Russula edible: photo, description, how to distinguish from inedible? Russula mushrooms are inedible and poisonous (with photo) Is it possible to eat russula

Kira Stoletova

Russula mushroom is often found in our forests. It is harvested all summer, but the peak of productivity occurs at the beginning of autumn. There are about 270 types of russula, most of them are edible. Only a few cannot be eaten due to bitterness or poisonousness. In terms of taste, the mushroom belongs to category III, has useful properties.

General description of the fungus

Russula is a tubular or lamellar mushroom, belongs to the order Russulovye, the Russula family, the genus Russula. It grows in the forests deciduous trees or mixed coniferous-deciduous flora. Often it is found at the bottom of ravines, edges, clearings, next to other mushrooms. It is capable of developing only in a forest ecosystem, not amenable to artificial cultivation. But some species are found even in the garden, if it is laid out next to the forest.

The distribution area covers almost the entire northern hemisphere. Mushrooms are found in Central, Western and Eastern Europe, the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Siberia, the Crimea, the countries of North America.

General description of russula mushroom:

  • Hat. In young specimens, it is spherical or resembles a bell. Then it opens and turns into a flat one. Over time, a notch appears in the center, the edges rise up or are slightly bent. The cap is covered with a thin skin, which is relatively easy to remove, tightly adhering to the pulp only in the center. Mushrooms are multi-colored, the color depends on the variety.
  • Records. They are located on the bottom of the cap and grow tightly with it. Mostly white color(rarely - a shade of ocher), with notches and pointed edges, diverge radially from the center to the edges, long and brittle.
  • Leg. It has the shape of a cylinder, the lower part is even, slightly narrowed, much less often thickened. Inside, at first filled, plump, hollow in old fungi. There are species in which the leg is always hollow.
  • Pulp. Breaks easily, brittle, dense solid or spongy. Painted in white or other light colors. When damaged, it turns pink only in some inedible varieties.
  • Disputes. Small, white or yellow.

Different species differ in shade, shape, but general characteristics they are similar. All of them are famous and often seen.

There are several dozen edible russula. Not all of them grow in Russia, some are rare. In most, the tops are painted in gray-green, yellow or blue tones.


Russula food - one of the most delicious varieties. It grows with a semicircular top, which then levels off, an indentation appears in the center. The color is brown with different shades: gray, lilac, beige, green, - there are also white mushrooms. The skin is removed by half. Under the cap, frequent light plates are clearly visible, in which club-shaped or ovoid spores ripen.

The leg is a smooth cylinder, without thickenings. Bottom part it is yellow-brown or the same as the hat. The middle is dense, crispy, with a slight nutty flavor.

The collection begins in the middle of summer and ends in September. Mushrooms are found in the forest with coniferous or deciduous trees. A related gray variety often grows nearby.


The brown russula has a large hat up to 10 cm in diameter. From a convex one, it gradually turns into a flat and funnel-shaped one. The skin is brown, purple spots are visible. When the yard is dry, it is matte, in the rain it becomes velvety or glossy, it is easy to clean. The plates are spliced ​​with a leg.

The leg resembles head over heels or a mace, has a hint of red carmine. At the break it becomes brown, hence the name of the fungus. The middle is plump, acquires a yellowish tone after the cut. After drying, a pronounced smell of shrimp is felt. The mushroom picker is in symbiosis with pines and fir-trees.


Swamp russula is one of the most delicious varieties. Unlike other edible varieties, it has a red hue of the cap, which becomes orange in older bodies. The top is fleshy and convex. The plates are frequent, branched, adhere to the stem. They are brown or creamy yellow.

The leg is about 10 cm, of medium thickness, resembles a spindle or a mace. The inside is hollow, the top is painted pink. Young russula mushrooms have a dense center, which becomes loose over time. The time of intensive offering falls on the end of summer and the first weeks of autumn. The species grows in deciduous and mixed forests. Mycelium grows together with the root system of oak, spruce, pine, birch.


The forked russula has a funnel-shaped hat, 5-12 cm in size. It is painted in different shades brown, sometimes gray, yellow or greenish, with an olive speck in the middle. The plates grow densely and fall down, they are creamy, green-yellow, with small brown spots. The skin is dry on top, removed only at the edges.

The leg tapers downward, strong. After the rains, yellow spots form on it. The middle is dense, crunchy, slightly yellow when broken. It grows next to deciduous trees, ripens closer to autumn, mushrooms gather in small groups.

Brown purple

Russula brown-violet has a fleshy hat with wavy edges, funnel-shaped. The color is purple with a brown tint, sometimes burgundy. The peel is sticky in the center, becomes dry at the edges, with a matte sheen. The plates branch and grow to the stem. At first they are milky white, as the spores mature, they darken.

The stem has a thickening in the center, the base is narrow, with a yellowish tint. The middle is loose and breaks easily. The mycelium enters into symbiosis with birches and fir-trees. Harvesting is advised at the beginning of autumn: then the mushroom grows in groups.


Azure, or blue edible, russula has a color reminiscent of amethyst. Sometimes olive, lilac shades are visible. She has a dense and thick cap, the skin is easily removed, on top it is covered with a bluish bloom similar to a cobweb. The plates are thick, branching at the base.

The leg of the russula is thickened, narrowed at the top, white, the structure changes from dense to spongy. In young mushrooms, it is covered with a velvet edge. The middle breaks easily, sweetish, without aroma. This species is found under Christmas trees in August and September.


Russula white, or Crimean Russula, has an average top of off-white color. In the middle it is concave, the edges are slightly wavy or straight. The lower plates are small and frequent, have a greenish tint. The leg is short and thickened, the middle is dense. Russula of this variety resemble milk mushrooms, but after cutting milk juice does not appear. It tastes like mushroom with bitterness. The variety grows among mixed trees and is harvested until early October.


Russula girl's russula has a thin hat, flat or with a small dent in the center, edges with grooves. From above, the color of the mushroom is brick or brown-purple, fades over time. The plates grow densely, at first they are white, with time they become beige, branch near the stem and are fused with it. The skin is well removed, it becomes dirty in the rain.

The leg has the shape of a spindle or a cylinder, thick, on the cut it will acquire a dirty yellow color. The middle of the leg is spongy or dense. The flesh is fragile, turns yellow when damaged. This russula tastes sweetish, has no aroma. Grows under fir-trees, pines, beeches, oaks, fir.


The black podgruzdok, or the blackening variety, belongs to the conditionally edible group. The pulp has a slight bitterness, but is not poisonous. The cap turns from convex to flat, with a central indentation. The color is brown, then almost black, more intense in the middle. In aging mushrooms, cracks appear on the surface. The peel is sticky at high humidity, garbage, needles, fallen leaves collect on it.

The hymenophore is pink-brown, sometimes black. The plates are thickened and rare. The leg is elongated and cylindrical, first white, then brown. On the cut, the flesh becomes pink. The species grows in the forests Western Siberia, Karelia, there are also in Western Europe.

Greenish or scaly

Greenish or scaly at the beginning of life has a semicircular top, then catching appears in the center, the edges turn inside out. The color is green or gray-green. The skin on the periphery cracks, has small scales on top, and is easily cleaned. The plates are rare, white in young specimens, fawn in old specimens.

The leg is fleshy and dense, in the form of a cylinder. The pulp has an original nutty flavor. It is considered one of the most delicious, suitable for frying, stewing, marinating. The autumn variety appears in September, grows in a deciduous forest, prefers acidic soil.

Smelly or piggy

Smelly, valui, pig or bearberry, is considered a conditionally edible mushroom, has a bitter taste. The hat is first semicircular, then straightens. Hat color comes with purple, purple, brown, olive hues. The skin on top is covered with mucus, rough. The plates are off-white, when damaged, they secrete dark juice.

The leg is thickened, dense, with a reddish tint, which becomes gray in old mushrooms. The middle is fleshy, becomes brown on the cut. The species got its name from interesting smell. Someone compares it with herring, someone the aroma resembles almonds or oatmeal. So that the pigs do not taste bitter, they are pre-soaked, then boiled in several waters. They are suitable for pickling and pickling.


The rare golden variety is found widely deciduous forests. The hat from semicircular gradually turns into a flat one with a slight indentation in the center. Color in red-yellow, orange and brick tones, reminiscent of gold. The plates are rare, with branching, ocher color.

The leg is dense, voids appear in old mushrooms. The surface is rough, scaly. The shade is white, gradually turning brown. The middle is strong at first, but softens with age. There is no smell, the taste is soft, sweetish.

Almond or laurel cherry

Almond or cherry laurel has a convex hat, which in youth is concave. The color first resembles yellow ocher, then becomes brown. The plates are frequent, with sharp edges, in old age they acquire a rusty color.

The leg is cylindrical, brown below, fleshy. This russula tastes a bit burning, has a pronounced almond flavor, which is why it is called almond. The species grows in deciduous or mixed forests, the mycelium forms a symbiosis with oaks and beeches.

Inedible Russula

In the genus Russula, there are practically no truly poisonous mushrooms. Some species accumulate a large number of toxins that can cause indigestion, mucosal irritation, or acute gastritis. But fatal poisoning by these mushrooms has not been recorded.

Inedible varieties have a bitter, sometimes burning taste, and therefore are not suitable for collection and cooking. Most of the caps are bright red, when cut, the flesh acquires a pink tint. But there are exceptions.


The russula is fragile, small in size, its cap is about 6 cm in diameter, has a flat shape with a slight indentation. The color is lilac-violet with impurities of red, brown green and gray colors. The skin is slimy and easy to peel. The plates are sparse, free, with notches along the edges.

The leg is in the form of a club or a cylinder, at first white in color, then turns yellow. The middle is dense, with age it becomes loose. The pulp is fragile, its color is white or yellowish. The aroma is sweet, the taste is bitter, then the mushroom and is considered inedible.


Russula pink is considered conditionally edible. In appearance, it resembles a distant relative - an edible russula-like hygrophor. It has a bitter taste, but it disappears after soaking and long cooking. The hat is semi-circular, without dents. Color from dark red to pale pink. The skin is dry, mucus appears only in wet weather. The plates fit snugly together, have a pink tint.

The leg is solid, has the shape of a cylinder. The middle is dense, but crumbles easily. These mushrooms are found in coniferous plantings. To get rid of the unpleasant taste, the russula is soaked in water for about 5 hours. Then it must be boiled for 1.5-2 hours, draining the water 1-2 times.


Russula is red, or blood red, so named because of bright color hats. It is thickened, with a hard-to-remove skin. Sometimes it will acquire lilac, purple hues, fade in old age. The plates are frequent, branch, pass to the stem, whitish at first, then acquire a creamy hue.

The leg is in the form of a cylinder, with a pink or reddish color, turning yellow in the lower part. Hollow inside. The middle is dense, pink under the very skin. The taste is bitter and acrid, has a fruity aroma. If such russula is eaten raw, it is easy to get a serious stomach upset.


Russula Mayra, or honey, grows in many European countries, found in beech forests. The hat is not first blood red, then turns pink. The shape is spherical, then becomes convex, with a slight depression in the center. The plates are frequent, whitish in young mushrooms and creamy in old ones.

The leg is cylindrical with a slight pink tint, brown-yellow at the base. The middle is dense, reddish on breaking, has a honey-fruity smell. The taste of russula of this species is caustic, bitter and burning. It is considered poisonous, causing indigestion when raw.


Russula Kele has a purple-violet, lilac or purple hat, sometimes greenish at the edges. At first it grows in a semicircle, then it becomes flat, and after the release of spores, the edges are bent upwards. The plates are white, become dirty gray or cream with age, grow widely and adhere to the stem. The skin is removed badly, only along the edge.

Cylinder-shaped stem painted in intense pink-violet color. Smooth above, with a slight edging, inner part dense. The flesh is dry and brittle, purple under the skin, turning yellow when broken. The aroma is weak, with light fruity notes. The taste is bitter and acrid. The mushroom is not poisonous, but, once in the dishes, it spoils all the mushrooms.


Russula stinging is found in forests of all types. The hat is not red, semicircular in youth, then becomes flat. The plates are white, turn yellow in old age. The skin will do well. The leg has a faint pink tint, a cylindrical shape. The taste is bitter and pungent.

The species is considered slightly poisonous. The mushroom contains small doses of muscarine. No deaths have been reported after consuming this species, but it can cause serious stomach problems.


The spicy sardonyx russula looks attractive, has a purple-red or red-brown hat, sometimes with a green or yellow-green tint. The shape is flat with a slight indentation, convex in young specimens. The plates are frequent, adhere to the leg and descend a little on it. The shade of the plates is bright yellow or lemon.

The stem is fusiform, sometimes cylindrical, with a spongy structure. The color of the legs is lilac or purple-pink. The middle is hard, with a yellowish tinge, has a weak fruity aroma, pungent taste, in its raw form causes mild poisoning.


A variety of fungus, the scalloped, has an ocher-colored hat, sometimes yellow-brown, cream or gray-brown. At first, the shape of the cap is semicircular, then it becomes flat, a bulge appears in the center. Old mushrooms are funnel-shaped. The edge is wavy, with notches. The plates are white, darken with age.

The leg is dense, solid, then becomes hollow, the color changes from white to creamy yellow. The smell is pronounced mushroom, the taste is pungent. Found in mixed and deciduous plantings, ripens in late August and September.


A variety called bile has a flat cap, painted straw yellow. The edges are slightly ribbed, the skin is sticky on top, it is cleaned only along the edge. The structure of the plates is branching, they are often located, have a light ocher color with yellowish edges.

The stem is in the form of a spindle or a club, hollow, a shade of light ocher, wrinkling in old age. The middle is white, has a smell of geranium. The taste is burning, because the representative of this family is inedible.

How to collect russula correctly

Russula - edible fragile mushroom, it breaks easily. You need to collect it in a basket, do not put too much on top of each other. It is necessary to look for mushrooms under a tree, young specimens hide in the litter, they carefully rake it so as not to damage the hats. The leg is cut off sharp knife. Be sure to look at the base, so as not to be confused with poisonous mushrooms. Before putting the find in the basket, it is checked for the presence of worms. If there are a lot of them, it is better to throw away the mushroom: it will infect the rest.

How to distinguish from pale grebe

by the most poisonous mushroom in our forests is the pale grebe. She looks like a curmudgeon.

Description and distinctive features toadstools:

  • The young mushroom has an ovoid shape, the old hat is flat, without dents.
  • The color is greenish, pale yellow, yellow, yellow-green.
  • Leg 3-5 cm, colored like a hat, only lighter, hollow in old specimens.
  • In the lower part there is a characteristic ovoid pouch.
  • A dense ring is visible under the cap on the leg.
  • The flesh is odorless, it is never seen on the cut that it turns blue or yellow.

Here are a few features that you should pay attention to when differentiating the 2 types:

  • An edible mushroom never has a stem ring.
  • The stem is always thicker than that of the pale toadstool and in relation to the cap, in most edible species it is white or slightly yellowish, sometimes pink with a red cap.
  • There is never any thickening at the bottom.
  • Worms do not eat pale grebe - it is always whole.

Poisonous are not only the fruiting bodies of the toadstool, but also spores. If russula and grebe grow under a tree, collect edible mushroom it is forbidden. Poisonous spores fall on it, and it becomes dangerous. Also avoid picking up berries that grow next to the pale grebe.

Russula in our forests a lot. However, not all of them are edible. Some types of mushroom, the name of which should be credible, can not only spoil the taste of all mushrooms fried in a pan, but also cause indigestion.

Many types of russula

Russula belong to the family Russula, kind Russula. There are many of them in almost every forest. The differences between species are so insignificant that even mycologists sometimes classify russula as a certain kind only according to signs known to them and chemical reactions. When determining the type, all the nuances are taken into account: “early open”, twisted or other hat, striped, tuberculate or wavy edge, whole or cracking skin, how it is separated, whether the plates emit “amber-colored drops”, whether they have “venous reticulation” or just spotty. The most important feature is even the color of the spores. Each cell of the russula is analyzed. Most mushroom pickers identify russula only by the color of the caps, which depends on the pigmentation of the skin. This unprofessional approach narrows the idea of ​​russula.

We list only some of the most popular types. This russula is greyish, greenish (scaly), gray, blue-yellow, green, food, swamp, yellow, red, burning-caustic, purple-red, beautiful, nondescript, kid, whole, blue (azure), brittle, related, golden yellow, golden red, brownish, bilious, forked, pale yellow, girlish, olive, lilac, black-purple, pink (Kele), fading and many others. Most of these russula is edible. They belong to the 3rd and 4th categories. In the third category, it is customary to include mushrooms of medium taste and quality. They are harvested when there are no mushrooms of the first and second categories. The fourth category is “dumped” by those mushrooms that are edible, but do not represent any value. They are only for amateurs. It turns out that my favorite mushroom, from which you can cook a myriad of various dishes, has a very low mushroom rating. Even mushrooms have their own hierarchy.

These russulas do not need to be harvested

Russula appear in mid-summer, peaking in August and September. There are always many of these mushrooms. “Russula makes up about 45% of the mass of all mushrooms found in our forests. The best mushrooms those who have less red, but more green, blue and yellow are counted. ("Life of plants", volume 2). Let's try to concretize this very correct remark. Reversible Special attention on types of russula with red and red-violet hats.

Russula is burning-caustic (caustic, vomit) has a bright red cap, from which the skin is easily removed. The flesh under the skin is reddish. Both the stem and the flesh of the cap are very brittle. The leg can also have a pink tint. This species can be found from July to October (and later) in deciduous and coniferous forests, in the swamps. Some mycologists consider the mushroom poisonous, since its pulp can cause stomach irritation. Others classify it as inedible due to the incredibly bitter pulp. A number of reference books define russula as a conditionally edible third category (Yudin A.V.), with the proviso that it is used salted or pickled after preliminary boiling.

Blood red russula. This one is not edible kind has a red or pink-red hat and a reddish leg. At first the plates are white, then they become cream. The flesh of the mushroom is white, under the skin it is reddish, bitter.
Russula pink (Kele) is also inedible.

Among the inedible due to the burning bitterness of the pulp are russula reddening false, Russula Krombholtz(sweet and bitter at the same time, with prolonged cooking, the pungency disappears), ocher yellow(acrid taste) and russula dark purple(Sardinian). These are not poisonous, but very bitter mushrooms.

Russula bile considered bad because of the stinging burning taste. In autumn it is abundant in coniferous forests. This medium-sized inedible russula has an ocher-brown cap. Sometimes dirty yellow. Mucous in wet weather.

Russula marsh got into this company undeservedly. She also has a reddish skin, which is removed from the cap by 2/3 or less. This russula chooses pine forests overgrown with blueberries, peat bogs and swamps. It is also found in other forests where there is sphagnum moss. Delicious russula is often not taken, being afraid to confuse it with its counterpart, pungent russula.

Russula eaten raw

Russula blue-yellow (bruise) has peeling greenish or brownish in the middle and bluish, lilac or olive skin along the edge. I would like to call this coloring uneven. Her records are so white that they always seem clean. The pulp is very dense, under the skin it can have a purple-red hue. The leg is strong or loose inside. This species is more common in mixed, pine and birch forests. Russula blue-yellow should be attributed to universal mushrooms, which can not only be fried, boiled, salted, but also eaten raw. Previously, the mushroom is cut into pieces, sprinkled with salt and left for one day. There are lovers of raw russula who eat these russula whole, after salting the pulp with salt.

Russula that changes color when cooked

When I first brewed russula graying, then was very puzzled by the change in color of the pulp. This is a very tasty russula that grows among moss and lichen. Strong round caps of young mushrooms are reddish or orange. The taste of raw pulp can be slightly pungent. With age, the color of the skin fades and becomes an indefinite grayish hue with many spots. The attractiveness of the old mushroom disappears. Other russulas also change their color during cooking: blue-yellow, yellow and pale yellow.

Do not confuse russula with pale toadstool!

(scaly) and russula green often grow in deciduous forests. These are very tasty russula, which many mushroom pickers are afraid to confuse with pale grebe. Compare these mushrooms with pale grebe. The pale grebe has a tuber-shaped stalk at the base. The russula leg at the bottom is either straight or narrowed. Pale grebe (young) has a white film under the cap or a ring on the leg (adult). Old mushrooms may be without a ring. Sometimes on the cap of a pale grebe there are bedspreads that hang down in scales. Russula doesn't have all that. The legs of the russula are white, while those of the pale grebe are “decorated” with clearly visible greenish or yellowish streaks and veins. In addition, in adult pale grebes, the legs are disproportionately high and thin. There are many differences between these mushrooms, they are all very characteristic. However, at the slightest doubt, the mushroom should not be taken. Especially when his doppelgänger belongs to deadly poisonous mushrooms.

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Autumn is a real expanse for avid mushroom pickers. The measured rustling of leaves underfoot, a cool breeze and the unforgettable aroma of a rainy forest are the main companions of hunting for mushrooms: russula, chanterelles, champignons ...

In order for such a pastime to bring only joyful memories and pleasant moments, you should be well versed in mushrooms. For example, edible and inedible russula. How to distinguish them so that in the process of use there are no unpleasant surprises? This topic will be the focus of our article.

You will find answers to such interesting questions: where do these mushrooms grow? What are their varieties? It will also be possible to see photos and descriptions of edible and inedible russula, and detailed instructions by their identification.

So, meet - a delicious beauty, a forest princess, an appetizing component of any dish ... And simply - edible russula!

Attractive family

Russula family - a very common type of mushrooms growing in the vastness of our country. They are named so because they can be eaten not only after heat treatment, but also raw. And although this family is not considered a delicacy or rare, its taste and nutritional qualities are very attractive and tempting even for spoiled gourmets.

The mushroom family grows in mixed and coniferous forests, next to the roots tall trees, entering into a kind of friendly symbiosis with them (the biological name of the association is mycorrhiza).

The usual edible russula consists of a cap, a plate, a leg, pulp and spore powder. Different types of russula differ from each other in color, shape and other outward signs and properties.

To find out what edible russula looks like, you should get acquainted with the main types of this delicious mushroom.

Russula greenish

Most often found in forests planted with deciduous or coniferous-deciduous trees. He loves the neighborhood of such crops as oak, beech and birch. It begins its growth in the second decade of July and pleases mushroom pickers with its presence until the beginning of October.

What do these edible russula look like? A photo and description of this species is below.

What are the types of inedible russula?


Most often, this fungus grows in acidic soils, especially next to beech, oak and spruce. Appears at the very end of June and grows until September.

The plant has a small hat (four to nine centimeters in diameter) with a straw-yellow color and frequent light orange plates.

The hollow club-shaped leg of the mushroom, three to seven centimeters long, also has a light yellow tint.

Russula pulp is white, unpleasantly bitter in taste and smell. Despite this, many use it in its salted form after a long boil and soaking in several waters.

caustic russula

This type of fungus is also considered conditionally unsuitable for food. According to some foreign sources, it even has a certain dose of toxicity, which is due to the minimum proportion of the muscarine alkaloid found in the plant. However, mushroom pickers in our region sometimes use this russula in pickles (after thorough soaking and heat treatment).

Burning or vomiting are two more names for the fungus, indicating its bitter and pungent taste, which causes disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

This russula has a small reddish hat (up to eight to nine centimeters in diameter) and a cylindrical pinkish leg (up to seven centimeters high).

birch russula

This species is considered inedible or conditionally inedible due to its sharp, slightly bitter taste. After the use of this mushroom, cases of low-dangerous poisoning were recorded.

This russula loves to settle in birch and swamps and other wet surfaces. It grows from mid-June to November.

The mushroom cap is small (three to five centimeters in diameter), slightly depressed in the center, fleshy and easily brittle. The color of the surface is very diverse: from burning red to bluish-pink.

Russula plates are also very fragile (due to their thinness and rarity).

The fragile light leg of the mushroom, soaking in rainy weather, often thins upwards. It is wrinkled on the outside and hollow on the inside.

sardonyx russula

It is considered inedible because of the bitter taste, in its raw form it can provoke various poisonings and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

This mushroom has a brown or red color with an obligatory purple tint. The cap diameter varies from four to ten centimeters.

The frequent, adherent blades of the plant have a lemon, slightly greenish color, and the spindle-shaped leg can change color depending on the age of the individual specimen. At the very beginning, it can be white, and then darkens and becomes lilac or purple.

The pulp, strong and yellow in appearance, has a rich pungent taste and a delicate fruity smell.

Sardonyx (or spicy) russula likes to settle near pine trees, creating a symbiotic association with the roots of this tree.

So, we got acquainted with many varieties of edible and inedible russula. We learned their detailed description and place of growth, taste and nutritional properties, cooking methods.

Now let's discuss some general rules how to distinguish edible russula from unsuitable and poisonous.

Universal signs

Before picking this or that appetizing mushroom beauty, you should stop and carefully examine it. appearance.

For inedible varieties, the following distinctive features are characteristic:

  1. The end of the leg is painted pink.
  2. The cap plates are rough and hard.
  3. There is a film or “skirt” on the leg.
  4. The plant is not damaged by worms.
  5. The color of the hat often has a bright and saturated red color.

If you still picked a mushroom unfamiliar to you and doubt its nutritional qualities, take a closer look at it during the cooking process. During heat treatment, the flesh of inedible plants changes color, which can also occur when the cap or stem of the mushroom is fractured.

And yet, the signs listed above can also apply to edible russula.

What to do if food poisoning occurs

First of all, it should be remembered that eating any kind of russula is not associated with a serious danger to the human body.

However, if poisoning occurs, some urgent and important actions should be taken. For example, it is recommended to immediately flush the stomach with artificially induced vomiting and diarrhea. Then rinse your mouth thoroughly and drink Activated carbon. The dosage of the drug, most likely, is familiar to you: one or two tablets per ten kilograms of weight.

If unpleasant symptoms and pain continue, it is necessary to urgently see a doctor.

And finally

As you can see, russula are very common and delicious mushrooms, rich in vitamins and minerals, growing next to the roots of such mighty trees as oaks, spruces, birches, pines, beeches and others.

However, unfortunately, not all of them are pleasant and healthy to taste. This article provided a lot of photos of edible and inedible russula. Such illustrations will serve as good informative and visual clues if you are going to the forest in search of unfamiliar mouth-watering mushrooms.

Have a nice and useful pastime!

The so-called quiet hunting is loved by many. AT autumn forest at peak mushroom season you can find a large number of mushroom pickers. There are even more mushrooms. There are among them those that can be eaten, but there are, on the contrary, poisonous ones - these should be avoided. Take, for example, russula - there are several types of them. As with other mushrooms, there are edible and inedible russula. How to distinguish them?

Usually mushroom pickers care little about the name of a particular species. The main thing is that it was an edible mushroom. What do edible russula look like?

There are many ways to prepare this product. The most popular of them is . There will also be lovers of mushroom soup, pickles and even mushroom pie.

"Wrong" product

According to statistics, russula make up 45% of the mass of all mushrooms in the forest. There are many varieties of them. Those whose hats are painted mainly in pink, blue, green and yellow shades can be safely eaten. What can be said about others? How to distinguish false russula?

Some types of russula are poisonous. Outwardly, they, with the exception of color, are similar to their counterparts, but have a very unpleasant taste and Negative influence on the human body.

This is the so-called false russula:

How not to make a mistake?

How to distinguish edible from poisonous russula?

  • The biggest difference is in taste. You need to chew a little raw mushroom. If a burning sensation is felt on the tongue, it is not suitable for food.
  • Second difference? smell. Some poisonous varieties exude a very pungent odor. It can cause sneezing.
  • Finally, the third difference is color.

What is the danger?

Due to the fact that these mushrooms can be edible and inedible, a completely logical question arises: is it possible to get poisoned with russula? Doctors answer in the affirmative. However, such poisoning, although it has unpleasant consequences, is not fatal in itself. It causes nausea and indigestion. Therefore, you need to be careful about mushrooms that are in doubt.

There are a huge number of syroezhek. The name suggests that they can be eaten even raw. However, this must be done carefully, because some of them have an unpleasant taste and can harm the body. To understand whether this species is edible or not, you need to pay attention to its color and smell. When in doubt, it's best to put it aside and play it safe. And if there are none, you can safely enjoy the mushroom taste.

Today we will talk about the most common mushrooms in our country - russula. They have excellent taste, useful properties, they are widely used in cooking.

Description and appearance

Russula belongs to the lamellar genus. Family - russula. It includes about thirty varieties. Our today's hero is deservedly called the most common edible mushroom. It is difficult to find a person who has not tried or at least not heard about russula.

They grow mainly in coniferous and deciduous forests. They appear in June, but the best period for collection is from early August to September.

Mushroom caps are different as it depends on the species. There are pinkish russula, yellow, green and so on. Let's take a closer look at the varieties of fungus.



This is an edible mushroom with an easily removable skin for 2/3 of the cap. The hat itself is green in color, can be depressed or convex, the surface is sticky. The stem is cylindrical, almost completely white. There are grooves on the edges of the cap. The pulp is brittle, white in color, has a characteristic bitter taste. Before use, it is recommended to boil it to get rid of bitterness. You need to collect young individuals, in which the edges are lowered.


The hat has a bright yellow color, the surface is dry, the shape is flat or convex. The stem is white, but turns gray as the fungus grows. The pulp resembles cotton wool in structure, white. Orange-yellow under the skin, darkens when cut. Edible variety russula, which is best boiled or salted. After cooking, the flesh becomes dark. It is recommended to collect young mushrooms, in which the edges are lowered.


The skin is removed by 2/3 of the cap. The cap itself can have a dry or sticky surface, green or brown in the center, and predominantly purple-gray along the edges. The flesh is white, but may have a purple hue, cotton-like. The taste is not caustic, the structure is strong. The leg is white, dense, but eventually becomes hollow. Perhaps the best variety of russula in terms of taste. It is recommended to cook, salt and pickle

Inedible pungent caustic

It is an inedible variety of mushroom. The hat has a convex shape, slightly depressed, red shades and shiny. The stalk at the base is predominantly pink. A young mushroom has a spherical cap. The pulp is white, brittle, the taste is burning. Unpleasant taste is the reason for inedibility. Plus, it can cause gastrointestinal upset.


Edibility is not precisely defined, therefore salting is allowed, but only after a very long soaking. The hat has a convex shape, then the center is pressed in, the color is straw yellow. The edges of the fungus are initially smooth in structure, but over time they acquire stripes. The flesh is pale yellow, pungent and acrid.

Pale buff

It has a barrel-shaped stem, a strong structure, a whitish tint with an admixture of brown. The cap is smooth, ocher-yellow. At first, the shape is convex, but over time it becomes prostrate. The pulp is dense structure, white, brittle, slightly darker on the cut. The taste is quite pungent. This is a conditionally edible variety of russula, which is boiled and salted.


The leg is club-shaped, firm, but sometimes it can be hollow. The color is pink or white. The hat is fleshy, convex in shape, slightly squeezed in the middle. The edges are blunt. The pulp is white, dense in young mushrooms, but becomes loose over time. It has a characteristic fruity odor. This is an edible species that is boiled and salted.


Expanded leg to the base, first solid, then hollow. The structure of the stem is fragile, the color is whitish or yellowish. The hat is initially convex, but then becomes prostrate. Color brownish-gray or yellowish-gray. The pulp is white or yellow color, brittle. The edges of the cap are ribbed, thin. Edible look.


The hat has a wine-red color, orange or black. The surface is shiny. At first, its shape is hemispherical, but with age it becomes depressed. The leg is white, club-shaped. The pulp is white in color with a characteristic fruity odor and a brittle structure. Edible look.


It has a dense, white leg. The hat is flat-convex, may have a pink, reddish or brownish uneven color. The pulp is dense and white, the taste is not caustic at all. Perhaps one of the most delicious russula, which is boiled for further consumption, is great for drying, pickling, salting and cooking second courses.


The leg has a white color, brownish scales at the base. In a mature mushroom, the hat becomes prostrate. Prior to that, matte, fleshy, hemispherical. The pulp is white in color, dense in texture, can be a little spicy, but not pungent in taste. You can safely call one of the most delicious varieties of russula. Suitable for salting, pickling, drying.


The leg is white, may have a reddish tint. As it grows, it becomes brownish. The cap of young individuals is hemispherical, while in older individuals it is wide, brown or burgundy. The center is usually darker. The pulp is white, has a characteristic smell of shrimp or herring. Before use, it is necessary to boil for a long time to eliminate bad smell. Suitable for salting and marinating.

Where does it grow

This mushroom grows in almost all forests. He loves the neighborhood with moss, edges, clearings. But most often grows on roadsides. Russula begins to be collected in June, and the peak of the season is August-September.

Today, science distinguishes about 30 varieties of this fungus that grow in Russia.


I would like to talk about some of the features and facts associated with this mushroom and its varieties.

  • There is one theory according to which the mushroom was named. It is based on the fact that when salted, the mushroom quickly becomes suitable, while the rest of the mushrooms require at least a few days. In this regard, russula can be used supposedly in its raw form.
  • You need to look for mushrooms in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. They are not uncommon in swamps. You can go after them in May, and end the season in October. The main condition for the possibility of their search is rains.
  • On the inside all russula have white plates, and all legs are white. They do not have rings, films and scales. After cutting, the mushrooms remain white.
  • During the collection, it is important to take into account the peculiarity of the fungus. They are extremely fragile. Therefore, they are collected, as a rule, separately from other types of mushrooms.
  • To make it easier for yourself to clean the russula, pour boiling water over them before processing.
  • It is easy to remove the film from the mushroom, but it is not always worth doing. This is explained by the fact that the film will not allow the mushroom to fall apart during cooking.
  • If the taste of the mushroom turned out to be bitter, you have a caustic russula in front of you. To eliminate this taste, you need to sprinkle them with salt, put them in the refrigerator overnight, and boil them the next day.
  • The bitter taste after cooking indicates the need to remove the film from the hat. Even if this does not help, drain the water, fill in a new one and boil the mushrooms for another 20 minutes.

How to choose and where to buy

You can buy such mushrooms only from private traders, mushroom pickers who came to the market to sell the harvested crop. The most important thing is to learn how to choose them correctly.

The fact is that russula is often confused with pale grebe. Now we will tell you how to avoid such a mistake.

Real russula has a smooth, white stem shape. There are no membranes, inside the leg is dense or hollow. The pulp is extremely fragile, on the cut it can rarely change color, darken. If you see spots of red or purple, do not take such a mushroom: most likely, this is a false russula.

Choose the most dense mushrooms, avoid dry and old individuals. The best in terms of quality are yellow and blue-green russula. This is perhaps a real delicacy. Many believe that these varieties are suitable for eating raw.

Watch the following video about russula mushrooms, how best to collect them and what to make of them.

Storage methods

Once you have collected the mushrooms, be sure that they will not lose their properties in the next 24-48 hours. But keep in mind that in this case it is impossible to wet the russula, but immediately place it in the refrigerator.

Salted and pickled mushrooms can be consumed within 12 months. Dried ones can last more than a year.

It is extremely important that even after drying, the russula does not lose such important dietary fibers and amino acids. Only protein leaves, which leaves about 30-40% of the original amount

Nutritional value and calories

Everything here looks interesting and useful. it dietary product, from which, however, you can get significant benefits.

For 100 grams of product there are:

Chemical composition

These mushrooms are very rich in useful elements, vitamins and minerals. This determines the abundance of useful properties, as well as pleasant taste.

Of the main vitamins that are beneficial to humans and present in russula, we can distinguish:

  • Vitamin PP;
  • Vitamins B1, B2;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E.

As for minerals, it should certainly be noted here: Fe, K, P, Na, Mg, Ca.

Beneficial features

  • It just so happened that nature chose russula to enrich them with vitamins PP and B2. They are of great importance for human health and the functioning of our body.
  • Burning-caustic and purple russula act as an antibacterial agent, help to cope with abscesses.
  • They are very useful for those who are faced with serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Due to the low calorie content of the mushroom, it is perfect for those who are struggling with being overweight.
  • Russula is nutritious, creates a feeling of fullness, after which you do not want to eat. As a result, they help in the fight against obesity.
  • They are recommended to eat to prevent the formation of blood clots, as well as provide protection against blood clotting.
  • With the help of russula, milk is curdled, creating an incredibly healthy fermented milk product. It is useful for people who suffer from problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Harm and contraindications

There are several contraindications for people who should not consume these types of mushrooms. Namely:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the fungus by a person;
  • Serious disorders in the work of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • Not recommended for children under the age of 12;
  • Contraindicated in pregnant women, as well as women during breastfeeding.

In general, many doctors believe that russula can be given to children after 7 years. But in limited quantities and only the most delicious and safe types.

As for adults, they also should not overly abuse russula - no more than 150 grams per day. Delicious and high-quality types of russula are no exception.


In cooking

Perhaps it is the sphere of cooking that allows you to fully appreciate all the taste possibilities of this mushroom. Yes, it has excellent beneficial properties, but cook some dish from russula, and you can no longer refuse it. This will be your favorite mushroom.

Please note that before use, the mushrooms must be filled with water and aged for several hours. Before the main processing processes, that is, frying, salting, pickling, it is advisable to boil them for 5 minutes. This will eliminate the bitterness.

Now we will share with you several recipes for making russula. Namely, we will tell you how to properly salt, marinate them and how to boil them correctly.


Take a set of the following ingredients:

  • One small onion;
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 kilogram of fresh edible russula;
  • 4 tbsp rock salt;
  • A few blueberry leaves.


Clean the mushrooms from dirt, rinse, place in a saucepan, add a little salt. Peel the garlic, cut it into small plates and place on the mushrooms. Cover the mushrooms with blueberry sprigs and place for 12 hours in a dark and cool place. Now pour the chopped onion on top, add the oil and mix everything. Place the mushrooms in prepared jars, close. As you pack the mushrooms, add more russula to the jars until the jar is full. After about 30 days, the mushrooms are ready to eat.


Russula can be marinated in several ways. Now we will describe them to you.

Vinegar Recipe

  • Clean the mushrooms properly, if necessary, remove the film from the cap, cut the legs short.
  • Boil water, pour mushrooms with it. Place on fire, bring to a boil, turn off and leave to cool.
  • In the meantime, prepare the jars.
  • Mushrooms after cooling, discard in a colander.
  • Leave currant or cherry leaves in prepared jars, although both can be used. Also put bay leaves, dill umbrellas. For improvement palatability add some sprigs of tarragon. Divide the mushrooms into jars.
  • Make a marinade based on 250 ml of water - 50 ml of vinegar and 25 grams of rock salt. Make brine based on the number of available mushrooms.
  • Boil the marinade, pour it into jars with mushrooms.
  • Place the jars in a wide pot of water to sterilize. After boiling water, keep the jars on fire for 20 minutes.
  • Take out the containers, screw on the lids. Mushrooms are ready.

with garlic

Please note that for 1 kilogram of russula you will need a large tablespoon of salt. You can use garlic as you wish. Mushrooms in this way of pickling will not be stored for long, but you are unlikely to resist not to eat them all at once.

So, you need to cook according to this recipe as follows:

  • Rinse the mushrooms, remove all dirt;
  • Peel the garlic, cut it into thin slices;
  • Place the mushrooms in a jar or pan, but be sure to head down;
  • The layers are sprinkled with salt and garlic;
  • You need to withstand mushrooms for 14 days by placing the jars in a cold place;
  • After 2 weeks, you can serve. It goes well with vodka, has a sharp and rich taste.

With onions

You will need these ingredients:

  • Purified water - 400 ml;
  • 1 kilogram of russula with hard hats;
  • 250 ml of vinegar;
  • Several buds of cloves;
  • 300 grams of onions;
  • Lavrushka leaves;
  • Allspice (peas);
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 large tablespoon of rock salt.


Peel the mushrooms, fill them with water and boil for about 15 minutes, then throw them in a colander so that all the liquid is glass. Pour water into the pan, add the indicated spices, salt, sugar, small onions. Bring the mixture to a boil, then pour in the vinegar. Dip the boiled russula into this marinade and boil for 5 minutes. Distribute the hot mushrooms among the jars, and let the brine stand on the fire for another 2-3 minutes. Pour the brine into jars and close them with lids.

How to cook

Now let's talk in more detail about how to cook these mushrooms correctly.

  • Before boiling, they must be thoroughly washed, sorted out to find the strongest specimens.
  • Clean them from dirt, put in a pan. Now pour cold water at the rate of 1 volume of mushrooms per 2 volumes of water.
  • Place the pot over medium heat, bring to a boil, then lower the flame.
  • Next, watch for the formation of foam, which must be removed during cooking. Then add some salt bay leaf and black peppercorns.
  • After boiling water, mushrooms are boiled for 30 minutes.
  • In no case do not use the water left after boiling russula for food.

Chops from russula

Not many dare to fry russula. But in vain. They turn out very tasty. Served as an independent dish, or eaten with a side dish. Some even manage to fry russula chops.

To make chops, take peeled russula, choose the largest and flattest hats, put them in cold salt water for a while. After that, discard in a colander.

The hat should be dipped in the prepared batter. Next, the mushroom is sprinkled with breadcrumbs for breading. You need to fry quickly, the fire must be strong. Then place all the russula together in a pan, pour in the batter that should have remained. Now fry your mushrooms, but already on low heat. This will take about 15 minutes.

Russula is not very suitable for making soup, because it creates a characteristic bitter taste.

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