What to do if I have damage. Vivid signs of damage. How to get rid of damage yourself

What is spoilage and how to get rid of it

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Corruption is a strong slander on a person with the aim of destroying the well-being of health. A hindrance to his plans and fulfillment of desire. Damage is induced quite easily. The basis of such conspiracies is anger, envy, a feeling of hatred, a desire for revenge. More often, young girls and women of the age who dream of making their rivals as bad as possible resort to a conspiracy to spoil. But it happens that among men there are those who want to put a spoke in the wheels of their competitors both in business and in their personal lives. There are many witches who undertake such deeds.

But, to be honest, a conspiracy to damage is a double-edged sword and the second end hits the slander's head without a miss. If you find a woman who agrees to help you in a conspiracy of corruption, remember: she knows how to shift the punishment from herself and throw it on you. After all, it is you who order your revenge, and she is only a conductor. Spoiling is sinful and always punishable. We are all equal before the Lord, and only he can decide when and which of us to be punished for our actions. Know that by causing damage, you are committing an act for which you will later pay for a long time, bleakly and in full.

If you think that you have already been damaged, then you need to learn how to get rid of it as soon as possible.

How can you harm a person?

In order to bring damage to a person, no labor, no mind, no conscience is needed. Need for anger and resentment the right words and powerful energy flow. Just in case, you can take any photo of the one who is being slandered or one of his things.

Damage is not a way of protection or defense. A protective mirror is a shield that protects from trouble. Corruption is a blow to a similar one. If you motivate the infliction of damage by a response, this means recognizing that you yourself have sunk to the insignificant state of a person capable of offending, humiliating, and rejoicing in the defeats of others. The ability to do badly and harm health is punishable not only in the world of magic. Intentional infliction of harm is a criminal offense.

Damage is induced accompanied by similar words:

“For you my troubles are dear, for you my pain is dear, for you my poverty is dear. For me there is nothing of yours near. Live and suffer. So be it.”

Damage to death is suggested by making conspiracies on raw potatoes, burying them in the ground on a waning moon. They bury the photo in the cemetery, cut the image with scissors, red-hot on black candles. They cause diseases by piercing the eyes with needles in the photo. They sew dolls, inserting personal items into them and reading the necessary conspiracies, also piercing the dolls with needles or burning them on fire.

There are a lot of options for inducing damage. But in order to remove damage, there are only a few proven accurate methods.

Damage symptoms

You are spoiled if:

  • You have a clear sleep disorder;
  • You have nightmares too often. Often the same or all scary dreams are interconnected and the same person takes part in them;
  • You get sick with everything and you can’t understand why. Doctors make a helpless gesture;
  • An impenetrable black streak has come in your personal life;
  • We ran out of money, hard to work;
  • You have lost your appetite, or vice versa - it has become too miserable and harmful;
  • You think one thing, say another, often lie, get angry, take it out on your relatives;
  • Stop loving your reflection in the mirror.

Such symptoms are nothing more than the first signs of damage. Corruption does not give light and hope, all hours of your rest are in vain, and good intentions are instantly generated in negative emotions. Everything falls out of hand and crumbles to dust.

First of all, give yourself an immediate relaxation. First turn off all appliances, sit in front of the clock and relax completely. Relax even your face. Watching the arrow drive away all thoughts from yourself and do not get hung up on any idea. Follow the arrow for a minute, a second. Get up, dust yourself off like a pet, shake off your hands as if you were shaking water off them. And now you really need water.

How to remove damage

Corruption is very afraid of water, especially charmed. You can get in the shower or take a scented bath. Light light or red candles throughout the house and take water treatment. You will feel relief instantly. In this case, you can slander such lines:

“Hello, young Zarnitsa is a red maiden, water is a sister. You tesh endlessly without edge, troubles and tears without knowing. Carry away the water my thinness and nakedness. Carry away the river my hardships and ailments. And what will merge from me, let it return to its origins.

After taking a bath, take a clean towel, wipe yourself with it and immediately determine it in the wash.

The next day, if your soul does not mind, go to church and light a candle for Nikolai Ugodnik so that your ill-wishers will find a good occupation for themselves and be happy in their new deeds.

In order to protect yourself from further exposure to the evil eye and damage, tie a red woolen thread around your right wrist. This bracelet will help you reflect the perception of negativity on your body and prevent a new wave of damage.

How to determine who is spoiling you.

There are several ways to determine who caused damage. The first of them again leads to the church. You should order an akathist for relatives, friends and for those with whom friendly relations have not developed. In the church, they will explain in detail how and for what purpose you need to correctly order an akathist for the number you have chosen. In a prayer said at the indicated time, those people to whom you ordered a prayer service will be mentioned.

The ritual for nine eggs is a very mild remedy and is suitable for regular use.

After a little more than a week, prayer for your family and friends will work to improve well-being, and prayer for the enemy will bring him the meaning of life, other interests, those things that will be more important for him than sitting and offending you. These can be completely different things. The Lord himself will determine for your enemy the fate that he sees fit. But you yourself recognize the person who cooked for you bad life in your own words, because his soul will rush towards you, subconsciously apologizing for the fact that the mind has overshadowed all human feelings. This behavior does not depend on the person himself (the desire for an apology) it occurs on more high level in the depths of consciousness, which was originally given to us by the Universe or the Lord.

Another way, without church rites.

Take 9 fresh chicken eggs. Break one into a bowl of water at night and place it next to your bed. Ideally, the bowl should spend the night under the bed right under your head. Per night a raw egg It will draw out all the negative energy from you. In the morning, as soon as you open your eyes (even if it’s an intermediate trip to the toilet, but it’s already dawn outside the window). Take a bowl with you and pour it into the toilet or far beyond the threshold of the house. Hold the cup against your chest so that your thumbs are looking at your chest with your nails. Pour the bowl with the egg away from you with the words

"Where you came from, go there."

The procedure should be repeated for 9 nights. During this time, the person who caused damage will be exhausted, get sick from his bile and will constantly loom before your eyes. Such a person should be forgiven.

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Negative energy breaks into people's lives, cripples destinies. Let's figure out how to understand that they jinxed or damaged. This will help prevent many misfortunes, troubles, failures, suffering. There are many proven methods for determining damage, evil eye, curses. The victim himself will cope with the task.

You need to set a goal to identify the negative impact. This is the hardest part. The victim is sure that troubles, failures occur naturally. It is not easy to come to the conclusion about the external influence of black forces. Therefore, it is desirable to perform rituals regularly. The right one is chosen by the soul, feelings of trust in the methodology.

Proven Diagnostic Methods

Black magic has existed for as long as humans. Ancestors have long learned to cope with its influence. People learned to find out if the evil eye, damage, curse is induced. The techniques have been passed down through the generations. And all are now available. Quite efficient. Check out the most effective ones.

Three candles

This method is suitable for self-diagnosis and work with a loved one. It is necessary to light three church candles, place them around the victim. The breakdown of the results is as follows:

1. They burn evenly, there are no black smudges - the result is negative.

2. They go out, flicker, “shoot”, flow with black wax, which means there is a black evil eye.

By wax

The oldest diagnostics is now used by grandmothers, sorcerers, witches. You need to do this:

1. Melt a piece of wax candle in a spoon on the flame of the residue.

2. Hold over the person's head.

3. Pour into a cup of water.

If the drawing turned out to be uneven, with pimples, lumps, holes, then a report is required. Torn pieces of wax speak of the presence of a curse.

Definition by matches

The alleged victim of black magic should drink a half glass of water. Then a simple ceremony is performed:

1. Take 13 matches.

2. Light one by one, throw into a glass.

The following signs speak of negative energy in the aura:

1. Matches were not lit immediately, they went out.

2. One or more drowned.

Hint: the effectiveness of the method is increased by reading a prayer.

With chicken egg

The chick embryo is the favorite tool of sorcerers. Its effectiveness cannot be surpassed. It is done like this:

1. Take a glass of water, fresh egg.

2. Hold the last one in your palms.

3. Break into a container with water.

Second option methodology is:

1. Crack a fresh egg into a jar of holy water.

2. Hold over your head.

They talk about the work of black magic such signs:

the protein has risen to the surface;

Bubbles appeared

spilled yolk;

blood in a glass

Unpleasant rotten odor.

With water and milk

interesting way invented by the Slavic tribes. This is an effective and now a method for determining the evil eye. It is done like this:

1. Take a glass of spring water.

2. The affected person must breathe into it.

4. They check it in a day.

5. If the liquid has become cloudy, a smell has appeared, that is, damage, the evil eye.

More milk is needed to determine the negative:

1. Take a bucket (pot).

2. The knife is heated on fire.

3. They throw it into milk, accompanied by these words:

“Demonic castle, come out on the threshold. Damn power will manifest itself, the milk will boil in an instant. Amen!".

If a the milk will curdle immediately, it means that the sorcerer worked. If within a few hours, then the evil eye is diagnosed.

Golden ring: fast way

Used jewelry made of precious metal. You need to do it like this:

1. Wash your face.

2. Draw the edge of the ring along the cheek.

Left a dark trail, so there is a negative black influence.

With a black cat

Pets perfectly feel the witchcraft influence. They take away the damage of the owner, treat him. For diagnosis, it is preferable to use a black cat. Even in a strange house, she will point out problem areas. It happens like this:

1. The black cat is unwilling to accept attention from an afflicted person. If the latter takes her in his arms, he will break out, arch, scratch.

2. The animal will try to avoid corners, rooms where there is a lining, there is a stagnation of negative energy.

Hint: you can rent a cat from friends, catch it in the yard.

Two ways with salt

The black forces are most active during night rest and solitude. The following methods are based on this:

1. Pour a handful of salt into the bowl. Install it under the head of the bed. Check after three days. If it has become wet, taken in lumps, then there is damage.

2. Heat up a cast iron skillet. Pour a handful of salt with your left hand. If it smokes, then the person is struck by black magic.

Hint: damage to the house is diagnosed by the second rite with salt. Reading prayers helps to increase efficiency.

On a bay leaf

1. Light a leaf.

2. Walk with him around the apartment / house.

4. The smoke will clear the space.

Hint: if Bay leaf does not want to light up, which means that negative energy counteracts it.

Pin and church candle

A more complex ritual is used if others have been unsuccessful, and there are signs of damage. You need to take a new pin, a church candle. The following is to be done:

1. Pin a pin to your clothes.

2. Wear it for several days (at least three).

3. Stick a pin in the middle of the candle, set it on fire.

4. Watch what's going on.

When the light goes out in the area of ​​the pinned pin, it means that there is an evil eye. When it starts to smoke, damage is diagnosed. The pin fell, and the candle burned out - the aura is clean.

Folk methods

The wisdom of generations is now available to everyone. Ways to really reveal the negative:

1. Traditionally, herbs have been used to define the black agenda. It is necessary to pick St. John's wort. It is knitted into small bouquets. The latter are placed, hung in the rooms. Black energy makes the plant manifest - it emits a strong aroma. At the same time cleans the rooms.

2. Oak branches also help a person. You need to pick it with your own hands, hang the bundle closer to the place of usual location. Oak gives strength. If damage prevents them from being accepted, then the branches quickly deteriorate, crumble.

3. The defeat of the aura will show any indoor flowers. They should be kept close to the affected person. Plants begin to wither and die. They take away the negative for themselves, which is why their strength runs out.

4. Believers use holy water. A glass filled with liquid is placed at the head of the affected person's bed. If there is an evil eye, then the water becomes cloudy, deteriorates.

Definition by type of spoilage

Black forces work in different directions. They can jinx a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. Then troubles haunt the flattened precisely there. Let's figure out how to determine that they jinxed, brought a curse, damage to some of the life spheres.


Diagnosing the negativity that interferes with building relationships is not difficult. The methods are:

1. Buy a Tarot deck. Draw seven at random. Look. If the Moon and the Mage fell out together, it's bad. They jinxed the opportunity to arrange a personal life. If one or both cards are reversed, a family curse is diagnosed.

2. Perform a ritual with chicken egg. You need to look at the protein. It rises with "snake heads". Bubbles form on the surface of the water. This is a sign of damage to loneliness.

For money and wealth

To jinx well-being now can be any person. This phenomenon is widespread. People are envious. Revealing witchcraft is also easy. Uses a regular coin. On the full moon, you should place it under the threshold. See in a few days. If the coin is stained, rusted, has lost its luster, there is a negative program.

Signs of the evil eye on money are:

1. The presence of exorbitant debt obligations: loans, loans.

2. Constant need for funds.

3. Inability to find a reliable source of income, unemployment.

4. Desire to squander without measure.

5. Inability to accept the status quo. Feelings about "poverty".

Hint: damage to money can be manifested by permanent diseases, exacerbations of chronic ailments.

per family

Someone else's happiness blinds the eyes. There are people who itch at the thought of the well-being of a neighbor, colleague, friend. The negative program for the family is reflected in each member of the small team. The signs are:

1. Countless diseases of relatives.

2. A series of deaths in the family.

3. Dissatisfaction with each other. Scandals out of nowhere.

4. Infidelity of spouses.

5. Evil, inadequate behavior of the younger generation.

6. Discord in the financial sector. Quarrels about spending, income.

7. Accidents occurring at home, at work, at school.

Attention: the main sign of damage to the family- unwillingness of people to be near, to communicate, to be at home together.

For infertility

The inability to have children is not always determined by the physiology of the body. More often it is the result of a curse. It is defined like this:

1. Take a can of water. You can add a saint.

2. Squeeze a small piece of rye loaf into a ball with your left hand.

3. Throw in a jar...

4. If the bread is drowned, then a reprimand is required.

Another diagnostic option is a ritual with an egg. You need to look at the yolk. Damage to infertility shows a drop of blood. Another product may rot.

For food

The black program is often transmitted with food. The witch casts black spells on the dishes. Whoever ate such a "gift" is tested. The signs are:

1. The temperature is growing rapidly, sometimes going through the roof.

2. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

3. Medicines do not work. Gastric lavage leads to weakness, sweating.

First aid is needed immediately. You should give the victim to drink holy water, light at least seven candles nearby. Spoilage on food leads to serious metabolic disorders. A flattened one begins to get fat or lose weight. Appearance deteriorates, systemic diseases appear.

Home and relationships

The negative impact on living space is determined by salt. The ritual is described above. You need to throw a handful of white crystals into a hot frying pan. They will smoke, smoke, shoot.

On Thursday, another ritual is performed:

1. Take a wax candle, the Trinity Icon.

2. Go around the house clockwise.

3. If black smudges appear, then the evil eye is diagnosed.

4. When the candle goes out all the time, they talk about spoilage.


The negative program, transmitted by gender, operates in approximately the same way. The birth curse is determined by studying the lives of relatives:

1. If everyone lived in need, then there is damage to well-being.

2. If there are many childless, non-family, we can talk about the crown of celibacy.

3. If relatives die one by one, damage to death is imposed on the family. Anyone can suffer.

For a car or an accident

Causes of an accident can lurk in a black effect on the driver, car, passenger. How to find out if damage or the evil eye is imposed on vehicle? It's pretty hard. Witchcraft works quickly. It is desirable to have a guardian. For example, Jerusalem bracelet. The talisman will repel black energy, protect from misfortune.

For celibacy

Some men, women build easily love relationship. However, they do not reach marriage, they crumble. This is a sign of a negative program. It is determined by the following ritual:

1. Go to the bank of the river, stream.

2. Pick flowers, grass, branches (whatever you have).

3. Weave a wreath by adding three hairs.

4. Turn your back to the river, throw a wreath.

5. When you swam calmly, you can be calm. Just by fate, marriage is not yet supposed.

6. When he went to the bottom, nailed to the shore, stopped, then it is necessary to report.

How to understand that the child was jinxed

Toddlers are subject to the influence of black witches. This is especially dangerous, because their energy is still unstable. Let's consider how to find out that they jinxed and spoiled their son, daughter. The baby's behavior changes. The symptoms are as follows:

tantrums, crying, whims;

bad mood, lack of interest in games;

· bad dream, nightmares;

· accidents;

· frequent illnesses;

The definition of spoilage in a child is carried out using mother's gold jewelry. It is necessary to draw an edge along the cheek. A dark streak appeared, it is necessary to reprimand. You can also use methods with:



The main signs of damage, evil eye

The described rites are used in the presence of common symptoms defeat by black energy. The general ones are:

causeless anxiety;

Difficult to diagnose diseases

bad sleep, insomnia, nightmares;

Painful state of health, fears;

Changes in appearance

the appearance of skin rashes, sweating, bad smell;

Lack of joy, sadness.

Attention: the evil eye, damage lead to falling into critical situations. The affected person becomes a victim of thieves, hooligans, careless people.

Among women

Representatives of the weaker sex have a natural energy purification mechanism. He suffers first. Violation speaks of damage, the evil eye monthly cycle, the appearance of pain. Another sure symptom is a deterioration in appearance:

The skin is covered with spots, pimples;

eyes become dull, lifeless;

hair cannot be styled, hanging in lashes;

There is heaviness in the body, constant fatigue.

In men

The stronger sex is responsible for the creation of material well-being. Symptoms of negative impact are associated with the physical manifestation of a man:

Money is disappearing fast

Lost opportunity to earn

Trouble at the place of service, dismissal;

theft, loss of valuables;

Critical decrease in libido up to impotence.

The people came up with many more options on how to find out if there is witchcraft, damage, evil eye. Sometimes a specific diagnosis is unnecessary. It is necessary to tune in to the positive - to organize protection for yourself and your loved ones. BUT the best amulet- mutual love. She is worse than incense to black sorcerers. For example, absolute love amulet help build clean space happiness and prosperity.

Read the article to understand how to determine damage to yourself.

In the life of every person, there may come moments when work falls out of hand, various troubles pour in a hail, family relations worsen. Often we assume that this is just bad luck or that we are surrounded by unworthy people, but what could actually be the cause of such a series of troubles?

  • An ordinary person will not be able to give an explanation for the appearance of his constant troubles, but an experienced magician or psychic will assume or even claim that this is the result of damage.
  • Even a novice practitioner at home can bring a negative program to a person. It is enough for him to know a few rituals and conspiracies.
  • Every person who reads this information and suspects that he has damage or the evil eye will have a question: how to determine this or how to understand that you have damage?

It is possible to determine the presence of damage in a person using special ceremonies. But there are indirect signs that make it clear that there is an impact of a negative program.

How to understand that you or a person have been jinxed or damaged? Symptoms:

  • physical fatigue.
  • Annoyance from being in crowded and cultural places(museums, theatres, cinemas).
  • Creative breakdown- it applies to people creative professions(lack of inspiration, music).
  • restless sleep- constantly having nightmares, persecution, threats against oneself or loved ones.
  • Complete apathy, depression, loss of interest in life The person even has suicidal thoughts.
  • Deterioration of health- chronic diseases are aggravated, new ones appear and not one, but several at once.
  • Problems at work- Relations with colleagues and superiors are aggravated, or even the loss of a job.
  • Deterioration of the financial condition- loss of a large amount of money, theft, a sharp decrease in income.
  • The emergence of cravings for alcohol, drugs and gambling.

Of course, any of these signs can be attributed to banal fatigue or temporary bad luck. But if troubles bother you long time, it is worth considering that this is damage.

If you have been a victim of a negative program aimed at you, then you need to find out who had such an influence. This is no less important than eliminating the effects of the witchcraft rite. First of all, this is necessary in order to protect yourself from contact with a bad person.

How to find out who caused damage? Here are some ways:

1. The appearance of a sorcerer in a dream. You need to properly tune in to receive such information:

  • Get ready for bed, relax and don't think about anything.
  • No need to try to guess the image of the ill-wisher, this will lead you astray.
  • When you still managed to relax, say the special words quietly and slowly.

After saying these words, go to bed. At night, you will dream of the image of a sorcerer who has brought damage to you.

2. Help from the Higher Forces. It is important to correctly and correctly address the spirits. Thanks to this, the ill-wisher will betray himself or the Higher powers will point to him. Do the following:

  • In the evening, put a pot of water on the gas and boil the water.
  • Dip 7 rusty keys into this container with the words: Whoever wants to bring harm to the servant of God (name), bring the devil to his house. Will not evil person rest, the devil will drive him out of the house. Amen.
  • The next morning, the exhausted ill-wisher will stand at the door to explain himself.

3. Rites with the use of magical accessories. Do the following:

  • Prepare a wax candle and a container of water.
  • Melt the wax and pour it into a container of water - carefully.
  • At the same time, repeat the words: I pour wax into the water, I pour out the name of the enemy.

Then look what happened: drawn with wax moon or flowers- a woman caused damage, and if it turned out predatory animals, different geometric shapes- the male. You can even consider letters - these are the initials of the enemy or numbers - when a negative ritual was performed.

4. Ritual using a sorcerer's energy sample. When he causes damage, he still leaves some kind of his material or trace on you. This can be used for searching. This method is usually used by experienced practitioners, since to see the energy material or biofield ordinary person difficult.

But do not be discouraged if you are not familiar with working with energy channels. After all, there are many other ways to determine damage that each person can use.

Our grandmothers used this method. So, if you suspect that you or your loved one damage, how to find out who did on the egg?

1. Take a fertilized fresh egg(from the store will not work, only homemade - from the village) right hand and say:

Corruption: how to find out who did it on the egg? Words to be spoken

2. Then roll the egg over the man's body, start at the head and end with the legs.

3. After completing the ritual, break the egg in the saucer. If the yolk is whole, surrounded by protein, then there is no spoilage. If the contents of the egg are dark, blood particles are observed, and the yolk has spread, there is spoilage.

  • Bay leaf has long been used as effective weapon from magical influence. If you hang his twig over front door or in the kitchen, then it will save the house from evil people, troubles and diseases.
  • If you plant a whole tree near the house, then it will protect the whole family.
  • In general, bay leaves are used to get rid of negative energy. It is set on fire and fumigated in all corners of the apartment or house.
  • Light smoke will clear the room of clots of bad energy.

But, and if the sheet does not burn well or, conversely, smokes heavily, then you should think about the fact that there may be damage in the room.

The easiest way to determine damage in your home with the help of matches. You will need an uncut glass of water, 9 matches and boxes from them. How to check damage, is it matches? Do the following:

  • At dawn, draw a glass (not faceted) clean water and sit by the window. Place the glass on the windowsill.
  • Speak the question mentally about damage or evil eye and light the first match.
  • If the match is lit, forming a lot of smoke and soot, which means you have spoilage.
  • When the fire reaches the end of the match and starts to burn your fingers, throw it into a glass of water.
  • Repeat action with all matches from the box.
  • Then count up how many matches fell to the bottom of the glass: 0 - no damage, less than 4 or 4 - the evil eye, more than 5 matches - damage.

Important: Do not immediately get upset if there were more than 5 matches at the bottom. Previously, matches were made from special kind wood, and the head was not sulfur-abrasive. Modern materials used in the manufacture of these products are completely different.

Advice: For a more accurate result, perform another ritual, for example, with an egg.

Almost always, sorcerers, making damage to death, use black magic. Therefore, the consequences and signs of exposure will be the most unpleasant.

If there is a suspicion that damage to death has been done, then how to find out for sure and what are the signs? It is worth noting the following:

  • Sleep problems. Signs of the influence of black magic are that a person suffers from insomnia constantly. He has nightmares and other negative dreams.
  • The appearance of diseases that are difficult to treat. The results of diagnostics and analyzes are always different, and the treatment is useless.
  • Strange behavior of domestic and stray animals(cats, dogs and other pets) - they run away, hiss or whine.
  • Changing the relationship of a loved one or relative. He tries to avoid contact with you.
  • Premonition of trouble. Anxiety and mental imbalance are constantly observed.
  • Lack of success and good luck for a long period of time. Any business you start will fail.
  • Man loses self-confidence. I do not like the reflection in the mirror, and the person feels as if the reflection is not his.
  • Financial problems and difficulties at work. Corruption attracts negative energy - colleagues and the boss do not like the way you work. In addition, there may be large financial losses, theft.
  • The loss pectoral cross or everything related to holy church objects becomes unpleasant to you. A corrupted person may even feel a burning sensation in the place where the cross comes into contact with his body.
  • Feeling unpleasant odors , which cannot be explained.
  • Heaviness in the chest, cold in the abdomen - this is how negative energy manifests itself in the human body.
  • Depression, suicidal thoughts, loss of energy.

If any of these symptoms are observed, it is worth checking the threshold and entrance to the house. Any items that you find by chance (pins, needles, salt, sand, earth, etc.) could be used to induce damage.

If such damage is done, then it will be very difficult to find a soul mate, since a clot of negativity is sent to the sexual chakra.

1st way:

  • Do the ritual with an egg and a glass of water. Take a glass of water and place it over the head of the person who needs to be checked for spoilage. Let him hold the glass with his hands.
  • Take fresh fertilized homemade egg and break it into a glass of water.
  • Hold the glass over your head for 3 minutes. Then remove and evaluate the result: the egg is not changed - everything is fine, the protein threads stretch upwards, the bubbles - the evil eye, black dots, scalded protein - spoilage.

2nd way:

  • Take a deck of tarot cards and mix them well.. Think about the possible negative, ask questions.
  • Draw 7 cards and put them on the table. If two cards "Mage" and "Moon" are caught in a row - damage.

If one of the cards "falls" upside down - this sure sign negative program, and you can not double-check in other ways.

Negative magical effect on financial condition human being is common. Damage to money can manifest itself in different ways. How to determine? Signs:

  • Constant large thefts of money and ridiculous losses of financial resources.
  • Finding difficulties new work when you lose your previous job.
  • Debt "holes" from which there is no way to get out.
  • Excessive squandering, if previously the tendency to this was not observed.
  • Business bankruptcy.
  • Apathy and lack of desire to do anything to improve life and financial condition.

Damage to money and poverty is usually done on banknotes that were lent. If you have loaned money after sunset and at religious holiday, then this means that a not very good person took them from you.

Try not to lend in the evening from hand to hand - put, for example, on the table. Write down the banknote numbers. Also do not take a refund in your hands, and check the numbers. If they match the numbers of those bills that you lent, then they were damaged and returned to you.

The ritual for determining damage to infertility can be done independently. After its implementation, you will know for sure whether there is a negative impact or not. You can’t get pregnant for a long time and you think that you have damage to infertility? Several ways will help determine the presence or absence of bad external influences:

  • Take wedding ring or other gold jewelry. Pass them on the cheek. If a white trace remains - there is no damage, red or black - there is a witchcraft influence.
  • Prepare a piece of rye bread and a vessel of water. Squeeze the bread in the palm of your hand and then lower it into the water. If the bread fell to the bottom - spoilage.
  • An egg broken into water will also help determine the presence of negativity in the body.. It was described above how to conduct such a ritual.

With the help of such damage, many rivals take revenge on the more fortunate, in terms of male attention, women.

Damage to the family: how to determine - signs

The essence of the negative impact on the family is to make it bad for all family members. Therefore, the signs can be the most diverse and incredible. The first to suffer are usually children and the elderly - the most vulnerable members of the family. How to determine that damage has been done to the family? Signs:

  • Diseases of the older generation. Even if their health was not too good, but new or chronic diseases appeared, it is worth worrying.
  • Accidents. One by one, accidents begin to happen. Many of them can be fatal.
  • Quarreling. Disorders, feelings, discontent between family members. Instead of mutual support, accusations and constant quarrels appear.
  • financial wealth. Money flows like water.

These troubles can occur singly or in succession. The warmth from the family will disappear and experienced support will disappear. The following method will help determine damage to the family:

  • Go to church and buy as many large candles as there are members in your family.
  • Now you need to put them in turn for health, calling the name.
  • If most of the candles crackle and smoke, then there is a negative impact on the family.

With the help of damage to the family, many envious people take out their evil. They see someone else's happiness, but they themselves have nothing. Try not to let strangers into the house, especially women.

Damage to the house is one of the most common types negative influences. Usually residents intuitively feel this, but often it is written off as a coincidence. So, how do you know if there is damage in the house?

  • Damage to the house will not be able to bring a person who has never been to visit you. Although this is possible, but then the negative is left near the threshold. People who cross it will get sick and suffer from different kind trouble.
  • To determine if a negative program is directed at the premises, buy incense and a candle in the church.
  • Put incense on a teaspoon and light it with a candle.
  • Now walk around the house in a counterclockwise direction, stopping for a few seconds at each corner.
  • Where the incense starts to crackle and smoke, it means that there is damage. It can be a needle stuck in furniture or bed or something else.

Orthodox Christians sprinkle their homes with holy water at Epiphany. This is considered the best protection for the house from the introduction of negativity from the outside.

This type of damage is done by sorcerers who want to influence the victim by direct contact. If spoilage is made for food, then it is easy to determine it. Such a negative program is similar to food poisoning, but appears in other more complex symptoms:

  • A sharp rise in body temperature to 39 degrees.
  • Excessive sweating and general weakness.
  • Medicines for poisoning do not help, and other drugs, for example, to reduce fever, give a short-term effect.

If spoilage is made for food, then the person begins to get fat sharply or, conversely, lose weight. He loses his appetite or becomes too excessive. In this case, weakness, apathy and depression are observed.

Generic corruption is otherwise called a generic curse. This type of negative program, made for the whole genus, can be determined by the following signs:

  • Negative events that repeat from generation to generation. For example, divorces after the birth of the first child or an accident at a certain age of family members.
  • Difficult childbirth, infertility in women or stillborn children.
  • Suicide that can be repeated. For example, a father, under the influence of negativity, committed suicide at the age of 30, then his son will most likely do the same.
  • hereditary diseases.
  • Mental illnesses characteristic of the whole genus.
  • Old maids and bachelors. Perhaps damage to love and celibacy has been induced. People can't meet their soul mate.
  • Alcoholics and drug addicts on the male or female line.
  • Difficulties in financial plan all relatives. At the same time, all relatives work hard, but do not receive enough money to have enough to live on.

Stop such a complex negative program as generational curse, only a professional psychic can.

Video: Signs of birth damage

Damage to celibacy: how to determine?

Previously, girls determined whether they would get married this year or not on the night of Ivan Kupala. They wove a wreath and threw it into the river. If he is afloat, then marriage is soon, and if he sinks, the girl will still be alone this year. This rite will help determine damage to celibacy. The ritual does not have to be performed on Kupala night can be any day.

Weave a wreath of flowers on the river bank, thinking about relationships with the opposite sex. In this case, you need to weave 3 of your hair together with the flowers. While fantasizing about marriage and relationships, you need to sentence:

When the wreath is woven to the end, stand with your back to the water and throw it over your left shoulder into the water. If the wreath has floated away, then there is no damage. If he caught on, drowned or landed on the shore, then there is damage to celibacy.

Sometimes it happens that some drivers drive a car without excesses for many years. But suddenly, they begin to get into frequent accidents. Can they do damage to an accident? Answer: yes. Even novice practitioners can send such negativity. Therefore, the machine must be consecrated in the church, and then no influence will be terrible.

The fair sex loves to brag about their successes. Therefore, a woman is easily jinxed. Symptoms of the evil eye and damage in a woman:

A sure sign of damage in a woman is loneliness. She can't get married or get pregnant for a long time.

Men do not believe in the appearance of damage or other similar manifestations. But witches often send a negative program to a representative of the strong half of humanity. Signs of the evil eye and damage in men:

  • Failures and a dark streak in all areas of life.
  • Spoiled relationships with people around: relatives, friends, work colleagues, wife.
  • The appearance of suicidal thoughts.
  • Closure in itself, joylessness of life.
  • Unreasonable quarrels during a family feast.
  • Irritability, suspiciousness, intolerance towards a partner in life.

Eliminate negative impact need immediately, otherwise the consequences may be irreversible.

Any loving mother will be able to determine immediately whether her child has an evil eye or damage. This is evident in his behavior. How to find out if the child has damage? Symptoms:

  • Frequent colds with a rise in body temperature up to 39 degrees.
  • The child does not eat well or, conversely, eats without measure.
  • Irritability, tearfulness. Crying can go on for days.
  • Outbursts of anger. The child starts breaking toys and tries to hit one of the adults.
  • Fear of darkness and loneliness before going to bed.
  • Permanent injury. Other children play in the yard without consequences, and a spoiled child often breaks limbs, bruises and bumps on his head.

Another proven way: you need to visit the church. If during the reading of prayers by the priest, the baby becomes restless and starts to cry, then he has damage.

A mother is sacred, and she cannot spoil her child. But often women do it unconsciously. Therefore, many girls and guys have a question: can a mother spoil loneliness?

If a mother becomes overprotective of her already adult child, then she may unintentionally close all avenues to her personal life. Not without reason, even in the Bible it is written for parents that they should let their children go when they grow up, just like birds let their grown chicks go.

Read prayers, go to church, confess and take communion, do not let strangers into the house, and then a negative program will not be launched in your house. Be wary of other people's gifts and food prepared by unknown people. This will help protect yourself from damage.

Video: Damage to money (monetary damage) and damage to housing - Marfa Vasilievna

The determination of the person who caused the damage is done by simple magical rites. So, you can find out not only the gender of the enemy, but also his name. Do not be surprised if the next day after the ritual, the offender knocks on the door.

In the article:

Why know who did the damage

If you have become a victim of a black witchcraft rite, then you need to find out who has a negative impact. This is no less important than.

  • Some want to know their offender for revenge.
  • Others - to know the enemy in person and protect themselves from contact with him.

The second reason is the correct one. Take revenge on the sorcerer who managed to bring severe damage is not always logical. This may entail another magical attack from his side. And if the sorcerer has a good magical protection, then all your magic will be reflected from it and come back.

Therefore, the only reason to know the enemy in person is to protect yourself in every possible way, break contact with this person and do away with the influence of this magician.

Ways to determine who cursed

You can find out who caused damage or the evil eye by four categories of rituals:

  • Rituals that allow you to see the sorcerer in a dream. In this case, you need to be able to properly tune in to receive information through dreams.
  • Appeal to the Higher Forces. If you can correctly address the spirits, and they agree to help, then soon the offender will betray himself, or the spirits will point to the enemy.
  • Rites that involve the use of magical attributes and performing special actions with them.
  • Rituals in which the main search tool is a sample of the energy of the sorcerer himself. In any case, when magical effect the magician leaves some of his material, so his energy can be used for searching.

How to find out who caused damage in a dream

This is one of the most common and easy methods of exposing enemies. It will make it difficult to find out the name of the enemy or common features faces. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to see the full face of your sworn enemy.

Before you go to bed, relax, get rid of obsessive thoughts. Do not try to mentally guess the image of the enemy. It will be confusing. Leave all your guesses behind and concentrate on wanting to know who was trying to attack. When you can relax, quietly say:

I walk in rows, I look with my eyes.
Among the bright rows there is Saint Samson.
In the name of God, eternal and living,
I say the holy word
Saint Samson, show me a prophetic dream.
May Saint Samson show me my enemy,
Through a dream, a prophetic face will show it to me.
live and Holy Trinity, help,
Lord Jesus Christ, bless my dream,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

After pronouncing the text, immediately go to bed. Rest assured, at night the image of the offender will appear. In order not to forget anything in the morning, put a notepad and a pen by the bed in advance. As soon as you wake up, do not touch your head (so as not to drive away the memory of the dream) and quickly write down everything you saw.

Appeal to higher powers to identify enemies

You can find out who is really an enemy, and who could cause damage and the evil eye, using both simple and complex methods. The result of the ritual will depend on your capabilities.

Black magic will help you find the enemy

You can determine the person who caused the damage using black magic. This rite is not very complicated, but quite dangerous. Therefore, it is not advised to conduct it for those who are new to the canons of black magic or are just starting their journey in the knowledge of the world of witchcraft.

To perform the ritual, come to the cemetery and find the old nail. It's best to pick it up from someone's grave. But remember, it is undesirable to touch the object with your hands. Therefore, prepare in advance a piece of black matter in which you can wrap the find. Pick up the nail, pick it up and drive it under the door at the entrance to the house. During the action, say the text:

Let my enemy come in three days,
and if he does not come, he will die in six months.
Cemetery, coffin, nail,
waiting for you, invited guest.

The person who performed the witchcraft effect will very soon appear on the threshold, since with the help you can not only call the offender to yourself, but also damage him. If you suspect a specific person and want him to come to you with repentance, then change the text of the spell:

(Name) if you don’t come in three days, you will die in half a year.
Cemetery, coffin, nail.
I'm waiting for you invited guest.

Help of the dark forces in the capture of the sorcerer

The dark forces that the magician turns to can help to catch the enemy. They can point the victim to the one who dared to send damage or the evil eye on her. Required:

  • large capacity full of boiling water;
  • 7 rusty keys.

Late in the evening, lower the prepared attribute container with boiling water and exclaim three times:

Whoever wants to bring harm to the servant of God (name), bring the devil to his house. There will be no peace for an evil man, the devil will drive him out of his chambers. Amen.

An enemy deprived of rest from the very early morning will already be standing at your door in the hope of talking.

Candle - a magical attribute that will open the veil of secrets

Candle wax is often used in magical rites to determine the presence of corruption, the evil eye, a curse and to identify who could influence the fate of the victim so much. Fill a bowl with water and arm yourself with a wax candle. The use of candles from another material is unacceptable. There will be no effect from the ritual.

A simple way to determine the enemy yourself

The prepared wax should be heated well so that it melts, then pour it into a vessel filled with liquid and repeat the text:

I pour wax into water, I pour out the name of my enemy.

After all the wax has been poured out, let it cool and take a closer look at what happened.

  • The moon, flowers, trees - performed a ritual woman.
  • Wild animals, geometric shapes, predator birds- caused damage the male.

The stronger the damage induced, the more information you can get.

  • Often on wax can appear letters, which will symbolize the initials of the one who tried to harm.
  • Numbers will indicate how long ago the ritual was performed.

Sometimes the figures can be quite strange, symbolizing the profession of an enemy or his hobby.

How to find out who caused damage with needles and candles

With the help of this ritual, you can tell exactly who is causing damage. It is necessary to purchase several wax candles in the church. One of them must be set on fire, and the other must be broken. Melt the broken piece in a container over the fire of a burning candle.

Pour the hot wax into a bowl filled with liquid. Place the second candle nearby and let it burn out. Take a close look at the resulting image. In rare cases, it completely repeats the image of the sorcerer who caused damage.

If you see an object on wax in front of you, then determine what kind it is. An individual of this sex and made a negative impact. After that, take three sharp objects (you can use needles) and stick them into the image. Sticking each needle, repeat the words:

Point in the water! Water - under the canopy! Who wished evil to the Servant of God (name), he will come to my doorstep! Don't hesitate, show up! Servant of God (name), show yourself! Amen!

The used container is placed near the entrance for the whole night. It is best to cover it with former matter. The next morning, the enemy will make itself felt. He may not come to visit, but he will call or meet on the street.

How to recognize the offender using his energy

The use of such a method is reasonable only if it is possible to recognize different energy material. There are many practices that allow working with bioenergetics. Some of them are pretty easy to master.

First you need to learn how to accurately determine what kind of energy surrounds you. Or rather, whose. The sorcerer must feel the invasion of alien energy into his biofield. In order to master this skill, try to learn to recognize your own energy and distinguish it from someone else's.

It is akin to natural body odor, fingerprint, voice and appearance. All this is unique and individual. The easiest way to get to know yourself better:

  • meditating a little every evening;
  • relaxing;
  • imagining the energy enveloping you in a dense cocoon.

Gradual visualization of the biofield will make it possible to feel it well, to understand its structure, temperature, maybe even color.

When inducing damage, a magical energy strike is sent, which violates the structure of the natural protective cocoon. If you can visualize your protective shell and check its integrity, then soon after the damage is done, you will find a breach in your protection.

Any magical blow is a powerful energy message (in this case, a black magician). The sample of alien energy in the field will be significantly different:

  • by color;
  • density;
  • sensations;
  • temperature.

Usually the affected place (organ) begins to hurt, become inflamed, and on the physical plane it is easy to feel the magical blow. But if you visualize yours again, you can feel the energy of the enemy at the point of impact. Tune in to it, try to catch all its features. Now there is the main evidence for the capture of the ill-wisher.

You will need a stone -

It is not so difficult to bring damage to another person. The Internet is full of conspiracies and descriptions magical rituals. Thousands of sorcerers and witches are ready to do this dirty deed for money. There is nothing to say about the evil eye. One has only to look at a child or an adult, full of negative thoughts, as the baby is naughty, and everything falls out of your hands. How to find out who caused damage? Before answering this question, let's establish whether this is necessary to know.

A conspiracy that helps to find out who caused damage

Do I need to know the source of the negative

Does it really matter who caused the damage or the evil eye? Yes, it is very important.

Evil eye

Everyone has heard such a word as "evil eye". In this case, the victim did not necessarily annoy his offender, and he wanted to deal with her. This may be an unintended impact. Imagine that a girl is walking next to her husband, holding a child by the hand. Towards her - another who has no personal life and children. She is filled with malice. She has no complaints about this particular girl, she did not do anything wrong with her, but the second one has a negative attitude towards life, anger, envy, etc. There is an exchange of energy, and the first one receives a negative message. It is easy to remove it yourself, and it returns to the one from whom it came.

Is it good? What good can be in the negative, in such an aura that suddenly appears around a person. Therefore, you need to know from whom such energy comes. If you know that some person is walking down the street and punching everyone in the face, you will not wait for the next blow. Something similar happens in the spiritual life. You need to know who is constantly “beating” you energetically in order to protect yourself from negative influences.

There are ways that help to independently determine who has jinxed a family or an individual. It is easy to recognize this. But one point is important here. You can not condemn this person, be angry with him. Anger returns back, and you yourself join the ranks of those who can jinx it. Better take pity on this man. Deeply unhappy people get angry. Just wall yourself off from him, avoid, and do not take revenge and do not get angry.

There are ways that help to independently determine who has jinxed a family or an individual


Why know who did the damage? If severe damage was caused, then not only the victim herself suffers from it, but also her relatives up to the 7th knee, and the children and grandchildren of the victim, and the relatives of the customer himself, because damage returns to the one who brought it. Now these two are connected by magic, and only a white magician can break this connection, neutralize the effect of corruption.

What to do to save the family? This will only help white magic, which should eliminate the consequences of damage and establish protection. To do this, you need to know who did it. But this protection can only be targeted, i.e. block the actions of a particular person. Therefore, you need to know where this evil came from. You need to get rid of the damage, but it is already present, the negative cannot simply dissolve in the air, the magician must direct it to someone. It would be unfair to choose another victim for this purpose. Then you yourself turn into a customer and will be punished for this. Therefore, the magician directs it back to the one who himself caused the damage. Revenge is bad, but in this situation, the white magician has no choice, because. there are such damages that cannot be removed otherwise, it returns to the one who brought it.

How to find out who jinxed

What to do in case of an evil eye? If you want to recognize that you have jinxed your family, you need to make sure that the evil eye is present. Then a ceremony is held to remove it. And it is necessary to read the conspiracy itself, which will help to find out who jinxed it, on the very next night after the first rite. You can do this on your own, without turning to witches. At this time, someone else's energy is just coming out of you, and you can influence it so that it indicates who jinxed the family. She returns to the one from whom she came, so she can point to a specific person.

You can find out who jinxed yourself, without turning to witches

The ritual itself

To find out from whom the evil eye on you or your family comes from, stand in front of the mirror in the evening and read the Prayer to Cyprian 3 times. Look in the mirror, at the point that is on top of your head, and say the words of the conspiracy, also three times:

“Remember the Slave (name) for health, and his enemy for peace! Calm all his angry thoughts! Let it appear before me! So that we are not bound by the same fate! Amen!".

Then go to sleep.


After you read the plot, wait for it to work, it will be the next morning. If a friend jinxed you, he will come to visit you or call you. But sometimes we get the evil eye from random person. But in this case, you will encounter him in these 3-7 days. He will either ask you about something, or push you, i.e. there will be some contact. But accidental evil eye not so scary, because chances are high that you will never see this person again.

It is much worse if the glaring person is your relative or acquaintance. Then he will definitely let you know about himself, i.e. come or call. Sometimes the evil eye comes from the Internet. many publish in in social networks your photos. And there this person will prove himself, leave a comment or write a message, etc. In this case, you need to somehow protect your photos from prying eyes.

How to find out who sent the curse

If you suspect that you have been corrupted, first make sure that these are not your fantasies. There is damage to the disease, to the family, to the house, and to death, etc., each has its own symptoms. Read about it or go to a good magician who will tell you whether you have damage or not. Perform the ceremony yourself, read the plot. When you are sure that there is damage, act.

Try to understand who could damage you

Without magic

Before proceeding to magical rites, sit down and think about who could conceive evil against you. We are afraid of some people, and this happens at the level of intuition, because. they can be outwardly pleasant, and even curry favor with us. There are people who consider everyone hypocritical, live filled with hatred and anger. A wave of negativity emanates from them, therefore, both the person himself and his relatives suffer from depression, they begin to have nervous breakdowns. In the first place, we suspect these are the people, but they are not necessarily guilty. What to do if you or your family have been harmed?

Sit down and think first.

  1. Think back to the moment you got into trouble. If you find it difficult to do it right away, take a sheet of paper and write down individual events until you get to the starting point.
  2. You managed to remember when it all started. Now think about who you communicated with during this period, what you could do at that moment. Did someone come to visit you or invite you to his place, gave gifts?
  3. Make a list of your contacts. Don't cross anyone out, write them all down. If all the events have already been forgotten, ask a loved one to help. When the list is ready, go through it with your eyes, trying to determine at the level of intuition who is guilty. How to do it? Name each person and introduce them. What do you feel? If these are warm feelings - cross out, if hostility - leave. You have no more than 10 people on your list.
  4. The list of suspects is ready, you will need to meet and talk with them. Catch the first emotion on a person's face when he sees you. You may see fear and rage, and your inner feelings may intensify. Watch the conversation, the person will try to ask you how you are doing. He is only interested in that part of life that is associated with damage. After that, he will try to leave, citing employment. The person does not look you in the face, clenches his fists or crosses his arms when talking, licks his lips, etc.
  5. Buy some trinket and try to give it to your potential abuser. What will he do if he is guilty? Will not take it under any circumstances, may panic and run away.

To find out who caused damage, make a list of your contacts


If you are not sure that this is the same person, read the plot. There are many options simple rituals that you can do on your own.

  1. Sleep conspiracy

    It must be read the night before any Orthodox holiday. Before going to bed, you need to say the cherished words, after which it is forbidden to eat or drink, talk. This night you will see in a dream the culprit of the damage. If the sorcerer drowned or burned out, then the damage was not strong, and you have already got rid of it.

    “Saint Samson will appear and send me a prophetic dream,

    Who thought the black thought

    Who spoke an unkind word,

    Who did evil deeds

    He sent damage-damage,

    Let him come to me in a dream. Amen".

  2. Salt Conspiracy

    It is carried out on the growing moon, on a night when there are many stars in the sky, at exactly 12 o'clock. At this time, pour half a glass of salt into a hot pan and leave it on fire for about 20 minutes. At this time, stir it and constantly repeat:

    “I will feed and drink all seventy-seven. Show-tell who did evil to the Servant of God (name) and libel - it’s not a fish, not a bird, not a beast, but an evil person.

    The salt will turn dark and crackle. It's time to wrap it in a napkin and take it outside. Stand under the starry sky, count 21 stars on the right and say:

    “Queens of the stars, return the evil that was brought to me neither by fish, nor by birds, nor by beasts, but by man - return to the one who did it, and God will forgive!”

    Take the salt to the crossroads and pour it out there.

    Three days after the ceremony, you should communicate with people as little as possible, do not take any gifts from them and do not give anything yourself, do not lend money, etc. In the morning, go to church and order a service for health in the name of the person you suspect, put 2 candles for his health. If he makes himself felt within 1-2 weeks, it was definitely the culprit of the damage.

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