities who love sex very much.

Uttaraphalguni are excellent helpers. Generous, sociable, noble. Often they do not have a clear goal, they suffer from internal complexes. Not accustomed to flaunt their feelings. They need a quiet life and support. It is very difficult for them to deal with stress. For Uttaraphalguni, convenience is important. They prefer sensible relationships to passionate ones. in need of strong union and reliable companion. Representatives of this "parking" can be called hunters. They will not be interested in a partner who will be easy prey.

Hasta are cheerful and easy to communicate with. Their nature contains such contradictory qualities as selfishness, innocence, vulnerability. Emotionally unstable, need moral support. Responsible, ready to accept someone else's help, strive to be the first in everything. Hasta are in constant search of the ideal partner, so they have many love relationships, but they are all unstable and fleeting. Representatives of this lunar station refer to sex as a way to find inner harmony.

Chitra have an innate artistry. Distinctive features are creativity, ambition, generosity. These people have a strong character, they will never save before the enemy. Eccentric, easily lose control of themselves. They love fun, gambling, endowed wonderful feeling style. Chitra are possessive by nature. Representatives of this nakshatra seek to subdue their partner. In intimate relationships, absolute harmony is important to them, but these people are not ready to compromise. Chitra have a huge sexual appetite.

Swatis are ambitious idealists. They like to be at the forefront, they strive to leave a mark on history, to become famous. They love intrigue and power, although they are very pure people at heart. Family comes first for Swati. They set the bar high for partners and choose very scrupulously. They need a reliable companion. Sex is not the main thing for them, although they love it very much. Swati's sexuality is shown only in the process of intimacy. Not inclined to take the initiative.

Vishakhas always get what they want. Ambitious, inquisitive, they have many friends. They set goals for themselves, and when they achieve them, they lose all interest in them. Vishakha often change partners. In love, they are dual: having a permanent relationship, they will not miss the chance for a new affair. Representatives of this lunar station are temperamental and constantly experience sexual hunger.

Anuradha are excellent organizers. Duality is a hallmark of these people. Gaiety can be replaced by depression, kindness - aggression. All their lives they fight for the ideal. In love, Anuradha cannot live in the present. They constantly think that a suitable partner is yet to come. For the sake of one intimacy they won't get into a relationship. Sex without love is not interesting for them - harmony comes first.


Jyesthas are leaders who get what they want. Ambitious, incredibly smart, able to win. They want to have what others don't have. These people are highly financially dependent. They lead a constant internal struggle between materialism and spirituality. Jyesthas are selfish jealous people who seek complex relationships. They express their feelings openly and emotionally. In a partner they are attracted by physical beauty and intelligence. With great sexual appetites, Jyesthas are rarely faithful.

Mulas are endowed with a sharp mind, quick wit, courage. Their brains are full of ideas and plans. Active, mobile, possess charisma. These people easily adapt to any conditions. They do not like innuendo, they prefer to figure everything out on their own. Mulas do not compromise, demanding concessions from others. In love, active, passionate. They are often afraid of their sexuality. They like to experiment, balancing on the verge of generally accepted morality. Mulas rarely build strong, stable relationships.

Purvashadhas often act as they see fit, without paying attention to other people. Capricious, but at the same time they have sufficient discipline. They stubbornly go to their goals and desires. This is creative personalities seeking to explore the unknown. Prone to self-education. In relationships, Purvashadha are conservative - they value fidelity, monogamy, and reliability. These are passionate lovers with a rich imagination. They love sex, easily find mutual understanding with the opposite sex.

Uttarashadhas are ambitious and intolerant of deceit. Smart, able to resolve conflicts. Able to be fully involved in the topic of interest to them. Uttarashadha promote spiritual growth and development. These are idealists who do not want to accept reality. Building relationships with such people is quite difficult. They often cannot understand themselves, they need solitude. An alliance is possible only with a partner who will accept such requests or put up with them. In sex, Uttarashadha are original, they are never boring.

Shravanas are brilliantly intelligent, they see the true state of things, they are not prone to illusions. Often become activists various organizations helping people or fighting for their rights. Hiding their emotionality, they put on a mask of indifference and indifference. Shravanas do not know how to express their feelings. Relationships are often taken lightly, perceiving them as a game. Therefore, passions and emotions are not for them.

The main features of Dhanishtha are excellent oratory skills, charisma, the ability to keep one's word, attentiveness. Altruists - their whole life's work is to help others. They often keep aloof, but they know how to express their feelings if they like a person. Dhanisthas are demanding in a relationship, but do not overwhelm a partner. They know how to be faithful. They are good at controlling their temperament.

Shatabhisha are often secretive, insecure people. They are characterized by constant anxiety, stress, unrest. Often the problems oppressing Shatabhish are far-fetched and exaggerated. In a love relationship, they will follow the lead of their partner so as not to disappoint him. They are conservative in sex, but they are not alien to the manifestation of fantasy. Shatabhisha are not inclined to openly declare their desires, although they are passionate natures. They often show distrust of their partner, which is why they cannot enjoy intimacy.

In India, there is a tradition of ordering a horoscope for a newborn child. In this way, parents help him arrange his fate.

Indeed, harmony in family and sexual life depends on the date of birth, the zodiac and the lunar station.

Did you know that an ordinary Hindu will not leave his house in the morning until he reads the horoscope for today? Just as he will not build relationships until he recognizes the sign of his potential partner and compatibility with him. On the one hand, it looks comical, but only before you read this article. I don’t know, because the Hindus make a horoscope not only by the sun, but by many stars, or something else makes it so accurate. But I'm sure you'll be surprised.

Mongoose, a sign of people born on January 11-23. True idealists, zealous about their honor, will never be tarnished in any dirty deeds. They are very charismatic, but it is difficult to converge with people, suspecting a catch everywhere. But if you are lucky enough to make friends with a mongoose, then better friend you will find vtyatli. As for the work, it's that they set a goal for themselves, and go towards it in exceptionally correct ways.

Monkey is the sign of people born January 24 - February 5. Callous and cold when viewed from the outside, they hide their true vulnerable soul behind coldness towards strangers. At the same time, they feel like a fish in water in the company, they quickly make acquaintances, but only at the request of others, the monkeys themselves are in no hurry to make acquaintances. They quickly become the soul of a well-chosen team. Diligent and fast at work.

Lioness, a sign of people born on February 6-18. Lionesses are charismatic and possess pronounced qualities of a leader, with early years grow up as good leaders and no less good performers. They love power, they will not refuse money, but everything is done exclusively by legal means. Lionesses often become leaders big companies and corporations, everything is easy for them, as if they have been doing this all their lives.

The horse is the sign of people born February 19 - March 3. Unshakable icebergs when viewed from the side, and sincere lovers for those closest to you. main goal they put love in life, they are ready to give up almost everything, the main thing in their opinion in our world is love. But love is not for all living things, not God's love for people, but only the union of two hearts in love. As already mentioned, they will do anything, but not only for the sake of their love.

Leo is the sign of people born March 4-16. They are very charismatic, influential, attract the attention of the opposite sex and of course selfish. It is impossible to live in our world without a drop of healthy egoism, but for lions, this drop becomes a stream over time, and then completely deep river sweeping away all other character traits. They are sure that the world was created for them to live in luxury and glory, and nothing else.

Cow, a sign of people born March 17-30. very responsible and kind people. responsible leaders, good husbands and wives, experienced, despite their age, workers. Character traits of cows, as if carved from granite, are difficult to lead to anger, as well as to joy. They do not ignite like matches, but if you stir them up, then expect a hurricane, in a good or bad way.

Elephant, a sign of people born March 31 - April 12. Distinctive feature of this sign, this good nature, basically it is the elephants who do charity work, go to help the homeless, do volunteer work. They will never pass by a person who needs their help, even if they cannot help in any way, and in case of failure, they will blame themselves.

Horse, a sign of people born on April 13-27. Very sociable, just exorbitantly sociable people. It is difficult for them to sit still and do painstaking work, the most best job for them, this is a journalist who will make a very good horse. His seething energy will go into a peaceful direction, and will stop beating with a key that is beyond his control, but will become like a stream, though flowing from high mountain, but these are no longer interesting details.

Elephant, the sign of people born April 28 - May 10. Well, an elephant, he is an elephant. Such a person sets a goal for himself, and it is better to scatter from his path while you are safe. Very responsible and enduring, both physically and mentally, workers. You can rely on elephants in any endeavors, they will support you, but only in case of a close acquaintance. In a relationship, they are very jealous.

Sheep, a sign of people born on May 11-24. They, this is fire and ice in one bottle, are cold like ice, and quick-tempered like a volcano, such people are in constant search of themselves and some kind of balance in their souls, the whirlpool of life constantly slips them more and more new problems, solving which they are gradually approaching to peace of mind.

Serpent, a sign of people born May 25 - June 7. Although the Serpent seems to be very arrogant and even cold towards other people, in fact, his soul hurts for everyone he cannot help, because in life he will have to play the role of a tough and even cruel boss and leader.

Snake, a sign of people born on June 8-20. Snakes are people who strive primarily for power, and secondly for worship. There is nothing good in the nature of snakes, they strive to show every person how much better they are. Such people, unfortunately, often make their way very high, and, so to speak, take root, so much so that it is very difficult to knock them off their little Olympus.

Animal - symbol: horse. Ashvinis, according to the Indian horoscope, are looking for a companion who can understand their irrepressible desire for freedom. Their ideal is an adventurer with a rich spiritual world. Excellence in close person they also need it because they themselves are the embodiment of independence and do not know how to build relationships. Passionate and sensual, they are delightful in love.

BHARANI according to the Indian horoscope (from April 28 to May 11)

Animal - symbol: elephant. They, standing firmly on the ground, need a person striving for a strong and lasting relationship. If one can be found, and besides, he shares their hobbies, they are ready to join the battle for him. The rivalry inspires them. For the sake of the favor of the chosen one, Bharani, according to the Indian horoscope, is capable of anything. However, having achieved their goal, they can cool off, taking for granted the signs of his love.

Krittika according to the Indian horoscope (from May 12 to 25)

Animal - symbol: sheep. According to the Indian horoscope, Krittikas are passionate and sensual by nature, but on the way to a lasting union, they are often frightened by the very last step. They like to be conquered, and they do not show their feelings in any way, without making sure that they are of interest to the chosen one. Leaders in any other aspect, in love they love the role of the spectator.

Rohini according to the Indian horoscope (from May 26 to June 8)

Animal - symbol: snake. Rohinis according to the Indian horoscope are loved selflessly, with all their hearts. However, they can connect their lives with those who are not able to justify their trust. In their unbridled striving for the perfection of relations, they should exercise a certain caution. They are not afraid to show their feelings and, loving, are capable of desperate acts, but in order to take the first step, they need to receive a signal from the chosen one.

MRIGASIRA according to the Indian horoscope (from June 9 to 21)

Animal - symbol: snake. They make no effort to join intimate relationship. The first step is to take another: the secretive Mrigasira, according to the Indian horoscope, keep their sexual energy in check. Only those who can awaken passion in them can count on a reciprocal feeling. In alliance with a man, they need intellectual understanding. Their detachment and arrogance prevents them from building relationships.

ARDRA according to the Indian horoscope (from June 22 to July 5)

Animal - symbol: dog. Gentle Ardra are caring and loyal, but sometimes they put too much strength and passion into relationships. They do not interfere with learning to wait until the man himself takes the first step. According to the Indian horoscope, Ardra are looking for a kind-hearted and attentive companion who is able to support them in everything and constantly praise them. They do not hide their sexuality. However, without any apparent reason may be disappointed in the satellite.

PUNARVASU according to the Indian horoscope (from July 6 to 19)

Animal - symbol: cat. Often Punarvas, according to the Indian horoscope, is not enough manifestations of love from one person, and this drives those who sincerely love them crazy. However, they need signs of attention from other men to show that they do not tolerate even a hint of control. For the same reason, Punarvasu are in no hurry to show their sexual desires. They may seem proud and impregnable, but they know how to send a subtle signal of passion. Textbooks in English and German.

PUSHIA according to the Indian horoscope (from July 20 to August 2)

Animal - symbol: ram. They are very closed, it is not easy for them to show their feelings even in relation to loved ones and loved ones. They have to restrain their sexual impulses. Pushia, according to the Indian horoscope, likes to pursue her chosen ones - those should not give rise to jealousy. Sex for Pushia is the most important pleasure. They rarely support long-lasting and durable love relationship.

ASHLESHA according to the Indian horoscope (from August 3 to 16)

Animal - symbol: cat. Self-sufficient and secretive, they need a companion that would not infringe on their independence. Owners by nature, in their chosen one they do not tolerate possessiveness. They need to know that for a loved one they are the Universe. Having doubted this, Ashlesha, according to the Indian horoscope, becomes coldly aloof. But they turn into tender, sensual and infinitely devoted, if the chosen one accepts them as they are.

MAGHA according to the Indian horoscope (from August 17 to 30)

Animal - symbol: rat. According to the Indian horoscope, Magha enjoy life with might and main and are always ready for sex. Their main task is to find a companion who understands how much they need strength and power. Magha are very masculine, and their strong sexual appetite is especially attractive to those who are not awakened by sensuality.

Animal - symbol: mouse. They need strong, trusting and long term relationship. In order to save them, Purva Falguni, according to the Indian horoscope, is ready for sacrifices. Before sending a signal of passion to the chosen one, they wait until their desire reaches a boiling point. Those in love with Purva Falguni should not be afraid of their rare outbursts of anger: Purva Falguni thus kindle passion in someone who is very dear to them.

UTTAR FALGUNI according to the Indian horoscope (from September 14 to 27)

Animal - symbol: buffalo. They cannot live without their other half. Their unstoppable pursuit of perfection and justice often creates problems for themselves and for their loved ones, but by nature they are kind-hearted and generous. The main task of Uttara Falguni's companion according to the Indian horoscope is to maintain sexual interest in oneself. This nakshatra needs a goal - someone who needs to be hunted and who does not give up immediately,

HASTA according to the Indian horoscope (from September 27 to October 20)

Animal - symbol: buffalo. They depend on mood swings, they need emotional support like air. Restrained and "impenetrable" outwardly, Hasta, according to the Indian horoscope, in fact, they are restless, vulnerable and extremely vulnerable. Uncontrollable by nature, they need independence, but in love relationships they show rare generosity and disinterestedness. Their natural practicality coexists wonderfully with incredible sensuality.

CHITRA according to the Indian horoscope (from October 11 to October 23)

Animal - symbol: tigress. According to the Indian horoscope, Chitra is looking for someone who would share troubles and joys with them, but the chosen one must correspond to their sexual temperament - and here they do not tolerate compromises. They try to subordinate the chosen one to their will, and having decided that they no longer need him, they show amazing indifference, coldness and even cruelty.

Swati according to the Indian horoscope (from October 24 to November 6)

Animal - symbol: buffalo. Creating a family is the most important life task for Swati according to the Indian horoscope, although in relation to the chosen one they are often picky and critical. They are very practical and firmly on the ground, although they hide this side of their nature. They don't give of great importance their sexuality and know how to wait for the right moment to satisfy their desires.

VISHAHA according to the Indian horoscope (from November 7 to 19)

Animal - symbol: tiger. Even despite the complete satisfaction with the existing relationship, the restless in the soul of Vishah, according to the Indian horoscope, can suddenly feel vague irritation - and change. Internal dissatisfaction with themselves pushes them to frequent shift fans. Possessing powerful sexual energy, they are looking for a companion who can satisfy this hunger. Their sexuality is a spark ready to ignite at any moment.

ANURADA according to the Indian horoscope (from November 20 to December 2)

Animal - symbol: deer. Love is necessary for Anurad according to the Indian horoscope, like no one in the Zodiac, and for the sake of love they are ready for literally anything. They do not enter into a purely sexual relationship, for them desire is only part of an all-consuming feeling. Therefore, it is so difficult for them to maintain an alliance with one chosen one - it always seems to them that they have not yet met their " home love".

YESHTHA according to the Indian horoscope (from December 3 to December 15)

Animal symbol: deer. They can be extremely sexy, sensual, powerful and just as fickle. Next to them can only be someone who constantly opens up new horizons for them. With the sexual appetites characteristic of Yeshta according to the Indian horoscope, it is impossible to be faithful to one person. If Yesta is interested in someone, they will sweep away any obstacles. And in pursuit of the object of passion can be ruthless.

MULA according to the Indian horoscope (from December 16 to 28)

Animal - symbol: dog. Indecisive, changeable and unreliable, Mulas cannot stay within the accepted boundaries of behavior. Mulas according to the Indian horoscope constantly experiment and find special pleasure in life on the verge of what is permitted. They do not need a serious or stable relationship, but they can enter into a long alliance - provided that the satellite does not require them to obey the rules and regulations.

PURVA ASHADHA according to the Indian horoscope (from December 29 to January 11)

Animal - symbol: monkey. Purva Ashadha according to the Indian horoscope can be considered adherents of monogamy. Assuring the chosen one of their fidelity, they do not prevaricate. If the companion understands the serious nature of Purva Ashadha, then the union is indestructible. As lovers Purva Ashadha can be inventive and tireless.

UTTAR ASHADHA according to the Indian horoscope (from January 12 to 24)

Animal - symbol: mongoose. The needs of Uttara Ashadha according to the Indian horoscope are extremely complex and contradictory. They play their own own rules and are not happy within the framework of a traditional union. To feel their originality, they need freedom. Inventors in sex, they know how to intrigue the object of their desires.

Shravana according to the Indian horoscope (from January 25 to February 6)

Animal - symbol: monkey. According to the Indian horoscope, it is difficult for Shravana to express their feelings, and they are tirelessly looking for someone who could appreciate their delicacy, understand the depth of their experiences and would not mistake the need for loneliness for the inability to love. At the same time, charming in their wit, they do not always take close relationships seriously.

Dhanishta according to the Indian horoscope (February 7 to 19)

Animal - symbol: lioness. To the one who justifies their hopes, Dhanishta, according to the Indian horoscope, remains true all his life. They are very responsible. Possessing extraordinary fortitude and charisma, they control their sexual desires. And they never hide their intentions in relation to those who attract them - until they find "the most important and only" in their lives.

SATABHISHAK according to the Indian horoscope (February 20 to March 4)

Animal symbol: horse. They diligently hide behind a mask of restraint and severity, but very often dream of passionate sex. Shatabhishakas of the Indian horoscope, who are unwilling to admit these dreams to themselves, may have problems. Usually, even when they are passionately attracted, they do not take the initiative.

PURVA BHATRA according to the Indian horoscope (from March 5 to March 17)

Animal - symbol: lion. According to the Indian horoscope, they look at the world and at the life partner Purva Bhatra through rose-colored glasses, and in their relations with fans they see only positive sides. What often provoke treason and deceit. Purva Bhatra puts a lot of energy, strength and emotions into love relationships. Dynamic and daring, they have a strong personality and powerful sex appeal.

UTTAR BHATRA according to the Indian horoscope (from March 18 to March 31)

Animal - symbol: cow. Emotional natures, Uttara Bhatra, according to the Indian horoscope, do not just dream of an ideal union, but actively create it. However, if the relationship does not develop as they would like, they make connections on the side or live alone. In the latter case, Uttara Bhatra diligently learn to do without love and sex. They are gentle and caring, but more often you can meet haughty or ascetic Uttara Bhatra.

REVATI according to the Indian horoscope (from April 1 to 12)

Animal - symbol: elephant. The most generous and sacrificial in the Zodiac, they are not interested in pure sexual relations. They need a serious romance and deep feelings. Anyone who wants to be close to Revati according to the Indian horoscope must understand their spiritual world, their inner needs. When Revati is overcome by doubts, they are lost. They are often tormented by jealousy - they need to learn to believe in themselves and trust others.

The visiting card of mysterious India is considered to be the Taj Mahal Mausoleum, located in Agra, on the banks of the Jumna River. But India is not only the birthplace of the majestic monument of love of all times and peoples, it is a country with a rich Vedic culture, a country of polytheism, a country that is rightfully considered the birthplace of the Indian horoscope, remarkable in every respect.

It is worth noting that the Indian horoscope differs in many ways from the traditional horoscopes that we are all used to. The main difference is that in it, along with individual animals, paired animals are partially represented, for example: Horse and Horse, Snake and Snake, etc.

As for the inhabitants of India themselves, not a single an important event does not happen in their life, without the "advice" that they can get by resorting to the Indian horoscope. The Indian horoscope is especially relevant when it comes to the compatibility of future husband and wife. No less important information related to the planning of the child. “Who should I give birth to and when? During the period when the Rat "rules the ball"? Or maybe in the period that belongs to the Lioness? “Every girl who has become a bride thinks.”

Agree, compatibility is very important. Moreover, it is worth taking care of it in advance in order to subsequently avoid family disagreements and misunderstandings. In this regard, of course, the Indian horoscope is the best adviser and hint! He can easily help you to learn a lot of new and interesting things about yourself, and perhaps even plan the conception and birth of your future child. And if there are questions about the coming day, then you are welcome to our hut, that is, spread out online cards

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