An egg in a dream to see why. Interpretation of dream books about raw eggs. Why do chicken eggs dream - an erotic dream book

It personifies rebirth, the integrity of the world, prosperity, but broken eggs are an extremely unfavorable sign that portends trouble in romantic relationships, deterioration financial situation and a series of failures. Broken eggs indicate the inner turmoil of a person, disturbance of peace in the soul. Next, let's take a closer look at different dream books Why dream of broken eggs.


    Miller's dream book

    Broken, chicken egg in a dream guarantees the dreamer material well-being and prosperity getting wealth. finally give a person some gift for his good disposition and sharp mind.

    A lot of eggs are broken - that means there will be peace and prosperity in the dreamer's family, as well as mutual love between spouses and trust between children. A broken egg lying on the sand portends an inheritance.

    See broken in a dream raw eggs with runny yolk portends good luck, the successful completion of any business. There is a broken egg, on the contrary, indicates failure in business, minor household troubles.

    Rotten and broken eggs indicate the loss of property, in particular real estate.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    Break the eggs means that soon the dreamer will become a criminal would violate public or legal law. Seeing someone else breaking eggs indicates that the dreamer will witness a crime.

    Aesop's dream book

    Accidentally break an egg in a dream speaks of a person committing several rash acts which will negatively affect further development events. A hole in the shell indicates health problems, ignoring dangerous symptoms sent by the body.

    Seeing a spreading yolk speaks of a person’s insecure position, his disagreement with himself and the world around him.

    Wangi's Dream Interpretation

    Breaking eggs in a dream is warning that the threat to humanity will come from the depths of space. There is a broken egg, trying to cook something out of it means a violation of the order of things in the world, life in an inverted, illusory space.

    Vanga also pointed out that broken eggs are symbol of imbalance in the world, the decline of morals and the presence of false ideals.

    Gypsy dream book

    Accidentally crush an egg talks about squabbles and quarrels with relatives, dissatisfaction with their current position. Beating eggs on purpose indicates anger and envy that overcame the dreamer, that he feels trapped, in unfreedom.

    Get dirty with yolk or protein from broken egg means a large number of enemies who watch closely and eagerly await the slightest slip up.

    French dream book

    Broken white eggs indicate the fulfillment of the dreamer's desires and aspirations bringing plans to life. Beige broken eggs prophesy annoyance and disappointment, resentment for wasted time. broken, clean, fresh eggs portend good news and clear weather outside the window.

    Crack an egg yourself to many losses and sorrows, sad experiences.

    Russian folk dream book

    broken eggs portend sad, tragic events, the outcome of which the dreamer is not able to influence. But if a person sees how chicks hatch from a broken egg, adverse events in life can suddenly turn into something good.

    Breaking eggs in order to cook something from them predicts the appearance of unexpected but welcome guests in the house.

    Dream Interpretation Sonana

    Broken eggs in a dream indicate the dreamer's inner feelings about the impossibility of realizing himself, a missed chance, regret from an action done or not done. A person knows exactly what he wants or how to correct the current situation, but for some reason does not do it.

    Crack your own eggs speaks of the likelihood of making problems on the personal front or on. The dreamer here appears to be weak-willed, unable to decide on active actions or openly confront someone. Because of this character trait, many people control the sleeper, use it for their own purposes.

    Buy broken eggs means to get acquainted with dubious personalities. If snakes, worms and other unpleasant creatures crawl out of a broken egg, this indicates the presence of an enemy who wants to harm the dreamer and his family.

Eggshell in a dream

An eggshell is a symbol of new life, a material for the formation of something intangible. Dreams like this change inner world a person, the acquisition of new character traits, the formation of personality. The dreamer acquires new knowledge and skills, looks at the world differently, develops some talents and abilities in himself.

Seeing a whole shell means that the person feels insecure, unable to resist pressure, pressure from outside. Often a dream suggests that the sleeper has closed himself off, focused on his inner experiences and isolated himself from the rest of the world. The dream also speaks of unfulfilled hopes.

Young girls see a lot of egg shells means an early marriage, but how successful it will be cannot be predicted exactly. To see a whole bucket or basket of shells - to the conception of a child, pregnancy. Eating a shell means that in reality the dreamer will have a lot of new ideas. Also, the use of shells in food indicates a slight malaise, a lack of vitamins and calcium in the body.

See the shell from one egg indicates that the dreamer's parents or immediate family need his care and guardianship. Walking on an eggshell means that the dreamer is thick-skinned, immune to the experiences of another person.

Cleaning an egg in a dream and throwing the shell on the floor or on the ground portends waste and expenses. Powdered shell portends quarrels or parting with a loved one.

The color of the shell also matters for interpretation. The white shell indicates daily chores, household chores, the yellow one indicates financial losses, troubles at work, gray - for mental wounds, gold - for obtaining useful knowledge, passion for philosophy or theosophy, black - for big trouble.

Break eggs

Breaking an egg in a dream speaks of a careless act of a person that can destroy the dreamer's happiness, his family or love. If an egg represents the possibility of changing something in life, then a broken egg with your own hands indicates a missed chance to improve yours, mistakes made due to your own clumsiness and indecision.

Crack an egg on purpose, but without any specific purpose speaks of the dreamer committing a crime or an unseemly act. For married people, a dream speaks of betrayal of the second half.

To break an egg intentionally, with the aim of harming someone, indicates that the dreamer will become a witness or even an accomplice of a crime or an illegal adventure. Throwing an egg at someone portends the collapse of plans, the exposure of some terrible secret of the sleeper.

Accidentally breaking an egg warns of the danger to the life and health of the dreamer. Dropping an egg on the floor, thereby breaking it, indicates an accident, unintentional harm.

Breaking an egg with a knife means solving the problem peacefully. Breaking an egg on the edge of a table or dish indicates a tense situation in the dreamer's life, the likelihood of a nervous breakdown.

Breaking an egg for cooking portends wealth and prosperity a good combination of circumstances. The dream indicates the hospitality and friendliness of the sleeper. Breaking an egg for fun means being in an awkward position, making a serious mistake.

The egg is a symbol of the birth of life. In reality, we do not treat this product very respectfully, because a lot is done on its basis. delicious meals. However, in a dream, each event seems more significant and begins to take on deep meaning. Why dream of breaking an egg? People see in such a dream an alarming omen. To find out if this is true or not, let's turn to proven dream books.

Idiomatic dream book

In this source, importance is attached to the stereotypes that have developed among the people about this or that subject. So, to hatch eggs means to freeze in anticipation with a specific goal. Seeing someone being pelted with rotten eggs portends in reality the overthrow of the authority of some generally recognized leader. But to take care of an egg in a dream means in reality to be busy with petty selfish worries. And, of course, one cannot ignore the expression "kick in the balls", that is, in the very vulnerable spot. In this sense, what dreams of breaking an egg implies parting with your most cherished plans and hopes. But to demolish a testicle in a dream means to give birth in reality to some brilliant idea, to see the source of personal enrichment.

Women's dream book

According to women's dream book, eating eggs in a dream is not recommended - this can lead to unusual and disturbing events in your home. But what broken eggs dream of portends a generous gift of fate. This means that you have an exalted mind and sense of justice, so you will win the respect of many people. A nest with eggs in a dream symbolizes successful marriage or an unexpected inheritance from distant relatives. And for women, such a dream portends numerous novels. A basket of eggs symbolizes a profitable business transaction in which the dreamer will be directly involved. But all of the above fortune bonuses will fall on you only if the eggs in your dream are fresh. The spectacle of rotten eggs in a dream, on the contrary, portends a decline in business and loss of property.

Small Velesov dream book

In this dream book, everything is simple. Whole for good and success, and seen in in large numbers symbolize big profits. True, to see them in a nest means to experience various troubles in reality, and painted - to quarrel strongly with a loved one or run into an unscrupulous thief. Regarding what dreams of breaking an egg, this source has an unambiguous opinion - the dreamer is waiting for the death of a relative, a major quarrel, loss, misfortune. If you see already broken eggs in a dream, then this will entail the appearance of a dead person in the house or a dangerous disease in someone close to you. In general, the forecast of Velesov's dream book is not encouraging.

Gypsy dream book

There is an egg in a dream, according to gypsy dream book, means in reality to gain profit or some benefit for yourself. But crushing it is a harbinger of a quarrel with someone from the household, displeasure and annoyance. To get dirty with damaged eggs in a dream means to be pursued by enemies, and to overeat them in a dream means to get sick or go through trouble. What dreams of breaking eggs, according to the information in this book, does not entail anything good.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

In general, regarding the dream we are considering, Medea's dream book has a negative opinion. By themselves, eggs in a dream are safe. They symbolize the birth of life, and to see the chicks hatching from them means to find harmony and tranquility in reality. But then why dream of breaking an egg? And this is already a violation of the established order of things - a new life will not appear, which means that its destiny will not be fulfilled. What can symbolize such a dream? Only troubles and misfortunes! And a broken shell in a dream threatens with unfulfilled hopes in reality.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

This authoritative esotericist had his own opinion about this or that dream. And it often coincided with reality. In his opinion, to see one or two eggs - to the arrival of guests, but if there are much more of them in a dream, then in reality the dreamer is waiting big success. Regarding what broken eggs dream of, Tsvetkov believes that such a dream will bring serious damage to the sleeping person in the future.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

In the Wanderer's dream book, the egg is a symbol of creation and the unrealized potential of the sleeping person. A chick hatches from it, which means the realization of a certain creative idea, plan, plan. Therefore, what dreams of breaking chicken eggs always has a negative meaning. To throw them is to suffer collapse and exposure. And to break - in reality to lose something very valuable: a career, a business, and even an unborn child.

French dream book

According to French dream book the sight of white eggs in a dream entails the fulfillment of the most red eggs in a dream mean an unfortunate and unexpected circumstance that can greatly harm the sleeper. Fresh and clean - harbingers of good news. A basket filled with this product in a dream threatens the dreamer with participation in an unsuccessful enterprise. But as to why broken raw chicken eggs dream of, this dream book has a disappointing answer - a similar picture is dreamed of to deep sadness.

Miller's dream book

But with Miller, everything is predictable. A nest with eggs in a dream is a symbol of the hearth and a happy marriage. For women, such a dream means frequent hobbies. Eating this product in a dream portends future troubles to the sleeper. What a raw broken egg dreams of is also not a secret for Miller. Such a dream symbolizes good luck. promise the sleeper the loss of property and the collapse of business. But to find bird eggs in the forest means from distant relatives.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

This famous interpreter sees something negative in the egg. For him, any surprise can be hidden under the shell, which will turn out to be a real shock for the sleeper. In addition, there is also a sexual connotation in the image of the egg, because, because of its shape, it resembles male genitalia. But what dreams of breaking eggs does not cause any complaints from Meneghetti. If this is done to prepare some dish, then the sleeping person is waiting ahead. pleasant experience. For example, a dish of eggs and carrots symbolizes an imminent erotic adventure.

Freud's dream book

For the famous psychoanalyst, the egg symbol can only have an unambiguous interpretation - it is the personification of the masculine principle. For a woman, seeing this product in a dream means going on a date with a representative of the opposite sex in reality, who will surprise her very much. For a man, the sight of eggs in a dream means, apparently, a fun pastime in public bath. But what dreams of breaking chicken eggs has a negative connotation for Freud - most likely, the sleeping person with a careless look or word will offend some notorious person. Better keep silent, this dream says, and you will not inflict a spiritual wound on your neighbor. Eating an egg for food is a close relationship with an old acquaintance, for example, a colleague. at Easter means to look at your intimate life from a new and unexpected angle. It will occur to the sleeper to diversify his sensations, and he will show enviable ingenuity in this regard.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

And this source has its own interpretation of why one dreams of breaking chicken eggs. This sight portends dirty gossip and bad luck for the dreamer. Scrambled eggs made from a broken product will not fix the situation. Failure, as before, in all its manifestations, will threaten the sleeper. Only a whole egg symbolizes good news, and painted red - future abundance.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

For the famous clairvoyant, an egg in a dream personifies the planet, the world and all life that surrounds us. If the sleeper saw him in a rotten form, then the threat of destruction awaits the Earth ahead, which appeared as a result of the invention of new, more perfect species weapons. What dreams of broken chicken eggs, according to Vanga, is associated with a certain threat from outer space. Perhaps in the near future a deadly meteorite hail will fall on our planet, which will split it into pieces and destroy all life around. Eating an egg in a dream suggests that all creatures living on Earth exist by absorbing other creatures. And this state of affairs will never change. After such a dream, a person should warmly thank God for sending him food. Boiling an egg in a dream means an imminent universal drought, because of which people will not die, but will change beyond recognition and begin to lead a different lifestyle. These are the global prophecies that Vanga's dream book contains.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

For Nostradamus, the egg symbolizes new life, revival. To watch in a dream how a chick hatches from it means in reality to witness the birth of some kind of living being. For a pregnant young woman, such a dream is a sign that portends a successful birth. Man who found in a dream big egg unusual shape, can really find something similar in reality. For example, the egg of a long-extinct dinosaur. But as to why one dreams of breaking raw chicken eggs, Nostradamus has an original opinion. If you dreamed about this, it means that in reality you can commit some kind of crime, even murder. If someone does this in a dream before your eyes, then soon you will have to witness a brutal destruction.

Esoteric dream book

Does this well-known broken egg offer its interpretation of the dream we are considering?" - you ask him. And you will find out that such a vision threatens with infertility or an unsuccessful pregnancy. But seeing them whole portends imminent troubles with children, and the more eggs, the more babies you have And the Easter treat in a dream symbolizes joy and pride in your children, their help and respect.

Numerological dream book

According to the numerological dream book, what dreams of breaking chicken eggs depends on its contents. If in a dream it will be possible to clearly see all its constituent parts - protein, shell and yolk, then in this moment your thoughts are busy searching for the meaning of life, and thinking about it does not bring you the desired peace. And if the egg turns out to be germinated or rotten, then after three months you will have depression, because you will stop believing in own forces. In addition, you will begin to engage in self-digging and feel sorry for yourself. The freshness and brightness of a raw egg means that in three weeks you will find something for yourself. new goal or do something unusual. The spectacle of the cooked means that in reality your whole life will undergo unpleasant changes.

Aesop's dream book

This source offers, perhaps, the most extensive interpretation of why one dreams of breaking chicken eggs. Such a dream warns a person against careless actions that can negatively affect his entire life. further fate. Moreover, broken shells symbolize health problems, and a dish from this product symbolizes the emergence of a new fateful acquaintance. Rotten eggs in a dream are a bad sign that portends grief, and a two-yolk embryo symbolizes a dual situation in which you will soon find yourself. A funny interpretation of what dreams of breaking raw eggs is offered by Aesop in the event that a chicken crawls out of a damaged product in a dream. It turns out that such a spectacle makes it clear to a person that he is extremely unwisely using his chance and can pass by his happiness. Turning God's gift into scrambled eggs - it seems that this act can be called that. A live chicken is a symbol of that very gift.

Now you know what broken chicken eggs dream of. The interpretations that dream books offer are original and diverse. But they all belong real people whose opinion can be relied upon or completely ignored. Keep this in mind when you interpret your dreams.

Eggs are a symbol of the birth of a new life, the beginning of a new one. In Christianity, the main attribute of the Easter celebrations are eggs painted and consecrated in the temple. Why dream a lot chicken eggs? This may indicate the beginning of a new business, a new acquaintance or meeting. The details of the interpretation will depend on the features of the picture seen.

It is believed that the image of eggs in a dream is especially favorable for businessmen / entrepreneurs. This portends the conclusion of a profitable deal, the signing of a promising contract, making a profit. For lonely people, this plot prophesies a new meeting, and for the sick - quick healing and renewal of the body.

What could be the features of the plot of the picture seen in the dream? The sleep scenario can be different:

  • you saw a lot of eggs;
  • you saw an egg of an unusual shape;
  • the color of the egg had a certain shade;
  • the egg was rotten or something special;
  • you performed specific actions with eggs.

See lots of eggs good sign . This prophesies success and new beginnings in all areas of the dreamer's life. What can happen in life? The emergence of new projects and plans, finding reliable business partners, meeting with profitable people. Sometimes this plot is a dream just for the arrival of guests in the house.

Egg of an unusual shape, incredibly large, dreams of extraordinary events in the dreamer's life: either incredible success, or great luck, or something out of the ordinary is expected - but with a positive meaning.

saw nest with eggs? This is to family well-being or finding a family for single people. The nest is considered the most auspicious symbol in dreams if it is not empty, and the testicles in it are whole and clean.

collect testicles- to search for something new in life. It can be a search for a new job, a change of place of residence, new feelings in love, a life calling or a soulmate. auspicious sign: The search will succeed.

What will the color say?

The color of eggs in a dream can be decisive for interpretation. See unusually colored eggs and forms portend surprise, unexpected events and unforeseen circumstances.

Easter or gilded egg portends happy events in the life of the sleeper. black tone egg nothing good can bring into the dreamer's life, except for the negative: sadness, pain, separation, trouble, and even trouble.

What does painting eggs in a dream? This plot prophesies positive changes, good luck and prosperity. bright coloring prophesies bright unexpected events, joyful and favorable: a bright streak is coming in life.

Painting black - the dreamer will ruin his life with his own hands. Be careful in your speech and actions. Dyeing and decorating eggs for Easter is a good sign: a change in personal life awaits.

snow white egg portends success, fulfillment of aspirations and financial luck, brown(dark red) - you will have to make an effort to achieve the goal.

Broken and rotten eggs

  • Rotten eggs of any color carry negative symbolism in a dream and in reality. Shell integrity and deceptive appearance rotten eggs show: not everything is as safe as it seems at first glance. A dream can warn of a fake friend, an unprofitable costly business, disappointment in love, and even illness.
  • eggs with blood inside show internal state dreamer: willingness to go over their heads, take advantage of the results of someone else's labor, deceive for the sake of profit. Think about your soul - you will have to answer for everything.
  • See a cracked shell- your business is in danger, you will not get the long-awaited result. Everything will go to waste. The dream warns of unreasonable risk: be careful in transactions and your actions. All or nothing is a bad motto. Sometimes it's better to just be reasonable.
  • broken eggs- failure in business due to mistakes made or the wrong direction. However, you should not worry: everything is fixable, and there will be a holiday on your street. Sometimes failure in business clears the way for new beginnings, in which case misfortune turns into profit.

Events in a dream

Remember what actions you performed with eggs? The plot may be different:

  • buy/sell;
  • to cook;
  • search/find;
  • clean/eat/drink.

buy testicles in the store / in the market - willingness to accept changes in life, joyfully expect changes.

Sell- you can miss the opportunity to become a little richer: fate gives a chance, but does not impose.

Find eggs in an unexpected place - to get a chance of financial enrichment. Also, this plot may portend an important meeting with a new person who will become part of the dreamer's fate.

boiled eggs- a symbol of failure, emptiness. Moreover, failure will befall the dreamer due to his own oversight or indiscretion. What could be failure? In any sphere of life of the dreamer.

clean eggs- not good. The dreamer may become a victim of scammers or suffer financial losses through his own fault. Also, a dream can portend boring tedious work without the prospect of a good income.

Drinking raw eggs in a dream- to important events. The interpretation will depend on the sensations of the taste of the product. If the taste was pleasant, an important matter will end successfully. If the dreamer drank and felt an unpleasant taste, the outcome of the case will be unfavorable.

Other details of the dream

  • Seeing dirty testicles - to obstacles and troubles.
  • To see the embryo - do not rush things, not the time to reap the benefits.
  • Hatched chick - pay attention to only one thing, do not grab everything at once.
  • The hen laid an egg - success is guaranteed, family happiness will be strong.
  • Insert the yolk - to procrastination in business.

See in a dream chocolate eggs - to a romantic acquaintance and a pleasant pastime. For couples in a relationship, this symbol portends a new page of romance and love, new sensations and freshness of feelings. You will rediscover each other.

Dreams are a reflection of reality. In a dream, a person can see events from the past, present and even the future. The dream in which eggs appear has many interpretations, but we can say with confidence that it does not portend serious troubles in the near future. Broken eggs are a symbol of the fact that fate will generously endow a person for his work, he will feel his importance in society, love and respect from his inner circle.

The female also says that a person who sees a nest with eggs in a dream will soon strengthen his financial position. For a man, he promises the return of debts, the unexpected receipt of an inheritance, etc., but - rather marriage and strong marriage. Seeing a basket of eggs in a dream is a fascinating offer, for example, participation in an unusual project that may seem silly at first glance. And here rotten eggs as a negative symbol, portending a decline in strength, as well as their irrational use.

A rotten egg in a dream symbolizes loss. loved one or property. It is better for the dreamer not to take on risky business, otherwise they will lead to complete collapse.

Miller's dream book

In Miller's dream book, eggs are the personification of the beginning of a new life. A woman who saw them in a dream may soon find out about her interesting position– . Seeing several eggs in a dream means that a person may need third-party help, for example, colleagues, friends or relatives, to accomplish his plans. Eating eggs in a dream - to unjustified anxieties and fears that take away all the dreamer's attention and prevent him from concentrating on serious things.
Easter eggs in a dream - a harbinger of unexpected joyful emotions. The dreamer can confidently realize his plans, good luck will accompany him both in work and in personal affairs.

Aesop's dream book

In Aesop's dream book, the situation with eggs is not as positive as we would like. He has two interpretations. On the one hand, eggs are considered a symbol of the birth of a new life, a new idea. And on the other hand, it is an artifact of sorcerers and magicians, which helps them increase their strength by taking vital energy from others. For example, an eggshell may dream of weakening the body. This means that the dreamer should pay more attention to his health, throw all his strength into his restoration. If a person sees in a dream how hatched from an egg, most likely, he lives in the past, not noticing that everything around has changed - new opportunities and goals have appeared.
  • It is well known that the egg is a symbol of the birth of life, has the power of rebirth and renewal. In dreams, this symbol can have several meanings and interpretations. According to ancient legends, sorcerers and magicians, whose actions were associated with evil spirit ate an egg in its shell to double their strength. You probably remember that the fabulous villain Koschey the Immortal kept his life in an egg. In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality, longevity, infinity. The custom of painting and eating eggs is still very popular.
  • Folk wisdom keeps many sayings and proverbs associated with this symbol. They said about an empty and insignificant matter: "It's not worth a damn." In another case, the egg was considered a symbol of infancy. They said about a caressed and spoiled child: "A stale egg is always a talker." It was believed that no serious deeds should be expected from such a person.
  • If in a dream you eat an egg, it means that in reality you pay too much attention to an empty and unnecessary business.
  • The dream in which you dropped and broke the egg means that with your careless actions you can destroy your own happiness.
  • Seeing broken eggshells in a dream is a sign that you need to take care of your health.
  • To dream about how you collect eggs in nests means that significant changes for the better will come in your life.
  • If you saw in a dream how you hatch eggs yourself, it means that someone close to you will need your attention and help.
  • A dream in which you treat someone with a dish of eggs indicates that a person will appear in your life who will turn your whole life upside down.
  • Seeing rotten eggs in a dream is a bad sign.
  • Seeing a two-yolk egg in a dream means a dual situation.
  • If in a dream you are trying to cook scrambled eggs, and a live chicken crawls out of a broken egg, this is a sign that you are unwisely using your chance.
  • To dream of a huge mountain of eggs - to well-being.
  • The dream in which you saw a snake eating an egg means evil and illness.
  • Seeing in a dream how a pike hatches eggs is a sign that you are overly passionate about your fantasies, which replace real life for you.
  • The dream in which you are waiting for the chicken to finally hatch from the eggs means that you are too passionate about what has long been in the past. They say about this: "These are hatched eggs."
  • If in a dream you are trying to break and peel an egg shell, in reality you will have to be more careful. They will try to deceive you and introduce you into significant monetary expenses. People say: "They peeled off like a testicle."
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