Prevention of intestinal infections sea drugs. Prevention of rotavirus infections at sea. General symptoms of poisoning

In the current holiday season, an unprecedented surge in intestinal infections was observed on the Black Sea coast of Russia - this was due to the large number of vacationers (and in some areas there were problems with water supply, for example, on Taman).

Of course, no one wants to overshadow their vacation by getting into an infectious diseases hospital or vomiting and temperature tolerated at home, so it is important to take preventive measures.

How not to get sick at sea

Important: the infection itself is also found in the sea, although representatives of the sanitary and epidemiological supervision stubbornly deny this, this factor is especially aggravated in August, therefore, you can significantly reduce the risk of health problems by planning a vacation for June-July.

What else to do:

Remove house in the private sector with normal water supply and own kitchen. Buy food (fruits and vegetables) at local markets, wash them thoroughly, and only then consume them. Meat, milk and other products dangerous from the point of view of the development of pathogenic microflora, it is better to buy in supermarkets, and cook it yourself.

If you go to a public place, such as an amusement park, carry special antiseptics (alcohol-containing gels) with you. Treat your hands with them if you decide to drink tea, eat ice cream, or just for prevention.

Avoid Eating at Coastal Cafes , restaurants, and also refuse to purchase products from "porters". Do you want corn? - get up early, buy fresh cobs in the market, wash, boil and eat at your pleasure.

If a go to the sea in the morning when the water is still clean, you can also significantly reduce the risk of infection. The closer the night, the more mud in the sea. In any case, it is better not to swallow water.

You know that you inevitably want to eat on the beach? Stock up on plastic containers that are convenient for storing sandwiches, fruit, cookies, or other food. Also take a bottle of clean water with you to rinse your hands before eating.

Important: remember that the holiday season is short and 95% of the locals are trying to cash in on this period. Do not lose vigilance - you are resting in Russia, where it is quite difficult to prove your case, so you will have to take care of your own health on your own.

Summer vacation at sea, we love it and look forward to it, but this article will discuss how not to get sick on vacation and return home healthy and full of strength. It must be remembered that the best treatment is prevention. I hope all this information is useful to you only in theory.

The most common diseases during sea holidays are

Let's look at them in more detail.


Heatstroke- occurs as a result of a strong overheating of the body, when the processes of heat generation are accelerated with a simultaneous decrease or slowdown in heat transfer in the body. Violation of heat transfer contributes to active physical activity. Overheating is worse tolerated by older people because the natural thermoregulation of the body is already weak in children, because it is still imperfect. Heatstroke is a broader concept.

Sunstroke is a special case of heat stroke. Doctors often equate sunstroke with heatstroke, because they have similar symptoms and manifestations, only with sunstroke the consequences are much worse and more time is needed for the body to recover.

Sunstroke occurs when a person is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. The head overheats under the direct rays of the sun, as a result, the blood vessels dilate, there is a strong flow of blood to the head.

The main signs of heat or sunstroke are:

  • Redness of the face and skin of the body
  • Sharp weakness
  • Cold sweat
  • pupil dilation
  • Dyspnea
  • Drowsiness
  • Strong headache
  • Dizziness, blurred vision (often accompanied by nosebleeds in children)
  • Fast and weak pulse
  • High temperature (up to 40 C)
  • In severe cases, convulsions, loss of consciousness
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Skin is cold, sometimes bluish

The symptoms of heat stroke are similar to the symptoms of poisoning, in order to determine what happened to the victim, you need to remember what happened before this condition. If a person has been outside for a long time in hot, high air temperature, or has been in a closed, poorly air-conditioned room, it is most likely a heat stroke.

If a person has been under the scorching sun for a long time, especially without a hat, then most often we are talking about sunstroke. But you need to see a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis.

First aid for heat and (or) sunstroke:

At the first sign of heat stroke, you should call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the doctor you need:

move the victim to the shade, if possible in a cool room, put a roller of clothes under his head;

remove tight clothing from the victim; clothes made of dense fabric or synthetics;

cover the body with a damp cool sheet;

apply cold compresses to the forehead and under the back of the head (a towel moistened with cold water, pieces of ice);

provide fresh air;

you need to give a cool drink, strong tea or coffee, if the condition of the victim allows;

if the condition is cloudy, then you should give a sniff of ammonia.

After providing first aid, the patient's condition will be assessed by a doctor, in most cases bed rest is recommended for several days.

Prevention of heat stroke:

  • physical activity should be avoided on too hot days and during hours of active sun from 11.00 to 16.00; do not be in the sun during the period of its increased activity;
  • protect yourself from the sun, wear hats
  • wear light-colored clothes from well-ventilated, natural fabrics (cotton, linen, wool);
  • drink plenty of fluids (1.5 - 2 liters per day);
  • open windows, use fans and air conditioners to maintain constant air circulation in the premises;
  • overeating should be avoided; in nutrition - vegetable and fruit dishes, limit fatty foods and excessive amounts of meat products.


The next trouble that can lie in wait for us on vacation: SUN BURN, especially children suffer from this.

To obtain sunburn, it is enough for an adult to spend about twenty minutes under the scorching rays of the sun, and only five to ten minutes are enough for a child. This happens because children's skin is thinner. It has a weak protective stratum corneum, so sunburn in children often leads to the development of blisters that are easily injured and infected. Also, the ratio between mass and body area in children is different than in adults, therefore, with the same extent, a sunburn in children will be considered twice as serious as in an adult.

In children, sunburn does not appear immediately. Only after a few hours of exposure to open sunlight, the skin becomes reddish or pink, hot and dry to the touch, itching, burning and pain appear. The child is restless, often cries or, on the contrary, becomes lethargic, drowsy. Touching the skin is quite painful, sometimes a slight swelling occurs at the site of the burn. First-degree burns usually do not blister.
Quite often, these signs force parents to worry and remove the child from the sun, but the burns have already been received, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to save the burned skin.
With a severe sunburn (second-degree burn), in addition to redness and swelling, blisters appear on the skin. All this can be accompanied by severe pain in the affected area, general weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, chills and fever. In severe cases, the development of burn shock is possible - pallor, cold and clammy skin, shortness of breath, blurred vision, loss of consciousness.

Sunburns are often accompanied by heatstroke, when the general condition of the child deteriorates so much that immediate medical attention is required. The first thing adults should do before the arrival of the doctor is to ensure that they stay in a shady, cool place as soon as possible, moisten the skin with water or wrap the child in a damp towel or sheet. It is also necessary to reduce the risk of dehydration, that is, give the victim plenty of fluids. All other therapeutic measures will be prescribed by the doctor after the examination.

Redness and unpleasant symptoms usually decrease after 2-3 days, sometimes recovery can take up to 7-10 days. The skin even with small burns begins to peel off. Second-degree burns, however, can take several weeks to heal.

How not to treat sunburn.

  • For burns, never use direct skin contact with ice, only ice wrapped in a cloth or plastic bag, otherwise the ice crystals cause microtrauma to the burned skin.
  • In the treatment of sunburn, alcohol-containing lotions and other cosmetics should not be used, because. they additionally dry the skin, which causes additional injuries to it.
  • It should also be noted that burnt skin should not be washed with soap and “overloaded” with too greasy creams.
  • Important! If blisters have formed, they should never be pierced.
  • Never tear off a layer of flaky skin, it protects against possible infection.

How to properly treat sunburn.

First aid for sunburn consists of cooling (1), moisturizing (2) the damaged areas of the body, as well as taking funds intended to relieve pain (3).

1. Cooling. As with any burn, with a sunburn, the affected area of ​​the skin must be cooled. For this, compresses and lotions with ordinary clean cold water are perfect. You can use chilled black tea with ice cubes, cucumber and tomato juices. It will also be useful to treat burns with lotions from antiseptic agents, for example: furatsilin, chlorhexidine, a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The napkin for compresses must be moistened as it warms up.

2. Moisturizing and further treatment of the skin. Cooled skin must be moisturized, otherwise, immediately after cooling, the skin will dry out and become even more inflamed. After-sun products or medical sprays against sunburn will do the job perfectly. Help and "folk remedies"

Egg white. It is applied in a small layer on the skin, it has a regenerating effect and prevents moisture loss. This is especially true in the treatment of facial burns.

Cold tomato puree Apply to sun-damaged skin, the antioxidants contained in tomatoes will relieve pain and redness of the skin.

A good remedy, grated, peeled raw potatoes, it heals the skin and relieves inflammation.

Cold fresh cucumber puree quickly relieve pain and moisturize the skin, grate them and cover with a cloth on top.

Cold green tea compresses i - its tannins will accelerate the healing of the burn.

cabbage leaves. They can be applied to places of sunburn, they will cool the burning skin and relieve inflammation. You can also chop the cabbage into a pulp and put it on the burns.

Many are used for sunburn. sour cream. But it is better to use lighter products such as kefir and yogurt. It is not necessary to rub them into the skin, just apply to the skin.

And in all cases, we must remember that with burns it is unacceptable for the skin to tighten. Therefore, as soon as you feel that the mask has dried up, remove it with a damp swab and apply a new layer.

An ordinary cool bath will also help reduce pain and temperature. These symptoms of burning are associated with active blood flow, caused, in turn, by severe inflammation; accordingly, cold water will narrow the blood vessels and slightly alleviate your condition. Just do not rush to get under the shower: strong jets of water are, again, microtraumas and unnecessary pain.

Good remedy for sunburn soda bath, it will keep the skin hydrated and soothe the pain. Pour 2/3 cup of baking soda into a bath of cool water and soak in the bath for 15 minutes. This method is especially suitable for the treatment of children. Sunburn of a small area can be treated by dissolving baking soda in a bowl of water and applying the solution with a gauze pad to the affected areas of the skin.

At night, it is better not to wrap the burnt skin with anything, leave it open. Dust sheets with talcum powder, minimizing friction on the fabric of irritated skin.

You can use creams based on Aloe Vera, extracts of chamomile, calendula and vitamin E: these components help the skin absorb moisture and retain it for a long time.

3. Pain relief . Aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen or acetaminophen will help relieve pain, and antihistamines can reduce burning and itching. In addition, aspirin and ibuprofen prevent the formation of toxic substances that make the skin red and swollen.

External pharmaceutical preparations used for sunburn:

  • Panthenol (spray) - well relieves inflammation of the skin, covering it with a specific protective film.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment, 0, 05 or 1%, is used depending on the age of the victim and the degree of damage to the epidermis.
  • With erosive lesions after burst blisters, Dermazin or Olazol helps.
  • Bepanthen in the form of an ointment or cream, antimicrobial, analgesic and regenerating drug.
  • Cooling gels containing menthol and anesthetics.

Prevention of sunburn

The most effective prevention, aptly and figuratively, is a tan by the light of the moon. But jokes are jokes, and tanning is a serious matter. Compliance with fairly simple recommendations will help you maintain the health of yourself and your loved ones:

  • You need to sunbathe gradually, for 15-20 minutes a day, preferably not under direct sun. The maximum exposure to the sun should not exceed 1.5 hours, even if well tolerated.
  • Before you start sunbathing, you should apply a protective agent with the maximum degree of protection to all exposed areas of the body.
  • Wearing hats should be a mandatory rule for both adults and children.
  • The most favorable time for sunbathing is before 11 o'clock in the afternoon and after 16.00.
  • People who have recently taken antibiotics should not sunbathe.
  • Pregnant women, the elderly and children under 3-4 years old should not sunbathe at all, it is best to be outdoors in a shady place.
  • In hot weather, you need to protect your body and face from the sun as much as possible - wear closed, loose-fitting light cotton clothing. Light blouses with long sleeves and long pants will be quite appropriate for children.
  • Important! Sunscreen should be applied to dry and clean skin, preferably one hour before sun exposure. After bathing, it is necessary to apply the cream again.
  • Do not forget! You can also get sunburn on cloudy days because UV rays pass through clouds.
  • Before sunbathing, do not wash with soap or shower gel, so as not to wash away the natural lipid layer of the skin.
  • Do not use perfumes and deodorants on the beach, so as not to cause an allergic reaction.
  • While on the beach, periodically conduct a test: press on the most sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (for example, on the forearm), if after that a white mark remains, then you should no longer sunbathe that day.
  • After the beach, rinse well with cool water without soap and apply a soothing after-sun lotion.


Summer is not only a holiday season, but also a time to replenish energy, restore immunity, when you can eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. But it is in the summer that there is a significant increase in acute intestinal diseases. Intestinal poisoning is caused by a large group of bacteria and viruses that damage the gastrointestinal tract. These microbes and toxins enter our body through food and water, as well as through dirty hands.

Why are we so vulnerable in summer? Infection is facilitated by a change in the usual winter menu - we often eat greens, vegetables and fruits that are not always thoroughly washed and disinfected, we often drink tap water.

The summer menu leads to a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, which is a natural protective barrier. In the warm season, food spoils quickly and imperceptibly, and insects are an additional source and carrier of diseases. At the same time, these contaminated products themselves seem quite fresh, fit for food.

Unpleasant symptoms of general weakness and loss of appetite can overtake you at the most inopportune moment. It is especially unpleasant when diarrhea or vomiting caught you on a trip or on vacation. And instead of sea and air baths, you have to spend time tormented by an upset digestive system. The longer the indigestion, the higher the risk of developing dehydration, the loss of micro- and macroelements, and a persistent violation of the microflora. The elderly and children are primarily at risk.

Timely treatment allows you to quickly cope with the disease and prevent complications. But it is easier to prevent an infection than to treat it.

It has long been known, but it will not be superfluous to remind again: food and drink sold on the beaches are not worth buying, especially for children. There are no less dangers in the city: ice cream, cakes and other delicacies very often cause trouble.

Be vigilant not only at the place of rest, but also on the road: this is how children very often catch intestinal infections.

Prevention measures:

  • Wash your hands before eating, do not snack on the street;
  • Always carry wet wipes with you, preferably with an antiseptic effect;
  • Every time after bathing and playing in the sand, wash your child's hands and face with fresh, clean water or wipe with disinfectant wipes.
  • In the summer, refrain from eating confectionery with cream made with fresh eggs;
  • Eat fruits and vegetables in season;
  • If possible, do not eat in summer cafes on the street (meat pies, shawarma, pasties, salads, etc. are dangerous);
  • When buying meat products, give preference to factory packaging, pay attention to the appearance and tightness of the packaging, the shelf life of products;
  • Drink boiled water or "mineral water" purchased from well-known stores.
  • During the trip, you can give your child Enterosgel or Activated charcoal for prevention - it will not hurt.

I would like to consider in more detail rotavirus infection(rotavirus gastroenteritis, stomach flu, intestinal flu) is a form of acute intestinal infection caused by human rotavirus of the genus Rotavirus. People of any age can get sick with rotavirus infection, but children are most often sick.

The source of rotavirus infection is a sick person or a healthy virus carrier. The virus multiplies in the cells of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted in the feces. The main mechanism of transmission of rotavirus infection is food.

Rotavirus infects the lining of the stomach and small intestine, disrupts the digestion of food and leads to the development of severe diarrhea and dehydration.

The incubation period for rotavirus can last from 1 to 5 days.

The disease of rotavirus infection begins acutely: the first symptoms are abdominal pain (acute, cramping), vomiting (up to 3-4 times a day), malaise, fever (up to 38 C).

Acute diarrhea (diarrhea) very quickly joins the described symptoms. When examining a patient with rotavirus, one can notice redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes, the mucous membrane of the pharynx and palatine arches (sore throat).

The main danger of rotavirus infection is associated with dehydration due to severe diarrhea.
This disease is safely, but not quickly cured. The disease recedes in 4-7 days.

After suffering a “stomach flu”, strong immunity remains, so re-infection with rotavirus infection is rare.

An adult may not even notice that he is a carrier of a rotavirus infection, the disease, as a rule, proceeds with erased symptoms: a short-term, possibly one-time case of diarrhea, loss of appetite, and a short-term fever. But during this period, a person is contagious!

The most common scenario for the development and treatment of rotavirus infection in a child:

The child wakes up in the morning sluggish, he can vomit even immediately on an empty stomach. There is no appetite, after eating, vomiting begins again, vomiting even after several sips of water. These symptoms of rotavirus infection are accompanied by a gradual increase in temperature to more than 39 degrees Celsius and diarrhea. The temperature is poorly controlled by drugs and can be kept elevated for up to 5 days. With such symptoms, immediately exclude from the child's diet any dairy, including sour-milk products: milk, milk porridge, kefir, cottage cheese, and so on. The exception is breastfed babies. Don't force your child to eat.

To replenish the water-salt balance, prepare a solution of rehydron - 1 sachet per 1 liter of water and let the child drink 50 ml every hour. Do not give large portions to drink - it can immediately vomit, it is better to drink from a spoon.

What can you feed with rotavirus infection: diet for the first 2-3 days - liquid rice porridge on the water, chicken broth, jelly.

How and how to bring down the temperature in a child with a rotavirus infection: when the temperature rises above 38 degrees, cefekon suppositories will help lower it (the dosage is according to the age of the child), suppositories are practically safe for use at any age, you can put these suppositories every 2 hours, but not overdo it, bringing down the temperature, it should not be reduced below 38 degrees, since the rotavirus infection virus dies at 38 degrees.

Wet wipes with a weak alcohol or vinegar solution are very effective in reducing the temperature. The whole body should be wiped, and not its individual parts (so that there is no temperature difference between them), after wiping, put on cotton socks. Do not wrap the child! During sleep, cover with a sheet, not a warm blanket. With a persistent increase in temperature above 39 degrees, a child from one and a half to two years old can be given half a tablet of paracetamol along with a quarter of analgin - a good way to bring down the heat.

From abdominal pain with rotavirus infection: if the child cries and / or complains of abdominal pain (only with a confirmed diagnosis of rotavirus infection!), No-shpa will help ease them. Buy ampoules (2 ml each), give the child 1 ml in the mouth for pain, drink tea.

To prevent the development of an intestinal bacterial infection, enterofuril is prescribed (the dosage is according to the age of the child, from 1 to 2 years - 1 tsp 2 times a day for 5 days) or enterol (but enterofuril is better).

For the treatment of diarrhea with rotavirus infection, smecta is prescribed (2 sachets per day in half a glass of water).

Vomiting with rotavirus infection can last up to 3-5 days, diarrhea - even longer.

For faster restoration of intestinal microflora and normalization of stool in case of rotavirus infection, bactisubtil is prescribed - 2 times a day, 1 capsule dissolved in water one hour before meals. Start taking Baktisubtil after the vomiting has subsided, approximately on the 3rd day of the illness.

On the second day of the disease, the child develops severe drowsiness, let the child sleep as much as he wants, just constantly monitor his body temperature when he wakes up - let's drink a little.

Before using the above drugs and to diagnose the disease, be sure to call a doctor, do not self-diagnose, as the symptoms of rotavirus infection are similar to the symptoms of more dangerous diseases that require emergency medical care (cholera, salmonella).

Prevention of rotavirus infection consists in observing personal hygiene measures and isolating the patient during illness

Experts from the World Health Organization have developed ten "golden" rules for preventing food poisoning (infections).

1. Choice of safe foods. Many foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are consumed raw, while others are risky to eat unprocessed. For example, buy pasteurized milk, raw milk must be boiled. Various vegetables, fruits require thorough washing, and after washing should be doused with boiling water.

2. Careful cooking. Many raw foods, mainly poultry, meat and raw milk, are often colonized with microorganisms that can cause various intestinal infections. During the cooking (frying) process bacteria are destroyed, but remember that the temperature in all parts of the food product must reach 70 ° C. Frozen meat, fish and poultry must be thoroughly thawed before cooking.

3. Eat cooked food without delay. When cooked food cools to room temperature, germs begin to multiply in it. The longer it remains in this state, the greater the risk of food poisoning. To be safe, eat food immediately after cooking.

4. Store food properly. If you have prepared food ahead of time or want to save the rest of it after eating, keep in mind that it should be kept either hot (at or above 60°C) or cold (at or below 10°C). This is an extremely important rule, especially if you intend to store food for more than 4-5 hours.

It is better not to store food for children at all. A common mistake that leads to countless cases of food poisoning is storing large amounts of warm food in the refrigerator. This food in an overloaded refrigerator cannot cool completely quickly. When the middle of a food stays warm for too long (temperatures above 10°C), microbes survive and multiply rapidly to dangerous levels for human health.

5. Reheat cooked food thoroughly. Remember, proper storage inhibits the growth of microbes, but does not destroy them. Once again, before eating, reheat food thoroughly to at least 70°C.

6. Avoid contact between raw and cooked foods. For example, you can not use the same cutting board, knife for cooking raw and boiled (fried) foods. This practice can lead to the potential risk of contamination of products and the growth of microorganisms in them, with subsequent human poisoning.

7. Wash your hands as often as possible. Before cooking, after each cutting of raw food, before eating, after going to the toilet. If you have an infected cut or sore on your hand, be sure to bandage it or put on a band-aid before you start cooking. Wash your hands after contact with pets.

8. Keep your kitchen spotless. Consider leftover food, crumbs, dirty spots, and debris as a potential reservoir of germs. Kitchen towels should be clean and ideally disposable.

9. Keep food protected from insects, rodents and other animals. Animals often carry pathogens that cause food poisoning. For reliable protection of products, store them in tightly closed jars (containers).

10. Use clean water. Clean water is essential for both drinking and cooking. If you are in doubt about the quality of the water, boil it before adding it to food or before using it. Do not store boiled water for a long time.

Be healthy! And have a nice holiday!

When you go on vacation, the last thing you want to do is encounter infections at sea. But in fact, the likelihood of this is very high, especially when it comes to Russian resorts.

At sea, you can get sick with any infectious diseases - colds, flu, measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever .. in general, everything that there is a risk of getting sick at home. But the bulk of diseases at sea are intestinal infections. When they talk about infections at sea, they mean exactly them.

Prevention of intestinal infections at sea

The sea and the sun are the most effective remedy for the prevention of rhinitis, acute respiratory infections and other colds and a great way to have a great time, relax before hard work. If a child needs to go to kindergarten for the first time, prevention of infections at sea is necessary. So you can strengthen his immunity, thereby facilitating adaptation.

After all, kids, when they just start attending a children's institution, often get sick and cannot get used to it. But all the great plans for getting healthy may not come true due to an intestinal infection (CI).

If you don’t prepare for the rest in advance, then instead of having a good time, it can happen:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • headache;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • stomach discomfort.

Sometimes these symptoms appear due to heat, sunstroke. But most often they indicate an intestinal infection. Contribute to infection:

  • weakened immunity due to a change of place;
  • poor quality food;
  • the presence of an infection in the water due to a sewer drain, and other troubles (pay attention to the inscription: “Swimming is strictly prohibited!”);
  • dysbacteriosis.

If you take certain measures to eliminate the causes of intestinal infection, then a trip to the sea will be pleasant and useful.

What infections should be feared

Intestinal infections are a group of diseases caused by:

  • bacteria (causative agents of botulism, typhoid fever, selmonellosis, cholera, etc.);
  • viruses (eg enteroviruses, rotaviruses);
  • protozoa (for example, dysenteric amoeba, giardia).

The main mechanism of transmission of these diseases is fecal-oral. Botulism can be contracted by eating salted or smoked fish, canned food, and this disease is very dangerous, coma develops instantly. Cholera, dysentery - even just swimming in seemingly clean water, ignoring the warning of the epidemiological surveillance.

Best Prevention Measures

To prevent intestinal infections, basic hygiene rules must be observed.

Do not buy products of unknown origin, no matter how tasty they look, especially fish, meat, sweets with cream, etc. Remember, in the summer, near the water, all the conditions for the reproduction and spread of intestinal infections (warmth and high humidity) are met.

Do not swim in the sea if it is prohibited. Very often, in the summer, some beaches are closed if an excess of pathogenic microorganisms is found in the water.

Reduced immunity contributes to the development of intestinal infections. And it worsens due to climate change and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Even if the move was not a significant distance, the sea climate is somewhat different, and its change is stressful for the body. Hotter, higher humidity - these are quite serious changes, due to which immunity is always reduced.

Although physical therapy with UV rays is recommended for health promotion, this does not happen instantly. Influencing the skin, ultraviolet causes a stress reaction - cellular immunity decreases. And only after some time (up to 2 months) it is significantly enhanced. Therefore, before going to the sea, it is recommended to take drugs that increase immunity. You can also increase it with folk remedies (dried apricots, raisins, honey, walnuts, lemon).

Contributes to infection - dysbacteriosis. When the amount of beneficial microflora (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria) decreases in the intestines, fertile conditions are created for the development of pathogenic microbes (staphylococci, streptococci, etc.) in the intestines. Before going to the sea, especially if you have been taking antibiotics for a long time, you should definitely consult a gastroenterologist, most likely he will prescribe medications with beneficial bacteria, such as Linex or Lactrofiltrum. You can also improve the condition of the intestinal microflora with the help of fermented milk products.

Compliance with the simplest rules of hygiene, taking care of your own health (do not buy food in dubious places), strengthened immunity - this is the main prevention of intestinal infections at sea.

Every summer, many families go to the sea to relax and improve their health. Some have a great time, others spoil the rest of various unexpected diseases. Sea resorts are mainly characterized by infection with intestinal infections of viral, bacterial or fungal origin.

One of the serious problems can be familiarity with rotavirus infection. Most often it is picked up by children, so it is very important to know how to help yourself and your child when they meet with this ailment.

So that the long-awaited vacation at sea is not spoiled, you need to know how the prevention of rotavirus and intestinal infections is carried out

Meet Rotavirus

Rotavirus infection, or intestinal flu, affects the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract, causing the development of gastritis or gastroenteritis. A feature of the symptoms of the disease is general intoxication of the body and signs of a cold, so it is difficult to diagnose rotavirus.

The greatest danger of intestinal infection is for infants and toddlers under 5 years of age, because it causes dehydration. Following this, there is a violation of brain activity and kidney failure, so the kids are hospitalized.

For the emergence of rotavirus and its spread, a warm season and a large crowd of people will be a favorable factor. It is these suitable conditions that are created in hot countries and at sea in the summer.

Ways and methods of infection, the period of development of intestinal infection

Rotavirus infection is extremely contagious and is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. The route of transmission is the fecal-oral route - it is through the mouth that the virus enters the body. The incubation period after infection ranges from several hours to a week. In addition, a sick person is a carrier of the infection until his full recovery - i.e. within 5-7 days after the disappearance of clinical symptoms.

Exploring the world, young children quite often taste everything, so it is extremely difficult to protect them from the disease. The most common ways of infection at sea for them may be:

  • contaminated water;
  • contaminated food; a
  • milk of an infected cow;
  • poorly washed fruits and vegetables;
  • dirty hands;
  • toys and household items.

Rotaviruses are able to live in the external environment for a long time. Their life span is:

  • on household items - 10-45 days;
  • on food - up to 30 days;
  • in water supply and reservoirs - about 60 days.

In addition to contaminated water, rotaviruses can be found in food - for example, you can’t buy homemade milk on vacation.

How to recognize rotavirus infection in a child?

Weak children's immunity is not able to cope with the virus. This leads to the fact that some children suffer the disease several times during the period. Parents of babies are simply obliged to know the enemy in person in order to prevent the development of the disease and in time to treat the child in case of infection.

The main symptoms of rotavirus that develop acutely and rapidly in babies are:

  • frequent vomiting with short periods of improvement;
  • repeated diarrhea (watery);
  • spasm and pain in the abdomen (we recommend reading:);
  • high body temperature;
  • weakness, drowsiness and lethargy;
  • eye redness and tearing;
  • sneezing, coughing, nasal congestion.

When these symptoms appear, it is urgent to call an ambulance team. With the acute development of the disease at home, it is difficult to cope with all the symptoms, therefore, in order to avoid complications, it is better to hospitalize the child.

Treatment of rotavirus in children

Treatment of rotavirus infection should be comprehensive. It includes the use of drugs and, in addition, traditional medicine. If symptoms appear suddenly, parents should take emergency measures before the ambulance arrives.

Emergency help

Emergency care is aimed at rehydrating the body - combating dehydration. After the cessation of vomiting, it is necessary to restore the water-salt balance of the body, increasing the child's drinking regimen. It is mandatory to take rehydration drugs, including:

  • Regidron;
  • Humana Electrolyte;
  • Hydrovit.


To remove toxins from the body and alleviate the general condition, the baby is prescribed one of the following drugs:

  1. Smekta. Produced in the form of a powder in sachets. Effectively copes with gastrointestinal cramps, bloating, flatulence and diarrhea. It is used in the treatment of children up to a year.
  2. Enterosgel (more details in the article:). A paste-like agent that coats the walls of the stomach and intestines, absorbing toxins and eliminating signs of intoxication. Approved for use in pediatrics.
  3. Polysorb. Sorbent that removes signs of intoxication. Children are given from birth.
  4. Stopdiar. Can be given from two months of age. The remedy is excellent for diarrhoea.

In the absence of abundant and watery bowel movements, you can use probiotics - Linex, Lacidophil, Bifiform. They will renew the intestinal microflora and normalize the stool.

Antidiarrheals and intestinal antiseptics

Treatment of patients who have caught a rotavirus infection, according to the doctor's indications, is accompanied by the use of antidiarrheal drugs and intestinal antiseptics (if there is a risk of a bacterial infection). Self-administration of such funds is not recommended, because stopping diarrhea, which helps to cleanse the body, the patient's condition can only worsen.

If necessary, the pediatrician may prescribe:

  1. Enterofuril (more details in the article:). The drug has a powerful antimicrobial effect. Treats bacterial diarrhea. In pediatric practice, it is used from the age of 3. May cause adverse reactions of the body in the form of allergic rashes and nausea.
  2. Enterol. An antimicrobial drug used in the treatment of diarrhea. It has no contraindications, but may cause minor allergic reactions and mild stomach pain.
  3. Furazolidone (we recommend reading:). An antibacterial drug used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract. Not allowed for use in the treatment of children under 1 month old, as well as persons with chronic renal failure and disorders of the central nervous system.

Folk remedies at home

Salt solution will help with dehydration. To 1 liter of water, add 1 teaspoon of salt and 5 teaspoons of sugar. This solution is good because salt will retain water in the body, and sugar will replenish blood glucose levels. Thus, the water-salt balance will be preserved.

To reduce body temperature, 9% vinegar is used, which is diluted in half with water. With this solution, it is necessary to wipe the limbs of the child and put a moistened compress on the patient's head. These measures will quickly get rid of the fever and will become indispensable in cases where it is impossible to use antipyretic drugs due to constant bouts of nausea and vomiting.

A decoction of wormwood - a proven folk remedy for the treatment of diarrhea

An effective remedy in the fight against diarrhea will be wormwood herb, but this tincture can cause an allergic reaction. 1 spoon of the plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted in a water bath for 15 minutes. After that, the broth is filtered and brought to 250 ml with boiling water. Babies after a year can be given 1 tsp, adding to a bottle of water. Older children should also be diluted 1-2 tbsp. spoons in half a glass of boiled water.

How to alleviate the condition of the child during and after treatment?

Providing first aid and relieving symptoms is far from everything. In order for the body to return to normal after bouts of diarrhea and dehydration, the child needs special care. We will give recommendations for parents on a sparing diet and lifestyle of the child during the recovery period.

Nutrition Features

On the first day, especially with severe vomiting and diarrhea, it is recommended to refrain from eating. During this period, it is necessary to maintain fluid in the body, so the child is given saline solutions or mineral water without gas. The next day after the cessation of vomiting, you can enter into the diet:

  • unwashed rice porridge;
  • rice water in the form of a drink;
  • crackers, drying or dry biscuit cookies;
  • strong tea.

Porridge and rice decoction have astringent properties and are effective for indigestion.

After a while, the child can be given oatmeal, semolina on the water, soup on a light broth, dried fruit compote. Dairy and sour-milk products are contraindicated in intestinal diseases, as they can lead to a deterioration in the child's condition. You should also refrain from eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Diets must be followed for about a month or until the body is fully restored.

Features of care

At first, a child who has caught an infection is shown bed rest. In addition, you should pay attention to how often urination occurs. It should not be less than 5 times a day, otherwise dehydration is possible. With heat and chills, the baby can be covered with a warm blanket. Since the likelihood of transmission of the virus is high, it is worth allocating separate dishes for the patient.

Prevention: how to protect children from rotavirus?

In order to prevent, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene. It is especially important to keep your hands clean. They must be washed after going to the toilet, walking, and before eating.

Short-cut nails can also protect the baby. In addition, the following rules will help to avoid infection:

  • it is not allowed to eat protein and cream confectionery products in the heat;
  • do not buy products in spontaneous markets or from street vendors;
  • it is necessary to monitor the terms of purchased products;
  • you can not use raw water;
  • in the summer, you need to remove dairy and perishable products from the diet;
  • it is necessary to thoroughly wash the dishes immediately before use, and boil them once a week;
  • children's toys should be treated with soap and make sure that the kids do not put their hands in their mouths.

For the purposes of prevention, it is important to teach children to cleanliness and personal hygiene not only during rest, since this is a laborious process that requires an investment of time and effort. These efforts will pay off in the future and protect you from many problems.

An accustomed child, of course, will need a little control, but during a summer holiday at sea, the likelihood of infection with rotavirus will be significantly reduced. Such prevention will save the baby's health, and parents - nerves and finances.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

Diseases caused by an intestinal infection in a child's body can hit the child's immune system hard and lead to serious consequences. The main causes of infection are poor-quality water and food, as well as household contact. Pediatricians consider the summer period of time to be the most dangerous, when various bacteria, viruses and protozoa, which are the main causative agents of intestinal infections, are most active. To protect the child from the ingress of various pathogenic microelements into the intestines, parents need to regularly carry out a set of preventive measures.

The causative agents of intestinal infections have their own preferences in products. So, salmonella in most cases enters the body through eggs, meat and milk. The dysentery bacillus lives on vegetables and fruits, and the vibrio cholerae in drinking water.

Basic preventive measures

Parents should teach their child to follow the rules of personal hygiene from an early age.. The child should understand for himself that hands should be washed thoroughly before each meal, as well as after using the toilet and when returning home from the street. It is necessary to control that children do not suck their fingers and toys, and also do not drink water from other people's bottles. All food, especially in the summer, should be fresh and dishes sterilized.

When you come home from the street, be sure to wash your hands.

When breastfeeding a baby, the mother should control the sterility of the process.. If a child eats adult food, then it is necessary to take into account the features of its storage, preparation and serving. Mandatory heat treatment of fish, meat and all dairy products should be carried out. Fresh fruits and vegetables must be thoroughly washed under running water, preferably with boiling water. In no case should the finished dishes be allowed to come into contact with flies and insects.

Very often, the cause of intestinal infections is poor-quality drinking water.. It is better if the child consumes mineral or bottled water purchased from trusted manufacturers. Tap water must be boiled. You should not buy cakes and other creamy treats for your baby in the summer, as they often cause intestinal diseases.

A child who attends kindergarten should be taught to use only their own towel, comb and other personal items. In the event that there is a patient in the family, the baby must be completely isolated from contact with him, and all common items should be thoroughly disinfected. Door handles, toys and other household items should be regularly treated with special antiseptics. Ventilate all rooms daily, do not walk around the house in street shoes.

Before eating food, it must be thoroughly disinfected.

Prevention on the road and on vacation

In the summer, many parents tend to take their kids to the sea, and in order not to spoil the rest, you should already be vigilant on the road and carry out the prevention of intestinal infections. It is recommended to give the child activated charcoal, enterosgel or any other immuno-strengthening drugs to drink during the trip. On the way, children should be fed only with fresh, non-perishable foods, and they should be given high-quality purchased water.

It is recommended that you give your child activated charcoal while traveling.

The immune system of an adult is able to independently cope with a small number of harmful microorganisms, but if we are talking about their colonies, then the body simply cannot do without external help.

It should be explained to the child that sea water should not enter the mouth.. After staying on the beach, playing in the sand and visiting crowded places, you must thoroughly wash the hands and face of the baby. Switching to new products should be gradual, and at the slightest suspicion of their staleness, refrain from using them. You should not buy food on the beach or on the street, as well as in the market from your hands.

The implementation of all these preventive measures will help reduce the risk of getting an intestinal infection into the children's body. Of course, it is impossible to insure against everything, but even the implementation of elementary measures to prevent diseases increases the chances of avoiding them. At the slightest suspicion of an intestinal infection in a child, one should not self-medicate. It is necessary to call a doctor as soon as possible, who will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment.

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