What is Mark Zuckerberg famous for? Mark Zuckerberg. Family and children of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg... This name is known to almost every person who has access to the Internet. Who is he? Programmer, businessman, philanthropist, family man and just a good guy who, in his relatively young age achieved what many have been trying to achieve for decades. This article will tell the biography of Mark Zuckerberg, the success story of his offspring called Facebook, as well as interesting facts from his personal life.

early years

The future billionaire was born on May 14, 1984 in the American city of White Plains, in a family of doctors. In his family, Mark was far from only child. He also has three sisters: Randy, Donna and Ariel.

At the age of 10, young Mark Zuckerberg realized that he wanted to devote his life to programming. It was at this age that his parents bought him his first computer, at which he subsequently spent days on end. At first he wrote rather primitive programs, but over time his skills began to improve.

First successes

In high school, Zuckerberg created his own strategy game called "Risk", and even then Microsoft representatives drew attention to him, offering him a job. Due to the fact that Mark was an underage guy who had not yet graduated from high school, the deal never went through.

The next project of the future co-creator of Facebook was the Synapse program, which he wrote with his friend. This software worked on the basis of the Winamp audio player. It analyzed the musical tastes of listeners and showed a selection of similar compositions.

Studying at Harvard

This may surprise some, but programming was far from Mark's only hobby. At the time of entering a higher educational institution, he was engaged in fencing, studied ancient languages, and also devoted a lot of time to mathematics. Oddly enough, but at Harvard, he decided to enter the Faculty of Psychology. It was at this university that Zuckerberg began his path to success.

Creation of Facebook

While studying at Harvard, Mark Zuckerberg came up with the idea to create a website where students could communicate online. It is clear that it is very problematic to create such a large-scale project alone, so he enlisted the support of his comrades Dustin Moskvits, Andrew McCollum and Chris Hughes. Soon they were joined by who sponsored this project. After some time, a conflict occurred with the latter, which was resolved only in the courtroom.

The main reason for the popularity of Facebook was its convenience. Students could organize themselves into groups and areas that already existed in their schools. They were able to add their photos and any personal information - from favorite hobbies to love preferences. Mark Zuckerberg's company notes two main differences between Facebook and other popular social networks. Firstly, real people here are looking for exactly the same people. Secondly, on this site you can choose which groups of users your data can be accessed - only to the guys from the university or to absolutely all site visitors, only to people from your city or, for example, to all fans of Frank Sinatra, etc.

Social network needed a good promotion, which was taken up by a large entrepreneur Peter Thiel. As a result, such promotion led to the incredible popularity of Facebook. Already in 2006, this site entered the TOP of the most popular US sites.

So who is the real author?

Which was originally created for Harvard students, has gained great popularity outside of this educational institution. But not everything was as smooth as it might seem at first glance. Two brothers who studied with Mark at the same faculty accused him of stealing the idea. This is partly true, since earlier they invited him as a programmer to create a similar site. They dragged Zuckerberg through the courts, but never won a single case. As a result, they were paid compensation in the amount of $45 million.

In addition to the success story of Facebook, many are interested in family life the creator of this site. We could not ignore this, and therefore we present to your attention a few facts about Priscilla Chan, the wife of Mark Zuckerberg.

  1. Priscilla achieves her goals on her own. At Quincy High School's graduation in 2003, it was she who was assigned to deliver the farewell speech. In America, only those students who performed well during the educational process are awarded such an honor. After graduating from high school, she entered Harward in the biology department. In the period from 2007 to 2008 she was engaged in teaching activities. After these events future wife The brand entered Medical College to the Department of Pediatrics, which she successfully graduated shortly before her marriage.
  2. This may surprise some, but Mark Zuckerberg met his wife even before he created Facebook and became famous billionaire. Their first meeting took place at a university party, when they... Were standing in line for the toilet.
  3. Mark and Priscilla do not like pathos and glamour. AT free time they prefer to walk in the park, play bocce (a game reminiscent of bowling and petanque), and also spend evenings playing board games. In addition, many journalists have repeatedly criticized the Zuckerberg family for their tasteless dressing and lack of style.
  4. Priscilla is the initiator of Facebook's organ donation program and is generally active in charitable activities with your spouse.
  5. Before the wedding, Mark and Priscilla dated for almost 10 years. When they decided to tie the knot in their lives, they tried to make sure that this news did not get into the media. Moreover, they did not even tell their relatives about it. Priscilla invited them to a party, and the reason for the holiday was getting scientific degree. Only during the celebration did everyone find out that this couple had arranged a wedding.

Mark Zuckerberg children

At the time of this writing, Mark and Priscilla are the parents of two daughters - Maxim (or as Max's parents call her) and August. The first was born in 2015, and the second two years later.

Zuckerberg is Rockefeller's grandson?!

In 2017, the famous banker David Rockefeller left our world. Almost immediately after this event, the world community was stirred up by an incredible rumor: Mark Zuckerberg is actually the grandson of David Rockefeller, and his real name is Jacob Michael Greenberg!

According to unofficial news sources, the history of the creation of Facebook is an ordinary fiction, invented as a distraction. In their opinion, this whole story with a working-class student who, together with friends, created a multi-million dollar social network, was created so that young people would believe that they could succeed from scratch. According to these sources, Mark Zuckerberg is just a pawn in the hands of more powerful people, and Facebook is a global surveillance system created by the CIA. The same media called Zuckerberg the great-grandson of Maurice Greenberg, a well-known American entrepreneur and owner of the largest insurance companies CEO AIG and VC Starr.

On the this moment these unofficial sources have not provided any evidence that the above information is true. As we mentioned, Mark Zuckerberg was born into a family of ordinary doctors. His father was a dentist and his mother was a psychiatrist.

"Social network"

Released in 2010 Feature Film about Mark Zuckerberg called The Social Network. The director of the picture was made and the screenwriter - The synopsis of the picture is as follows:

At the center of the story is a 21-year-old student named Mark. He studies at the prestigious Harvard University and is in a relationship with a girl, Erica Albright. Mark belongs to the type of people who feel good only when surrounded by people like themselves. The strangeness of his character and obsession with studies eventually led to the fact that the girl left him. After these events, the protagonist's neighbor invited him to compare photos of university girls online. Mark, wanting revenge on his ex-lover, this idea was approved and successfully implemented. After this success, students from the prestigious Harvard club pay attention to Mark, who offer him interesting project. But the main character already has his own idea and it is much more global.

The opinion of the creator of Facebook about the film "The Social Network"

Despite the fact that Mark Zuckerberg initially stated that he would not watch David Fincher's tape, he nevertheless got acquainted with it. The creator of Facebook praised the film for the accuracy of everyday details (like T-shirts and flip-flops that the protagonist), but criticized it in other aspects. First, he noted that a character named Erica Albright never actually existed. Secondly, he did not like the idea that the main character created a social network just because of his ex girlfriend. According to Zuckerberg, this goes against reality, since he created Facebook only out of interest in what he loves.

Despite claims by the real Mark, story writer Aaron Sorkin, whose screenplay is an adaptation of Random Billionaires: The Making of Facebook by Ben Metzrich, a tale of sex, money, genius and betrayal, maintained that the events of the picture were not fictional. , he noted that Erica Albright, played by actress Rooney Mara, is a real-life woman whose real name has been changed.

One of the producers of The Social Network even stated that this picture is nothing more than a metaphor through which director David Fincher showed how people communicate with each other. He also thanked Mark himself for allowing them to use events from his life as the basis for the film.

I would like to complete our article with a few interesting facts about Zuckerberg and his offspring:

Your attention was given a biography of Mark Zuckerberg, a photo of this millionaire, facts from his personal life, as well as the story of his incredible success. We hope that this article was interesting for you and you learned a lot of new things!

The story of Mark Zuckerberg's life and success is incredibly similar to the plot of a movie that has everything you need for a good movie: an eccentric genius, lies, betrayal, intrigue, unexpected turns of events and an unpredictable denouement. But it's probably better to start from the very beginning.

Beginning of life

Mark was born on May 14, 1984 in New York in an intelligent and financially secure Jewish family, becoming the second of four children and only son. The passion for programming in the future genius began to manifest itself almost from elementary school. When Mark got his first computer, which happened in the sixth grade, his interest in lines of code took on the character of fanaticism, without exaggerating the word.

In the ninth grade from under light hand rising star of the information age, a digital version of the then popular board game"Risk", and a couple of years later, Mark, together with a friend, created an add-on for the Winamp audio player, which analyzed the user's musical preferences and created track lists that suited the listener at that particular time period.

It should be noted that with the growth of programming skills, the future creator of Facebook also developed eccentricity. So, for example, after the publication of the same add-on for Winamp on the Internet, Microsoft asked to sell the project for two million US dollars, but Mark refused, arguing his answer with the phrase "inspiration is not for sale."

university life

An interesting fact is that for all his passion, Zuckerberg managed to excel in other disciplines, including mathematics, fencing, history and psychology. Such a capable young man easily entered the most prestigious university in the United States - Harvard, moreover, the financial condition of his family clearly contributed to this.

Not surprisingly, Mark's university performance left much to be desired, since the aspiring genius devoted all his time to programming, and study, oddly enough, also required long hours.

In other matters, Zuckerberg's unusual mindset has helped him more than once in preparing for exams. So, for example, two days before the exam, where it was necessary to talk about half a thousand paintings in the history of art, Mark created a website, on each page of which there was a separate picture, and asked his classmates to express their opinion about each. In general, literally in two hours the material for delivery was prepared, and Mark himself received the highest mark.

Programming: interest, passion, mania…

It cannot be said that Mark was an exemplary student: this person did not lead a completely correct lifestyle and was too keen on programming. Mark could suddenly leave a lecture or any other event and rush across the entire campus to the computer to bring his next idea to life.

One day, Mark broke up with his girlfriend, about which he immediately, out of his habit, wrote a blog on MySpace. After several bottles of beer, Zuckerberg decided to create a site that allows you to rate girls from photos. Using vulnerabilities in the protection of the university's servers, Mark downloaded photos of all the students, after which he displayed them on the site page in pairs and in random order, giving users the opportunity to vote. Based on the results of the voting, the most attractive girl in the university was determined.

Such cynicism immediately had an effect: the traffic of the university network grew several dozen times, reaching a record high. In addition, Mark, by his act, won the attention of the most different people including the Winklevoss brothers.

The Facebook. Start

The Winklevoss brothers represented the most elite student club in all of America. And they couldn't get past Zuckerberg's impressive capabilities. As a result, Mark was invited to participate in the development of the university social network "Garvard-connection". However, the young genius was not very interested in such a proposal and he began to work on the creation of The Facebook. financial assistance he was provided by fellow student Eduardo Saverin, whose name was for some time on the list of the authors of the project.

The first global social network developed every day and approached the level that anyone can see in their browser. At first, Facebook worked only at the university, then it began to take over one educational institution after another. City after city, country after country, continent after continent. Soon, Mark took on several programmers to help him from among the students of the university.

Eduardo Saverin insisted that Facebook should make money through advertising. Mark did not agree with him and in every way prevented negotiations with potential investors. But at one point, Zuckerberg was lucky enough to meet Sean Parker, the infamous music service developer who turned the music industry upside down and incurred the wrath of all record labels and copyright holders.

Sean Parker. New turn Facebook stories

Sean Parker made a strong impression on Mark. He managed to persuade Zuckerberg to move to California and start attracting large investors, which, by the way, led to the fact that Eduardo Saverin began to gradually move away from the project, and after a while his name was deleted from the list of authors.

The Facebook project lost the “The” prefix, because, according to Sean, “it’s so cool”, and began to bring in a lot of money. However, Mark was not interested in finance, the project itself was important to him.

This was followed by a series of lawsuits and proceedings. Mark was sued by the failed co-authors of "Garvard-connection" and Eduardo Saverin himself, who, in his opinion, was unreasonably excluded from the project.

Zuckerberg and Facebook today

Today, Facebook is the most popular social network in the world. This project brings in billions of dollars in profits through promotions and advertising. Mark himself is one of the the richest people planets:

  1. At the beginning of 2010, the billionaire's fortune was estimated at only $6.9 billion. By the end of the year, this figure had grown by almost two and a half times;

  2. In the first half of 2013, Mark entered the top ten richest people with almost $14 billion at his disposal;

  3. In October 2014, Zuckerberg bought land on the coast of Kauai for one hundred million dollars, where it was planned to build a 280-hectare estate;

  4. At the end of 2014, Mark was ranked fourteenth in Forbes versions in the ranking of billionaires with a fortune of about 33.6 billion US dollars.

According to Mark, at the end of this year, 99% of Facebook's shares will be donated to charity, which is almost $45 billion. The billionaire himself does not plan to complete his work on Facebook, because, as he claims, not all of the planned has been done yet.

10 best quotes Mark Zuckerberg

1. “In a world that is changing very quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not to take risks.”
— From an interview given in October 2011 at the Y Combinator Startup School in Palo Alto, California.

2. “The question is not what we want to know about people, the question is what people want to say about themselves”
— From an interview with Charlie Rose in November 2011.

3. “I actually coded Facebook in my dorm and ran it from my room. For $85 a month, I rented a server and compensated for my expenses by advertising on the site. We are still making money on it.”
In the same interview with Charlie Rose, Zuckerberg talked about the humble beginnings of his career.

4. “A squirrel dying in your backyard might be more important right now than people dying in Africa.”
- From an appeal to colleagues on Facebook regarding the relevance of certain events, according to the message The New York Times.

5. “Move fast, destroy everything. If you don't crush everything, you're not fast enough."
— In an interview with Henry Blodget of Business Insider, Zuck (nickname of Zuckerberg) talked about innovation and management. However, he recently announced that Facebook will change its slogan.

6. “It sounds, of course, strange, but I would rather be among people who underestimate us. It encourages them to go out and do something big, something that will excite them, amaze them.”
— At the Disrupt SF conference hosted by TechCrunch in September 2012, the entrepreneur shared his perspective on the criticism and doubts expressed against Facebook.

7. “A person can be a genius or have all the necessary skills, but if he does not believe in himself, he will not give his best.”
— From a series of talks at Stanford University in October 2005 on hiring the right people.

8. “People are not interested in what they say about you in the movies - or even what you say yourself. They're interested in what you're doing."
— From an interview with Diana Sawyer, ABC, July 2010.

9. “When you are in Silicon Valley, you feel like this is the place where you should work. But it is not so. If I were starting my career now, I would be working in Boston. Silicon Valley, in my opinion, is focused on the short term, and I don’t like it.”
— From an interview given in October 2011 at the Y Combinator Startup School in Palo Alto, California.

10. “Almost every day I ask myself the question: am I doing the most important thing of all possible? If I understand that I am working on the most significant problem that I can help solve, I get satisfaction from the time spent ”
—From the biography Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook Creator by Marcia Amidon Lusted.

Mark Zuckerberg known worldwide as the creator of the very first social network Facebook and as a successful entrepreneur, whose fortune is estimated at several tens of billions of dollars. Despite his young age - 33 years old, Mark Zuckerberg's biography is already full of interesting events and facts.

The content of the article :


Mark Elliot Zuckerberg ( Mark Elliot Zuckerberg) was born in small town White Plains, near New York, May 14, 1984 in a Jewish medical family. His mother Karen Zuckerberg is a psychiatrist and his father Edward Zuckerberg is a dentist. In addition to Mark, they have three more children: daughters Ariel, Randy and Donna.

From school, Zuckerberg began programming, but this was not his only hobby. He also took lessons in fencing, mathematics and several languages. Having finished elementary grades, Zuckerberg transferred to elite school « Phillips Exeter Academy“, where the emphasis was on programming. At the age of 12, he created his first program " ZuckNet“, which is a local chat in which members of his family could communicate with each other. And for final work on the last year schooling Mark has developed an online application " Synapse", which recognized people's musical preferences. The project was successful, and Microsoft even wanted to buy him for $ 2 million, and take him to work, but the graduate refused this offer.

Having entered the Harvard University Department of Psychology in 2002, the future billionaire continued to study various programming languages, and over time, together with a team of other students, which included Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes, he began to develop. Mark was so fascinated by the future social network that he left the university and completely focused on his creation, and is actively engaged in its improvement right up to the present.

After 12 years, Mark Zuckerberg still received a degree from Harvard

In 2004, Zuckerberg launched the first version of the social network Facebook, which immediately became popular among Internet users.

Mark Zuckerberg's wife

Mark Zuckerberg with Priscilla Chan

Zuckerberg got married on May 19, 2012 to Priscilla Chan whom I met while studying at Harvard. Interestingly, initially all the guests were invited to a party on the occasion of Priscilla receiving medical education. Arriving at the private house where the couple lived, they learned that the wedding ceremony would actually take place. Also, according to Wikipedia, it was on this day that Facebook went public, and the billionaire sold part of the shares of the social network.

Mark Zuckerberg and his wife do not like to appear in public, spending most time in your home. Also family a large number of donates money to charity. Last year, Mark and Priscilla founded their own foundation, which funds the development of drugs for various diseases. Until 2026, the organization will provide a total of approximately $3 billion.

On December 2, 2015, the couple had their first daughter, who was named Maxine, and two years later, on August 28, married couple another daughter appeared - August.

Mark Zuckerberg with his wife

Mark Zuckerberg regularly posts photos on his Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/zuck/) of how his family spends time: walking, celebrating holidays, or doing various things in their private home.

Mark Zuckerberg's fortune

Mark Zuckerberg's net worth is currently estimated at approximately at 70 billion dollars. It is not difficult to guess that almost all of his business is based on.

Zuckerberg earned his first capital in the first year of the existence of the social network, when he was able to attract large investors. With the development of his project, Mark simultaneously increased his income. Already in 2010, the talented programmer became the youngest billionaire on Earth, and Forbes estimated his fortune at $4 billion. In the same year the magazine Time awarded Mark Zuckerberg the title of " Person of the Year". Starting from that moment, in seven years his capital increased by 17.5 times.

However, despite the large incomes, neither the billionaire nor his wife have ever been seen squandering money or spending heavily. In contrast, the family lives rather modestly in their Palo Alto cabin. Mark instead of an expensive Mercedes drives an ordinary Volkswagen Golf, which even an ordinary average worker can afford. As mentioned above, Zuckerberg and Chan donate a large part of their income to various funds, and not so long ago, the creator of Facebook even said that he plans to spend 99% of his earnings on charity during his life.

Zuckerberg now owns a 24% stake in Facebook and is CEO companies. This year, Forbes magazine included Mark in the top five richest people on the planet.

Facebook Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook launched on February 4, 2004. The creator himself describes the process of working on the social network without any special colors. According to him, every day, after classes at Harvard, he met with his team of students, and together they wrote the program code for the future site. And then they tested the developments.

When the social network was brought into working condition, its first version was launched. Zuckerberg almost immediately started looking for investors who would help develop the project in the future, but for now hewas in search, Facebook was financed from his personal pocket. In order to seriously engage in his offspring, Mark left the university and invested all the money set aside for further education in the social network.

Within a few months, the list of investors included such well-known Internet personalities as Reid Hoffman- business network creator LinkedIn, Peter Thiel— co-owner PayPal, as well as Sean Parker- file sharing developer Napster. Back to top next year the total investment in Facebook was several million dollars.

For 2005 total number registered users of the social network has reached five million users! This gave Facebook the seventh most popular site in America. Such a success of a rapidly developing resource could not fail to attract the attention of large IT companies that wished to acquire it. Zuckerberg received several offers, but he refused all of them.

Really turning point for was 2007, when Microsoft acquired a 1.6% stake in the company for $240 million. Thus, the social network began to be valued at $15 billion. This made it possible to sell the assets of the social network for huge money and receive large investments for the development of the project. Having reached a new level, Zuckerberg opened an office in Dublin and began working on expanding the functionality of the site. In 2009, the company announced the first profit. At the same time, code was made available on the Facebook website, so that any user can now create an application for a variety of purposes and upload it to the network.

Since then, the social network has grown rapidly. In 2015, the site became the second most visited in the world, second only to the search engine. Google. At the moment, the monthly attendance of the resource is on average 2 billion people. In terms of revenue, the company has an annual profit of approximately $10.2 billion and an annual turnover of $27.6 billion. Facebook.Inc also owns a photo sharing service. Instagram, as well as messenger whatsapp.

Some interesting facts about Facebook statistics

  1. In August 2015, the service reached the mark of one billion daily visitors;
  2. Every day, social network users upload approximately 300 million images to their pages;
  3. The number of daily video views is approximately 9 billion;
  4. During the first seven years of the social network's operation, its various pages were opened 1 trillion times;
  5. People post 6 billion likes every day;
  6. On March 13, 2010, the social network was visited by more people than the Google search engine;
  7. In 2017, the total value of Facebook shares reached the $500 billion mark.

In 2017, the company did a lot of work on the development of Facebook. Along with Instagram, the social network has added the ability to leave stories that disappear from users' feeds after a certain period of time. There was a service that tracks the victims after natural Disasters. This may save many lives in the future. Since the beginning of the summer, the company has been mulling over a way to introduce pay-per-view news, which will be activated after a user opens a certain number of posts. Along with the introduction of pay-per-view content, Facebook.Inc also plans to start paying active users for posting various useful content. And the priority at the moment for Zuckerberg and his team is to create artificial intelligence, which will recognize the current mood of users based on the material they are viewing, pages, videos, images, and the frequency of using certain emojis.

Mark Zuckerberg's Rules for Success

Many people ask themselves: what is the secret of Mark Zuckerberg's success? However, there is probably no concrete answer. The billionaire himself is in no hurry to reveal any secrets, so one can only guess, analyzing the work he has done over the past 15 years.

  1. Zuckerberg has always been goal-oriented, putting his principles above all else. He tries to make the most of all the opportunities available to him and get as much knowledge as possible. All this turned him into a purposeful and educated person who thinks sensibly and soberly assesses the situation.
  2. Zuckerberg owes a large part of his success to the people who have been working in his team all this time. The billionaire is excellent at recruiting and motivating employees to bring maximum value.
  3. One of the valuable qualities of Mark are modesty and generosity. Zuckerberg never tries to stand out from others or draw attention to himself. And constant donations to various charitable foundations talk about his desire to help people.
  4. Perhaps Mark Zuckerberg is the only billionaire who does not have his own business secret, but simply tries to give himself completely to work and not make mistakes.

Film "The Social Network"

In 2009 director David Fincher announced the development of the film, which is based on the period of the life of Mark Zuckerberg and his team, when they developed the first version of Facebook while studying at university. Responsible for writing the script Aaron Sorkin, and the book " Reluctant billionaires«.

The motion picture was supposed to show the first months of development of the social network and show how Zuckerberg brought together the personalities who laid the foundation for the first version of Facebook. Of course, there were some assumptions and deviations in the script. real history to make it more interesting for the viewer to watch the movie.

Several candidates were considered for the role of Zuckerberg, including Andrew Garfield (he nevertheless took part in the film and played Eduardo Saverin) and Shia LaBeouf, but eventually got it Jesse Eisenberg. Also in the "Social Network" played and Justin Timberlake playing the role Sean Parker.

The film was released on October 28, 2010. The film was well received by the audience and grossed $225 million on a budget of $40 million. The average rating of critics on Kinopoisk is 7.7 points.

The plot takes viewers to 2003, when, while still a student at Harvard, Zuckerberg gathers his first team and begins work on the future social network Facebook. Over time, they manage to achieve overwhelming success, but it turns out that not all of the main characters were ready for the popularity that fell on their heads. The film also tells how Zuckerberg became the youngest billionaire on the planet.

Mark Zuckerberg was born in one of the largest cities in the world - New York. The boy grew up in big family: in addition to his mother, who was a psychiatrist, and his father, who worked as a dentist, he was surrounded by three sisters in his childhood. He joined the technological progress already while studying in elementary school, he was fascinated by programming. He was able to devote as much time as possible to his main hobby after the appearance of the first computer - this happened when he was a sixth grader. Soon he managed to independently create a computer game, and then a whole program for recognizing the musical tastes and preferences of listeners.

Microsoft offered Mark $ 2 million for this invention, but the young man refused the reward. In addition to programming, Zuckerberg managed to practice swordsmanship and master ancient languages, in which he showed a serious interest. Mark received his higher education at the prestigious Harvard, where he entered in 2002.

Facebook Founder Career

Serious popularity during the years of study at the university, Mark was brought by a random idea - he created a website on which he posted photos of Harvard students and made it possible to vote for his favorites. In a matter of hours, the number of visitors to the site increased by hundreds, and soon among the registered users were not only students from Harvard, but also from Stanford and Yale. This is how the prototype of the world famous social network Facebook was formed, which was launched on February 4, 2004.

However, Mark also had ill-wishers, they were Divya Naredra and the Winklevoss twins, who initially put forward ideas to the university leadership about the possibility of additional communication between Harvard students. Zuckerberg was supposed to be programming the future site, but the idea was not realized in such a composition. Therefore, after the creation Facebook Brand was accused of stealing other people's designs, however, he categorically denied this, because the ideas about the social network were vague and unclear. Only he himself managed to put them into practice in the right way.

For further development project, which was not long in coming, Zuckerberg needed additional cash investment. They managed to get them, again, quite by accident - the famous programmer Sean Parker introduced Mark to successful businessman Peter Thiels, who decided to invest $500,000 in Facebook. Since then, Mark began to deal exclusively with his social network and improve it, he even quit studying at Harvard for this. Facebook Success after the help of Thiels, it was obvious: already in the year of its creation, it had more than 1 million users as users. Zuckerberg made $1.5 billion from the popular website, making him the youngest billionaire in history.

In 2010, Mark became "Person of 2010" according to the American magazine Time.

Personal life of Mark Zuckerberg

He spends most of his time working on Facebook. But there are also romantic relationships in his life - since 2002, he met with Priscilla Chan, whom he met while studying at Harvard. On May 19, 2012, Mark took.

They managed to surprise all their acquaintances with the decision to get married and first announced to their loved ones that they were going to celebrate Priscilla's doctorate in medicine. As soon as the guests arrived at their house, it was announced to them that the marriage would actually take place there.

Photo: GettyImages/Fotobank.ru

“The most important thing in business is to focus on creating something important enough. Working on what you yourself would like to use is the main task. ”

Mark Zuckerberg

According to Forbs ratings in 2015, Mark Zuckerberg's fortune amounted to 33.4 billion US dollars, which is 4.9 billion dollars. more than the previous year. Everyone knows his name. Founder of the social network Facebook, young billionaire. What is his secret?

Talent? Luck? Or hard work? What helped the founder of the world famous social network to achieve such heights? Let's find out...

The life of a millionaire is somewhat reminiscent of a Hollywood movie. And sometimes it's hard to believe that his story is real.

Mark Zuckerberg - American programmer and entrepreneur. Together with his roommates at Harvard University - Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McColum, Dustin Makowitz and Chris Nugget - launched the social network Facebook, which has become the largest social network in the world.

  • Years in the family

The future genius was born in a very prosperous Jewish family in New York. At the age of 10, he and his parents understood what their son wanted to do in the future - programming. It was at this age that little Mark received his first computer, from which he practically did not leave, like all his peers at that time. Only the only thing that distinguished him from his comrades was his love and special interest in programming. Soon he began to read specialized literature, a serious hobby attracted to the creation of a program with which you could exchange messages. Programming for him is like creativity for an artist.

While still at school, the billionaire and a friend wrote Winamp, an MP3-player program that allowed a computer to analyze musical preferences and independently create playlists that were ideal for him. Microsoft wanted to buy it for $2 million. But Mark Zuckerberg said that the "miracle of music" is not for sale and placed it in the public domain.

Surprisingly, with such enthusiasm, Zuckerberg found time for other activities: he understood mathematics very well and natural Sciences. He was passionate about fencing. I plunged into antiquity and studied ancient languages. Once I spent three months of school holidays at a summer school on courses ancient Greek. True, he changed his mind about entering the corresponding department, but retained the ability to read and write in both classical languages. And at the university I chose a rather unexpected direction - psychology.

When Zuckerberg was at the university, there was no database with photos of students and information about them. Although this was practiced in other educational institutions.

He hacked into the university database and created a website where almost everyone could appreciate the beauty of local girls. This idea interested the students. And soon the server crashed due to the number of visits. University management reprimanded Mark Zuckerberg. Within a few hours it was visited by five thousand users. The university leadership quickly retreated.

After creating a social network that facilitated communication between students, first at Harvard, then others educational institutions. But the creation was not smooth. On the contrary, he was dragged through the courts by two brothers who studied with him. The brothers claimed that Mark simply stole their idea. This is partly true. They invited him as a programmer to create a similar project.

The brothers did not win a single trial, but received compensation in the form of 45 million dollars. USA in 2009.

Facebook has become popular among students mainly because of its convenience. They could organize themselves into groups, courses, and hangouts that already existed offline at universities. They were offered to post photos and any information about themselves - from scientific and creative interests to gastronomic and love preferences.
Zuckerberg's company sees two fundamental differences between Facebook and other social networks. First, here real people looking for real existing people. Secondly, on Facebook, you yourself determine which user groups your information is available to - only classmates or all campus residents, only fellow countrymen, or, let's say, all fans of Pushkin's work. Many users like the intuitive interface.

About Zuckerberg and the history of creation, a film was made in 2010 called "The Social Network".

A little interesting facts about Mark Zuckerberg (instead of a conclusion):

  • Born in a family of doctors, but chose programming. Zuckerberg's parents were a dentist and a psychiatrist and he has 3 sisters. He did not follow the path of his parents and chose computers. He started programming as a child.
  • Mark confuses green and red. This means that it is best to distinguish the colors of the blue gamut. It is not surprising that it is made in this color.
  • He left Harvard to pursue his dream. At first, the social network was called Thefacebook. Zuckerberg developed a website for students to communicate with each other. Then he moved to California and found an investor for his project. He bought Facebook.com in 2005.
  • The 2010 film The Social Network is a metaphor. It begins with the phrase "You won't find 500 million friends without finding a few enemies." In the film, Zuckerberg is shown from an unflattering side. When he received 4 Golden Globes in 2011, the producer thanked Mark for allowing him to use his life and work as a metaphor. Through it, the director depicted the ways of communication between people.
  • Zuckerberg had several legal battles. He became a billionaire at the age of 23. He was accused of intellectual theft, blasphemy and failure to defend the contract.
  • He sets himself goals to improve the goal every year. Every year, the founder of Facebook sets himself a new challenge. For example, in 2009, he wore a tie to work every day. In 2010, he learned the Mandarin language. In 2012, he was coding every day. In 2014, he set himself the goal of writing one thank you note every day via email or postal mail.
  • In 2010, Mark Zuckerberg signed an agreement with Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, the main point of which was donate at least half of your wealth to charitable causes.
  • He wears a gray Facebook T-shirt almost every day. He explains this by saying that he is very busy and this saves him time in the morning.
  • If you type @ in the Facebook comment box and hit the enter button, his name will appear.

A few life principles peeped from Mark Zuckerberg can inspire you to achieve your own goals. This is a great example successful person who achieved high results by following his dream.

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